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What did Mengo mean by this?
Akane won Aqua. Kana won Ruby.
Rank them in beauty.
Ruby won
Ruby won
Kana > *
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I don't see how Akane is not no.1 in all lists unless you are a fag.
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kanaRATs and akaneWORMs fear the WOOBY.
My dick!
Akane's bad breath killed Nino
True love & hoshipilled.
Kana > all
Simply it takes a man to be best girl.
Stop using your ojisan's account, Akane.
Hoshino Ruby was born male
Who is this "Akane"? I'm just a fan of Hoshino Ruby.
Cute and canon endgames.
Aqua = Ruby > Akane > Kana.
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Akana will win the Kanebowl
Cute mother and daughter.
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Sorry, wrong image. Forgot Aqua's other Jian half.
I wish Akane was Ruby.
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Cute mother and daughter.
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Ratbykeks are the ones wishing Ruby was Akane however.
Best parts if the manga. Seeing Ai and the kids.
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What is it with Akane stans and editing official art by replacing Ruby?
I've only noticed it now due to how consistent it is.
Calm down Aqua.
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You sure about that, Hussain?
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>Seeing Ai and the kids.
That's Ruby and crow loli.
>editing official art by replacing Ruby?
That was all Akane in a wig however.
Akane's hairy roast beef...
it's called "canon manga"
Akane owns Kana's pussy?
>Akane's hairy roast beef...
Kana loves eating it out.
Kana is a femcel though. She is incapable of even that
Okay /a/, you got me. I'll start this.
Should I watch the show & transition, or do I start the manga right away?
And who do I root for? I want to root for the winning girl.
kana> the rest> wooby
C'mon, I know you don't even get to see her face because she's also busy pleasing other ojisans, but she's the one you fuck every night after work
>I'll start this

>Should I watch the show

>I want to root for the winning girl.
If you want best girl - Akane
you should transition and root for the trans icon Ruby
this but backwards
Akanebros... our slut is already written out of the manga, isn't she
Best evolution line.
>she's the one you fuck every night after work
Maybe that ojisan does know Akane because Akane was cosplaying as Ruby whenever he meets her.
the anime follows the manga very well and arguably improves it so I'd watch that first. and the winning girl is Ruby.
I only fuck Ruby after every concert.
That is Akane in a wig, however.
Yep, k*naputa has already been written out of the manga.
Kill rats. Behead rats. Roundhouse kick a rat into the concrete. Slam dunk a rat baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy rats. Defecate in a rats food. Launch rats into the sun. Stir fry rats in a wok. Toss rats into active volcanoes. Urinate into a rats gas tank. Judo throw rats into a wood chipper. Twist rats heads off. Report rats to the IRS. Karate chop rats in half. Curb stomp pregnant rats. Trap rats in quicksand. Crush rats in the trash compactor. Liquefy rats in a vat of acid. Eat rats. Dissect rats. Exterminate rats in the gas chamber. Stomp rats skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate rats in the oven. Lobotomize rats. Mandatory abortions for rats. Grind rat fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown rats in fried chicken grease. Vaporize rats with a ray gun. Kick old rats down the stairs. Feed rats to gators. Slice rats with a katana.
>reincarnation story
>not rooting for the reincarnated girl
Idk anon your choice
Her flat chest says otherwise.
guys Akane is missing and I hear the pigs squealing to high heaven
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The "sister" is the winning girl, but there is more to it than that.
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>The "sister" is the winning girl
Of the fat sweaty otaku bowl.
Ruby is so tight
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>And who do I root for? I want to root for the winning girl.
Kana. Don't worry, you will love this bitch in no time.
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>winning girl
What causes this utter delusion?
>you will love this bitch in no time.
Only if you’re mentally ill
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>What causes this utter delusion?
Severe mental illness.
ShimaD won
First girl imprinting
Kana has fucking nothing to do with the story yet the story revolves around her. Her entire character is a paradox of being the ultimate actress yet also being fucking shit. Aqua has an absurd OOC love for her that surpasses his love for Ai with zero explanation. Her ‘rivalry’ with Akane is one-sided boring shit where she’s a massive cunt but is never called out for it while her main detractor, Akane, turns out to be one of her biggest fucking simps. She nearly whores herself out like a fucking retard which nearly destroys her fucking idol group, like the selfish cunt she is, yet is never called out for this or punished. Aqua leaks their entire history to cover up her being a stupid fucking cunt. Why the FUCK is she even with Memcho and Ruby? Why do either of them fucking care about her? They never spend time together, how the fuck am I meant to think they’re friends? Everything about Kana revolves around her wanting Aqua’s cock and nothing fucking else.
And yeah Kana IS a cunt and she never faces goddamn consequences for it. She acts like a victim because she lost jobs and went into obscurity before the start of the main story but that’s all because she acted like a cunt to other people. And she clearly never grew the fuck up given she still acts like a massive cunt towards Akane for no fucking reason and every single one of her internal monologues or actions are selfish. When she realises her sleeping at a director’s house will be all over the news she goes “I’m used to being a stupid cunt! So I’ll be fine!” while the fucking idol group she’s part of would have its reputation ruined and she never thinks of that.
In short Kana is a total waste of space that constantly derails the story to be wanked and for her garbage D-grade ‘romance’ with Aqua. She near single-handedly ruins any and all potential this manga could have had.
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How can horse-sama compete?
>”I want to be the only person you look at”
>not ‘girl’
Kana knows Aqua has been fucking Melt.
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why do you support a girl other than Ruby? do you hate true love or something?
Aqua loves Akane more.
No he doesn't. If he did, he wouldn't put her in danger if you believe that they worked together to catch Nino.
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>Aqua loves Akane more.
I love Kana way too much. I would be fine with either one of them.
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Indeed. Either he knew and thus didn't give a fuck about Akane meaning his previous nonsense about not wanting to endanger anyone other then himself is bs or he didn't know anything which just makes him look like a bitch.
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Uuhh, bros? The anime OP spoiled the Kamiki scene.
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the face of a man in love 2
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fuck off, you stupid schizo. How did "ED predicted Ruby getting stabbed when opening the door" worked out for you?
It technically did happen. Just as it was shown in the ED.
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>he didn't know anything which just makes him look like a bitch.
He's been a bitch ever since chapter 98.
Akaneputa lost
>No he doesn't.
Yes he does.
>If he did, he wouldn't put her in danger
He did not.
>they worked together to catch Nino.
They did not.
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Reminder Nino is an antagonist.
Her virginity to Aquaputo.
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Ojisan onahole
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Kamiki and Kekqua after hearing Ruby's song
Going by the anime retcon, he has been a bitch way before chapter 98. He has been a bitch since Ai died.
damn you're right there's no way the stream playing isn't important in their interaction somehow
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>Akane is so good at pretending to be Ruby that this bastard (>>270785212 >>270786316 >>270786406) was completely unaware that he was fucking Akane.
Sasuga Kurokawa Akane the genius actress! I doubt Kanakek can pull a stunt like that.
I'm Ojisan
>I doubt Kanakek can pull a stunt like that.
Kana is a fake. Akane is the real deal.
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Is it considered normal for siblings to show physical affection towards each other, such as hugging and kissing on the cheek, if they have a strong bond and are not in a romantic relationship?
I show my brother physical affection every day by kissing all over his body.
One of them is a FAKE.
based you should kiss him on the mouth too, platonically of course
Watch episode 1 and quit.
Come back after the series is finished to see if it's worth watching the rest of it.
Akane's hairy unwashed asshole...
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captcha: J S0W
Copies can surpass the original.
people only support AquRuby because Mengo draws their scenes more romantically than others
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Japanese reactions
>Aqua: "Please be aware that you are adults now."
>>Shut up, you didn't do anything this week
>>I'm going to confront Kamiki all by myself and solve the problem!
>Goro doesn't exist anymore, Aqua is liberated from his obligation to protect minors
>Useless duo with Ichigo
>Just go to the police station
>>He has no obligation to protect Akane since she is the superior adult
>Even if it would have been unreasonable if Aqua crossdressed as Ruby and tanked a stable his stock would have skyrocketed
Tons of reactions shitting on Aqua, then Ruby lol.
Yes, I blame Mengo too.
As she should. It is the main paring.
>Akane's hairy unwashed asshole...
Kana loves sniffing it.
*a stab
See. Anyone with sense and not being a shippingtard would shit on Kekqua.
>Aqua tanking a stable
Holy shit.... not even Kana can handle that many horses.
I ate Kana-chan.
We hate kana
>t. Akane
No one is more beautiful than the Akane.
>Shouldn't Akane be the protagonist and Ruby the main heroine?
>>Didn't Oda say if Akainu was the protagonist One Piece would end within a year? The same applies to Akane
>The story can't progress without Akane, she's just too convenient. But she isn't needed since she's an outsider in terms of character relationships
>Didn't he break up with Akane because he didn't want to cause any harm to her with his revenge? Why is she used so conveniently?
>>That was Aqua's intention, Akane does whatever Akane wants
post the 2ch thread
Ruby should’ve been stabbed.
We know, Kana.
I can't get enough of Ruby's tight pussy, I'm cumming again...
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>"You are such a perfect woman it's annoying"

