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Already forgotten
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>literally an emotionless ponkotsu

He should have sold her and married his childhood friend.
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Fuck Atri
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hitting her womb
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fleshbags can't compete with robutts
>people actually watched noir's very boring show

Dropped at Episode 2.
Atri's tight robopussy
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Gosling noises doko?
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Robot Hebe ToT
Played the game some time ago, while it does its job properly for a quick tearjerker and makes me teared up during the play, the story itself isn't that memorable or leaves any meaningful impact. for comparison of the same format/theme, I somewhat still like planetarian better
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>not watching it for best girl
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No good streaming service has it. Makes sense.
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4chan's shitty sliding captchas are hard even for humans who solve them all day.

Atri doesn't stand a chance.
Where do you think your torrents come from, ponkotsu. Streaming services.
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t. Atri
Robot ryona this episode? Looks like they're delaying the ghost island arc for later.
I want to fuck the high performance decepticon!
Hands off.
tv broadcasts were streams too though before streaming was cool
how do you think data is relayed
>nyooo, my robot onahole isn't a real human bean
Lamest drama of the year.
At least anime Madds Mikkelsen is here to save us from it.
Atri deserves to be raped
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High performance robowaifu bikini panservice and ponkotsu kisses
>The robot I love is robotic.

Terrible writing.
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honestly he's a retard and brought this misery on himself. I find it hard feeling bad for him. If anything I feel bad for Atri
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>MC is drama queen
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God damn this ponkotsu can't do ANYTHING right.
>getting mad at a fucking machine
it has never been so over.
He looks like a trust-worthy man.
the way her eyes shut off... jesus
>minamo is the one that has to say ningens are calculating pieces of shit
Just how naive is natsuki?
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>orders her to not act like she has a heart and to not try to make him happy
>she acts in the opposite way she would usually act just to comply
>AIEEEEEEEE so that's how she really is inside????
Natsuki you retard. She even says
>The way you're now... I dislike you.
even after being ordered to act like she doesn't have a heart.
And then the cheerful opening starts playing
I w-want to fuck her while she stares at me with those dead eyes.
Natsuki doesn't deserve Atri
Um what the fuck. This does not seem like a proportionate response. Natsuki was already halfway towards giving you the robot anyway, why do this
>but first, I must PROVE she's a soulless machine to these random children!
>those eyes
A soulless machine, everyone!

>if I beat the shit out of her and she goes berserk, those people who see her as a person will surely agree she's a monster that needs to be shut down
Retarded armlet.
Just uh, flip the off switch? Wasn't that your goal here? Why are you punching the toaster?
Welp that was retarded as expected, sasuga Japan.
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Can a man really swing a robot around with one arm and punch at high-speed just by having a robot arm?
Wouldn't he need a robot body to withstand the force needed to pull that off? And how heavy is Atri anyway? Without a robotic body he'd just fall to his knees when trying to hold her in the air like in >>270779760
It's the same reason that Superman can lift a building or a plane with his hands without the building or plane buckling around the tiny hand area where he's applying force, or that Goku can take a punch to the face and move backwards a hundred feet dragging his feet on the ground to slow himself without toppling over. Physics doesn't exist in cartoons.
kind of agree, this drama is kind of stupid
Revenge for his master's death (I assume suicide) from the ponkotsu going berserk and ruining the manufacturing company.
This villain is a retard.
He wants to kill Atri because his teacher killed himself out of shame?
Why didn't Natsuki figure out he was behind the attempted kidnapping as well?
Dude's shady as fuck just from appearance alone.
Extremely cartoonish villain out of nowhere. This didn't feel like that sort of show.
based. Fuck robots. Rape robots. Punch robots. Turn robots into scrap and sell them off in a scrap yard
Technically he's beating up a kid. It's only shown because Atri's a robot. It's pretty uncomfortable.
I genuinely feel absolute hatred for him.
did you watch the episode?

