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Welcome to the Vacation!

Chapter 8
Hello OP
Hope you have a nice day
The framing to them going on the getaway is pretty different to the anime. Changes quite a bit
And that's it for today
Man, he's getting all the chicks now

Been on any vacations recently?
I feel like I've been on one for the past few months

Thank you for reading
Previous thread: >>270987089
Thanks OP
I visited a trio of cities on the European mainland a few months ago
Thanks OP.
I went to the Southwest this summer. I saw Vegas, the Hoover Damn, and the Grand Canyon
Did you gamble
Yes, I played slots and blackjack. Slots is so fucking boring, I have no idea why anyone plays it. As for blackjack, I made $12 in profit. So I'm basically Mr. House
>If I saw a teary-eyed heroine in front of me, like one out of a light novel, what would I do?
A very popular hikki
Thanks OP
The thing about highs is they eventually leave you low.
39 OP, haven't been on vacation in a long time.
Ah yes, office work as a public servant.
Kills your soul like nothing else does.
I hate how I would also not know what to do to work as emotional support.
Thanks OP, there will be no holidays for a while for me.
>Been on any vacations recently?
No, the last time was when I went to Toronto to see my folks over a decade ago.
It sucked and Toronto fucking sucks.

Literally only old people play the slots and that's cause it's idle and mind numbing, a bit like Cookie clicker but without any automation. Hands down probably the shittiest way to gamble.
>going full schizo
damn she just held his hand, he didn’t go off the deep end when she attempted to kiss him
this chapter is hitting way too close to home
You talk as if holding his hand wasn’t the most degenerate thing she did
Oh... THAT
Who among us hasn't had rape fantasies about girls we know IRL
this part of the anime was the most depressing for me. sato finally starts thinking positively but then ends up ntrd and even worse than before.
>Been on any vacations recently?
Not in a while but I got off work early today (still spent most of the extra time on 4chin)
>3dpd fantasies
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Thanks OP. Sorry I'm late, I was watching a movie today
Never, I'm at my first job, I'll probably try to go on one till the end of the year at least
i'm on vacation right now actually.
Doko doko
Which one?
if i tell you, will you come visit? my motel room does have two beds, though i have a feeling we'll only be needing one~
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I-I just wanted to know where you were. D-do you want me to come visit you?
Why would you want to know where I am if you didn't plan to make use of that information? No need to play the tsundere, just admit this was your plan all along. Neither of us need to be lonely tonight.
How healthy are you kidneys?
I bet I can handle Japanese summers. Where I'm currently living, it can get well over 30 degrees and it's even more humid.
How did he get all of those boards as a hikikomori?
That's not how I remember it
once you become sufficiently insane you can get anything you want so long as you will it
I realize I am exhibiting the same schizo behavior as Satou when I am NEETing. Is this bad? Where is Misaki?
in the anime she was married the whole time and just leading him on, or at least making him think he had a chance
No real air-travel vacation since 2014. Then work made do business travel, and killed any desire for vacations.
i guess you could say im on a long-term vacation now
>CS grad
>hate coding
> currently has no job
>now a NEET
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Thanks for reading everyone
Thank you, OP
Morning OP
thanks, OP. I just went on a 10 week trip at the end of last month, split between Oslo, Stockholm, and Copenhagen
where did you go to?
I get on the train.
Spoiler that
There's been a dreadful lack of etiquette in these threads since this manga started
I seriously don't understand it. It's like they've never been in a dump thread before.
Thank you for posting.
>another cringy pretentious 3deep5u series that went nowhere
Maybe they haven't. It's Welcome to the NHK. It'll attract more people than usual.
I say we kill them
Maybe it's better if we get a new thread.
How did they make me root against him and think he's a creep? It's because they made him ugly isn't it?
Because who wants some fatso coming onto you and acting like he's the only person you have
I'm surprised of myself but not me
>yfw your crush is a lolicon
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There's no Misaki, it's all an illusion
I can think of only 6 girls I had sexual fantasies about and It was either wholesome or normal
>2d girls
No? Fucks wrong with you
/a/ doesn't allow duplicate files so just imagine the same one again
>Fucks wrong with you
I am also 3 dimensional
Which came first? The egg, the manga, or the anime?
Who's Mo?
The prophet Mohammed, peace be upon him.
hitomi is my literally me
This is Mo.
Chapter 9
Hello OP
Can he protect her smile?
Hope you have a nice day
Daily Offline Meeting when?
She should've had sex with all of them
I'd kill myself if it was with you, OP
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4chan trying to censor what she's reading for me
Do your best in life instead
You know, I think I might
And that's it for today
Holy shit, that's quite the twist

