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Noko is very sad that people don't like her show anymore.

Seriously though: why does /a/ still like her show so much anyway?
Why do you make this thread every 2 days?
asking reasons for personal preferences makes you look even more retarded
>why does /a/ still like her show so much anyway?
If the ip counter was still here you would see that is not the case.
You did not see the previous threads
I like HanMeg and I think this is her best performance ever
I find the filenames of the preview pics on the website funny. They clearly used some software to take screencaps and they didn't even bother renaming the filenames. Reminds me of that one anime whose website's episode summary/preview screenshots literally had VLC filenames.
I don't mind that he does I'm grateful for the free threads
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Forgot image
This show is fucking garbage.
The jokes just simply don't land. I get they're going for zany humor, but that's among the hardest forms of comedy around and there are way more misses than hits in that regard.
Another issue is that the characters are generally unlikable, not to mention cliched. Noko herself is very annoying and actively wants to make the audience want to hate her. The other characters really aren't much better. They're also pretty one-note and aren't that different from similar characters that have been done many times before.
All me samefagging.
I like it anon
But why
Some of the gags are also repetitive, like Noko's antlers. It was amusing the first time, but they kept using that gag.
You have never heard of samefagging?
I have, but it's often easy to tell when it's one person larping as several, or when it really is several.
I like it as a fairly average quality CGDCT comedy.
Sex with Koshitan
If the IP counter was still here, you’d find that a lot of threads struggle to get double digits these days. I don’t know what happened to /a/ this year but activity has gone through the floor.
You're forgetting about the bots.
>deers with antlers are male deers
>this show
too woke for me.
It's Onimai masquerading as furries.
That's what you get for not being explicitly gay.
You have to understand Japanese to appreciate the jokes.
Reddit show. Reddit fans
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zuzuzun cha cha
zuzuzun cha cha
sore yuke moto yan koshi tannnn
Except even Reddit doesn't like it.

Given how the Japanese are also mostly talking about it for the wrong reasons (like the "[Sad News] Shikanoko is forgotten" posts), it doesn't seem like even they appreciate the jokes.
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Well shit, that anon was right. They just closed the studio that did the spic dub of the series.

Deserved. Show had 1 joke that suspiciously got super famous and you could see it all the way from the meme, it was never going to a "le heccin reddit BRAINROT kino peak" many, many retards were coping for.
I wonder what cope will reddit use to justify its falling off. The MTL subs? (proven wrong), the timeslot change? (irrelevant. It was falling off even before that) The "it was too Japanese for plebeians"? (which further proves it wasn't funny to begin with) Or that it was suffering from success? (everyone knows producers want their shows to reach LESS people, of course. The less people you reach, the more profit you reap! that's how that works, silly!)
Some people just can't admit that show just ISN'T funny and is overhyped to the moon. At this point, it's an ego thing.
I hate how Koshitan keeps screaming about every little thing.

inb4 tsukkomi
>Noko is very sad that people don't like her show anymore
But I built a ship based off her in Starfield...
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>He plays Starfield
My friend said 'The deer anime is gud'. I haven't watched it yet. I don't usually do anime that doesn't have a manga. What makes this one so much worse than something like Pop Team Epic?
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We hang Freecucks and Snakeniggers here in the UC! Only 10 years of mandatory military service and you too can be a citizen of the best mankind has to offer.
Bet you didn't expect my secret weapon!
I agree. Her voice is stupid and she ruins any comedic timing a gag could have had. The show has many issues but she's the thing I dislike most about it
Imagine if every episode of Teekyu was 23 minutes instead of 2 and that’s what watching this garbage feels like.
Don't worry Noko, i still like your show.
PTE compiled its 2 minute jokes for 20 min.
Deer stretched its 2 minute jokes into 20 min.
I'll repeat what I said in the last thread: it's cute girls doing cute things, the only genre I watch.
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Shikanoko bros...
It's a fun show despite your retarded attempts to derail and spam Shikanoko threads with doomposts
Blowing up NAFO hoholshits is based.
>I don’t know what happened to /a/ this year but activity has gone through the floor.
If only. Slower boards allow for cosier and more meaningful discussions
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Killing white people and dying for non-white oligarchs in Kremlin is never based.
>deers with antlers are male deers
>this show
Wait until you find out about Kemono Friends

