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I'm expecting another helicopter kino.
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Akane won
Ruby won
My Oshi, Oshino Kana
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Akane fags reek of desperation
hoshino aquamarine...
Aqua and Kamiki should be reversed
Kamiki had to take a lot of dick to raise up in the industry.
...dropped the ball upon hearing those words leave Kana's mouth. Sarina was his oshi - his favorite idol, after all.
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>no sweat
yeah im thinking ai won
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Only leaked panel so far
To anyone wondering what "laundry" means, Koreans use the phrase "the author is doing the laundry" to refer to a character getting a forced redemption for no good reason. But since the washing machine is now "broken" the character won't get a redemption arc after all.
>Ai looks better
Of course she won. Ruby on that pic is pretty ugly.
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Legit or fake?
>no sweat
Ruby won actually.
It's Akane in the wig btw.
Reminder that Ichigo and Akane fucked each other brain's out before Nino arrived to the scene
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this one is most likely real
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Fake. This one is real though
Alleged "spoiler"

>K x A discussion.
>Kamiki's God bet.
>Ruby got a weird and suspicious flower from Aqua?anonymous fan?
>Aqua's phone ringing.Kamiki's smile.
>something happened to Ruby.


>confrontation with Kamiki is only the first half, Aqua did nothing but threaten him with the movie
>second half is a timeskip (a week passed since the graduation)
>movie is finally released to the public

Also what does "God bet" even mean?
the second one is fake
>still posting my bait
looks ai-made tbdesu
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nice try rat
chinks are saying kana won
chinks say kana lost
My Kana tulpa is saying Miyako won.
>liking Kana
Words cannot express how much I love wooby
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fat, ugly and morbidly obese otaku...
i hate this faggot so fucking much. either post something hype or don't post shit
The last manga I read where sibling Incest won was Mahou Shoujo Site. Ruby won't win.
incest isn't happening you delusional fucks
donut only has what his source feeds him.
...are in love with Akane...
i think even most rubyfags know that by now
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>it's afraid
You're scared
i'm not scared lol, but whatever helps you cope
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Reminder Nino is an antagonist.
>but whatever helps you cope
Likewise, you must be retarded to think the reincarnated main heroine is losing in a reincarnation romance manga.
Incest already happened. The twins already tongue kissed each other.
she won his platonic and brotherly love
That's the same thing you all said about the kiss scene. Seems like you got a poor track record, lmao
Everyone will win!
holy zased
Akane making some shota the luckiest boy on Earth.
me on the left
But didn't he say it's AI made? Or was that screenshot fake?
me on the right
He was talking about something else
>Kamiki reveals to Aqua that he knows about his previous life
>tells Aqua that Ruby's previous name was Sarina
>phone rings
>Kamiki dares Aqua to answer it
>Aqua shows a shocked expression
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for those who missed the last thread
Holy fuck, this would be so based. Too kino for Hacka though
that's Akane btw
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>platonic kiss
>platonic cuddling
kanafags will cope until the bitter end...
That was not fucking kino. The drama arcs in Kaguya were terrible.
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you lost, btw.
Chapter 151 cope is the new 97 cope lol.
You will be BTFO just the same.
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This is must be fake since Aka would have cliffhangered us with pic related.
Ruby is so tight
more like ch. 143 is the new ch. 97, we know aqua has had feelings for kana for years
Kana loses her arm protecting Ruby from the bomb.
Kana losing her life crying out all water from her body.
Aguwa and his friend are so lucky!
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Follow Aka's greentexts and you can figure out who will win.
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>Follow Aka's greentexts
Pic unrelated, I see.
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Chapter 150 still holds.
>akane escaped death 3 times already
Is she protected by gods?
the god of clowns
>she has Aka's protection
lol lmao.
Chapter 150 is subtle. 151 just seals the deal that kana will never be Aqua's oshi. Thus she lost.
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>the god of clowns
His photo btw.
post more facts and you're gonna trigger ojisanschizo
>.151 just seals the deal that kana will be Aqua's oshi.
in your copium-fried brain perhaps
Aqua's Oshi is Sarina (Ruby). Nothing will change that. Keep coping sisters.
>Aqua's Oshi is Sarina (Ruby).
Goro's Oshi is Ruby. Aqua's Oshi is Kana.
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Smartest Oshi no Ko reader ITT
lmao even
Goro is Aqua, Aqua is Goro. Crow loli put Goro's soul into a soulless body. A separate soul did not suddenly get created. And anyways, his Oshi is Sarina.
Akanefags aren't the ones who's headcanons ride on fake AI generated spoilers.
I want all of the AquKana shippers to give me at least ONE good reason for how Aqua and Kana's relationship brings any real amount of significance to the story, and if it makes any sense for them to end up together even if their relationship doesn't hold as much weight compared to AquRuby or even AquKane.
Enough with all of Chapter 97 or Chapter 150 BS that people keep bringing up. At the end of the day, the foundation and the outline of the story is what ultimately matters.
Think more about the narrative structure and the themes of Oshi no Ko and tell me if it makes any sense for Aqua and Kana to be the "endgame pair," even though the story never began with the two of them in the first place?
Countless otaku in Japan...
All 3 girls deserved Aqua. I'm going to feel very bad for losers.
Ai looks like an innocent dumb idol while Ruby looks like a huge slut after sucking 10 dicks. This has to be intentional.
aqua is a bum and deserves nothing
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>"I will surpass Ai"
>does literally the same shit but worse
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Follow the manga and you can see who's going to win.
Ruby, Akane and Kana's bum.
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>Ai looks like an innocent dumb idol
Looks can be deceiving.
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Kana doesnt deserve jack shit.
You really think a girl who wishes bodily harm on her "friend" deserves anything?
...'s friend, Ruby.
Fuck off, you retarded ilk. Kana already won and no amount of schizo arrow collages from Akaneschizo will change that
Aqua is too good for Kana. Akane is too good for Aqua.
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>innocent dumb idol
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>Kana already won
The Shima D.
Which member of B-Komachi would do JAV?
As someone who isnt a Kanafag, I keep asking myself the same question. The only thing that I can think of is that Kana is how Aqua fully divorces himself from the revenge. She's the normal person, like Chihiro from TWGOK. But the reason that cant work is because he will always love Ruby regardless of whether or not Ruby wins, and Ruby is connected to the revenge plot. Kana also cant fully claim Chihiro status because one of the reasons Chihiro won was because she liked the TRUE Keima, and not the facade he made. Akane is the one that saw the TRUE Aqua, and Ruby knows he was Goro.
Kana has nothing to do with the "normal life" Aqua so desperately wants.
Will incestfaggots ever explain why Aka clearly pretends the kiss scene never happened? Or why Ruby hasn't been clingy towards Aqua at all since 147?
Akaneputa lost
Why hasn't Ruby kissed Aqua yet
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Not sure about that.
Her virginity to Ojisanputo
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Chapter 30 contrasts chapter 151, very nicely.
>I don't like Akane like that
>Kana is not my favorite idol
Catchball is where feelings are resolved.
Her virginity to Aquaputo.
Ai was the one who he didn't like romantically, not Akane.
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>The only thing that I can think of is that Kana is how Aqua fully divorces himself from the revenge
The reason Aqua divorced himself from revenge had nothing to do with Kana. 157 buried the cope that Kana is his path to “normalcy” after he gets done with revenge too. At this point there is thematically no reason for Aqua and Kana to end up together, it would be just handing over Kana a “prize” for doing nothing
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>schizo headcanon
Kana is able and willing to sell her body for new gigs
Kana canonically almost did that in exchange for a few favors.
Akane implied to have already experienced it too.
Miyako is probably a veteran already.
Only putaby has experienced it.
Weird headcanon.
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Is it considered normal for siblings to show physical affection towards each other, such as hugging and kissing on the cheek, if they have a strong bond and are not in a romantic relationship?
I show my brother physical affection every day by kissing all over his body.
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No, we don't know what Ruby did during her dark phase.
Not a headcanon. How else do you think she got famous so fast?
>you must be retarded to think the reincarnated main heroine is losing in a reincarnation romance manga.
You must be retarded to think this is a "reincarnation romance manga" lmfao. It's a mystery thriller exploring the entertainment industry and how it affects relationships between people. Akas words.
What's with that weird headcanon "KANA DIDN'T DO ANYTHING"?
>mystery thriller exploring the entertainment industry
lol. You sound like someone who genuinely bought into the "genius mangaka" marketing
What did she do?
>It's a mystery thriller exploring the entertainment industry and how it affects relationships between people
it is a romance manga with reincarnation, retarded fuck
That bottle is my dick
Kana snapped my dick
And yes, I would do it again
It's not your buisness incel lmao.
>What did she do?
She won Aqua's heart and made Akane the perfect tool
Being cute!
Being funny!
Crying a lot!
Appearing a lot!
>it is a romance manga with reincarnation, retarded fuck
this is your brain on shipfaggotry
Aqua is the only tool.
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Her pussy swells..

