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Stage 89 - Face-to-Face

Previous chapter: >>270669219
Archive: https://desuarchive.org/a/search/subject/Daily%20Neon%20Genesis%20Evangelion%20Chapter
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Creepy as fuck.
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this whole sequence is so good
qt Rei
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> Infinite Zero!
Technobabble so retarded that it's awesome.
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chapter theme:
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Damn that is a cool cover
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I know, I know I've let you down...
Another proof that Sadamoto hates Kaworu
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Some unused art
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It's Gendover......
Forgotten girls duo
>coom sweet death
Poor Maya
How is Eva flying if all series Eva moved from it?
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what the fuck I hate this bitch
My wife is so cute
And it all returns to nothing...
I really do love their technobabble
I am trying not to acquire a giantess fetish
Thanks OP
Gendowari da
Too late for me
Specially when her hand went through maya
It might be a "Beyond The Infinite" reference to 2001.
Fuyutsuki is the man you want to stand by your side as the world ends.
Not gonna lie, this version of 3I doesn't feel nearly as impactful without Asuka's death being the catalyst especially since she is absent from these scenes here anyway. Same problem in the numovies.
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>nottu dis shitto again
I don't get why he's so shocked by 3rd impact when he's been planning this with Gendo for 10 years
They regenerated properly in the manga, Sadomoto you hack. The brains wouldn't be out!
He was planning for Gendo to be in control of it. Also, even though you may prepare for the Second Coming, seeing Jesus in the flesh would probably freak you out
>thrice upon a time

It's kind of mixed, him failing to save asuka when Misato died while Shinji promised to is also impactful for shinji, but I think he didn't kill her because in the manga dead people don't seem to come back from 3i
>220 thousand kilometers
Lol wut
That's about 2/3rds the way to the moon, lol. He must mean meters.
Definitely meant meters.

I never got that *anyone* can cole back in eoe
Can Genghis Khan, Caesar and Jesus all come back if they feel like it? Seems like a dumb mechanic that could get the human population to 10 billion
Assuming identity does not disperse after death, and souls aren't a reusable resource.
Then how did Asuka come back as Asuka
To be clear, I meant that it disperses over time, so someone who died a week ago has more identity than someone who died two centuries ago.
Is that actually stated anywhere or is that a fan theory?
Was this rape?
>1st panel
The Eva has become a Mazinger?
I wrote 'assuming' to present it as a possibility, not as a canon fact.
Yes, in the manga it was a rape. In the film, it was deceptive rape.

Well, assuming you think Kaworu was actually there or not.
Why does she look like Rei then?
Thanks OP
Shit has finally hit the fan
Instrumentality is commencing and Rei is metaphorically "Shinji's heart". Figure it out.
Well? What did he wish for?
The anime implies a soul lingers awhile in a freshly deceased corpse. That's why Nerv rushes Rei II's charred body back to the soul lab.
Rei is a special case.
>Nerv rushes Rei II's charred body back to the soul
What? They just destroyed evidence.
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We love Lilith here.
>komm suesser tod... BEGINS
Re-reading this sure is bringing back a lot of memories.
Do they ever show how they're able to capture / cultivate Rei's soul and then subsequently transfer it from body to body?
I want a hug like that.
Come get in the soup of life for it
Gendo really didn't deserve someone as reliable as Fuyutsuki. And they both know that.
>What? They just destroyed evidence.
Nope. Watch the scene again.
Sadly, no. It's ambiguous what her tube treatments do.
Eyes ... or hussies?
>another chadji chapter
Fuyu has literally been orchestrating instrumentality for a decade, why the fuck is he saying if Shinji did it he'd be a demon
Is he retarded?
it's practice
Because he probably knows Shinji is fucked up in the head and likely to do something rash.
Do you fuckers not pay attention? What's happening now isn't what Gendo and Fuyu planned. They planned for Gendo to be the one in control. At the moment, Shinji now has the power of God, and he's a wild card that Fuyu cannot predict
This is SEELE's scenario, not NERV's.
Yes but are there *really* any choices that aren't no instrumentality and yes instrumentality?
There are. SEELE wants forced instrumentality for everyone. Gendo wants to reunite himself with Yui (I assume by causing instrumentality with just him and her in Unit 01). Shinji starts off with forced instrumentality, but then decides to give people an out.
Theoretically though, I think at this moment Shinji can do literally anything. He has Adam merged with Lilith both within him. It's just that the machinations of the SEELE/MPEvas push him to start HI. It's all happening rather fast
Tanks oppie
Thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kguaGI7aZg
I'll never love again
My world is ending
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Shinji-sama... Rei-sama... Ritsuko-sama... my knees... on their own...
i thought that was fuyu kek
I am genuinely glad Gendo finally got his happy ending in the Rebuilds. And Shinji too.
It's fucking Gendover gendobros.... how the fuck did we lose to that little bitch shinji.
>shinji's hands: warm, sturdy, pretty
>gendo's hands: cold, deformed, ugly
Gendobros lost the Rei III bowl before it even started...
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But didn't Sadamoto say he's also gay for Kaworu? I agree his scene in EoE being missing is lame but it would be way too out of place for Manga Kaworu to show up there.
>Rei III bowl
I don't think manga kaworu would put shinji in a state of calm like eoe kaworu did
He was only put in eoe for fan service anyways
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>happy ending
>But didn't Sadamoto say he's also gay for Kaworu?
he says a lot of things, but he clearly doesn't like Kaworu, that's why Karl exists
>He was only put in eoe for fan service anyways
just how dumb are you
Well yes, you're right. He made his own version of Kaworu which he then went gay for.
I realize you might be sad about it but it's objectively true, and it's clear if you see his role in the movie which is 0.
He could've been replaced or taken out at any point of the movie, his biggest role is Anno giving him some bullshit tag about "im the hope people will get along".
It's clear he wasn't in the original vision for the ending or EoTV, but just put in as a response to how much fans liked him
>He could've been replaced
With who? The times he shows up are because he's Adam and the one who represented love in Shinji's heart.
>just put in as a response to how much fans liked him
That's a pretty dumb argument considering half of the events that happen in EoE are a reaction to how much fans liked the characters, Anno dedicates 10 minutes alone to shitting on the waifufags in particular. The movie was made almost entirely based off of fan reaction to the show.
The only scene where him being adam was supposed to be important was originally meant to be yui
As for the love in shinji's heart it was once again a thing anno added because of Kaworu's popularity. Could've been 100 different things if he wanted it to.
Trying to compare the "escapism bad" scene with the inclusion of kaworu because of his popularity amongst fans (i.e. fan service) is pretty dumb
Identifying him with Adam might have been Tsurumaki's idea from Death and Rebirth. Sadamoto didn't use it here, Yamashita didn't use it, even Anno left it out of Rebuild.
>was originally meant to be yui
Nope. From the very early drafts when Rei takes in Adam's embryo into herself it was even going to show his headless torso merging in within her. Third Impact is the forbidden union of Adam and Lilith, so his role as Adam can't be replaced there.
>Could've been 100 different things
Kaworu is the only one in the show that tells Shinji in unambiguous terms he loves him, hence why he's the one to represent love there and no one else.

