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Rinrin cannot sanction Airi's buffoonery.
Post your rare Nons!
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maxing my tension by doomposting
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Oneechans fear the Non!
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Victoria's fat ass.
source pls
>watched Maebashi Witches trailer
>heard Sugita
>thought Joji
Help, Pretty is everywhere.
Looks like it will be shit btw, as in, Demkatsu is better despite vtuber debuff.
stupid sexy hippo
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The judge that gave ainon 240 years.
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dont touch the non
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If I knew I'd have put them in my images' filenames.
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So much good Non! c(N)on(!)tent!
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ainon will save zucchan
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>oh yeah i remember this guy lets see what hes doing nowada-
drth will come next to you
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theres still a ton of Non! pictures coming in...
Sasuga Non
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himari is a non
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wtf i suddenly love puri for some reason
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That's a lot of Nons.
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here's a miiiii to spice up the nonstop flow of nons today
long hair mii
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Something's a little unusual about this Non!.
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It's kind of crazy how the text of media controls your perception. Objectively, Reona looks practically identical to Dorothy unless his chest or massive cock bulge is visible, but when I look at him I only see a guy. And Non is roughly the same size and shape as Aira's sisters, but she is a midget 10- and then 11-year-old while they're like 6 and that's what I see when I look at her.
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>koreans are zuccposting again
Zuccposting is the universal pripara language.
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Interesting. They're saying that drth had a solo debut lined up as part of a big project after she left iris, but the project got canceled. Looks like it's ripped from some blog post she made years ago, but they didn't post a source.
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>Objectively, Reona looks practically identical to Dorothy unless his chest or massive cock bulge is visible, but when I look at him I only see a guy.
It's also the attitude of a character.
Like, you can also look at Hibiki and easily deduce from her actions that she ain't no dude.
Very pretty Non!.
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super agree, that was one of my favorites so far today too!
>They're saying that drth had a solo debut lined up as part of a big project after she left iris,
>"Yeah I'm pursuing a solo career" zuuchan said while chugging down some beer
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im not sure that sounds too right since she was already doing DJ gigs at the end of her iris stint, but if it comes from her own blog then hey i guess its true
Doroth is Reona's Non
Reona is the younger sibling.
Don't you know your PriPara lore at all, you piece of shit?
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ainon fell into a state of Non! induced confusion
very understandable and relatable
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naru found the light at the end of the tunnel.
It's just their club activities.
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She's actually been doing DJ gigs on the side since 2016. Her and Saki were both doing these jobs as solo acts outside of iris.
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yeah i really just remember her popping into mogra a few times from that time period. frankly, i didnt pay any attention to her back then, so im mostly just going off of vague recollections
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Someone is missing.
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time for yumesleep
tomorrow will have less Non! sadly
thank you for finding so many pictures...
>Love and Deepspace is a 3D Dating Sim
can't blame her
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airi is so perfect
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Finally got around to watching the latest episode.
Finally, we have one of these so we don't have to resort to using >>270727444 all the time.
Feels ripe for a psycho Mii edit.
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komachi is gone now, episode end.
I am so editing a melonpan into this later...
It was at this moment I realized they were going with the "she's in love with the other character" trope to make some sort of funny "EEEEH?!" joke at the end of the episode with Himari.
Can the Japanese actually put water droplets in their eye like this and be completely stoic about it?
One day with Himari, and Komachi already lost 10% of her intelligence.
>yuri episode
>equating koi to maho
Yeah, this can't be misconstrued for nefarious purposes...
Oh hey, it's that "runner drops the baton, sits down for a long time, then picks it back up and somehow wins the race" trope.
Oh hey, it's that "character is so autistic that reality itself fades to white as she moves past a mental barrier" trope.

Not gonna lie though, it was really well done in this scene.
Reminds me of that one Tomoyo screencap of CCS. Not-oniichan will never love Komachi the way Komachi loves her back.
This picture can be abused soooo much it's not even funny. I wonder how in-depth they'll go with it in the next episode.
The way Himari and Mitsuki are animated here is really weird.
Zu will bring world peace with her sadposting
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>smile in the thumbnail
>frown in the full pic
how mysterious~
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How relatable
Pretty sure Non is 9 at the start of season 1
Yeah, but Reona acts like a stereotypical cutesy girl, not a guy.
