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There's something for everyone, the dog team is literally perfect. No other team comes close. Having the most members in a team does that.
Which team would you add more members to even the playing field?
And what kind of a girl would she be?
You around doujinanon?
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I want Mokuren to hug me.
I have never been hugged in my life, so I can't even begin to image what that would feel like
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Every team needs at least one girl with Asagao's colors. Not her physique or personality, just her colors.
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How is that possible?
I'd put Sumire, Higiri, and Touwata in a team together for the ultimate diligent serious girl squad.
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What kind of squad does Ume, Ajisai, and Suzushiro as the leader would make?
Imagine how streched that net under her clothes would be once she'd be pregnant with my baby.
cute learned helplessness squad

meeting boys could work out very well for them, they're all the sort of girls who can get men to do all the work without complaint
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>Which team would you add more members to even the playing field?
Horse team
I want to hug the Kiboosh too.
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All I know is that Ajisai is getting twintails
Sazanka is pure sex.
I need to fuck the dyke out of her.
>Sumire, Higiri
There must be a reason why the sisters didn't initially end up in the same team, and putting them into same team now might not go well.
Despite her seriousness, Higiri is an insecure underachiever so she teamed up with an airhead bimbo and a harmless little kid to look better in comparison. And now she's still getting bullied by them.

Sumire took on the serious challenge of straightening out two problem students.
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Well? Is it working?
The dragon team was a mistake
>airhead bimbo
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>harmless little kid
You idiot, underestimating her is how you end up in her rape cave.
that's my point, Higiri understimated her too and now she's getting bullied DAILY
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Alright, which kunoichi is the best hugger?
Which one is the most huggable?
Asagao for both. Soft and eager.
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who'd be the better awkward silent introvert gf? Aogiri or Oniyuri?
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HOURS of silent cuddling.
Oniyuri, because she won't kill you
why would Aogiri kill you? she's a sweetheart
Right until she hears you use the word "stupid" in any context
Stealing Rindou’s mask and towel again!
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not using certain hurtful words around your girlfriend is just common sense
Hasu can’t rape me. I’ll just say yes.
Calling Asagao a fat idiot when both Asagao and Aogiri are present gets you a mean look from Asagao and a katana to a kidney from Aogiri
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well deserved
Is this just yuri anime?
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It's about a girl on a quest to find chinchin.
So Aogiri is not a sweetheart after all?
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yuribait at most, no male characters appear but the MC is not just very straight but downright obsessed with cock
she's a sweetheart who's ready to punish rude people
More like a retarded murderer, killing is neither sane nor smart response to someone else getting insulted. You know this.
Tsubaki only wants to know what boys look like.
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>t. potty mouth
So, how many people have you murdered for them using words you didn't like the sound of?
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Have you considered Mukuge?
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don't worry about it
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Why did Kunoichi Tsubaki flop?
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>Hey Anon, catch~
She'll find a way
Too little focus on the dating aspect.
Too much action/skin for girls but too girly for boys? Feels like this series was made purely for us.
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She's here to take you in
What’s the charge? Sucking some toes? Succulent kunoichi toes?
Thank you for clarification. Not for me it seems.
You didn't ask permission beforehand and didn't stop despite them asking you to stop
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who do you lost specters still haunt this cursed place
she won't grab your limp penis
are japanese children actually like this?
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Oh no! Tsubaki's innocent mind is getting corrupted!
Her mind was corrupted from the moment she learned about chinchins.
maybe he means hugged by females other than family
in which case I'm almost the same
She promptly forgot about chinchins the next day. The amazing part is that she even somehow missed learning about chinchins sooner when even the likes of Touwata knew...
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For me it's Mokuren giving lap pillow
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Making Mokuren's thighs squishier!
Why does Benis love to show off her pits?
she sweats when training in secret and needs all the airing she can get

