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Chapter 39: From Me,
The Most Selfish Person in the World,
To You,
The Ugliest Person in the World
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Previous chapter:
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Done. Today, friendship won.
Can you banter?
See you tomorrow!
Nakaura is kinda cute
Nakaura > Imazaki
imazaki stormed a restaurant to defend her friend
I like her
>scented erasers
They are a thing? Did I miss a good part of childhood?
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where's my nigga mo?
>Verification not required
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Thank you for posting.
Thanks OP
>Can you banter?
Probably not
Moru Moru Morurin
Someone's been watching NHK
She cute
Thanks OP
Thanks OP
Thank you, OP!
Why not both?
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What great friends! Right is also incredibly sexy.
>Can you banter?
I was once known as the King of Bantz.
I have vague recollections of scented erasers being a thing.
>Can you banter?
No, because most people end up getting offended so I lack that idea of how far is too far
Nah, they would smell nice for like a week and then lose all of it, also have a tendency to get all hard and dont erase
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Wholesome chapter this time
Thanks op for a great chapter.
And I'm looking for a gif Imazaki throwing a block.
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>you turned around
lmao, gottem
She ruined oddman 11!
What about the other 10 oddman?
The next one will be sad
I gotta say I love your music preference OP
'tis the season
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Me when walking in front of a middle school
they might be girls, but they're true bros
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True sis
I remember this thing, I couldnt read it because the art just became some deep fried shit as it went on, was it as depressing at it started?
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It was probably more depressing than you remembered!
don't chew properly
It's not all bad! Mission-chan ends up going to school in America!
How dare you say that
That pizza look bad
Don't diss the erasers.
So you telling me she will get shot
I don't remember anything about the story, but I have a feeling it ended on a positive note.
I think it's neat how evenly distributed her freckles are
ultra based
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I still don't understand the meaning of the ending. Why did she have to do it?
You must work.
Even if it's something as terrible as that? I'm not sure I'm getting the right message here.
Is that a member of the KKK in the middle right panel?
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Chapter 40: Machine Gun Girl's Deprepreprepreprepreprepression
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Done. I hope nobody here feels called out.
How do you hide the pain?
See you tomorrow!
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I can fix her
Thanks OP
>How do you hide the pain?
I accepted the reality of both the world and my life very quickly so the pain isn't that much and easy to forget about
>How do you hide the pain?
I don't, I burn it as fuel for my journey. I have a lot of fuel now, so I hope my journey is a long one or I'll feel very foolish when I reach the end of it.
Weird fetus chain
Thank you, OP!
i didn't expect this exact tonal shift and i am in pain
thanks, OP
just forget about it and keep on trucking
The chapter title kind of gave it away.
A very ugly penis
i thought it was going to be that her outgoing energy was belying her introversion, not that her extroversion was the source of her doubts, like any time I speak my opinion
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>this fucking title
Thanks OP
Thanks OP
Anon, the whole manga was barely comprehensible in the first place. If there was a meaning, only mozoucry knows it.
nice title
Bottom panel is too real
I live for closed eyes tall girl
I despise people who interrupt others
neat start for a nickname
Why are women so catty?
You CAN stand silence, can't you anon?
Thanks OP, pain just comes and goes really.
Also lots of scapism, it's been great to deal with existential dread ever since i was 5.
This level of overthinking hurts me.
Because I am the same
I love silence
>digging up the childhood memories
Worst part is, the other 2 girls do seem genuinely nice.
I thought she was a boy during the first pages
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Someone edit a condom over her tounge
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Thank you for this.
You're welcome
So it goes.
And you will do the same!
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Chapter 41: The Long Story of the Long Black-Haired Girl
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Done. I've had the opportunity to listen to a lot of people ramble on and on about inconsequential stuff. I hate hate hate it.
How is your hair styled?
See you tomorrow!
>How is your hair styled?
As simply as possible
What a baka
Thanks OP.
I don't have any hair style.
>How is your hair styled?
Normal but my barber always ask how I want them
Thank you for posting;.
Thanks OP
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>character development
thanks, OP. 8 on top, 4 on the sides, then grown until I see my bangs
I always like those jokes that were just long winding stories that constantly delayed a big reveal only to make it as unsatisfying as possible
>How is your hair styled?
I try to keep it short, with just enough length at the front for curls.
I wish I could do long hair but I'm just too fluffy and it never works out
Thanks OP
>I wish I could do long hair but I'm just too fluffy and it never works out
only black long hair could save this world.
she's RUINED
>*short blonde
ntr manga
Fastest character development I've seen yet
>How is your hair styled?
I would like to not cut my hair as much as possible. It’s really messy and I like it.
I think I kinda hate this girl
>PS I want to cut my hair
I laffed
Damn, poor bro had it bad.
>How is your hair styled?
A lot of people tell me my hair is great, but I always let it do what it wants.
No thoughts, head empty.
Nice hair tho
So he's gay?
It was never going to walk
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Sora soar!
Bump bumper!
What does make him gay?
Okay anons, short or long hair?
She's fucking stupid a thoughtless, that's why.
I went from liking long hair to liking short hair.
She just didn't thought abiut asking her mom
>How is your hair styled?
It's not.
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Chapter 42: I Don't Want to Let Anything Out
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Done. I think pissing yourself is pretty girly, actually.
What is the most acceptable bodily fluid to leak?
By the way, I'm going in a trip, so don't be alarmed by any sudden changes in schedule in the next few days. See you tomorrow!
I can help her
*opens mouth*
No, not again
Thanks OP
>What is the most acceptable bodily fluid to leak?
Thank you for posting.
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>sad girls
>schizo girls
Truly the best manga
Thanks OP
Where i live everyone spits so i guess that one, i find it gross but what can i do.
It's like a mix between Dowman and Mozou Crystal
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>What is the most acceptable bodily fluid to leak?
The Kabu no Isaki daily already discussed this

