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At least 12 prominent anime leak accounts and the people behind them are being legally pursued.
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Here are the 12 accounts.
>the people behind them are being legally pursued.
good. you cant claim to like anime then do shit that will obviously affect sales, studios and the whole industry.
Hope they get that Sugoi LITE fag as well
Disappointed that Manga Mogura is not listed since this attentionwhoring faggot likes to encourage his followers to attack ecchi fanservice artists and shoujo mangaka
Why the hell are leakers on twitter to begin with
That guy only reposts shit.
Attention whoring, mostly.
I hope Redon gets sued too
No, he doesn't. He creates his own summaries for shoujo manga by labeling Age Gap even when the official summary written by the publisher for shoujo manga neither mentions nor includes the term Age Gap.
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I heard that n-hentai was getting sued too.

The Panda is safe forever though, right?
He doesn't stop his follower by spamming Epstein on a fanservice mangaka's twitter account because he, himself, attacked a past manga's work as Epstein Island. He is a faggot who should get sued for slander.
You sound triggered
Maybe but they are deleting a lot of fakku shit because dmca
No considering they removed a fuckton of shit because of Fakku.
The only thing keeping it safe is that even English speakers are still too retarded to reliably access the site
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I don't know what I'd do without it though...
I barely go there anymore as very few things I care about get translated or even released.
Everything is gatcha or cuck shit now
I haven't been to the panda in a while, but none of the artists I like are getting any uploads. Not even the other site with a furry mascot is getting shit because of slow/non-existent uploads.
I remember when one of the jjk jeet leaker are milking everyones attention for leaks and suddenly arab leaker just dump the chapter and stole the jeet spotlight
Literal brown people wars
Oh no!
can I see fakku crap by using the onion site?
I have never went through the trouble but I don't mind since the stuff I look for is mainly fanbox/patreon dumps
For now just download as much as you can. It will go down someday, either by outside factors or just crumbling from inside. Having more shit stored will mean it's easier to rebuild elsewhere
I just download their stuff off nyaa honestly.
It's over.
In the context of this subpoena, define the term "leaker".
watch as muskrat manages to get X banned in japan too
nta, but it probably refers to attention seeking faggots that openly post leaks i guess
Leak referring to like actually stolen assets of a show that hasn't officially aired on television yet?
Yeah, according to the OP its only anime and not manga, but whatever.
That's pretty scummy behavior then, hopefully they catch the criminals.
A lot of those accounts posted cam rips of demon slayer season 4 episode 1
That's what you get for making fun of CSM. Clowns.
I'd hate this but I hate twitter more lol
Based, fuck liggers (leak niggers)
shut up faggot mogura is based
Nope. You were there for the 2019 deletion scare right? According to some anon in another thread, MaximumJoe's passing away now means that the next time the owner decides to pull the plug, there will be nobody to stop him. Also, the booru's being choked to death by AI galleries. Literal pages upon pages of spam galleries filled with a 1000 hastily shat out images totalling several GB, uploaded nonstop. I'm sure that's going to go well.
>the booru
40% of eng translation now are futa and 20-30% being mtl. It's pretty much already dead when even vanilla releases are pretty much the minority nowadays
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all fakku stuff from monthly magazines are ripped to nyaa, but I never download them since I prefer them in Japanese. the problem is they (especially Irodori) also licensed tons of non-magazine manga and those aren't regulary ripped. you wouldn't even know that xx author has a new release unless you follow their twitter. a lot of them aren't ripped in Japanese too, so it fucking sucks.

I think nowadays they straight up take down EVERYTHING that the author releases, even the JP version, even though they aren't planning to translate them.. I fucking hate jewcob so much. scum of earth.
>going through exhentai updating all my favorites
>noise is GONE from exhentai
what the fuck fakku needs to be nuked
How come d0nut and SugoiLite keep getting away with it? Are they actually industry plants?
redon too
How is Sakugabooru (trannies) unscathed so far despite probably hosting millions of copyright violations? They should be reported immediately
We're simply better than you.
Sakugabooru has been hit with copyright claims before. Mob Pyscho is gone for instance. I hope it doesn't go away though, it's a treasure trove of resources for animators to study from.
Kill yourself
Guess i'll see them in court
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K i l l y o u r s e l f you fags claim to have good taste in animation yet worship the modern day cubes beam spam faggotry
There can be proper discourse to be had with the current trends in action animation, but I bet none of you fags care to articulate your opinion properly. Just a bunch of contrarians looking to hate on popular things.
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Baseless assumption
Post discarded
Hang yourself. Livestream it on the Sakuhabooru server.
They took down Imaizumin Chi wa Douyara Gal no Tamariba ni Natteru Rashii.
What the FUCK.
SLOPsaw Mang sisters....
Yes, it's been licensed.
This is why you retards were supposed to do scrape backups
Why do you think every site is doing it?
They will eventually license literally every author. I I give it 5 years max
Gyaru+Harem was my ultimate tag combination.
There were some scrapers making public collections of artbooks in the wake of the Pandapocalypse but again that was years ago and I'm betting a lot of those links are kill because of the MEGApocalypse.
You can still download it, and other lesser hentai manga sites have it up.
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>no argument
Did you take your estrogen today?
those sites aren't showing up on web search (for a good reason).
my favorite site got tens of thousands fakku and irodori releases, but I'm not sharing
How the fuck is this leaker? What did he leak?
Your baseless assumption that everyone who visits this board is an inarticulate contrarian was (ironically) poorly articulated. Discarded. Like your body will be once you join 4x%.
Based, finally toho and aniplex are doing something good for once.
All leakers must hang.
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Did you guys get banned from sakugabooru or something?
>that pic
Based, the sequel is good too.
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It's gonna fucking suck when every jap is just going to use extra cucked platforms like Bluesky (it's so bad, Dorsey realized he fucked up) and Misskey (think Pixiv/Pawoo but super super lawcucked).