(the plural of "deer" is still "deer" btw)
>That fucking beard
Wait until you find out about Putin and his cohorts
Flying too close to the stars, bro.
The enemy of my enemy is still my enemy. I hope they glass each other.
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More like Cute Girls Doing Random Things
The problem is that the spam/bot threads are still here, pushing real discussions off the catalog if I’m not actively watching them. The people we’re losing are the ones who actually want to talk about anime.
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If you're in space all day you'll miss nature.
So why not glue some leaves to your face?
Didn't they recently add a Cloudflare captcha check to even open the site? Did that not work at all?
It is for me
I'm up to ep 8
when does this shit get funny?
Episode 13
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Still prefer Akko
le deer joke for 100 times
le antler joke for 100 times
le deer crackers joke for 100 times
le koshitan being the butt of the joke for 1000 times
Fetal vodka syndrome
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My virgin gf may not have comedic timing but she is very cute.
desu we need more neko jokes
she's a lot more cute and funny than the troon deer
Season 5 episode 10
Deersisters how long until the new episode
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Bashame rice farming today
Probably four hours? That seems to be when it’s usually out.
4chan in general has been flooded with low quality posters who do nothing but complain and agitate, you can hardly have a proper conversation here anymore so wiser posters went for better pastures
then the shitposters realized the prey is gone and it's just them jerking each other, so they themselves went on to farm attention elsewhere
What is the point of Bashame?
>Noko is very sad
I don't care. Her show is stupid.
>Killing white people and dying for non-white oligarchs in Kremlin
Better than killing white people and dying for non-white oligarchs in Kiev
I’m not sure. I guess they needed a member who wasn’t connected to Koshitan and landed on some kind of stoner character.
The problem is that, while you may find it fun, others don't.
I think having five threads at once for the first third of the season drove people away.
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and this is a problem because?
troonimai is nothing like it
It means that you're in the minority. That's not necessarily an issue, it's just that likers need to accept reality.

Maesetsu is a fun show too, so go watch it when deer is over.
I guess I shouldn't be surprised that anons who like Shikanoko also like Maesetsu, given that they were both maligned "comedies" which, despite supposedly having "too Japanese for you" humor, even the Japanese them unfunny.
This series is cursed
>I don't like Shikanoko because people on MAL and reddit don't like it
State of deer haters
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The most ironic part is Deerfags truly believe they are any better than Maesetsufags. You could argue that Deerfags are more delusional than them, they are in deep denial of how unfunny Shikanoko is.
Good, that dub was atrocious.
>/a/ calls it reddit garbage
>people hating it because reddit told them do
I'd say Shikanokofags are better than Maesetsufags because Shikanoko at least has a genuinely good opening theme (it went viral for a reason), plus it does have its moments. I can't even say the same thing for Maesetsu: it was so painfully unfunny that even Japan, a country that loves manzai to bits, outright called it unfunny and uninteresting. Had it not been for Lucky Star's mangaka being the character designer I doubt people would have even watched it.
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She's no troon.
She has big antlers because they look nice.

Are girls troons when they like to ride horses (a previously male-only hobby)?
proof she's a girl when she has never been naked before
Why does she have antlers if she's female?
My guess is simply because the mangaka probably didn't know/forgot that with most deer species, only the males have antlers. I imagine it's a common misconception, one that even I have had on occasion.
Subs are already out, by the way
>it was so painfully unfunny that even Japan, a country that loves manzai to bits
Shikanoko isn't? The first episode of the anime nearly hit 1 million viewers on Abema, after episode 2 everyone including the japanese realized how painfully unfunny this flop is, in fact you would assume that Reddit would like it, but nope! they hate it too. Imagine having Twitter, Japan, Tiktok, and even Reddit shitting on it. /a/ is the only place on earth where a few retards genuinely believe this shit is funny, so you can't really use that for an argument.
>Shikanoko at least has a genuinely good opening theme (it went viral for a reason)
It only went viral because of Tiktok, the song itself isn't anything special it's primarily because of the silly dance that made the OP go viral.
Both are extremely funny but Shikanokofags are unironically more delusional. I even get the feelings they only like it because Reddit and Twitter hate it now.
Anti-deerfags are absolutely mindbroken by funny deer girl show
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>I even get the feelings they only like it because Reddit and Twitter hate it now.

