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Amazing episode this week
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SHE is back
Gentle shoulda been the MC.
So how many more asspulls until someone actually is off combat?
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Gentle is so lucky
Fuck Deku
Lady Nugget is so pretty.
I fucking love this series.
I wish the rest of the series could look as good as this season
Gentle is the only person that won in this series.
Not even ochunko would.
I'm anime only, so I didn't know what was going to happen. I admit Gentle's return made me tear up a bit.
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The real winner of this shitty manga
The OST was on point
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>keeps his cool up till now
>loses his shit when AFO insults Endeavor
storytime at what hour today?
tin is collegeslaving now so I think we can expect storytimes at 5pm EST at the earliest
SHE is in her late 30s
So I still have a chance
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What was Hori thinking with the Joint Training arc?
Setting up all the things he needs for the finale
I didn't feel anything about the Gentle part in the manga but it was pretty emo in the anime.
This is why I always prefer anime.
Anime will always be better at hype moments and fights, manga is better to understand the plot and the characters.
>gentle cameo gets significantly better animation than fucking deku vs shiggy
Gentle? He won
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>Muscular stays for 30 seconds longer and Gentle runs out to stop him.
Who would've won?
He probably just used a generator to pick matchups for both classes and decided to write with whatever results he got. Aside from like, Uraraka and Midoriya being on the same team, which was decided from the start.
Gentle, I feel like his quirk hardcounters him, but I doubt he'd be able to stop all the jailbreakers so some, if not most, would escape.
muscular is a fucking jobber
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It's not fair, bros. All she needed was meds and a blowie.
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cool frames
so next week is Tokoyami kino right?
do you think gentle could have stopped the planes from hitting the twin towers?
he probably would've accidentally bounced the planes into other nearby buildings
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Endhawks real
>gentle bounces the planes away
>wtc still blows up and collapses
My one and only HERO.
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>had the right intentions but got buttfucked by luck
>willing to give anything to protect his love
>has to think ways of reinvent elastic bullshit
>always got the lucky winner ticket
>new powerup when he needs too
>never worked on his own to improve

Gentle owns show when?
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I love my wife
As it should.
That was never in doubt.
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>Failed to get into even a C tier hero school (with a quirk he'd had his whole life to train)
>Killed someone with his sheer incompetence
>A literal who until LaBrava arrived
>Lost as a grown ass man against a freshman with less than a year's experience using a quirk at all, even with LaBrava's "Power of love" quirk assisting him
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This one is my favorite
>>Killed someone with his sheer incompetence
>Good character gets better treatment than shit characters
good on them for knowing what people actually want to watch
Are those nfts?
My bad, injured someone through incompetence
>good on them for knowing what people actually want to watch
Gentle didn't even make it to the Top 40 in the Global Popularity Poll...

Tells you a lot about how shallow people are that they don't like a character who was a loser but perserved to become someone cool.
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For me, it’s Hawks.
>the character who disappeared for 200 chapters didn't rank high
i am shocked and appalled
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we know, endeavor
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We know, Gorilla Cop.
>Old Man Garou
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Gentle and Endeavor are so lucky.
Real talk; Gentle is the best villain. Dude stayed true to his heart, failed, and became better because of it. He wasn't just some mindless faggot bent on destroying shit, or some manchild who just wanted to be evil because it looked cool.
He literally just wanted to be famous
Yes. He was down to earth and simple. That's what makes him so great.
Your point?
SHE is very gorgeous to me
**Didn't want to be forgotton
Did ya not get the whole scene where gentle is talking to one of his former classmates years later after flunking and he realises the guy doesn't even remember who he was? The whole making viral internet vids about his villain antics was always just a cope to placate his fear of dying alone and unremembered
Skeptic's VA got really into it in this episode.
Cannot go wrong with Sugita.
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drawing my wife everyday she will live on in my heart.
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cute balls
Man the storytime and this episode made me feel bad for sleeping on Gentle for so long, dude is legitimately a badass.
Alway nice to see these posts
it's very unfortunate that the beginning/setup for the school fesitva arc is such a slog since it leads people to also attaching that to gentle and la brava's appearance but i'm happy this episode is making people realize what a g he is
that's gonna be a good toga
You have these collected anywhere?
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Thank you so much I do but I don't know if just posting my twitter is against regulations ive seen people say it is but if you want i can.
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I love my wife
I don't think it would be wrong to simply put your username next to your art
Dude.nice tits.
alright if you're curious my username is poopgodgaming69 and no thats not a joke that really is that.
Good to see you're still at it.
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Yes, her tits are perfect, much like the rest of her body!
Thank you I just been doing what i can. also yes im glad to see you're drawing too.
Not as much as I'd like, but I'm trying to make time for drawing every once in a while.
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Big fan of her nomu-breaking ass personally
I wish I was a nomu
How strange. Why would Bakugo be coming home to Fuwa's husband?
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>Fuwa's husband
Nice. Thanks
She would break your skull with her bare feet
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She's going to decapitate you with her rock hard thighs anon...
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Why do e-women hate this Deku face?
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Anon she'll crush you like a bug against her sweaty rabbit ass
>mirko wearing clothes with gaudy patterns
My fetish
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Pump it
Deku was a war hero who came home with a disability, only to get abandoned by all his friends and teased love interest
Like half of the issues could be solved by just having Ochako call him about being late for a dinner date bc of hero work
Another 1/4th can be solved by showing Deku being pushed to accept the suit by multiple oddball students he's mentored
>only to get abandoned by all his friends and teased love interes

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