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Sakura is dirty, and that is okay.
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I'd gladly feed her every anon if it keeps her plump and happy. I don't want to fix her, I want to make her worse!
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Truly the best couple
I'm less concerned with the fact that she got raped daily than I am with the fact that she murdered 100s of people. I feel like thats the real character flaw here.
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She's a whore.
That was the shadow and even if she did, I'd be so happy to help her do it. I want to be melted by her powerful pussy juices and become one with her as we hate the world in that spicy cup.
Why do people like NTR slop so much?
The canonical soulmates of FSN.
>The canonical soulmates of FSN.
Based Sakura CHAD. Also Rain is the most romantic scene in the entire novel
There's no ntr, there's only a romantic story between two broken people licking each other's wounds.
Truly made for each other
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>character flaw
sounds like a statistic
Sex was that good that it made Shirou give up on his toxic ideals and value his life. Sakura's pussy is magical
>That was the shadow
Carl Jung is required reading for the heavens feel route. Or just read what the characters say. Either way.
Indeed. Hell, a good psychologist would have helped avoid the autism that was the last 5 Grail Wars
I want to make love to her so much
I'd shoot a big goopy load in her pussy
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What a perfect body she has
Sakura is truly made for hard breeding
Jung is a discredited fraud (also, if you’re arguing about whether someone is guilty or not, you should be looking at how the law has handled similar cases in practice rather than at pop psychology), and Kirei and Illya both state that it’s Angra Mainyu doing it. Try again.
But Nasu probably took Jung as basis for his work
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She's such a lewd woman
>you should be looking at how the law has handled similar cases in practice
Ah yes, let me just go and find judicial precedent for someone's repressed subconscious committing mass murder
She's such a lovely woman
Imagine how good plunging your hand into her obscene body and being engulfed by her meat folds must feel like
What a lovely girl
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There are several cases of people killing others in their sleep, just like with the shadow. They were acquitted as a result of not being conscious while their bodies carried out the actions, by the way.
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Lucky worms and Kariya. Wonder if he was ever forced to make use of Sakura as extra humiliation
Theirs also plenty of cases where they're not acquitted and cases where even if they are acquitted they're still sectioned. Regardless I don't think this is totally analogous.
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Oh goodness that is one plump girl.
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She's fucking perfect
Still shocked and in disbelief that faggots ban sakurafish threads on /a/.
Sakura was asleep, thus it's perfectly analogous (and that's not even mentioning factors like the will of Angra Mainyu and how Zouken was the ultimate cause of it due to implanting grail shards in her without her knowledge, which makes it more like someone getting prosecuted for their computer being compromised and part of a botnet without their knowledge). Also, cases where they're not acquitted (which are in the minority) tend to be due to it being in question whether they were truly asleep.
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I still assert that Sakura is a product of her environment and that everybody disparaging her name is objectively in the wrong. Every bad thing that happened in Sakura's life can be traced back to circumstances outside of her control. She was forcibly adopted by the Matou's and taken from her biological family. Placed into a horribly abusive environment with terrible people around her that hurt her greatly. And EVEN THEN, she manages to show her strength of character by persevering with a positive attitude and being a kind, gentle, and loving girl as shown by her interactions with Shirou.
If the coin flip had been lost and it was instead Rin who was given away to the Matou's, Rin would have ended up the exact same, with all of your disparaging remarks being instead directed at her. Except you would have hated her even MORE because her base personality is bitchy and she wouldn't have been able to garner the sympathy Sakura has even now due to Sakura's underlying kindness. For every bad thing you can say about Sakura, it would have been multiplied even more were Rin to be put in her shoes.
Rin would have been even worse, if not worm food. Sakura's the type who bends to avoid breaking, while Rin stands firm but can't avoid breaking as a result.
This, Rin wouldn't have lasted the week at the Matou's happy house. Sakura's inner strength kept her alive for so long. I'd love to know what dating her is like.
