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Some leaks have dropped, it would appear that Ruby has won.
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It would appear that Arima Kana has won.
Akaneschizo, Rubyschizo and Kanaschizo are NOT allowed in this thread
Your average Kanafag.
I'm still laughing at the fact that Akaneschizo has failed to be correct about anything, ever.
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>Kekqua: "You are a lying piece of shit, through and through."
>Kamiki: "Oh? But you're the biggest liar of them all, Amamiya Goro."
Kino incoming!
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>Some leaks have dropped, it would appear that Ruby has won.
What's the point of lying in the OP?
The leaks have nothing to do with your cope.
Replace "Kanaschizo" (non-entity) with Hussain.
What do we know so far about chapter 160?
Can we talk about the fact that Kamiki has apparently lost all his teeth? Who smashed his face in to that point, Akane?
Kamiki and Aqua talk, lots of lashbacks to stuff we never saw in the manga, Aqua pulls out a knife
...the most equine cocks ever taken by a human award, with a commanding lead over second place.
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Good morning, lads

Ruby won btw
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This image, apparently >>270737533

And those random text leaks:
>just from a visual summary, it's aqua and hikiri talking with lotsa flashbacks of things that happened, though not previously shown in the manga. aqua starts to get pissed about something leading to his big star eyes and then the next page hikiri has an entire page dedicated to his huge creepy fuckin vibe with even bigger star eyes. then more talking.

>aqua has a knife at the end.
>it's mainly them talking to each other, with some occasional flashes over to some other scenes. ruby performing, kamiki coming across niino crying in front of her boyfriend's hanging body, a shot of sarina in the hospital bed, to name a few
>seems to be the first official mention of the eye colors and what they can do (the black ones at least)
Kanafags are the most sane and rational of the heroines fans thoughever.
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Leaker was in the last thread.
> it's aqua and hikiri talking with lotsa flashbacks of things that happened, though not previously shown in the manga. aqua starts to get pissed about something leading to his big star eyes and then the next page hikiri has an entire page dedicated to his huge creepy fuckin vibe with even bigger star eyes. then more talking.

>aqua has a knife at the end.

>is aqua made over ruby? he's pissed on her behalf, yea. sees kamiki as a huge threat to her.

>akane is shown with ichigo pro talking with nino (flashback?)
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-Akane is stuck listening to Nino's sob story
-Ruby is still performing
-Aqua and Hikaru talk for almost all of the chapter
-Sarina and Ruby's names are brought up
-Aqua is getting angry on Ruby's behalf
-Hikaru flashes black hoshino eyes that go outside of the circle that are his eyes
-Aqua is seen clutching a knife at the end
KYS, ilk.
he looks just like the recent fairy tale author girlfriend in 100 kanojo
>it's mainly them talking to each other, with some occasional flashes over to some other scenes. ruby performing, kamiki coming across niino crying in front of her boyfriend's hanging body, a shot of sarina in the hospital bed, to name a few
Will Kekqua job?
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Exactly as I had said based on those text leaks.
There's no "immediate danger" on Dumby outside of Kamiki, so Aqua is killing him there.
Kana lost, Dumby lost. The sole character who can save Aqua from death is Aqua himself or Akane and whoever knows where he is now.

I also read Kamiki perfectly, he was trying to pin shit on Nino and get off from it free, he probably lied even about the Himekawas.
Feels good to be right.
>hikaru and sarina are childhood friends
Bravo, Aka.
Timeline wise, it makes sense, but also fuck you for adding that in at the last minute.
>white stars
>eyes of love
Kamiki is going to kill himself then? Maybe it is ending in 3 chapters.
That's not what's happening though. It has nothing to do with Akane.
Aqua literally gets double white stars while talking about Ruby's love.
Kamiki's dick.
of course
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Get off 4chan, Akaneschizo...or should I say Akane!
It is exactly what's happening.
>gets double white stars while talking about Ruby's love.
Is this your new cope?
We know what the stars are for now.
Akane already moved on, something Akaneschizo can't do because they are a mentally ill yume.
>Akaneschizo has still yet to be right about anything
Christ, maybe one day but as its stands, this schizo is always wrong.
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Hussain x Akaneschizo
Can't wait for this shit to end and this series to be forgotten kekw
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>her eyes are not meant to deceive but express love
>as his eyes blaze with white stars over Ruby
Ruby winning big. The girl with the most focus in the endgame is always the winner.
Of course.
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Alas Akane became a meme
Just like the schizo who is obsessed with her lmao
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Yes, which is why Kana will win.
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Anime op spoiled this face btw. Wonder what else it spoiled...
>Can't accept I'm right
What a bunch of factual lolcows.
What happened to "Dumby is in immediate danger" from 20 mins ago?
The fake AI image?
Me literally saying WORD FOR WORD what D0nut text leaks confirmed >>270737313?

>her eyes
>somehow its his eyes now
The fact you're also illiterate here is funny as fuck.
All eyes have the same exact purpose, to deceive people.
Aqua is just rationalizing that Dumby way to deceive people is "good" because she's an idol. And yet here you are unable to understand what the story is saying once more.
>More famous than kana ever was
>What happened to "Dumby is in immediate danger" from 20 mins ago?
She might still be, depends on what happens next. Aqua has to choose to kill Kamiki or save Ruby, that would be pretty neat. We already knew what happened in the chapter from the other leaker, so good job repeating it?
All Rubyfags are Rubyschizos because they come from the schizo discord known as Rubycord
You have never been right about single thing, in all of your time posting here. That's an amazing record, I've got to say.
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Akane lost
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He already chose to kill Kamiki.
He can't be saved, and Aqua can't trust that he won't send someone to kill Dumby or whoever else past her.
His decision here makes complete sense.
>We already knew what happened in the chapter from the other leaker, so good job repeating it?
Lol no, you were blatantly in denial and making up shit about Sarina.
This chapter just reinforced a view of the story that doesn't support you at all. Because Dumby is not in danger. Aqua is.
>The fact you're also illiterate here is funny as fuck.
Learn some comprehension. Aqua gives a speech about her glowing white stars being an expression of love.
Meanwhile, at the same time he gets double white stars blazing in his eyes as he acts out of love for Ruby.
You probably actually understand that's what's happening but you can't accept it.
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Haha, on character and funny. Ex-boyfeiend sister is the one she goes to first hahahah
>eyes geass power are real
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I don't even understand what's going on.

What's with this roundabout way of revealing that Kamiki is a villain and that he manipulated people to kill for him? That's literally how the whole revenge plot started with Aqua thinking that the father sent Ryosuke to kill Ai and then Akane also reconfirming that.

