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The battle for monster reborn comes to a head as Yuna and Asaka bet all of mutsuba town on their long awaited duel. Will Yuna win the town and find monster reborn? Who is playing who? Yuna? Asaka? Yuamu?
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Chupataro is getting really tired of yudias' bullshit.
Asaka and Yuna both are playing Yuamu since in the end she's just a poser compared to the actual founders of the future city.
She isn't trying to get big, she wants to stop existing as an individual
Sure but at the same time she wants to become everyone's boogeyman/Otes.
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I wonder what yuamu did with all the alien technology in the long run.
More like what Yudias is going to do. Clearly most things alien-related disappear by Sevens. Asaka/Yuamu/Yuna use the alien technology as a crutch so it doesn't feel like them will be making it disappear.
If Yudias makes it out that is.
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zeyet enjoys the space aquarium.
But the big founder of the city was yiga and his only relatives left in the period are yuhi and yuna.
Sorry yuhi and yuamu*
Yuga isn't related to Yuna in any way though
well named relatives at least.
that's inconclusive.
That's very conclusive, there is no way for Yuna to be related to Yuga.
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Don't be so sure. We know Goha in the future are selected by super computer supposedly. Yuna could go anywhere.
Yeah Yuna could have sex with one of Yuhi and Yuamu's many children as an old lady
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The fake yuri battle.
The random as fuck Yuhi x Yuna moment hints they are ending together while Yuamu's side conceives Yuga.
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How random is it when they look so similar and it's a time travel story?
Because in the actual episode itself it's a throwaway line that comes out of fucking nowhere.
>The random as fuck Yuhi x Yuna moment hints
There are none that's the problem. YGO always teases the endgame pairings
No. There's literally ONE (1) single moment where Yuhi apparently is oogling over Yuna but shit has no bearing in the entire episode's plot.
They did have a tsundere moment in the Kuaidul deckbox-classroom.
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Go Rush confirmed for Duel Links! Probably sooner than later considering the ID is in the files now. I'm cautiously hyped but I also know that my most wanted character won't make it anytime soon... if ever...
Thankfully Kuaidul is guaranteed.
And it's never brought up again
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Honestly this moment was so random i don't even count it. Didn't even look like Yuhi was looking her way to begin with
Yes that's what I mean. Shit's so out of leftfield.
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definitely yuhi's kind of move.
If there’s no new Yugioh then Go Rush will be the last place for duel links. No more extra cards or events can be added.
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And she needs a lot of yami power.
Go Rush can be split into two words because of the timeskip
He probably wasn't. The point is that Yuna still immediately thought of Yuhi when they talked about working together and was tsundere about it and Yuhi's reaction was to panic rather than ignore her. Looks like a classic shipbaiting scene to me.
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it's quick, but it's right about here a few seconds before. pretty easy to see where his eyes point.
chupataro's reaction was priceless
Yuhi and Yuamu are the only ones who look any different.
I would like to know how the translation of the series is going, what was the last episode translated?
That's still not the point. The point is that there was tension specifically between them. Everyone else mostly just thought it was an embarrassing situation, but Yuna immediately picked a fight with Yuhi and no one else. Unless this is your first anime ever, this kind of situation should look very familiar to you.
They can keep post timeskip characters like Phaser or Kuaidul for the second world
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well yeah, that tension was already there 60 episodes before.
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The real founders of the city. Phaser, Zwijo, Yudias, and Manabu.
Yeah, although that's a different kind of tension. The classroom scene is really telling because when an awkward situation came up, Yuna's thoughts immediately went to Yuhi. And Yuhi got flustered and fought back. It's just classic tsundere behavior. I don't believe that Yuga is Yuna's descendant and I still maintain my previous stance that the Goha siblings are Yuna's descendants. But I also think that there's a more than zero chance of Yuna and Yuhi ending up together and Yuga being a direct descendant of Yuamu.
123 i think. AURA confirmed subs are coming this monday
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Yuna gets revenge for ranran.