Sleepwalkers aren't aware of what they're doing, sakura was. ergo it's not analogous. Both being asleep is a superficial factor
>the will of Angra Mainyu and how Zouken was the ultimate cause
>I still assert that Sakura is a product of her environment
Everyone on the planet is a product of their environment. Deference to determinism in rejection of autonomy and absolution is retarded. The fault ISN'T in the stars.
>I'd love to know what dating her is like.
Homemade obento's from her every day and hugs, kisses, and hand holding
>sakura was
She expressly wasn't until Gilgamesh attacked her, which left her brain so fucked up for the rest of that night and morning that she thought she had been adopted away just recently and greeted Rin accordingly.
Also sex every night it seems judging by Heaven's Feel True
In the VN she remembers it every time she wakes up as a dream
Slut fucking native isekai protagonist
>as a dream
So in other words, she was asleep, thus not culpable. Hope that helps.
Her body is certainly made for child bearing, unlike Rin's stick figure.
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What else do we know about her? I remember Sakura liking cooking and eating in general, struggling with her weight and loving horror movies from the novel and Hollow Ataraxia.
Am I talking to an AI? It's not a dream, it's real. Those are memories that she wakes up thinking is a dream because she's lying to herself. This is functionally what the route is about
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Sakura was born to be a milf. She inherited her mother's Aoi personality and knows how to act like a kind yet stern yamato nadeshiko. Has a mature figure with vulgar curves and large breasts optimized for breast feeding and will only grow larger as she matures and advances her pregnancy. I want to caress her belly rolls as she starts gaining pregnant weight and her nipples darken and engorge with sweet milk!
>she wakes up
So, she was asleep, and in other words not culpable according to the law. Good job proving my point.
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The funniest thing about all of the Sakura slander is that after Hollow Ataraxia, it's obvious that Sakura will go on to have a happy married normal life and Rin will be a bitter career woman who only has emotionless sex and no children.
>Both being asleep is a superficial factor
try again
I want to be the lucky husband!
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Wow! This sure is a terrible thread. Don't worry though, I'm here to save it!
Thanks for reminding me that Ilya has to die so Sakura can get the good ending
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I don't care if it's haram or not
I need a harlot like Sakura in my life
The lack of control over your actions due to being asleep is what matters, not whether you saw it happen in your sleep. Furthermore, we see Sakura's dreams, and they're vague and abstract dreamland representations of what happened.
>make a specific Fate thread about the worst route
>No one engages with it
>But it's the most popular route with bestest whore, I mean wormslut, I mean waifu
>54 posts in 7.5 hours
Indeed. Matters not, we'll just make another
She's perfect in her imperfection
It's the canon route you lost.
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Indeed. Also I love Rain so much, so romantic
Shinji had Sakura’s body. Worms had her heart.
> lack of control over your actions
But she remembers doing it so clearly she has control over her actions, once again her being asleep is a superficial factor.
>we see Sakura's dreams, and they're vague and abstract dreamland representations of what happened.
Sounds like a movie thing. In the VN her dreams are literal, she even remembers details like shirou losing his arm. In fact this is one of the clues that she knows its real and not just a dream because she's worried about shirou when he gets back.
I think I'd like her even more if she was evil. A bad girl like Sakura would make me so aroused
We had a great thread about a plump breedable JK until this faglord showed up with his infertile homunculus. More like homonculus am I right.
We had a terrible thread about a worm whore until an IllyaGOD came in and saved it
>But she remembers doing it
>so clearly she has control over her actions
Are you being retarded on purpose at this point? Being able to see something in your sleep doesn't mean you're in conscious control of your body.
>her being asleep is a superficial factor.
The law says otherwise, cry harder.
>Sounds like a movie thing. In the VN her dreams are literal
You mean like "tonight, I crushed a bug" or incoherent rambling about dried out paper balloons?
>she's worried about shirou when he gets back
Yes. Because she had a bad dream.
Yeah, plump breedable girls like Sakura are the best. Just ignore the faggot.