But these 2 chapters make it sound like it's some sort of big reveal....
>Lol no, you were blatantly in denial and making up shit about Sarina.
You do realize that there are multiple posters, right? We aren't ALL voices in your head, schizo.
All Aqua can think about is Ruby. This is a DIRECT callback to Aqua deciding whether to use the knife or be with the girl he loves, by the way. Ruby WON.
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>"You have never been right about single thing, in all"
Put on your nose clown
Sounds like an absolute shit.
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As I stated last thread, this only makes sense if it's an instigating action of putting Ruby back into danger. Otherwise, as you say, it's completely pointless because it's nothing new.
It's hack however, so we'll see what he chooses to do.
Remember Mimi?
>Kuro Hoshigans vs. Hoshigans (True)
A'ight, now I'm interested.
A shame we don't get RubyKane fanart... they look cute together
Akane won.
The argument behind that was that Ruby was in danger, whether from the bouquet or something else that Kamiki was cooking up. And you were wrong like always.
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> Aqua gives a speech about her glowing white stars being an expression of love.
Damn, literally what I'm saying? Aqua is interpreting Dumby lies as an idol as love for her fans.
Lies are love, Ai lied which was her way to show "love" to her fans.
It's the same theme this series hammered you on over and over. It has nothing to do with shipping unless you're shipping Dumby with the fat smelly otakus that are there.
The eyes themselves are deceit. White = a deceit for the purpose of good, Black = a deceit for the purpose of evil. It probably won't hold consistent through the entire series due to the retcons but that's what it was.
Ah and I always said as much myself btw.
>Meanwhile, at the same time he gets double white stars blazing in his eyes as he acts out of love for Ruby
Lmao so according to you Dumby loves her smelly otaku fans romantically now.
Please acquite literacy. Aqua has two white stars because the way he's taking revenge now isn't self destructive but to protect someone after trying all chances to save Kamiki.
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>no mention of Kana whatsoever
Oh no no no
Did Donut say anything about break?
>Aqua is interpreting Dumby lies as an idol as love for her fans
So you will just refuse to accept what's happening.
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>Y-You do realize that there are multiple posters, right? W-We
I know you're cowards, no need for the pathetic deflection to not take accountability once more.
Akaneschizo isnt taking her 192745982375th loss very well.
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Akaneschizo is too funny.
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Akane will stop Aqua from killing Kamiki like she said

and she will fix Kamiki
Is aka really writing the last chapters with chatgpt
Ojisan chaser...
>The argument behind that was that Ruby was in danger, wh
>"No no, the argument isn't that we believed fake leaks, fake images and tried to pass them off as true while you were wrong, the argument is that Dumby "was in danger" while the new leaks confirm she isn't and its just Aqua vs Kamiki"
Honestly how can I not gloat whenever I have such pathetic opponents?
You rave on so much over I "never admit I'm wrong" and you come here telling me yesterday never happened to save a face and reputation you don't have.
All I know is that incestlosers can't tell AI Dumby apart from the real things, truly sad. AIgate? Nah I'm not so pathetic to care about your countless mistakes.
I think he texted someone will come in chapter 161 and save Aqua before he kills his dad (probably Akane again lol).
>192745982375 losses
>0 (Zero) wins
Poor akaneschizo
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>So you will just refuse to accept what's happening
Who are "those who believe"?
What do they "believe"?
Can you acquire literacy to even understand Aqua isn't there hearing her song? Its her fans, the smelly otakus, those are the ones hearing her song of love and receiving her love ( deceit ).
chi yin will win da lao kua
Akane will take the knife back from Aqua.
Making Kamiki the "true" villain is totally pointless unless he does something knew. All of this manipulation shit could've been handled with the DVD reveal.
So either it was planned to happen this way or Aka is retconning. However, what's the point of retconning just to reiterate the conversation they already had with the movie viewing?
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Imagining myself responding to sentence-long posts with multiple paragraphs is exhausting.
Why would people unironically do this?
Any break? Final countdown?
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>Can you acquire literacy to even understand Aqua isn't there hearing her song? Its her fans, the smelly otakus, those are the ones hearing her song of love and receiving her love ( deceit ).
Fucking kek, kill yourself retard
Best is being saved for last, obviously.
God, imagine that toothless mouth sucking you off...
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No. No.
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I can't believe I cried for this evil bastard and thought Ai was in the wrong for deciding to raise AkuRuby by herself.

Aka I kneel. Mengo lay flat. Oshi no Ko? PEAKS
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>aqua doesn't care
Akaneschizo is losing it.
Akane in her natural habitat.
Jeff the killer
Akane's loose, bruised up roast beef...
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The op is confirmed for spoiling the ending.
I'm thinking Arima Kana won
So the reason why Kamiki got white stars when he tried to kill Ruby is because he was acting out of (misplaced) love for Ai, just like Aqua is trying to kill Kamiki for Ruby?
... the ShimaD.
Probably what Aka is going for, yeah.
True imo
Even fan artists believed he was good
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>No argument
Glad to see you understand the truth. You can cope and jump around it, but Aqua was never at her concerts. "Those" and what he's saying has a very clear meaning.
Images will make that meaning even clearer by showing the concert.

>Black eyes
According to today's chapter, Aqua was lying out of a malicious intent aka using her for his movie who was part of his evil plan.
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fat horse cocks
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The best is being saved for last. Tick tock, sidegirlkeks.
Kana gets spitroasted by a horse and ShimaD every single night.
This collage is absolutely pathetic and devoid of substance kek
It's funny how the last few chapters are pure plot chapters and Kana has nothing to do with it. Holy fuck, what worthless otaku bait.
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B-Komachi was formed to protect Ruby and so was Akane to an extent.
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>akaneschizo meltdown
>kanaschizo meltdown
Good thread.
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>"Aqua, move the knife away from Kamiki-san's throat."
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The scale of your delusions and crazy talk is so high you're not even making any sense anymore.
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... in chapter 30!
Aka here. This is actually true
Can anybody confrim this?
It's the literal truth. Aqua handpicked each member of the group for the sake of Ruby.
Now he even had Akane get stabbed for Ruby's sake. Kamiki even calls him out on it.
Ilk is seething at this.
I doubt he has seen 161 already, so probably just speculations.
>they started their usual routine already
>barely discuss anything
The sign of bad chappy.
D0nut wouldn't know anything about 161 yet. That's his own speculation.
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ryousuke etc was controlled?
no here is the true mastermind
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>fucking kill yourself retard
bad chappy for Akaneschizo and Kanarats yeah
He probably meant editor's note.
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Ruby deserves it to because she's such a sweet girl.
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*Hoshino Kana
Oh no no no, Rubykeks, what is this??? We're being btfo
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Friendly reminder that Ai is actually the antagonist
>ruined Nino and Ryosuke's lives
>dumped Kamiki despite being one of the few males on this planet willing to take responsibility
>killed off her original babies just so Gorou and Sarina can body hijack them
>Ruined Aqua and Ruby's lives because of revenge
>ruined Ichigo's life which made him a deadbeat
>ruined Miyako's life by making him a single where she can't even understand her wards 90% of the time
>ruined that one actress' life because she's 99% like her
>ruined Kana's life thru Aqua which made her be depressed and cries a lot
>ruined Akane's life thru Aqua by her being involved in the revenge plot
Many umas.
>trust no one
>not even yourself
Akanekeks, this isn't true, is it??
shut up retard
Ah ok, thanks.
Is it even possible for the sun to lose?
He was playing the role of Amamiya Goro here btw.
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>6/5 innate goodness
>the cutest
>the strongest
Kana won.
>kanaschizo melting down
>Kanaschizo same-fagging yet again
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The chapter is not bad at all for me, its all I expected to happen.
You people are just unable to accept you're wrong and shift cope to pretend any development favors you.
What went against me ( in the sense I'd have been wrong ) would've been:
>Dumby got hurt/stabbed again
>The phone was used to redeem Kamiki via Kana
Stuff like that.

