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For a show that /a/ supposedly hates, the board sure does love to talk about it a lot.
>10 mins no reply
>another Shikanoko thread
>/a/ supposedly hates
If anything, /a/ is the last bastion of fans around given how most of its haters dropped it and how other sites also deserted it.
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>that /a/ supposedly hates
That's just coordinated shitposting. Not saying that /a/ loves it, but the majority of hate threads are not organic for sure.
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Imagine how sad these threads would look if IP counts were still on
Anko a shit
but she's a siscon. Don't you guys usually love blood-related siscons?
Working hours
The manga is so much better. The anime butchered the pacing and Koshi's characterization.
Meant to say Shikanoko
>has cat mouth
>has cat ears hair
>has cat size
>says nyaasa
>has a mascot that resembles 100% a skkein of wool
>is literally called "neko"
>"Im not a cat"
What did the fucking cat mean by this?
>you asked who shit themselves because the stench in the room is unbearable
>you must like the smell then!
Moeshit a shit
Couldnt live without their voices now that ive heard them
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Disagree, incorporating Anko, Bashame and the rest of the student council earlier worked for the best
Hell no. World felt so smaller compared to the manga.
what's it about?
better not be dykes either.
This. Only seeing this thread because I'm on lunch right now
the voices are better in the manga

If you liked Minami-ke S1, Love Lab, or Sabagebu, then you might like this, because it's by the same director. It also has similarities to Kitakubu.
It's a worse Yuru Yuri and an unfunnier Nichijou.

You forgot to include a reference to PTE, 5/7
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Think Looney Tunes if Bug Bunny were an anime girl with a dash of lesbianism from a side character
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I feel so bad for Mr. And Mrs. Koshi
Must be tough having a pair of shit daughters
watched last ep three times already, its so comfy, lads
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For me, it's shika senbei
>deer crackers
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Welcome to the fold, brother
You ser, Nokotan Is a girl that ate the Shika Shika no Mi (Chopper opposite).

Also she's awakened but her mind got lost the fruit.
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I've found myself actually going "nhaaa" after getting home from work and slamming my fat as fuck body down on my couch with one of these bad boys to watch some Shikanokoshenanigans
I cum on Bashame she whistle at penis

You're the internet equivalent of that dude on every street corner who wears twenty sets of clothes at once
pretty sure you cant call yourself a "fan" of this show if you didnt ate deer crackers at least once.
Where do you even get deer crackers in spicland
Wait, did Koshi just say she's 17?

Do you have that screencap of her arcing her back and hissing when Nokotan shows up out of nowhere in the council room?
Is it this one?

Nah, she's shouting something like "How'd you get in here?!?" while hissing and arcing like a pissed off real cat.
Have you done an nail edit for Nokotan?
I dropped this after the dumb quiz show with the ninja little sister. Was just so mindnumbling boring.
Oh, this one.
>thing is popular
>shitposters hate it
>thing is not popular anymore
>shitposters leave and threads are normal

Thats the one. Cracked me up.
You are my deer /@/

Go to bed Tsucchi
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DeerStalker. Where are you...

To be fair you have to be etc etc
Best girl
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Bumped just in time
Smart cat
*squanders the greatest female VA performance of all time*
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neko bros...
Nobody had to tell me this show was bad for me to come to the same conclusion
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Shikanoko bros...why...?
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Thread theme. >>>/wsg/5664981
>Bashame that low
Nonsense desu.
For a second i forgot shes a deranged demon and felt bad for her
Hate... is just another side of the coin called love
>Aanko chian!
Poor Nokotan
Yes, she did
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Let the thread die, save us the dishonor.
Mafiosas Otaku virgins have no honor
Sex with koshi torako
so how would it be to kiss a deer? like a literal deer? you see the other day i watched this wonderful z** p*** scene, and a girl kissed a h**** and it was kinda hot, so i was wondering if the same applies to deers.
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>a world ending explosion
lmao why.
i wish they made a calendar like this
Nice covers
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Have you no pride koshianon?
It's ok the vet will save her.
shes not a cat, her words
Nokotan is fake?

She's just insecure about it.
Koshi ending up treated by the vet too was a great punchline
>ruins your sports festival
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You mean improved
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Anko cuter.
What type of smut do you think Koshi writes in her diary?
Delaying it by 3 hours because you invited a bunch of deer to shit up the place and make craters on the field isn't improving it.