What did Kana mean by this?
>Did you think you found someone who understands you in Akane Kurokawa?
Saruby understands him and always has.
>Did you see "the light" in Arima Kana?"
Saruby is the light and always has been.

Akane and Kana represent two halves of what Aqua was looking for, which was Saruby. They could never win against her because they are literally inadequate.
Ever watch the new star wars trilogy? Akane is like Rey. Someone who can do anything she can puts her mind to.
>What did Kana mean by this?
Kana would fuck and impregnate Akane if she had a dick.
Nah. She has been training since she was a little child and is born intelligent. She applied all if it to doing her analysis and intuition guesses and it has been consistent that it's accurate and works.
>Akane is like Rey
Except Akane is likable, beautiful and not obnoxious.
What a horribly rude yet apt comparison.
have some restraint Aqua!
Akane has trained though and is noted to be intelligent and her skills has been consistent, analyze to gather clues and then create a profile from it to know what happened. Getting stabbed is just her being an actor something we already know she is good at and is her job
she's a mary sue. stop coping.
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>The dark side of the industry: Ichigo uses the ace actress from a different agency as his bait to lure out Nino
>It looks like we have wasted the story on a useless movie arc in the last few months
>The movie and the DVD both didn't work
>Aqua has inherited Kamiki's garbage genes, and Kana understands Nino the best...
>Look at Himekawa, Kamiki's blood alone only made him a simp, it wasn't until Aqua inherited his mother's crazy bitch genes
>Stab vest alone wouldn't have saved Akane, what if Nino aimed at her throat?
>Really? The National Stadium?
>>Isn't it bigger than the Dome?
>>>It can host up to 70.000 participants
>Isn't it weird that Akane is more obsessed with Ruby?
>Can they even fill the National Stadium in the first place?
>Ruby's development is so rushed it's uncompelling
>Aren't Kana and Akane more popular than her? I think she may even lose to Mem
>It's painful that Ruby is a side character now
>Aka wanted to turn her into this dark character who would do anything to gain popularity, until for him to revert everything because she wasn't well received
>>At least Kana's character is consistent
>Compared to Akane's talent Kamiki is nothing
Akane will hook up with an old producer in the epilogue
I'm just saying she isn't Rey. She is explained. You may think its nonsense but it's a nonsensical as Ruby surpasses Ai cause she won't project fakery and loves the fans without it being explained what loving the fans even means or how she won't lie if she has a bf.
What next, is she gonna fly a helicopter to Aqua without pilot training, just like Rey?
Akane was more manly in one chapter than Aqua has been in the entire series.
Have we been shown anything in the manga that is an extra skillset for Akane that is pulled out of nowhere? She hasn't been shown to know how to use a gun or know how to direct a movie or anything. Grabbing a knife and willing yourself to use it is nothing special
are there not waifu wars among the nips as well?
>Ruby's development is so rushed it's uncompelling
It's just greentexted to us. Who cares.
Akane has a penis
There are. For matome(summary) websites like these, whatever is not related to the "main point" of the matome is left out, which is why you can see gaps between the post numbers.
Then she should NTR Aqua stealing Ruby and Kana from him. Before pegging the shit out of him and mindbreaking him into her bitch.
Someone needs to go tell the nips about Kana and horses, if they don't already know.
>nooo, she can't be perfect, my character has to be retarded with bunch of flaws like sob story about how she tripped and fell as a 5yr old and still cries to this day about it
>nooooo, she's not realistic, she has to be a loser like me so that I could self-insert instead of inspiring me to be better!
Based matome owners
Akane smells so fucking bad
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nips are shitting on the Dvds and rightly so. The damn things are retarded and make no sense
>nooooooo you have to make a real argument you can't just use a strawman
Ruby won
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>The word "tough" exists for Akane
>>I don't want her to be used as fertilizer
>What was the point of the film?
>>To make poor Himekawa's life even more miserable
aqua finally gets a chance to kill his father and chickens out
such dogshit and invaldiates every previous and following chapter
>>Aka wanted to turn her into this dark character who would do anything to gain popularity, until for him to revert everything because she wasn't well received
It's hilarious how Aka memoryholed the entirety of the horrible cosplay arc, characters included. The manga actually lost a bunch of volume sales during that period, but the massive anime boost turned that loss into a nothingburger.
incestkeks btfo.
Nips don't like kekqua. Based.
Akane just fucked a new ojisan
the fuck are you talking about
That was the real Hoshino Putaby however. The ugly bastard was attending her post concert orgies as usual.
Anime already invalidated it. Kekqua knew about Kamiki from the beginning
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>They have 2 star eyes now
There is no way right? Just no way...
baby Ai is now inevitable
Yes, kekqua.