This is why more decentralized platforms gotta appear more. I don't want crazy culture warriors and bootlicker japs to run my favorite platform.
What's wrong with sakugabooru? I'm not an animator so I don't catch up on that stuff.
Mister Sir.
nah. only the 1st one is good.
the black mage got too much personality in the sequels
the site's fine.
the communitys lowkey a circlejerk, lot of really easily impressed and ignorant shounen kids, usually thirdies,tho there are knowledgeable ppl in the community
They're gonna have to start it up again, because Moldova is on borrowed time.
>servers could get fragged by some allied Ziggers
>entire country enters EU by 2030+, which means Tenboro closes up servers and retire
>Tenboro announces he backed everything to some shithole Brazilian server and fucks off
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don't most nips already just use LINE?
>it's so bad, Dorsey realized he fucked up
How so? Do you still need an invite key to get in?
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I'd feel bad if leakers weren't all subhuman attentionwhores with too much self importance.
I don't give a shit having to wait weekly if it means they suffer.
Surprised that oecuf0 (Free Palestine) wasn't included.
>watch as muskrat manages to get X banned in japan too
Musk has too power involved with X and Japan, if that happens Japan will riot.
I don't plan to backup all my choice artists and tags until after I get a house.
If the panda dies before I get a house, then oh well. I've been procrastinating for so long, it'd be fucking stupid to stop procrastinating on cataloging and archiving pr0n before I stop procrastinating on acquiring proper shelter.

>Do you still need an invite key to get in?

Not any more.
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How would everything be if there weren't as many leaks of everything?
The site? Nothing. The admin may be a weird leftist faggot on twitter but the website does a great job at being an animator resource.