Nothing, its actually very wholesome and sweet.
Uhhhhhh do you know what site, let alone, board this is? You mean NEET nap hours
anyone got a webm of noko-tan being killed?

What do you mean Koshitan dance to lure Nokotan was a reference?
With how only a small but dedicated fanbase remains here and how they keep making necrobumped threads, I'm starting to wonder if its fanbase here is the same one that's into Jashin.
>what site, let alone, board this is?
Shikanoko fanbase here is 99% middle aged hardworking men.
Is it not true? It feels like the Shikanoko threads are an example of survivorship bias: the majority of thread participants was negative towards the show, while only a minority was positive, but most of the negative posters dropped the show while barely any of the positive ones left, meaning that the ones who remain lean towards positive posters.
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I like it
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Most of these threads were artificially kept alive by mostly shitposters, even this one is no exception. Shitanoko will be gradually forgotten, threads pertaining to it will stop being made, and everyone will pretend it never existed. The a few retards will move onto the next flop. It's only a matter of time.
Passionate deer kissing
Just woke up and i recall kissing this girl in a way i never did before. I literally sucked off all her mouths saliva, which was a lot, before tonguing her, it was an incredible feeling. Pretty sure the girl was metaphor for a cute deer.
Basjame bashame
Basnsme maiiiii
>everyone will pretend it never existed. The a few retards will move onto the next flop.
Tell that to Kunoichi threads.
Shikanoko will never die
Kunoichi tsubaki is an exception and not an example. This shit doesn't have any fanservice, breedable lolies, super autist determined fans to have zombie threads on the same level of it, the fact most Shikanoko threads can't survive on their own without shitposters and schizos inciting discussions, speaks volume.
It's the same thing what happened to the supposedly Maesetsu "fanbase" who claimed the same thing, and do you see any Maesetsu thread on /a/, anon?
Koshitan, plz
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I wanna see a Bashame X Walter White spin-off called Frying Rice

You mean...White Rice?
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Bashame and Walter cultivate the perfect strain of rice and create a rice empire in Hino Japan
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They must survive against the Japanese rice cartel and kill in order to keep their rice strain a secret
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>This... is not rice.
Replace the exploding meth with one of Nokotan's exploding antlers
>do you see any Maesetsu thread on /a/, anon?
There are a few a year, and ironically more often in a positive light than a negative one.
The weirder implication of this edit is that everyone else still treats Nokotan the same despite being aware she's an actual deer
>a few years ago
By your own admission they already died out and no longer exist today. Besides, this question >do you see any Maesetsu thread on /a/, anon? was referring to right now, because right now i don't see a Maesetsu thread. It's time to face the fact that Shikanoko will get the Maesetsu treatment.
cute nails
I mean, that is what happens to most series as soon as they end
you guys have no idea how bad spring/fall allergies can be
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>bumping this shit from page 10
Let it die already you autistic retard.
i just finished the episode now im bumping this shit out of spite fuck you
>jobbing to pollen
Not even Bejita would do such a thing
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i think cute montages of shikanoko nokonoko would go well with new order tunes
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You think that's the staff?
Why do old Japanese men love karaoke so much?
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It's fun and we should aspire to be like them.
i once saw a japan documentary, they showed some middle aged salary man going to his home at like 5am in a taxi. the taxi had a karaoke system so he was shown singing traditional stuff into the mic as the sun started to rise. comfy and kino.
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>already posted it before me
>shiiiikaaaaaaa shikaaaaa shiikaaaaaaa
I honestly can't believe you are over 18 years old.
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Given their hellish life that does sound pretty auteur
cat sex
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i tried to look up for this docu for more than a decade (watched it once on tv and didnt write down the name), just now searched for it again and found it. uploaded march this year, i take this as a deer blessing event.

this the docu (34:28 karaoke taxi part)
what i didnt recall is that the cab driver joins the salaryman singing kek
whole docu is a gem, if you like japan and music and sounds, youll love it.
Wait, so Anko and Bashame don't appear often in the manga?
Sensei SEX
In the manga, Anko appears until chapter 9, Bashame in chapter 18, and the rest of the council in chapter 19
Why won't this bitch just give her sister some sex? She acts like it will kill her.
Because she isn't gay

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