No she is not rat. She is just the main heroine.
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>My two little angels are incestuous perverts.
>pajeets spamming their fetish again
Yes. She is in Akane's womb right now.
Ai has warped views on love, she'd probably be fine with it
Impossible. Mem's eggs have dried up.
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Ai would support them
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>Mem's eggs have dried up.
Ah... We were ROBBED of this kino.
Ai would have joined in
>Japanese imageboards are roasting Aka
>Western imageboards are roasting Aka
>Japanese mainstream are loving it
>Western mainstream are loving it
The only difference is that the Japanese mainstream audience is onboard with AkuRubi and it gets a lot of art and attention.
Kissing Ruby all night long...
Loving Ruby forever and ever and ever.
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>Japanese/Western mainstream are loving it
Yes, the average consumer loves it, OnK is doing well.
idk about the manga but the anime gets 9s and 10s on everything
Cause they haven't gotten to to where the manga truly turns to shit. That's why I've said it before. Season 2 should be the last season if they had any brains
>reddit filename
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these dorks deserve each other
>inbredpajeets are mexicans
what a surprise
I saved the image from a previous thread. How do you know it's from reddit by the file name alone?
Okay Hussain.
Kana is
>Self centred
>A whore
>A pushover
>Not cute
>Badly designed
>Pity bait
>Self pitying
>Self absorbed
>Made for abuse
>Made for rape
Ilkschizo is losing it again...
That is Ilk. And I despise Ilk.
Akaneworms are squirming again
kanarats and incestschizos are squeaking and squirming again. Disgusting
Mainstream manga readers like it tho, if you don't think and look at the pretty pictures of Ruby it is good. Do not think the average reader puts nearly as much thought into the manga as this place.
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Chapter 160 hasn't even come out yet and she already knows about the two of them both having the double white starred eyes.
That also must mean that we're getting an AquRuby volume cover soon too right?
She doesn't know. She just saw Ruby with 2 stars and probably just assumed Aqua might have it too. It is a common theory after last chapter since his hair was covering his left eye entirely.
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Kana is
>Self centred
>A whore
>A pushover
>Not cute
>Badly designed
>Pity bait
>Self pitying
>Self absorbed
>Made for abuse
>Made for rape
Alright, but Asgykk has been right about too many things for me not to get suspicious.
What about Kamiki? Will he approve?
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Looking back, I'm honestly really surprised that there hasn't been a single volume cover dedicated to just Aqua and Ruby.
There has already been one for Akane and Kana, so unless Mengo is waiting for another big AquRuby moment to happen in the manga, I don't see any reason NOT to have an AquRuby volume cover.
Just my thoughts.
Vol 17 will have to be it, vol 16 was Kana and Akane.
vol 17 will probably include most of the cast
I wanna fill up that teacup with my semen.
what are you talking about, aren't there a bunch of volume covers with AquRuby? The pairing that didnt get one was AquKana
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No. Mengo has drawn a lot of special illustrations of AkuRubi. But they don't have any cover together, except the one as kids with Ai, but it doesn't count as a ship cover. My bet is Vol 16 will be the AkuRubi cover. See pic.
Remember how Shun was supposedly made Memcho and Kana's manager?
Shun, the brother of Mimi who made Kana freak out and decide to quit?
Wouldn't it be interesting to have some character interaction with Kana addressing the situation?
Nope, cosplay arc was a dumpster fire and he never appeared after that scene. Kana is quitting and we don't even get a shot of him and Mimi reacting to it. Why would anyone want to adapt that garbage arc as-is knowing what aka does with it?
>the only characters with 2 solo covers are aqua and kana
He did appear again during the movie arc but that's it. He no longer exists.
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Akane blinded by my love for her.
That's the part I'm talking about where he became Memcho and Kana's manager. Nothing came of it even though there's plenty you can work with. You could skip that entire arc by saying "Ruby got popular", then cue Kana getting sad. I think the scandal arc needs a massive rewrite too but that's another story.
Everything in the second half is disjointed enough I don't feel weird saying you could cut shit out and montage past it or make something else happen that ends in a similar end result. Kana quits, Aqua reveals Ai's secret... There's plenty of ways you can have those happen without pulling the convoluted shit Aka did.
The final volume will have most of the cast with a special edition cover for AquRuby.
You know what doesn't make sense? There was no reason for Aqua to officially date Akane.
>Didn't want to risk Kana's life
Then just break up with Akane like she was offering. Play into the himbo character and go carousing with Taiki.
>Pretending his dad isn't alive so he's coping so he can Use Akane
she flat out said shes fine with being used because she feels like she owes Aqua a life debt. Keep up the charade or break up with Akane.