Clean that up, commoner.
doubt, Zexal didn't do that and it's literally split in two in anime
Ninja* Which is posssibly even lesser.
Episode 124: 偽りの仮面 – Itsuwari no Kamen
(Mask of Deception)
The Darkmen have been desperately searching for Monster Reborn. However, Yuna has a premonition and decides to pay Asaka a visit by herself. She gets to the Mutsuba Card Plant, and finds Asaka at a workbench with blueprints on it. She then challenges Asaka to a Duel, with everything they have on the line.
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Could he have won that last episode?
So the next episode description is tomorrow?
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Asaka a big.
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Where did sabyuas' inspiration come from?
Teste the rainbow MF
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and will have anything to do with how they're not actually "aliens"?
It will turn out Yuamu feeding them with the plot juice was a bad idea after Zeyet went schizo and beat Rovian and that's why she lowered the dose to 1 drop per day.
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They were entirely dark matter to start with, more dark power can't be that bad.
that's one more of a timeslot thing than an in anime time skip.
The Lugh had a schizophrenic attack with a few drops that weren't even ingested so imagine the Darkmen if they constantly take it. That and maybe Yuamu doesn't think it's convinient if they develop TOO much of an ego to eventually oppose her (at the least to get braincells on Fukamura's level).
without subtitles it's hard to say but sabyuas getting a sudden light of in his mind might not necessarily be the dark power.
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What would change if Yuudias were a woman?
She gets railed by Zuwijo inside a cage while Kuaidul watches in one of those doujins.
then he wouldn't be a robot.
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have been out of the loop for a while, I assume there is no word on a new yugioh-series yet? 123 episodes is quite a lot
it'll be announced at this year's jump festa in december.
Go Rush apparently ends in episode 151 based on those number of episodes being listed on the dub's website.
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the queen of goha city!
subs out in january.
sabyuas sees them all the time.
What does he have in mind for the third and last Rush series?

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Ranran is the mascot of rush.
Expect even more Sevenswank despite it having already run its course with the Otes boogeyman.
but the amazing twist...
I can't wait to see the Spellcaster Slag DESTROYING the Wyrm Wench and delivering to her some well deserved humiliation!!
BASED! But let's not get to carried away, the Spellcaster Slag is terrible too and will need to pay for attacking Ranran... but that can come later.
Only thing Ranran will clean up will be Asaka's mess after she ruins everything... as usual.
Such a reliable and honorable shinobi will do her best to help everyone! Even if it means helping undeserving people that won't thank her...
I don't care. I'm sick of the Otes crap.
On episode 55 right now, Phaser's arc seems promising. Do they explain why Rovian wears jersey leggings under her skirt at all? Is she really just shy about showing too much bare skin?
just the uniform.
I’m sick of the Rush format. It was supposed to be a simple text for all ages. You can summon powerful monsters with many abilities. All that got abandoned for fusion toxicity gameplay. We need a new master rule to fix current problems and fix Rush format along with it.
synchro's next season.
Yugioh's design tends towards complexity.
I don't think they could simplify Yugioh enough for you to be able to understand it.
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Yuamu can warp through shadows.
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then he would be a cross dresser.
Isn't a new episode coming tomorrow? Aura will delay them because she will have another episode to sub and insists on only releasing them only after finishing all the episodes for some reason. If she released all the completed sub episodes already, I'm sure we'd have at least 3 more episodes already.
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Unaccurate since Yuna is as flat as a board.
yuna's a cheap skate.
Once this episode airs these cutesy drawings of Yuna will age very poorly and become laughing stocks.
that's not how fan art works.
In what sense?
I don't know the Yuamu x Sukai shipper is still as strong as ever despite their lastest interaction.
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How would you feel is Go Rush!! or the next series connect to Gallop YGO and brings back old characters?
I feel like they would look pretty cursed with the new style. Granted Bridge at least finally began making Yugi's hair pointy.