Remember your past anon!
I fear the day I end up in one of these
I'm there multiple times... and on multiple others I have made my mark on this world, and it is through shitposting!
You should fear becoming a disgusting footfag, not a pissfag.
I hate this specific breed of normalfag
>I'm about to pee my pants
Liar! You're wearing a skirt!
comedy gold
ammonia maniac
poor ganecchi
these fidgeting panels are so hot
goriyama fucking made it
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One day we will get a girl that actually pee herself
Thanks OP
>What is the most acceptable bodily fluid to leak?
I'd put my vote for blood, but sweat is a close second.
Thanks OP
There is no escape.
Sweat, tears, blood.
It's harder for girls to hold it in because of female anatomy so I'd say from a certain perspective, peeing herself in fear actually is girly.
Dude, piss fetish is higher on the disgusting scale than foot fetish.
Right? That's what I'm saying.
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A Certain Family's Urophilia
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A great start
I guess I have to read the manga to find out how she lost her virginity
With me.
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Good chapter
Thank you, OP!
But we did >>271136705
We need more, much more
What the fuck
Do they just burn the corpses like that?
What else are you supposed to do with a poisoned elephant's body?
Pissman Fetishman
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I love that expression
this is his magnus opus

Thank you for posting.
Not from this chain
Oh shit, it wasn't was it... We're falling behind. OP, get on it quickly, we CANNOT have a Piss Girl Gap!
Many things
One girl had to have been shown peeing in this daily, someone post a list of the manga OP posted
Not like this...
I still don't know the context of this
It's an old video.
Do elephants taste good?
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Not really:
>By all accounts, elephant was not tasty. Thomas Gibson Bowles, who was in Paris during the siege, wrote that he had eaten camel, antelope, dog, donkey, mule and elephant and of those he liked elephant the least. Henry Labouchère recorded:
>"Yesterday, I had a slice of Pollux for dinner. Pollux and his brother Castor are two elephants, which have been killed. It was tough, coarse, and oily, and I do not recommend English families to eat elephant as long as they can get beef or mutton."
The more you know.
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Chapter 43: Inflated
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Done. This was the last chapter translated by this group. Thanks to the efforts of TLanon, we'll be able to continue the daily, though.
What is your delusion?
See you tomorrow!
Thanks OP
>What is your delusion?
That everything will go well
>What is your delusion?
That I will make it
>Thanks to the efforts of TLanon, we'll be able to continue the daily, though.
A real hero, and a real human bean.