Been stuck on any abandoned islands lately?
Unfortunately mine is also under mortgage

Thank you for reading
Previous chapter: >>271132922
same lol
Thanks OP
I just moved off an island to return to the mainland (a bigger island)
Same, i will just assume it says some extremly racist shit
i like how the nails and plank didn't stay as just a gag
We need to put you people down or something
Sounds like a good time.
I wish
Thanks OP
we can't have suicide related letters in a Christian board!
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That's very strange. here is the page from the other scanlation.
The letter in this translation says "Let's free ourselves from this filthy world! Suicide friend club Now everyone, suicide is our only refuge to tranquility. Join in and end your life with us!! Meeting at Shizuok Prefecture, Atami City, August XXth" which is probably more accurate
I wish I little girl would spy on me
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This is very different from the anime and I'm not as justified in my seething hatred of senpai
And that's why you never give your keys to another person
I didn't expect them to actually finish the game
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>modern language encyclope
Is this just a way to show that she is as clueless as Satou
She really might as well since she's going to die
Heavens Gate eat your heart out
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Thanks OP
>Been stuck on any abandoned islands lately?
All people are on their own islands of loneliness, surrounded by a sea of other people
Thanks OP
I've never been to an island I think
All landmasses are islands
In that cause I'm stuck in a shithole called south america
It's kinda odd to see him this pumped up by the beach, and he's even trying to socialize. Never underestimate the power of senpai i suppose
everyone was trying to make their Sasuke-impression
What the fuck? This girl went from kinda weird to fucking stalker.
Holy shit.
Why is he the one getting tentacle raped?
>It's kinda odd to see him this pumped up by the beach, and he's even trying to socialize
That's because it is OOC, this entire arc does not exist in the novel
Cheerful bunch
Jesus Christ.
I wish a cute girl would barge into my room and read my invitations to suicide meetings...
>go back?
It's fucking over.
Misaki is a 5.5/10, not a cute girl. Senpai is a 9/10.
Yeah, i think a little struggle or just fumbling over his words would've helped
Is this kind of shit real?
Thanks OP, I stay away from the sea as much as possible because I fear among many things somehow getting stuck in an Island.
no, i walked to an island today but i was able to leave successfully
Thanks OP
The real question is where’s Mo
Because >>271169763
Thanks OP
>Been stuck on any abandoned islands lately?
Never but I live on a island (Sardegna) and been on another island once (Corsica)
Thanks OP.

I was born and raised on an Island.
fourth wall broken (albeit subtly)
big tell in how not a single one of them fucked senpai while she was passed out in a bikini
>sad abe.jpg
Holy sexo, Misaki is 13 out of 10 for my dick
do you eat the maggot cheese?
He eats maggot cheese profiteroles.
But would you have the same reaction if he was attractive? I don't think I would.
Protect her smile while it's still there
life is but a dream
thanks, OP. We luckily got the ferry off the island, but it was pretty hairy going over
Thanks Op
She already subtly admitted to stalking him in previous chapters
Those two look like they might commit suicide at any moment
Thank you for posting.
Oh no
She said the thing!
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Thanks OP. Let's meet up at your island once the daily is finished.