No, it's open season.
let me live in your basement/attic
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I've made peace with my favorite Japanese erotic drawings being licensed and removed from free websites. After all, I can't be upset. Those same artists are the ones we all cheer for and hope that they can support themselves with their talent at illustration. Getting licensed means that they finally made it big and can continue drawing more things and getting paid to do so.
They'd sell less merch I guess
Please tell me Redon is finally getting sacked
>The only thing keeping it safe is that even English speakers are still too retarded to reliably access the site
Nigga, I'm not waiting a week to access your site, miss me with that shit.
In case anyone is wondering, this faggot's picture is from (C97) [Pikorin! (Spiritus Tarou)] Ero to Tsukkomi ~Ero Quiz Hen~
He's 100% a Shueisha plant to drum up hype for chapters
y dun these niggas jus use tor+vpn??
I never understand DMCA.
why not just... ignore them?
who enforce it? how do you take down a website? who gets to take down a websit?
why not attach the website to a third worlder in a third world country who doesn't care about this internet policing?
I doubt' they'd send you agents to the government to arrest you physically.
because think be hard
Why bother? I have nothing to hide, I haven't done anything wrong. What are YOU hiding that you need this weird software that drug lords and pedos use?
the only countries banning x are dictatorshitholes. There's more chance x gets banned in US than the rest of sea
so 99% of the planet
>why not attach the website to a third worlder in a third world country who doesn't care about this internet policing?
Thats exactly what most pirate sites do
Sadpanda is hosted in bumfuck eastern europe or something
but the people that operate the sites are white 1st worlders, right? which means they're not immune. why else would they take down tons of shit on Jewcob demand?
The jews will be getting him soon
jesus christ how close to nwo is this clown world at?
This is quite the over reaction, its not like they're losing revenue on leaks.
Lock up data miners and leakers
I hope they are denied and Elon fights it. Fuck anything remotely related to Sony
>close to
it happened forty years ago
BR leaker here. Good luck suing me. I'm behind 7 proxies and X is banned in my country
>narcisist leakfags get the rope
uh based?
I hope they are all using VPNs.
What got leaked that pissed them off enough to sue?
Pay your animators first before talking about morality. KEK.
did you already forget what happened last month?
one of those accounts leaked chainsaw man or what? i dont get it
This is why I download everything I like from there.
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Based ZUN
peace on earth for me
They can open multiple investigations if the petition is to be granted. Criminal charges to follow.
How would the x rat know who these people are.
The only info they have is the IP the posts were made from, which is worthless. IP addresses rotate and get reused all the time. And the geolocation data can be ~300 km off.
I think you need a mobile phone to register there, no?
What do you mean with licensed?
Magazines/volumes have always been released commercially and doujin are still released by the artists themselves.
The ponyfucker is dead? Damn, rest in piss I guess.
Oh then I suck cocks and don't know how the monetization works.
twitter, like all socmeds, is constantly scraping the data of every device you access it from
it knows your MAC address, it knows your gps coordinates, it knows your browser history, it knows what applications are installed, it knows what online purchases you make, and they use all this data to have an algorithm compile a profile on you for targeted ads
this is the eCommerce Panopticon
They then give that data to the american industrial espionage complex to further the surveillance state.
>waiting a week
Don't tell him
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Why don't they just ban AI like danbooru did?
Didn't know either. Why did it have to be him and not that cuntslut that keeps shitting up the request board?
Baraag is an option, and only open to artists.
>English speakers are still too retarded to reliably access the site
You mean jewboro consistently blocks 95% of ip ranges, no matter how old the account is. The only way to reliably have access is to pay shekels to tenbojew. On top of that wall xe happily gives in to every claim.
This, the sad state of affairs that site isn't worth going to. You either see gacha trash, aislop or both you favorite artists either quit or does nothing but illustrations for LNslops
Because tenboro/tendon >>270768361 is on their payroll, his role is keeping up facade.
Words cannot begin to describe how much i hate AI shit. It's literal spam that only exists to make the internet completely unusable, yet the fucking retard running this site encourages this shit with literally every fucking board having a dedicated general for it.
A lot of these retards bought Xitter Blue to monetize their leaks
No but it feels super restricted in comparison. You can't even post gifs yet.
copyright issues aint relevant to censorship
Because seaniggers don't give a fuck and will spam AI endlessly anyway
How can it get possibly worse than X? A site that randomly bans artists, can't even be accessed without an account and tries to connect you with everything else
Remember to always download what you like
"if you upload it to the internet it is there forever" only applies to really popular stuff and the only way you are getting more obscure shit without being compressed to hell and back will be thanks to a neckbeard that may or not croak the next week
Save your shit dumbass or don't cry when it dissipates into the ether
>You can't even post gifs yet.
Thank fuck for that, enough of replies filled with The Office gif.
No myamura the Jujutsu Kaisen leaker? Isn't his account one of the most popular leak accounts?
>"if you upload it to the internet it is there forever"
Yep, this turned out to be a lie that we naively fell for because we were the first generation with the internet. Now I realize that it's not the case at all. Everything on the internet is on someone's computer, and once the people with those computers go away, the things will be gone forever.
>"if you upload it to the internet it is there forever" only applies to
only applies to things before internet got infected by corporatism and swarmed by normalfags who plaster their personal identity all over the place
self-replicating spambots with machine learning that can autonomously make new accounts and ban evade and bypass captchas, constantly crashing sites whenever the bot population hits critical mass and ddos's their servers
Isn't that the case with X as well?
>on topic thread got deleted
>AI GENERAL thread stay up
I hope Hiro sell 4chan(nel) to someone who actually care.
nobody else cares because 4chan is incapable of generating a profit
hiro only cares because he lost 2chan
once he gets sick of it or runs out of money it's getting shut down
you are remotely connected to Sony
Maybe Elon could buy it.
JJK is ending. Most of this leakers are from CSlop
Hiro did legitimately try to improve the sites moderation at first, he even encouraged meta discussion of it, but of course that put him at odds with the entire moderation staff, not much he could really do.
Probably outing myself as a retard here but I know nothing about the topic. Why do piracy sites keep backups on the darkweb? There's extra hoops to jump through to access but having backups of entertainment, textbooks, websites etc in a place thats not easily accessed or traceable seems like a good idea.
Not bad.
hey they paywalled kiwis and pinoys from making accounts to prevent botspam and it worked
now we only have wholesome whore bots touching themselves to anything, and indians spreading positivity everywhere by post smiling emojis under every xeet like death announcements
That means the bots problem would get worst. Xitter is fucking full of impression zombies nowadays.
Didn't Baraag got attacked by those shartoids retards recently?
Notch was open to buying 4chan at one point
Hopefully people start hosting these things using distributed storage. At least for doujin. Even a long doujinshi isn't going to take up a ton of space on a computer, so seeding individual doujin shouldn't be difficult.
So this is just about actual anime episode leakers and not anime announcement leakers like @SugoiLITE? Meh, who cares then...
As a futachad i am eating good.
Where's redon?
you know full well reeken sold everybody else out to save his own ass just like DBhype did when Shueisha came after VJUMP leakers awhile back, there's a reason that jerkass is still on Twitter even after several others got criminal charges and their accounts suspended

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