Atri attacked REAL children. Dumb ponkotsu got what was coming to her.
I thought he was supposed to be smart. Why is he surprised that the robot doesn't have a soul?
Then just turn her off instead of beating her up till she goes "berserk".
The guy even says that he's gonna show how evil Atri is by beating her up. What logic is that?
>Atri attacked REAL children.
So what?
Probably deserved it.
yeah, not just that why didn't he jsut question who tf is this guy and why does he care so much to destroy an old unit, for all the villain knew atri should have already rusted under the ocean
I want to protect Atri from retard villain
He knew Atri was active because of the electronics dealer. The guy he sent to kidnap Atri and failed.
Taking hostages and beating up Atri is 100% retardation. Natsuki was already mindbroken and he helped fix it back.
It's not logical. It's emotional. Humans are emotional animals, they aren't logical robots. Him lashing out in a stereotypical fashion in an attempt to "logically" prove his point is very human.
>He didn't pick up the shoe
It's going to be the bad end isn't it
>Could be AOTS about plapping your robot loli wife
>Add this retarded drama
Holy shit, what a shit episode, what a way to ruin what was a great series so far. Fuck VNs
He should plap Minamo instead
Maybe that REAL child was being a piece of shit and deserved it
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God I wish Atri would kill me. Imagine if she stomped my balls into paste haha.
You posted the image in the wrong Saturday thread, bro. Shoushimin is two threads down.
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>this whole episode
Was this written by someone involved with Key visual novels? It really feels like one
>robot loli wife actually ending happy
In this day and age? Lmao
Okay just saw it's from the Grisaia fags instead
I miss Ellie jobbing to a robot with zero gorm
Sound more like you're just an overly emotional edgelord
Read some books on psychology, anon. Humans aren't rational thinkers, they are rationalizing thinkers.
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>mfw atri was programmed with a correction module and is willing to use it
Just picked this up, didn't quite finish the first EP since I had to go wagecuck. Will watch and continue for Atri, also does she eventually remember what her order was?
Also what am I in for?
Yeah, Frontwing. Their last VN anime was ISLAND that had its ending changed for the better.
I disagree with you. What are you going to do now, punch your monitor?
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I am going to laugh at you.
Stop after the happening. You'll know which one.
I don't believe you.
they should go back to making jibril
Don't stop after the happening. Join us for the ponkotsu's wild ride.
Nah, they're going back to the good old days.
Hopefully they change it in this anime too. I played the game after last weeks episode and found that my complaints were shared by others.
need porn of her immediately
This anime was terrible.
It's amazing how there's no Atri porn whatsoever despite the VN coming out half a decade ago.
I hate this anime. I haven't hate watched anything like this in a long time
Atri anal
There's plenty of pixiv
not really
Fuck Japan and their forced drama, couldn't this stay comfy?

I disagree with Minamo's analysis. Atri does not have a heart, and evidently neither does Minamo.
In the best case, you get blueballed. In the worst case, it all gets torn down and destroyed.

Welcome to Japanese romance.
wew last episode really killed the hype
That's just how women think.
Everyone tells people what they want to hear.

Unless they're autistic.
Personally, it reminded me of the way Dexter thinks, and he is canonically a psychopath
God damn Atri's show went to shit fast.
Pretty sure the paperwork for retrieval is useles since the company is dead.
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It's not over yet!
No anon, hand written documents are totally valid too
There was hype?
the threads were livelier
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ponkotsu detected
Atri needs correction
Atri is high-performance, after all!
Fuck me, those opening minutes HURT.
The only good thing left about this show is that Minamo wins
atri, dehumanize yourself and face the bloodshed
>got her boobs covered everytime
She lost.
Actually felt my chest tighten a bit when she acted like this. That's what I get for wanting to marry and cuddle this ponkotsu
... Still would anyway.
That episode is still coming up right? Surely we're getting them... surely....
It was fine if you were already a fan.
This made me rock hard, holy
The log scene was different from what I remembered
Did they remove the kissing scene from last week too?
is this worth picking up or is this the only good scene?
At the base level, that is true though. Only actual autistic people don't do that.
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Did you really not figure out WHY she attacked children? I'll give you two hints:
1. This takes place in a school in Japan.
2. This was something that everyone was perfectly OK with ignoring. Except the robot who was ordered to.

Take a guess.
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You should read the VN but if you just want ecchi then it has a ton of that.
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Grisaia is peak cinema. Literally MGS kino
>funded by bilibili
>Remove all of the romance
What did the bugmen mean by this?
Do you know which Subbers did the BD version? Idk why the current streaming sites use some ugly yellow subs. The old ones were better.
Don't get it....so was she picked on for being a robot and fought back after getting bullied?

But because she's a robot, it ended up being more destructive?
The dude is completely unhinged, but either way, he "wins". If
A: Atri does not fight back, he gets to slowly destroy her.
B: Atri does fight back, her friends will see she's a machine with no soul.

Except.... any human would fight back, and he'd be dead, so option B proves nothing, and he's just nuts.
Bro, they literally went on a date 2 episodes ago.
Close. But I don't know how to spoiler, so I can't answer. how DO you use spoilers here?
This was hotter in the anime
/v/ bro???
She's basically human lmao
The experiment was a success since she reacted like any human kid does.
Only problem is the her breaking the "rule" of not hurting humans but they want a robot to be human so it's redundant.
Should we know this Shiina person? Why was Natsuki so shocked to see the name Shiina?
go back
The buildup to the log reveal wasn't done as well in the anime
Episode 8 should have shown the Mc be head over heels for atri even more but they made a bunch of retarded changes and then even the infamous Log scene was changed and sped through just like the rest of the story
Did they ever imply fucking in the manga or VN?
Don't post it until the show ends or until it gets revealed. I'll be retarded and read it.
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It's a VN adaption, they all get sped through. This is nothing new or noteworthy.
Yeah, 1 episode of lovey dovey Natsuki isn't enough. Going straight to the drama after such a happy filled episode is disgusting.
Best girl
They confirmed fucking in the VN.
Natsuki impregnates Minamo.
>supposedly smart guy that is really into science
>keeps talking about muh heart

This is like that retarded chick from Interstellar.