Anno isn't the type to sacrifice his vision as an author based on who is popular or not. Rei was the premium girl on the 1990s yet Anno showed her getting sexually assaulted and then portrayed in the creepiest of ways all throughout the movie. Anno knows how rabid the waifufag fanbase is for Rei and Asuka yet he showed them ending up with Kaworu and Kensuke respectively. He simply doesn't let those things affect him.
Nah I disagree
You can say Kaworu got more screen time as a result of his popularity, but some stuff about the contrast of Rei (avatar of Lilith) and Kaworu (avatar of Adam) would've probably made it in somehow, as well as Kaworu in his memories.
I think both of the takes are extreme, he was given more of a role because of his popularity but that still doesn't mean he had would've had no role if he wasn't popular
Rebuild Shinji married a boring hag as old as his mom when he had Asuka and Rei lmao
The inclusion of Adam was Anno's idea, Tsurumaki and co. were all blindsided when he wanted to introduce Lilith in episode 24.
In Rebuild Kaworu is still the First Angel, "Adam" as we know it may no longer exist. Rei isn't associated with Lilith by name either.
>Anno isn't the type to sacrifice his vision as an author based on who is popular or not
Asuka had already moved on to Kensuke and Rei was only programed to like him from the start, Mari was the only one at that point who had any interest in Shinji.
And in these movies he deliberately pissed off the most rabid parts of the fanbase, so he clearly isn't.
>makes more complex and relatable version of character
>that means he hates the character
Karl is unironically made for people who got filtered by OG Kaworu because they're too retarded to read subtitles.
>Asuka had already moved on to Kensuke
Anno just needed to not push that crack ship? ezpz
>and Rei was only programed to like him from the start
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Cope with what? It's directly said in the movie that Rei is programmed to like Shinji. Same with Asuka (who is also a mass produced clone now hint hint).
It's a meta message for how they were forced to be obsessed with him through all those OOC spinoffs because waifufags wanted Eva to become soulless haremshit.
I don't remember them stating that.
Regardless, Anno could just have not done that and followed the OG series. Mari is a downgrade to any other Eva girl in every single way.
>uhm, you see, rei is programmed to like shinji
>treats him the exact same as everyone else until they start to connect
Shitty writing.
Even if kaworu was in the scene, the spotlight was initially for Yui not Kaworu. I've got the drafts of the film, there are none claiming your point.
>his role as Adam can't be replaced
Kaworu is dead and you can't bring him back like Rei. Kaworu and Adam are 2 different things, Rei and Lillith are (up until eoe) 2 different things.
So no, you can have Adam and not have Kaworu. Just like lillith was on earth for billions of years before Rei was born.
Rei took Adam into Lillith. Kaworu isn't part of that equation
>he loves him
Translation is dubious, but that could be Yui or just an entirely different scene. It was written around Kaworu being there, so of course now it fits for Kaworu
Well my point was that Anno does what he wants regardless of who is popularity or not.

Then maybe you need to reread:
>A Kaworu torso grows out of Gendo's left hand and turns into a smiling Rei (a sign that Adam has taken on Lilith's form).

You might also need to rewatch episode 24 too, as Kaworu says he's immortal there and destined to live forever. His soul just returns to Adam. Kaworu never considers himself separate from Adam as Rei does with Lilith because he never had to deal with a fractured soul.

Onto the love point. Anno is the one who wrote Kaworu saying he loved Shinji in the OG episode. He again followed this up in EoE. He was equated with love since his inception before any fan reaction could even happen.
This is like saying Asuka was only added in the ending because of her popularity since she wasn't in the ending of the original drafts. It's a retarded argument.
Mari is a better written character than Asuka in Rebuild
Not really, and you can just replace rebuild Asuka with real Asuka and call it a day.
Asuka in Rebuild is just fanservice bait, you could get rid of her and nothing would change. Mari at least changes stuff.
Funny enough, the original drafts for Rebuild had Mari completely replace Asuka but they kept her in because she's popular with Tsuramaki.