masks it as nonchalance to show off
When I was in school I also always pretended I don't study at all to seem smarter and more talented to my friends, so I completely understand Benisumomo. But I also recognize it's a cringeworthy and pathetic attitude.
>to seem smarter and more talented to my friends
Did it work?
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She's going to get an heart attack and die
she will take me in her if you get what i mean
Yeah, but at what cost. It made me do some truly ridiculous shit. My parents always complained that I'm working too hard and I remember going to extreme lengths to minimise the interactions between my friends and my parents because I was terrified they might mention that near my friends and destroy my meticulously crafted image. I even had a "rival" who was the other top student in class. He complained about his parents forcing him to study and I would laugh at him saying my parents let me do whatever I want (true) so I just fuck around (not true).

One time we got a very tough optional maths assignment which I spent two hours doing and then another two hours memorising, so that the next day I could pretend I only just heard about it and do it "from scratch" during our lunch break while eating and chatting with friends. My rival and I were the only ones who turned that assignment in. I still remember the feeling of triumph when it turned out his was wrong and he looked upset. Victory! But then he told me he was angry at his dad for forcing him to do it and that he wasted an evening.

What a piece of shit I was.
Sounds like you won at the end.
I won a race where I was the only competitor.
But you did manage to dupe everyone, that was the goal, right?
Yeah, I successfully tricked and impressed a bunch of middle schoolers.
>make a dumb post about Beni's pits
>some anon starts writing autobiography
You were also a middle schooler. Look, I'm not trying to play therapist or anything like that, but your story sounds like something to be remembered fondly as something silly you did in your youth not reproachfully.
You can write my epitaph so long as the thread stays up.
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I'm not broken up about it, just sharing a semi-relevant story as an alternative to ritualposting.
>I'm not broken up about it
That's cool.
>alternative to ritualposting.
That's cooler.
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Goodnight Asagao!
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She almost looks cute. She should dress more like her sister.
I want to make Benisumomo my sister-in-law.
Good night, Asagao.
I want a kiss like that from Asagao. I’ll take her on a date to somewhere with lots of meat.
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Asagao is so lucky
There's no masking the stench tho
Everyone of them is improved by looking more like Sazanka
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Where did she even get that?
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>look up
>see this
What do?
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Consider the following
Sazanka got sunburn...
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>care to make a donation, sir?
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Oops, I missed the collection box
oh hey, i'm watching this ep rn
i've always wanted to do this
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it took me more than 2 years to finish this but i did it bros
As the first reply asked, where is Doujin anon?
what is he up to these days?
Working on the Benisumomo doujin, apparently.
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Still here, still drawing. Just about to hit the sack, however.
Now only thing you have left is listening to the asmr cds
What is she collecting that for?
Glad to have your answer
any teaser that you might be able to show?
(only if you can of course)
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poor starving kunoichi in the akane clan
Surely that's not the only thing they can eat
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It's a treasured and essential part of a healthy kunoichi diet.
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what if Mukuge grew her hair out?
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This Ume has been approved by Yamamoto
why is she such a clumsy scaredy cat?
That can't be right, they would've starvedd to death with the village split if it was
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listen mister stop asking questions and give us the good stuff
There's some nefarious ninja tricks afoot
She's from the tiger team, why wouldn't she be a cat?
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Ume is instinctively adapted to awaken protective instincts in men.
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She wants you
Mokuren after finally realizing what anons have been talking about
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Nice try Hana but I don't fuck hags.
>Tsubaki actually learns the allure jutsu
>it doesn't work because everyone thinks she's Hana using transformation jutsu
I'd give Oniyuri as much as she wants
can't find on nyaa desu
Suddenly Asagao is cute
Those should be bundled with some of the BD rips
who is this
Tsubaki, it looks like
no wayyyy
we are still waiting for doijinanon to deliver the second doujin
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Would you survive?
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Is it working?
I've come to feel good in the kunoichi thread
out of 10!
It's a mystery
I could probably survive (and greatly enjoy) Asagao but I don't want Sazanka to chomp my chinchin.
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Oh no, Hana got another one.
Thank you I feel a little better
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Family hugs don't count because they are mandatory.
I don't care if she's secretly Hana as long as she stays transformed
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She may laugh, but so did Sazanka
I like this image, very expressive. I wonder what she's referring to.
She's just trying to escape correction
does she succeed?
Nah, she's not strong enough to break her ties and I'm not gonna fall for her bs
thank you for this valuable information.
Here's a sweaty Beni and a frustrated Touwata.
Doujin, anon!
Highly lickable tummy.
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I wanna breed them all
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The illegal thing the person she's talking to was doing
You'd still have experienced a hug of some kind and could start imagining from there
Conceptualize the aroma
Post the footwear list
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Higiri (hers are a bit shorter, over the calf)
Uikyou (hers go around the index toe)
Mizubashou (hers are blue and she also wears blue slip-on sandals over them)