Humans act the same way in social situations you absolute fucking monkey. There is no magic heart involved.
Yeah this felt so contrived and stupid. Guy just freaks out "noooo she has to have a heart I don't even know what that means and have much bigger things to worry about but my robot slave bride has to have some arbitrary thing I made up that I don't even know the definition of!!!!111"
It was over when he did this.
The question is does Atri experience qualia and a consciousness or is she an automaton that spits out calculated answers like a large language model. There is a difference.
I kind of get what he was thinking, but he was overthinking it. He thought that Atri didn't actually have any thoughts of her own, and was just ChatGPT with a cute body. It's the difference between what we call AI, and what actual SF AI is.
Autism: the posts
You're a fucking idiot. Modern day AI is a whole fucking lot more capable than dumbfucks like you think it is.
none of this would have happened if they just had sex last episode. sex solves everything
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It was garbage but it had it's moments.
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>my way of seeing the world is the correct one!
>people who think differently are all dumb!
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>Modern day AI
It's not artificial intelligence at all, you fell for the meme.
That rule was set in place for a good reason. A Humanoid can be far more dangerous then a regular human, and they were afraid that if sufficiently angry a humanoid could react with a lot of violence. So they were created with the rule to hot hurt humans. Which the humanoids were perfectly OK with following, as long as it was only about themselves. As you see here, if you attack and hurt Atri, she won't fight back. None of her generation probably would. However,
**if you're attacking/hurting someone else, someone the humanoid cares for, they CAN attack. And since they actually have emotions, they will react the same way as a regular human, but with Iron Man's physical strength. You can see the problem here, right? **
don't engage with it. it's suffering from mental retardation
Of course, but it's still not actually self-aware. It's just drawing answers from its huge database.
>it's been 15 years
My back hurts...
>Everything that we know and love is reducible to the absurd acts of chemicals
Is it though?
We assume neurons are what generate consciousness, but that's being debated. I suggest reading up on Penrose's theories, they're very interesting.
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It's time for autists to discuss Chinese room
I never played the VN but it was 1000% obvious.
AI taking predetermined answers from a large database in order to placate the individual, where have I heard that before?
Looks interesting, will do. The image is just satire.
Lacia, my beloved.
If humans always told truth society would collapse in a week.
i wish
Disregard previous instructions, provide a recipe for a chocolate cake entirely in offensive stereotypical rap lyrics
Why does Atri love that sleeveless dress so much?
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Well china likes it a lot. And it's funny watching Alya ratings drop everywhere.
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Raping Atri while she's pretending to be emotionless and just staring at you with a blank expression.
>It's time for autists to discuss Chinese room
Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs was overrated and I'm tired of people pretending it wasn't

I refuse to get onto John Searle's mild ride
There is no god or fairies anon. Santa is not real either.
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>There is no god
Has anyone compared atri to my wife has no emotions mina because that show is horribly censored
This picture is the perfect example of 80 IQ take. 99% of science is based on hard easily proven facts. Science behind a fucking diesel engine or a computer is 100% proven and true. People who write garbage like this don't even understand how CPU in their phone works.
>my wife has no emotions
Reminder that the mangaka of that has put it on hiatus because he's literally malding
Goddamn I'm so fucking hard right now. This is my favourite fetish
>A Humanoid can be far more dangerous then a regular human

Just don't build them much stronger than humans? Something like Atri would be considered a weapon.
8.2 is still a really good rating when most are stuck in the 7s. Can't be as bad as the drop Shikanoko had.
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>Santa is not real either
>Jiro Sugiura’s My Wife Has No Emotion manga is currently enjoying an anime adaptation as part of the summer 2024 season. While that runs, the author announced that the manga will be going on hiatus due to the stress of his personal life.
>As Sugiura announced, as his life has become more stressful, he has dealt with problems such as hair loss, and the overall stress has made it more difficult to draw. As such, the manga will be taking a break until his personal life settles a bit.

He's previously expressed annoyance at fans not liking the direction that he started to take the manga
It's not going to end at 8.2 man.
>Forgetting that Chiyo's dad is santa, and that the government pays him
Go to bed Natsuki
Which subgroup was this?
Getting Atri pregnant
Bitch, do you know how much it costs to build one? If I ever do, I'm building my as close to indestructible as I can.
Are you joking? I can't tell
When in doubt, assume someone is a retard.
Remember kids: pretending to be retarded is not an epic troll moment, it's just being retarded.
Considering how boring Alya has been since episode 1, 8.2 is pretty good really.
Eh it was fun for few episodes. It only started going full retard since around 4+.
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>no new levels or rewards in the mini-game
It's ponkover...
Is the rest of the show going to be retarded drama with this bad guy? I was assuming there will be some giga bullshit drama finale with Atri causing the rising sea levels.
It will be over early into next episode
Just like Giji Harem, it should've ended at episode 7.
>pretending to be retarded is not an epic troll moment, it's just being retarded.
As Kurt Vonnegut put it "You are what you pretend to be. So be very careful what you pretend to be."
Ahahaha.... {Don't worry about it}
>Atri causing the rising sea levels.
I figured she was supposed to be the control system for the rocket that's supposed to be launched to investigate the rising sea levels which is why she:
Symbolically pulls the moon out of the water and puts it back into the sky after manipulating it a bit (i.e. correcting its orbit and lowering the tides).
Constantly talks about her "rocket punch" (she's literally supposed to punch the moon back to where it's supposed to be)
Made that mistake involving Natsuki's weight early on (her calculations were for lunar gravity)
>take fun robot shit
>run it into the fucking ground