They hate it? Really?
Wtf, I love Shikanoko now
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I should have added the quotation marks around “funny” because of how extremely unfunny they are.
Fuck Koshitan
>Shikanoko isn't?
My point was that at least Shikanoko has a few genuinely funny moments even if it ultimately it's largely not funny or any good. Maesetsu was painfully unfunny from start to finish, which becomes worse when you remember it's supposed to be a show about comedians.

>I even get the feelings they only like it because Reddit and Twitter hate it now.
Could be. When the show started, anons were shitting on it because they claimed it was a "Reddit show". Now that even Reddit has turned against it, suddenly they think it's funny and good.
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>Maesetsu was painfully unfunny from start to finish
Fair point. The first episode of Shikanoko got an audible chuckle from me once, whereas Maesetsu i only felt cringe. But that wasn't really the point i was trying to make when it comes to delusionalness from these two "communities/fanbases".
>Now that even Reddit has turned against it, suddenly they think it's funny and good.
EXACTLY. Genuinely makes you wonder if the same anons defending it would shit on it if Reddit liked it.
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sex with this
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Wew, I quite liked that dub
trash character who really really loves rice
many groups fucking the translation.
YouDeer was doing a perfect job but seems to have abandoned the series after ep 6
>create mange based on deer
>literally forgot about males indicator
I bet he has done his research and just put the antlers in because she wouldnt have any visible deer parts in
Post your top three funny moments of this show
Nekoyamada's suffering is the best part of this show
I can't
Contrarian, /a/ were dogpiling on this show when it first came out.
>/a/ were dogpiling on this show
By /a/ you mean (You) and your discord raid buddies right?
>Conveniently forget people calling this show reddit when the trailer dropped, just because their song went viral
But not literally
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anyone else tear up when nokotan started crying..
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I was among the people, feels good to be vindicated!
Someone should edit her playing Paralyzer
Anyone have a webm of Shikanoko being anti-Semitic towards Cedar trees?
Where is Anko?
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>episode instantly improves when the deer is gone
Kill and behead Shikanoko please
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I went to the park today and saw 3 deer, actual real ones. It made me think of this show.
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Who's the smuggest?
I think the girls are cutenyun
This place is 99% tourists who are insecure contrarians. We can't have fun like we did in the past, Kill La Kill is a great example of what will never happen again because of how much this board genuinely is to pussy to have fun
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Skinwalker Bashame
Nokotan fatality
Seeing nokotan being distressed made me sad.
Too easy
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>Bashame never uses her first name

Why is that? Any theories?
My wife Meme is so cute...
By giving Nokotan antlers, you can immediately recognise her as a deer girl.
I might have to agree with all of those.
Why does she need antlers if she's deaf?
Seeing nokotan being distressed made me happy.
>my semen on my ceiling gazing down at me
she senses the vibrations in the air with them
Is Bashame gonna fuck Anko or something? This episode had a weird romantic vibe between them. Also the antler ball is starting to talk.
Anko wiping the grain of rice off her cheek did have yuri vibes. Koshitan is never going to give her the sisterfuck she wants, Bashame would make a fine wife.
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>Bashame can we just have normal sex
>Sorry Anko but the skin suit stays on during sex. Now let's fuck on top a pile of rice.
Pretty sure Bashame would just fuck herself with rice dildos
The skinsuit scene was by far my LEAST favourite scene so far
skinwalker bashame made me LOL irl, i dont lol ever
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idk why this scene and her voice made me think of rei ayanami
I'm sorry Noko, I would watch your show but I can't because it's not good.
intimate relations with cervids
I thought she was going to eat it for a second.
Woah bro why are you so obsessed with "right wingers"?
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The entire segment with the flower arrangement club felt like pure surreal dream logic. Felt my IQ dropping rapidly while watching. After the episode I immediately forgot what I just saw.
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wait the fuck up guys. is this show secretely KINO of the highest order? this scene was so pretty and cute. comedy not always lands maybe due to direction, but the cute scenes always deliver, the pacing is unreal great, im glad we got more bashame char development today. their interactions are special, dont know how else to describe it, its not like the typical cute anime, theres more going on.

