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the craze over this show needs to end

this is the first inch toward normalizing girl heroines who have had boy friends before.

they tested the water with that Sayu runaway series, found out there are plenty of simps ready to bend their spine backward for a cute enough girl, and now they are slowly introducing new series of that same disgusting genre in smaller douse.

this is abhorrent and nauseating. we must make a stance right now before it gets any more mainstream
go back and stay there
lol incel
>normalizing girl heroines who have had boy friends before
>none of the girls in MC's harem has ever been in a relationship
This is the opposite of heroines having boyfriends before. That's the whole point. It's in the fucking title.
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it's actually worse than that because these girls are still obsessed with the other guys who are still around, which is not always the case with ex boyfriends
if any of the other guys change their mind, MC will get dropped or cucked in a second, assuming he can even escape the friendzone in the first place
the only hope for this is the sister route
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>It's in the fucking title.
>Losing Heroines
So MC will never score then?
The only one that isn't a loser Heroine is Bassori. She has to win. The others will stay losers.
Sorry bro. Makeine made some fat cash like Anna. it's eligible for a season 2 after the producers finish milking its products.
I want Nukumizu to fuck all three girls and his sister too, come on, doujins.
>Makeine template bait thread
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This reminds me of that video where a guy secretly recorded his sister on the day before she gets married calling her ex to see if he's sure he doesn't want her. Or like the Titanic, a movie that all women love, is about a married woman with children who can't forget about some dude she met decades ago. These feelings don't just go away unless she thinks the male MC is objectively better (she clearly doesn't)
i dropped the show 10 seconds after hearing her
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>and THAT'S how I met your mother
You're mentally ill
spacing is perfectly fine if the point requires it, bandwagooning nufag
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>it's actually worse than that
>these girls are still obsessed with the other guys who are still around
>if any of the other guys change their mind, MC will get dropped or cucked in a second
good lord thats disgusting. who watch this ?
People that can speak English
>it's eligible for a season 2 after the producers finish milking its products
One of the twitter leakers already claimed it got the greenlight. Might be announced with the end of S1
have sex
There is no craze lol, this shit is flopping.
Tell me more because I don't use Xitter.
I'm guessing Elusive Samurai and Roshidere also got the greenlight.
Nothing about more Roshidere or The Elusive Samurai yet.
>If a girl ever had a crush on another guy she is just a used up whore!

What if both heroine and MC had partners. Is that OK then?
nice body neee
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>ever had
it's "has", either you're ESL or trying to imply that the crush is over, which is beyond disingenuous
SugoiLite or someone else?
Taniyama love
>testing the waters
my brother in Christ, you've shown up to fight a battle that was lost years ago.
his sentence was correct, self-embarrashed esl-kun lmao
Mental illness
schizo bros...
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Nothing on Sugoilite account so it's probably bs
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No, what it needs to do is ask why she is wearing 4 bow ties and don't tell me that it's because of how many boyfriends she's had because that's too obvious an answer.
This scene is probably why he subconsciously think Yanami is gross kek.
Is It weird that Is always guys I see pining for old love?
There was this made some years ago that indicated women are hit harder by breakups, but recover better, while some men suffer forever.

