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is not real!
she ruined me
magic girl genre is dead
Japan doen't have enough little girls to keep it alive. They resorted to pander to basement dwellers and it became shit.
I'm a racist and I'm not a pedophile, specially not during week days.
Would I enjoy CCS?
Do you recommend the anime or the manga?
I want to see her naked
You mean nakid.
Get in line, buddy.
Sakura is extremely lewd girl
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I blame her for making me discover hentai and the development of most of my fetishes
Having an anime face with such a realistically rendered body is kind of jarring.
>No just barely sprouting pubes
ukokkei's Sakura makes me rock hard for that reason
What is the name of this artist?
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I've got several questions...
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Mein Neger
The anime is excellent. The manga is nice too, but definitely has some parts that were "problematic" even at the time, and absolutely abhorrent today, one in particular being the elementary school teacher is in a romantic relationship with one of the students This was removed in the anime
>This was removed in the anime
Was it?, I'm sure it was hinted they had feelings for each other
I havent seen the anime in a long time but I'm pretty sure any references to the teacher having feelings for or being involved with the student were removed. The reason it was even included in the manga in the first place was Clamp was and still is really big on LOVE IS LOVE and non traditional relationships and something called "soul pairs"
I don't remember it being removed the the anime, it was definitly toned down though.
Yeah but they never went this far in the anime. They're literally dating in the manga LMFAO.
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Sakura nails
>They're literally dating in the manga LMFAO
Yeah, that explains it, I remember getting the vibe of them being in love but the teacher waiting for her to grow up before dating
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This is the power of 1 woman writer and 3 women artists. I love them all.
If this AI, there's no point without the prompt.
It was there but it was one sided on the girl, they did go all in on Sakura's parents being school lovers though.
There is nothing wrong with a child having romantic feelings for their teacher. The problem starts when the teacher has romantic feelings for the student.
Sakura's parents hit different because they faced consequences of starting their relationship.(Nadeshiko's family disowning her.)
Those sweaty stinking armpits look delicious
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what in the goddamn
Since she's all-powerful she's trying out large tits for a while.
Her poor child back
I'd be all over Sakura's feet like Rex Ryan!
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How do we fix Tomoyo?
Give her Sakura
How do you fix that image?
Sex with 30+ year old men
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>terminally lesbian for Sakura
>won't even attempt to confess to her because she's also terminally a cvck
There's a lot to fix.
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Is she considered a tomboy or not?
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Make her feel like a woman the only way a man can.
need some proof of this
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At the time she was written, yes
By today standards, no
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Do tomboys do housework?
That should be Minako not Usagi.
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Sakura knocked me over on her skates and now I’m faking an injury and sueing her family for millions
>sakura writing "and then the hall of cost actually happened" in the create to teach anglo goblins a lesson.
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Bought this C104 doujin but I only scanned the cover.
uh, she's naked
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delete this
Such a smol body needs protection and nourishment.
And worship
Well what are you waiting for, scan the rest and upload it to sadpanda.
That's why she has a dad
I hope she gets prpr'd. Please scan the rest, anon.
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Sakura is a good girl
>The manga is nice too, but definitely has some parts that were "problematic" even at the time, and absolutely abhorrent today, one in particular being the elementary school teacher is in a romantic relationship with one of the students
Read the manga, got it
Watch the anime, it's better. All the problematic stuff are there.
can someone expain me why clear card wasnt well received ?
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It cannot compete with Hugtto PreCure in the same TV time slot.
No. You'll have to watch it so the voices in your head can agree.
It looks soulless and the plot is a boring rehash. Sakura is also a JC slut now.
She used to be a ripe JS!
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Butterchalk has the right idea.
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Not according to my doujins
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Man, I love hebes. Sakura makes a really good JC as well.
For me it's JK Sakura with her dyke girlfriend Tomoyo.
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hope she grows some tits when she's at that age. she's way too flat right now and CLAMP doesn't even hate tits.
it's short but sweet
Is she getting b-blacked?
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Is this children's anime worth watching if I find Sakura and Tomoyo cute? Also this webm makes me want to watch it. I'm not much of an action anime fan though.
Just watch it.
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She fills out nicely yeah.
Does he bone her?
I will, yeah.
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I love her
How much?
Someone please kindly explain this image to me.
Make a new thread you dumb brat.
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>we get a CCS remake
>and the artstyle looks like this
do you rike it?
>high resolution LED strip on fan, which can generate a full picture if the fan moves fast
What's this tech called?
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CCS is arguably the best TV production of all time
The level of care, attention to details, high quality animation, both in character acting, action scenes, textures and material etc, with also great direction and art direction would be insane today if it were a one or two cours production
This is a 70 episode series that never looks bad and most of the time looks better than 99% of anything ever animated, which is mindblowing
Watch it
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I really like the colors in this show. There's nothing like it in the anime market.