i appreciated a lot that the acoustic guitar was so out of tune, doing bad music on purpose is truly a feat, they could just have slapped some generic stock shit, but they made it bad bad. whole flower scene was pretty odd, liked it too.
rice is life!
nekoyamada sneezing unironically tripled my will to live (was already high)
No shikanoko no! Don't say it!
You mean, TROONsexuals?
Kill me baby was and is still the funnier random show.
this is a romantic surreal moe show though
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Are you ready to swear loyalty to the Deer Party, /a/?
God I fucking love rice. Rice and deer, the two best things on Earth.
She'd use one of Nokotan's antlers instead
Why is Shikanoko such an anti-Semite?
Did Stalker drop it or just an annoying one to work?
having never heard of people justifying their opinions makes you look even even more retarded
honestly jelouse of her, I wish I could do that with my ears
That entire section of just Bashame having fun planting rice was so incredibly wholesome.
Look at her go!
to detect vulnerable virgins
It doesn't do that
but nokotan, diversity is our strenght
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There's at least 3 of us. And we're all over 30
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>And we're all over 30
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>And we're all over 30
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love Bashame
simple as
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I'm still having a blast with it. I signed up for wacky looney tunes bullshit with anime girls and that is exactly what I got. I'unno what you guys expected
>no one is pointing out the more than evident gundam reference
This place has fallen hard. Shame to all of (You)
Anko is great when she isn't acting like a creep.
vorefags are eating good tonight
Because it's so painfully obvious that it doesn't need to be pointed out. If someone actually asked what's this referencing then the rest can laugh at them.
Noko twerking
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literally kys
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Reminder not to wear Nokotan's "fur" like Bashame did here.
>they took nekoyamada to the veterinary
lmao cutee
Koshitan saves this show
Definitely not from flopping.
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When does this start being funny?
Episode 69.
Too bad her sister ruins it
Bashame is the only good character and the show should just be about cute girls farming rice cutely from now on.
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This show is cute and comfy I quite like it. The Anko and Bashame chemistry is surprisingly good I hope we get to see more of it, especially because it help flesh out Anko more than just a siscon.
Overall a very good episode, especially the rice paddy part, and since I play guitar Nokotan's playing hurt me physically.
Fuck Nokotan
That's the goal
moshi moshiii
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right: this show
left: me
Compromise, make Bashame wear Torako's skin
by buffalo-bob-sama said its ok.
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No, that's Tsubameya
Himouto face.
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>bashame made a whole illegal rice plantation bc she loves rice so much
DIY girl, punk af.
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Oh god
she also communicates telepathically with antler beigns. shes pretty "out there". as stated before, shes the closest to God, shes this series virgo shaka.
Still flopping after all the shilling? How?
gaming tsuno
We'll have episode 8 and hopefully 9 done soon™. The delay is a combination of several things that boils down to people being busy and/or sick for the past two weeks. Translator is working on a bunch of other stuff. Typesetter is recovering from the flu and was busy with work or something. Encoder has been busy with work and fapping to fighting games Seriously, 8 was a pain in the ass to encode.

Once we finally get 8 done the rest will probably follow without as much lag time between air date and whenever we upload them. But since things have changed compared to the first few weeks with the English subtitle/translation situation we do take more time with them than we were before. So don't expect speedsub time table anymore going forward. The most time we take on episodes now the less we'll have to do for the BDs. We already have to do episode 1 and re-do episode 2 for those.

Also, two-three weeks isn't really that long of a lag time between air date and English translation in my opinion. Used to be the norm/fast before the speedsub cancer took over with multiple groups all rushing to be the first one out. The way I see it anyone that wants it that fast will probably just watch CR or AI subs anyway. As we saw in the first few weeks of this show's airing.