Clitoris enlarges and tickled..

Anus dilates..

Heart beats faster..

Temperature rises...

Pussy gets wet

Nipples gets thicker and hardened....

Emotions gushes through her face..

Countenance seems needy...

She forgets heavenly race..

She forgets she is a choir in the church..

She loses her home training..

Her father's warnings doesn't count anymore...

Her mother's pleadings falls on deaf ears..

She is ready to be rammed and slaughtered

Her womb calls for puncturing...

Her breast wants to be dealt with..

Her vagina walls begs for healing...

She is about to die...

In the next 5 minutes, if no one answers...

The gate man would loose his job..

The plumber becomes attractive...

Her laundry man is in the detail..

Her colleague at work becomes attractive...

Her landlords son is her ideal man...

She can't hold it anymore...

No one is coming through...

Cucumber is winking at her..

Even bottle becomes seductive...
>She won Aqua's heart
But enough about Akane.
retarded plotcuck
If you genuinely think this is a mystery thriller, you're just as retarded as delusional shipfags.
Fucking retards.
The mystery is why are we still reading this
The thriller comes from waiting to see how much worse can this manga get
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>Aqua: Akane, risk your life and become Nino's personal pin cushion.
>Akane: As you command milord.
>Kana: Akane-
Enough about yourself, retard.
Only retards here are the Kana rats like yourself.
Arima's straight gaze...
The """mystery""" is figuring out what happened in the timeskips, otherwise it's instantly solved by Batkane. Aka greentexting about the entertainment industry also doesn't change the fact it's a typical haremslop at this point.
She is the only reason why he is still here.
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I want to force-feed Kana strawberry jam until she cries. The thought gives me an erection.
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Kanaputatards memory hole the entire couple chapters where K*na plays the industry whore. In those said chapters K*na gets alone time with an older man, pushed down and ready for insertion. She can see her acting career really taking off now. But wait. It's all okay because she got cold feet when the guy finished foreplay.
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>Akas greentext
>Posts random no name picked up from the side of the street authors writing
What did anon mean by this?
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My vast experience of reading romcoms made me realize that heroines who are the most useless and needed saving the most are usually the one that wins.
Meaning Akane is destined to lose while Kana's victory is already guaranteed.
>it is a romance manga with reincarnation
No it isn't. The romance is like 10-20% of it. The rest is the entertainment industry and revenge. Once again, Akas words. Your headcanon is irrelevant
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Based literate romcom connoisseur
>Akas words
So you agree that he's a genius mangaka, I see.
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>kanaschizo hours
Thats not Akas words. Thats Jump execs words.
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Kanschizo? Where? Must be in your head. People appreciating the canonical winning heroine of this manga does not make them a schizo, schizo.
Is this satire?
Aka's career as writer will end with onk
I'll honestly take this over "HER"
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Seems his career ended DURING OnK, kek
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*WHITE hours
Man, no wonder it felt like the writing suddenly became worse.
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This is so violently mentally ill it is making my stomach turn...
got a link?
Retarded schizo.
>both Ruby ana Akane want happy ending for everyone
It's harem end
>Akane just want to save Aqua
>Ruby just wants Aqua by her side
Yep, Kana won
K*na was already rejected twice for Akane schizo.
>Stop doing dangerous things
>*lets her do it in the latest chapter*
Don't you just love character development?
Akane is always getting involved and putting herself in danger against Aqua's wishes.
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>Ruby's life is defined on making Aqua her fan
>Akane's life is defined on how useful she is to Aqua
>Kana's life is defined on how she sees it
Kana is obviously the winning heroine.
Only the blind and mentally stunted will still fail to realize the truth.
>Akane just want to save Aqua
Just like how Ai wants to save Hikaru
Shut it k*naschizo. Your whore made her whole life revolve around Aqua's dick.
So she didn't do anything. Concession accepted
Akane needs old dick NOW
She won 100+ chapters ago and schizos are still seething.
But enough about Akane.
Her love for Aqua saved her from a mistake.
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How can you say this with certainty when a chunk of Kana's criticisms is her not being involved on the family drama?
If anything, she's the heroine who revolves around his cock the LEAST.
TOOLkane meanwhile just can't help herself and be involved just to suck Aqua's schlong (while sleeping with old men for favors in the mean time)
The graduation concert being about Ruby really fucked with kanafags. They coped for 1.5 years about their graduation.
Kana won thoughever
Hussain is losing it again...
Her entire thought process is aguwa. Fuck off rat
Sure, that's why incestfags want it to be over ASAP.
Lmao. we still remember how you cried a few days ago how Kana doesn't do a detective stuff because of Akane.