A chapter like this means I won.
she got gorou killed in the first place, so he doesn't really count since it's a wash, but she did bring sarina back from the dead, so there's that
This mindbroke ratbylolcows.
Everyone agrees but for a few schizos though desu
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>Typical Kanarat making about herself
I expected it too and I proclaim it's bad for sidegirl fags (You and Kanarats)
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>these posts
And y'all had the gall to tell me there's no such thing as a Kanaschizo, lmao.
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It's a sisters natural right to get cucked
The stongest (Arima Kana) always wins
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i-im thinking Arima Kana won!
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>gains white stars when trying to kill his daughter

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As it was foreshadowed...
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Kanaschizo might be a bot desu
Even as a Rubyfag, i acknowledge that Ruby has probably lost tbf
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There's no development in here that's bad for me in the slightest.
I'm not interested in oshi and idol shit idea of "love".
This chapter just reinforces that deranged idolfags like Kamiki are the villains since he convinced Nino and Ryousuke that Ai was some kind of goddess.
She was going to dodge this btw
>aqua says Kamiki always manipulates others to kill for him
>kamiki looking smug as fuck watching the concert
>goes full joker in this new chapter
>mostly fluff and flashbacks with the real confrontation being a cliffhanger for next chapter
Hmm, I still think Ruby is in danger (cry about it Akaneschizo).
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>I'm thinking Arima Kana won
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... the cutest competition!
>24 replies already
How is she so popular?
This means killing Ruby is good btw.
Incel oriented character. Nuff said
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Yep, Arima Kana won
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As other anon's pointed out it probably means he believed he was acting out of love for Ai. It's a good parallel with Aqua this chapter.
Akane is crying. Despite having stopped all those involved with Ai's murder at the end, she still can't solve how to bring back Mem's eggs.
based mem-chad
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You're welcome to keep coping, that's not the development this chapter went towards that you waited so much for those past 5 days.
Wishful thinking that we're going to divert from the upcoming knife fight is fun.
I do believe that Aqua might've texted someone albeit, I don't buy the idea this is shaping up to a murder just yet since Kamiki is unarmed and its dishonorable to kill unarmed people like that.
Go back to Rubycord, avatarfag.
I don't understand why incels like her either. She would reject them IRL while spitting on them
I'm thinking you're right
Was it ever explained why the twins only have one white Hoshigans each but both gain dual Black Hoshigans?
Except, I personally expected this chapter to be mostly flashbacks/talking. Nothing has changed from my perspective yet.
It's obvious what's going to happen
>Kamiki: Ooooh do you think you have time to be approaching me?
>Aqua stops in his tracks
>Kamiki: Yes, If I were you, I'd be more concerned about Ruby at this very moment
>Aqua now knows that she is in immediate danger
>It's either take the time to kill Kamiki right now or rush back to the venue
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There is no "Kanaschizo." Akaneschizos just can't comprehend their girl being so popular.
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I had sex with Mem and her eggs are the PERFECT for Ai's reincarnation
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>IP count went from 51 to 73 in the span of a few minutes
l m a o
someones busy samefagging
Wait, white 'stars'? Not 'star'?
Did Aqua finally reach the double white hoshigan like Ruby?
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So this chapter re-confirms that the stars mean lying.

No "star power" bs or anything.
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Objectively correct
>ip count
Solar beam
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>IP count
>IP count
>correct headcanon
IP countbros...
The opposite, it's both because it's always just been natural charisma.
>IP count
does he know?
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It cannot be refuted.
They are evil beings.
Oshi no REN
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Kana no Ko is real!
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Stupid or baiting?
First reply to this post btw and i agree
I miss it too
That's the image count retard.
Same, kanaschizo started his samefagging when it got removed.
So, this spam is obviously against the rules. Gentlemen it’s time.
25th IP
ModeRATors refuse to ban him unfortunately.
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It's impossible not to fall in love with Cutena.
>He's ultimately doing all this just for Ruby's sake, not even himself's
Their relationship developed way too fast the past year, but all things considered, it's very wholesome Also Kana a rat and irrelevant
I'm sorry to break it to you Anon, but...
>samefagging this hard
What not being part of the plot does to a mother fucker
Rubybros, our response?
Since we have so many users and bots here, let's see who has most fans now:
> https://strawpoll.com/e2naXXwOeyB
> https://strawpoll.com/e2naXXwOeyB
> https://strawpoll.com/e2naXXwOeyB
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It's OVER for sidegirlkeks SOON
don't throw stones in glass houses rubycord
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>Hoshigan fight
So this is the final confrontation...
>he just keeps going
this might be a new record
Woobysisters...... is it over???
Seems the reality of the situation has sunk in
RubyCHAD and I never vote in that shit.
Also forgot
>4 chapters left including this one.
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Have you been living under a rock , anon?
>t. Aka Akasaka
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The kiss chapters had him do 100 replies to himself.
no way
Love your drawing, dawg.
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Stop pretending to be me.
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>Except, I personally expected this chapter to be mostly flashbacks/talking. Nothing has changed from my perspective yet.
And I personally expected no incestloser or rat to come clean and say "damn I was wrong..." either.
I know you have no accountability and whatever cope you spout is as empty as Dumby's head.
But hey, apparently even when I'm right you people need to pretend I'm wrong nowadays.
>this thread
Maybe the Akaneschizo's not the worst poster after all...
Convince me you're not a bot.
picked up
picked up again
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>t. everyone
Akane"schizo" is among the best posters ITT.
Whatever, it's literally what I expected. It would be boring as fuck to have this showdown again unless something else happens. This literally could've happened with the DVD reveal since it's almost the exact same shit.
Said no one ever. That bitch is wrong about literally every single thing.
Cute autist couple on the right.
Akane at the bottom, as expected
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Aqua confirmed for watching Ruby's concerts.
> :)
> :|
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Rubycord never stood a chance...
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Of course.
>t. retard who fell for fake spoilers
What was the point of the movie agian
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How will the confession scene go?
>"Sarina-chan, kawaii..."
>"... Too old..."
He doesn't though. He just knows that she sings B-Komachi's old songs.
Aka needed an excuse to make Aqua and Ruby kiss
to lure out kamiki from his cave
>Kana's graduation
>talks about Ruby's performance instead
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I'm seeing people discuss that someone was called to assist Aqua by him apparently but I'm not finding where or what this was said
>t. Ackaneschizo wrong about everything
So it all started when Aqua ran out of cash...
It was just bullshit speculation.
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>this many replies already
>winning the poll
>her scenes are being saved for last
/onk/'s OSHI
>winning the poll
Didn't she got mogged by Makima?
You dumbfuck, you were literally in the leak thread, this was never said. Yet here you are begging for this info that blatantly doesnt exist. Fucking dumb ass schizo
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>with bright white stars
Ruby charmed B-Komachi's old song-writer into writing new masterpieces for her.
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"Those who believe" aren't Aqua, its her fans.
I don't understand how its hard to grasp whenever you'll be shown her at the concert Aqua isn't at.
What they're believing is the deceit/lie an idol loves them.
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>thought he grabbed a knife
>apparently it's bunch of white glowsticks he wanted to confess Kana with