Sorry for the delay. Life happened.
Thanks bros.
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>Nicovideo is back
I thought i'd never see it again.
>why does /a/ still like her show so much anyway
Fun things are fun.
this show is terrible. I've never watched something so unfunny
this show is amazing. I've never watched something so funny
will I find this funny If I found konosuba funny, but not pop team?
Why doesn't anyone just shoot this deer right in the fucking face?
wtf I like bashame
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She will only come back stronger
it's shared consciousness, you'd have to kill every single deer on earth
She'd dodge the bullet
Only plastic bottles and pollen will stop her
/k/bros just don't have that kind of relationship with deer
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the allergies part was funny
bashame part was comfy
webm was funniest I think
does this show have yuri ending? it better do
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>better pastures
And where's that?
anko's hairy pussy
They deered
How come Hatsune Miku doesn't sing more often in this show?
The #1 anime moment of the year
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Everyone got the reference so there is no need to discuss it.
>anon finds about song "Shika no tone" >>270082208
>then we have Tsuno to Shika
What does it mean??
>he doesn't
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Deers are food, not friends
>not being vegan
I'm sorry, I'm heterosexual. It can't be helped.
>people don't like her show anymore
because the only good part was the memes, but the studio started DMCAing people making Shikanoko memes on social media, so all thats left is overweight chicks doing the OP dance
studios do that?
Japanese are very autistic about copyright because they have no creative commons or free use in their copyright law
So you get random shit like the Japanese guy last year who got thrown in jail for posting a youtube let's play
>Japanese guy last year who got thrown in jail for posting a youtube let's play

I heard Japanese cops all but torture you to get a confession, too. Guy probably had his fingers broken until he plead guilty.
they don't hurt people directly. instead they lock them in an "interrogation" room where they're left for countless hours with only an occasional cup of water. if they confess, great. the prosecutors get to keep their 99.9% conviction rate. if they don't, they drop it. most people won't want to endure that shit again anyway.
>When she talks about rice in the middle of sex
>When she starts having sex with rice in the middle of sex
>when the heat from the sex cooks the rice
>when the heat from the rice cooks the sex
>when the rice from the cook heats the sex
>when the sex with the cook heats the rice
show's just sorta run it's course. When your MC fucking BREATHES tsukkomi you can only stomach so much
reddit show
>when with the sex heat rices the cook
4chan show
>there are only two episodes left
Can't wait for season 2 though, so there's that at least
what's better pop team or this?
Season 2 is confirmed?
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Hayfever is a bitch. I don't get it as badly these days, fortunately.
Anko is my woman
I feel like the scene would have been funnier if Koshi wasn't narrating. Just let Shikanoko complete her absurd lecture uninterrupted then walk in at the end.
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Bashame is so fucking cute. This show is really cute sometimes.
right as it starts to find its groove it ends
I wish
Shitposters are happy when they got a bite and retards are happy when they're "merely pretending" to bite. It's endless cycle.
they did it to make an example of him.
jap cops love doing that. they'll let their citizens break the law almost constantly but then once in a while they'll gulag someone for 20 years hard labor for holding an umbrella while riding a bicycle (a felony recently added in with their anti-terrorism laws, along with 'splitting a cab fare')
flop of the season
>rices the cook
Don’t do that
the first episode was really funny and then after that its just been
1) Shikanoko does something absurd
2) Koshitan exclaims how absurd it is
(repeat every 10 seconds forever)
>Would you do me?
>I'd do me
Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan
theyre like a family, that shed is their home ;(
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>literally 95% of jokes don't hit
>carried hard by Wit's animation
>has cute girls
>is comfy

this show is shit to binge but it's actually good if you wach single episode and call it a day
anything music, be it the intro or outro, or even some of the bg music are great, also the VA work is stellar
>splitting a cab fare
Wait is that actually illegal?
>you can sell literal ch*ld p*rn but cant split some random payment for a shared service
batshit country
would you fuck her?
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blackmailing koshitan for sex after finding out her secret
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For me, it's shika senbei
>literally 95% of jokes don't hit
This is not the Dungeon Meshi thread buddy.
Only Bashame.
koshimai are very gay
I think at this point we should move on to japanese daytime tv. This show isn't anything like konosuba take that name out of your mouth, Do they still do blackface skits on the morning news?
If it gets one, it will just be money down the drain given that they have already lost 95% of their original audience.
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I would unironically re-watch both seasons of PTE over Nokotan.
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Flop of the year. Not even Ninja Kamui fell this hard.
Sex before marriage is haram.
No but they all want to do it, the guy in charge of nokotan anime is just particular that he got some censorship company to start sending threats and shutting down memes and reaction videos before they veen spread online.
>anime gained popularity due to viral OP and memes
>now they are DMCA'ing memes
Seriously: what did they mean by this? Why are they shooting themselves in the foot?
Director has always secretly hated it this whole time plot twist??
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Surely you have a sources for all of this, right?

