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hold up he's actually mad about the photo? I doubt it's because Ichi is visible
Forced drama.
She is an actor not an idol why would they care of she is dating someone
why are you calling forced drama without even knowing what his problem is? retard
So it was bad after all... damn.... Suwa bringing the bad news that thigns will change after all maybe...
You didn't follow much of Japanese news about this kind of stuff do you? About a news caster that suffered a lot because of fans.... a News caster... not idol nor anything lol
>she's not an idol
she is an idol and an actress
I think it's more that they just don't want her getting caught out in public like that in general? And that's why they forbade her from going to her own school's festival too.

But obviously Suwa went all the way to the school to talk to Ichi for a reason, and even if he didn't clock Ichi himself Yamada probably told him who she was there with when she was talked to about it. But I think if he was going to completely forbid the relationship he'd have nipped it in the bud a long time ago- I'd imagine he's here for something closer to an "are you *really* sure you know what you're signing up for here" talk.
>ichi and his harem are delinquents
I think it's about her leaking private information, if she's not careful and people take pictures of her and post it on socials people will find out her school. Same reason why they had the phone ban.
I don't even think it's about the "fans will go apeshit if their idol has a boyfriend" angle, I think the concern is more all of the normal things that come with fame (ie they don't want people doxxing her because she gets caught in a random picture,) which will apply to him too if he keeps dating her.
I like how that's just Adachi's mom's one outfit so we immediately know who it is.
"I can have fun without you"
Depressed and vibed out the whole day. TBF That's really on her for not telling the guy. totally blindsided.
The faggot agency she works for barred her from public school events after she was caught in that other picture.
inb4 He actually tracked down Ichi because he wants him to use his authority as her boyfriend to reign her in. Maybe even have a callback where Ichi gets confused about them dating not being an issue and Suda say "You spend too much time on 5chan"
Long Ichikawa is looooooong.
Probably, which will also lead to their first big fight in their relationship.
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Awesome. Now I get to be bummed for the next 2 weeks.
so Yamada can't participate in school events anymore? damn she must feel like shit now. I wonder what Ichi is gonna do now, go to her or enjoy the festival without her?
Hey all, script time!

>Editor: The giant maze proposed by Kyotaro. Production is progressing smoothy…!?
>Hanzawa: Look……
>Hanzawa: A jellyfish zone……
>Chii: They’re so pretty………!
>Karte.153: We Made Something
>Hanzawa: If you touch them, you die.
>Chii: Eep!
>Kyo: [It’s finally the day before the cultural festival……………]
>Kyo: [Preparations are in full swing.]
>Rin: They said they got extra cardboard boxes!
>Students: Thank goodness!
>Kyo: [It’s not that different from the haunted house we did last year.]
>Kyo: [It’s not, but………]
>Kyo: Ah, the color of blood should…
>Yamada: The color of blood should be a little bit darker!
>Kyo: [My view of it has changed completely.]
>Student: Ichikawa! There’s a problem here…
>Moe: Sorryyyy! It’s time for Moe to go to cram school!
>Students: (Cram Schoolers)
>Chii: Huh? Aren’t you going, too, Ichikawa-kun?
>Kyo: No… Today………
>Kyo: I’m taking off.
>Nyaa: Is that okay?
>Kyo: Well, this could effect my file, too, I guess…
>Kyo: (We should reinforce these some more.)
>Chii: (You want to re-tape all of them!?)
>Yamada: (I’ll take care)
>Yamada: (Of the high up ones!)
>Yamada: (I can’t get out……!)
>Sensei: It’s about time to go home……!
>Chii: Whoa! It’s already dark out!
>Kyo: …………
>Kyo: Ok, I guess we’ll be good with this.
>Students: We’re done!!
>Nyaa: We should get some food!
>Yamada: Ahhh! I was thinking that, too.
>Chii: What kind of rivalry is this?
>Chii: We were all getting Famichiki, though.
>Yamada: I was starving to death, this is fine!
>Kyo: Nice…
>Kyo: [This is really nice.]
>Announcement: No.12’s 56th annual festival
>Announcement: Has now begun.
>Chii: Are your guys parents coming?
>Kyo: …………Where’s Yamada?
>Chii: Eh?
>Chii: She said she can’t come in because she suddenly got a job for today and tomorrow.
>Kankan: Ehhh? That’s too bad.
>Chii: You hadn’t heard?
>Kyo: ………I see…
>Adachi: Oh, Ichikawa. This year’s haunted house is gonna be awesome!
>Kyo: Sorry, maybe later.
>Adachi’s Mom: Sho……!
>Kyo: I’m looking forward to this……!
>Yamada: That’s right.
>Yamada: About tomorrow…………
>Yamada: ………
>Yamada: Nah.
>Yamada: We’ll talk tomorrow!
>Kyo: ……… ………
>Suwa: There you are.
>Suwa: There’s something I thought I should tell you.
>Kyo: I wanted to ask you something, too.
>Suwa: ………Hmmm.
>Suwa: Okay then, you ask first.
>Kyo: ………Is Yamada
>Kyo: Really off for work…? Or……
>Suwa: (Dear oh dear.)
>Suwa: You’re really quite perceptive, aren’t you.
>Suwa: Our staff found this early and had it deleted.
>Suwa: Nothing serious came of it this time, so it wasn’t a big deal,
>Suwa: But the agency did have to take some countermeasures.
>Suwa: Which means, she can no longer attend school events…………
>Editor: Yamada’s circumstances have cruelly changed. Is there anything Kyotaro can do!?