Should I watch this shit
I am in a mood for shipping war
Made for weight gain fetish
Kaju literally stealing her nii san's seed with a turkey baster and securing the bloodline all by herself. No other character can compete.
>that it's because of how many boyfriends
Anna wishes she could actually get a boyfriend kek. It's their school uniform, the author likes bows and all girls wear 4 bows.
Anna wishes she was Sousuke's used good
Otherwise it's hypocrisy
Heroines lose to MC's dick
Made for uniform bow fetish
To be fair, as of last LN volume, the MC doesn't consider any of the girls in the club as women, so I'm not sure how they're gonna even advance towards romance when neither party is really insterested in eachother
Why do people assume Nukumizu is interested in any of them? He's not, he's more interested in Bassori or Riko
I'll do my part by not watching it, not like I watch romcoms anyway. If I get a girl someday, I wouldn't like my life to become a comedy.
>believing the unreliable internal thoughts of Warm Water
>the same guy who was getting a boner at the realization that he was wearing the same shirt that Anna had worn
no, "had" is past tense while "has" is present
Wait, when did that even happen? Legit question I actually can't remember that
Vol 2 when they go to check on Lemon at her obaa san's house. Lemon was going to lend her a tshirt that ended up being too small for Anna's annas. The next day the Nukumizu is wearing said tshirt and after realizes why Anna is embarrassed she couldn't fit into it. He has some internal thought along the lines of
>I quickly think of Kaju to take my mind off of it
It's not a basic ass crash though. They are obsessed with them. Even in latest volumes, all of them would run back to their respective love interest if they ever slightly looked at their way.
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yeah but the whore would gladly get herself a boyfriend out of peer-pressure
Are you retarded?
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"ever had" here is an unorthodox way to shorten "has ever had"
That literally a standard as fuck teenager hormons moment. It just proves that he is not as asexual as he is autisic.
yes unironically. if she has ever fallen in love with someone else before you, you were cucked
No, it proves he is more attracted to Anna than he likes to let on.
this sounds like massive cope ignoring the obvious conclusion that the author is dragging it out to not end the story, but yes if MC actually ends up with a woman who is not obsessed with another man then that would be a good thing
it's not, Anna still likes Sosuke
You say it like he doesn't get flustered in similar situation with other girls. Dude is a touchless virgin who had contact with the opposite sex first time in his life.If anything it at least shows that he has functioning genitalia unlike most Harem MCs
Sounds like you’re whining about non issues
if that is the case, he's being disingenuous and making a strawman
OP never said any girl who's ever had a crush is a used up whore, he said this was a first inch towards normalizing girls with ex boyfriends
>this was a first inch
Anon there's already been an anime specifically about a girl who's already had an ex-boyfriend, and already had sex, and a guy with no past experience getting together.
then it's a strawman of OP's position
>Anons take the comedic show seriously.
Really? I could understand if it was drama shit but whatever.
ok? that doesn't change anything about the current argument
OP was talking about normalization of this not the existence of it, and i'm talking about the anon who either implied that anna's crush was in the past (it isn't) or claimed that OP outlined the rule that any girl who's ever had a crush is a used up whore (he didn't)
Well at least i'm not delusional ignoring the entire premise in the process
Wrong on all counts once again. wwww
>you are wrong
>because you are ok!!!!!!! wwwwwwww
Ok retard
Calm down before you have an aneurysm, you silly butt flustered fool of an anon. How embarrassing.
so to be clear, MC does consider her to be a woman and is interested in her sexually?
Yes and yes. Anyone who says other wise is too retarded for plot or is shitposting. The former should stick to battle shounen or western cartoons. It’s more their speed
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>Anon still malding that Stacy turned him down in high school
>Projecting into 2D
Kek, can't be me.
Any time I see a sitcom on TV or something nowadays I'm grossed out by how much rampant cheating and other dumb shit people not only get into is perfectly normalized.
The fact that most anime romances are about awkward high schoolers or other outcasts is a blessing, because the alternative is watching 10 seasons of people you know will fall in love by the end bicker over trivial shit, go in and out of a relationship over the smallest things, and fuck hordes of other people, and then when "character development" has happened they realize they're each other's true love or whatever.