Ajisai (hers are brown)
Mizubashou (also wears blue open socks as mentioned above)

Shion (though she wears bandages around the instep and around the ankle)

Kagetsu (with red straps)
Mukuge (with blue straps and white socks)
Hototogisu (with blue straps)

Hasu (black)
Hinagiku (violet)


Rindou wears black, open toe and open heel thick-sole sandals, loose over the ankle
Fuki wears two-toothed wooden geta with black straps
Benisumomo wears reddish brown, open toe (but going over index toe) & open heel socks, loose and knee-high
Sumire wears black platform high-heel slip-on sandals with two straps
Dokudami wears two-tone black and cream flip-flop style zori sandals
Why does Sumire wear the sluttiest shoes in the village? Stripper tier.
Wow, picture how they smell
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Would you eat Benisumomo's cooking?
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The brats...
Would, who do you think taught Ume?
Which team is on laundry duty today?
I'd eat it and say OH MY BENIS
The true her is slipping through
Think of all the chinchins
Benis visiting Nagasaki 1945 colorized
The boar team
They'll have clean clothes in a week or two
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Joke's on Hana-sensei. I'd marry her and gain access to the girls that way,
B-Benis... What have you done...!?
It had to be done, Touwata was about to find out that Benis is actually a hard-working woman
How can we increase the barefoot list?
Why are they like this?
The teachers probably, unless she's self-taught
You'd introduce more brats to the village?
Why do most of them wear the kind of sandals that would actully fall off if they were to do backflips and such?
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Don't worry, anon! They're indeed just giving away free CDs. They're just promoting their indie band.
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Damn, I was hoping to get absolutely dominated by them at the back of the van
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How do I get a cute gremlin that will love me unconditionally?
no the idol industry noo
what's wrong?
hey where does the rock cds van meme comes from?
i got a sudden fear just now thinking about lost culture, like i've been here for many years but can't pin point this one
Laughing at my penis grrr correction is needed...
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a red van with 'free candy' spray painted on it was a viral image circa 2006 and was referenced in many meme images on 4chan around the time, sometimes with reversals like "free beer" or "free rock cds"

"seems legit" was often a comment on these

t. oldfag
awesome, thanks!
Time flies, children conceived in those vans will now be turning 18...
>Sazanka has Housenka
>Tsubaki has Benis
>Rindou has Hinagiku
Who's Asagao's rival?
Look at how wet Tsubaki is
anon's onichinchin
Will she be able to beat it?
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All-you-can-eat restaurants.
It coughed up some white stuff after she sat on it so she might have a chance.
One day less until we get season 2.
If they're laughing about it, it's already too late
She's losing that battle, the only place she hasn't been banned from is the village canteen
I'd eat her out
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My chinchin might fall off if I do it that many times in one night...
Does anyone have that Hank Hill meme from the early threads?
So you're not gonna do it?
I’ll do my best for Rindou. But she may need to summon Mokuren to fix me when I’m done.
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Otoko look like this?
Is that why the bunnies want me to look in their van?
Yes, they want you to see their moms
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Can confirm
out of ten?
Make a dumbbell shape with them
At minimum
Is there anything she won't try to solve with pinwheels?
I made a webm of this entire dialog back when I watched it, and just today I checked it and figured out the audio was absent for the later quarter.
Now I gotta download this fucking episode again, sync the jap subs, then either cut it or record my screen all over again.