Why is Aqua so crazy about Kana?
>"Those who believe" aren't Aqua
You just can't help yourself.
Aqua was her first believe.
White glow sticks
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>not Aqua
Realistically though, what are her chances? Have they increased or decreased
>shoves glowsticks into Kamiki's ass
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reminder that title girl always wins

Don't wanna spoil you "Alya sometimes speaks russian for you"
Decreased. If she was winning there would be no need for this blatant mental illness. Although this is still tame compared to the 100+ samefags he did with 143.
>50 (You)s
How is this possible?
I wonder...
If only 4chan let you respond to your own posts then it could be explained...
retards >>270738647
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She won my heart
Don't expect me tp participate in botted polls.
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Aqua has never gone to see her concerts, the only time he went was their first one.
Even during the Miyazaki photo thing there was no focus whatsoever on Aqua's side towards her.
Aqua even uses "those", not "those of us", meaning the intent there is clear.
I'd go so far to say that Aqua is lying that he's doing it for Dumby too. Aqua just wants to take revenge on Kamiki himself, but since this is a lie for the sake of good anyway that doesn't matter. It keeps consistent with Aqua saying his revenge is not over yet and it explains better what lie would be employed here.
I already know that
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... The best written character in OnK award
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>I'd go so far to say that Aqua is lying that he's doing it for Dumby too
Such a retard.
>akaneschizos are actually the fewest yet they're the loudest
makes sense.
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I love her so much
I don't agree with a single thing you have said. You are still stuck on your star eyes = lies cope from when Aqua was "saved" by Akane, right?
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KanaGODS won
>star eyes = lies cope
...doesn't this chapter and chapter 96 literally say that?
She is the best.
Agreed desu
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Why do rubyniggers and akanefags screech at kanafags having some fun talking about how cute she is instead of taking a page from their book and cutepost instead of cuckpost?
I never participate in your retarded polls.
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Don't worry, I'm sure when the ending will hit inbreds like a wall and they will realize their incest fetish won't happen,
I'm sure there will be more Akanefags here than inbred pajeets
He's voting multiple times himself anyway.
No? Just because a statement is said while star eyes are on doesn't mean it is a lie. Ruby isn't lying to her fans, She loves Aqua who is her fan. She is genuine and that is why she has surpassed Ai, all she did was out of her love for her fan (Goro). /onk/ has fallen off, hard.
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Hoshigans in full power mode
get back to samefagging lol, chop chop
>he's all the votes
>he's all the replies
According to sidegirlkeks, "Kanaschizo" is superhuman
Nothing superhuman about it.
Akaneschizo here, I agree
Rubyrags aren't the brightest bulbs. Even the dumbest kanafags who had that silly glowstick theory acknowledged that Aqua would've only shown up for Kana's first and last concert.
>No? Just because a statement is said while star eyes are on doesn't mean it is a lie.
That's literally the only thing we know about star eyes
Akane who only has ever shown white stars, it was because of lying

>Ruby isn't lying to her fans
of course she is
ever heard of a saying "white lies"? She's lying to her fans that they are important and matter.... etc. The good lies that make people feel good.
>according to him botting and samefagging is superhuman trait
Yes, now go back to resetting your ip, nigger. The last reply was almost 5 minutes ago.
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Stuck? This chapter confirms that's what he's going for.
I'll agree with you it's probably not going to be consistent for 99% of the series but its not my word for it anymore. The author clarified that's what the eyes are for, deceit, lies.

I'm sorry but I believe way more Aqua is just using Dumby's safety as an excuse to finally act considering what he's doing.
He's trying to murder Kamiki with a knife, his original plan, which he put on hold because Akane told him to choose Dumby's way of doing revenge.
That didn't work and now he has an excuse for it too. He's lying to justify what he's trying to do, protecting Dumby doesn't mean he has to murder Kamiki but murdering Kamiki is what his revenge amounted to all along.
This keeps Aqua character very consistent.
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Never forget
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Only Rubykeks samefag and bot. And yes, samefagging that much and botting that much at the same time would be impossible, Solarfag.
Kana won my cock
Not even the Kanafag could bot the annoying ass captcha that voting system had
>more proof that Kana"schizo" doesn't bot polls
>an excuse
The only excuses here are the ones you're making
They're upset that you can point to specific posters when you say "Akaneschizo" and "ruinschizo" but there's never been a "Kanaschizo".
More like proof that a simple captcha filters you kek
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Yes, it's a cope. They don't want to believe there are so many KanaGODS.
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The parallel with this week's episode is clear, I'll make the image and showcase it.
Incestlosers probably don't have the brain powder to point it out lmao.
Aqua, you have to be protecting Kana, not posting here ...
Considering how much more popular CSM and Makima supposed to be, these results are actually a disgrace for her.
It's Shounen no Abyss all over again if true.
Nips weren't wrong when they said those 2 mangas went on synchrony once they reached their respective final arcs.
>brain powder
On top of being wrong about everything, Akane schizo cant type anymore.
All true. I don't think he'll go through with it but all you need to do is see Kana asked him to show up before he ghosted her again to know he was backsliding into revenge mode.
Akane will save Hikaru.
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It's already canon desu.
Kana dies soon because thats her only purpose
>All those replies.
K*nabots went nuclear. I guess we shall open the new HOAD soon
Kanaschizo is the dude that uses the word Ilk frequently and incorrectly.
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You mean the manga where the main pairing got almost all the official art together?
Like I said, nobody specific you can point to.
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This is the parallel, also a great example of what Aqua was saying and who it was directed towards.
People like this character. Dumby's disgusting song makes them believe in a lie and so they're happy. That's the parallel since in the anime it'll happen and directly they use the "song" parallel with what happens.
for those who just got here