I just don't get why people willingly submit themselves to that. You can do anything in fiction, and yet people insist on this borderline masochistic form of entertainment. What happened to romance, unironically?
You are watching a romance anime to fill the void of what you've never had. This is you.
>projecting his own projection on to OP
Now male otaku won't be able to self-insert.
>resident shitposter is still whining about inconsequential 3DPD trash and the worthless whims of normalfag garbage
Impressive, if it wasn’t so pathetic
>we must make a stance right now
ok you start and we'll follow your example, OP
The fact this show is airing around the same time as that NTR about married women who encounter their ex-boyfriends by chance is all too perfect.
considering the current state of the world this will be the future, your future wife will have spent his late teens and 20's whoring around and having fun and she will marry the provider while also keeping something on the side for fun, the dudes who can make women wet will get the best from the batch while the run through ones will be gone to beta providers
In other words being alone is the future. You get to be the side fun of married women and girlfriends without having to provide for them and you can also do your job to keep the population going by conceiving a child that someone else will take care of. Why even get into a relationship anymore? Just enjoy the fun of dating without any of the responsibilities. If you squint hard enough you can pat yourself in the back because the only reason the families are happy is because you made the women happy.
Jeez what happens if you watch Toradora or School Rumble? You gonna have a stroke?
the problem comes when you are not part of the 10% that gets all the women, if you are there you will live a better life than genghis khan, like the japanese dude who had 40 girlfriends and he told a different birthdate to them and he had a party set up for him every week, if you don't have charisma or are the slightest bit in the spectrum you can kiss your ass goodbye
I mean, that was back in Vol 2. As of Vol 7 where everyone knows each other better it seems everyone has frienzoned each other. I personally hope next Vol shows a little more romance since at the moment they all seem stuck
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>Girl has a crush on a boy who isn’t the MC
>/r9k/ thread
Can't you fags just rope already. It's a comedy anime and not an anime meant for you to self insert into you fucking virgins.
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dont you DARE compare Toradora to this cuck propaganda trash
>Old Good, New Bad
its exactly the same, grow up faggot you arent the main character.
its different because all of the casts of Toradora were being genuine with and respectful of each other. Kitamura, being Ryuuji best friend, would NEVER gets with Taiga even if he fell in love with her.
lol ok 8man
Women don't fall in love with men. That's complete bullshit.
More accurate comparison would be if a third-rated character showed up and became close friends with Minori and eventually gets together with her only to realize he'll always live in the shadow of Ryuuji and she will secretly picture his face during your honeymoon because you will never be as manly as Ryuuji.
Cuck hands made this thread
>all the losing heroines have short hair
Would Anna be fun in bed?
She would turn your D into a parfait and devour it.
AI shits and their consequences have been a disaster for the fanart community
>You gonna have a stroke?
i was merely clarifying what was actually happening in the story, i'm not OP and I can watch things and criticize characters without projecting on to them or getting personally mad about it
why does simply explaining what is happening bother you so much? are you identifying with MC perhaps?
Luddites have been a disaster for the human race.
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Dishonest comparison.
In Toradora, MC is chasing another girl during Taiga's crush, he and Taiga are on equal footing and only develop their relationship later on. He's not stuck lusting after Taiga from her friendzone while she pines for another man.
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>anime and manga keep getting whore propaganda
vnbros we just keep winning just by existing
learn to draw
ryuuji had such a bad taste in women wtf
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Why do anons call Karen a whore and a bimbo even though she has no slutty behavioral or personality traits?
This show is for people who actually lived their lives and have enough experience to understand how messed up Teenage relationships can be.