No? This just sets up an epic misunderstanding for Aqua to resolve with Kana once Kamiki is dealt with.
Kana will win simply because Aka is obviously biased towards Kana, idiots.
K*naputa's entire existence after sweet today ended was lusting over Aqua's dick and crying when she didn't get it. The other heroines at least have their own lives, k*na is just nothing but a worthless parasite.
We don't know what she was doing since Aqua broke up with her, what was her plan to stop Aqua? Is she in college or she decided to work like Kana?
We may never know.
So biased he made her irrelevant in the final arc.
none of them have orange hair so it wouldn't happen
The graduation concert isn't over yet inbredtard. There is obviously going to be a "race against the clock" moment as Aqua has to hurry back to the concert before something happens to Kana.
>he is afraid
I am just amused. Keep coping though, cya when the new chapter drops.
>domekano cope theory
>he still hasn't given up on the k*na will get stabbed cope
It would be so retarded if Ruby is stabbed now.
Ilkschizo lost it. Aqua skipping his whore's graduation must have done a number on him.
I can understand Aqua. Playing detectives with Akane is much more funnier than Kana's concert.
Akane will end up with a random ugly old producer in the epilogue.
This but k*na.
You meant Kana?
>the only pic we got is Aqua in hoodie
Is that another build up chapter?
Not evena random ugly old producer would take her. She took too many cocks.
Is there any "Fire Punch panel" OnK edit?
Aka just humped his Kana-chan body pillow again...
Cuckane is really the most pathetic character in the manga.
The domeko theory is still possible.
Wait until the 2 last chapter. Hina victory was beautiful. Rui simps still coping.
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Ruby = Hina
Kana = Rui
I didn't read it but it was hilarious trash fire.
Still didn't beat that Kanokari panel.
>he actually enjoyed that dumpster fire
>Rui has a kid with him
>Hina married him but she can't have kids
I'm not sure there is any winner.
Akane is way too loose
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Shipping lead to toxic behavior within communities. When fans become fixated in their preferred pairings, disagreements about relationships escalate into heated arguments. This create a hostile environment, particularly when fans dismiss or belittle those who ship different pairings. This can detract from the enjoyment of the fandom experience and create rifts between fans.
Shipping can also sometimes overshadow the actual content of the media. When fans become so focused on their desired pairings, they overlook other important aspects of the story or character development. This tunnel vision can skew perception of the narrative where the emphasis on romantic relationships overshadows other elements of the plot or themes that the creators intended to explore.
Moreover, shipping occasionally result in unrealistic expectations or pressures on creators. When fans are highly invested in a particular pairing, they pressure writers and creators to alter their narratives to fit those expectations. This pressure are challenging for creators, who may face the difficult task of balancing fan desires with their own artistic vision.
The concept of shipping can sometimes lead to the objectification of characters, where the focus shifts from their individual growth and stories to how they fit into romantic scenarios. This can detract from the nuanced portrayal of characters and reduce their complexity to mere romantic archetypes.

And that's why current OnK sucks ass.
Hina and Ruby were both introduced first. Both have a genki attitude and the main problem with having a relationship with the MC is an age gap.

Rui and Kana were introduced after the winning heroine. Both cold and calculated and the main problem with having an MC is that their love for him isn't authentic. It's a high school girl crush at best, but there's no real depth to it.
Big boar's fault.
This has been happening for decades; you aren't saying anything new or special
>they really want to turn the manga into Domekano
Waifufags are the worst.
I can imagine how bitter are original fans of Sayla Mass
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t. speedreader
Ai sweats all the time on stage, right is simply doing a pose for a photo shoot
Aqua's fault.
Rui - Kana
Hina - Ruby
Momo - Akane
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Old producer's fault
Imagine the smell...
Mengos artstyle used to be so good..
>an actual ojisan chaser
You can blame Aka for ruining her motivation
Ojisanschizo is losing it again...
.. sauce..
Mengo probably lost motivation because she didn't expect the manga to be so long.
Wait this is actually good, why doesn't Aka write like this all the time?
It's a leak from the upcoming official doujin
Aka didn't write it.
Well that explains that
kek are there more?
Reminder Hayasaka doesn't love Prez and Prez only loves Kaguya.
Kana is a dumbass. She is not calculated at all. This is cope
Okay so both are just cold, vile cunts. It still fits.
K*na was never in a relationship with Aqua either.
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I'm thinking Arima Kana won
Mengo has lost all motivation with this manga cause it's shit
a relationship with her biggest simp, Akane.
True imo
...loves only Akane.
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Was there ever any doubt?
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Shut up, ilk.
Countless horse dicks.
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Ilk is seething again...
Yep, Kana won
Kana won
Akane is a convenient tool
Simple as
tongue up

