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Akari is fucking PISSED. She will no longer be ignored and if it ever happens again, there will be dire consequences.
I want Akari to piss on me.
Who's Akari?
>first year middle school girl is mad at me
Oh no, my life is in danger.
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Your social life, maybe.
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Akari is too cute.
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Watch your back, anon.
I could disarm Akari and take her down before she could get a shot off.
Hi everyone. My name is Pissed.
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You never stood a chance.
Why does no one cares of Akari?
Akari deserves a boyfriend followed swiftly by teen pregnancy
Once we're married Akari will never feel ignored again.
I don't see anyone pissed.
akarin needs a bump
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Akarin needs a pump and dump.
piss on me akari-chan!
Akari would never talk like that
It's just anons talking to themselves.
Akarin ~
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Too real.
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>Akari is fucking
But Akari is a girl...
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Why are we having croissant for lunch?
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kyoko ate everything else
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Because croissants are good, now eat.
Kyouko is american ? No wonder she is blonde
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Then we must eat Kyouko.
watch your back, you'll be lucky if she doesn't eat you
Arigato, Yui-chan.
>chino bringing you lunch
Chino, no! That's your grandfather!
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Rabbits are very tasty and nutritious.
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>doesn't know about rabbit starvation
dumb brat
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>oh, i remember that guy
>check video to see if thumbnail is real
>check channel
>"I'm dead" - 19 hours ago
>huh, what an odd joke
What an odd way to find out.
What? Damn.
He was well liked. The kind of old school that doesn't exist anymore. They're mourning him on /k/ now.
Literally who?
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girl lunch
chinatsu would definitely do this
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You're not gonna do shit.
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She's evil.
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do you love Akari?
look at her go!
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based madman
>that image
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brat thread is dead. Akari's turn now.
>3day for posting some yuru scissoring while on page 10 post bump limit
boo, no fun allowed.
The other main character!
I'm an even bigger loser than akari
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How did janny even catch that but not the others?
Brat bros, it's time to take over.
Someone was probably just being a dick and reported that specific one.
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sakurako is dead
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Brat summer is over.
It's now tsundere fall
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But it's still 33 degrees where I live
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Summers take longer now because of the thing that definitely isn't global warming because global warming obviously isn't real.
go back to the ptg thread you dum girl
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Don't worry, I support denying reality if it's too inconvenient.
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33 degrees!? You must be freezing!
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Denial often causes distress.
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Shut up retards before u get kissed
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I will worship Akari-san so she doesn't feel ignored ever again
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Akari is an S!?!?
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Don't get cocky, this happened to a lot of us >>270654382

You'll be next
Brat lost her way.
No one cares of you, Aka-something.
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C-can I also get a k-k-kissu?
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Akari is UGLY.
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Akari is CUTE.
I wouldn't ever ignore her!
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It's supposed to get up to 43C where I live, fuck this weather I can't wait for fall to arrive.
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Snow in winter is getting rare.
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Imagine getting triggered by facts this hard.
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>they think temperature is real
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I lf my Area hit 40+ I'd fucking kill myself
Even over 30 is too much
Are we still talking about temperature?
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built for akane
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nothing lewd about pure, sisterly love
>verification not required
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>those thighs
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>two more weeks until heaps of dead
3 years later...
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you seem confused.
So this is what that one anon meant in the previous OMRK thread when he said he was glad to see a yuru yuri thread without any schizos being schizos.