There you go! Typeset soon!
It would be an interesting twist if Suwa's actual issue wasn't that he saw that Ichi was with Yamada but that he thought Yamada was alone there (especially since she'd absolutely omit that Ichi was there when questioned about it directly) and what he's actually there to say is "we don't care if she has a boyfriend, we don't care if the whole world knows she has a boyfriend, just be a good babysitter/bodyguard and keep her dumb ass out of trouble." Which means the actual thing he's been doing wrong this whole time is getting away from her whenever he gets worried that they'll be spotted together.
TL anon weren't you gonna fix the translation error in chapter 151?
Thanks, anon!
thanks for the fast tl

he'd probably go to her knowing she's sad but he also said that he'd take responsibility for the maze so maybe he can't just leave. Man the wait for the next chapter is going to kill me
>yamada knows his chuuni interests, including the shade of blood
she remembered the previous festival he told her that blood should be darker
Now that's a callback
poor Failymart it tries so hard
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You can't improve on perfection.
don't bother, he'll ignore it again for some reason
So why would a talent agency not want one of their agents to get viral popularity online? Is the concern if they become too big too fast it will harm their long-term prospects? Like TV/film production won't take someone seriously if they're internet famous?
because it's her school maybe and the agency has the obligation to prevent doxxing her
Yeah, they're fine with her going viral, but that means they have to make her be a lot more careful than usual.
All that would probably be all well and good if your out of school already. Their probably most concerned about stalkers hitting up wherever she goes to school/lives.
Even nowadays Paparazzi are no joke and theres a reason she has a stage name
We need a I Love You as a Friend resolution to this. Kyo goes through the maze on a video call with Anna so she gets to experience it.
they should just sneak in after school and enjoy the festival when nobody is there anymore
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Back when they first meet Suwa's clearly interested in recruiting Ichikawa to be a model, but Yamada shuts down the idea before he can even suggest it. A theory I've had is that Suwa will try to get Ichi in by telling him that the public will be more accepting of their relationship if Ichikawa is a model too, and Suwa reacting to seeing that photo by talking like it was finally time to enact some plan he was sitting on and then immediately engineering a situation where he can talk alone with Ichi without Yamada knowing certainly tracks with that.
>let me tell you something, Ichikawa
>I only fuck prostitutes
>are you a prostitute, Ichikawa?
>then why are you FUCKING ME
Thank you TL Anon
For a sec I thought it was his alphachad alterego popping in for a chat
>they sneak in after hours to play around
>end up getting caught making out somewhere
>word spreads to the whole school