>Enokido was asked for his input, and he suggested Mari to be a "neutral and lighthearted" character inspired by harem and shounen manga.[41] Enokido's suggestion was that Mari should serve as a rival for Asuka who ultimately usurps her. Enokido wanted to go so far as to have Mari become the main pilot for Unit 02, say anta baka to Shinji and even kiss him. Tsurumaki, in particular, protested one of the proposed alterations as “I’m an Asuka fan, and I won’t be happy if this scene gets cut”.[34]
So what you’re saying is Asuka is actually the character who got added scenes because of fan popularity
From what I can tell Anno wanted to focus on the plot of Eva (angels, eva, lore, etc.) so characters like Rei/Kaworu/Gendo/Shinji ended up having a bigger focus. Asuka is important to the character drama of NGE but was largely irrelevant to the plot so she ended up getting sidelined.
Mari was saved by being written to have links to the plot in the final movie so she got more relevancy.
fanservice bait >>>> literally who anno OC
>you could get rid of her and nothing would change
Same as in the original show.
Asuka is my favorite character from NGE and I fucking hated Shikinami's ass. She spends the entire final movie naked and bitching, she's annoying as hell and fucking jobs and loses all her fights. At least Mari gets shit done and kills shit.
Rebuild Asuka is just a loser who takes up screentime doing nothing. She's only there because of fan popularity.
eva is my favorite series but I don't really see the point of the manga when it's just the same story but worse
I kind of see your post but even though Soryu > Shikinami, Shikinami is still > everyone else.
Shikinami is the worst character in Rebuild, way worse than Mari.
Asuka can't be worse than absolute trash that shouldn't even have existed.
Nah, Shikinami actually does have an arc and therefore counts as a character at least.
Mari actually was relevant to the story, what did Shikinami bring to the story? Nothing.

>Shikinami actually does have an arc
What is her arc?
Asuka is relevant for being Asuka. Mari is a literally who whose role should have just been given completely to Asuka and Rei.
>Asuka is relevant for being Asuka
But she's not even Asuka, she's an entirely different character with a different backstory. She only looks like the original.
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>What is her arc?
The first part of it is accepting what happened to her in the unit03 trial and how it made her feel. Despite it being 14 years, she still feels betrayed by Shinji’s inaction back then, and seeing him again brings those conflicting feelings up. She ultimately confronts him about it near the end and explains her feelings to him. When she says “do you know why I punched at you?” She’s basically saying ‘do you know why I have to cut you off?’ He seems to understand and they mutually reach acceptance. The second part is finding a place for herself independent of Eva. Which she finds with Kensuke. Having been rid of her past baggage, she is now able to move forward with a normal life, free of her curse (a literal and figurative curse that’s been keeping her trapped). It ties in with the “moving past loss” motif Anno spoke of.
So her entire character revolves around being mad at Shinji for something that he had no control over?
It's the same shit as in NGE except Toji didn't blame him for that nor did anyone else. If Toji wasn't mad at Shinji for it in NGE why should Asuka be? Her entire character in Rebuild is just forced drama that doesn't make any sense.
Everytime this faggot shows up the thread ends up being about "Asuka arc" in those shitty movies.
I’d say the two reacting differently makes sense given the two have different expectations for Shinji. As we see in the manga, inaction is itself a decision, which can be as harmful as any direct action. It’s the avoidance of responsibility that is being scrutinized in both cases. It’s also more about how she’s resolving her own feelings for him. She learned that when the chips were down, Shinji wasn’t there for her. In the end she has to let it go and let things be.
Except he didn't choose inaction. He was given two options, kill Asuka or let Asuka kill him and he chose the latter. Gendo then forced the dummy plug to take control. He's essentially being blamed by Asuka and the plot for something he had no control over. It's forced drama.
Sure anon, she was just obsessed with a guy she knew for a week for 14 years straight. Definitely not programed despite being a mass produced clone groomed for Gendo's impacts. No siree.
As we’ve seen Kaji say in the manga, he could have tried saving her. After all, he was able to do it for Rei later in the same film. But instead he retreated and let other people take the blame. It may be unfair but as presented by the films theme Shinji failed to properly take responsibility, which he then rectified by the end of 3.0+1.0.
>he could have tried saving her
>he was able to do it for Rei later in the same film
He wasn't. He started Third Impact because he merged with her, which is why everyone hated and blamed him for two movies afterwards.
The fact is he didn’t try. Part of it also the fact that it’s been so long since anyone has seen shinji, that they’ve forgotten the person and only relate to the effects of his actions. So if they’ve been struggling for over a decade to survive in a hell world, that there was once a kind matured boy gets put on everyone’s back burner. Even Misato who has degenerated into a Captain Ahab type softens pretty quickly once Shinji is back, and finally apologizes to him. That’s part of why Asuka is tormented. She hates what has happened for her and blames him, but part of her remembers his caring side too. The whole thing is about being stuck in the middle of two states. If they could 100% hate him it would be easier.
>The fact is he didn’t try
He was given two options: kill or be killed. He took the latter option. Asuka is mad that he didn't make a decision there, but he did.
>He started Third Impact
This is another thing Anno backpedaled on that shit and said Shinji did nothing wrong. Since Gendo was the one who caused the world to get fucked, Shinji doesn't have to take responsibility shit