I wish we got a new novel where you could date the girls without Grail fuckery
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And then they died, and Shirou had her.
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No matter how much you spam, daddy isn't coming home.
Cute Illya pictures will not let the fact that Sakura is a whore go away.
>Being able to see something in your sleep doesn't mean you're in conscious control of your body.
Sakura controlling the shadow is an immutable fact. What is in contention is whether or not its her subconscious lashing out, that she remembers it indicates that it is conscious action.
>The law says otherwise, cry harder.
Your circular and continuous deference to the law as legitimate argument makes you seem like a shitposter. That the law literally doesn't say otherwise and that we've already been over this makes you seem like a retard. But I repeat myself.
>You mean like "tonight, I crushed a bug" or incoherent rambling about dried out paper balloons?
Again, just seems like movie stuff.
>Yes. Because she had a bad dream.
Is she a child?
>Is she a child?
NTA, but this is a strawman as even adults can have nightmares and bad dreams
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You misunderstand. Thinking a dream is real is something a child does. And crazy people I guess, in which case Sakura is getting sectioned. Since it actually is real she's just getting arrested for murder.
>Crappy story made years after the release of the original novel long after the author has sold out
kek you're delusional
then my bad anon, I just had to make sure you weren't trying to strawman the other anon
>Sakura controlling the shadow is an immutable fact.
Actually, the polar opposite is stated by the VN, but die mad about that fact if you want.
>Your circular and continuous deference to the law as legitimate argument makes you seem like a shitposter.
No, it just shows that I know what I'm talking about, as opposed to thinking Jung of all people is a reliable source in 2024.
>That the law literally doesn't say otherwise
People do, in fact, get acquitted if they're established to have been asleep at the time.
>Again, just seems like movie stuff.
Guess you've neither read the VN nor watched the movies, then.
>Is she a child?
Nightmares can be bad omens, you know.
It's the canon route you lost.
>point out this thread has shit activity for 8 hours
>Sakura schizo just blatantly spams fake engagement
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>Actually, the polar opposite is stated by the VN, but die mad about that fact if you want.
No? Even if you want to pretend that Sakura is innocent because of Angra Mainyu affect he's still her servant.
>No, it just shows that I know what I'm talking about, as opposed to thinking Jung of all people is a reliable source in 2024.
See now this is a strawman. Where is my white knight?
>People do, in fact, get acquitted if they're established to have been asleep at the time.
And people also don't get acquited, and when they do they also sometimes get committed. Since were repeating ourselves:
>Sleepwalkers aren't aware of what they're doing, sakura was. ergo it's not analogous. Both being asleep is a superficial factor
>Guess you've neither read the VN nor watched the movies, then.
I don't remember a dream sequence where she rambles about paper balloons
>Nightmares can be bad omens, you know.
(They can't)
Can you guys get a room already! This is an Illya thread for God's sake, not a gay fag thread!
So did Sakura enjoyed the rape or did she hate it?

That's what determines if her being "dirty" if fine or not
No she did not, although she struggles with her natural body reactions. But according to the novel she just laid motionless and endured it
He should thank shinji, it's all his training.
>she just laid motionless and endured it
Kinda like wormfags are doing in this thread. Heyo!
In a way, yeah. Shinji may be a faggot and an useless magus but he truly knows how to fuck. He wins as a normalfaggot
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Shinji raped her one time and people think this happened daily when in reality she could have consented all those other times post-wormed.
I thought the implication was that it did happen daily
Was she raped daily? I thought people were calling her a whore because of the worms.
not daily, but that It was a repeat occurrence
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>he's still her servant.
So? Angra Mainyu was the one who did it without her knowledge.
>See now this is a strawman.
If you also think the guy unironically talking about "Jungian shadows" is a retard, I apologize for the misunderstanding.
>And people also don't get acquited
When they don't get established to have been asleep.