Seems like /onk/ is Kana place :)
>confirmed mutual love
>best chemistry
>best development
>favoured by Hacka
It's undeniable at this point...
The light (GODima GODna soon to be GODino GODna) always wins, just as the sun always rises.
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Guess Akane fell for it too.
Rubybros, do we even have a chance anymore? Loli-senpai is just too powerful for a lolicon like Aqua to resist
If Kana dies, I go schizo mode
Of course the protagonist wins
You are already in schizomode you fucking donkey.
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What excuse?
I'm reading Aqua's character in a way that shows he's being kept consistent.
You read Aqua's character in a way where you insert incest in his every action where it's not.
You want Aqua to be a one note vehicle for your fetish, your self insert.
In reality, Aqua's actions here are very easily telegraphed since if he really wanted to keep Dumby safe the knife wasn't needed. He could shoot Kamiki, push him off, have him arrested, any more sure way to end this.
Instead he went back to his old plan, a good ol' shanking. Because Aqua now is justified in what he's doing so he doesn't have anything blocking him anymore morally.
His revenge is "good and correct" because it's protecting someone.
Just like how Kamiki had white eyes because he believed murdering Dumby was for Ai's sake. I don't believe that "keeping Ai the best idol ever" was a lie on the villain's side, that does seem to be the underlying motive.
Akane is taking a dispassionate view there.
Also thanks for posting more evidence for me that Memcho ruined the dynamic those two had.
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>assuming someone is your boogeyman off of nothing
Seems like you are the schizo
No. Akane conceptually hates idols, she merely understands the underlying logic.
To be fair, she had to since she was about to take on the biggest role yet.
Ilk here and I agree.
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>Chapter where Kana is irrelevant
>Inbr*dschizo meltdown
Like clockwork.
Ruby has never once lied to herself or her fans when she has had white star eyes. Ruby genuinely and romantically loves her fan(s), she does everything for her fan(s). She never had to fake anything it was all genuine. Not a single thing was faked when under white hoshingans. You can't find Ruby lying when under white hoshingans in the manga.
Aqua "lying" and "using" Ruby is the craziest tripe I've heard, I can't take you seriously at all. This would be OOC for Aqua. You just hate Ruby so you are spouting retarded emotional shit, but you are a "woman" so I guess checks out.
Rubyfags, should we just concede? It's better to save face by doing so now I think
AquKana is the cutest and most canon couple. Aqua is so lucky...
What do you think will stop him?
She calls Ruby a sparkle. Yet you cope with sperging out about how Ruby is terrible and lying to everyone.
Which is literally the opposite of how Ruby is doing it because she isn't acting like Ai. She is being a genuine idol.
/onk/ collectively agrees judging by the responses
Not the schizo, but I'm sure hacka will find his way.
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Of course, Akaneschizo thinks this is the moment that Akane fucks Aqua and wins.
Despite this entire culminating moment being about Ruby.
lol dude calm down
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>This would be OOC for Aqua
No it wouldn't.
It was the exact same with Ai. Aqua said he wanted to fulfill Ai's wish of saving Kamiki but he interpreted in a way that he saw fit so that he could take revenge.
Don't take me wrong, obviously he doesn't want Dumby to be murdered by Kamiki. But that has nothing to do with him murdering Kamiki.
That's his own revenge that he's justifying by lying to himself it's for Dumby's sake.

Do I have to be the sane one in the room as usual and point out that putting himself in danger doesn't benefit Dumby in the slightest whenever she went on record to say she lives symbiotically off him being there?
>blaming memcho
well fuck you too buddy
Do jannies exist anymore? Or are they all rats, working for their king rat?
Fuck you. She was added at the last minute and it shows.
>Ruby has never once lied to herself or her fans when she has had white star eyes. Ruby genuinely and romantically loves her fan(s)
yeah, bro, she definitely loves every fat otaku romantically
Even those as crazy as Ryosuke who are her fans
>But that has nothing to do with him murdering Kamiki.
He was literally letting Kamiki walk around doing whatever until Nino made her move. It 100% has to do with Ruby.
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Oshi no Kana confirmed once again.
Are you sure you want to argue about this when you spam anti-Kana posts ban-free? What goes around comes around.
Oh no no, how will incestkeks cope now?
I kneel, Hoshino Kana ...
>aqua: this is for Ruby since you won't leave her alone
>akaneschizo: actually this is so akane and aqua can be together
Aieeeeeee delete this KanaGOD, I don't like being remindedddd
I'm thinking Arima Kana won
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Good question. The first question would be
>Should he be stopped?
At this point it's a difficult question to answer because realistically, as Aqua said, there's no redeeming Kamiki and if the author decides to portray his way of manipulating people as "magical" then I can see his skepticism at having him remain alive.
However I also think that murdering Kamiki directly means Aqua won't have an happy end. He's still an innocent man, no matter what Aqua or Akane might present since all he did was just lie so people would act the way he wanted.

The second question, what will stop him? What can stop him at this point? Let's see, first in line is obviously people who know what he's doing like Akane. That obviously has the highest chance.
I personally think Taiki should show up here and not Akane if we're speaking in a meta narrative sense, Taiki could bring back Kamiki's fear for his responsibilities. But if its Akane instead then she'd do it to hold onto her promise she'd never let Aqua take that burden alone.
It's also possible for it to be Ichigo who takes the burden himself. Albeit I reckon Ichigo already resolved his own responsibilities last chapter.
The second method, would be for Aqua to fail. He fails, and Kamiki dies on his own. Unlikely, but possible. There's plenty of movies where the villains dies like that.
Third method, the supernatural. Crow loli comes into action to take care of the issue in his stead, that's very possible considering her introduction in the anime is also looming.

I'd say 1 ? 3 >>>> 2 is what's most likely for me. It makes sense for someone to come in, the supernatural is equally as possible.
Making Aqua fail now would be okay but also just make him look weak and retarded.
Kek how can anyone be this insane
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sounds boring
How will Rubycord cope? The real side girl was Hoshino Ruby all along
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He gave Kamiki a chance to respect Dumby and Ai's wishes towards him.
That is now void, so Aqua can justify that Dumby and Ai were wrong because he tried to murder Dumby.
It's an excuse, a lie, he's telling himself to take revenge his own way. If it was Ai or Dumby they'd have just told Kamiki he was wrong or some other soapy forgiveness speech.
Remember, Aqua and Akane made SURE to not involve Dumby. That makes it even more evident that Aqua is being set to take revenge his own way.
It was an expected fluff filled chapter. We'll find out the real shit next chapter.
>still jobbed to makima
I'd say it's about Aqua himself actually even if Ruby ties into it.
The knife ties into the dream he had with Gorou about its purpose. He's chosen to use it for revenge, and Kana is running out of relevancy by graduating. Sacrificing herself to save Ruby's life (and her schedule) is the last big move she can make. Aqua chose to ignore her and Ruby, now he'll learn how he hurt his sister by having her lose her best friend.