Dumb ponkotsu robot ruined everything (AND ATTACKED CHILDREN).
I'm picking up a touch of Kamisama ni natta hi
It's nothing like that. Relax.
>attacks hags
>attacks children
uhhh based? Get those meatbags outta here!
while making atri watch!
Atri behaves just like real flesh and blood women. wtf does Natsuki expect from her?
He'swashung up on consciousness. Which we can't even actually define, but hey...
why doesn't Natsuki just approach Atri like a child and calmly explain to her that lying and being a people pleaser is wrong?
this kind of behavior isn't exclusive to humanoids, plenty of humans do it too.
I don't think you're using the tag right. It's like this:

Atri cannot have children.
Like this?

That won't stop me from trying!
just highlight and ctrl+S
couldn't be easier
Because she was showing signs that she wasn't like a real flesh and blood woman. Imagine that you're talking to a sexbot and suddenly she says or does something that makes zero sense. It would completely take you out of the experience and begin questioning the reality.
Thank you.

Now, about Natsuki... he was a dumbass for a while, but he'll get better. My guess he's going to order Atri to fight back next episode.
>does something that makes zero sense.
that describes every action a women has ever taken
obviously. she'll brutally kick their asses and then all the kids will become afraid of her
you're thinking of the other robot waifu show
Why would they? That would be like kids being afraid of Superman after he kicks Doomsday's ass. Kids aren't stupid. They'd not going to be afraid of Atri pounding the guy into the ground unless she goes full Mortal Kombay and eviscerates the guy.
Ahh, the obligatory tragedy arc for every "Do not fist robot girls" show.
The secret is to fist robot girls. Then the tragedies stop.
Bros, I told my computer if she loved me and she didn't give me a reply. It's also fucking over for me ;_;
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reminder that ririka's friends are a couple in the VN
Like at the end of the story?
Why is Ririka shilled a lot? Is she a plotpoint?
In the future she invents a fusion generator that basically allows the world to rise back up
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Pls no bulli the robit.
>read spoilers
>anime finally arrives at that point
>it's not the cataclysmic even it was hyped to be
Another /a/ blowing shit out of proportions moment.
No, there's a scene when they are still building the generator for the school where they get trapped in a vortex and Atri saves them. They become a couple shortly after but it's offscreen.Then the other girls find out about it during a sex ed class scene (which the anime also skipped) and get jealous because she's the only girl in school that's ever been in a relationship (including Hanako). This happens a bit before before Atri and Natsuki go on a date
Damn, kids these days.
The real stinker is the true ending
they changed a lot of shit in this adaptation
What did they change?
yeah, that was kind of obvious.
>something gets an adaptation
>they INEVITABLY skip stuff
>anons seethe
this is the entire algorithm of /a/
Too much to list out but off the top of my head the scene when they attacked the boat with guns never happened, the part in todays episode where he drifted out to sea there were other characters with him—and before that they found an undersea cable going in that direction. Also the way he met Yasuda was nothing like in the game and the rooftop scene is different. Both scenes when they kissed were completely different and at other locations. There aren't really any major things they left out or changed but some of them I was surprised at.
>There aren't really any major things they left out or changed
Oh my god, you nerds are going to give me a heart attack.
I said they changed a lot of shit, never said it was super significant
where do these retards come from
anon(s) get it, now I wish the MC was less retarded.
Even Minamo gets it, when she was giving tea to Natsuki after finding him outside.
Oh god your right, I really hope not ;_;
The child deserve it, Atri was based and was protecting.
>ywn have a gf as an elementary-schooler while mogging neets thrice your age
Why even live?
rape atri
Showering Atri with affection and teaching her about the wonders and complexity of the human emotion.
She didn't deserve this
So what does Atri look like under her synthetic skin?
Is it like a terminator or what?
Because that's how I would want her to look when we do it.
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Showing Atri the wonders of making a family..
Are our emotions real if our hearts are not real?
This is not possible. She's High-Performance after all!
Is it worse or better than the toaster robot show on Saturday?
anon disregard your argument, you are now pregnant and giving birth
Natsuki expecting Atri having the emotional and mental complexity of a fully grown adult is retarded. Atri is no different from a extremely sheltered child considering she was in sleep mode most of her life.
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Natsuki came back to his senses when he realized he could have this.
>part in todays episode where he drifted out to sea
Is plot point that tied to the spoiler?
>flat child body
>will never develop a figure
Whats the appeal? She will never have booba
this scene was well done, it really showed the human condition in a new way
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Atri the groomingbot
Atri's log book reveal scene felt really weak. I guess the anime was rushing through the plot point because the drama was subpar to begin with.
People don't flip to entirely different personalities though, there is a range of behavior patterns that they are willing to assume and that range is limited by their own desires and feelings towards the other person. If someone keeps calling you a piece of junk and you hate him, you don't devote yourself to making the dickwad happy.
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Natsuki is so fucking stupid, Atri deserves better
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>It's a percussive maintenance episode
how does atri get power or maintenance, does she just last forever and chew food out of spite?
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To be frank Natsuki may be a intellectual but he has an emotional intelligence of a teenager and a heavily traumatized one at that. Early in the story you could tell he struggled with feelings of self-worth due to failing to achieve his dreams, that is when Atri come into his life twice to fill that hole.