Literally everything that Aqua could have wanted is covered under breaking up with Akane or staying in a fake relationship.
Nothing after TB makes any sense. The anime just makes it worse as nothing after Ai died involving aqua makes any sense.
Shipping eyes is all that tard can see through
The reason is that he chose her since he loves her
>i-it doesn't mean anything
cope and rope, ratbyturd
Welcome to the past.

I'm almost impressed they're doing it. Plenty of anime original changes but they never commit to them. They ruin Kana's big moment in the concert by having the others react but then Ruby says she didn't actually see Aqua. I could never stomach writing a story where the logic falls apart entirely the way Oshi no Ko does, much less animate it and add more problems.
TB itself doesnt make sense.
>Aka: We need to put on a theatrical play... because we just do okay??
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>i-it doesn't mean anything
It literally doesn't. You mentally ill for even making that desperate correlation.
it means kana is more of a main character than that puta
Of course not, but don't tell Akanefags that.
Theatrical play is fine in of itself. It's a thing in Japan.
Agreed. I do think that the anime retcon if Kamiki comes from aka cause the gos giving aqua knowledge of Kamiki makes no sense. But it just makes aqua look worse as a result.
A main character who doesn't even do anything at all but cry. Bravo, we have gotten an even worse MC then most manga.
>mentioning she has 2 solo covers is a cope
...you are talking about kamiki "archive" in a pc or there's some other stuff in anime who confirms aqua knew about kamiki.
>Theatrical play is fine in of itself. It's a thing in Japan.
>Durrr my mom is dead, the murderer is still out there... time to go do a play
Shit had no business being in the series, and people watching season 2 were left scratching there heads because they wanted Ai's murder solved, not some play that had no bearing on the story whatsoever
>A main character who doesn't even do anything at all but cry.
Why did you describe Shitby?
Yes. That folder.
It matches up with how aqua just screams about Kamiki out of nowhere in the manga.
And obviously if he got into Ai's phone he would know who Kamiki was. There's no point to him going on a wild goose chance spending a fortune on DNA tests when he already knows the answer.
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Cause she at least doesn't cry the entire manga. She barely exists for sure though so I don't consider her an MC no matter what aka says.
Sure but then you'd have to say that the entire participating in tv shows and movies at all is pointless, right?
akaneputa lost in ch. 148-149
rubyputa lost in ch. 150
it's time to move on.
Yes. Gps. Sorry.
Stupid autocorrect.
And yeah, that's the absurdity of it. There is no way he can know about Kamiki in the manga. He never tested them. The anime answers how he knows but it just makes aqua look like crap cause you then have to ask why did he even bother with all the DNA tests and jumping from 1 production to another. He said he wanted to find the father and kill him, he knows who the father is and yet won't go to him to confront him.
>Sure but then you'd have to say that the entire participating in tv shows and movies at all is pointless, right?
You mean where Melt was introduced and the dating show where Akane was introduced? The former was just Kana wank, and that arc was unironically where her character peaked. It was all down hill from there. The latter is where Akane is introduced, so if she never came into the story, we could have seen Aqua solve the mystery behind Kamiki in an organic way instead of Akane playing detective and speed running shit, off screen at times. So yeah I'd say they were pointless.
The issue with aqua solving the mystery is that it as per the anime, it was already solved. Aqua was was just wasting his time and money and the audience time chasing after anybody else to then gaslight himself that the killer is dead so he can just quit. aqua as built by aka doesn't want to solve anything.
No he'd know about Kamiki in the manga because he broke into Ai's phone there too. Ai loved Kamiki, logically he'd be on her phone. Aqua had the DVD where Ai explained she loved Kamiki Hikaru since he was at least 15. The murder mystery was supposed to be a backdrop justifying why Aqua kept wasting his time on various parts of the Japanese entertainment industry not related to anime and instead it's proven the two sides are completely unrelated to each other and the only thing keeping Aqua around is Aka himself.
Your proving my point. No matter how you slice it, aqua has known about Kamiki but instead of either doing revenge as he keeps screaming he will or admitting he just can't do it, he pretends that the true killer is some other person and wastes his time, money and our time on production shows only for it all to not matter as he decides to confront Kamiki anyway.
>The issue with aqua solving the mystery is that it as per the anime, it was already solved
Where is this said? Season 2?
If only it was Aka on that bike that day.
in a pc, there's a folder called "kamiki"... i think thats just some random reference but i guess anon hypotesis was that folder means aqua did knew about kamiki and did nothing.
Yes. The PTSD episode where Akane finds out about Aqua's mother. We see a folder named Hikaru or Kamiki I forget exactly. This must mean he got it from Ai's phone. The reason Akane was tipped off by Kamiki is cause Kamiki looks like Aqua. The readers see it too. Aqua should be able to see it himself. If he was worried about confirmation, find a way to get a sample from Kamiki and then test it. Instead he'd rather test anyone else then the guy who looks just like him.
Season 3 will be great, but my guess is they will speedrun the mainstay arc, and drag out the reveal chapters 117-123.
It's the only explanation for how he knows that Kamiki is the father. He just randomly screams Kamiki out of nowhere. This is after he had to be explained by Ichigo that paternity fraud exists.
Aka needed an outline, this bum got too ego inflated and thought he could just make up shit on the fly and it would be compelling.
There are, that guy himself us a waifufag si he makes sure to only post seething.
Akane is fucking Ichigo again
Aka does have an outline, that's the whole problem. He doesn't deviate from it and forces it even when the characterzation falls apart as a consequence of it.
>he thinks s3 will happen
A prompt into chatgpt isn't an outline
Aquas fault.
He doesn't have an outline. He has a skeleton of a story with about 5 crucial plot points that MUST happen, but he has no idea how to connect them.
I'm thinking Arima Kana won
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This series had the potential to be so kino.
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fact check: true
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Is this normal sleeping behavior for siblings?
Fact check: pure cope
Good work detective!
Questions for everyone:

1) Did you read Kaguya?
2) Did it contain as much hackery as Onk?
3) If so, what made you tune into OnK if you knew what kind of author Aka was
4) Will you read Aka's next work, if he does indeed do another
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Yes, you inbred fuck. Me and my sister do it all the time. Sometimes with no clothes on. There's nothing sexual about it. I'm sorry you never had a real family or know what familial affection is like.
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Her pussy swells..

Clitoris enlarges and tickled..

Anus dilates..

Heart beats faster..

Temperature rises...

Pussy gets wet

Nipples gets thicker and hardened....

Emotions gushes through her face..

Countenance seems needy...

She forgets heavenly race..

She forgets she is a choir in the church..

She loses her home training..

Her father's warnings doesn't count anymore...

Her mother's pleadings falls on deaf ears..

She is ready to be rammed and slaughtered

Her womb calls for puncturing...

Her breast wants to be dealt with..

Her vagina walls begs for healing...

She is about to die...

In the next 5 minutes, if no one answers...

The gate man would loose his job..

The plumber becomes attractive...

Her laundry man is in the detail..

Her colleague at work becomes attractive...

Her landlords son is her ideal man...

She can't hold it anymore...

No one is coming through...

Cucumber is winking at her..

Even bottle becomes seductive...
>Volume 9
>. Sometimes with no clothes on.
>Sometimes with no clothes on
Uh, ratbred-kun?
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Why are you pretending to be me inbred schizo fuck?
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>Inbredschizo has actually been projecting his own sexual desires for his family members all along
What a shocking revelation!
Ruby won btw
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Retarded inbred faggot. Some retarded 47 chromosome freak taking and saving my image and spewing horseshit doesn't make them me. They're just another run of the mill braindead inbred fuck.
I'm thinking Arima Kana lost.
Undeniable at this point
Her virginity to a horse.
This. And good riddance
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>retarded 47 chromosome freak
>spewing horseshit
>just another run of the mill braindead inbred fuck
Couldn't have described you and your entire existence in these threads better myself, Inbredschizo. Now go creampie your sister already, since that seems to be your favourite activity!
Volume 16 is not out.
Based LiterateCHAD
true imo
kanacord in shambles!
Many are saying this!
I didn't say it was a thoroughly detailed outline.
If he took the time to think about that Oshi no Ko never would've been written. The entire story changes if you try to handle the characters like people instead of props.
Will rats ever recover?
Aqua chose to stay with Akane because he loves her. Simple as.
Forgive me for doubting you, RubyGODS...
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Many are saying this.
>I'm thinking Arima Kana lost.
Since chapter 1
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>Now go creampie your sister already, since that seems to be your favourite activity!
It never stops being amusing how you project your own degenerate fetish on everyone else and assume anyone arguing against your degeneracy must secretly be into it. Not how this works. I just have too much fun watching you apes shit and jizz your pants over the most trivial of interactions calling it peak romance.