All good points. I would add the specter of the above happening. Kamiki wasn't asking Aqua to watch the concert with him on his phone for a fun father-son outing, he wanted him to see what was going to happen there.
>He gave Kamiki a chance to respect Dumby and Ai's wishes towards him.
Exactly, retard. Way to contradict yourself.
If Kamiki just left Ruby alone then Aqua wouldn't have done anything. It's because of Ruby.
The real question is: will there be a break next week?
>all the Rubyfags fled
They fear loli-senpai...
>>confirmed mutual love
Roru. It was all in K*na's head
>>best chemistry
RUMAOOOOOOOOOOO. Their interactions were always tense and forced. Besides, it's the only one he never went 1st name basis. It shows how distant he is to her.
>>best development
KEKAROO my sides!
>>favoured by Hacka
To the point he is pulling a Reiji Miyajima and himself will end with the grenlin.
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>superior akane poster: Actually Aqua is using this as an excuse and lying to himself so he can take his own revenge
As I already said, he obviously doesn't want Dumby to die.
But the two things don't lead to each other.
I'd murder to protect my parents and sister if it came down to that too. But this is past that, he has protected Dumby with his plan.
This is Aqua taking revenge.
Rubycord are seething....
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Kana is not getting stabbed, rat.
CSM is more popular, so it's not surprising.
Oh no no no no no @r/atbycordincestouristkeks, we need to respond now or we'll be btfo forever
Correct incestking. She will be shot instead because she was looking for Aqua the entire time and saw a gun instead.
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Akaneschizo used to swear that Aqua was manipulating Ruby for the movie too. Nope, he was just being straightforward about it and even learned something about Ai from Ruby.
Crack doesn't degrade the characters imo
These responses? All me
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>If Kamiki just left Ruby alone then Aqua wouldn't have done anything. It's because of Ruby.
I'm sorry, but you seem to believe Aqua wouldn't have done anything if Kana or MEMcho or Miyako or whoever was targeted instead?
Because you should read and think before writing down stupid shit like that.
It being Dumby has no bearing on what he's doing right now. It could've been anyone. All he needed was a justification to say "See? I'm right, my revenge was correct".
That's what Aqua internally feels in this chapter and final scene.
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Why is Akane bringing up Ruby? She has nothing to do with this!
nah, /a/ is full of csm-haters and 80% of post-nayuta /csm/ hates makimafags
>90 (You)s
Kanafags are so commited
Rubycord in shambles. How will they recover from this?
I don't agree, it is extremely OOC. Aqua confronted Kamiki thinking of saving him, however, the present he is just way too far gone. Currently, he is not acting for revenge, he believes he has to act to protect Ruby because Kamiki won't stop coming after Ruby. Ultimately Aqua is not in revenge mode, but what choice is there if Kamiki seemingly won't stop coming after Ruby by sending people he manipulates after her? There is a bit of context you are omitting because it suits your agenda.
Ruby loves Goroqua and she performs with genuine love as an idol. Her fans are receiving a performance filled with love for her fan(s), and her feelings are genuine and this is why she surpassed Ai. Ruby hasn't lied about anything. This is not up for discussion.
I have come to terms with it. it just cant be reasonably denied anymore unfortunately
Delete this NOW
>Ultimately Aqua is not in revenge mode
Exactly, that is why he isn't in black star mode. He is not acting out of revenge but a duty to protect Ruby.
I want Akane to win in a way that would make Kana have her own bridge scene, but successful.
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I'm thinking KanaGODS won.
Proof that Kanafags rule /onk/. Sidegirlfags should know their place
>25% of the thread is the kanaschizo samefagging
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If you ever feel sad or lonely, just remember that the Kanaschizo spent two hours replying to himself.
"Kanaschizo" doesn't exist.
Rats convinced themselves this chapter would Aqua running off to watch her final performance. Instead, it's just him talking about Ruby/Sarina the entire time.
I thought AquKana was unpopular and that everyone had given up on it? Explain, incestourists.
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The light always wins, just as the sun always rises.
This is mental illness
That's stupid enough that it can actually happen. You know what some of you rats are alright.
Kana is
>Self centred
>A whore
>A pushover
>Not cute
>Badly designed
>Pity bait
>Self pitying
>Self absorbed
>Made for abuse
>Made for rape
Last word.
>AquKana was unpopular
It is. Least favorite ship in moonland and bilibililand. Only spics love the living shit of it bc they love abusive relationships.
>in before next chapter Aqua stabs Kamiki but he was wearing a knife-proof vest all along
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Tsunderes are the white man's preference.
>he doesn't know about doomschizos
And it matches Akanes...
>The light always wins
Iirc, someone who larped as being MC's "light" lost against a black hole in another manga
>just as the sun always rises.
...only to hide back again
Forgot to say. K*na is a CF, and CFs ALWAYS lose.
Kill yourself rat
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>Currently, he is not acting for revenge, he believes he has to act to protect Ruby because Kamiki won't stop coming after Ruby
Murdering someone and protecting someone are not the same thing, more so when done in the exact same way Aqua wanted to take revenge.
If the issue is Kamiki being alive, why not use a gun and simply shoot him? He's going through the way he wanted to make him suffer with the most.
Not to add, as I said above, this is an action he would've taken no matter who was targeted. Dumby has no special bearing on his actions here, if Kamiki acted out of line and proved Aqua correct that he deserved death and revenge that's what he'd always do as a character.
>but what choice is there if Kamiki seemingly won't stop coming after Ruby by sending people he manipulates after her?
This question is deeper than a mere blanket answer I could give. This is the logic of whether death sentences are correct or not whenever you have sinners who keep sinning.
Aqua shouldn't be the one burdening himself with said sin, he's not the jury, judge and executioner for another person's life no matter how wrong that is. And not because Kamiki deserves a chance, he already had one, but because Aqua will never come back from being a murderer past that.
You, and Aqua, can justify it with "protecting Dumby" and all that, but the one who has to take the brunt of the after effects of murdering his father is Aqua. In no world that is a "positive development". For this kind of setting where the after effects of prison aren't of consequence, since its fiction, it should be left to the law.
Kamiki is Akane in the wig.
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Rumaooo, she's a cunt with little to no dere, except when it's about being a simpcvck for someone who will never give a shit about her other than being his CF. She never denied what she felt and never was hostile to Aguwa, she's naturally a whiny, selfish and spiteful cunt.
Aqua says Hikaru is like him (bad, dark) but Ruby is the light
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>checked the thread
>spoilers are here
>want to discuss
>see ABSOLUTE state of the thread
Ruby won so hard that kana and akanefags are desperate lol
this is disney-tier stop, expect a kana ending soon
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Living proof mods abandoned /a/ long ago. This subhuman SEAslug can samefag for months.
>Aqua is larping as edgy lord again
>expect a kana ending soon
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Aqua had double white stars when he said he would kill Hikaru for Ruby
>why not use a gun and simply shoot him?
Because it's Japan, retard.
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Yup, knew my reading was correct.
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Kana's live speech will stop Aqua from killing Kamiki