I now understand.
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Can't you go have this discussion somewhere else?
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>Come eat your bugs, anon!
>We have to cut back on meat because cow farts are melting the glaciers
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You're right, I'll ignore the mentally ill /pol/cuck.
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Eat this!
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>page 10
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Well that really showed what kind of poster that was.
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brats comin for ya
she gonna GET ya
Wow, weird name. Do you know PISSED? I hear Akari is fucking him/them/her.
I miss her already.
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O-Oh no, she got me.
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Kyouko has taken control of brat's ass. I repeat, Kyouko has taken control of brat's ass.
imagine walking into the arcade to play some DDR and seeing this
God i wish that was me on the right
>Kyouko has taken control of brat's ass
What is she going to do with it?
Plunder the booty.
Yeah? Well I wish I were the one on the left.
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It's up.
What is?
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I downloaded it even though I didn't really want to.
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pr pr kyouko pit
out of ten
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*put on my best angry Japanese dad act and flip the table*
Granny exercise.
She should be in a buruma...
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Impressive, very nice. But she should also be Chizuru.
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In time, I'm just packed with chores. There have been plenthy of cheetos needing the tsurime treatment.
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It's sad isn't it? We used to get 5-15cm of snow throughout winter, now it's either a light dusting or nothing at all. It's been this way since 2012.
I miss watching the snow fall.
That picture makes me happy, thank you for sharing.
Are they farting in the tub?
Consider the aroma
official eroirasuto...
How is China bathing naked with Yui without losing her mind
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Is there a full uncensored version?
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Only Yui.
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You WILL eat the sea urchin.
And you WILL be happy.
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Ok, what is up?
Do you know what google is? bing works too.
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>just google it
It hate people like you.
It's called though love, learning how to find things yourself instead of waiting for someone to serve them in a silver platter is a very useful skill on the internet.
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>orange goop from inside a pointy rock creature
Can I just eat her before she grows up instead?
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It's in the picture. Songs from the Oomuro-ke OVAs.
It's always Akari's birthday.
I would sweep the Akari manhole every day.
Be careful. You might get a warning for spreading blatant misinformation.
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Happy birthday Akari-chan!
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Isn't Sakurako's birthday soon?
Like now?
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Seems so.
You're right. The date changed in Japan 54 minutes ago. Happy Birthday to the cutest, dumbest, bestest brat.
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Wow, you're right. Happy birthday, Sakurako!
My cute brat wife
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Fuck Akari, this is now a Sakurako thread.
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Everyone forgot, even I, but I remembered first. The same happened on Akari's birthday.
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Sorry I got confused and thought it was Akari's birthday, happy birthday brat!
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>Akari's manhole
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For me it's Hanako's hole.
Always remember there's a river of shit, piss and waste running under those
It's wet.
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Wait anon, how did you create a thread without attaching an image?
>Akari's piss
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Actually, due to global warming, Akari's piss has gotten very hot.
describe taste
She must be mad that her hairstylist is out of town.
Very sweet (she has untreated diabetes)
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I hope Namori makes Akari need to pee again one day.
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brat time ALL the time
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>my life is in danger.
indeed it is
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Birthday sex with Brat!
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Global warming is not a big deal like just take off your clothes are you stupid?
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If you don't keep your legs together it's going to be even chillier.
why do brats love being bottomless
Why do brats have such lickable armpits and tummies and legs
Uni(sea urchin sushi) is delicious though.
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I'm not even that anon.
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Actually, that anon melted due to global warming.
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Sounds more like he dabbed on him.
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>akari's getting upset!
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Akari is a good girl. I want to marry her and make sweet love to her in the missionary position with lights out.
>with lights out.
That's gay.
lightly salted potato chips
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I guess this picture was taken before they fixed it
Akari isn't comfortable with that, fuck off.
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If she's not comfortable with then stop being gay.
Akari is a sensitive girl. She can't do it with lights on. You need to treat her right.
why she purple
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I love this artist
i want to jump in a pile of oomuro dirty laundry
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Hitman Akari could kill you in the blink of an eye.
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Brat feet...
Always turn the lights of when having sex with Akari. It's the bare minimum you can do to make sure Akane can't see or take pictures.
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>thinking you can just fuck her imouto without paying the video fee
Good luck anon... You'll need it.
Man, I have had just the worst week. Basically had the last six months of work I've been doing for a startup rugpulled. I'm going to watch Yuru Yuri to cheer up now.
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My Akari didn't upload
>Akari fan has a terrible life
many such cases
At least you got paid, right.
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Akari isn't comfortable having sex unless the lights are on, the cameras are rolling, and anons have been invited.
Yes, you should. You should feel bad and repent.
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They became side characters.
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What a strange crossover
It's because they all have red* hair
*now dark brown
My wife Kyouko is so sexy.
Do not confuse my pic for hetero porn. It's an image of me cuddling the two best yurus, completely platonically and nicely. They make me feel warm and nice, and I protect them from all the bad things while they sleep soundly, with complete faith in me that I would stop any evil that would try to harm them in any way.
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>there are no in-universe men to fuck them
They exist in the universe, and Chinatsu knows where to find them.
You can not turn akari off
This must be the image that I didn't save when I first saw it. I don't regret not saving it.
Keep in mind old men for Chinatsu means over 20.
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If 20 is old in the yuruverse, they must die pretty young.
1 year in CGDCT time is like 10 years in real time. That's why their youths are near eternal.
She's 13, anyone over 20 is an old man in her eyes
Everybody stops aging at their cosmically assigned age according to their role in life. Moms and teachers in their late twenties, hebes in their early teens, old men in their early twenties etc.
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W-what kind of consequences?
It's part of the essence of being a brat. If they didn't have such lickable armpits and tummies and legs, they wouldn't be brats
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I love Chinatsu.
China's vachina
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Yes, you should. That Akane is a nice touch though. You can upload a template without the background?
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Best Oomuros.
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The birthday girl is so smart.
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My life is good overall
Y-yeah....I-I definitely didn't work for free for 6 months
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What does that even mean? Did they decide not to use your work? Some technical or business decision?