And judging by your quick reply I wouldn't be surprised if you are the faggot falseflagging as me to try to make it seem like your failed projection has any basis whatsoever.
Akane loves the raw smell of an old dick that's been sweating inside an ojisan's pants on a sunny day
This kills the rat
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>Vol.15: Kana x Akane
>Vol.16: Aqua x Ruby
>Vol.17: Main Cast (with Aqua x Ruby in the center)
That would mean no Ai x Kamiki volume cover and I highly doubt it.
He has an outline of an outline. He wrote the beginning (GoroSari) and the end (AquRuby) - everything else in the middle is straight from his ass. The fact Ai's death and the revenge plot are completely impromptu is all the confirmation we need he's bullshitting his way through from start to finish.
was there ever any doubt?
It will be Aqua and Ruby cover overlayed with Kamiki and Ai.
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And water is wet
Her life. At least she gave it for Ruby.
Holy kino.
She was always a side girl so.
Calm down, Rubycord
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I've read on two different sites (one Japanese and one Korean) that Aka allegedly cleared things up, stating that Ai's death was not improvised and that it was all just a misunderstanding.
Anybody got a source on that?
Kanasisters, our response?
First I am hearing of this. But:
>In the climax of the first volume, there is a shocking turn of events for Ai. Did you have this in mind from the beginning?
> Akasaka: Actually, this was an idea that came about during the serialization. Initially, I had planned to have Ai and the children active in the entertainment world for a fairly long period of time, but when I actually started drawing the story, I realized that Ai was too strong of a character for a comic book.
>Ai is so cheeto that the children are hazy?
>Akasaka: That's how I feel. On the other hand, when I thought about Ai's exit from the entertainment world, I felt like my vision had opened up at once, so I asked him, "Mr. Mengo. I asked him about Ai's future.
>Yokoyari: When Mr. Akasaka told me about it, the series had already started, so that change of course was quite a shock to me, or rather, it was a live experience for me.

- doesn't seem to leave much room for misunderstanding, does it?
Roping yourselves.
The raw smell of Aqua's old dick.
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LMAO, probably also made AkuRubi canon to get Mengo onboard...
Based falseflagger.
I concede, RubyGODs were right all along!
Akane should just die
... The losing the Aquabowl contest
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Mengo's art
with Mengo's art, probably, and if there is a girl with short hair, even better
Of old age after a long and happy life married to Aqua.
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That's why I was wondering, because from the interview alone it sounds like a clear-cut case of Aka making things up as the story goes on. Similar to how Memcho randomly became a part of the main cast.
>> Akasaka: Actually, this was an idea that came about during the serialization. Initially, I had planned to have Ai and the children active in the entertainment world for a fairly long period of time, but when I actually started drawing the story, I realized that Ai was too strong of a character for a comic book.
Kino was stolen from us
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>I wouldn't be surprised if you are the faggot falseflagging as me
Nuh-uh! You don't get to backpedal now, schizo! You admitted to sleeping naked with your own sister. God knows what else you've done to/with her... Thing is, I don't really care. Fuck a squirrel for all I care... but it's obvious you hate the fact that you are a sisterfucker to the point you've started projecting your obsession with incest onto Rubychads in these threads.