tongue down
Akane is Aqua's wife and Kana's babysitter.
Even as a Rubyfag, I can't deny the fact that Kana won
Hussain won
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I love my WIFE, Asagi-chan
I hate that kana won.
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kanaRATs and akaneWORMs fear the WOOBY.
Aminul Hussain...
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Also known as ilk.
Ilkschizo is losing it...
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Yes, Hoshino Kana won.
Sorry, I meant to type "ilk."
Kill k*na
chinks are saying kanashit lost
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Why would you want to kill such a cute girl?
according to insiders, Kana Arima did indeed lost.
In your schizo delusions maybe
That's a boy.
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A cute boy with a cute, feminine penis...
Her virginity to a horse.
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No, it's a cute maiden called Arima Kana.
Who deserves only death.
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>schizo headcanon
K*naputa is going to the stables again...
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>All those Kekquas...
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Canon soon.
Akane is searching for an ojisan to fuck. Any ojisan will do...
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But please look at the biggest PUTA of them all!
Another ojisan just came in Akane's loose pussy.
Ojisan semen is leaking down Akane's thigh again.
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>Kana Arima did indeed lost.
Yes. Kana lost her vaginal and anal virginity to Akane.
Stop boasting, ojisan-tachi...
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Akane, you smell like ojisan semen again...
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Only the purest form of love yuri generates can save this manga from the author's divorced-induced spiteful machinations.
Ojisanschizo, also known as k*naschizo, also known as ilkschizo, is currently having a meltdown.
Akane's used up, queefing roast beef...
Ilk, also known as Akanebot, also known as Aminul Hussain, is currently having a meltdown.
Akane couldn't wait any longer and fucked the first ojisan she found in public.
Post UmaKana
I just saw Akane with an unknown man again...
He looked as old as her father too...
Post AkaOjisan
I want to watch dark skinned gaijin fuck Ruby
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That's Aqua, not an ojisan.
Akane can't feel satisfied with her day until she's been filled with ojisan semen.
Aqua is canonically an ojisan however.
Ruby won.
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Hoshino Kana, Aqua's wife, is
>150cm tall
>Under 40kg
>THICC thighs
>Cute hands
>Thin arms
>Cute feet
>Cute butt
>Thin waist
>Glossy lips
>Likes trivia
>Cute voice
>Good singer
>Sharp tongue
>Very expressive
>Talented actress
>Very fashionable
>Kind and caring
>Long eyelashes
>Cute hairstyle
>Very humble
>Very resilient
>Never skips practice
>Good grades at school
>Pure maiden's heart
>Narrow shoulders
>Sensitive nipples
>Childbearing hips
>Very fertile womb
>Faithful to a fault
>Not a vegetarian
>Good with money
>Good work ethic
>Loves acting
>Likes to tease
>Hates nepotism
>Good at baseball
>Good personal hygiene
>Passionate about her craft
>Glossy and well groomed hair
>Has a pretty and child-like face
>Looks good in cute clothes
>Looks good in sexy clothes
>Never forgets her friends
>Airheaded personality
>Gets flustered easily
>Very empathetic
>Very supportive
>Very forgiving
>Very trusting
>Very selfless
>Very driven
>Well read
>Captivating eyes
>Her smile is like the sun
Her hats are cute
This is all cute and canon.
>Akane and Ichigo are talking with inspector Hayasaka
>someone lost their eye
>Kamiki is seething in the end
K*narata is fit only as a receptacle for horse semen.
K*na deserves to be punched repeatedly.
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>anon: Aqua is not an ojisan, retards. Him and Gorou are two entirely different people
>also anon: ... The fuck are you talking about? Aqua is an ojisan, bro. He's literally Gorou-
ShimaD lucky...
Mem-cho fag, what are you hoping to see at the end of all of this?
...by Aqua's kisses
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>what are you hoping to see at the end of all of this?
Nobody winning, while everyone goes on with their lives.
>there is only one anon
It’s pretty obvious they are the same person.
I don’t get why some people can’t interpret that dream sequence with Goro and Aqua in it as a dream. Aqua is simply dealing with the changes over time and how he has changed. He’s a reincarnation of Goro. He is Goro but he’s now a younger man too. It’s simply character development.
Kana is
>Self centred
>A whore
>A pushover
>Not cute
>Badly designed
>Pity bait
>Self pitying
>Self absorbed
>Made for abuse
>Made for rape
Based post of the year award goes to >>270735541
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Holy BASED and truthpilled
K*naputa will only ever kiss Aqua's fist.
I would rape Kana if I was in OnK honestly. She's so rapeable.
Aqua is kissless virgin.
Kana's design is boring.
Aqua is neither kissless nor a virgin thanks to Akane.
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I only realized now that Kana will never have any first experiences with Aqua anymore.
First love.
Did Akane win yet?
ED of the year
>first love
Ai won in that department.
Aqua loves Kana more.
what does ruby mean when she says she wants to feel more sweet love
Aqua is a fucking loser who cares
Aqua is fucking a loser (Akane)
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Ruby's oshi = Aqua
Aqua's oshi = Ruby
Simple as.
clam down akaneschizo
>Aqua loves Kana more.
Akane won in that department too.
>Aqua's oshi = Ruby
Funny how he was too busy ghosting Kana to attend Ruby's concerts, lol
Based literate and slowreader.
The only thing faker than this are Jessica Nigri's tits. There are no pictures of ruby with flowers in ch160. There ARE some flowers in the chapter, along with some mega creepy star eyes from Kamiki and Aqua talking to each other, but nowhere near Ruby.
It's what happened.
He hasn't attended any of Ruby's concerts post-reveal either desu
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AkuRubi WON!
Sarina > Ai for Goroqua
This is the ultimate plotGOD pill, and it is why Ruby will win.
Truly [[Oshi no Ko]]
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source: me, I'm involved in some way shape and/or form with the series.when the leaks do come out i hope people meme the shit out of those star eyes!