Would certainly work as a volume ending.
Chii is gonna catch them making out. That way we'd get everything that was set-up by the end of the volume
>school festival
>talk with manager
>Chii finds out about them dating
Would you want an arc where a male costar keeps flirting with Yamada?
Norio has shown to be good at ikeman dismantling.
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It must be a uniform.
She has her shift after
next chapter is the volume 11 finale shit is about to go down
feel bad for Anna
Really? We definitely don’t have time to wrap things up cleanly. Will this be a downer finale?
Thank for script Anon !!!!
Norio could write a 15 pages chapter if she needs that wouldn't be the first time
Thanks, anonsitos.
>yeah, we own you. You literally can't live a normal life anymore
What a shit industry lol
So she knew in advance she wouldn't be attending and deliberately did not tell him (while telling Chii)? Unless the producer is there to offer some arrangement that's really good for Kyo, it seems like a total dick move. Basically saying, yes, I chose my job over you once more, and this time I won't even bother to rationalize. It's not like the company is holding her hostage.
Fucking damn. Thanks anons.
You're more insecure and immature than these teenagers. She didn't tell him because even though she can't go to the festival she wants him at least to enjoy it.
Keep in mind that Ichi's been the one consistently pushing her to prioritize her career over him while Yamada seems to increasingly hate having to keep her distance from him in public for her career's sake. If she thought that doing what her bosses wanted wasn't what Ichi wanted her to do she'd probably tell them to get fucked and go to the festival.

And he's clearly not enjoying it, you fucktard. Is he supposed to pretend not to notice that she's not there? Surely it would've been better to smooth things over ahead of time, rather than him not only being surprised, but also realizing others knew about it, but not him.
I can accept that reasoning, but still, why not discuss it with him ahead of time, even if he would tell her to prioritize work after all.
yeah anon why doesn't she risk getting fired and causing troubes to her agency after getting banned from attending the school festival just to be with her boyfriend there who constantly also tells her to keep distance in public? She didn't talk to him about it because she'd break out in tears and ruin his day if she told him the truth
That's on him you retard. He told her that he can enjoy events without her and she assumes that he'll ask Chii where she is that's why she lied to Chii. She doesn't need to work today, she simply can't attend because she's not allowed to. Ichi is just too smart and knows that she's not telling the truth.
Oh no.... Yamada gonna get NTR!
That's a lot of fucking assumptions from you, imbecile. Just look at his face after Chii tells him, that's clearly the face of someone trusting Yamada's master plan here.
I agree she shouldn't go, and Kyotaro would've told her as much. I don't see how telling him ahead of time would've been worse than finding out the way he did.
Holy shit this manga is clearly too much for you. 153 chapters in and you still don't understand Yamada.
You're just talking out of your ass while trying to sound smart.
I have a tough time buying that Suwa isn't just testing him here.
"I"m not allowed to go to the festival, have fun without me", yeah Anon that would totally not ruin his day. She 100% lied to Chi about having a job because that way it looks like she doesn't attend the festival out of her own will and they don't need to worry about her.
Next chapter will make you feel like a retard, I promise.
That would be a pretty common trope, him pretending to be the bad guy to test his resolve. There was no reason for him to go out of his way to find Kyo in his school (since he's not anybody's relative I imagine they don't allow him to enter easily). He could've just told Yamada that relationships are forbidden going forward and let her break the news to Kyo. If Yamada sent him, doubt he would trust someone who's out to interfere in her relationship.
If would be upsetting, sure, but couples are supposed to share their troubles. Not being relied upon would make him feel even worse.
What are the assumptions? That Ichi told Yamada that he can enjoy events without her? That's chapter 110/111. Or is the assumption that she lied to Chi about having a job? Ichi literally asks Suwa about that in this chapter. Yamada's plan failed because she didn't tell the lie directly to Ichi that's why he got suspicious.
The maze was his idea and she saw his face when the class agreed to it. I can see why she would want him to enjoy the festival without worrying about her. She can tell him the truth afterwards. If I was in Yamada's place I would have done the same.
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Japanese celebrity culture is ridiculous.
Not saying the western mentality isn’t total cancer as well but the Japanese obsession with idols and actors to a certain point is a different kind of creepy.
He could have enjoyed the event without her if he knew in advance, instead he's wandering in daze trying to figure out what's going on. There was no need for her to lie the same way she did to Chii, the are supposed to trust each other enough to discuss the actual situation properly.
The japs need to be stopped.
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Thank you very much TL Anon
Crossdressing blackmail NTR arc
Thank you
Uh oh I don't understand what the big deal is what's this faggots problem?
Thank for dumping raw Anon
I'm pretty sure this isn't a "boyfriend" kind of scandal, this is a "This is where the actor Anna Akino goes to school" kind of deal

These last 2 arcs have been utter shit. I can't fucking stand the whole idol/acting career secrecy bullshit Japan has, and it makes EVERY manga that has it worse. Thankfully Bokuyaba doesn't use it for drama often, but when it does it's awful.
Adding this bullshit to Ichi's rejected confession where Yamada was happy to have him humiliated in front of the whole school just to keep more secrets is quickly making me go off this manga.
Nah Suwa takes things very seriously, Suwa is the reason the entire school has a cellphone ban after Yamada went viral.
>Anna was happy
Yeah, you gotta read that chapter again.
>he could have enjoyed the event without her
What do you think how is Anna feeling right now?
My wild prediction is that Yamada will go "fuck this shit", sneak inside school and make their relationship public.