Do you guys have some weird safety software on your computers or is it really 4chan doing that?
Beaches...are strong.
Thanks for the dump. All of us are abandoned on the islands of out minds.
Anon, who do you think senpai refers to?
Really? It was in the anime. Was senpai not a character in the novel?
She was as character with an abrupt arc, satou said something like "i didn't know pretty people can be sad too"
Well I'm not gay, but if I was a woman and some good looking guy was trying to cheer me up I'd probably like it yeah
I mean as a reader would you have the same reaction if he was attractive instead of ugly?
Vienna, then Milan, then Bern.
Never been to the former two before, it was my fourth time I think in the latter
she was. However, in the novel she's mainly referred to as senpai (upperclassman in the TL), no name given. She plays a much more minor roll. Doing a quick scan, she is mentioned as part of:
Satou's sexual fantasies
joining the club/hanging out in the clubroom. She has a frank, morbid, suicide-interested attitude, and an interest in conspiracy. It is implied she self-harmed.
Satou intervening in the bullying of yamazaki
They have one meeting post-hikki; here she talks about conspiracy, her drugs, getting married & pregnant, and offers an affair. She says she's successful but cries when Satou leaves saying no to the affair.
him sexing her in school
she sends him a New Year's card
I don't feel particularly bad for her either way, but I sympathised a little in the moment.
If he was good looking I wouldn't have at all, no
Sex with Misaki in an angel cosplay
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Thanks for reading everyone
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Sex with Misaki's defenseless armpits
Morning OP
>Misaki Nipple 1
Already working on your latest collection I see
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It's just documenting for my project
Snickers bag
It's a metaphor
Chapter 7
Is it? I don't remember her chugging pills in the anime but I can't recall any other major differences
In the anime it shows her on her forums lying about having a hiki boyfriend who abuses her, and then she goes to Satou's place and asks her to accompany him on the getaway, roping him into a suicide pact without his knowledge. Here she seems to think he knows
Senpai is made of pure sex
I hate her too much to find her sexy
Why? Misaki is much worse
This, Misaki is way uglier.
she's me she's me she's me
she's actually me
Inside and out
>tfw look just like Misaki IRL
>learn I'm a 5.5/10
Feet or GTFO
ahh okay i didnt remember that
Yeah she's a lot more sympathetic here

I haven't noticed any major differences to the anime so far, aside from a few small things. I've heard the ending is the different though so I'm excited for that, I found the anime ending anticlimactic
Good evening, OP.
For me you are >>271175021 and I want >>271186773
I don't know what you guys are on about. Misaki is way cuter and hotter than Kashiwa-senpai.
The adult woman fetishists are brigading
By design
But Misaki is a cute adult woman.
no chapter today sadly
Chapter 10
Hello OP
Hope you have a nice day
Peer pressured into suicide
That's about 20 000 dollars in 2004
What the fuck...
Yeah I much, much prefer how this arc was done in the anime
>tfw no enabling mountain spirit gf
And that's it for today
This was more like a group therapy session than anything