No, thanks. Don't want that.
No more gallop legacy characters as stars. Now anime lore connecting is another story.
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It was his only chance to smash the bottle and ruin her plans. I will remember this and say i told you so.
Epoch best girl? I ABSOLUTELY AGREE
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Pitch an idea for a movie
that would have consumed yuhi in darkness.
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DSOD but with the SEVENS cast
Then Yuhi gets cancer.
Wait for SEVENS 20th anniversary.
yugioh vs mha.
Kuaidul's left over Kartumata gameboard becomes alive and invades Earth with Earthdamar monsters.
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So how does it work?
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all these super fusion cards are super fair guys.
Go Rush's 10th anniversary
I want to like Sabyuas so bad, but I can't.
His design and VA are wasted on such a terrible character.
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She's sporty.
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So does damamu have the monster reborn card or not? Or is asaka still planning ahead?
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New support soon.
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>Asaka a big.
A big idiot. And what a disgusting picture!
Can't wait to see her humiliated face of defeat!
How could Asaka ruin season 3? She hasn't even been in much.
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Cute and true! Ranran Rosa will be the greatest heroine! The crowd will acclaim Miss MIK!
Nanahoshi background story.
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>She hasn't even been in much.
Thankfully true but because of her Ranran's son has been hunted, bullied and attacked. Which also got Ranran indirectly attacked by Yuna's drones. Asaka already earned her spot was anti-MVP this season (as well as in all other previous seasons)
How uncute.
Yuhi needs the toilet really bad
I hope Ranran gets written out of the show soon.
Where's the Blue Eyes White Dragon?
Yugioh sevens episode 1
The darkmen aren't complete yet.
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Why? Ranran still needs to protect her sons and we need to learn more about the Nanahoshi.
If Ranran duels Epoch, who would you root for?
A tie since both win and loss end in Ranranfag shitting up the threads.
Who are Ranran's sons, they've never appeared in the show.
Whatever makes you leave would work for me, honestly.
It will turn out Damamu has a card to counter Monster Reborn instead.
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Ranran-chan of course.
I just want to root for my favorite character...
The Damamus of course, a very important part of the show.
I'm being honest here. I'm normally excited to watch an episode and discuss it with everyone but just thinking of how you're going to behave tomorrow is making me nauseous. I wish you'd leave. You make me hate Ranran. I cringe whenever she's on screen because I know what that means for that week's threads.
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nyandestar's next duel is never.
I would like at least 1 more Fusion to fill the ED and another low-Level effect. Maybe when Manabu goes full schizo.
Hey, Ranranfag is funny and welcome here anytime.
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None of the other Waifufags have managed to make me hate their waifus with their autism. Ranranfag is the worst.
Damamu is not Ranran's son, he is Yuhi and Yuamu's firstborn son.
How do you rank the Darkmen?
>Fukamura > Zeyet > Sabyuas > Bryuea
>Fukamura > Bruyea > Zeyet > Sabyuas
Fukamura is the only really interesting one, but Bruyea is at least kind of amusing and his signature monsters are the coolest. Sabyuas has just been going downhill from his first impression as a degenerate.
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I dunno... Ranran already got hate without me doing anything... I am just defending her and I don't really feel that's my fault...
I guarantee that I didn't hate her before you started using her as an excuse to shit up the threads. Hell, the reason I hate her is because her existence means I have to be subjected to you.
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That seems... excessive but I can be very petty too so I can't really blame you I guess...
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Does dark matter connect to the virtual world?
>I can be very petty too
Understatement of the year. The majority of your posts are either complaints about how other characters don't bend over for Ranran or raging about Asaka or even Nyandestar on occasion. Petty is pretty much the only way to describe you.
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I just want to see Ranran-chan being appreciated for her good deeds and good qualities... She has sacrificed so much and yet no one has ever thanked her... Seeing someone so pure and selfless being treated so coldly broke my heart.... but thankfully it has been less of a problem now that we have people that genuinely like Ranran like Miranda, Manabu and her son so it's less of a problem. I don't want others to "bend over" Ranran I just want to see people being nice to her...