If you can't handle that you should go watch some other Otakuslop made for people who wasted their lives doing nothing and can't understand shows like this one
if you acknowledge that it's messed up, why do you continue to glorify it?
nta but because I'm able to look back and feel like all the shit I did and witnessed was worth it
I wish I could trade my older sister with her..
same guys who wonder why no woman wants them. Just because you've never been on a date doesn't mean that's normal. 99% of people have an ex or two, and the ones that don't are extremely ugly. you're in for a bad life.
I know I said it once but god damn.
He's cool as fuck bros.
>you can never have a fulfilling highschool experience like this
Except I did had.
I was once a leader for a ballroom dancing competition.
It was also the first time I had physical contact with a woman (we held hands). Needless to say, she was also one of my first love.
Too bad she was in a relationship with her cf bf.
What would Kaju say if she knew that her brother held hands with 4 people at the same time?
>appeal to normalfaggotry
Here me out guys.
What if.
Just, what if.
What if they ended up just as good friends?
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>same guys who wonder why no woman wants them. Just because you've never been on a date doesn't mean that's normal
so just like MC?
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This girl is fucking bottomless.
I want to cook dinner for her and her brother and sister.
I literally cannot wait for this anime to be one of the Christm/a/s stream in 5 years.
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You are pathetic. I stopped watching new anime for years and yet I see more appreciation and effort for this series than any other show this season. I can tell this is a quality anime from the few screenshots and webms alone. You are pathetic if you cannot handle one (1) anime that doesn't set up this ideal, fantastical premise and instead shows something new.
that'd be an odd ending for a romance story where she takes up most of the screen time
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nah i think it could work
>I stopped watching new anime for years and yet I see more appreciation and effort for this series than any other show this season. I can tell this is a quality anime from the few screenshots and webms alone.
respectfully, I don't think you're qualified to rank this show among the other shows this season when you haven't watched this show or anything this season
The fat pig of this episode isn't blue. Should i make this week poll about pink and her +3kg of babies?
She's a demon.
>Sousuke sucks on those every day after school
I haven't felt this jealous of an anime dude in a long while, but here we are.
Those fiction girls, not irl
Well she is an Airhead and she wasted no time in going to pound town with her high school boyfriend.
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Unironically agreeing with this. Disregard most of the shit about tropes here's a screen from the characters in the printer room at their school. It has the kind of cluttered paper boxes everywhere background you'd expect and switches to 5 different angles over the course of a 30 second scene.
What a dumb study. Their numbers are less than .5 higher than on a scale of 1-10 yet somehow they exaggerated that to "far more anguish".
Yugami said it himself, he doesn't have a friend.
if you're always in male dominated spaces like 4chan, then no it's not that weird.
Have you not watched Makeine then? Nukumizu is not interested in any of the girls like that, he considers them friends and isn't pining after them.
What is this dishonesty? Nukumizu isn't interested in any of the girls like that at all, nor does he wonder why he doesn't have a girlfriend. He just enjoys his LN's and has a good time with his friends. Stop projecting you fucking virgin
does it matter? none of that background is hand drawn.
The truth is, Anna...
The game was rigged from the start.
It matters because it's there and shows they care. Most series wouldn't have bothered at all.
Do incels really?
Stop being so insecure lol.
If y'all don't like it, simply don't watch it.
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>Nukumizu is not interested in any of the girls like that
giga cope, he's simply not confident enough yet to even consider the possibility that he could win, you're not even viewing this at a surface level to say something like that
Stop being so insecure lol.
If you don't like OP's opinion, simply don't respond.
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literal homewrecker
Most people do that in real life because it's how modern dating works.