The gyarus were slacking off again, didn't bother to speak
They heard a man nearby.
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Sazanka has passed away
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Fucking hell, subs were out of sync, so had to fix them for WebMConverter.
Then it shat its pants even more than usual and the audio was completely fucked. Time for a re-render.
So I tried to use a Lossless cut tool to make it shorter and avoid glitches, but it doesn't support mkv
So I tried another two webm makers, none worked, two re-renders wasted.

Had to use Handbrake to convert it (re-render) to MP4 in decent quality.
But it doesn't retime subs if you only export part of the video, so I had to resync subs to -21:31 and re-render.
But I'm retarded and did -2:31, fixed and re-rendered.
And then Handbrake forgot I wanted to burn subtitles in when I re-imported the SRT file, so another re-render.
But it still wanted to include the negative-timestamp subs, so I had to manually delete them on Notepad++ and re-render.
It gets 1f from the owl and 1f of the next-episode card if I use rounded timestamps, and won't convert seconds to frame, I'm not counting that shit, so another two re-renders to remove the head/tail of the clip by 1s each.

Then after re-rendering it another 10 times just for fun, here it is:

The bad news? After all this ordeal, the video is SLIGHTLY over 2 minutes, so it can't be posted on 4chan.
The good news? That means I can keep it in mp4, it's actually higher quality than the downsized Webmconverter result at first, despite higher resolution and bitrate, somehow.

Maji de tsurami~

The end.
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Sumire would appreciate the dedication
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Kibushi loves the dog team
Kunoichis are that big? Girls are scary...
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or is she
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>Jap dub with Jap sub
You're breaking my poor ESL heart, anon, but thanks. I love the gyarus and Rooster squad as a whole.
And Sumire's singing is the best imo.
Yes, there was a slight mistake in the profiles, their heights were meant to be in decimeters, not centimeters
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Oh no, the memorial has become haunted
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But seriously, what was meant by this?
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REMEMBER! Cats can meow
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I was going to render an English version for (You), but it's so flavorless that I gave up on figuring how to burn the embedded subs, I don't want to render another 20 videos.

This scene is pretty hard to translate, they should at least have gone full zoomer twitterspeak to convey 1/3 of the feeling.

Is this scene in the manga or is it original?
Cause if it's "filler", the TV writers really put some care into it, for a change.
So that's what they do at night together.
She needs to pull her shorts up.
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it is filler