And that is just way too fucking funny.
Agreed. Seems like the most obvious route.
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>Falseflag and make up lies about another person
>Said person refutes it
This is your brain on inbreeding people. You and your ilk should have stayed gone from here.
There was also a rumor on 4chan that Ai was supposed to become a vegetarian after the assassination attempt. Can somebody verify this? This one sounds fake.
>there were idiots in these threads who thought other wise
>一、赤坂明采访资料(原文) 元々は『芸能界を大河ドラマ的に描きたい」 と思った所が始まりでした。 子役でデビューしてから、全盛期を越えて…という物語を1から10 まで全部描きたかったんです。そうなると世代交代の展開は必須となり、アイからアクア、 ルビーへの世代交代をどうしようってなった時に、必然的に復警劇に繋がりました。
>アイは最初植物人間みたいな感じで入れようと思った。僕は多分そういうの好きなんでしょうね。色々話を整理すると、やっぱり今の形が正しいと。 一番骨組みを変えた瞬間はそこだったかもしれない。
>「【推しの子】」のイラスト関係は、メンゴ先生が全部やってくれているのでお任せしています。表紙はちょっと相談してくれますがそれ以外はメンゴ先生。上手いですから。メンゴ先生は言わなくても分かっている人なんで。 メンゴ先生が描くイラストを見て、キャラクターの印象が少し変わったり、「こんな一面もあるの
From the "alleged" interview
>Ruby likes normal Aqua
>Ruby hates fat Aqua
Yeah me too
CANONICALLY, Ruby is above them.
Since day 1...
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>Falseflag and make up lies about another person
I did no such thing lmao
I don't care if you made an oopsie or if someone was falseflagging... the idea that you are actually engaging in incest irl and your insecurity makes you lash out in these threads is just too good to pass up on. Honestly, seeing just how much of a hateboner you have for AkuRubi, I'd wager you unironically have some deeply repressed feelings for a family member or two. Can't imagine someone being this pathetic, otherwise.
Ah, I see even you have started using that word. Feel free to thank me for expanding your (frankly) abysmal vocabulary.
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Manby is ranked last in terms of beauty actually.
Let me get this straight.
Aqua is fond of Kana ( I don't use the word "love" because some fags here will scream about it).
But because he is scared Kana would suffer the same fate as Ai, he ghosted her instead ( that just means he is a coward who doesn't fight for his true feeling).
Akane said it's ok for them to break up. She is sad, but that's it. She can move on.
But Aqua still dragged her back to him, and he didn't even put the GPS out the entire time they dated for real.
All of these actions just show that Aqua is an asshole through and through. He pitied Akane and felt bad that he used her so he tried to fix this by acting as a good bf. But acting is still just acting till the end.
He put false hope on Akane. Lucky for his ass, break up so that he won't put her in danger is a quite convincing reason. That way he doesn't have to say "I don't love you" to her.
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And here comes the backpedaling and hiding behind
>It's just jokes!
No. You inbred cucks are clearly pathetic enough to take my images and falseflag as me but not proud enough to stand up and admit it. You are all the most pathetic posters in this entire place. Even worse than akaneschizo. Just infantile tourists who flooded this place with your degeneracy as soon as the kiss that Ruby FORCED on aqua happened. Which is why you and so many other inbreds so readily fucked off after we got the canonical reveal that Aqua loves Kana. Just a shame you didnt stay gone.
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Platonic babymaking with Ruby
I thought Rubycord had all roped with how quiet they got. Well, there's still time...
You’re trying too hard.
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lol no
Kana gets mogged by almost everyone, especially Ruby
They just all went back to their safespaces on xeddit and are infesting other threads on here like the Alya ones. They are single minded roaches who only care about spreading their objectively degenerate fetish to all corners of the earth if they got their way.
Akane will get together with Taiki
Aqua loves Akane and wants to be with her forever. He only thought of breaking up with her in private arc because he thought she didn't have feelings for him. The GPS was just a means of protecting her.
Shut up, Incestouristratbycordkek.
>shitna out of nowhere
not until the end
i dropped it 25~ chapters in until 122 leaks started
Shit taste goes hand in hand
...the meltbowl
Only for ojisans.
Another producer just came in Ruby
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Ruby is just a Pez light dispensing whore whose only purpose in life is to express 'love' to her fat smelly fans as the thousands of unwashed greasy fans bukkake her after every show. A whore like that could never be number on in beautiy. Kanas pure love for Aqua which is more important than anyhting else to her mogs whoreby by a lot
It was Akane in a wig btw
my love is for ratby however
Producer semen is leaking down Ruby's thigh again
Shit taste goes hand in hand
Right back at you inbred.
Seems Aqua officially confirming Ruby as the light has upset Kanafags.
Ruby sucked over 100 dicks in order to surpass Ai
>*squeeak* *squeeeeeaak*
We know rat
But enough about Akaneputa
There isn't a producer in Japan who hasn't been inside Ruby now
Ilk is losing it again...
Stop coping
He is always dead inside when he's with her.
Even Akane knows he's just trying to be a good bf
100 dicks in each and every hole actually. Rubyputa slept with every director she could to get roles. And sometimes she even did it just for fun.
^ I meant Akaneputa btw
Akane needs ojisan dick NOW
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False. Aqua is only truly happy when he is with Akane. Which is exactly why he says that he doesn't want to give up those happy days when she's by his side. It's exactly why he tells Mem he's given up the idea of ever being happy after breaking up with her. It's exactly the reason why he is working with Akane to finish the revenge and not anybody else. It is exactly the reason why Aka had Aqua and AKane go back to their LoveNow hairstyles to symbolize that they're returning to the moment they first fell in love.
Those are all cute girls who think Akane is hot, however.
Is Akane really very hated in Japan?
Yes, nip kanarats absolutely loathe her for stealing Aqua from Kana
Truth nuke dropped.
akane is very loved in tokyo's geriatric centers
big if true
I love Akane
Lol the absolute state of Akanefags
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>You inbred cucks are clearly pathetic enough to take my images and falseflag as me but not proud enough to stand up and admit it
I am not going to admit to something I haven't done and I don't care whether you believe me or not.
>hiding behind "It's just jokes!"
Well, I sure hope you ARE just joking with these schizo posts... you aren't seriously this mentally ill, right?
>the kiss that Ruby FORCED on aqua
"Forced" sure, sure. I wouldn't expect you to understand romantic timing. And don't worry, that kiss won't be the last!
>after we got the "canonical" reveal that Aqua loves Kana
Oh, is that what you believe that chapter was about? Oh boy. Interesting how Aqua didn't even bother to attend his "love's" graduation concert like she asked him to... and instead, he's ready to protect Ruby, his light, no matter what it takes. How do you explain that? Without any pathetic copes we've seen since we got the leaks, please.
>Rubycord calling anyone mentally ill
>bitching about "degenerate fetishes" and incest on 4chan
Maybe you should go back to YOUR safespace, tourist.
But It was Aqua who decided to make their relationships real (not sure how happy they were)
Aqua does not give a single fuck about that blue haired Ojisan cumdumpster he dumped, however.
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>Wow Ruby must be the most popular character of OnK since she's generating so much discussion and make other heroines fans seet.......
>Ruby before 122
Aqua loves dumping his cum in Akane.
I feel bad for you, schizo. Just a little bit.
...'s friend Kana!
Kana >>>>>>>>>>>>> AI
Verification not required.
...'s rival Akane.
There's a lot of japs saying that Akane does make the story go forward by solving problems, but also that those problems wouldn't even be in the story if she wasn't introduced in the first place
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>has nothing of substance to respond with, so he goes back to the "Kekaroo" schtick
I thought as much.
Akane's breath smells like old men cum
Then we'd just have meandering of nothing cause aqua prefers to ignore reality and pretend Kamiki is not his dad and that his dad is some nobody in the industry who he will eternally chase wasting money on dna tests
Why are you describing what Akane does
Here are some facts.
Kana never had any AI parallels.
Kana was always a Nino foil.
Kana was not the "light", just as Akane never "understood" Aqua.