Kankan mentioned that her class did the "thoughts of the young" thing last year, maybe that was foreshadowing she'll participate in that to reveal their relationship.
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>Adachi's mom spotted
Oh fuck yes
take your pills you're seeing things again that aren't there
>wild prediction
Indeed. It would make more sense if Ichi did that if he got the permission from Suwa.
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The last arc is really good, wtf are you on about? That is a perfect way to create tension. No love triangles, no stupid misunderstandings, no fakeouts, an actual problem that is prevalent among young Japanese idols and something Ichikawa has to face too. The manager is the perfect antagonist here, if you can call him that, he's just doing his job but obviously it goes against IchiMada's interests. I have never been more curious to see how this issue gets resolved, Norio's still got it.
Lonely otaku creeps are wild and have no issues cancelling celebrities but the US school shooter culture is way worse.
Let's give Ichi a gun and see if combining the two will turn into something positive
getting some Beautiful Dreamer flashbacks
their faces here say everything, Yamada really just wants him to enjoy this event
Is Suwa testing him to see what he's going to do now that he knows that his girlfriend is probably crying at home? Will Kyo bring Anna to the festival ignoring the agency's rules or will he find a different solution? Maybe a festival date after everyone's gone would be a win-win where everyone is happy.
So the finale is ichi missing his own event to be with her? Skipping his last middle school event, the one he finally gets to lead, just so his gf won't be alone?
it's also her last middle school event with him so the solution will probably be a bit different
No preview again...
probably better this way for the final chapter of the volume
The fact that Yamada is calm here indicates that Suwa is there to do more than just inform Ichikawa about her situation. Perhaps to offer him something.
Nah, it's much more likely that Yamada has absolutely no idea that Suwa came to talk to Ichi.
Nah, it'll end with her being able to do the last day(s) of the festival like normal, then something happens that outs their relationship to everyone.
>Let me just attend this high school festival to tell the possible boyfriend of one of the girls I manage.

Said no manager ever. Do not fall for Norio's bait!
I just realized that Norio put the wrong chapter number on the cover, it's the second time this happens.
tell him what?
He knows as soon as knowledge that Yamada was seen in a photo with other people gets around her career is over.
He's here to salvage what he can and offer Ichi a role in Yamada's JAV debut Cuckhold Boyfriend Watches My First Time
How romantic would it be for Yamada to turn herself into a serial yandere who decorates her room with real blood and hobo skulls because she knows Ichi likes that aesthetic?
I foolishly half formed my thought and then just hit enter like a retard. We're meant to believe that he's come off of his own back to tell just Kyo that Yamada can't come. Which is obviously a load of shit, no manger that is in charge of more than one talent is going to appear at a school festival to intimidate a child.

I will put my money on the opening of the next chapter them sitting across from one another with Ichi getting a job offer or something so they can spend time together without being under constant scrutiny or something because of how upset he knows Yamada is. Then Ichi will think "I have to do better for Yamada's sake" or whatever and we'll continue like normal. Like every BokuYaba cliff hanger.
>with Ichi getting a job offer or something

That doens't make any sense to me.