>What happened to romance
A romanticist painter started a war that killed 80 million people.
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What's with the cum stain on the ceiling?
deep Anna knowledge
It's what happens when Penis Inspection Day goes wrong.
Callback to the first episode.
Callback to what?
All I can recalled is the cum stain had been there for decades.
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who dis blonde faggot again?
You ARE putting powdered sugar on the fried dough right?
it's imagery to show that no matter how much time passes the stain(her impurity)will still be there.
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I'm 4 episodes in and I'm still not sure which would be more disappointing, Nukkun ending up with one of the losers knowing that he'll always be the rebound, or the series staying true to its name and maintaining the status quo to the very end. This concludes my uneducated opinion. Back to watching.
Please, give me the show's name about the exes.
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He did this IN FRONT OF THE ENTIRE SCHOOL and the processed to look like a complete playboy with her and Bassori. Anna saw it, Lemon saw it, Ayano and his gf saw it so did Sousuke and Karen as well as Komari and Prez. No only that but he had a conversation with Lemon later on that makes him look like even more of a playboy in front of his entire class. Nukumizu's reputation is that of a man whore in his school now
Beignets are like crack cocaine.
Fag is talking about girls like they are TVs, here I am on 1080 happy. Gotta love what you have and not covet what you don't.
>Gotta love what you have and not covet what you don't.
tell that to every main girl in this series
Chat, do I pick this show up?
>the only hope for this is the sister route
Would make this show an instant 10/10.
Just fucking watch it and drop it if you find it boring, it's not like you have anything better to do
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The chad who causes orbiters to leave orbit.
Women don't listen to reason.
I work 2 jobs and feed 7 kids
Nukkun is a chad.
Scanty mummy wrap is always very sexy
Browns are sex too
This may looks stupid at first, but it is a very polite way of saying a girl is dressed as a slut
>why does simply explaining what is happening
>it's actually worse than that
>MC will get dropped or cucked in a second
Anon, you are either retarded or you think everyone else is.
Erotic mummy tummy...
I love used goods
>"I quickly think of Kaju to take my mind off of it"
>boner turns into a giga boner
Is this the six cour anime everyone is talking about?
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It should have been me, not Sousuke!
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What now?
Nishikawa is so lucky...
Post the jealous guy
And yet you have time to post on japanese cartoon forum
Strip the ghost
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You ever heard the idiom "The perfect is the enemy of the good"?
Ideally, women would just date and then marry and have a bunch of kids with the first guy they meet. But we don't live in an ideal world. It's unironically something that you'll just need to get over at some point, or else you're just going to be an embittered incel with sour grapes forever. It's just the world you're living in, and you don't get a choice.
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Nishikawabros how can we compete?
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kazuhikek lost
Nukkun likes long hair
Who has long hair? Hokubaru, Chihaya, Yumeko, Koto, Konuki, and Karen
Holy fucking shit, I'm not even a tomboyfag, but why is lemon a absolutely sexual?
The ideal ending for this series is all girls falling for him, and right before they decide to confess, another girl shows up out of nowhere and snatches him up.
Wouldn't even be mad.
Kek they cut out the part where Sousuke also ogled Remon
i think the irony is that her running outfit is actually scantier
Lemon is objectively inferior to Asagumo in the Japanese view. Sure she has a figure and a cute face but her overall aesthetic is inferior — the greatest minus being her brown skin. There’s no chance a guy as light-skinned as the boyfriend would want to settle for her. “We share life goals: is complete and utter bullshit, he wanted a long-haired white-skinned Japanese beauty that better matched his status.
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>is all girls falling for him
already happened
>another girl shows up out of nowhere and snatches him up
she tried but he's too strong
To sell anime and other media
Brown makes the World go round
Kuro Sekai
Kenskei of the Shinshingumi
There’s 2 ways to salvage this LN pandering trash:
1. Final arc it’s revealed Nuku and Jaku were sleeping together all this time which is why Nuku had a high resistance to Anna and other girls’ constant flirting, meltdown proceeds.
2. In the final arc when it turns into a love triangle between the main girl Anna and the 3rd wheel Karen the winner is actually Karen. When pushed into a corner Nuku finally admits that Karen is simply a better pick, utterly subverting the JP love triangle trope and causing a shitstorm.
Are the LNs more of the same tone and pace that I've seen from the anime so far? Or does it pull some kind of a Haganai and go full retard later on past where the anime will end?
I just want to know enough to avoid being disappointed if I buy and read the books.
puritfyfags are the fucking worst. get the fuck over yourselves.
She's obviously fucking the janitor as well!
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How hard did he SNIFF?
Step aside, I will handle her
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Spurting hot ropes of cum deep inside Komari.
Intimate race-mixing sex with Komari.
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This is what Nuku and Anna look like from an outsider's perspective
Maiden in love Anna at the end of the episode was cute as fuck.
>outsider's perspective
Doesn't matter, they both hate the idea of being seen as couple and aren't afraid of directly rejecting each other.
Fuck off back to where you came from and never come back. And learn not to write sentences like a brainless refugee.
Give me Bassori or give me death
What if they kissed?
The teacher would've schlicked to it that night.
2 years too early
This was posted by a brazillian monkey, ot reeks of huehue and whore mentality
The point is they are in a humorous state of being in a constant lovers’ quarrel. That is the complete premise of their relationship — the male and female lead are already in relationship in all ways except officially, and humor is mined from that gap between being-together and not-officially-a-couple.