>Captain Ahab
You don't even know what the fuck you're talking about
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>gets rejected by his own wife in favor of his son
>gets pushed aside by rei II as she goes to worry about shinji
>gets rejected by rei III because of the phantom touches of shinji's hand
Gendobros... no....
I know that’s what you’re saying but Shinji himself states that he let someone else do it. He didn’t have the strength to pull her out or put her down himself and she’s had to live with the consequences of that for years. If you still don’t accept that, then that’s just between you and Anno, since that’s how he presents it.
I know that's how he's presents it, that's why I'm calling it forced drama. It's not well written.
The fact that I know what it is shouldn’t suggest that I think it’s all that great either. But I mean, you asked.
I didn't ask anything, as I said at the start of this conversation: >>270728825
>He's essentially being blamed by Asuka and the plot for something he had no control over. It's forced drama.
Regardless of how it's presented by Anno, the facts do not align. It's forced drama and Asuka is a weak character as a result. Her entire arc is reliant on what is essentially idiot plot. That's why even Mari is superior to her in writing.
>said Shinji did nothing wrong
Uh no, Shinji is still blamed for causing Near Third Impact.
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>If you still don’t accept that
>The fact that I know
Anytime some says some thing this retarded , I'm reminded of what Anno said Eva was
Take your mouth off of Shinji's 1 cm penis for a second there bro
It kind of just sounds like you don’t like the movie, which is fair. I’m just saying there IS a theory to how Asuka is written and it ties into the idea of moving past loss, which in her case means a loss of a normal life that she’s attributing to Shinji’s inaction, which is being further heightened by seeing him roll around on the floor puking on himself.
>which in her case means a loss of a normal life that she’s attributing to Shinji’s inaction
Which is again also wrong. As we see in the movie, Asuka is a manufactured clone. She was never human and never able to age, Shinji's inaction had nothing to do with her Curse of Eva. This is just another example of her character being a hot convoluted mess.
>ask for a simple quote
>yume seethes about Shinji
I don't get it?
Either Asuka is a clone programmed to like Shinji or she is such a poorly written character that you have to suspend all belief to think it makes sense for her to be obsessed with a guy she knew for one week for 14 years straight. Take your pick.
Her being a clone and her being infected by an angel are treated as distinct conditions. The clone thing tied in more with her sense of identity, which is admittedly rushed, since all it took was some mild encouragement from a guy dressed as a doll to resolve it. In both cases, Asuka returns to the world a fully grown adult, without the plugsuit, showing she is both free of curse and a normal woman now.
But you just tried to claim that her chance at a normal life was taken by Shinji. That's just not true. Mari and Rei also have the Curse of Eva and can't age and Shinji didn't do anything to them. Her being infected by an angel turned out to be the irrelevant condition. Being unable to sleep, eat, and have sex were all because of the Curse of Eva and her being a clone. Nothing to do with Shinji.
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>conversation about Asuka
>retard seethes about Shinji
based schizo
So are you a homo or what? Stop dickriding Shinji you faggot.
Since you're so upset about Asuka/Kensuke and Kaworu/Rei, why don't you just pretend you're dating Shinji in the end since you're such a homo for him?
She’s obviously projecting. Seeing him brings these negative feelings up in her. She’s not necessarily known for being reasonable. Even the Shinji hungry Misato was onboard the hate train for a time. And anyway, she goes back to the shed because she was never treated as an asset or an object there (as opposed to the Wunder where she’s in a giant bomb room).
I feel like you're moving goalposts here and not really addressing my points.
My argument from the start was that the more you think about Asuka's Rebuild character, the less it makes sense. Behind the scenes production more or less proves me right that they didn't know what to do with Asuka since 2.0.
Her anger at Shinji flip flops from being about him causing Third Impact in 3.0, to suddenly being about Bardiel in 4.0 so you can't even claim the projection is consistent.
>as opposed to the Wunder where she’s in a giant bomb room
Mari is also in the giant bomb room. She has the same DSS Choker on and is also infected with the Curse of Eva. The angel infection is completely irrelevant.
I never once claimed to like it. I’m merely pointing out what the intent was. The theme of the movie by Anno’s own words is moving on from loss. Like, the guy said it. Bearing that in mind, Shikinami’s arc is about moving on from the past (which she is piling onto Shinji, fair or not) and finding her own place that isn’t tied to Eva.
And Mari simply isn’t developed enough to really take seriously in the first place.
>I never once claimed to like it. I’m merely pointing out what the intent was.
As I said several times before, I'm more than aware of what the intent is. I'm telling you when you actually break it down and think about it, it doesn't make sense.
>Mari simply isn’t developed enough to really take seriously in the first place
Except Mari's one role which was to "destroy Eva" is more developed and integrated into the story than anything involving Shikinami. It's Asuka who ends up being the character we can't take seriously, we could completely remove her from the movies and nothing would change.
>Except Mari's one role which was to "destroy Eva”
I’d argue she doesn’t successfully do that. Given how Eva is still marketed, engaged with, and understood by the public, it’s hard to say if the ending to rebuild had any effect at all.
Shikinami at least related to a central theme of the film. Whether you think that was done well obviously has to do with your point of view (it obviously fell short, but an attempt was at least made).
>I’d argue she doesn’t successfully do that
I'd argue otherwise. Out of anything regarding the final movie, I hear people talking the most about Mari. Whether it's that they think she's a stand-in for Anno's wife or that she sucks, all talk revolves around her. I never hear anything about Shikinami and many forget what she even did in the final movie besides get with Kensuke, which is a testament to how irrelevant she was to the movie's plot, themes, and of Rebuild overall. Even a nothing character like Mari ended up being more memorable than Asuka.
I’m not sure what kind of forums you’re on but that’s not been what I’ve seeing (least of all here). More often than not it seems like 90% of Eva discourse is centered around Asuka; good and bad. Whether she was well handled or made a mockery of. When it comes to Mari the character itself is so blank it seems any time she’s being discussed it’s in a strictly meta sense, which is fairly limiting.
Any normalfag spaces talking about Rebuild are wholly centered on Mari. I can't think of a single thing Asuka does in Rebuild that people talk about at length.
I mean hell, the Asuka vs MP Eva fight scene is incredibly iconic and still referred to today. Her fight scene in 4.0 where she uses her angel powers and makes her Eva a giant rainbow? I haven't seen a single peep about that, and I don't think even the biggest Asukafags remember she did that. That's what I mean by saying she was unmemorable.
Well now see that might be your problem. The fuck are you talking to those people for? Even in those kinds of circles, when they’re taking about Mari they’re saying “AT LAST SHINJI GOT A GIRL WITH BOOBS AND TITTIES!” I mean, why give credence to anything like that?
I agree about the action though. Any action scene in 3.0 onward is like a a waste of cells. The EOE battle remains a centerpiece.
Anon, you JUST tried to argue in this past post: >>270730488
that based on the public's perception of Eva that rebuild had no effect. I'm telling you as someone who has been in normalfag spaces that isn't the case. You can't just turn around and say they don't have any credence when normalfags are the majority of Eva's audience whether you like it or not.
Mari herself has sold more merchandise and advertising during Rebuild's run than Shinji has in 20 years. These are the types of people Anno has more chance of seeing.
The normal person would eat dog shit if you put it in a McDonald’s wrapper. If destroying Eva just means adding another piece of coom-bait, then anyone could have done it. And it wouldn’t have taken them 15 years either. I’m talking about US!
>another piece of coom-bait
Well, Mari wasn't the coom-bait. Asuka was.
Lacking any real character, Mari can ONLY act as coom-bait. As I’ve said already, Asuka at least pertains to a common theme.
Well, Mari wasn't the one walking around naked with several minutes dedicated to a shot on her ass as she slept. Instead, we got Mari encouraging Shinji to do something in 2.0 (which led to him saving Rei), and her saving him again in 4.0 from the Negative Space.
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>Asuka at least pertains to a common theme
The theme of bonding? Asuka was the only one left out of that though.
The theme is moving on. Asuka was stuck in a pattern of doubt and misery. By facing Shinji in the end and telling him how she feels, she moves on from all that. It would be a bit counterintuitive to go through that and say “oh wait never mind, take me with you.” The past is the past. Her future is elsewhere.
I think the nakedness is to show her being weird about her body image. Not that I agree with that directorial decision either.
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>The theme is moving on
Nope. The theme is dealing with loss. And bonding (as shown via handholding). Asuka is absent from both of those themes.