Ask a question if you can think of something

Thank you for reading
Previous chapter: >>271167827
Thanks OP
Feeling suicidal lately?
Poor guy
Thanks OP
If he wasn't ready to die before he probably is now
holy shit
This is the moment your survival instinct is supposed to kick in.
I might just do it too at that point, not together with them but probably days after if I don't find a way to get out of that island
>you don't want to kill yourself?
>what a faggot
Sounds like the worst moment on this board
Funny! ;_;
Thanks, OP.
>"I have the solution! DRUGS!"
Honestly it would happen to me too
Y-yeah, imagine being a 22 year old virgin hikikomori
God, her savior complex is so hot. I want her to use me up and toss me aside, breaking me worse than how I was when we met
If Misaki did this in front of me, I would defeat her in an intellectual debate and then tell her to get away from my sight forever. I don't need no phony gods.
Thanks OP. I quite like this arc. Yeah, it's not as serious as the rest of the manga, but it's funny.
Today I graduated from a 22 year old virgin hikkiNEET to a 22 year old virgin hikki. I start working next week and I already want to quit.
>What do you mean you don't want to fucking die
>Nvm im getting married, lol
This bitch.
I went from 26 year old virgin hikkiNEET to 26 year old virgin hikki in 2017, unfortunately I am still employed at the same company. I feel like no one would want to hire a hikki loser who radiates "no friends" energy, like even with my "years of programming experience", they would dump me the moment I spilled my spaghetti at any generic HR question.
>Cant even make friends in chat rooms
Im finding this guy dangerously relatable m
This is worse than "I can fix him", it's "I need him being worse than me"
I can't imagine being able to do that nowadays, for.. some.. reason it felt so much easier 15 years ago.
Thanks OP >>271204619
>Feeling suicidal lately?
Curiously I searched for something suicide related out of curiosity and Google gave a number and told me to get help. Shit was scary
You're a cutie
Yeah I left it there because I thought it was even worse for the average /a/non to see the number at 22
I hate ntr
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10/10 body, 10/10 face, 10/10 reactions
Name of this doujin?
Anon, have you been speedreading this daily?
I have been bookmarking the threads in my Internet Explorer to read them later.
She look smaller
Thanks OP. Wow, what a boring nothingburger of a chapter, how was this arc done in the anime?
Eh ive tried a few times over the years but not lately, I'm almost 2 years at my job, life is daijobu for now
i'm sure mommy wouldn't want him to suicide, either
damn how can you get extorted out of $20k?
thanks, OP
Forgot to ask but does it get explained what the fuck is wrong with senpai later or she is just naturally retarded?
She's female
It's been awhile but I think it's just the usual not really having a clear goal and wanting to escape from everything as a result. She's on ritalin as one of her prescriptions so she's also probably just an ADHD fuck up that can't get anything done on her own.
>decides she's going to kill herself because her boyfriend won't propose to her
>forgets all about it after a single phonecall and pretends like nothing happened
typical w*man behavior
This part still hits as hard as the anime.
I much prefer the anime for this chapter.
I tend to not think about it. Being a hikki at 33 is bad as it gets.
>ywn have a girl call herself your angel
Why even live?
I just got a job and I already feel horrible. I haven't even started to work, but the thought of having to go to bed early and spend all day there is making me feel so sick. I hate this
her butt looks great in those pants
How the fuck did this kid pull that off?
Thanks Op
>Is this kind of shit real?
It's probably happened at least a couple of times
I've seen it before in Junji Ito's Black Paradox

>Internet Explorer
Hello grandpa
Often but there isn't an easy way. This chapter hits close to home because I do want to be done with life but don't want to make my family sad.

You acclimate. Some jobs are worse than others, but a lot of times, I'm just sitting in a chair for 8 hours fucking around on my phone instead of actually working.
Thank you for posting.
Isn't it illegal to interfere with someone's suicide attempt?
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Funnily enough there's a good dounjin with the characters so in characters that it could be considered an unreleased chapter
I kinda prefer the anime with husband coming
>ywn have a cute girl fail to save you from a suicide attempt because your friend brought her to comiket instead of coming to help you
why even live?
In the anime it wasn't anticlimactic like this. The whole thing was treated seriously with a dramatic ending like a proper resolution to a story arc.
Yeah. My favourite scene in the anime was the cliff one, and the tent just didn't live up to it
Yes, I masturbated to it earlier this week and I will do it again soon. Would do it right now even but I'm afraid someone might turn on my camera.
Looks the same as my normal life
House of Karsea were truly a master of their craft
What do you work as?
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Thanks for reading everyone
In the novel they didn't
Morning OP
Good night OP
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That's because nowadays chatrooms are a full substitute of social activity, before they were a first step to fullfill with irl meetings
I dunno, I remember when I was still in elementary school (well middle school by American standards maybe? ~13-15) all the normal classmates who didn't play video games on the internet were chatting.
Welcome to the NHK Begin Japanologoy crossover
yeah, before smartphones where a thing, all the people I hung out with would just ask for your msn and then you'd chat on the computer about the things you spoke about irl and then you'd continue the online convo when you met back-up again.
Got to love the "Satou ruins everyone's trip to Suicide Island" arc
This anime is the only TV show ever made that properly showed the one and only true FINAL SOLUTION to neetism.
>t. former neet
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Do you hate life?
Yes but what's that got to do with anything
Nothing, nothing...
I only asked out of curiosity
Haha... Imagine that...
I also think that it's the most effective suicide prevention attempt in anime.
Having a cute girl come into my life?
Heh, he doesn't know
I wish I was as handsome and as popular as Satou-san (TL note: "Mr. Satou" in English)
The dump will be a bit earlier today, we'll start in about 20 minutes
To be honest, I think Yamazaki is a much worse influence, generally speaking.
To give him a little credit, he does try to get Satou off his ass and to create something he can show others, even if that something is pornographic
Chapter 11
Hello OP
I thought they were gonna skip the videogame arc considering what he said to the kid.
Glad to see they aren't
"Page 10 SA10
SA10 is Satou's handle when playing RPGs. The 10 can be pronounced as tou in Japanese, thus SA10 can still be pronounced as Satou."