At some point you people have to understand the basics of the JP romance genre. There is no harem, there is no dramatic tension over who is going to “win”, the winner has already been decided since the first scene. Think of it like a dating game show where the winner is pre-scripted and they don’t particularly hide that fact either.
There are many proper harem series where the MC Bowl is up in the air until late in the series, this just isn't one of them.
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Those tits were in Nukumizu and Sousuke's faces
>most attractive girl in the series
>she isn't in the MCbowl
>she's not even a relevant character
this is one hell of a cucked series

Isn't Lemon the most attractive character?
She looks loke a dumpster fire.
I have a crush on Karen
What if the winning heroines and losing heroines swapped roles?
What would Makeine be like?
you just have weird taste. She's pure sex.
What a healthy ghost.
For what purpose does she record the students for?
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Would you be upset if she got a boyfriend?
i liked the detail about komari looking at nukumizu when her brother asked if he was her boyfriend instead of immediately denying it
y-you know
Just saw ep7
This shit turned exactly into what I didnt want it to turn into
>hey look all these girls lost isnt it sad
>now you get to see them lose again LOL and the MC is a cuck LOL
What the fuck man, Im bailing here
Material for later use.
Why didn't they let us know her backstory?
Her backstory is mentioned in a volume extra
She used to be the university's bicycle, was classmates with the other sensei.
Personally i don't understand why there are several heroines, what's the point of a fake harem when MC is not interested in them that way. Do the japanese readers like that?
> big tits but also slim
I hate her.
well it's supposed to be about losers, so that makes sense
>try watching the sub so I can be current and not two weeks behind
>can't understand what they are saying
>feel like I'm missing half the show

being a dubcuck is truly suffering.
l-lewd . I wanted her to be the desperate cake for shits and giggles like >>270793546 instead of a nympho.
He doesn't even consider them friends for the most part. He had to do a full confession to consider Anna a friend. He didn't want to call Komari a friend until he realized he was weirding out her siblings.
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I think anime lemon looks hotter than she does in that pic
I like how at the beginning of the show retards were spouting "nobody cares" or "the quality won't last" and now they are in full coping mode. It feels good being right and, most importantly, being on the right side of history.
That's even worse because it means the writer specifically thought introducing used goods was a good idea.
>b-but they're not used-
If a girl has devoted her feelings to another man, she's used goods, especially if she still entertains those feelings.
Except being pandering LN garbage it can’t help itself but to throw in the winning heroines too for no reason AND a bunch of unaffiliated girls too. It’s like a factory of romcom tropes and pandering. Ie, "oh no x-san is jamming her boobs in my face I’m sure this was in a LN," "y-san asks me to kiss eeeeh this isn’t a LN you know," etc and so on forever. The premise sounds like the plot is going to be an interesting take on the love-triangle trope but it turned out to be just a shallow gimmick.
Volume 1 was published as a standalone and is a complete story on its own, the serialization that came after is what you're complaining about.
is it told how many dicks she gobbled there?
/a/ never fails to trip on it's own pretense
>He didn't want to call Komari a friend until he realized he was weirding out her siblings.
One does not befriend goblins.
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How old is she?
literally nobody said that
>it turned out to be just a shallow gimmick
yea, that's all it was
you're right, let's all stop watching this shit
anons using the lame Makeine name instead of the more kino Make Heroine
This. So much this.
Probably 5 or 6. That level of earnesty and simplicity is usually only found in really little kids, but she doesn't seem toddler age.
literally shove your gaslighting up your ass
>the desperate cake for shits and giggles
isnt that the role of byzantine sensei?
Ditzy big tits, forehead shorty and a glasses senpai? It would be a regular romcom.