>when they do they also sometimes get committed
But in most cases, they don't (not to mention they tend to be brief stays just to check whether there are any issues). For example:
>Brian Thomas was accused of killing his wife in 2008 while dreaming that he was fighting off intruders. He was freed in 2009 by a judge, who found him not guilty of murder.
>"We have a continuing duty to review the case and we took the opportunity yesterday to take stock of the situation. It is clear from the evidence that no useful purpose would be served by Mr Thomas being detained in a psychiatric hospital." The judge, Mr Justice Davis, told Mr Thomas that, in the eyes of the law, he bore no responsibility for what he had done. He described him as a "decent man and devoted husband".
>no useful purpose would be served by (a sleepwalking murderer) being detained in a psychiatric hospital
>in the eyes of the law, (a sleepwalking murderer bears) no responsibility for what (they have) done
>I don't remember a dream sequence where she rambles about paper balloons
Pic related. Totally makes sense as a literal regular waking experience.
>(They can't)
Sakura felt that way, and her premonition turned out to be correct, so clearly, they can.
It was whenever her urges built up too much and on Zouken's orders. The works increase sexual desire when they feed, so Sakura was left unbearably horny and weak due to lack of mana
>I thought people were calling her a whore because of the worms.
She slept with her foster brother and said she was dirty. The implications were obvious.
>If you also think the guy unironically talking about "Jungian shadows" is a retard, I apologize for the misunderstanding.
Nasu is the one talking about Jungian shadows. That is why it is called the shadow.
More than likely she repeatedly consented than being raped daily. Unless you’re talking about the worms then yes she was.
>[citation needed]
Pretty sure it's called the shadow because, you know, it's a shadow.
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She can't consent to rape, she was raped and couldn't put up a fight since Zouken controls her very heart and body.
It's not a shadow actually. It's a weird ribbon monster.
Given that the arc is about sakura's persona and her twisted repressed subconscious and the general chuuni edge that the VN has in general that Jung was drawn from seems like an obvious conclusion
What's up with jannies letting the illyatard spam his shit all over other threads? Moderation on this shithol is a joke and jannies SUCK!
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lmao poor ded maid
The jannies fear me. They know that I'll dock their pay if they make a move.
>It's a weird ribbon monster.
Stated to be like a shadow standing upright, and that has the power of darkness.
>that Jung was drawn from seems like an obvious conclusion
More like your headcanon.
>Stated to be like a shadow standing upright, and that has the power of darkness.
Imagery is great right?
>More like your headcanon.
that is what it's about though. Either way your statement is a strawman.
>my hips were moving on their own
Yeah no I don’t believe it. Judging from what we know it went on for years and at some point she stopped contesting it up until Shinji tried raping her one last time. She could have ripped out the rape worm heart on her own later too but chose not to until the end.
Ugh can we get a new HF thread already. This Illyatard is so fucking annoying
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Nigga she wormly
>HF thread
HF is the route where shirou gives up his ideals to protect the one he loves even if the one he loves is kind of fucked up because he himself is fucked up.
This thread is about some weird fanfic route
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>She could have ripped out the rape worm heart on her own later too but chose not to until the end.
She would have died if not for Dark Sakura's regeneration powers. Remember, not even Kirei who's a specialist at magical surgery, boosted by all of the surplus command spells he had, could get rid of it without killing her.
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ENTER the strongest servant
Sakura regenerated her hymen so she's a virgin. Fuck the haters.
Until Illya raped her. Her hymen never recovered after that...
I don't think Ilya is capable of rape
I love that, she got an amazing body made to be bred.
I'll make it if it comes to that, but the faggot seems to have died.
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>IllyaCHAD saving us from the wormslut
So, what if the Girl of Ultimate Dark Fate wasn’t a 10/10 supermodel-tier high school junior who just wants to cook for you, who’s secret darkness is having her hymen eaten by magical bugs? What if she was just a below-average fujoshi who lost her virginity to a trio of low-tier delinquents, has no homemaking skills, but still wants to stick to the cool, desirable Hero because the Hero is obligated to take care of her? Would Shirou be able to guard off all the hot women coming for him and put everything on the line to protect the Dark Fate Girl?