A nuclear war room was called to kill Sakura.
Also Saten a slut.
Damn she has huge hands
Are female artists just unstoppable? So many based series are written by them
>>we get a CCS remake
>>and the artstyle looks like this
>do you rike it?
yes very much, post more!
Differently wired brains, nothing really surprising.
Men are problem-solving robots.
Women are emotional beasts.
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U-uohhhh ToT
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On my way to spank Sluten
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Sakura the zoomer
We need more women artists making these kind of manga then
Looks like it's watercolored art for each background. Rather than CG slop in the modern animes.
This reminds me of mu soft, is it from them?
Sukumizu ToT
Don't forget modern video games which are also pure slop
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Someone's been beefing them up.
Me with Sakura
That's pretty cool, never seen that fan thing before
Why would someone prpr her
I dont keep up with zoomer speak. Wtf is prpr
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Haha very zany and random!!
I thought it was just peropero?
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I can't stop making Sakura sloppa, help!!
POV display.
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beefy sakura.
Promote these artists. Buy their merchandise. Tell the haters to fuck themselves.
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>How do we fix Tomoyo?
You can't.
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CLAMP is already popular as fuck
Tomoyo will have grown out of her gayness and gotten a boyfriend by then.
Play her game
Is this just SD 1.5?
I just want cute drawings of naked children not getting raped
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This one's also from C104 and doesn't feature children getting raped.
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Haha very zany and random!!
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at least it wasn't Drake
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Yes they were a very big deal, but there was a lot of based content before 2000 orz. The last based female mangaka was probably Kaworu-sensei and she wasn’t even trying that hard. The Tokyo Olympics did a number on this country. We need real women to step up everywhere, not just Japan but right now it’s gotten so bad that the women doing based content are just men.
don't need more feet from her
New billion dollar app idea: Little girl simulator.
>Chinese gacha mobile "game"
No thanks.
I've never played any gacha games in my whole life. If CCS got a gacha game after 25 years, I think it's finally time for me to play the damn thing chinese or not.
Where's this from?
You have my attention now...
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>CCS got a gacha game after 25 years
Ignorance is bliss.
CCS has gacha games every 3-4 years. They always start it up, have idiots pay money, then shut down the service after 1-2 years once they milk those idiots out. Then rinse and repeat.
Go search up Google for CCS mobile games if you don't believe me.
Here's the previous scam:
>Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card Happiness Memories Smartphone Game Ends Service on June 30 after only 8 months
I'm a huge CCS fan but when I see idiots supporting these scams... it's honestly embarrassing how stupid "people" are. No offense.
So what's this about her supposedly wearing diapers or still wets the bed or something?
Wrong anime.
It's a live service game. We all know what we signed up for.
I have no doubt the current newest gacha mobile "game" will shut down in less than a year, maybe a year max.
my bad those must've been shitposts
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>All his Isma art
Put on her sandals. I wanna see her chink gacha feet.
Well it is a shoujo
My sister has been nagging me to watch ccs with her, should i?
>red nails
what a dirty little slut
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Is she your little sis? how old is her
Its a childrens anime and is never not a childrens anime. Some episodes are good, the movies are also neat.
Under 20, i think the anime got a remaster recently or something, that may be why
Season 1 is cool
The following seasons are mostly romance if you're not into that
Watch it with her. shit, I'd pay for that kind of experience.
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Why did he do it?
which one should we watch 1997 or 2017?
The original(1998). The 2017 one is a sequel.
Lucky bastard. I wish I had an imouto to watch CCS with.
>AI slop thread
Yeah, fuck you retards.
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Suck Sakura's sweaty feet retard.
If op's image is AI slop. It is over for artists.
>"hoeee I wet the bed again!"
I-if you insist, anon
She's not THAT retarded
I remember that episode.
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She's always looking at her...
Has Tomoyo canonically ever seen Sakura's butt or cunny?
Uh yeah uh huh those fucking idiots supported a niche product because they wanted it to do well in hopes of new, well-produced content. They regularly left fat tips from their income in the hopes that their favorite hobby would be around for years to come . Bunch of fucking selfish idiots.
In the dressing room. They are both girls. But look at how small they are.
why is she also naked lmao
Oh she definitely did more than just seeing here
Clearly also hugging. Clearly Sakura knows why and is indulging her a little bit out of friendship. A real thin line, though.
Tomoyo is the last word in self insert technology.
But why would they take off their underwear too?
How do you know they did? Not like they wear bras.