The trash fire that is Anna, with the indecent tomboy and the basement dweller are what give this series flavor
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she cute
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Stop, eating!
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how would you respond without sounding mad?
do translations go further than the anime? I can't watch anime
picked up then
the tl prose is kind of shit but it's a good read regardless
In which volume will the anime end?
Old enough
for what
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Sex with Anna. Sex with Anna until she tires and makes you do all the work.
>>the same guy who was getting a boner at the realization that he was wearing the same shirt that Anna had worn
That sounds like tranny shit.
your mom is tranny shit
This episode made me hate Karen. She obviously leads guys on very very badly.
I am.
This right here >>270790917 is about what you can expect. An absolute herbivore of a main character.
There is no way a girl would act like this when she has a boyfriend. She fucks other boys casually doesn't she?
He's saving his first kiss for his wife Anna.
I just want to read one romance book where the main character isn’t a castrated pile of garbage. And no, I don’t want the opposite end of the spectrum where it’s some stupid ass harem wish fulfillment shit either.

Maybe there’s just nothing for people like me.
This would be my best romcom ever if the author pulled an Ookami Shounen and let Basori win.
>mfw i have a bandage fetish and a tanline fetish
if the elevens start drawing fanart of this i'm going to fucking die
Nukumizu is CALLED for ascetism and a life in a Buddhist temple but he doesn't know it yet.
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She's a typical ENFJ.
You have absolute shit taste.
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She very much acts and looks like a main heroine (that wins) so the writer and original character designer 100% succeeded in their narrative intentions.
Yes is always the best answer in those situations
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Anna's chances of winning really were 0%
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On this day i pray, for just a single half pixel of a nipple
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No... Stop... My dick...
>Losing heroines
>Said heroines actually have tons of boys liking them
tits too big
Anna really has a nice ass.
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This show is basically pic related.
I love Anna so much
Okita Souji...
Anna is much hotter than Karen.
Not even the author believes that.
this joke was absolute genius
"Nukumizu, you're no bushi."