Because I keep seeing Nokotan memes on the wild
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I'm outside their jurisdiction. Can't stop, won't stop.
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Superbam inc.
They are the ones dmcaing the youtube mashups, it says they put the hit out if you grab it early enough before the video gets deleted.
Why would they do that when they're aware the main reason people were even watching it was because of memes? It's like they don't want people to watch their show.
I don’t, it’s like nichijou with ADHD and a worse budget and less thought or heart put into it
feel sad when other people dont like the funny deer show because it reminds me of the good old days no not those good old days further back no not those ones either further back no no even further back yeah those good old days


トナカイは ビビるわぁ!(仲間)
カモシカは 出ていけぇ!(牛科)

it's like poetry
yeah thats what i mean good old days
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Yuri won
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The smuggest deer
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Shika inai!
Hare temo ame demo,
Shika no tame!
Oh, man. Those Ninja Kamui episode 1 flashbacks.
Doesn't matter. You can still enjoy it ironically, without any expectations
Why do her eyes do that
My guess; This didn't start until mid-way through the show's airing. Initially, it was getting aired early in Japan then aired everywhere else half a week later. But lots of people were watching it before it aired on places like CR and TV by downloading it from torrents and bootleg streaming services that were hosting English, Russian and Korean translations within hours of the raw first being uploaded.

The same week they moved CR's airing to the same day as Ameba is the same week they started going heavy handed with DMCAs on youtube and elsewhere. They were trying to drive the audience back to official sources where they could milk ad money out of them because they're still retarded and think every lost viewer to bootleg streaming/torrents/DDL is a lost customer.

You should see the angry shit they sent to my burner email address. Cease and desist or we'll arrest you. I'm so scared. Like nip police are going to show up at my door when they don't even have the resources to find out my real IP
Did they realize what a stupid idea that was? Like, did they really want to alienate the audience that made their show go viral in the first place? The show got popular due to memes and the viral OP, and they even leaned into those for a while. Now they just discarded those like it was nothing? The way I see it, people turning against the show must be karma for their actions.
>removes the part where Koshitan was happy and enjoying herself when Nokotan didn't come to the club for a week
What did the anime mean by this?
They want the money. It boils down to that. The viral "hype" before it first aired (and in the first couple of weeks) was driving money into their coffers. But by week 4-5 they start to see a decline in viewers as the casuals moved on to the next trend. Which left them looking at the hundreds of thousands of "lost views" to alt-youtube channel/streaming sites/torrents/etc as lost profit. So they started going hard on flagging and trying to push such people back into offical channels where they can milk them for CPM ad revenue.

It isn't anything that unusual. You just notice it more with a show like this because it started out with a good ad campaign and people that don't even normally watch anime picked it up for a week or two. It's the same attitude that's killing pretty much every hobby and form of media I loved growing up. As this constant pandering to come-latelys that abandon something within weeks for the next shiny thing that catches their attention ruins stuff. Leaving the core fan base to deal with the garbage product that was changed to appeal to such people. So the core fan base stops spending money on it and it goes to Chinese hell to die (see: SNK, Soul Caliber, Guilty Gear and pretty much every anime in the last 10 years that go a "re-make").

One of the main reasons they're going so hard on DMCA now is the fact that they'll be shilling the BDs soon enough. Which I doubt will sell very well. I know I won't buy them if we don't get picture of Koshi-tan in pantsu during the quiz show.
Also you're making the big mistake a lot of people make these days. The mistake you're making is you think the "viral meme marketing campaign" was organic. In reality, they spent hundreds of thousands of dollars buying off "influencers" and artificially gaming the "trending" lists on popular social media sites to spread it around. They got lucky and enough dumb idiots fell for it. Along with a bunch of other idiots spreading it in an attempt to make money themselves. As we've seen such things only generally last a couple of weeks if you're lucky (which they were). But now the mindless zombie masses have moved on to something else and have forgotten about Shika-chan as quickly as they were introduced to her.