Yes, and so can most people.
Not the way Airi did it. She put the eye drops in like that for comedic effect. Everyone who has used eye drops before knows to either put it on the side of your eye or create a pocket with your lower eye lid.
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What is this?
You won't know until you try!
why is mii like this...
Transformation fetish.
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wake up and smell the idles
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super kawaii
For me, it's the puri purin maid.
i'm going to burn another puri
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Still waiting for "Chii but baka fairy"
Stop that ~puri
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love this man
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>Reona acts like a stereotypical cutesy girl
No, not really. Unless by "acts like" you mean literally "acts".
How has nobody made it yet...
Am I just retarded for imagining her as ice fairy?
>Am I just retarded
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Jin is so good at fostering the idle's talent.
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hiro the eldritch horror.
the earth was yellow
Will there be an episode of AiPri tomorrow? Information about the next episode has not yet reached animatetimes.
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my king in yellow
himari was arrested for killing a sidle
no more aipri
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animate just didn't post them
Chii is so cool
I wish jobbers were real
chii has gone the school slasher route after being called a jobber one too many times
cute bear
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chii will cut down trash
the garbage known as ainon
sayonara /ai/
Tamaki's coup against Victoria has succeeded.
The new regime shall purge all that is not cute from school.
bear bear bear LOVE
Meanwhile, Yuko shows Himari a HimaMitsu doujin she found online.
Himari didn't understand much, but she thought the characters look cute.
what's airi describing here?
1 + 1 = 2
Educational idle.
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Yuko is the type who, after school, spends hours schlicking in her locked room. She probably uses "bathroom" or "not feeling too well" as excuses to go hit it off. Hell, I bet she even has done it during class.
what she saw after she asked daddy for money
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love Non! so much
How is this show doing?
Chii is loved
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People will stop caring about Chii after she gets the buzzlume change.
rude and untrue
>Chii about to commit harakiri
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Shion love is alive and well.
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Aira if she Sumire
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>posts you can hear
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sion love is alive and well
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Too many Nons and you’ll end up with 240 years.
AiPri Staff (Ep. 22 and 23)
>22 Script: Natsu Yoshioka | Storyboard: Makoto Satou
>23 Script: Natsu Yoshioka | Storyboard: Minoru Oohara
I just discovered that it's spelled Natsuki Yoshioka and not Nanto Teranishi. (吉岡南都)
>Chii gets the sword
Final Boss confirmed
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sleepy sheepies
the two cutest aipris
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mathmatic idles
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love rinrin but the jury is still out on obake but she is really really kawaii so thats a huge plus
stylish mii
Good evening, I'm Brazilian and I can't access Twitter. I would like to know who from Pretty Series statf uses Instagram.
Use nitter.
Ohba-P and most of the idles are active there.
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ainon was arrested after they found the non folder
Nitter is discontinued, use on of the alternatives on this link:
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finally arriving towards the end of the bday wave
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tensionmaxxing to doroth
Works on my machine.
Then relaxing into Reona
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Aira's so ~gyafun you guys.
>jesus christ that's horrifying
>hye in hated this
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victoria gives tamaki 3/5 hearts. what an odd social media scoring system.
Maria's Kawaii Committee would have scored higher.
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the cutest in the world
the fattest in the world
my queen's castle
Since when Alsanna is a queen?
>Chii and Non watched KinPri together 2 days in a row
I'm not surprisied, Minyami was a fan since KoPbPR, I remember her talking about it on Five Stars.
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Touch the Non
Arrested ~labu
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reverse mitsuki hates mermaids.
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What are these? Alternatives to Twitter X?
yes, so you can visit people in xitter without actually going to the site
If you want to visit any particular account, type xcancel.com/ and then the handle of the account afterwards
If you're the one in Brazil though take care. I'd advise to visit it in a VPN because the judicial decision left it very ambiguous as to what is a technological subterfuge.
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>will never see Pafés in Verse because of (Zu)
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Didn't expect her to be a jazz fan
What were the writers smoking when they wrote the first half of episode 21?
This is why birth rates are declining, Japan.