I wish it was true.
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Imagine unwrapping her sweaty bandages
>Encourages students to fuck
>Takes candid videos of students.
How does this nympho still have her job?
Is Karen a good person?
Yeah, it's Anna the one that is evil.
>I wish it was true.
It is true for women.
The people who indulge into her shit probably think she's based.
She seems like a nice person that probably uplifts those around her.
Don't we already kind of know this?
I really like how she basically admitted that she doesn't mind going out with him
I don't think its particularly funny but I understood his analogy.
>All those 480p mirrin
5. You're a male.
She's probably devastated a double digit number of guys by being flirty and lathering them with love and affection only to go "Teehee I don't actually like you that way" when they confess.
Still #4. There's always a 1/10 out there who would go for your dick after a few drinks.
no i meant the part specifically where nuku sees anna and says "oh 4k"
I believe it, you would think she's one of Nukumizu's love interests the way she was introduced at the beginning of this episode, if you had no context about who she was.
or a gay dude but that's beyond the point
8K isn't necessarily better than 4K.
Would she have rejected him if he was more proactive this early on? Genuinely asking.
i still need to make effort to get her drunk then have a poor relationship with her.
Anna is more of a 2K QUAD HD
>There's always a 1/10 out there who would go for your dick after a few drinks.
Those ones always believe they are gods gift to the world. Hoeflation is real.
just admit you don't want a dragon or another dude sucking your dick
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>mfw I was a Nukumizu minus the losing heroines
Love Anna
There is nothing to admit, that's a normal reaction.
probably not
but nuku is an autist and anna can be a bit of a tsundere
How early we talking? I feel like she still hasn't fully moved on from her rejected osananajimi phase.
For some reason, I found the newest episode very messy
I don’t go on /a/ much, can someone explain what is the Christm/a/s stream
We get together and watch all the CHADmins fuck your mother.
Who is the blonde dude that Anna went with? Why did she go with him? I don’t understand any characters except the main ones.
I assume it's just some randos from 1-C who has a crush on Anna since he was also wearing a cosplay, which 1-C is doing for their class festival.
I supposed that it was the guy that she rejects according to LNfags spoilers.
They're in the friend group Anna and Sousuke are part of.
Anna cowgirl. Anna reverse cowgirl. Anna missionary because she got tired.
>Yanami asks Nukumizu's thoughts on her costume
>Nishikawa seethes and glares
What the hell is Nishikawa's problem?
You don't have a cute and clingy imouto
Incel seething. She didn't ask anyone else but Nukumizu
For me, it's Komari
She's too dark to be attractive.
LN spoilers
He appears one more time, during their play. That's it. He never gets mentioned again. His only purpose was to make Nukumizu jealous for that one scene.
I don't follow shit media
I only care about doujins and fanart as these disposable whores are nothing but walking holes begging to be cummed inside
Nukumizu shits on it too
Can a climaxing woman squirt that much liquid with a force hard enough that it can reach the ceiling like that?
>I don't follow shit media
I really do like how brutal the story is with relentlessly showing reality of the more attractive girl always winning. Now that will break down in the final arc when the main JP romance trope of the less-attractive main girl (Anna) winning in the end. It will become a standard love triangle between Nuku, Anna and Karen, and Karen will come on strong to Nuku who will waver but in the end stick to Anna. Absolutely bog-standard JP romance. It would be much more interesting if the winner girls’ boyfriends would start fights over their girlfriends constantly hanging around and flirting with Nuku. Fights make LN-reading herbivore men feel icky so that will NEVER happen.
>I really do like how brutal the story is with relentlessly showing reality of the more attractive girl always winning. Now that will [HEADCANON]
Very hard because it's so thick that he was probably gasping for air at that time
She's a school nurse, she's responsible for health education!
Every school girl in this series has been hot or cute, the guys are so lucky...
>girl with boyfriend gives the mc a full titty facial and now she's in the bowl for whatever reason
The LN I would literally buy untranslated and translate with Google Eye is one in which the MC is a background character watching every attractive girl in the school throw themselves at a typical JP beta male protagonist. The MC snipes the girls when they’re at their most vulnerable and taking their first-times while sneeringly deconstructing all the usual bullshit tropes. A Netori Ninja. He’ll grow as a person and stop taking advantage of girls — but not before taking the main section of the protag’s harem.
That's true, for me 4k is the limit for text and being a programmer I need readable text and also large workspace real estate.
So is the plot just the mc hanging around some harem archetypes? Does anything ever happen?
This is the most dishonest fucking series ever, uses the same tactics as any other fucking LN
My clumsy Sumika is so cute bros.
>those hair vents
is she from 1996?
I never really saw Anna's mesh of archetypes together, at the very least she feels like a fresh character. The literature club couple is okay too for just being too normal.
>I really do like how brutal the story is with relentlessly showing reality of the more attractive girl always winning.

Japanese writers are incapable of originality
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The usual anti-big boob slut shaming tactics
Each and EVERY one of the winners are more attractive than the losers — yes that includes Lemon, since it’s going by Japanese beauty standards.
Literally never happens in LNs or romcoms
There's literally nothing wrong with "used goods"
that's literally just a sober evaluation of reality, it is a worse scenario for MC than if the girls merely had ex boyfriends and they would choose their crushes over him if given the chance
if a simple explanation of what is happening makes you upset, the problem is you

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