>raging about Asaka or even Nyandestar on occasion
Those two have treated Ranran very coldly so yes I will point that out.
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You seriously don't see how this entire post is petty and negative, do you?
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They really go overboard with all the reaction shots of zeyet in these episodes.
How long until Ranranfag realizes she isn't a mother?
Define mother. Damamu jumps in and out of like a half a dozen characters and duel monsters.
You do know that mother has a definition already, right?
yeah and it's not exactly consistent with what the show has got going.
There is no definition where Ranran is a mother, which is what matters.
recalling, pretty sure damamu had a voice before he jumped into ranran or yuamu. he talked to ranran first.
Recalling, he didn't have a physical form before jumping into Yuamu. And the one who has taken care of him for most of his short life is Yuamu. He lived with Yuamu and Yuhi for 2 years. If anyone is his mom, it would be Yuamu.
you mean definitive shape. but it's not clear whether or not that developed over time or from jumping into different characters. presumably the creator earthdamar was only in otes and came out fully defined when he split.
Damamu outright looks like a combination of Yuhi and Yuamu and is named after Yuamu. What are you talking about?
bro i can't even watch the show anymore because subs are kil
Don't be a sissy and watch it in Japanese with the rest of us. Watching the streams together is the best way to watch it anyway. Also, the subs are coming back next monday.
That his voice was already a thing before he went into ranran. It's hard to tell if it was based on time between his separating from yuhi or jumping into ranran and yuamu. they don't even show the between stage between ranran and yuamu. Most of his features are based on yuhi who's already related to yuamu. It's even arguable he slightly resembles chupataro.
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Chupataro is always the final piece of the puzzle. Anyway, he has Yuamu's eye color and skin tone. And, like I said, the one who raised him was Yuamu. He's always lived with her and Yuhi. He's obviously some weird thing that came out of Yuhi's ass and not a human who was born in the way humans are born, but I'm saying that if we go by any actual definition of "mother", Yuamu is the only one who's close to it.
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What are your actual thoughts on epoch?
>Don't be a sissy and watch it in Japanese with the rest of us.
I barely watched the thing when it had subs to begin with and now this Yuna is going to have another duel and I won't even know what she's saying during it!
And no, I will NEVER understand Japanese.
You can understand most of it from context and the rest from our shitposting. It'll be fun.
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Dark celeb rose witch.
what did konami mean by this
Yuna episodes are usually heavy in dialogue as she's always talking about things, so no, you can't "understand most of it". I'd rather understand ALL of it.
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What field spell is this?
transformed samurai.
Isn't it Asaka's spell field?
Doesn't look wyrmy
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super cursed twins.
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I wonder if tazaki will switch sides after next episode due to what yuamu has done.
Why? I don't think he'd ever approve of what she's doing.
Switch sides from ohdo to mutsuba, is what I meant.
Well, all of UTS is currently working against the Dark Matter Empire. So he's already not with Yuamu right now. UTS and Mutsuba aren't opposing factions. And UTS will stop existing eventually, since it doesn't exist in Sevens anymore.
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Waiting for a conclusion to the mermaids.
Yeah but he could have continued to serve the ohdo family anyway.
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I watch Go Rush with my brother and he's STILL seething that Dark Meister was actually Yuamu.

I personally don't mind because Yuamu is cute in the evil attire, but I understand his point. Dark Meister looked cool and now she's kind of gone.
I think Yuamu will sell UTS to Asaka in the end and he'll go work for her. But I don't think it will be a matter of him serving a specific family. He seems to have been good friends with the Ohdo parents, but it's not like he's some kind of ninja born into servitude. He's an employee.
makes one wonder if kuyamuya will split off yuamu at some point.
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because dark meister was a good design that was quickly shuffled away to switch yuamu back in.
