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It's the 2060's, and Japan has perfected "The MRI System," a piece of neurotechnology that, when given the brain of a person who died within the past 48 hours, can analyze the visual memories contained within; even being able to give scientists a look into what the deceased saw in their final moments. Needless to say, this is a highly regarded - and greatly feared - method that has been placed under stringent restrictions and is only authorized for use by a special police unit, Section Nine, for the investigation of baffling or high-profile crimes.

Chapter 5 (pt. 1)
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I had to go into work early yesterday and I didn't have the time to post anything, gomen.

Previous chapters: >>271018220
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*Editor's note: this chapter was extracted from OP's brains after he got isekai'd yesterday
what do you call this artstyle?
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the aristocrats
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>I had to go into work early yesterday and I didn't have the time to post anything, gomen.
someone kill op so we can see what he was really up to
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>someone kill op
But I'd die
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And that's all for tonight. We're starting a volume long case this time, so strap in.
What sort of ice cream do you like? Earlier I picked up a bit of matcha green tea ice cream that I'm looking forward to trying.
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I thought you were gone for real OP. I was going to complain that shoujo dailies/storytimes are just cursed but there's never a thread to complain in when they vanish. Glad you came back so I can complain about Maki being a big meanie instead.
I fucking hate Maki. in a non-sexual way.
And suddenly, it's Shonen Bat
kid vid? is that you?
i'm on the case. the killer is the toei mascot
i should have kept reading a few pages, this is closer than i thought lmao
I was going to say this guy is horror-movie savvy for not answering the creepy mysterious number right after hearing about a murder in which he is probably the next target but then he had to go and be stupid.
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certified "that's chappi" moment
normal mom reaction to make fun of your kid for believing in santa
why is maki such a sadist, he could be doing this himself if he's going to be breathing down aoki's neck the whole time
Cleanest flaying I ever saw. Seriously, this killer has gotta be another surgeon.
Should they really be putting a cloth blanket directly onto the wet fleshy meat pile like that?
The most unrealistic scene in the manga so far, nobody in the 2060's is answering the phone for a number they don't know.
this series feels too 2000 instead of 2060
In some ways that's to its benefit because a lot of fictional depictions of the future are way too optimistic about the level of technological advancement and this way keeps it more grounded beyond the premise, but the tradeoff is you get anachronims like having a landline lol.
Shimizu's sameface issues had me thinking the twist of this chapter was going to be that Maki had an old gig as a mascot and that's why he was so adamant that Aoki be the one to watch the scan.
Really great color pages
Once again, a criminal exploits the ninth and their technology..
Thanks for posting OP, glad you're back. Green tea ice cream is great, it's been a while since I've had it. I usually just go for some kind of chocolate flavor.
That's the first thing I thought of too
Thanky, OP.
>We're starting a volume long case this time
Jesus, then I sure hope it's good. Shimizu must have been watching a lot of slashers on her maternity leave for the inspiration, but at least it's thrilling. I thought it would be an I Know What You Did Last Summer type at first but so far these guys are only guilty of witnessing a crime. I wonder what the twist will be if there is one since it seems awfully early to have already revealed the killer. Until we get more clues, my bet's on an And Then There Were None style twist where the skinned body was either a fake or a lookalike and Nishizawa is the killer somehow. Though I'm not sure who was the killer from 5 years ago in that case.
>What sort of ice cream do you like?
Chocolate or bust.
Yeah that had me confused for a second. If/when we get to see more about Maki’s past, I could see it involving him forcing Aoki to watch someone’s memories
Thanks OP
Thank you for posting.
Why is Maki like this?
serial killers ate his ice cream
Thanks, OP!
>But I'd die
op is WEAK
Howdy, OP
what a group of goobers
eat the fucking ice cream
thanks, OP. Mint chocolate chip on the regular, or cookie dough when I'm feeling like extra sugar
Nice illustration except for him looking like a lizardman
Don't look, this is a top secret post.
You would look like a lizard too if you ate nothing but gelato.
That tie ain't it
digital gay impressionism
I forgive you.
Burn him at the stake!
I've been sick for the past few days and haven't been able to keep reading. I'll try and finish chapter 4 tonight, so don't you die on me.
Ganbare, anon
Don't worry. OP is immortal.
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Chapter 6
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And that's all for today. We should be a little earlier tomorrow.
Do you enjoy mascot characters in your anime/manga? Any favorites?
Kero is cool
bump for me to read when i get back in an hour
Bump for us both.
is this the summer uniform at ninth high?
finely rendered ape buttcrack
maki finding new lows to bully aoki
Ohhh shit. This is going to be the stupidest theory ever made if it's wrong but is the reason Takeuchi got fat because he's wearing a skinsuit? Is it an imposter pulling a fucking Silence of the Lambs elevator stunt? Absolutely nutso writing if so.
Well that's a motive.
Thanks for posting, OP.
Here I thought the kids were going to be a fake-out and original Chappy was just stealing them from a morgue or something.
What a tweest. Now I'm very confused about who the killer's supposed to be though.
Basically confirming it to the point that I'm wondering if it's a red herring.
Okabe the livestreamer.
Come oooon.
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hey, it's that one guy from the gay brother comic
stay away from thinner,children
fucking little babby
thanks, OP. Just to make sure I read this chapter correct the current mascot's using the pedo to take revenge against the students because they didn't free his brother who had been trapped by the pedo 5 years ago, and he disguised himself from Kataoka's sister by dressing up like a woman, yeah?
It’s the sister of the boy who died (who the group of kids neglected to help) that has been dressing as a guy and using her brother’s first name. She finally dresses as a girl on front of Kataoka’s sister
Uh... Let's hope they stop them in time.
Thanks, OP. The biggest surprise this chapter was the reveal that Ookura was in the Chappy costume. I had multiple theories ready to go and here comes this rando who feels like he was introduced just for that. It actually makes me suspicious of it. Nishizawa was my #1 suspect and I still don't get why she would call them there if she wasn't in on it unless she was being forced to, but she didn't seem scared over the phone. She completely lacks a motive though, so if she's not an accomplice then I think she was already dead when Kataoka saw her through the window and that was her corpse or skin.