lines on them go like way outside their eyes in an abnormal way. no idea what's being said since I don't read the language and will have to wait to see a translation.
Was she waiting for Aqua to kiss her?
Is that only Kamiki and Aqua chapter?
it's mainly them talking to each other, with some occasional flashes over to some other scenes. ruby performing, kamiki coming across niino crying in front of her boyfriend's hanging body, a shot of sarina in the hospital bed, to name a few
>left: tongue up
>right: tongue down
Holy shit left looks so much better, no wonder Ruby has surpassed Ai
Chinks are commenting that at the end of the chapter it's announced that there are only 3 chapters left.
>a shot of sarina in the hospital bed
YEP, I'm thinking kino is back boys
>a shot of sarina in the hospital bed
So Kamiki was Sarina's childhood friend confirmed
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kamiki is psycho joker confirmed?
>Same age
>Marina was involved in the entertainment business
>Both loved Ai
>Aqua vs Kamiki
>battle for Sarina's cunny
I'd kneel to Hacka if this is the case
Can you leak some pages?
>Goro loved Ai because she was living Sarina's dream
>Kamiki hated her for the same reason
>He seduced and impregnated Ai in order to ruin her idol career
>but things didn't go as planned...
idk, it can work but it needs one more spin
too early for leaks, e-peen clout isnt worth it in the offchance someone is able to narrowdown where they came from based off of the timeing of when theyre posted and what size or clarity or resolution they are. i dont mind teases but if it actually comes back to the job then id be one fucked anon
>Kamiki/Goro's first love was Sarina.
>Ai was their 2nd choice
>Ai/Ruby eternal connection.
That's not what that means. Plus she would have recognized his name when she learned of it and that fact that he was her father.

>ruby performing
That means the concert is still happening. I guess the crazed Kana fan is still on the table
Uhm, okay. Can you post more elaborate summary of the chapter? Just with visual information alone
Ok but what about Kana?
Kamiki convinced Sarina that it was totally cool for an older man to be in a relationship with a child based on his experience with Airi
Figured it be mostly fluff. Definitely sets up some shit going down after the concert ends.
just from a visual summary, it's aqua and hikiri talking with lotsa flashbacks of things that happened, though not previously shown in the manga. aqua starts to get pissed about something leading to his big star eyes and then the next page hikiri has an entire page dedicated to his huge creepy fuckin vibe with even bigger star eyes. then more talking.

aqua has a knife at the end.
>Plus she would have recognized his name when she learned of it and that fact that he was her father.
Brain cancer fucked her memories
So does it seem like Hikaru is the one who brought up Sarina? Also, is there a break?
Is it because of Ruby that Aqua is pissed?
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>aqua has a knife at the end.
It's all coming down to this
Wonder if it will become literal. As in, you can rush off to the concert to save her or stay and try to kill Kamiki.
Either that or he hears her voice through the phone and decides not to kill him
Obviously, kekmiki is fucking with Aqua by bringing up Sarina/Ruby. So you are probably right.
Is this >>270736169 true?
3 chapters would be weird, the standard is always 5 chapters.
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honestly cant tell, sorry :( will have to wait a few days and check the translation when it comes in
Obviously Aqua would choose to save her. I can see Aqua leaving to go to the concert and then Akane coming out of the shadows to kill Kamiki.
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Who will say "Save Kamiki!" this time, Ruby or Akane?
Nah, they've made Kamiki too comically evil at this point. I think Aqua will leave and then Akane will show up and make Kamiki disappear with her super intellect.
Helicopter soon
Any Akane in the chapter or it's all just Kamiki and Aqua talking?
Anton Chigurh from No Country for Old Men is a smartly written smart character. When Chigurh kills a hotel room full of three people he books to room next door so he can examine it, finding which walls he can shoot through, where the light switch is, what sort of cover is there etc. This is a smart thing to do because Chigurh is a smart person who is written by another smart person who understands how smart people think.

Were Aqua to kill a hotel room full of three people. He'd enter using a secret door in the hotel that he read about in a book ten years ago. He'd throw peanuts at one guy causing him to go into anaphylactic shock, as he had deduced from a dartboard with a picture of George Washington carver on it pinned to the wall that the man had a severe peanut allergy. The second man would then kill himself just according to plan as Aqua had earlier deduced that him and the first man were homosexual lovers who couldn't live without eachother due to a faint scent of penis on each man's breath and a slight dilation of their pupils whenever they looked at each other. As for the third man, why Aqua doesn't kill him at all. The third man removes his sunglasses and wig to reveal he actually WAS Aqua the entire time. But Aqua just entered through the Secret door and killed two people, how can there be two of him? The first Aqua removes his mask to reveal he's actually Kamiki attempting to frame Aqua for two murders. Aqua however anticipated this, the two dead men stand up, they're undercover police officers, it was all a ruse. "But Aqua!" Kamiki cries "That police officer blew his own head off, look at it, there's skull fragments on the wall, how is he fine now? How did you fake that?". Aqua
just winks at the screen, the end.

This is retarded because Aqua is a smart person written by a stupid person to whom smart people are indistinguishable from wizards.
US court gave Twatter green light to snitch leakers from other countries.
Donut's so fucking done for.
Classic pasta.
>Ruby performing
>Shot of Sarina in hospital
>Hikaru panel looks like Crow from the OP
Hmm, seems fake desu
>Ruby gets two blonde ikemen orbiting her
>both are bad boys of different extremes
>one is the antagonist and the other is the protagonist
Shojo protag confirmed
Living the dream
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>aqua has a knife at the end.
Is kino back?
Unless the OP was referencing this scene. D0nut will be able to confirm soon enough.
>aqua has a knife at the end.
I hope it's the knife he stole from Akane
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>Akane will show up and make Kamiki disappear with her super intellect.
Demonstrating Akane's greatness would just cause Akane to become Kamiki's new object of worship.
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He already posted the new pics of Kamiki with the big ass stars, its legit
>then Akane will show up and make Kamiki disappear with her super intellect.
If she appears she either asks why he is playing a bad guy or tell Kamiki to kill himself while she is in Ai mode.
>tell Kamiki to kill himself while she is in Ai mode.
The Ai embedded inside Akane's soul will never allow this.
he's pissed on her behalf, yea. sees kamiki as a huge threat to her.

