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I thought it was good
>used to look at JP screenshots of upcoming episodes with my younger brother
>episode starring the chaotix
>so excited I woke up at 4am to catch it at 9am afraid to miss it
Good times
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If i only watched this as a kid and don't remember much of anything; is it still worth a rewatch?
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I am a retarded freak.
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Chris ruined it.
Retarded freak here. This is true
*Only CHADs like Sonic the Hedgehog
I used to like his tummy
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Looking forward to the upcoming Shadow manga. Only a few days left.
I like sonic and I don't think you're wrong.
I hope we get translations decently fast
>They happen instantly because windii is a shadowfag
Would be funny
Did the mangaka work on anything else prior to this?
so based i love sonic
but was it actually good?
Ok, and?
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it was
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This one-shot too:
Damn, his art is great, and that heroine... if rouge shows up...
Are there big differences between sub and dub?
Usual 4kids shenanigans of changing all of the music, removing scenes, censoring stuff etc
Cosmo was my first love. I still haven't recovered. I remember going through a yearly annual medical screening in middle school and jokingly telling about it to a psychologist. She mocked me so hard about it, i almost started crying in front of her. Bitch doesn't get it, i LOVED HER.
The only episode I remember was when the dumbass orange haired kid decided to throw a tantrum when Sonic & co had to go back to their home planet and Sonic had to sit around with him for like 2 episodes to hang out with him being basically held hostage.
That shit made me cringe even as a dumb kid.
I think that honestly you WOULD have to be retarded since I fail to see what makes it so interesting for anyone past the age of 12
I work in childcare and there’s a 6 year old who’s obsessed with Amy Rose like she’s his waifu. Should I be worried?
good taste
Yes. That's how Chris Chan started.
Call him a fag and tell him to go back to >>>/v/
Despite its flaws, Sonic X has a lot of that early 2000's charm and has its fair share of emotional moments. Cosmo's death hits pretty hard and even though Chris is an annoying shit, I understand how it was hard for him to let go of Sonic and others. Then there was the beach episode which had a pretty sweet ending and that episode where Sonic spent the day with the girl who was in a wheel chair. Pretty heavy stuff for a kids show I gotta say.
>should i be worried about someone having a waifu
You should kill yourself for being a normalfag.
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I miss her so much like you wouldn't believe.
he'll grow up and pick rouge
I’m not worried about him having a waifu, I have one myself. I just don’t know if Amy Rose is a good choice since she is from the Sonic fandom
Censored bat tits.
>4kids sweating when this scene pops up
I never liked sonic even as a kid. Something about him was just unappealing to me. I couldn't like him no matter how hard I tried but I loved Mario.
sounds like you just weren't RAD AND COOL enough then!
>if rouge shows up...
So this is how they will get nip kids to like sonic
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All I want is at least one panel of my nigga omega
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Omega is way too cool to be stuck in a franchise like Sonic. Not to imply Sonic isn't cool but Omega just doesn't fit in very well, and is underutilized like all the other side characters in Sonic.
Omega is a trash character. Bring Gamma back.
The OST suffers a lot, they cut out a bunch of stuff, general censorship in signs and any semblance of non english words
The worst offender to me personally was removing Live and Learn from the Final Hazard fight, the JP dub plays a part of it once Shadow removes his inhibitor rings, its so fucking cool
You thought wrong.
Still remember in 06 when he immediately starts pumping Mephiles full of lead in that one cutscene
Wish he was used more lately ngl
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Ep. 1 JP version is one of the coolest fucking things ever made. Then the rest of the show happened. They're like two different things. And the English version changed the music, so the first episode really only feels like a Master Class in artistic action directing when watching the original version.
(No subs) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNTVcoWKGoU
This. Everything was fine until that Pretty Little Girl showed up (pic rel).
>Ep. 1 JP version is one of the coolest fucking things ever made. Then the rest of the show happened. They're like two different things
This. Never watched the dub, but this was roughly my thoughts on it back then too. There were the occasional good episode, usually Knuckles and/or Rouge centric ones, but Chris and his shitty friends and family were usually horrendous.
>Then the rest of the show happened
There are a handful of good episodes.
because you are dumb
because you are smart
>The OST suffers a lot
The only real loss is the intro by Jam Project.
>removing Live and Learn from the Final Hazard fight
Plays too quietly and the majority of it is playing over a scene of human characters talking, a scene so boring that it is literally based on a scene cut from the original game.
Sub is uncensored but the dub is funnier, so if you've seen the first 5 seasons of digimon you know what I mean.
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And Sonic loves retarded freaks.
>there are a few good episodes
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>Sonic is a liberalist

also anybody else remember this flash game?
I hated the art style to this. Everyone looks like a hqppy meal toy.
The Sonic franchise insists upon itself.
Only in every scene that isn't the designated 2 seconds of sakuga.
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Sonic SatAM was my favorite.
Look at those melons
I watched the show with my family recently and it was a huge hit. Discotek really did a service with their BD release of the JP version. At long last the show finally has a proper English translation. I hadn't shown the anime to my family before then because the fansubs sucked.
Funny enough, the kid name was Chris.
I liked it, shame it never got a second season.
>Rouge appears on screen
>sax jingle
>Rouge appears on screen only for a couple seconds
>sax jingle plays extremely quickly
Very based sound team, my knees bend on their own any time I watch 4kids.
>for like 2 episodes
Pretty sure it was only for like 2/3 of the last episode
>I watched the show with my family
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she's a foxy girl!
Sonic threads do worse on more japanese centric boards, just like it does worse in Japan.
I tired rewatching it a couple years ago. I remember it feeling like it's very much a kid's show and not in a good way
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>Sonic X
Were the first nine any good?
poor family just because you strapped them to the chair and they couldn't leave doesn't mean it was a huge hit
Sonic was never good.
Probably. But, I meant it in a kind of hand-wavy way, because I didn't watch very far after that (partly because I didn't have TV and saw the first episode online somehow) and it just seemed generic. Not exactly terrible, but more "typical."
Oh, that's good to know, especially if I pick it back up again. And glad I wasn't just imagining things. I kinda just stuck with the first episode, if I ever felt like rewatching it, and nevee felt brave enough to chance it on the others. But, I might do that just to see what I think of it now.
>Never watched the dub
I tried it on YouTube to see how bad it'd be. But, I didn't even really pay attention to the voices and noped out of ir after skipping around a bit becausw the music was so different and took away the impact by a lot. Honestly, it made it feel more like how I vaguely remember the episoees after that one feeling.
Some things are eternal
Isn't it just the two Sonic Adventure games with a human self-insert added in?
First season is a original story iirc, they only start adapting the games later
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I thought it was pretty shit.
It is but it's overall the best Sonic show so it gets dicksucked by /v/.
The OVA is the best.
>It is but it's overall the best Sonic show
That's just straight up untrue when shit like the OVA, and Boom are much better by a long shot.
I thought it was the coolest shit and it lead me to the newgrounds rabbithole
I rewatch it all a few months back
Overall fun to rewatch and surprised how decent the adventure arcs and battle episode were. The final part felt like they finally got it. The only big issues was the early episodes such and still think Chris is a bitch

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