the anime was really made with a lot of love
balding forehead
i have nothing else to add to this conversation
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Those are as high as possible, she's wearing low-rise spats today
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Inspect the condoms you get from Mizu, she could have poked holes in them
not using them anyway
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She only needs Sazanka and Asagao to complete her collection
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Some kind of a water bird, I guess
>Watercock are noisy birds, especially at dawn and dusk, with a loud, gulping call.
Last thing at night, first thing in the morning...
She won’t let me use use one with her anyway. I think she secretly wants to become a mother.
No, she needs to pull them all the way down
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Its over...
Who has taught hem to behave like that?
A cute little duckling!
But she’s making something else rise…
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That may have been her goal.
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What does she eat???
A lot.
and she drinks my chinchin milk").
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The evil has been defeated
Asagao wouldn't...
Goddamn, look at Ume and Itadori. Fuki will have some peace tonight, because I'll correct those brats all night long.
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You will not succeed
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>Leave Tsubaki to me
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They kept Go-ing all night
A timeline where they're brats and were sent into the correction shack
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Were are they going?
Who won?
Fuki, like always
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I hope there aren't any boys at the beach. She might try to take one home.
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Only one of them?
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She's ready
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Making a whole litter of puppies with Rindou
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Good things come in threes
it's so close to Yamamoto's style, I love it
Why are they so shocked? They have seen naked girls before
which members of the dog team can be taught to sit?
Ask the author to learn to draw
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They seem to know that one already, maybe try some other trick like paw or come?
hmm okay let's try it...
Asagao will sit instantly if you've got food for her.
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Cute bows. I guessed Sumire would pick something more mature.
It becomes more mature by undoing the sarashi
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housenka my beloved
kunner chii
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You know, I haven't really been visiting /a/ for quite a while and I'm legitimately amazed how these threads are somehow still kicking.
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kunoichi chi?
that's rude, they know how to draw
All of them can be taught great many things
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>"what happens in boy villages?"
how do you respond?
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Why did she do it?
But if you do it all night long she won't get any peace or quiet due to the sounds
I saw that post with those man smurf.
Me too.
did you like it
Why would I tell her that? It's a secret.
Got a chuckle outta me.
I may have experienced an intrusive thought that gave me the heebie-jeebies.
By all means share said intrusive thought.
Anon, surely you weren't thinking of going there...
Do you guys think the loli twin scissor each other?
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They absolutely do.
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Inspect the condoms you get from Mizu, she could have poked holes in them
all the squads scissors their other members
The gyarus picked it up for her. The pose was the gyarus' doing as well.
cute lovechild
Why would I need to use condoms with Mizu?
Delicious chicken soup…
They don't have any in the village
how do you think they make their clothes?
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>Wake up
>See this
Wat do?
I was talking about the twins part
panic and jump up
Do 360 and walk away
Kiss her and hope that’s what she wants.
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surprised, but not displeassd
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what would you do to Asagao's yam farm?
She'll want to know if kisses from nee-sama feel even better
Nothing, let her take care of it if she wants yams that badly
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Consider the following
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Does she want me to suck on it?
no, you can tell by the angle of her eyebrows
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Maybe you're more into twintails?
The gyarus already found some boy, it seems
Why is Tsubaki reacting to it like that? She shouldn't have any idea what it is or what it is meant to imitate. Is it just her natural slut genes?
She just recognized it from Rindou's description
We've got Urushi and Himemiya for a reference and there still are people who think that Tsubaki is either horny or a slut.
Ask her if she needs any help taking care of it.
She can feel its sexual aura
Sazanka looks like she's had years of experience with it.
You'd ask that from the farm?
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POV: You are a yam.
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I'm in a jam
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French kiss
She sure burps a lot
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She wouldn't...
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Does she want some as well?
nice of Tsubaki to help her friend stretch
Mokuren sure is getting stretched
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I wish I could help Mokuren whit that
To me
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What did they do to him?
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They were overcorrected.
Anon is weak! Maybe the kunoichis shouldn’t fear men after all.
Competing with JS's stamina is a fool's errand, whether they're kunoichi or not.
I may need to pay the village a visit with some gifts.