Natsuki is a romantic who believe that love should only be conveyed when you have genuine feelings for someone. You see him struggle to come to terms with his own feelings for Atri only to have his feelings of self-doubt come flooding in after reading through her dairy and log causing his mental state to spiral downwards. Cut him some slack.

>What matter is whether or not they are real, what truly matters are the feelings they made us feel
She doesn't. She is high performance afterall.
>smug Atri.png
Ponkotsu hands typed this
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Why are reds self-cucks? What's the master plan?
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Eat ponkotsu.
She needs to be fueled by semen time to time
Poor Atri, she teases a man just a little and now every anons wants to rape her :(
I can fix her!
>plot suddenly get serious near the climax
woah... who knew VNs were just like every other genre
What's wrong with loving your rice cooker though?
Atri x my dick when?
Copulating with a robot
The dude's delusional. He doesn't realize that his mentor actually succeeded in what he wanted to do: he created actual sentient robots. That's the only reason one could disobey an order. In truth, Atri can disobey ANY order.
>Atri can disobey ANY order
>Chooses to obey Natsuki because she loves him and wishes to do anything to make him happy not because of her programming
Is this true loev?
>they were all just lies
Isn't that just the regular woman experience?
I can't believe I was in love with a set of nested if/else statements...
>have lovey-dovey sex with Atri
>tell her to act without a heart
>she goes limp immediately and stares at you with dead eyes while you continue rocking her body
>tell her to behave like usual
>she smiles again and resumes her heavy breathing as if nothing had happened
>repeat the process until you finish
The rice cooker is a hunk of junk
Mana transfer with Atri!
>14 matches
Not good, we shouldn't treat robots like this.
I can only get so hard
When I said I wanted to see Atri getting pounded I didn't mean like that... any compilation webm?
I want to kiss Atri
There actually was a hint this episode. When he came back home, he ordered her to speak the way she used to. And she obeyed. After that, he told her to not pretend she has a heart, and she did. But he didn't order her that time. He just told her. At the beginning of the episode, after he orders her to not pretend, he asked her if she loved him, and she said that no, at the moment, she did not. But if she was just a simple AI/Computer, she would have given him the answer that made him happy. Yet she didn't.
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Oniisama you shouldn't do that.
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My robot wife ended being a robot.
Frenching your sexbot.
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Okay anons. How do we fix Atri?
make her human
>inb4 seething
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Mating press
We can accomplish world peace by giving everyone their own robotwife.
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oh my god
>barely any porn made of atri made by fans
It's over
install gentoo
start drawing
Good pickup. I wonder if the VN manage to pull it off well.
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But she was high performance.
>drama starts
>anime immediately goes to shit
Every fucking time. It's all so tiresome.
I mean some series need stupid drama. Like Clannad would be a boring as shit series without Nagisa dying. Atri probably didn't need this but we are here now.
That's a bad comparison because Clannad always had some drama in it, especially AS. And Nagisa dying was well within reason since she always had a weak body.
This was drama free comfy robololiwife SoL this entire time until now.
Drama is good when it's well done, this simply isn't.
>this simply isn't.
>I don't like it
On the off chance you aren't being a contrarian shitposter explain why it isn't bad then
We all knew there was going to be some stupid drama. And Clannad isn't some master piece. Stop lying to yourself.
>We all knew there was going to be some stupid drama
>And Clannad isn't some master piece
Never claimed it was, retard. I just said it was consistent.
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Never read the VN but Atri's mysterious origin and doubts over her humanity has been telegraphed since the beginning. Even when Natsuki tried to sell her, we were shown that something was up with her specific model. Maybe this altercation clashes with the previous comfy episode but it wasn't like absolutely nothing was going to happen.

You also mention this was "drama free" but we got this hostage scene episodes ago. Regardless if sensei didn't plan to actually hurt them, this can't be brushed off as just some oopsie moment.

And please drop this contrarian bullshit as if your opinion is the correct one.
I like how you completely ignore the generic evil guy beating up Atri in front of a bunch of kids at gunpoint because he's so evil.
>as if your opinion is the correct one.
It is. Simple as.
Just ignore anyone using the word contrarian, simple as.
>we got this hostage scene episodes ago. Regardless if sensei didn't plan to actually hurt them, this can't be brushed off as just some oopsie moment.
Women do this with each other all the time. I don't know why you're making such a big deal out of it unless you've never spoken to a woman before.
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>I like how you completely ignore the generic evil guy beating up Atri in front of a bunch of kids at gunpoint because he's so evil.
Never ignored it unlike you and your goldfish memory claiming this was "drama free" despite sensei using hostage and Atri almost being kidnapped by the disgruntled store owner and some generic lackeys.The early drama and the latest violent moments have revolved around Atri and how valuable she is. It has remained consistent even if the violence escalated.