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If they didn't take off their underwear then Tomoyo never saw Sakura's butt and cunny like anon claimed she did.
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>the stain
Sakura kinomo is the cutest girl
There's this thing called training bras
Which do nothing and aren't worn everywhere.
Is this a real screencap? Ive never seen the movies so is it in one of those? If so, how did Japanese men survive?
is a used goods whore with 40 or more body count!
From some rare specials.
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An underage b& has grokked the tragedy of Tomoyo in current year. Strange days.
I too wish to hug Sakura so much I could die.
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Sakura belongs to china (shota)...
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It's pony, autism checkpoint
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That room would have been so damned expensive in the 90s.
You should be able to achieve better results, maybe the Lora you used is shit.
I want to put my dick in Tomoyo while she looks at me with a smug expression.
we know, Sakura
why is she wearing a big pampers
Tomoyo will ride the cock carousel in a desperate attempt to get over Sakura. Then she will see herself as dirty and defiled and unworthy of Sakura's attention who is still pure and shining.
Do you thing Tomoyo got rid of her lewder Sakura tapes when the laws changed?
>Syaoran’s dick is so small that Sakura never loses her virginity now matter how much she fucks him
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Her family is rich, she's above the law.
Post the hoee complitation
What do you mean? I like the results, it has the style I'm looking for, dunno what could be improved.
Laws don't apply to rich people or wise guys.
That's what the Big Card is for
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More stylization, less blurry image.
I'm going for the 90s anime style not for fanart or modern style.
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Poor old senile old man.
Is he really this unpleasant person to be around? holy fuck
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God damn!
This is what AI should be used for
I've never seen him say anything without him coming off as a bitter bitch.
I'd like a detailed analysis of why she thinks she needs a bra before deciding if this is hot.
its been ages since the last time I read Tsubasa so tell me, Tomoyo ever does ANYTHING there? I may be memoryholing something but she feels like she gor Yamcha'd on Tsubasa
Uploaded the doujin on sad panda. This is my first ever scan so mind the shitty quality. Enjoy.
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Would you go through the cuteness tunnel?
It will turn you into a fellow cute little girl
This you? https://exhentai.org/g/3056398/62c37fd3ce/
Looks good to me, dunno why the low ratting.
Am I allowed to look up while getting through?
She doesn't want to expose her itty bitty kitty titties.
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one of the best CCS recent stuff https://exhentai.org/g/2860140/12d91306cd/

who knew Syaoran was into Tomoyo so bad .
did anyone figure out why did bchalk delete stuff
No love for Meilin?
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Fuckable chinks
She's non-canon. Filler.
Who? Non-canon chink slut.
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>new Sakura doujin
>it's black man and rape
>new Sakura doujin
>it's black man and rape
>hell yes
I'm black and I love Sakura.
why are you black?
Most women prefer darker men, why would Sakura be any different?
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She never seen a black man in her whole life
What if Sakura is secretly a boy?
I'm going to need more examples
Maybe that Yukito fag would give her a chance if he found out.
Poor Tomoyo
I want my money back
Sakura is for everyone. Whites, blacks, dogs, cyborgs you name it.
Make her wear sandals please...
Horrible creature.
Can you generate Sakura with cat ear headband?
Yes, will post it as soon as I can.
Weird, looks like he deleted them
I have them saved at least
its certainly a lot of work to moderate the comment sections with the anti-pedo spammers
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What is this game about?
Give her more boobs
No matter what opinion you have about AI, what hey showed him was absolute trash.
Stop giving me a mature woman fetish
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There are none of those on the usual site he posts at because the entire site is for that sort of content
Oh noooooo, who'd want that
Boy would I
if you don't believe hard enough.
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>fully prompt included in the pixiv image
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I desperately need a VAM model of Sakura.
You mean regular attraction to women?
ToT uohhh
Too cute! ToT
You know damn well how well the secret FOSS ones work. Root your phone.
No, because that would entail a self destructive urge to talk to them.
Adorable and fluffy
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>absolutely massive screen
>couch is only 6ft back from it
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No such thing as "way too flat".
I'm a little sad her canon nipples aren't as pink as I thought they would be... what if he pussy isn't pure pink as well :(
You're love it anyway because it's a part of her and you know it.
any "art" of her?
Sakura pits prpr
That's it?
Only a murrican would be outraged at that
Why don't you read a damned manga?
When i was a kid it was kinda of frowned upon to like a girl's show like this but it was fucking irresistible.
Good animation, adventure, cute girl, a cool boy to self insert as, magic, good story.
What card is that?
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Minako and Usagi are basically the same person
They don’t make anime like they used to.