no idea, sorry

we see her but no dialogue from her

she shows up in the chapter at the beginning briefly, talking to the group of ppl around her


i finally dragged my mtl phone app out to translate some stuff, seems to be the first official mention of the eye colors and what they can do (the black ones at least)

no more from me though, super fuckin early here and i gotta sleep before huge roadtrip tomorrow
Donut confirmed Kamiki stars going bigger. So Aqua murking Himkaru is back on the table.
>no idea, sorry
It would be on the last page with the editor's notes. So if you didn't see it then it's not true.
He doesn't know Japanese
>kana not kamikis taget
another L for inbredschizo
Wait, this is legit? But it looks so fake lmao.
Aqua isn't going to kill anyone. He's going to be forced to rush off to the concert and Kamiki will either kill himself or something else will happen.
Akanebros, why didn't Aqua never care about our bitch like this?
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>That AI leak confirmed fake anew
>I was right and Aqua has a knife
>No "muh phone saves Kamiki" bullshit
>Just a 1 on 1, Akane appears somewhere
>No "he'll still get to the concert!!!"
Looking good.
Incestlosers and rats on the BTFO line once more.
It's legit, d0nut already mentioned it.
See this post for a better picture.
Akanebtfos, our reaction to our official loss?
He cared enough to designate her as the party's knife pin cushion.
He cares bro.
Akanebwos..... WHAT NOW?!
Schizo, they are literally fighting over Ruby. Meanwhile Akane seems to still be with Ichigo Pro.
That's it. I'm tired of that useless akanebitch. I'm Rubybro from now on. Fuck that piece of shit character.
>>That AI leak confirmed fake

D0nut said he doesn't know
its legit, both aqua and hikiri have omega large black stars this chapter with aqua switching to white sometimes.

donut should be confirming this sometime, wait and see :)
What we've been told actually looks worse for you than just a bouquet of flowers for Ruby. But I guess you're too stupid to realize that.
Aqua couldn't even heem Kana, Kamiki is going to destroy him with ease.
The leaker in this thread.
we have WON
Akanebros, Kanabros... We are forgotten...
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>OP directly referencing Kamiki's face in the final arc
Ruby won btw.
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>Schizo, they are literally fighting over Ruby. Meanwhile
Because he sent Nino, like I said.
>"Fighting over DUMBY"
The way you put things into this pathetic light always is hilariously stupid. We just had a chapter where Akane saved her ass, of course he'd be mad her father attempted to send someone to kill her. What the fuck does it have to do with your copes?
You change copes faster than you get BTFO lately, its unbecoming.
Thanks! What is Akane doing when we see her?
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>they thought Kamiki had something sinistered planned for Kana
>was actually thinking about Ruby
>they thought Aqua was thinking about Akane's safety and well being
>he's actually thinking about Ruby
lmao even
Akane in the SWAT gear talks with oher SWAT officers
listening to niino talking
>they thought Kamiki had something sinistered planned for Kana
Who thought? Kamiki doesn't have anything with Kana. He can target only Ruby and Aqua.
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>What we've been told actually looks worse for you than
What have you been told? The guy just saw images and all they present is never going to help you in any way or form.
You're so pathetic that you keep going in circles around the facts laid upon you:
>No stabbing
>Her concert is irrelevant
>Aqua is armed, so someone is getting hurt
>No "Dumby is saved by Aqua bla bla"
It's a very by the book confrontation between the MC and the villain.
You should learn to take accountability for all the times you've been BTFO in those past 3 weeks, the AI image and fake leaks being passed around as true were funny as fuck yesterday. Truly peak retard behavior.
So you admit Aqua used Akane as bait and let her get stabbed to protect Ruby.
Kanafags collectively agreed that Kamiki's evil smile mean he had something planned for Kana and Aqua had to rush back to the venue and save her.
He confesses his love for her right after or some shit.
>No stabbing
>Her concert is irrelevant
>Aqua is armed, so someone is getting hurt
>No "Dumby is saved by Aqua bla bla"
She already won and will win again.
>Aqua rushes off to save Ruby
>Akane comes in to take care of Hikaru by pulling off this maneuver
Incestkeks are already making up delusions about the chapter...
>Aqua has a knife
>Tries to murk Hikaru
>El Padre disarms him and grabs his knife
>El Hijo stabbed
PLEASE PLEASE We are SO close.
Damn, she wants MORE ojisans?
She's insatiable...
Akane is anything but a loser.
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Ruby won.
I'll clap if they pull off a Lion King reference.
...the Having the Worst Posters award
>ruby still performing
How mad would you be if Ruby's idol performance solves everything?
but enough about Akane
... my cock
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They made a plan together to avoid someone got stabbed, she wasn't a bait they literally planned it.
It's like you don't even acknowledge what already happened to push some new stupid cope, how fun.

What was it again? "Akaneschizo is never right"? Seems like you need to accept reality that things are going in a reasonable resolution instead of strong arming Dumby and her disgusting presence in this confrontation.
But that's Akane
>she wasn't a bait they literally planned it
Damn what cope, do you know what bait is?
Good thing you are indeed never right.
Calm down Aqua.
Akane is an anagram for Snake.
He said posters not schizos
Would Aqua rape Ruby?
Tbf, it can either be at the ToC, the ending note or the Next time text.
But i wouldn't be surprised if the series ending announcement is at the ToC below the series title or was decided too late.
Just a reminder: Abyss "last 5" announcement and the countdown was done only on twatter and the only ending announcement done in the magazine was when the series had only one chapter left.
It's a battle between two idol fags over the girl who shines brightest as an idol while she's performing on the phone.
I will laugh so fucking hard if they get stunned by the brilliance of her performance.
But you were proven wrong, and you never are right lol
Ruby is literally in danger as we speak, whether it was in the form of some tampered Bouquet or a crazed Kana fan waiting to attack her did not matter. It's not looking good for sidegirl fags (Akane schizos/Kana rats)
But it's Kana who is the protagonist.
>Ruby shines so brightly it goes through the phone screen blinding those bozos
>Because they're blinded neither can see they were fighting near the border so they both fall to their death
Damn Ruby got a body count!
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Same joker energy.
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Sorry couldn't hear you.
You're stuttering while muttering some shit about "Dumby will get stabbed", "Kamiki still sent secret assassins", "Kana will take the hit for her", "It's not over yet, she can still be stabbed" etc.
I wonder what happens to your fragile big egos whenever you're reminded you're perpetually wrong. Must hurt to make up shit off flashbacks that makes no sense.
Ruby's existence alone makes me MAD.
No she isnt, she never was. Kana was always a side girl.
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Arima Kana.
he wouldnt need to, we all know that ruby would be more than willing at any place at any time