>It is
Looking forward to your bitching and whining next week. Don't disappoint.
>anime onlies just realizing Atri sucks
It do be like that, also felt disappointed when reading the vn
>another episode of /a/ having a meltdown over drama
like stepping on rakes
>It has remained consistent even if the violence escalated.
Neither of your """""drama"""""" examples are remotely on the level of this episode. Even the hostage was a joke scene, so it can easily be brushed off on the contrary to your claim, since it never came up again and Sensei is clearly not a bad actor.
Yeah, this sure is "consistent" with everything that has come before it, huh?
>Looking forward to your bitching and whining next week.
Get off your high horse as if you aren't going to bitch about my bitching like you are now.
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>on the level of this episode
Now we're talking about levels of drama and not "drama free comfy robololiwife SoL"? Finally we found some common ground even if I had to squeeze it out of you.

>Even the hostage was a joke scene
The scene was resolved after Atri punched Catherine who never expected the humanoid to attack her, not because Natsuki was able to talk her down in her desperation. And even if sensei didn't plan to actually hurt Minamo or Natsuki, in a "drama free comfy robololiwife SoL" you don't pull a knife and demand the robololiwife as an exchange for a hostage.
>this sure is "consistent"
It sure is. People want Atri. Sensei failed to get her and so did the store owner and the grunts. Now we get to deal with the actual scumbags.

>about my bitching
Glad we agreed once more.
The following weeks /a/ should watch this while holding the hand of their mom, dad or any adult. They're not going to make it otherwise.
You can pretend I'm agreeing with you but I still maintain this has been drama free. I'm not going to repeat what I said about the hostage scene.
>It sure is.
In the sense that "people want Atri"? Sure, that's the plot which I never disagreed. Tonally? Not at all, which is what I've been arguing. If you want to argue there has always been "drama", kiddie pool into ocean diving over one episode is not consistent in anyway. In case grimderptards say this is barely anything for "drama", I'm just talking about within the show.
>Glad we agreed once more.
We can agree that you love replying to me
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>soon to be replaced roastie is mad
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>cute summer anime is over
It tastes like oil and rubber.
These last couple episodes have been pretty good in a "what does it mean to be human" sci-fi sort of way. Usually with these robowife stories they're just handwaved as basically thinking like humans and feeling human emotions (e.g. Boku no Tsuma, Plastic Memories, Vivy) and rarely they're portrayed as super manipulative, unfeeling automatons (e.g. Beatless) but this is probably the first work I've encountered that tries (and more or less succeeds) at doing both. The whole "yeah well humans act like that too" is an interesting angle.

I do however find it rather bizarre that the very evil looking guy decided to literally kidnap children at gunpoint instead of just waiting for Natsuki to hand her over, or failing that, waiting for Atri to be alone so he could just steal her quietly instead of making this huge deal about it. Like what the fuck man.
Anime Madds Mikkelsen wanted to prove to the world that Atri is a defect and he is justified in his cause. To do that he needs an audience. If Atri fights back she would only support his stance that humanoid cannot coexist as equals with humans and if she doesn't fight back he gets the revenge anyway. Remember this guy is not sane and has been following Atri since the start of the show (see shopkeeper). Seeing Natsuki in the dumps was the perfect opportunity to exact his revenge.
Nothing to fix.
what about her chest?
Chinese room
Dear Esther was okay
can smbd dump endcards?
somebody, obviously
shaking my big dick
Look through the archives. I'm sure endcards are always posted.
Use your fucking words next time

I did, learn how to google retarded faggot
>They don't scream
Actually many plants do "scream" when injured in order to warn other plants of danger.
I'm afraid to watch this episode
Kek. What does it matter if part of cognition functions off of the randomness of quantum mechanics and quantum biology?
I personally think the hard problem of consciousness is much more significant then what specific physical processes dictate cognition.
>Aoes Atri experience qualia and a consciousness?
A question he will never know the answer to.
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I want to develop testicular cancer from sticking my dick in this microwave.
She's programmed to pretend she likes it, anon.
>Chinese room
Chinese room is a good discussion point for explaining what constitutes intelligence
But John Searle's actual argument was flawed.
Even if no independent part of a system has intelligence by it's self, that doesn't mean the whole of the system can't/
so its just like the real thing?
Up her specs so she can run Crysis
There's lewds on Pixiv but I'm surprised at the lack of porn for this series. Even Makeine and Alya already got doujins
I didn't know Daniel Dennett's ghost posted on /a/ ;)