>What is your delusion?
That I can substitute genuine emotional connection and friendship with the interactions I have with people on here
Dear God, how many chapters had this entrance exam?
But you can do that, we all love you here!
I miss dowman so fucking much
Thank you for posting.
Delusional Brocon and Delusional Siscon.
What not to like?
Oddman 11 has a girl pissing on the face of her brother.
Dowman is the mangaka, right? He isn't making anything new?
Thank you, OP!
>He isn't making anything new?
Thanks OP.
That I can continue living like this indefinitely.
>Dowman is the mangaka, right?
no, that's Sayman
Mr. President, we must not allow a piss girl gap!
Gentlemen! You can't urinate in here! This is the bathroom!
He's the mangaka of Voynich Hotel, Nickelodeon, Oddman 11, an others
Mein Führer...! I can PISS!
Thanks OP
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>What is your delusion?
OneeSho anime adaptation any day now
What is the story about?
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Cute Lolicon Doing Cute Things
Does this mean she got fucked by a little girl?
Thanks OP
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the one who marked her in the first screencap is a different girl; high-school aged, practically a hag.
we call that a tulpa
oh no
thanks, OP, and good job to TLanon for working his nihongo
That I know what's going on
Vivarium de Choushoku wo is his ongoing manga.
>We're falling behind
If anything, we've had a sizable lead for years. Other dailies need to step up.
It's a work of art.
this will never happen because the mahou shoujo spinoff will get one instead
Thank you for posting.
My wife
I thought it said comiket for a sec
brother complex, and sister complex
he means that both of them secretly want to fuck the sibling they pretend they have
They should just fuck in the dark
All this talk of Dowman Sayman is making me want a daily for Voynich Hotel or Nickelodeon
For some reason, I keep reading
>my brother only eats what I cock
How many chapter have TLanon translated?
What will OP post after?
>doesn't have two chapter I really liked
Every chapter is in there somewhere.
she's just like me
worthless kid
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>Have to give training courses for work
>Because of course that's a great idea
>Now open every session by saying I have prosopagnosia so don't be insulted if I forget who you are
This somehow works.
Found them
Brad Pitt pulled that shit too
Fuck off Ace
I hope we see the guy with a loli ghost again
Anon has translated up to episode 56, and I TSed up to 55 so far.
As to what I'll post after, it's gonna be a spooky manga for october.
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Chapter 44: Me, Myself and I: A Tautology in the Bright Noon
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By the way, can anyone here post manga to mangadex?
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Done. Achievements in schizo writing.
How do you spend your days?
See you tomorrow!
it's a neat parallel
Thanks OP
By the way there was a new Vivarium
why do all the girls this guy draws have such nice breasts?
On it.
Have we seen those hairstyles before?
There's a typo on the translators notes page
Holy tits
>first panel
It's awful when you leave and they ask you to come back.
Thanks OP.
I'm working an office job and honestly i would rather be a NEET.
Thanks OP
>How do you spend your days?
4chan, YouTube, DeviantArt and Ao3
>How do you spend your days?
Gradually shortening the list of "things I haven't masturbated to"
I think you need an account?
an account takes like 5 sec to create, you don't even need an email address. Though when it's your first upload a mod has to manually verify it so it can take some time.
God speed
I think we did, it was the girls with that strange game
Gagas Bandas?
Gagas Bandas!
Gagas Bandas...
Gagas Bandas! I boil the daily thread on the last page
Thank you, OP!
Gagas Bandas! I kiss OP on the lips
Thanks OP
Gagas Bandas! I bump this thread with my bump!
thanks, OP. I tell myself I have so much free time to not do work but then I somehow find work to do
Thanks OP
How do you live?
Thank you for posting.
i mean that i work remotely and so i look at my schedule and see i've got plenty of free time i could read books or nap or whatever and then i somehow find some kind of work to do during that time and so i still work my normal hours
i had no meetings or emails planned today but i still ended up working to my time limit because i remembered something i needed to fix and so i drilled into that for a good 6 hours
Holy shit, I've found the anti-me!
Rise up!
My wife
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>How do you spend your days?
I work, I eat, I watch old youtube videos I've already seen many times, sometimes I play games.

I suspect that that list is actually growing, day by day.
You must have a nemesis of sorts out there working against you.
>How do you spend your days?
Strangest thing you have masturbated to?
My granddad fishing
Just your grandad or the fish too?
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It wasn't my proudest wank

Great, that's another one to add to the list...
lolishota overload
Now you have all the animal kingdom on the list
My work will never be done, and that lets me lead a full and rewarding life
You should fap to OP
>Implying I haven't already
No homo
anon, you fapped to your own grandpa. being a homo is the least of your worries.
I'm a member of the group that translated this up to chapter 44. I apologize for the lack of translations over the last months, we were still working on it but I'm glad someone took initiative and claimed it.
Feel free to contact us if you need any help with the next chapters.
1. I fapped to him fishing. Completely different.
2. It's not about me, it's about OP feeling comfortable with it.
Thanks for your previous work, and I hope you don't mind too much.
The daily must go on.
Next chapter will be in a new thread.

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