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the heroic duo.
>Children raised by Yuhi and Yuamu
>Happy good boy who is always willing to help out anyone

>Children raised by single mother Yuamu
>Sadistic homosexual
>Severely autistic girl that's constantly on the verge of mental breakdown

Literally what did Bridge mean by this?
The dark matter characters originate in dark matter not yuhi.
I saw that
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He's usually into the serious villain archetype so this was a good taste of it, that was taken away too soon. DM could have been her independent character.
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manabu should put his mask back on for his next duel.
It seems grittu enough to be hers even if it's not that tower field spell.
there's no trace of UTS in the future not even in asaka's fortress, it'll have to play out a bit differently.
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Yuna's strongest opening.
How can Yuamu sacrifice these darkmen to resurrect the faceless valgearains? Unforgivable!
I hope this will happen.
Yuamu was going insane from isolation, not the best way to educate children
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Celeb Rose Enchanter is ecchi.
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Especially the sequels
Yudias vs mecha/robotic yuhi.
ranran has always put in work for the nanahoshi being a ninja servant to manabu. not hard to figure out.
yuamu's "side" has done more than enough.
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asaka's time to lose has come.
to lose her all.
next episode predictions
Chupataro x Meeg-chan(Yudias) sex scene
Yudias vs kuyamuya
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Episode 125 - ロードの休日 - Road Holiday
Yuamu finally gets the ability to revive the dead. Yuhi wants to stop Yuamu from trying to turn herself into Otes, even going so far as to seal her memories, but he is upset by Zayet's honest opinion: "No! You can't do that in these lame clothes! I need to buy some clothes before I duel Yuamu!"
WTF did I just read
Joke episode before a 2 parter siblings duels?
The weirdest excuse for a non-Duel episode.
Asaka sisters...
Let's be honest, Yuhi does need a make over. His outfit looks dorky as fuck.
Yuhi going shopping with his daughter before saving his wife from herself
And he unknowingly gets Otes' coat.
It's just an excuse to have him waste time as someone else takes on Yuamu
Will be funny if Yuna beats Yuamu off-screen. Doubt they are going to recycle Yuamu as a boss for a 3rd time in a row and even winning against her doesn't change her mind.
So does that mean Yuna won? Probably.
this episode description is all over the place. is there even a duel?
Probably Yudias so he somehow participates in the finale then Yuhi takes his place
This is the episode before the 2-parter Duel like always.
Hopefully not, I don't want yet another the same finale.
AI junk, google translate is making grammar mistakes and not putting proper nouns into place.
that's rude, I just forgot to fix the nouns at the end >:(
Yuna beats Yuamu off-screen and then is the fated Yuudias Vs Yuna. It works
I don't want it either but I can't see Yudias not taking part in the finale sadly, that's how Rush shows work
Hopefully not. That would make this entire episode useless.
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Is Zeyet good now, or just doesn't assume Yuhi could win?
she's an emotional basketcase with a slight manipulation streak. she probably does actually care about his outfit.
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Manya should duel Yuamu.
Where did you find the summary
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I wonder what the hell will Yudias pull in the 2-parter. He already pulled the equivalent of Eternal but for Transamu his very previous Duel. Will he finally asspull a Contact Fusion somehow?
Did all the things I expected Yuamu or Yuna to do.
So, sounds like a christmas epsidoe with Yuhi and Zeyet. But it's proably differnt than that.
Rush in Worlds if anyone is interested

Managed to ruin my enjoyment of season 3 as a whole
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Made it up
You really understand the show's gimmicks if you made it up.
you mean his funny clay doll date that his sister made with a mixing machine.
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Also his daughter
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Don't worry we still haven't seen Dark Meister's Soul form yet.
Definitely more than someone who threw away Nyandestar for being ugly
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Wrong. Ranran-chan always sacrifices herself to help others, so she is in fact the most heroic! And Nyandestar is the one that left her.