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IllyaGODS don't die, we just regroup in wormthreads (hell)
>Ilya doesn't even come save shirou if her affection is too low
wow what a bitch
>If the coin flip had been lost and it was instead Rin who was given away to the Matou's, Rin would have ended up the exact same, with all of your disparaging remarks being instead directed at her. Except you would have hated her even MORE because her base personality is bitchy and she wouldn't have been able to garner the sympathy Sakura has even now due to Sakura's underlying kindness.
Except Sakura is a horrible selfish bitch, while Rin is an extremely good person who saves Shirou from himself. Your headcanon is shit and you should kill yourself, worm subhuman.
Its called having standards
>Sakurakek cope
>Archer wakes up in a strange place
>His consciousness is in Shirou's arm
>Shirou grabs Sakura's boob with Archer's arm
>"God, why have you forsaken me?"
Literally the opposite of what happened in Heaven's Feel. I can hear the whistling from your blown out anus as you spew these lies.
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Given his lack of self preservation instinct, yes he would. Luckily its Sakura so he hit the jackpot
Listen bitch I killed Bahsekah 12 times in half a second to save her but because I didn't choose to be her manservant 3 days prior I am condemned to death??? Ilya is fickle.
what i never understood is why this board always were mean spiritted to her even before purityfags had a foothold
Hey, Illya is great too, even if spamming is cancer.
Don't you have a Tumblr to be posting on, "rinshiroufan"?
You come into an Illya thread and complain about quote unquote spam. Alright buddy keep talking.
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Are you implying sakurafags haven't always been insane?
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Random Alias... Better start calling yourself 108 chances, 0 changes.
Ilya doing her little dance in the park is where visual novels as a medium peaked
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>I can hear the whistling from your blown out anus
But enough about Sakura's worm filled behind...
Purityfagging and anti-Sakura posting were imported from Futaba at pretty much the exact same time.
Rin's asshole got jackhammered and she will be wearing diapers by 30 as a result.
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Fucking based, I would love to see more alternative Heaven's Feel routes
Hop in Sakura friend!
>not even Rin
>not even actual sodomy
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It's always going to be Sakura x Shirou anon, they are the destined endgame that win against everything.
Indeed. That's what I like about them, they truly are soulmates and perfect for each other.
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What this means for me is that Medusa is available for me to claim as my girlfriend
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That can work too. Sakura is quite monogamous after all so she won't share her Shirou
I swear I could sustain Medusa's existence through mana transfers alone.
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I'm sure she would enjoy that too. She's a predatorial woman and very hot too.
But I still want to remain loyal to my wife Sakura
I'm so happy about the movie. It gave us plenty of new Sakura pictures and fanart keeps coming. It makes me so warm and fuzzy
I'm so happy about this thread. It gave us plenty of new Illya pictures and fanart keeps coming. It makes me so warm and fuzzy
>making a disabled man carry all that shopping
what a bitch!
Sakura x Rider is a good combination
>and that is okay
no it isn't
Agreed, the Sakurafish is beautiful and a monument to old 4chan.
>had to sabotage Illya's potential route just for Heaven's Feel to exist
Why was this allowed?
Nasu ran out of money and bet on Sakura since she fit the dark mature themes better
A little girl isn't leading lady material.
>Illya outpaced her in post release popularity polls without ever getting naked
all girls are little
I want to lick her body all over!
>And EVEN THEN, she manages to show her strength of character by persevering with a positive attitude and being a kind, gentle, and loving girl as shown by her interactions with Shirou.
She's only this way BECAUSE of Shirou. Just like how Angry Manjew possessing Shirou makes Mango a based retard instead of a murderous hobo.
If Shirou never existed, Sakura would have no reason to live a different life, she continue being Shinji's onahole willingly and a toll for a future Grail War.