youre welcome! hopefully should be some stuff coming out soon via the usual peeps
>already crumbling
Damn, you need to learn to move on. Akane already did.
Her full name is so satisfying to say out loud.
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>even the anime director is pissed at Aqua after reading the latest chapter
How did Ruby manage to do it?
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ACKane ga KILL!
>Akane comes to help Aqua
>sees this scene
>poker face
>turns around
Ruby is more important, it's that simple.
But then Aqua can't be me since I want to rape Ruby
We know, Julietkane
She did it in chapter 1. Side girl fags, especially the Akane schizo failed to notice.
there is no tampered bouquet of flowers. and wtf crazed kana fan is there anywhere? theres been no mention of that at all
It's not rape if she's asking for it, so no.
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>But you were proven wrong, and you never are right
Really? People who believed fake leaks posted alongside an AI image to bait them want to say this?
You're so shit you can't even tell AI from real Dumby apart.
>Ruby is literally in danger as we speak
Where? She's singing and dancing for smelly fetish bound otakus like you, there's no danger.
>whether it was in the form of some tampered Bouquet or a crazed Kana fan waiting to attack her did not matter
>I-It doesn't matter anymore if we spammed and were wrong okay?!
Of course.
And yet you judge people like cowards the entire time for anything they say.
At the high of your hypocrisy as usual.
>It's not looking good for sidegirl fags
You're right, you've got no copes left to overturn what was said in 150 anymore. Dumby is just a little sister.
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>the cutest name
>the cutest face
>the cutest body
>the cutest eyes.
>the cutest outfits.
>the cutest hats.
How does Cutena do it?
Sarina and Ai were the protag since the start.
When Ai died and Sarina became Ruby, she has inherited the responsibility of both protags.
She was destined to win.
Akane is at Ichigo Pro, she never left for the venue. She's just sitting there listening to Nino's sob story, she is out of the picture and has long lost. Meanwhile Hikaru and Aqua are having a conversation and Ruby/Sarina's name keeps being talked about. Aqua is angry and Kamiki is flashing his black stars. Ultimately Ruby is the main girl and Aqua's Oshi. Sidegirl fags like yourself have lost and need to move on.
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>just read the spoilers
This just solidifies KanaKane as the endgame.
Yuri will unironically save this manga.
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Tick tock, sidegirlkek... the sun always rises.
Stfu and stop crying ratbykek.
Kana is the sidegirl in question
Ruby is the sun
Rape and kill Ruby!
If only Akane just tried the yuri route with Yuki during Love Now, she would've avoided half of this shit
Does director like Akane?
Honestly the two worst posters here are Akaneschizo and Ojisanschizo(Ruinfag). The kanafag that replies dozens of times to his own post is also really bad, but those two can fill up a thread to the bump limit with their arguments in just a few hours.
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You lost, incestouristrubycordkek.
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>Akane is at Ichigo Pro, she never left for the venue. She's just sitting there listening to Nino's sob story, she
>"with some occasional flashes over to some other scenes. ruby performing, kamiki coming across niino crying in front of her boyfriend's hanging body, a shot of sarina in the hospital bed, to name a few"
Do you understand what a flashback is?
Do you have the mental capacity to understand why there'd be a flashback of Nino confessing and why it's not meant to be taken in present time?
Of course you don't, once more too high up your own ass to see reality and how things fit together.
>Meanwhile Hikaru and Aqua are having a conversation and Ruby/Sarina's name keeps being talked about
This quite literally is made up in your head. How insane.
>Aqua is angry and Kamiki is flashing his black stars. Ultimately Ruby is the main girl and Aqua's Oshi. Sidegirl fags
And here we go, the delusion that forgets the reason he's mad is just because she was targeted to be murdered from her father. A normal reaction. Nothing to do with shipping whatsoever.
>schizo collage
People are just joking about Aqua letting her get stabbed.
You forgot Inbredschizo
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>i-it's schizo... because it just is!
You know the end is near. Arima Kana, she won!
Both of these exude schizophrenia from losers/sidegirl fags
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Ruby won.
Oh I did, he's just so forgettable though since he gives up easily.
I don'f feel so good...
Aqua never gave a shit about k*naputa.
There is no kanafag who "replies dozens of times to his own post."
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The leaker literally told you that its flashbacks and he can't confirm anything about whatever you're spouting.
Stop being mentally ill because you're realizing you've got no copes left.
No, Akane did that of her own accord. Aqua would never allow her to do it if he knew.
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>graduation got rushed
>speech utterly skipped
>Ruby was the center of attention
>Aqua was too busy having homolust with his pops to attend the concert
>literally forgotten in the next chapter
Who's Hussain supposed to be again?
The leaker literally said Aqua was getting pissed on Ruby's behalf, and that Kamki was an immediate threat to her >>270736655

Now tell me, whats your cope?
Aqua is both working with Akane not working with her whenever it is convenient for the akanefags.
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Which is further proof that Kana will win; Hacka is saving it for last of all. He knows why we read Kana no Ko.
An akanefag that dickrides akaneschizo, anons call him Ilk but I don't know why that is
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>The leaker literally said Aqua was getting pissed on Ruby's behalf, and that Kamki was an immediate threat to her
Yeah no shit he just had sent Nino to murder her, how the fuck does that even matter to your cope again?
We already knew he was targeting her, that's the entire reason they laid a trap, to catch Nino and stop that danger.
Aqua is confronting him, so there's no danger at all around her anymore.
Shit, are you really just putting wool over your eyes and pretending to be stupid or something?
The worst posters are k*naschizo/ojisanschizo/ilkschizo and the beastiality shitposting incestfags.
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Sarina won
Do you really believe with Kamiki being a smug bitch while watching the concert and then flashing his mangekyou that it's all over?
There is no "k*naschizo", Hussain.
Holy hell you're retarded, do you not realise Nino's confession takes place at morning and Aqua's confrontation with Kamiki is at night?
Sounds legit since it's Aka.
>beastiality shitposting
But that's what you do.
I dunno man, Kamiki couldn't even fight off a shrimp like Airi. They're both weaklings.
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You replying just proves otherwise, rat
That was back when he was a little boy.
meds lil bro
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Considering the focus is on Aqua taking out a knife? Yes, the immediate danger to Dumby was prevented, the comment given is just a reference to the fact Kamiki is the culprit so if left free he'd keep being a danger.
It's not hard to see what happens in this chapter at all if you're not an incestbrained nutcase. Most of the scenes are easily interpretable.
>How did you know -> Aqua reveals Nino fessed up -> Akane flashback
>What did you do -> Kamiki reveals shit that happened -> He finds Nino with Ryosuke dead body flashback
>What are you trying to do -> Trying to kill Dumby -> Aqua sees someone trying to kill Sarina/Dumby anew like her cancer
>Has to get rid of the "cancer" to save someone since he can't be saved -> knife
It's really, genuinely, not that hard. You're grasping at copes that make no sense.
Why would she go to Aqua when she's more useful extracting information out of Nino?
Aqua cares more about Akane's sweet lips than Ruby's feelings.
honestly seeing the unhinged shipping shit that goes on with people arguing and insulting each other (like up above) makes me glad i dont interact more with people in the community more than i have to.