This writing is so predictable it's boring.
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D0nut, you are FUCKED
Just gonna ignore what happened a year ago huh
Where is the samefagging SEAslug?
So Kamiki's looks in 159 was anger, I could sort of see it.
I like this.
Aqua and Akane brought back the hype to the revenge arc.
Nope, it's the same shit as him saying Ruby is too good for him.
He's just a dirty no-good playboy/manipulator. Everything in this moment revolves around Ruby.
>Akaneschizo has failed to be correct about anything, ever.
She still remains very confident about herself because she refuse to accept that she is wrong.
>expect a kana ending soon
RUMAOOOOOO it's Alabama end at this point.
Everything the Agu is doing is for his Woob.
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>scumbag turned into mushroom form
This why Akaneschizo saying he could just go to the police is wrong. Kamiki never directly told these people to do anything.
He indirectly manipulated them, there is nothing the police can do here.
Who else is he supposed to do for if his sister the one that is being targeted to get killed?

Why him protecting his sister supposed to be romantic?
>This why Akaneschizo saying he could just go to the police is wrong.
I don't thnik we've ever said this.
Aqua doesn't say it, Kamiki does. Just like in d0nut's summary.
Jiren is Kana's husband btw.
Hero saving the heroine is literally the romantic thing there is, retard. You would be pissing your pants if Aqua said he would murder Hikaru for Kana or Akane’s sake
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>"Ruby is the light"
>From Aqua's own mouth
R-ratsisters!? What the FUCK is this!?
>Ruby unlocks her double white stars wanting to save everyone
>Aqua unlocks his double white stars wanting to save Ruby
>Why him protecting his sister supposed to be romantic?
Gorou and Sarina? Kamiki knows Gorou Amamiya is within Aguwa.
>Hero saving the heroine is literally the romantic thing there is, retard
inbred, saving family member has nothing to do with romance. You are such a schizo for your fetish it's scary.
Kill yourself subhuman
Okay, schizo.
You said Aqua shouldn't be acting as judge, jury, and executioner. However, by the letter of the law, Kamiki hasn't done anything illegal.
True. That's why she won.
>close combat
Aqua is fucked.
Just like it would had nothing to do with romance if it was Aqua protecting Kana, right? :)
I didn't say anything. It's obvious that they lack evidences. This is why Akane tried to kill him. This is why they used the risky plan to stop Nino
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>dozens of shitty one liner samefag again
What triggered the infamous RAT this time?
They have no response for this
Aqua is obviously getting interrupted. Either by someone showing up, obviously only Akane would make sense. Or by Kamiki saying he's going to miss some shit going down at the concert.
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I never said "the police" for a reason, it's obviously deeper than just that. My argument was more on a moral level that this is a role Aqua shouldn't be burdened with if this manga wants an happy ending.
That said. Kamiki isn't mentioning Yura for a reason I believe and that alone shows that there's still a leeway left for the law to intervene somehow ( especially since Aqua and Akane know now and Nino can testimony that Kamiki did it ).
>obviously only Akane would make sense
Not really. If she put GPS tracker on him then it can be anyone.
But it's Japanese manga. Most likely he will hear something from concert and just stop.
Kek, even Hacka admits that he can't explain what loving the fans even means so he won't bother explaining it. Instead just says that Ruby is the light. Might as well make her into Jesus. Pathetic
You think 100 replies were all one guy? Schizo-kun...
Yup you're mad.
>t. schizo
Abusive relationships can be nice but this isn't it
>Most likely he will hear something from concert and just stop.
in before a policeman shows up out of nowhere and arrests them both.
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Since chapter 1.
>schizo headcanon
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Oh it seems 160 title is "Eyes".
So indeed there's no discussion to be made that I was right and they do represent "lies/deceit" as it was also said before.
That long ass argument is over.
This will be hilarious. Aqua is going to use his medical knowledge to heal ripped Kamiki's anus in a prison.
Why am I mad? I'm not a rat. I hate kana.
I've been consistent since many threads ago. Hacka is a hack and the themes of the manga make no sense. He can keep shilling truth and light and love but he won't explain it so I don't believe any of it.
It is jealous because Akaneschizo is hogging all the /a/nons' attention.
Tick tock, you inbred fetishizing fuck. You were adamantly against Aqua protecting his sister all before, but NOW it's okay? Getting more and more afraid. Neck yourself, rodent. TICK TOCK
>Oh it seems 160 title is "Eyes".
>So indeed there's no discussion to be made that I was right and they do represent "lies/deceit" as it was also said before.
That is not the point being made in the chapter, holy fuck.
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>does everything
Is it that simple?
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Which is what? Again, explain practically, will Ruby go to the home of every fan and become friends with them? Will she never take a lover for those fans that want her to be their gf? Will she become their gf?
Aqua ditched their gremlin.
Ruby won bigly
Aka himself doesn't know what eyes represent. He changed their meaning all the time to fit his current mood.
Wtf, it was at 6 like 20 minutes ago
That doesn't require her getting stabbed. She will stop a crazed fan from killing her by giving them the precious friend speech from sweet today.
What are you talking about, inbred? Did inbreeding messed up your brain?
Either one of akanefags decided to btfo rats
Or kanaschizo decided to falseflag because everyone was laughing at his samefagging.
I wouldn't mind Akane's presence in the story if it didn't mean this retarded schizo showing up and pretending the entire story is about Akane.
All because they are some dumb yume bitch self-inserting so they can pretend they dated Aqua.
Hussain learnt how to use proxies.
>it's afraid
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>mushroom form
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I can see the point in what you're saying, but atleast there's a final conclusion on their interpretation that they're merely representing the "power of deceit/lie" a character employs.
Feels nice to have stuck to that interpretation for years at the very least. It'd have been annoying to be told it was wrong after 160 chapters.
Correct, she's going to get shot instead. By a gun. That was aimed at Ruby. Kana will die live on stage.
I mean you are just saying shit for the sake of saying shit. Getting a gun in Japan is extremely hard, not even Yakuza use guns.
>Dumby has no special bearing on his actions here
the manga has explained why RUBY is getting targeted, so your argument is non-sequitur. It is because Ruby is targeted that (She is his Oshi, who is also reincarnated, duh) Aqua has gone to such lengths to protect her. The reincarnation reveal has increased the stakes for him immensely. Anyway, you have a hateboner for Ruby so it seems you can't help but to give emotional arguments, regarding her. As I said, you have an agenda to push against Ruby.