Nothing mind blowing, but fair enough
Hope you have a nice day
I've always absolutely loved the trope where a show has an episode of the characters playing a game and it depicts them as their characters.
Like the sci fi episode of Haruhi
I am a big fan as well. It's always charming
I like a catgirl as much as the next guy, but this is a little too furry for me
This is JUST on the brink for me, but it is questionable still
>>271230975 is more my speed
Obviously that is better yes
>He fell for the MMO meme
Video games have made him into a faggot...
>JC uniform upskirt with sock-clad feet
This is ripe for an edit with 4chan on his screen
Whatever it's coming next, he had it coming.
And that's it for today
Maybe video games are evil after all

Been playing anything recently?
I was playing a bit of Gungeon, but the only thing I'm actively playing now is Geoguessr

Thank you for reading
Previous chapter: >>271203857
Thanks OP
The Binding of Isaac and Muv Luv, if the latter counts
I knew he was getting catfished. But i didn't expect this guy to be online gay just for eroge development.
Thanks OP
I have been spending more time than i should on Card en Ciel, despite only being a fucking Demo.
Thanks OP, im at work now so I'll read in a few hours
I'm building my PC so I dont really play anything
Thanks OP
Linux is my game
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Hope all my bros have a nice friday evening.
Coward. I still would
Funnily enough this chapter was probably the main inspiration for it
Fuck off woman, I'm fuckin' gaming
Kinda gay
Well yeah if she appeared before me with sexual intentions I probably would, for the experience if nothing else.
But animals aren't really my thing
Thanks OP. The only MMO-like game I ever got into was Destiny. And I never formed a raid group for the same reason I don't play MMOs, which is that talking to people always made me anxious. Destiny was lots of fun solo and it auto cued a team together for Strikes (which normally didn't require lots of communication) so I could play it.
>Been playing anything recently?
Another 500 hours to EU4.
I want to nakadashi Misaki until impregnation
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I don't think I'll ever remember to use this on the occasions when I get a chance
Animals aren't my thing either, but that is right on the good side of the border.
I want to FUCK HER
I want to FUCK
It's only furry when the face is fully animal, that one is still fine
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I keep thinking about this panel, she really turns me on. I want to be her little plaything so she can use me to satisfy her savior complex before ultimately failing and tossing me aside. I want to totally remake myself just to appease her only to find that I could never have made her happy and now I don't recognize the person I see in the mirror because he's nothing like me but is instead a caricature of me made for someone who doesn't care to see it anymore so now I'm left with no sense of self or ability to look inwards because I threw it all away for a girl who never wanted it to begin with
I can't believe he's gay
Nah, nothing at all recently
Thanks OP
NTR fag.
I want to turn the tables and keep her as my pet (sexual)
>Video games have made him into a faggot...
Is this why I have become a pervert?
Because I stopped gaming back then?
More like N.H.GAY
In the anime he actually reveal himself by entering his house holding the PC, right?
You first get NTR'd by the better version of yourself she turn you into but then that version of you get NTR'd too because it wasn't good enough for her who now seach for some other loser.
This is the worst NTR possible, no version of you from the worst to the best one is good for her
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That's a 2 on the furry scale anon.
It's NTR in every way that matters
Yeah, exactly like that.
These are the things you have to do to make it as an indie dev
art needs sacrifice
Except for the masturbating while you watch the woman you love fuck someone else part
Nice rape face.
I don't if that girl's entire self-concept revolves about keeping me more miserable than her.
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You're right
I wonder, would NEETs today still play MMOs? I think they're too social for NEETing.