But it makes no sense. Mari and Rei are suffering under the Curse of Eva just as she is. So is Shinji. Yet we don't see them walking around naked and hiding from other humans. There's no reasoning behind her being so sheltered while Rei is going out there and making friends.
>The theme is dealing with loss
And how do we do that? The bonds we see at the end are part of their farewells. He leaves them all at the station, including Rei and Kaworu. It’s an acknowledgement of their shared past. He doesn’t touch hands with Asuka because she has made a bond and has somewhere else to be without him. Their interactions were part of a mourning process that they had to finally put away at last.
And to be fair, Provisional Rei had only the one plugsuit to wear while in the village.
He has no bond with Asuka to deal with loss from though. This is also why the SDAT is passed between everyone of those characters except Asuka as well. She's completely excluded from these main visual metaphors, she may as well not be there.
Honestly between the "Asuka was programmed" bait and the "Bonds" shit with th shitpost image you can tell he's a shitposter. Also, yeah the the theme of the movie is getting over loss. The Bonds shit is just the schizos headcanon trying to go over what Anno, actually said what the theme was when he was asked.
Evangelion is about Rei Ayanami and why she's just sooooooooooo cute
She exists as a parallel to Shinji in this instance. Their actual parting in the narrative was in 2.0, when the Bardiel incident happened. From that point on they were done; too much transpired within 14 years for anything to work out. It was Shinji's failure to protect her combined with her reaction to seeing him again (Shinji was very happy to see Asuka again before she punched the glass) that basically made it impossible for it to work after that. All that was left for Asuka to come clean (unprompted, mind you) and tell him her feelings. And then they needed to move on. Asuka was already halfway there with Kensuke. All she needed was to release the baggage and outgrow her attachment to Eva, symbolized by her breaking through her plugsuit and returning as an adult.
It’s easy when you’re right.
>You acted sumg about the "Asuka was programmed" shit
That wasn’t me. I disagree with that.
>Now you're acting sumg about "Bonds" being a fucking them when Anno said it was just "getting over loss".
That’s the other guy. I expect him to reply shortly.
Kaworu and Adam might have been separated, but Rei and Lilith are so intertwined in the Rebuilds that Yui seems to also have become a Lilith avatar, lol.
Yes, every part of those movies are definitely him doing whatever he wanted. 3.0 proved that.