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Reminder that Yuhi will fuck Zyrtec. His grand plan is to be this guy.
Episode 125: ロードの休日 – Rōdo no Kyūjitsu
(Road Holiday)
Yuamu has finally obtained Monster Reborn. Yuhi wants to stop her from erasing her own memories and becoming Otes, but Zeyet’s brutally honest opinion destroys his soul. She says that his current outfit is too stupid, so he must buy some new clothes before Dueling Yuamu!
This sounds like what a girlfriend would do.
Too bad she's his daughter
Yeah, it's like that time Bra got Vegeta to shave his moustache in GT.
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So how is everyone celebrating the Wyrm Wench's defeat? I am thinking in going to a fancy restaurant and ordering the hugest steak. Or maybe just enjoy a lazy day and order a burger.
Not everyone is mentally ill like you
I'm just here for hopefully more Celeb Rose support...
I'm celebrating the fact that Ranran will never get another episode.
Now that's something worth celebrating
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But we still need a Ranran Rosa duel using Shadow Flower Rosé
On the bright side, Yuna winning means that she can send more drones to electrocute Ranran.
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Ranran's nakama will be there to protect her.
Yuhi doesn't care. He's a pervert.
Who, the cat alien she abandoned? The guy she was always constantly abusing and belittling? Or the two celebrities that she's never even talked to before?
>The guy she was always constantly abusing and belittling
Ranran never abused Manabu, she is just a strict boss, and they like and respect each other.
>he two celebrities that she's never even talked to before?
They are frens now.
>the cat alien she abandoned?
Nyandestar is the one that abandoned Ranran. And it's true Nyandestar only cares about Manabu but she will help Ranran if Manabu wants to. Well, maybe...
>Ranranfag shitting the thread before an Asaka episode
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Best girl... and Epoch
Rovian isn't there though.
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sounds like she's another designer or costume artist. there's a few of those in these shows.
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Asaka deserves everything bad that happens to her and worse.
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ranran will make her cute after she loses the town.
So Asaka will ruin everything again. And Ranran will need to clean everything up as usual.
>make her cute
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30 minutes until the legendary battle of yuna and asaka.
She'll still have a castle if sevens is anything to go by.
I would have preferred it if Yuna loses and Yuamu has to clean up her mess.
How much will woman drama over Yuga are we expecting today?
A soap opera probably.
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Don't worry, asana will get the mutsuba fortune back.
What is somehow Asaka actually wins but Yuna just welches and takes over anyways.
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better question is if ranran and damamu will show up to see what kind of card they put in damamu or if that'll come up in another episode.
It will turn out it's a card to counter Monster Reborn instead.
It's possible since the episode is called Mask of Deception. We've gotten some "lost but won" duels in Sevens/Go Rush, like Goha Yuga vs Yuga, Yuamu vs Yudias, or every Otes duel.
Stream URL:

While we're all pissed off by Epoch, shouldn't we be mad at Manabu for convincing Epoch to take off the box?
But I like Epoch. And Manabu is the best character in all of Yugioh, so he can do no wrong.
She's terrible with or without the box.
I'm not angry about Epoch, I like her more without the box.
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the main character returns
nekocdn is down?
I love Eppch with or without the box. But i prefer her without the box
has been for awhile
Whenever Epoch's not on screen, all the other characters should be asking "Where's Epoch-epo"?
>they brought up the Sogetsu again
The plot thickens.
Worked yesterday.
Manya the important!
the stream is not working for me, it's buffering. is there another link. i'm already missing it.
Yuamu is being affected by the darkness and losing her memory...
Sorry anon, you missed Manya.

>>270790382 works fine here though.
Why is everyone other than Yuna losing their memory?
What was Manya doing?
Asaka went first.
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Yuna is better as an antagonist ngl.
Where did Manya go?
final part of the trick with ranran and bochi (maybe)
Manya is a Genius. Asaka and Phaser know her value.
I like Manabu but come on
Wow, Asaka is giving birth.