She was meant to be a breeding mare for the Matou and to be discarded once she produced a heir
Sakura's greatest issue is that she doesn't exist until HF outside of the prologue. Asking the reader to care about this character that you had less time and opportunity to grow to care about than fucking Issei was way too ambitious an ask on Nasu's part.
She was until Zouken destroyed her womb with shards of the Grail.
A useless woman through and through.
rhino would have just died early though. she's very weak after all.
It was the shadow, not Sakura.
More like, people astroturfed her once because they thought they'd get a route out of it, and then she lost to fucking Lancer the very next time.
Sakura is the shadow, is in control of the shadow, willingly murdered people as the shadow, and was visibly aware of everything, even when trying to kill Rin and blowing off Shirou's arm.
And not only does she not sob a woe is me story about Shirou being crippled, she just plays it off as an "oh well at least he won't run off at night anymore" deal. She's a fucking psycho, worse than Shinji.

Oh and let's not forget every time she has sex with Shirou in the VN, she isn't doing it because she loves him, but because she needs to steal his many to stay stable, effectively killing him and she knows it! And she's not even aware that this includes the fact that Archer's arm compensates Shirou's loss mana by invading his body further with UBW, killing Shirou even further.
She does have plenty of interactions in the novel, they just aren't related to the Grail War. Also Nasu intended to expand the novel with the Far Side stories like in Tsukihime but ran out of budget so he scrapped the Illya route for Sakura's. A good choice all in all.
Indeed. Sakura has the inner strength of a real woman.
What could Kariya have done differently to save Sakura?
Must be a pretty sad life ignoring what the story and author himself says just to seethe about some insane headcanon you made up.
I want to cunnilingus her savagely!
Haha no he wouldn’t. He’d sit down with her and explore every single, most remote possibility for sending her away somewhere to keep her out of the war. Holding her close to protect her and going all-out war mode for her would be DEAD last for him. She’s be a burden he’d want off his shoulders ASAP, and he’d avoid any confusion scene with the most stilted lame excuse to be somewhere else imaginable.
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How expensive would it be to feed a girl like Sakura?
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True love
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They are perfect together
What are the limits of imaginary numbers? And is that element inheritable?
>what the story
The story corroborates him though
>and the author himself says
if the author contradicts the text then the author can be ignored.
If sakura isn't the shadow then what the fuck is she supposed to be repenting for in the HF normal end? What is Shirou actually giving up to protect her?
Actually, the story states that the shadow was Angra Mainyu. Also:
Nice try.
>if the author contradicts the text then the author can be ignored
Good thing he doesn't.
Congratulations, now you realize why Nasu realized that it was a bullshit ending and wrote HF True.
god sakurafags are retarded
That's not an argument so I accept your concession.
What do you expect? Most anon don't play the novel and only parrot xhitter and plebbit arguments. Angra Manyu's influence is clear in the novel.
It is an argument. The argument is: You are retarded. I accept your concession
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kek you probably don't even know what argument means.
That's also why Heaven's Feel True makes the most sense theme wise as its the only end where Shirou finally appreciates life and lets go of his toxic ideals. Plus he bangs the girl on screen and it was glorious.
Of course I do. I am presently arguing for your lack of mental faculty and am continuing to accept your concession.
>Shirou finally appreciates life and lets go of his toxic ideals.
(Both routes of Heavens Feel end with Shirou killing himself to save the world)
>appreciates life
>lets go
Per Nasu, Shirou has zero fundamental changes in any route, he ends each one still as broken as he started.
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Actually, he survives in the true one and admits he wants to live.
>The destination I aimed for was one where the machine Emiya Shirou - who had pretended to be a person pursuing his ideals - was able to become human by finally saving someone.
>the final Sakura route contains my answer to how this twisted protagonist can grow as a person and spread his wings. In this way, by bringing readers to the story’s final destination, I could tell the story of Fate and show the appeal of each heroine, as well as describe how Emiya Shirou eventually ends up as a human.
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Wait a minute, this thread is still up? And its still about Sakura? Don't worry OP I'll fix that.