You need to understand that 99% of what you see on a screen (any screen) is no longer "organic". This isn't 1998 internet anymore. This isn't even 2010 internet anymore. From the top to the bottom it's controlled, bought, paid for and moderated.

It isn't even a secret with this show. Plenty of faggots that shouldn't be here posting (because all they do is try to farm anon's creativity for content for their own social media feeds so they can make money) came here and posted emails they were getting months from the studio's marketing agency. Which was handing over piles of cash to "review" this show before it even aired.
How much BD are they going to sell on the first week? I'm guessing 1 thousand give or take.
For a crazy, off-beat comedy it's actually sort of boring.
That sort of stuff is $$$$$, theyd need to make some sort of FLCL
It seems you and me are not japanese enough.
Seriusly, I chuckle a couple of times but I don't get anime parody or references anymore, it's just a joke of itself.
What's your proof that Shikanoko specifically was shilled, as in, the viral hype was paid instead of being organic?
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Covering up the teacher's wrinkles to make her younger
>no, you
sasuga retard
wow anko is a bitch
is she meant to be the bad girl type or something
Where did [DeerStalker] go?
They made that illegal not too long ago, but owning it was still legal till that got made illegal again. The Gyaru mangaka who got imprisoned for it got longer for trying to bring it into the country with him than he did for owning it, three years and one year respectively.
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dont say that, shes a qt and has a good heart
You're just biased because she's hot.
i didnt like her much before but she was nice to bashame last ep.
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bashame is so precious

The proof comes from their butt
Took me 4 episodes to realize that I already switched to Youtube due to how often I kept spacing out trying to "watch" this series.
I like how the hat fits her hair.
This show does everything but the jokes right
They are filled with love
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Has Kitakubu caught fire yet?
I don't liker her show. It's boring and not very funny.
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Nokotan is lucky she was surrounded by deers and not dolphins
>jobbing to pollen
I want Koshitan to yell at my balls
>Shika no tame!
I will tame the shika and you cannot stop me
I just learned they hired an actual deer to voice Nokotan.
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Pollen is no joke
The deer march is CUTE
Why your balls specifically? Are you not producing enough semen for her?
Pollen should be federally banned in every country on Earth. There's no reason for it to exist.
until you realize they are marching to their deaths
Arent we all
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I've seen a lot of people talk about how basically the PR for the show oversold it.

The song and everything that came before made it seem like it'd be somewhere between Nichijou and Pop Team Epic in terms of just off the wall insanity. But instead it's a lot more tame (despite still using very random humor setups).
It's not bad, just not some non-stop gag-a-minute shitpost of a series. It has some genuinely funny moments, but there's a lot of more typical comedy between.
I didn't see any of the pre-release PR except a couple still images posted on /a/. I went in blind and enjoy the show a lot. Feels good not to fall for marketing traps.
>PR for the show oversold it.
Releasing a trailer? Holy shit, never seen before, these people are geniuses.
not fast enough
dont you mean deer deaths
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start of the Anko x Bashame romance??
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Bashame is komesexual
i want to see a romantic scene with nekoyamada shes so sweet
she's a cyborg.
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Impregnating Koshitan
Rice sounds amazing. I wonder what it tastes like.
I started eating more rice bc of bashame. Shes a ray of sunshine.
rice removed
she should've eaten it for indirect kissu~
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Careful, rice makes you fat. It's all carbs.
>whips your dick out
>immediately gets punctured by a multiple kunais
She was busy goofing around with rice in this episode, leaving Koshitan entirely unguarded.
Tokyo revengers does have the power to make delinquents real.
SEA had massive upsurge in youth gangs since it aired.
Desperately trying to stomp them out now.
Koshitan was probably babysitting Noko or Neko
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Even better
Bashame love
is Gihren speech But nobody remembers Gundam, it was in 1979, it's literally from another generation.
I'm kind of a retard, just noticed that the CGI deers in the OP move their heads along with the girls in the direction they are pointing.
That's so cool for some reason.
>"Shikanoko nokonoko koshitan" is a line from a popular Japanese children's song known as "Shika no Tōne" (The Call of the Deer). The song portrays a playful and cheerful scene where young deer, or "shika," frolic and play, reflecting the innocence of childhood and the beauty of nature. The repetitive and melodic nature of the song makes it easy for children to sing along, fostering a connection to cultural traditions and the natural world. It is often used in nursery schools and family settings, highlighting the joy and simplicity found in everyday life.