>trap countered again
Asakas final duel no doubt.
How many times has this card jobbed again?
Manya the caring!
Witch and Magician Contact Fusion
contact fusion, Again.
>Asaka wanted to become Otes herself..
Asaka lost
it has appeared.
At this point I just want that faggot to come back and BTFO all those girls for their retardation.
Asaka was jealous of Yuamu and was planning to become Otes herself.
Epoch is so sex you guys.
the good times.
It feels like Yuna is going to betray Yuamu for her own good. She noticed that Yuamu is on the border of breakdown at the start of the episode from dark energy abuse.
The ending makes a lot of sense now that the series is a bunch of autistic girls going full retard
Is it her turn to be Otes now?
gossip hour has started.
I had a feeling Yuamu taught Yuna how to do Contact Fusion. So far, only members of the Dark Matter Empire know how to Contact Fusion, so Yuhi should get one soon.
With Yuna not needing a Dark Matter monster (or one named Contact) to asspull a Contact Fusion, then I guess it's fair game for Yudias to get one somehow.
Is Asaka the only one with a photo with Yuga?
I can't believe yuhi's trying to date his sister's dark matter figurines.
Was always fair game. Probably Rainac and something else
She didn't even need a new monster. I guess the real Contact Fusion was the friends we lost along the way.
I really hope that Otes isn't at all related to Yuga or any other sevens/go rush character and that he's just a literal who that managed to mind break a bunch of 10 year olds
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This ED actually foreshadows the Otes candidates and it will be Rovian for having the most fitting record.
>Yuamu angrily storming off in the preview
Holy shit, guys! Yuhi's sleeping in the doghouse tonight.
His VA isn't voicing any other Rush character afaik, so that should be the case.
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Look what you have done Yuga!
Why does Yuamu seem mad everyone thinks Yuhi is on a date with Zeyet?
Kek, based and deserved.
She and Yuhi have been fucking for years and he's never asked her out on a real date. How do you think that should make her feel?
the duel was underwhelming
It's hilarious how now Rovian went from the most to least nuts with this episode's revelation about Asaka.
the monstrous curry bread computer entity is back.
Was Manya important this week? I think she was.
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The final battle approaches and Epoch is the key to solving this
Not really. All she did was carry Ranran to UTS. And she didn't even have Damamu inside anymore, so that wasn't important.
she had the very important duty of looking after manabu's girlfriend.
Manya the caring and good.
It was pretty simple but the Contact Fusion reveal was good.
every common alien thinks yuhi's tapping that now.
why was Manabu and Nyandestar was at chupataro's
wants to set yuhi up with yuna.
What does it do?
Send a monster from your field to the Graveyard an an opponent's monster loses ATK equal to that monster's until the EP.
Otes feels like Time Trapper from DC comics, villain with multiple identities due to time travel shenanigans.

That being said, Otes might be Yuhi or someone from his side of the Ohdo family. Yuamu's line leads to Yuga, but we don't know what became of Yuhi's bloodline.
Pretty generic but considering Magician and Witch already have two fusions just having an extra seems pretty strong.
They have cards on a table so will it be another schizodeck match (ffs)?
>can't steal my Ace with Reborn if I have no Ace
Wait a minute all these girls work with rovian.
They all became Zeyet's slaves after Rovian lost.
What's the current win ratio ranking for YGO female characters?
only main characters get to have ace monsters that use shurikens.
only yuamu gets to spread rumors about yuhi.
It's hilarious how much of a hinderance Yuga is in Go Rush just by existing.
No, Nyandestar went with Manabu and Yudias to Chupataro's house. Ranran had the very unimportant job of taking Ranran to safety.
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Asaka endangered Damamu and Ranran, and ruined all of everyone else's hard work. All because of her selfish and insane desires. She deserves no pity.
Funny how RanRanfag actually won today.
look at all the characters who are obviously incompatible with an earthdamar. All unlike yudias of course.