>This question is deeper than a mere blanket answer I could give
Indeed, I do not intend to get into a debate about whether vigilantism is justified in some cases. However, given the context, Aqua is there to protect Ruby. He does not care for revenge. You also as I stated above completely ignore the supernatural aspect of Aqua and Ruby being connected in a previous life, and I repeat, that immensely increased the stakes for Aqua. He can't afford to lose his Oshi, again.

Also, the law will not be able to act in time to lock up Kamiki, nor is there significant evidence against him. He has acted through people he has manipulated. The judicial system may or may not bring him to justice, but Ruby will most likely be dead at that point. Besides, killing for the sake of your loved ones is not inherently wrong, if someone enters your home and threatens your family and loved ones it is entirely in your right to splatter the intruder's brains on the wall. Aqua HAS to act or he will seemingly lose Sarina yet again. Simple as. Aqua won't merc kamiki, but he intends to protect. I don't think this up for debate.
Can you fags stop it?
If you want to solve this problem,aka can begin by not letting her do most of the shit.
I like Ruby but she barely does anything. She felt like a side character for most of the story.
Kana is irrelevant
pfttt hahahahaha, this is why ilk is the best poster on this shithole
>Kanarats malding in every social media
>Akaneschizo still looking for a boyfriend
>RUBY being the light of aqua as ALWAYS
>Aqua saved Akane 2 times
>Going to kill Kamiki for Ruby
Just make harem ending with those two.
1/5 of this thread is Kanafags celebrating their inevitable victory thoughever
Kanafags won the samafagging contest
>Did inbreeding messed up your brain?
>Did [messed up]
It certainly fucked up yours. Explains your obsession with it.
Akane has proved her worth as far as I'm concerned, so she can join the fun if she so wishes.
According to the poll, Akaneschizos did.
As long as kana loses, I'm fine with any ending. Fuck that useless bitch and her fans
Akane only solves problems in Aka's writing he can't get write properly. She doesn't do anything but that.
I think she's an alright character outside of that. The self-inserter is just obnoxious and is completely disingenuous.
>that they're merely representing the "power of deceit/lie" a character employs.
Literally the opposite of what is being displayed in this chapter. That goes against your headcanon though and gives meaning to Aqua and Ruby's relationship so you'll just pretend otherwise.
>the manga has explained why DUMBY is getting targeted, so your argument is non-sequitur
The argument has nothing to do with Dumby being targeted.
The argument is that whoever was targeted would've evoked the same response in Aqua since the argument is about Aqua's response and motivation around what he's doing.
You're free to divert and derail into Dumby garbage plotline, I don't care. She's not relevant outside of being a plot device for Aqua to justify his revenge anew right now, so I don't care either.
>However, given the context, Aqua is there to protect Ruby. He does not care for revenge
I disagree. He's not there to protect anyone, killing Kamiki doesn't protect Dumby, it's his own revenge.
Killing Kamiki will make Aqua the son who murdered his father in cold blood for no reason and Dumby the sister of this terrible murderer. That's not a favorable outcome for anyone involved except Kamiki since he gets off being a martyr.
>You also as I stated above completely ignore the supernatural aspect of Aqua and Ruby being connected in a previous life, and I repeat, that immensely increased the stakes for Aqua. He can't afford to lose his Oshi, again.
It doesn't matter, it doesn't make it more or less different from Miyako being targeted.
Goro only knew Sarina for a couple months.
If Kamiki had targeted anyone and kept going despite the forgiveness shown Aqua would've done the exact same regardless. There's no correlation between murder and protecting Dumby. Becoming a murderer DOES NOT protect her, but it benefits his own revenge feelings he always had.
The entirety of the revenge shit was done by her. Outside of that is just kana pitybait. Maybe you consider that doing shit but I don't.
Last for sidegirls akane and kana lost.
>Becoming a murderer DOES NOT protect her
When the person he's trying to kill is trying to kill her, yes it does. Again, you will ignore such an obvious fact because you are a disingenuous piece of shit.
Rubyis my light
>I disagree. He's not there to protect anyone, killing Kamiki doesn't protect Dumby, it's his own revenge.
The double white stars show a clear shift in mindset from Aqua satisfying his own bloodlust to protecting Ruby (and his other loved ones by extension, yes)
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>When the person he's trying to kill is trying to kill her, yes it does
Killing someone is not an act that doesn't have repercussions, especially when you're purposefully ignoring the stigma that comes from murdering an innocent.
You said it best yourself. He can't be incriminated, on the other side that also mean he's innocent and being murdered weaponless in cold blood.
"Protecting Dumby" is just an excuse to fulfill his revenge. In facts, that doesn't protect her at all, and its what Crow Loli even hinted at back during 123.
The only coping one here is you rat.
So, tl;dr, Aguwa is doing this revenge bs for selfish reasons.
You are admitting to not giving a fuck about a major character's plotline and you expect me to take you seriously and humor your arguments? You are so far gone you bother to edit Ruby to Dumby when quoting me, Jesus.
>The argument is that whoever was targeted would've evoked the same response in Aqua since the argument is about Aqua's response and motivation around what he's doing.
Categorically false, only Ruby has this unique meaning to Aqua. This is not up for discussion, again, you admitting to not caring and being disingenuous to seemingly discrete my argument by categorizing Ruby's plotline as "garbage" just shows your arguments are emotional. It boils down to what this anon said -> >>270740981 When Kamiki won't leave Ruby alone, Aqua has to do something. Double white stars show us he has reached a point of clarity and has completely abandoned revenge. Again, he intends to protect, he just wants to stop Kamiki BECAUSE as I said, he sees no other choice at the moment (this can change!), but as of now, he sees no other way. Aqua even said he intended to save Kamiki.
>It doesn't matter, it doesn't make it more or less different from Miyako being targeted.
Just wrong, it matters given the context. You dislike and try to downplay Ruby's role. This entire argument can be dismissed, you are unable to argue in good faith.

If someone has the intention to kill and/or seriously harm your loved one(s), what do you do? I get that you don't understand Aqua, you are a woman after all and your brain just can't understand the masculine desire to protect.
I'm that anon. I think you didn't get my post. Akane does shit in this manga. It's called the revenge story part of it. Yes, she doesn't have much to do with anything else. But majority of that anything else is just worthless kana pitybait. Yes, there is the Ruby shit but nobody has anything to do with the Ruby shit aside from Ruby herself and aqua.
I missquoted!
I meant to quote >>270741028
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>white Unlimited Hoshigan when prepared to kill to protect Cuteby
Last for Akane a shit
Last for K*na a shit and ruined this manga.
With her lewd slutty body.
both are true
>Ultimately Aqua is not in revenge mode,
He is though. IIRC the leaker said he had black stars.

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