I know i was too scared to interact with online strangers so i just went solo in the only MMO i tried until i got bored.
Every fucking time. I hate this bitch so much.
Gacha is literally the modern equivalent to mmos
It doesn't have the need to comunicate with people other than joining an active club, if even that.
I guess there is discord groups too, but fuck that.
The remnants of the MMO community have conflated into either wow or ff14 but they are a minority compare to gachafags.
Small price to pay to have the eyes of a little girl on you
They can just play FF14 and use the queues for shit to never interact with people. Also NEETs can be social, they're just the Not in Employment Education or Training people and can be fairly active socially see some of the Niconicodouga orchestral groups, it's the hikkikomori side of hikiNEET that you're thinking of that has the social issues.
>They can just play FF14
I'd be scared to, I know a lot of girls play that one, because it has the child race (not erotic)
I've never liked multiplayer games. Some splitscreen when I was a kid was fun, but I don't really do online games at all
consider also:
>satou was about to give up on the MMO before mia (yamazaki) showed up
>yamazaki was gay for nothing
recently I've been playing an unhealthy amount of mahjong
Phew, barely made it, just before midnight.
You'll never talk to them unless you're going to be a raid autist. You'll just be running around alone until you hit a dungeon that you need people for, then you'll wait in a line and a group of randomized autists will be slapped together and you'll run thru a dungeon never typing a single word unless someone is going to try to tell you the right button rotation to press for your attacks but you'll have checked the wiki and be doing that specific rotation already so no one will ever say a word. They may as well be NPCs.
I had a lot of fun watching
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Definitely. It hit so hard when Satou is trying to throw himself off the cliff then Yamazaki tells him, "People like us don't deserve a dramatic death." That was the wake up call he needed at that moment. Such a sobering moment.
Just read it, the start was fun enough that I kinda wanted it to be the majority of the plot instead of the porn
The anime has such a stellar OP. I love the trumpet
Wow, thanks for crushing the dreams of the few anons who still had some after reading my post (I didn't).
Yeah it was much funnier in the anime. It had me laughing for a good while.
It has a stellar OST overall, really.
It's such a nice contrast with the ending. On one hand you have this soulful angelic opening and on the other you have pure despair
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Rewatching has convinced me to shave
Akachan Ningen is one of the greatest EDs of all time
that was good
She's the rude one for cheapening the magnificent sight of a cute girl's panties by showing them off purposefully to a man she doesn't even love. Only a whore would do that.
>anime about stopping to be a hikiNEET
>anon get convinced to shave
Everyone starts somewhere
I actually prefer Modokashii Sekai no Ue de
Always happy to help
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Being a hikkiNEET is the best
Thanks OP
>Been playing anything recently?
his parents really give him a good amount of money each month huh
no more satou-san or is he still role playing?
Could you really still refer to Satou using "san" after everything?
More subtle Misaki pantyshots before the main one >>271231128
Welcome to THE GAME!
I've had a few different jobs, but if you work in an office, a lot of them are similar. You'll find moments where you can sort of take advantage of stuff and when you need to be actually working. I also worked in food service once and that had plenty of moments where you weren't doing anything.
Dumb stupid ugly fat BITCH
Quick, tell me which board to use
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Incredibly rude
All the way down at page 10...
This is good. The NHK won't find me here.
Ok but seriously, (You) aren't REALLY a hikkikomori, right anon?
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bye bye thread
this board, this thread
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Satou is so spoiled
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Misaki seconds away from killing Satou

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