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The secrets in Verse are fun, but I didn't see many people actually capturing what was said aside from that compilation image I posted. They didn't finish Yui because they're missing one of the entries.
But at least I saved Sophie saying she wants to be a fisherman in the future.
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They seem to be hard to get, I saw that they're still looking for the one that says Falulu's favorite pizza topping.
Tell us when they find it, I need to know this.
It's strychnine. Lala told me so.
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sara is so green and cool and kawaii
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A special episode of Miichannel from the AiPri fashion show.
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well they finished yui's at least
Being delusional is not a skill, Yui...
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>will never see Pafés in Verse because of (Zu)
It's time for EverGold to shine now!
~da mya
I must know Shuuka's favorite pizza topping.
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Clock juice.
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dont eat the mascots!
I regret not watching Primagi for those two homos
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Tamaki shows Sakura her muscle guy collection.
Fapping to my own MahiYozo futa fanfic while watching Geats opening
Also Keiwa getting accused by everyone
the big burg
It seems that Chii knows how to get Himari's attention with the help of hamburgers.
It might be said that Chii is someone that knows her friends very well.
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>forcibly taking her friends to watch Kinpri
pop idles
a very common occurrence among idles
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Tamaki's new friend.
the chii
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definitely, new boonboom arc seems very exciting and chomping cuties had a fun first ep
I'm glad Alec is finally getting more recognition.
Everyone loves Alec for his abs, but ainon appreciates him for his personality.
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He's my Kinpri oshi solely because they gave him all the TRF bangers
true and real
Every ainon should get a Non for their birthday.
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Mitsuki's shorts are destroyed, her legs are transformed into a fish's tail, and eventually she is unable to stand properly and ends up sitting on the spot, her face pale.
Himari can only watch from beside her, terrified and unable to do anything about the situation her best friend has been put through.
the dorkpire smells like garlic
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culinary idles
would you eat a sheep's cooking?
i think she is very definitely the safest bet out of the three to be able to survive a homecooked meal from, so yeah i think i would
I'd eat sheep.
Though this one might be too old. I'd rather eat a lamb. Tastes good.
Damn, now I want some shish kebab.
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stream dokoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
i fucked up with my drink portion
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where is everybody ?!
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all dead or in jail
afterimages with mass!?
aipri isn't on yet dumbass
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my ancestors :)
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Tamaki never shared food with her…
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*muffled sad puri*
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What about it
naisu paa!
kosumo ~ sekiyuu
love the uma musume kfc ad
love chii
Tamaki is kawaii brained like Maria
tamaki you are creeping me out
it's obvious that chii is the cutest
these boys are getting poisoned
just upload the bear
airi's thoughts are impure
chi chi chi
airi and ririn are way too weird to think of something that normal people will find cute
Chii is so talented you guys.
chii's achievements are once again being stolen away from her
rinrin slime
it's time for sakuranon
raburii kuma-san
Rinrin and the Mii... what a cute pairing.
rinrin is so cute you guys
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the new cute is more accessible for everyone
I support it
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tamaki must save a life
>spamming the aiprigram with gachi
sakura must become the non
seitokai... get on the coord
or rinrin will have to do it
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kawaii educational idles
die in a fire
I really like the music when it goes nail
thanks for teaching me about triangles aismairin
i didn't make the stream
AISMIRIN confirmed mecha kawaii
AAAAAHHH these two
himari never misses
>mfw this episode
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If himari truly believes, she can become the world's fattest idol.
yes meganee you are truly the ichiban kawaii
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Next Week
>Grand Prix Coordination Secret
>Who decides the coordination cards you can get at the AiPri Grand Prix? Meganee-san says that this is the work of the "coordination deciding committee"...
>Yuko made more coords
What a helpful sidle.
I hope the committee is just a bunch of Meganee
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airi lives the dream.
Maria would have thought the teacher's muscles were cute.
I wonder where they got that image from
Sakura inherited the Shiopoyo gene.
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actual focus on them next episode?
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pritter hijacked by the pervert
But she made those coords.
depressive idols.
Will it be the Designers 10 or ~SYSTEM DESU?
mystery judges.
While you were busy dancing in AiPri, Chii studied the blade.
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>all >boy girl pairs
>himari sits next to mii
Chii should grow out her hair. Long purple hair goes well with katana.
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