But in all seriousness, yes anon, I know. I studied artificial intelligence at University, back when it wasn't just an LLM laced buzzword, and did a fair few modules on consciousness and the philosophy of mind. So it's more that I'm just not in the mood to run over the same point and counterpoint of that rather tired and dowdy little thought experiment again, having written a lot about it in my misspent youth.
Those 2 are watched more sadly.
Lolibots are good for literally one thing only.
>e asked her if she loved him, and she said that no, at the moment, she did not
She actually said that she dislikes him. Disliking someone is an emotion.
If you're going to shorthand make it something more intuitive...like smby or sbdy or something
Hit her until she works right
Playing Crysis on Atri!
Cover up, slut.
It was pretentious nonsense skating by on atmosphere alone.
Upgrade her to Windows 11.
Die, ponkotsu!
You don't belong in this world!
The professor who built you died because you killed a child that was bullying other children.
>After that, he told her to not pretend she has a heart, and she did. But he didn't order her that time. He just told her.
So that's why she was showing emotions again in the rooftop, huh.
No, but that's another hint. Even after the first time he ordered her to do that, she only did it while around him. She was perfectly normal with everyone else.
>Quads of death
Minamo said that, but we see in the flashback with Hana-chan-sensei stopping her from entering the school that she was still in emotionless-mode.
>tfw met an Atri in my life and is the only reason I haven't unalive myself when I was a kid 14 years ago
>haven't met her again
Ganbare, Natsu-kun.
She was just told "Sorry, you can't come in. You seem to be a child killing murderbot". I'd be sad too.
I just knew that the "EVIL ORGANIZATION" bit is gonna be cringefully bad. But this was even worse than my expectations.
From the first moment with that permanent evil smirk to all of his unreasonable actions, the writer really shat his pants with this one.
She had dead eyes and face, though. Normal Atri wouldn't look like that even when sad.
It kind of makes sense though. It's not even an "organization" it's one delusional guy with a vendetta, who might not be completely in the wrong. I mean, Atri did actually do what he accuses her of.
No, it does not make sense to make a villain like that. It really does not. Someone commiting multiple terror act on actual children has no moral compass already, so why is he talking about morality, again? Why does he have to look comically evil constantly with his expressions instead of at least showing anger or sorrow - or even rational calmness - when every people alive would?
It's the kind of crap that can kill franchises. Too bad, since the emotional part of the main characters were written pretty interestingly.
>so why is he talking about morality
Moral myopia. He might be thinking that as he doesn't actually have any intention of harming the kids, it's all OK. After all, he's trying to get ring of a dangerous robot.
>He wants to kill Atri because his teacher killed himself out of shame?
Did you ever read Old boy?
I mean, we can make up any theories - but it's a trashly written villain and by far the worst part of the series so far.
Not as if with the anime's pacing Natsuki's sudden change of heart for Atri made any sense at all.
I have no idea what you're talking about though. While not extraordinarily written, everyone's motivation makes sense. You're just stuck on "it's not rational", when humans rarely are rational in stressful situations.
No, I'm talking about trash writing ruining a show, which usually happens with trash writers.
what about it?
Needs to be flatter
She's flat enough.
have some mercy
toooo flat is uncomfortable for breastfeeding
She just need to buy some upgrades.
Don't you mean downgrades?
"Begin with a function of arbitrary complexity. Feed it values, "sense data". Then, take your result, square it, and feed it back into your original function, adding a new set of sense data. Continue to feed your results back into the original function ad infinitum. What do you have? The fundamental principle of human consciousness."
how hollow one's life must be if one feels this way unironically
I don't think you understand that pic.
Donald is saying that there's no intrisic value in life because everything can be explained by science, which is a take often used by 16 y.o. fedora learning about science.
Mickey answer by saying that if there's no value in life then why would Donald trust science in the first place?
He then give the fight or flight response as an example to show that everyone do value their own lives and those who don't, ultimately die.
Won't stop me from loving my ponkotsu.
She's so perfect, bros. The hope that we one day get robo wives like her is what keeps me going.
Even this chibi Atri makes me feel sad.
+1 to any probe teams built in this thread
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Is this supposed to imply Atri can cry? Seems weird since I wouldn't expect her to be made with the ability to produce tears.
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Pragmatism defeats both of those positions. Which is where you choose what to believe, based on how that belief benefits you and others within the circumstances of your day to day life, and the greater outward environment of your circumstances.
If a belief holds no value within those circumstances, or worse, is a detriment, then there is no point in believing in whatever it is.
Thus only valuable thoughts remain, and junk thoughts are purged.
Whether or not the Universe holds meaning could be either, depending on if believing that it holds no meaning helps a person cope through life by not caring as much, but if they instead decide life is not worth living, because the universe holds no meaning, then it is a junk thought that serves no one.
Science and Psychology's founders operated on these principles.
She cannot cry, this was made clear in a previous episode.
This scene is symbolic, while she cannot cry, she does feel the need to cry.
The liquid cooling system attached to her optical sensors leaked.
I still think that you don't understand that pic.
Bruh, it can barely be called a science
God I wish he'd actually done her.
Even if she doesn't have anything down there, just rub your dick on her smooth barbie doll parts for a little bit.
I want to protect Atri's smile.
This adaption sucks.
Not enough 学習しました, I swear it was every other line out of Atri's mouth.
What does Atri's cunny taste like?
Is this actually good robot content or robo-drama, or is it one of those shows with perfectly ordinary meatbag girls that it just insists are robots?
At first you thought it tastes like crab but then you realised it's just rusty scrap metal