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But what about Itadori and Ume?
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>Itadori and Ume
>JS + kunoichi
Anons are doomed.
But what about Itadori and Ume?
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...Housenka fully recovered and healthy
You good, dude?
I don't have to, I have been experiencing it for the last two days.
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Why is that thigh more alluring than normally? It's not even more revealed than usual
that's a cute Hinagiku crying internally
Asagao seems like a nice girl but she's on Konoha's brat list so I guess I'll have to correct her thoroughly just in case
Holding her hand and comforting her until she feels better.
imagining it right now
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I couldn’t bring myself to spank her properly. I’ll have to hope that firm pats and a few rounds of gentle anal sex
are enough to straighten her out.
administering sex as punishment is wrong
it sends the wrong message
That's how she gets away with it, put on a puppy face and claim to just have been following orders and get only a light punishment.
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Consider the bigger following.
As long as her midriff is visible this is salvageable
They have a date with me
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That's nice but I already have the portable version
Sazanka is always portable
I’ll play with Hinagiku then.
Does Rindou need to be corrected?
The time for that has passed. Tsubaki already met a boy so there's no point punishing Rindou for telling her about them.
So should Hana have been corrected? She told about boy to Tsubaki first
Yes. She fell for Tsubaki's transformation.
When are we getting season 2? I want more cunny.
I'll volunteer to correct Hana
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Sazanka is a good girl, now that she's been corrected by Beardo
She looks like she will stab you the moment you take your eyes off her.
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Is it working?
Shaku's cake...
It is, I would fuck the shit out of Tsubaki!
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the silky bare skin of little kunoichi...
Why would you want a little kunoichi when you can have a big kunoichi? More kunoichi per kunoichi.
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Asagao can have me every day if she wants.
Yes, I would also facefuck Tsubaki.
very sus
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I want to be Tsubaki's friend without fucking her
will the anime get a 2nd season
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If the cool leader said so, then I believe in her
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>Thread count:
Hinagiku 22
Tsubaki 21.50
Shion 10
Rindou 9.50
Sazanka 8.50
Mokuren 8.1
Benisumomo 7.5
Housenka 5.6
Asagao 5.50
Tachiaoi 5
Suzushiro 5
Touwata 5
Fuki 4.6
Ume 4.6
Itadori 4.6
Dokudami 4.3
Mizubasho 4
Higiri 4
Oniyuri 4
Kibushi 4
Hasu 4
Ajisai 4
Mukuge 4
Sumire 3.6
Tsuwabuki 3.6
Azami 3.6
Tanpopo 3.6
Kikyou 3.5
Uikyou 3.5
Aogiri 3.3
Shakuyaku 3.3
Suzuran 3
Higuruma 3
Hagi 3
Kagetsu 3
Hototogisu 3
Konoha 3
Hana 2
Finally somebody understands her feelings
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And don't forget the buttfucking.
Which one peed on the floor?
Well it's meant for otoko and not other girls
Hana sleeps with Shakuyaku regularly
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They just sleep together, right?
Yes. Shakuyaku is actually scared of the dark but doesn’t want her teammates to find out.
That's nice to hear, was afraid they were dykes.
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Itadori and Ume do the most amount of pranks in the village but they don't rank high on the brat list because their pranks are mostly harmless
Why did she do it?
Ajisai bfto by a real adult
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Are there "uncorrectable" kunoichi? Hags excluded of course.
>Hags excluded
Then no
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Sazanka's just following her instincts
Yes, their relationship doesn't go any deeper
Are instincts that guide towards molesting other girls essential for a kunoichi?
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Who never got btfo by their own mom?
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>molesting other girls essential for a kunoichi?
Yes, Hana's a master at it.
What is the tactical advantage of this?
It clearly defeated Suzushiro.
Makes it real easy to stab them in the back.
Why would you stab a cute girl?
It should've been me, not her
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neither of them can help themselves, but Ume is an insecure scaredy cat who always wants to apologize right away

without Ume, Itadori would rank higher
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Suzushiro's bigger than Tsubaki
Hana just is flat and it's affecting her transformation as well.
her forhead is much bigger
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is something wrong?
Don't worry, Mokuren will whap things right
Ever since the animated R34 of tsubaki came out, the H-doujinshi and videos died out.
Mokuren will Mokucum
Without Ume Itadori wouldn't have a partner in crime and would rank a lot lower
why is hinagiku so dumb and ugly?
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That's not very nice thing to say
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Where should I lick first?
Squirt me next, Asagao!
I didn’t know there was any animated stuff.
The ponytail
Touwata’s butt was still a little sore after our training last night.
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What kind of training were you two doing?
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She was helping me train my nakadashi jutsu.
I wouldn't but seems like the kind of things a female ninja would do.
>nakadashi jutsu
In the butt? Why?
I wanted to see if the effect was different.
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Best leader means best butt
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But Asagao has the best butt in the village.
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It's a close fight
Hinagiku's ass deflates along with her ego, so she's out
Does it get bigger if I regularly remind her how cute she is?
No, that only prevents it from deflating momentarily
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I knew that Higiri was the best leader

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