Ruby is the one who surpassed Ai, Aqua's light, and the one who surpassed Ai. Ruby is Aqua's everything.
Akane is currently flirting with a rumored big dicked ojisan at work. She wants to see with her own eyes (and pussy) if the rumors are true.
Looking alike means nothing, Kana looks exactly like Sarina pre-balding, and Akane supposedly looks exactly like Ruby with the wig on.
>Ruby is the one who surpassed Ai, Aqua's light, and the one who surpassed Ai. Ruby is Aqua's everything.
>Still destined to lose.
>just as Akane never "understood" Aqua.
This is wrong.
she's not and will never be his romanitc partner, however
Shut up, incestouristratbycordkek. Have you bought your rope yet? You'll be needing it soon.
>Still destined to lose.
But enough about Kanashit
Then he should have done a test and cleared it up but he didn't. And the anime proves it and manga proves it cause he just pulls Kamiki's name out of his ass without a DNA test.
she already lost lol
Nope. Kana is Aqua's light as much as Ruby is. He even states as much through Gorou.
lol, lmao even
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>Ruby is the one who surpassed Ai, Aqua's light, and the one who surpassed Ai.
>surpassed Ai twice
Don't bother. Ratbycordkeks haven't read most of the manga.
Many are saying this.
1) yes
2) yes
3) I gave it a chance because of mengo
4) after love agency, hell no
she surpass the surpassing.
He was going to, but then Akane came along and skipped all that.
Yes, kekqua would have just killed himself already and we'd have no story and thus no problems.
>Nino foil
You mean the character that was invented half way through the story?
1] No
2] I don't know cause I never read it or watched it
3] The synopsis
4] Never reading or watching his works again
So you're saying the final choice is between Kana and Ruby? Where's Akane?
Rubycord are coping hard, but they know the end is near.
Like you care about characters personalities, inbred. If Kana and Alya were sisters, you'd eat this shit up, like you ate Kirino, who is a massive cunt.
there's no choice, kana already won
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>just as Akane never "understood" Aqua.
Will never be true schizo.
Holy based. Kanacucks are seething.
Most literate anon itt
And she was only invented so that when Kana wins history doesn't repeat itself by having the person Nino(kana) loves(Ryouske/Aqua) get taken by someone else(Ai/Ruby)
Kanashit and Alya are the worst girls of their series, just like Kirino was you dumb rat
And then you woke up.
kirino was the one who started my tsundere hate
No, Kana already won. Aqua has moved on from Akane and Ruby.
Having already won romantically. Ruby just secured her platonic victory against k*na.
But you responded to an illiterate post though
But Akane is Ryosuke, Aqua is Kamiki
No. He pulled the name out of his ass without Akane telling him anything. That tells us he already knew. He knew after Ichigo had to tell him, a former gyno doctor about babies maybe having different fathers then what the mom says. Aqua is delusional and wanting any excuse to pretend that revenge is over likely to the point of ignoring Kamiki.
And Kaniki looks like him, you would think simple logic is to test him first and then move on to others.
Aqua is Kamiki.
Now I did.
Shut up, ilk.
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>>Nino foil
Again, he was going to test him, but Akane skipped over all of that.
I'm thinking Akaneputa won
Akane is Ai.
1) Yes
2) Not really. Ishigami’s arc was boring but I wouldn’t call it hackery. Later Kaguya’s family chapters were absolutely awful and this is where hackery began.
3) Heard that it was about dark side of showbiz + murder mystery so I gave it a chance
4) If romance isn’t the central theme then yes.
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>sidegirlfags still seething.
Ojisanputo's love
Idiot. Kana's character arc will be resolved by her not becoming a spiteful bitch like Nino. She'll move on gracefully.
>illiterate doesn't know what a foil is
Akane didn't even tell him. He just screamed it as if he already knew. He was never going to test Kamiki. He is larping the revenge and looking for any excuse to drop it.
That includes Rubyfags and does not include Kanafags
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Friendly reminder that this degenerate woman lusts after her own twin brother! She literally wants to marry and have children with her own sibling!
Ai and the kids were cute
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It can't be helped. One by one they lose their copes.
>much light
>much concert
>much Ai parallels
it's all about Ruby.
IlliteRATe take.
Many children from Aquaputo.
Side girls are Akane and Kana. Both lost.
I do, I assure you.
I hope she gets shanked BY A KNIFE in the womb and bleeds to death
Akane and Kana’s manga, rubyshit
>Akane and Kana lost. Ruby best.
No you don't. Kana paralleling Nino makes her not a foil.
if it wasn't about romance in the start he would make it solely about that around 20 chapters in, aka is the definition of a one-trick pony
Akane only lost her virginity to Aqua.
Kana is not a Nini parallel because she is not crazy like Nino, nor will she become like Nino. She is a foil to show the contrast between her character and Nino.
She's just like nino however.
's coworker ugly bastard
Indeed, she will accept Ruby as the superior woman and move on from her petty jealousy over Aqua's oshi being Ruby.
No, that's Akane.
aqua the pig farm is so lucky, i had to share her with other 13 ojisans in our special night
They are still in high school, you degenerate.
Why do Akanefags keep trying to push this?
Even if we assume it's true, it just means Akane got pump and dumped.
? That's exactly the time period when most normalfags losing their virginity.
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You can tell mengo had a lot of fun drawing this page
She practically has Ruby taking a piss on Kana's head LOL
Kana lost.
The question is only how she'll lose.
Will she be killed, possibly while protecting Ruby?
Or will she move on and be forgotten, brushed over like her graduation concert focused on Ruby?
Those are our options, Kanabros.
Do Rubyfags know?
Why can't you be honest about your watersports fetish, ESLbybro?
they really don't, kek.
Because Akane is endgame.
...'s beloved k*naputa.
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>everyone loves Ruby
>Ruby's arcs were utter shit
>half assed reincarnation romance
Yep, I think Aka just wanted to make the manga about industry. He doesn't give a fuck about reincarnation and incest.

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