You not liking it is irrelevant. Actually, it might be even more relevant, lol.
They deserved better
Ignored by 4chan too
Tanks Oppie
you guys are braindead
by who? he's the embodiment of Adam and he's the only one who make Shinji felft safe for the first time

yeah maybe Toji could replace him right you fucking tards?
Rebuilds filtered people so hard it's unreal, specially retards here
>by who?
you're the only person on this website to freely shill for a garbage hollywood reboot this hard
Finally someone who understands the series
Mari just some off as some of the "redeemimg" qualities of the character siphoned off into a walking titty clown.
You talk like a woman.
>character inspired by harem and shounen manga
Was this ever doubted?
No, he’s saying Mari should be designed to resemble a harem. Eva didn’t become haremshit until rebuild.
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Stage 90 - Memories of Summer
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>my step parents were le mean to me :(
God Shinji is such a shitty character
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Is Rei trained in firearm use? She seems to have trigger discipline.
I didn't realize this was foreshadowed
Kid Shinji had some spunk.
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Tryhard incel, I’d punch him in the face
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This is the most we have seen of Shinji's life before the show started. Typical self isolating kid, he really needed Koji and Kensuke on his life.
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End (+End of Volume 13!)
Next one will be the last
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Some unused art
Thanks OP.
It's weird to think how long it took for this to come out.
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Cool callback to page 1
Different continuity. Here he grows up with his cousin and aunt and uncle. In the show it's just some teacher. Different upbringing.
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I think its lame that the manga doesn't do the sandbox or train scenes. This is why EoE is superior.
The manga is a fanfic.
It was wise of Sadamoto to realize those scenes didn't work as well from film to manga and to not try to butcher them.
He's just having shinji have a thought about what he wants, instead of the tearing down of the psyche that Anno does on shinji before total 3I
Completely different plot points
Still more interesting than kaworu
In the show he was a friendless loser before coming to Tokyo too
I feel like being a half orphan, being abandoned and being disliked by the family that took you in and be isolated by them is enough to make someone not very friendly and happy.
What do you expect to happen to him? This isn't dragon ball
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He was given the same generic tragic backstory that every Naruto villain has to cover up the lack of a personality or any interesting character traits.
My wife is so cool
Sure but he was a friendless loser with a family.
He only had his teacher in the show, he said he spent his days doing nothing but he was fine living like that
Yeah I was referring to the manga. In the manga he was a troubled young man like his dad.
what a cunt
rare Gendo showing emotions moment
in general all Third Impact scenes are way too cinematic for the manga

I wish Sadamoto would include Shinji-Asuka conversation before Shinji loses it btw
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Yeah. Why the fuck did Yui marry Gendo?
What does it says? I can't read moon.
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If Kaworu and Rei are siblings, doesn’t that mean it’s technically incest for them to get together?
Yes and that's why they're the best straight kaworu ship
>the manga is a fanfic
No it isn't, Evangelion fanfics tend to actually be enjoyable and well-written unlike official Evangelion media (which the manga is).
Every single ship that the Evangelion fandom perceives is always laughable implausible or fucked up in some way.
>Misato x Shinji
Pedophilia, cheating, used goods.
>Shinji x Rei
Incest, interspecies.
>Shinji x Asuka
Abusive, mentally unstable.
>Shinji x Kaworu
Sodomy, interspecies.
>Shinji x Ritsuko
Pedophilia, mentally unstable, used goods.
>Shinji x Mari
Pedophillia, incapacitation, babysitting, perverted.
>all of the Girl x Girl pairings
Nuff said.
>all of the Guy x Guy pairings
Nuff said.
>all of the side characters
Irrelevant, incelish and out of character.

The only normal pairing in the entire series that isn't either out of character or fucked up in some way is Toji and Hikari.
I've always assumed that both her and Asuka had the same level of training even if Asuka is more gung-ho about it.
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>best straight kaworu ship
No, Kaworu x Asuka is peak.
God, I wish I could regain the memories I had forgotten after the last 5 years.
Well at some point his teacher made him learn the cello, but nothing else besides that.
Kensuke x Asuka isn’t fucked up
That ship makes absolutely zero sense, at least Rei and Kaworu have things they share. In this case it’s nothing, just two attractive individuals that barely interact
Who is Hat Chick?
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>two attractive individuals that barely interact
They had sex in EoE which is more than most ships get
I didn’t know we include headcanons, then ye
In NGE/Manga it is, considering that he talks shit behind her back and sells creepshots of her
The MP Evas vored Unit 02, it’s a metaphor for Kaworu eating Asuka out (sex)
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That ship didn't even exist until the reboot, and even then that takes place with a completely different character which happens to share the same name. It makes no sense in the context of the source material, these two never interact with each other and one already loathes the other for being a typical otaku pervert. Neither does it make sense to pair the original Asuka with anyone as she is either not interested by default or is mentally unfit for the task.

Rei likewise being paired with anyone is completely out of character for reasons that should be similar to Tabris, she is a most probably sterile clone spliced with ayy DNA the only purpose of which is to be an expendable meatbag and a vessel for 3I. Shipping her with anyone is not only irrelevant to the plot, but OOC by default.

The sole purpose of Tabris is to be a test of character, and to die. He is likewise a likely sterile ayy that knows nothing either.