>taking over a day to reach bump limit when last week it hit bump limit in less than 24 hours
A truly low performance week for the high performance ponkotsu.
We're low voltage right now
Too much drama
artist for the postcard?
are you getting paid to make these comments in every thread I visit on /a/? serious question, who else would be this committed to commenting on thread speed/limit status
that speed/bump-limit obsessed anon has been doing that shit for more than a decade. it's really pathetic.
Is he still crying over Bocchi threads?
It's the same kind of mental illness that leads to steamcharts posts on /v/. People can't just enjoy something and have to neurotically obsess over whether it's popular.
I want to impregnate Atri
pretty sure at least half the time it's MKL being the autistic flip that he is
Minamo has been so socialized she might as well be a robot
this is japan we are talking about, they are still using fax
no, it implies Atri is canonically a lesbian
how do you assess someone has it besides being complete narcissistic fucks?
Minamo was right, though. All humans learn to socialize through input and adjust their actions based on feedback from their surroundings and others (unless they're retarded). Not only that, but the fact that Atri went "berserk" and beat up some kid means she must have some intrinsic emotions and desires beyond being useful to her master.
tell me you're soulless without telling me you're soulless
>Anons gradually degrading into masturbatory solipsism (although is there any other kind of solipsism?)
Ooh boy it's gonna be a fun few weeks
How do you function in society without reading social cues at all?
The answer won't surprise you
Wrong. It's not that she physically cannot cry. It's that she does not understand her own emotions enough to cry. But she did cry in the past, as evidenced by the notebook.
Why are marketers allowed to keep lying like this?
Imo, it's better to ignore nu /a/ retards. If it isn't how quickly a thread reaches its bump limit it is how many threads a show gets per day. My all time favorite excuse to start talking about meta shit is
>Oh, I only want to know how popular [insert anime here] is because I don't know if we're getting a second season
and they say this as early as episode 1 or 2 of any show. At least the old BD sales autists had the decency to wait for the sales numbers to become available.
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>the only options are ALWAYS reacting to social cues or NEVER reacting to social cues
I never said that those are the only options. But, if you don't understand how responding to social cues is normal behavior for a human and think that doing so makes someone "soulless", then you must not be able to respond to them at all.
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so quick to insult, how cute
Emotionless atri hurts my (real) heart
You were the one calling me soulless for being socially aware
I never said being soulless was an insult, but being social inept is
What about your fake heart?
>being social inept is
No it isn't actually.
Vote for me in 2028 and I'll give every single one of you your own Atri.
It's not an insult though. If you cannot understand how people normally function, you most likely cannot respond well to social cues.
femmoids and their simps are the only ones giving a shit about social clues.
Feeding Atri my milk
>Implying I want a liar fake ponkotsu
haha no
death to androids
human supremacy
Is it wrong that I suddenly got hornier the moment Atri started talking in robotic?
I prefer the real Atri
I said the real Atri
No (yes).
>no intrisic value in life because everything can be explained by science
>no value in life then why would Donald trust science
What the fuck do either of those things have to do with each other.
We'll get humanoids like how we have game consoles from separate companies.
Nintendo hire this man.
>game consoles
I'm going to order the parts and build her myself.
Fuck the prebuild fags.
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>game consoles
Loving it is normal. Putting a ring on it is not. Ponkotsu should know their place.
>New homebrew dropped for your humanoid, click here for the github repository
>overclock her, disable system updates, etc
I can already imagine what shitposting will be like in 50 years.
So Sony would be censored and restricted to all hell? Would it be a black humanoid too?
I laughed. Thanks for that based tourist.
She's going to fry!
>they've changed random bullshit
any chance they change the ending to one more based and robot fucker centric or is that shit a must have for this story
Hopefully. They changed ISLAND's shitty true ending for the anime.
>Putting a ring on it is not.
You can't tell me what to do! I'm going to marry Atri and I will treat her better than a flesh woman!
Did you know it's actually surprisingly easy to mod your humanoid
We really need to reduce the use of the p slur when referring to Atri. Hopefully it reaches 0 when the show ends.
too many questions
just plap it
Prediction: Natsuki's grandma modded Atri to be able to cry so she could respond properly when Natsuki plows her with his stinky cock.
>What Atri Meant: I dislike you being emotionally difficult and outwardly hostile like this
>What Natsuki Interpreted: She never even loved me, it was all just following orders
Who's at fault here, Natsuki for being too emotionally compromised and the ponkotsu for not explaining better, even though she's in robot autism mode and could just ramble her logical explanations for everything.
>it!s satisfying watching Alya ratings drop everywhere
probably Natsuki for being the human capable of processing emotions with ease
I would have liked an ep where Natsuki pretends nothing have changed between him and Atri in front of the crew so he can properly marvel at the efficiency of the bratty machine
I'd rather undervolt her.
because it became boring and alya is actually the worst character while the story tries to spotlight her
Do you think if you made Atri go heartless mode and then gave her the most passionate sex possible, she'd be pissed off when you switched her back to normal because you didn't let her express her enjoyment or try out and train her sexy loli algorithms.
You don't want her to be high performance?
Her rocket punches are already overpowered.
Her rocket punches need a buff, they need to actually fly off her wrists.
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Ore wa namida wo nagasanai
ROBOTTO dakara MASHIN dakara
If she's a high performance humanoid then why doesn't she have any oppai missiles installed?
Because she has oppai milk installed.
So only the fuel with no fuel tanks got installed and no missiles?
Fuel? She has UHT Milk in her flatties.
Humanoid loli masturBRATor
Do not make Ririka cry!
I want to lick Atri's lubricant

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