Ranran is still pointless, though. Plus, I didn't hear Asaka admit to anything. She was making a Yuga helmet, not an Otes helmet.
Oh well.... this finally happened and is fucking over. One less thing in my mind.

Only problem is Asaka ruined everything by trying to take over Ranran and failing... I hope Ranran gives Asaka a good chewing out even though there is nothing left of her...

>Ranran is still pointless
She has never been pointless especially not now that she needs to fix everything.
>She has never been pointless especially not now that she needs to fix everything.
She's not going to fix shit. She's going to stay in bed the rest of the arc. Her one chance to be useful and keep Damamu hidden was a complete bust. Yuna's drones spotted her immediately and Asaka had to step in.
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See, I told you that Manya-chan and BoCHAD are frens with Ranran now!!!
They are not incompatible, they were just suffering from the Dark Matter cancer Damamu had as the drones were constantly spreading the particles.

Hold up no once per turn or anything? Do you understand how broken that card can become.
All Rush cards are OPT by default.
If it doesn’t say it then it’s fair game
Was asaka making his mask out of paper?
No. I mean it's literally in the rules. All Rush effects are OPT.
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Nanahoshi Ran- girls will end up winning the hardest.
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A Ninja strikes when it's least expected, no matter how desperate the situation seems.
In Ranran's case, any time is the least expected for her to do anything useful. Anyway, next episode we're moving on to things that actually matter, such as Yuhi's love life.
yuamu, ranran, yuna, asaka, mobuko, zeyet, how many women will yuhi rush through?
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>Chupataro was about to rape Yuudias before the others showed up
This is a kid's show for god's sake
This show is teaching children how to be based.
>That guy the kept shipping Yuhi with Zeyet
It really feels like they're browsing these threads
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Ranran-chan is always useful. Just unappreciated.
Is the summoning condition "Contact Fusion with two Celeb Rose Monsters"?
Celeb Rose Magician and Witch only.
It will end with the mystery girl to go full circle with him finding her cat
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I'm not sure how Yudias crossdressing and having sex with Chupataro fit into their plan
He was disguised as one of Chupataro's dolls. The semen stains were going to complete the disguise. Unfortunately, they got caught before Chupataro could get to work.
I think he was being facetious.
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Yuhi is in the protagonist line, he's got the magic.
this post says otherwise. https://x.com/yugioh_anime/status/1832553181441871874.
Which translates to that Asaka was jealous of Yuamu and she wanted to become otes in her place, i think.
Why do the girls in this show have such terrible taste in boys?
But if that was her plan, it would have made no sense for her to give the card to Damamu in the first place. She could have easily achieved this goal while the main characters were in space looking for Yuamu if she had kept it for herself. At that time she still had her full workforce. For a company able to modify an alien spaceship, this would have been absolutely trivial. Either she was acting out of desperation right now due to being cornered, or Yuna's assumption about her is wrong.
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Asaka is unhinged
>Asaka was jealous of Yuamu
...is there something in the water that makes all the girls in Go Rush retarded?
Yeah, imagine losing to her. How embarrassing.
Rovian's just a space poet, every other girl is an egoist.
Yeah there are some huge leaps of logic in there. Asaka didn't seem to care or know about the Otes thing until now, and Yuna knowing everything about Asaka is out of nowhere since she never cared about her as a friend to begin with.
Cool scrap field.
The more this season progresses, the more I hate Yuga for existing in go rush.
Yuga will pay off in the end. in the best way possible.
I fear if the third Rush series has Sevenswank.
But Rush 3 will be Sevens 2
It's doomed then.
is this the correct kanji? what if it's a fake?
It's the same.
Is amazing how Romin was saved from Yuga's retarded aura
Yuga doesn't need an aura for her anyway.
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Has she ever actually called him Yuga before?
yes, during episode 96. when she demanded to see Yuga, when MIK tried to trap him.
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Funny that Celeb Rose doesn't really need the help...

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