This fandom is the ultimate proof that shipping is a mental disease propagated by filthy secondaries, imbeciles, and non-fans that must be rooted out. The blame is also to be laid at the feet of the director for being a greedy capitalist cuntsucker to enable this brainrot. This also perfectly encapsulates the problem with weebshitters in popular culture. Shippers are inherently disconnected and out of touch with reality on a fundamental level with the media they interact with. This sort of delusion should be studied academically by psychologists.
If anything that would be a metaphor for violent, gruesome violation
Mari, who is also Asuka's step-sister.
The sole purpose of Kaworu is to be best boy and woo Asuka/Rei.
thought she could fix him + 11'' dong
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No chemistry, no official artwork, no scenes
Sorry but it's a real stinker
Don't waste your effort on rebuildfags, they're all have brainrot. Let them have their soulless cash grab photocopy characters.
Rei is a slut, Kaworu wants a trad wife like Asuka
Kaworu would probably be fine with polygamy
>>Shinji x Ritsuko
i wish we saw more of this
Well he is Adam, and Adam did want to smash both Lilith and Eve so you may be right
This stupid bitch is getting lemon juice all over his nice Gucci pants
>No chemistry
Just like Kaworei.
Would Eva or Shinji be any different if Ritz had to take Shinji in instead of Misato?
The bitch would have psychologically scar him before Leliel and Toji's angel fight could do anything.
Thank you for posting.
Rare pen pen art
he'd probably never come out of his shell the same way, she's too withdrawn herself (not to mention busy) to give the over the top hard sell like misato did. he'd mostly just take care of her cat.
Her grandmother was taking care of the cat. She's lonelier than Misato, she'd cry just having someone there when she gets home.
yeah but i think she'd be too bottled up to express that in a way that would cut through shinji's shield of self-doubt, especially since her role in his life would also be directly mixed up with piloting and sync rates and all that.
did you know anno came up with at fields after seeing a group of kids avoid a disabled kid while playing in a park
Ayanami Rei
Full year summer must have been hell on the reproductive cycle of the cicadas
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Shinji is so based
Thanks OP
>Next one will be the last
Fuck me, I've still not organized my Eva folder
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I also rejected hanging out with classmates as a kid, i deeply regret it
blender array modifier
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Imagine the sex
Desuwa I wish I spent less time with friends in school and more time on the computer
Army of Rei
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>11'' dong
>he doesn't know
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She's unstoppable
maya cute
good masturbation material
>Do you fuckers not pay attention?
Do you really have to ask?
she had cute feet
I think it's natural for people to pair characters and want them to be happy. Must be some sort of evolutionary thing
Your wrote Shinji wrong, as Kaworu is supposed to be Ikuhara's avatar just as Shinji is supposed to be Anno's avatar
And Anno was obsessed with Ikuhara
So fucking uncanny to see her face making these expressions
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As we approach the end I was reminded of this old gif. Behold ancient memes from a time before Instrumentality.
I wonder what Misato would be thinking if she could witness this.
That takes me back.
>still haven't watched the rebuilds
Feels good
Thanks OP
Keep up the good work.
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No matter how many times I rewatch EOE, Asuka's death never gets any easier. It's just so grizzly. Especially the scene of her trying to move the Eva with blood pouring from her face, just an awful way to die
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It was a warrior’s death.
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EOE is such a work of art, everything about it is just wonderful
script is kinda weak overall, despite having a few really tremendous scenes
Held aloft by the cross-wings, ESL-kun
This is me when the schizos and waifufags come out.
This isn't about Asuka. This is about Shinji.
Does getting subsumed by an Ultraman robot count as joining the 27 Club?
Ritsuko would definitely fuck him in the third act as revenge.
39 OP
>That ship didn't even exist until the reboot
There were a few sickos who did Kensuke x Asuka off the manga this is storytiming. Your newfag is showing.
Tanks oppie
imo the manga is too "happy" for Eva standards, but its at least not as corny as the Rebuilds
>too "happy" for Eva standards
that's why it's good
What are you on about?
Oi! Have you got a loicense for that post!?
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It's just that Asuka death and her fight against the Eva series it's amazing. I love how unhinged is she in that fight. Like >>270768132 said, it's a warrior death but with no pretty things like your average shonen important character death were they go with a smile and all of that.
>script is kinda weak overall
Since when do we have /dbs/ posters here?
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They have posted the link there for these threads to be raided before
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Stage 91 - Where Light Returns
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Did you rike it?
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Some unused art
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It all returns to nothing
And it all comes
Well this scene is going to cause some shitposts
asushin bros...
This is what he kept asuka alive for?
If this happened in eoe it would be shinji and she'd say "I knew it, you always liked me didn't you?"
poor Aoba
Thanks OP. I just love Third Impact scenes, they are so damn good it's unreal.