I've always thought shipping and fanfic are retarded as fuck, since I know that nobody out there knows "better" than the author of whatever video game/movie/tv show/book/media and that only THEY know what a character's real romantic feelings are for whatever other character or inanimate object.

it's one thing to hope "oh boy I hope akane and aqua end up together" or "ruby x aqua!" or "hakiri really secretly loves aqua!"... but anything besides just your own private hopes for where things go is just sad and pathetic.
>replying proves otherwise because... it just does!
Perhaps but it seems pretty pointless for another heel turn just to discuss some bullshit that could've been discussed before.
Instead, it makes far more sense in terms of writing to do a secondary heel turn as instigating action.
It's what incestschizos do.
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Y'all are insane
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Yes, you do need meds, schizo-kun.
Aqua and Akane WILL end up together, doucher.
Blame Hacka for writing a haremslop then. There's nothing more to this series than ships at this point
Akaneschizo is insane. You can't post any speculation without that retarded yume vomiting all over the thread.
i dont care either way, lol. i'm not gonna lose any sleep if aqua winds up with akane or gets killed before their love could be realized and expressed and she winds up being all alone.

or ruby, or hakiri, or anyone else. I literally have zero attachment or hopes for the romance of the characters
STFU k*naschizo.
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>Perhaps but it seems pretty pointless for another heel turn just to discuss some bullshit that could've been discussed before.
No it doesn't, we literally don't know shit of what Kamiki even is. We merely know based off guesswork that Nino said he's involved.
There were some people high on your own copes still denying Nino said his name and imagined some new third villain out of it.
>Instead, it makes far more sense in terms of writing to do a secondary heel turn as
No it doesn't.
Why would Aqua take out a knife if the danger is somewhere else?
You're even starting to realize I'm right because you reeled back.
Stop jumping at retarded conclusions for the sake of a cope for your ship, especially when the text isn't even TL'd.
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Only the sidegirlkeks.
>Why would Aqua take out a knife if the danger is somewhere else?
>You're even starting to realize I'm right because you reeled back.
Because he is yet unaware and the knife serves as a cliffhanger. Also, I am not reeling back anything, you fucking schizo.
Kill yourself, AkaneBOT.
there's still some mystery about trying to find out wtf the eyes mean, why the fuck crow girl decided to reincarnate those two (besides doing it as a favor because they were both nice to her as a crow in winter or whatever?) or any other number of questions that've been left unanswered for years now.

though odds are shipping will be more worth someone's time than holding out hope that there won't be any unanswered questions, like how the fuck someone found out about the girl who disappeared in the mountains (that got mentioned a few chapters OUT OF THE FUCKING BLUE and didn't seem to be a big deal)
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>interesting spoilers to discuss
>they started their usual routine
I wish that board rules allowed us to create plot thread.
Akane will take her knife back.
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>why the fuck crow girl decided to reincarnate those two
Holy fuck, try paying attention and read the light novel.
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Arima Kana won.
Follow your own advice k*naschizo.
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>We have a flashback of what he did in the past
>We have him fessing up what he's trying to do in the present, clear as day by any superficial reading of that scene even by text leaks
>"he is yet unaware and just took out a knife at random"
You can't really make anyone believe you think this, come on.
This is as stupid as you incestlosers falling for AI and saying I was wrong and now you pretend nothing happened.
Take accountability, you know you're wrong.
The most irrelevant puta competion.
Hacka's plot comes from ChatGPT. There's nothing to discuss.
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>kanaschizo meltdown
>spamming the dumbass collage
yep, he has lost it
... the horse cock...
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The secret final boss.
why would i read a light novel when this is the manga we're talking about? I hate it when people suggest that or the author leans into that, it's like trying to make people watch tv shows to get the plot or motivations in a movie (like fuckin Marvel bs)

manga should be self-contained.
Follow your own advice first, ILK.
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Ohter girls just can't compete.
The only """"mystery""" is trying to make sense of timeskips and shit that got offscreened. At the end of the day, it's a waste of time to discuss when Hacka just goes through plotpoints like a checklist.
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Good morning

Ruby won btw
You don't have to but it makes it even more explicit so retards like you don't say shit like, "why did she reincarnate them."
Something tells me you aren't some aloof plotfag.
There is no "kanaschizo" (schizo delusion) in this thread, nor a dumbass collage being spammed. Go back to Rubycord, sidegirlkek.
shut up kanaschizo
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Have you bought your rope yet? You'll be needing it soon. Hacka is saving the best for last.
yeah...thats definitely true. fuckin hate that the girl in the mountains got found offscreen like it's no big deal, that shoulda been something more important

I try to follow the plot, but I get lost a lot because of stupid shit like the above mentioned offscreening or apparentely visual novel/light novel shit too :\

i always liked the mystery aspect from early on, trying to find their dad and what connection he had to the industry and whatever else, but that shit all wound up being disappointing
Shut up ilkschizo.
Which is why he saved Akane's confession for the final arc.
SEA hours are when kanarats are most active.
It's you who's schizo, Ilk/Akanebot/Aminul Hussain
He already got that out of the way. Akane has moved on.
donut posted a spoiler summary of the next chapter - https://x.com/d0nut2x/status/1832010907725021386

creepy as fuck eyes
So the knife was real.
Kino's fucking back in the menu shounen-tachi.
Kill youlselves, h*tkinglats. You fualking lost.
So Hikaru is getting knifed next chapter?

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