>"Shika no Tōne"
>this episode is about new song
>Tsuno to Shika
What does it mean??
Tsucchi best girl.
This show is extremely deep
>Globalist brainwashed audiences reject the show bc its quintessentially wholesome, culturally traditional, and meaningful
Of course
Could've just admitted you were wrong normally, but this is fine too.
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>Removes the AI part from the copy pasta
When are we getting a explanation on why Koshitan being a virgin was important?
Isn't it obvious? Pure girls are rare, thus more valuable.
Is it really hard to understand? Virginity is a pressing issue for teenagers around the world, Americans should know better with the shitload of movies they've produced over the decades specifically about that topic.
What was mr tsunoda up to?
Nokotan has a virgin fetish
they had to establish it upfront becuase the reader/viewer would assume shes a whore because she was a deliquient
to display Anko's ability in keeping away threads
Bashame is pure and the show didn't make a big deal out of it
It started strong but fell off hard. New characters were bad, jokes got old, it was never that funny to begin with. Shikanoko and Koshitan interactions carry it, but its just not enough.

Also last episode had a PowerPoint in the middle of it, during the festival, when the cheerleaders were cheering. They had it in other episodes too, just still images with sound. Its just bad, low budget shit.

I think the last episode I laughed was the one where they had a quiz about koshitan
I like this anime
This, she also ran with boys.
To the guy over 50 here: why didn't you have children?
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Never had the chance. Not 50, but nothing will change by then anyway.
post it
Only if we get to eat her meat. She'd make some nice venison.
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Why didn't koshitan feel sad when nokotan was gone..
because nokotan a shit
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Where is it?
I refuse to watch anything else
Not really, you just cant do better.
All threads are free you dumbass
watch a stream, tard
episode is great
>900 for episode 7
>almost 1200 for previous week
Holy shit
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>3 episodes behind
They quit bro
What are the best subs now?
>it's a good comedy show, really!
>just needs a proper translation
>and we're gonna fukken do it!
>ok nvm
wat did they mean by this?
are we even gonna get a 2nd season? im concerned bros
Retard historylet.
Unironically too interwoven for you.

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At being shit
I miss Rokugo-san
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*insert that gif of the deer humping that girl but it's Nokotan and Koshitan*
planting rice
harvesting rice
eating rice
repeating it through the seasons
Why do idiots even bother replying to a thread they don't read? Must be the same ones that demand proof for something that's been re-posted over 9,000 times already.
Shikanoko is Reddit tier humor
There I said it
It simply tries too hard
Went viral due to the OP and forced shilling
Wit Studio are hacks
>it's.... LE REDDIT!
Get new material.
The fansubs are stalled so I haven't been watching.
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did the show at least spawn some good koshitan art? she's the only good thing on this show
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I think this show is meant to be a metaphor on trying to survive when surrounded by complete idiots
Weird way to say Neko, lil bro.
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> why does /a/ still like her show so much anyway?
It's not her show. It's best girl's show. How can you not love it?
Wasn't her show only popular for a few weeks? Haven't seen her in a while.
Akko is perfection.
It was initially very popular due to the OP, especially before the premiere, but once the first few episodes came out and they were at best a mixed bag, people realized the OP duped them and they dropped the show in droves.
I think the problem is that they only have enough decent jokes for like 6 episodes, but they copy-pasted them to get to 12
That implies the viral video set up any kind of expectations that then weren't met
the numbers make it clear that most of the people that retoked the vid or whatever the word is never even checked out the first episode
kill deers
Do people actually laugh at this unfunny anime?
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People will conform to anything the internet tells them.
Anko is shit
If that were the case every anon in this thread would hate the show
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Explain people who laugh at female comedians
It's literally mentioned the first time she appears
Neko cuteee
Out of pity, always has been
I read the thread and I didn't see anyone recommend any subs
No I'm not going in the fucking archive
What are the best subs if I don't want AI shit
Turns out the studio was closed since June so Nokotan was already being dubbed at the new one
she is fatter
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It's shikaover...
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See you next thread
bretty gud
Last for imouto a shit, A SHIT.

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