How do I convert into fanta?
Maybe we'll see destructive brain scans in our time. Maybe.
She looks confused in the first panel. I think she knows this is some kind of 3I illusury nonsense. Everyone else is either excited or freaking out. She's just confused and then resigned.
He kept her alive for the very very end. If you die in real life you don't get to come back in the new world. If you get liquefied you do.
Thanks OP
KajixAsuka chads win again
Does this imply Aoba was a Reifag or that he simply was a sigma male who didn't have emotional crutches and Lilith had nothing to latch on so he only saw reality for itself.
The latter.
The former
Why so few posts today? did all of them converted to fanta?
I thought the final Gendo scene was before this. Ah well.
Is this what Reis vagina looks like or is it just a generic vagina?
the former
The Latter. Rei's are converting everyone else as evidenced by the hallway shot. Aoba is too much of a sigma for silly attachments.
lot of expository (unnecessarily) technobabble placed in such a way that it breaks up the flow as 3i is starting. general flow and escalation of the action is disjointed is the main thing, we have the close-in firefights by the magi, the n2 drop, but then it cuts away to misato doing an exposition monologue, then an sdf exposition monologue, and by the time we get back to the bridge crew like 20 minutes later they're just fine. (i guess they won?) the escalation of action is interrupted so the escalation of tension isn't built as effectively as it could be. the same thing happens with asuka's fight, they cut away like a wrestling match with a commercial break to have misato dump some overly direct dialogue in a poignant slow scene, so the build and heat from all of her fighting from before is dissipated. these aren't things that kill the movie but you can really tell its a team more used to working in a 20 min episodic format struggling to organize all their ideas naturally in a longer runtime.

that said, at the actual make-or-break points where the script NEEDS to delivery, really just the kitchen and ending scenes, it does.
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A lot of you don't understand this scene at all and it shows
The people that characters see during third impact are those the character in question would lower their AT field for
If it had been anyone other than Kaji, even Shinji, it would not have made any sense because Asuka would not make herself immediately vulnerable to anyone other than him
A lot of people have said that they only come here to read and don't throw much into the conversation aside from commenting on a few big things (partly because of schizos)
So my guess is when a thread can't fit any more chapters in it like this one, the people that just come here to read and will do the occasional bump for the next chapter to be uploaded aren't doing it these times. Has happened before
Then again maybe it's just the last Saturday of the summer and people are enjoying their weekend
Lmao no, Asuka calls Shinji out in the kitchen scene because his claims of affection are not genuine and all just desperation. She would never allow herself to be someone’s validation doll.
Considering that both Shinji and Asuka had been gooped at that point I don't think they even had the capability to lie to each other, seeing as the whole point of instrumentality was to join hearts together and their entire dialog in the train is all them spilling what they honestly believe to be true at each other with no beating around the bush
I think both of their claims were true as they do not contradict each other, Shinji can earnestly care about Asuka while also selfishly seeking comfort for himself
almost all of eva's interpersonal dynamics are written like that. like in the tv ending it asks her, and the viewer, if misato was actually in love with kaji or if she was trying to get back at her dad? the show implies the answer is yes.
You can definitely lie in instrumentality, we see it numerous times in episode 25/26 and eoe.
Asuka hit the nail on the head with everything she said about Shinji in the kitchen scene, that’s why he responds in anger and chokes her. The scene exists to shine a light on this selfish dark side of Shinji, the side that only runs to people who are kind to him, the side that will lie and claim loyalty to someone only because all his other options are dead and mia. And Asuka sees through it all.
>the character in question would lower their AT field for
It’s also the character who they romantically love, so yes Asuka seeing Kaji here makes sense as he’s the only character she loves.
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A lot of people end up missing a lot about shows like eva because they do not expect anime characters to have naunced, complex feelings that can't be summed up easily and can even be contradicting or illogical at times
There's also a lot of bad faith shitposters purposefully misinterpreting things for bait purposes because shipping shit is low hanging fruit
Unfortunately with Eva a lot of people project hard onto the main protagonist and refuse to accept he has done shitty things and see criticism against him as an attack on their selves. It makes discussion of EoE near impossible because the MC is not a very good person there, which is literally the point of the movie.
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I feel like a decade straight of "hurf durf sheengi is fegit y he no get in robut?" discourse has made people swing in the complete opposite direction
Shinji DOES shitty things, but he also does good things
Take EoE for example, there's little argument that most of what he does in the movie is bad but in the end he decides to give humanity another chance at life despite knowing that he will be hurt as a result, and considering that the entire central theme of his character has been to bolt at the slightest chance of discomfort or pain it showcases the smallest smidge of growth on his end (something he almost immediately ruins, because despite all this he's still flawed and his personal growth is frail)
Reducing his entire character to either side of the morality spectrum is ignorant at best and disingenuous at worst
It’s also people who have died already, and Shinji is still alive.
Yes, people who hate Shinji because he’s not a chad and people who love Shinji because they’re self-pitying incels who refuse to take accountability in their lives are both equally retarded.

Yui is still alive and Fuyutsuki saw her, so that doesn’t seem to be related at all.
>Yui is still alive
Eh, only technically.
Rei is a good girl.
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>I think it's natural for people to pair characters and want them to be happy.
Mental illness. You have people literally pairing killers with their victims.
The black moon looks like a black hole.
Ah yes, the infamous forehead vagina scene is still there.
Real shit, this is what a man without hope and faith in humanity looks like. Your average zoomer right here.
Not Misato has pokies.
Shigeru being a real one.
So the dead still carry their souls?
Tikkun-Olam is upon us.
So was Rei always capable of this if she touched Lillith?
No Adam's DNA was also needed
Lillith boob
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He's so fucking real
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It's an answer to the question "what about the people who don't have a special someone?". Aoba is the only character who doesn't have a shown romantic attachment, so while everyone else sees their oneitis, Aoba shows us that Instrumentality is not a choice. You WILL be Tanged, like it or not
She gay
Yes, definitely.
you guys will make up anything to cope with reality huh?
asuka smiling at shinji? she wants his dick. she's obsessed with him.
asuka sees kaji during instrumentality? Okay here's what sadamoto REALLY meant by this-
They’re delusional shippers. A complete lost cause.

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