Suwa was clearly interested in recruiting Ichi as a model when they first met- I could see him pull the "people will be more willing to accept your relationship if you work in the same field" argument to get Ichi in. Would also explain why he wanted to talk to Ichi alone without Yamada knowing, since she was against the idea.
that seems as unlikely as Chii having romantic feelings for Ichi, it just doesn't fit Norio's writing she likes to keep things believable
>Suwa was clearly interested in recruiting Ichi as a model when they first met

That's a huge stretch and it woulnd't really solve anything.
it would solve something but it's far too lazy and convenient
Ichi passes the exam
Ichi grows 40 cm in a few months
Ichi becomes a rich top tier model and also a world famous psychologist
Kinoshita fucks adachi's mom
Anon, a celebrity dating another celebrity can still cause a scandal, it doesn't matter if Ichi is a normal dude or not.
it would soften the blow, she would definitely get more hate from weirdos for dating a normal guy than another celebrity. This whole idea is pretty bad though, Ichi is not the type to model and it's never been in his field of interests
Thanks anon
Hopefully Kana shows up to the festival, it's been too long, I need my fix
Im getting more and more confused with Yamadas line of work. She part times as model and actor yes? Its extremely overbearing for agency to stick their head in the personal life of a minor. She is not an idol for gods sake, nor is she big enough deal to warrant any kind of intervention. It makes the agency seem extremely shady.
Kana deserves her own big Yamada-like gf and a yuri spinoff series
she's also an idol >>271104170
Idols, actresses, VAs, models all have creepy, disgusting, unpredictable, obsessive fans, it's the agency's responsibility to protect the talents from such fans especially if the talent is still an inexperienced, naive minor. Yamada just recently went viral, over 5million clicks on her dancing video. Letting her go to a festival in her own school where people take pictures is a risk of her private information getting leaked, no company would want to take such a risk.
Does it matter if she isn't an idol? there is a story of a freaking weatherwoman getting in a scandal when people found out she has boyfriend.
Norio's specifically presented her as idol-adjacent enough for it to make sense for them to be afraid of what might happen if it becomes public knowledge that she has a boyfriend but not so idol-adjacent that it will stretch believability when there won't be much of a backlash after it inevitably becomes public knowledge.
OMINOUS. Also does Ichikawa usually use "ore" to refer to himself?
yes he uses boku only when he feels comfortable
Yeah, he pretty much only uses "boku" in internal monologue and with Yamada.
Thanks for posting
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It feels like there's a stupid amount of anons that think Suwa's problem is with Yamada having a boyfriend instead of potential stalkers finding out where she goes to school.
It'd be an interesting direction but it seems just too wild of a turn for the series. Ichi actually having to become an active character would be a total tone shift lol

They probably hired her to show up to her own festival as a cover story to hide the fact she's a student there. Dramatic cliffhangers have always been a bait and switch for a normal diffusion. Maybe there's room for a joke line from Suwa at the end about how well Ichi plays the part of host showing a visitor with her that there might be a future for him before Yamada cuts it off again.
I wonder if the phone ban doesn't apply to visitors or if it does, but cameras are an exception.
I doubt they could viably enforce that for visitors, which is of course probably the main reason why they want to keep her away from the festival in the first place.
He certainly does have a problem with Yamada having a boyfriend, this and the stalkers are not mutually exclusive concerns, but yeah, highly doubt this is the reason he would go out of his way to track down Ichikawa all the way at his school, I assume he wants to ask for some favor instead.
He's there to break Ichikawa's kneecaps
Ichikawa won't be allowed to date Yamada, he'll have to date Suwa instead.
Suwa is a working adult, no way he shows up somewhere unless business is about to happen there.
NTR soon.
Ichikawa is mini Suwa if he changes his hair slightly
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Chapter cover page
Even the adults are doing the Gendo style.
This manga would be so much better if Yamada wasn't an actress
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If only they were doing retro bad boy style
Someone should draw a doujin of this series where Yamada gets fucked by a tanned faceless blonde dude but there's a bottle of hair dye visible in the background in one panel, and the dude's haircut covers his right eye with his bangs, and in some panels you can kinda see that he's standing on a footstool because he's actually shorter than her
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Ichikawa disagrees.
Starting to feel like Ichi will call Suwa out on hurting her when this is a significant time for her, with a good chance of Yamada showing up anyway in disguise.

The real question is what Suwa is going to offer Ichi. He wouldn't have shown up and talked to Ichi without already knowing their relationship, Anna telling him to speak to him, or her telling him the truth like Ichi suggested before.