Please say you got paid.
Not even a year in Yuru time has passed and we are well past 10 years our time.
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Basically I co-founded a startup. My goal was to do non-technical founder stuff. My two chief goals were to raise money and get clients. I focused on the former to reduce risk. It's a B2B SaaS which takes 2 years on average to secure the first client. For this reason I gave priority to raising money. I succeeded in raising capital but my co-founder is a genius with tech but a fucking retard with business. Because our product only works 80% of the time (most prototypes only work 20%) he thinks it would be defrauding investors to take money. I tried to explain how he's wrong, citing that most people raise money with just ideas. He just thinks he knows better. I even had a local business school that is very acclaimed as advisors. I have a billionaire serial entrepreneur friend who is also an advisor. I also have a network of VC advisors, the most notable being Brad Feld. Every single one has tried to tell my co-founder that this is normal and not defrauding investors at all. He just won't hear it and now says we need a client to continue. My personal finances are fucked up bc I've been working on back-pay for 6 months. I knew I'd be able to raise the funds, and I did.

I did lots of other works like branding, website, SEO (number 1 on Google for our keywords), contact with press (2 news articles being drafted), and I have an extensive list of businesses interested in our product. I really think I can get a client in 3-4 months, because corporate stuff moves very slowly. Now that my co-founder is not listening to me or any of my credentialed advisors, he's acting like a dictator who doesn't know anything at all about business. His coding skills are excellent and our product is very promising. We even are in early talks with a public company about future incorporation.
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So now instead of taking in funds I lined up to pay ourselves and keep going, I look like a fucking retard in front of very important people in my network. I am out 6 months of backpay that will probably never get fixed since my idiot co-founder thinks it would be defrauding investors bc our software doesn't work 100% of the time. Meanwhile people raise millions on just "two dudes and an idea we can maybe build". It's fucking cancerous man. 2 worst experience of my life behind BPD ex-girlfriend accusing me of rape and taking me to court (she went on to admit she was making it up and has mental health issues in the courtroom).

Also my co-founder is diagnosed autistic but a god coder. He is (was?) one of my best friends from college. I've been friends w him 10 years.

When people say "don't do business with friends", there is a good reason. I also already lost one other friend on this adventure (3rd worst experience of my life behind fake rape court and this rugpull.