Sakura falls in love with a chink boy
FAR too much memberberries. Too little substance. Everything is kept as a giant conspiracy away from Sakura but if you watched any of CCS prior to this you guessed the whole thing by the fifth or so episode or volume.

And almost all of the character interaction was distilled down to cooking instead of character interaction. Everyone was affected with the happy virus that keeps them from ever frowning or creating drama when in CCS, characters could be mean or bitchy however little girls do.

All in all it's a sequel clearly made for the Otaku audience and not the audience it was normally made for that Otaku fell in love with, and there's a league of difference between the two.
Holy tubes
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doujinshi name?
>When you remember most of Tomoyo's footage is a POV shot on the ground looking up at Sakura
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Sakura-Chan kocchi kocchi
We need her to dump all her footage for us!
In that case dude better be penetrating her for it to make sense
Would you let her stay at your place?
What a silly question.
if he gave you his prompts, how would he make money off them on patreon?
That's still happening? Thought by now everyone would figure out the prompts on their own or make better ones. Not that I know shit about how AI works. Only briefly and lightly dabbled in NovelAI. Prefer show accurate artstyles anyway instead of uncanny realism.
>AI shit
fuck OFF holy shit I hate AIfaggots so much
Anon please, not everybody who wants to fap is a computer whiz
Hell, I'm a computer whiz and I still know absolutely nothing about generating my own images. It would probably take about 2 hours for me to figure it all out, and I have around -6 hours of unaccounted-for free time per day.
He talked about NovelAI, which is a paid service and where you literally just enter the damn prompt. Local is pretty easy to use, the one disadvantage to NAI is that it doesn't know most characters because the furry obfuscated and hid all character tags.
Oh my, why is my wife taunting me like this?
Consider this: licking Sakura’s clit until HOOOEEEEEEEE
she hoes just randomly exhaling so it wouldnt take much
Don't worry, this isn't real.
I am considering very hard right now
Sakura is a hoe
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yeah but she was rich af
Inshallah she will be bred.
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This but I'm tonguing her sweaty asshole after her cheerleading session
Very nice check point
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but don't people these days use some "lora"s and shit?
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Loras are basically very small models (up to 300 MB or so) someone trained on top of a base model (6+GB). They are necessary on SD local (nowadays usually with PonyXL) to get new characters or concepts not part of the base model. NAI can't use Loras (policy restrictions), but they update their base model sometimes to include new characters. PonyXL also censors most character tags.
I'd buy a Sakura flavored Lays
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what the FUCK is this?
Log posters go back to >>/b/
Sakura is so fucking sexy it's ridiculous.
We can all agree that she's the sexiest mahou shoujo in existence right?
No. Not even close.
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Well then who is?
Nanoha or one of the Sailor Sluts
They're sexy but not Sakura sexy.
Madoka is close though
What makes Madoka sexy? I genuinely do not understand.
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She's super sexy
You sound like a lolipedo...
So low tier
you're in a sakura thread...
>supermodel bodies
this ain't it chief
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Should have just gone all the way with that post
This.. clothing article... is barely hiding anything.
I can see her puffy vulva...
What's the episode where there's a little kid and he/she falls from the sky? I remember that being my favorite episode but can't remember what it was.
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Episode 15, one where Sakura and Kero have a big fight. and the murderhobo card.
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>Everyone censors everything
what's the point then
Sakura WILL grow up to be a supermodel
her mother WAS a supermodel when she was 14-16

Sakura's DFC will expire within months of Clear Card ending
Indeed, it just makes it harder for everyone.
I know, isn't it wonderful?
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I think they are talking about a flat chest
Anything that redditurds would deem "problematic" I consider BASED and it makes me enjoy things more. I'd rather have loli romances than 1001 shades of brown and more homo gay any day.
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Madoka is shit and I don't understand the appeal
>muh subvert expectations
>muh genre deconstruction
The beautiful thing about mahou shoujo, besides the cute girls, is that it is pure, simple, and MAGICAL. Adding some fucking edgy tryhard bullshit ruins it completely.
Redditors love to virtue signal (aka sucking their own dicks).
Someone will say how X is problematic and how they're (redditors) so much more morally superior. Then everyone else will upvote and post comments agreeing.
There are regular posts about this exact "problematic" romance that gets posted regularly on r/cardcaptorsakura and they always say the same thing.
It's disgusting, literal echo chamber.

She canonically remains flat into her mid teen years anon.
I have a theory that "people" that like Madoka are young and stupid and haven't seen much anime. So Madoka would be their first "dark and edgy" anime so they pretend to like it to feel "deep" and "mature". Similar to Elfen Lied and how it got praised so much but it's shit. A babby's first guro.
everything about Sakura looks so doughy, like you could grab her cheeks and pinch them

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