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Yes anon, Sakura finally cleanses Shirou's soul and saves it from those ruinous ideals, that's unironically why they're recognized as the soulmates of FSN.
>Actually, he survives in the true one and admits he wants to live.
This. But they would know if they played HF.
> he survives in the true one
God you people are insane or liars or fucking both. He dies in both ends using Archers arm to destroy the grail. The only difference between the normal end and the true end is Ilya using the third magic to extract Shious soul which Touko puts into a puppet. Shirou at the end of HF True is a literal sex doll. You can't even feign ignorance on this one because the movie is fucking 1:1
And that is okay, the soul is the important thing anyway and Touko's magic is so good its basically the same as being alive in another body.
Bark for me >>270866168
You're really into this whole dog thing huh. Thats ok, different strokes for different folks and all that.
>He's still alive and well now.
>Memories, mind, and Magic Circuit are actually in the soul. So the body's only a terminal to move around, and the command structure is invincible in that world.
>…Don't take this the wrong way. Shirou's as human as the rest of us. He can go get surgery at hospitals, drink cold medicines, and die when he's killed. Souls can be put into bodies to give them life, but the souls will be fixed to the body in exchange.
It's literally spelled out that your original body dying means nothing as long as you can put your soul in a spare one.
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Wonder if Touko gave him any "enhancements" while she was at it.
I'm no fatefaggot, but why would anyone not pick Saber? It's the route where he ends up the happiest, she's not a whore who gets fucked by Shinji nor does she sell her lower intestines to Oji-sans like Rin. What about her do you not like?
Shirou sacrifices himself. his body is destroyed (colloquially known as dying). His soul getting put into a sex doll mattering at all is just you insane lying retards moving the goalposts.
No, the body is canon worse because it needs constant mana flow to stay alive. It's a gilded cage now, completely reliant on Sakura to exist.
I find her boring in general and more than a bit autistic. Also I like big breasts and obscene mature bodies.
Yes, he wanted to sacrifice himself and he gets it. He also saves the world and gets to live a happy life fucking Sakura daily. No wonder its the True End
>is just you insane lying retards moving the goalposts.
>the VN itself states it
Cry harder. The fact that you think the physical body is the be-all end-all measure of a person just goes to show how shallow you are.
Shirou sacrifices himself to save the world. You are an insane lying retard so you're moving the goalposts. Hope this clears things up!
>Shirou sacrifices himself to save the world.
That was Illya, actually.
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And that is, once again, a wrap! Great thread everyone, I love Illya AND Caren AND OP. Have fun in your third (third!) thread tonight! Maybe I'll even pop in to say hello!
Also get fucked
Archer as Sakura's servant would have been fun to watch. I like that the Grail War provides lots of combinations.
>Maybe I'll even pop in to say hello!
You can do it, c'mon. Who's a good boy? Who wags his tail and spams like a retard? Yes you do, yes you do!
True I guess. He projects Excalibur either way
This is worse than trooning out.
Lmaoing at a wormfag trying to act tough after losing two threads to the IllyaCHAD
That's why they are given the True Ending. Shirou x Sakura are great together
Shirou and Sakura are the winners of FSN, it's been 20 years so we all know.
And yet Sakura can't win her own threads
actually she does fine. the usual losers keep trying to sabotage them and always fail.
i look like this and do this when women tell me they've been impure
Indeed. Its nonetheless noticeable how useless the jannies are that let this retard spam for this long without lifting a finger
Is that why the wormthread has been forced to migrate 3 times today?
Brainlet-kun you can keep trying to max imagedump Sakura/Shirou threads but still won't change the fact they're and always will be FSN canonical couple.
>but still won't change the fact they're and always will be FSN canonical couple
Esl-kun please
The jannies are in IllyaCHAD's pocket. They know he'll cut their wages if they step to him
Best thread on /a/ right now
our resident sabercuck/rhinofag finally took xir meds, uh?

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