We have a meeting with the super big public corporation that is considering buying us, but this is so fucked I honestly just want to quit. I'll probably take that meeting Tuesday and unless they're somehow ready to pull the trigger on incorporation, which is very unlikely, I'm just done with this shit. My co-founder needs to listen to me and stop trying to make business decisions because he is fucking retarded at anything besides coding.
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Pull the trigger on acquisition*
Jannies I swear to God if you remove my posts for off-topic I will track you down and steal all your YY merch
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>Because our product only works 80% of the time (most prototypes only work 20%)
If it's some AI shit then deserved. Like I'm sorry that it happened to you but burger tech startup culture needs to fucking die.
We are branded as AI for VC bucks (it just suboptimal to not) but our shit doesn't use and machine learning or neutral network stuff. It's just algorithmic deterministic programming that automates a task that must be done in an industry. That tasm usually takes 6-8 to manually process for each PDF (the input is a PDF). We do it in about 40 seconds. Our shit isn't some vague bullshit like nueral Network sloppa. It's just some nice algorithmic processes that do the needful quickly.
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Well if it makes you feel any better I am in similar circumstances, I've been solo developing an application related to algorithmic trading for the last 2 years, the client is a close family member so I've been working on it basically for free (yeah I know...) and on top of it he keeps changing the requirements, all I got from it up until now are a lot of headaches. Doing business with family is even worse than doing business with friends.
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Cute brat.
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>page 10
Akari is seriously fucking PISSED right now.
A-Akari out the gun down...
Really looking forward to the day where an AI model can generate animated episodes of seinfeld using the yurus. Personally I view all cgdct sol as the spiritual sequel to seinfeld, rather than always sunny.
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Cute Ayanopost.
That happened where I live last year. We only had 1 week of actual consistent snow and cold. When I was a kid we'd have snow from November to April.
Call the cops all you want, they can't make me un-see your ear.
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>Page 10
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Happy birthday, Sakurako!
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Chinatsu Yoshikawa is very cute and pink
for me it's her eyes.
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I love lil China's cute blue dress that matches her eyes
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Sorry to hear fren.
It doesn't really make it better :(
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I love this panel. Namori has great style.
Himawari would give the most terrifying handjobs...
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The Tea Club will beat the student council
Only because Himawari's stupid boobs weigh her down so much
Student council would win without Sakurako
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a fucxking cock
Chitose will immediately start imagining that its all a prelude to sex and will go man down making it 4v3, Himarawari and Sakuraki will be taken out by friendly fire from each other making it 4v1, Tea Club wins.
Erect Cock
Kyoko spectacularly accomplishes nothing, Akari has no noticeable effect on the battle, and Chinatsu only inflicts psychological damage. But without being focused down in a 4v1, Yui easily cleans up.
Chinatsu has the 2nd best yuru eyes after Kyouko
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Chinatsu has the best color, Kyouko has the best shape.
Chizuru has the second best in both regards which synergises, making her eyes the prettiest yuru eyes overall.
you ARE taller than all the yurus, right?
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How is China so tiny?
>hanako 127cm
>mari 84 cm
manhandle rise
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Why are Mirakurun and Raivarun so much taller than the girls who transform into them?
they are from a little girl maho shoujo anime instead of a teen girl maho shoujo anime.
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I love cute pink Chinatsu
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>Shorter than Raivarun, Akane, Tomoko, Yui, Himawari, Nadeshiko, Ayano and sensei
>over 20cm taller than all of them
they are so tiny...
I expected Akane and Nana to be taller, forgot they're Japanese I guess.
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what's the weather like up there?
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I can't believe people still say this
Is there any other purpose for height charts other than imagining what it would be like to manhandle each girl? I mean honestly, I can't come up with any other reason.
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you're like a full 10cm taller than me, that's a whole 'nother atmospheric layer
For example, Nana is exactly 2 Maris in height.
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For me it's about imagining what it would be like to hug each girl.
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You can also imagine what it would be like for each girl to be womanhandled by another.
For example, contemplate the height difference between Raivarun and Kurumi, or Nana and Rise, or even Himawari and Chinatsu.
It's also useful for esoteric knowledge such as Megumin and Rise being the same height and both being red-eyed black-haired explosion maniacs.
Is the manga or anime better
Comedy always works better in anime.
Characters' personalities and interplay always work better in manga.
Iruru is the platonic ideal female design desu.
>130cm tall
>130cm bust
>slim shoulders
>thin waist
>wide hips
>large thighs
>thigh gap
Kaede will grow up to have Iruru's body and Yuru Yuri will be saved.
>Rise: 145 cm
the word you're looking for is I M A G I N E
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I would love to see Sakurako's reaction to Ilulu's huge tits
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It would be the same reaction as any normal human: pure disgust.
What's there to consider and imagine?
Manhandling her tiny body, carrying her around the house with one hand, looking for objects to bend her over.
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>pick her up
>take her home
It's free.
that's pretty much the same thing for me, hugging, handling etc.
good point. Though the difference between the girls isn't usually that big so it doesn't matter much. And I don't care much about bigger girls anyway
it's not big usually but the Raivarun/Kurumi (or even just Mirakurun) height gap is the stuff of yurI dreams
I didn't realize it was that big until I saw the chart so it's definitely got more use than just letting me IMAGINE how much smaller mai waifu is
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trumpkari trumpkaza
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Do you think Rise would keep quiet about it?
Verbatim quote.

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