Personally, I want Anna to balance what each of them wants and not just go with Ichi blindly because he wants her to continue with her job stuff.
I miss how horny earlier chapters where.
Did you miss 140 or something?
How could they leave out Moe
Eh, I'm not worrying. Volume end incoming, pattern recognition tells me it's gonna be good.
A dash of NTR would really spice this manga up.
>tags: cbt
It'll be Hara after losing half her weight
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Hot Nyaa.
It's probably going to end on a cliffhangar like with the live house arc
>actual drama instead of the usual fakeout
This wasn't part of the deal, Norio!
did she fake that smile here or was her acting just that good? what if she plans on going to the festival despite her ban? she doesn't know Suwa is there, she's done if she runs into him

she can't keep getting away with it
I can almost guarantee she's going to and that's why she didn't tell him
He's been posting later in the week lately.
In the Sakuna and Samurai threads.
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I know someone else Suwa can recruit
What are the odds Suwa is mostly testing Ichi? Seeing how he handles the situation and if he can be trusted to not fuck everything up?
There isn't enough horniness in these threads anymore.
Dunno, he's not her father, doesn't make sense for him to care what kind of man Yamada dates. From his perspective it's far easier if she doesn't get into any kind of relationship at all.
Hey, so after getting in touch with my contacts, I was unable to get the LN early, but I should be able to get it the day of and rip it. Is there anyone handling the TL?
Ichi has massive influence over Yamada's moods, if she gets depressed her performance at her job will suffer.
The previous LN was translated by tl-anon. So I guess he may do the same this time. It may take longer than usual, considering there are 4 of them now.
I think we have enough evidence that suggest Yamada is allowed to have relationship.
Suwa never said not to Ichi the first time they met. If Yamada were to have a ban on relationships, her mom would suggest not to date anyone, but she never opposed Ichi as well.

So I guess the next chapter is going to set the boundaries of what Ichi and Yamada are allowed to do.
Well, I normally work on Re:zero, and that is going on break, so I will have time in the next few months to help out.
Yeah, but he has to consider whether it's worth catering to her mood or easier to find a replacement model. She's not a superstar of any kind just yet to warrant the kind of special treatment that other models don't generally receive.
And even if he wanted to introduce a ban now, no point in seeking out Ichikawa, he could have just told her parents and let them deal with this. Obviously he wants something from Ichikawa, but it's probably not exactly benign. That being said, I doubt it's something as boring as asking Ichikawa to break up with her himself, surely Norio is planning something more interesting.
Yeah, Suwa could obviously tell that Yamada was into Ichikawa before he even met the guy, if he was going to outright forbid her from dating he'd have sat her down and given her that talk a long time ago.
I feel like he might be gauging Ichis reaction to see if he has to be the bad guy or if he can reason something out. Because he knows that Yamada will probably do whatever Ichi says, and he wants to see if Ichi is aware of that as well.
Would be interesting if Suwa tries the same speech as last time, how Yamada is in important period of her career, people dislike idols having bfs, so he hopes Ichikawa understands, etc, etc. except this time Ichikawa firmly tells him to shove it.
Ichi should become Yamada's manager
Thats does not mean as a grown ass adult you go to a child's school to shake him down.

"Yeah I just went to this middle school festival as a single adult male and confronted a boy in his class by himself about possibly being involved with a girl who I manage."
Wondering why would they even let him into the school if he's not anyone's relative and Yamada isn't there either.
This is not as popular as it used to be huh.
eh, thread activity's always varied based on what happens in a given chapter though I'll give you that the average has still gone down a bit. Threads can still cap pretty quickly on the more exciting ones, though.
Be the positive change in this world.
4chan in general gone down a lot blame the dumb captcha system
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douzo indeed
If the school implemented the cell phone ban because of her agency like we think their probably aware of Suwa at the very least if they havent already been in direct contact with him for sometime.
Besides the school doesnt strike me as one that requires vetting for their festival and is probably just open to the local public
Suwa worked with the school before, plus he's probably there because Yamada sent him.
nyaa sexo
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ahh must resist the call of FailyChiki...
>write FailyMart
>actually call it ファミチキ
you bamboozled me norio!

god i seriously wanna get some now but the sodium...
You, personally, are a fucking retarded.
I still don't know why the fuck she was like this just like, once. Was she high? Was she on goofballs?
>I am Chicken
that's funny
Why did she mug him?
I've consciously decided to abstain from posting this chapter to avoid any potential doomposting until this plot thread resolves, though sentiment appears a lot less negative than during the fake confession chapter. I imagine I'll have a lot to say in two weeks.
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Haha yeah why would they do that haha
That is some airplane trail triangulation shit.

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