I have no idea what's going on with the twins, if it's the brother or the sister, or some kind of Watanagashi situation where they're pretending to be each other and both are alive or what. I'm kind of thrown off by them being part of the murder plot, I thought there's no way you would show who's in the costume at the start and have it be the real killer. We'll see.

The one thing I'm most sure of is that Takeuchi was a fake, but I don't know what purpose it served since whichever imposter it was faked their death anyway. The only advantage to that ruse was getting close enough to kill without being suspected and that's gone now so what was the point?

Another lingering mystery nagging at me is why wait 5 years? I assumed it had to do with the MRI limit since the killer's motive involves the police watching, but I don't really get why it couldn't have happened a year or two earlier. And why didn't Ookura kill both siblings? Since it's a mystery and there's still half (or a third? the dump was a little longer today) left, I'm not sure how much of the reveals so far should be taken at face value just Ookura thing feels fishy but it could just be what it looks like. Last second crack theory: it's an Ookura skinsuit the other twin is wearing.
Sorry, I got too up my own ass theorizing to join mascot chat. It's a bad habit.
>Do you enjoy mascot characters in your anime/manga?
I usually find them annoying but there are a couple of decent ones. I can only think of Haro and Mokona at the moment but I'm sure I'll wake up in the middle of the night remembering the exact answer I wanted to give only to find the thread died.
koike accidentally performed the forbidden movie joke
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Bad shit always goes down in Kamakura.

What a reminder that this is a manga for school girls.


>she's the only one who killed while in bed
Wording, guys.

So would this count as a potential risk to the public, and thus reportable?

The murder itself doesn't get any worse, but the perversion of the course of justice, which, even if there was no head smashing, the dad would have continued to pull off through cleaning the weapon and confessing. It's just extra trauma for the crime scene clean up and these guys.

Will there ever be a time when Aoki doesn't scream directly into everyone's face? This guy could be the next superspreader he's putting so much saliva out there. I don't think he's capable of keeping anything confidential, people just have to stand outside the room and they'll hear it.

But she smug as hell, Maki. You can see how pleased she is.
Her mouth keeps disappearing, prime evidence she's got something to hide.

And how the hell did that information get out?

Hehehehehe. Seriously though, what the fuck? Surely it could at least be "we need to identify the people potentially involved"?

>"The police don't fucking work that way"
I don't know about Japan, but where I am I don't think it'd be opening a case against the daughter but a posthumous appeal for the father that would be the starting point. But with the death penalty there's bound to be some limitation on the timing of that.

Since the film came out three years after this they'd had have to read the 1950s original, which honestly wouldn't be surprising in this genre.

Basically Maki is an angry little bitch since the start and it enables him to keep supplying points of conflict in their work.
>I don't know about Japan, but where I am I don't think it'd be opening a case against the daughter but a posthumous appeal for the father that would be the starting point. But with the death penalty there's bound to be some limitation on the timing of that.
That part reminded my of how often I'll be watching a documentary on some crime and it turns out the serial killer/rapist/what have you got out on some loophole that no sane person should have enforced, usually involving attempted murder not being considered a serious crime, while other inmates rotted their life away over minor non-violent crimes. I think laws in most places were tightened over time to avoid things like that so it's a bit rarer these days and one would hope unheard of by the time this story takes place, but the introduction of new technology tends to bring up issues like this where they didn't anticipate certain situations.
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shimizu suddenly remembered she's writing shoujo and had to meet the yaoi quota
mr krabs moment
Can this thread survive until the end of the volume or will its brain have to be scanned to solve the mystery of its death?
We can make it. Trust the plan.
good on her for including some (often forgotten) fasciae
Surely everything's gonna be OK and it won't be an "ironic tragedy".
so mean
>Hana to Yume
is a shoujo manga magazine from the same publisher as Melody, where Himitsu was published.
tragically they have not found a cure for being two-face in the 2060s.
Thank you for posting.
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>Any favorites?
One more just in case.
Mascot save!
First time I see this one. Is the anime good?
It depends on your sense of humour. There's a lot of male nudity and yelling, but overall the jokes are like treating absurdity as an everyday inconvenience. At some point everyone is just weird. Also editors are actually hellspawn from another dimension.
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I overslept.

Chapter 7
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And that's all for today. Tomorrow we'll finish off the case/volume and have a short, spooky omake leftover for Saturday.
So, hammer or bat? The hammer seems a bit unwieldy for "self defense", personally.
Bat is easier to use, but I've always found some sort of satisfaction/catharsis with the hammer, especially a sledgehammer.
Thanks for posting, OP. I'm looking forward to the ending of this one. I'd also go for the bat just for the extra bit of range.
ahhh i'm making dinner still don't die yet
get some Lasik, you nerd
thanks, OP. Definitely the bat, a common tooling hammer is a much more precise and closer-range weapon
Aoki's really just there for the grunt work.
This guy is a little too savvy.
I'm almost there! Still sick but my brain's starting to function again.

Okay, but where was his dog at the time of the accident? Would it not seem suspicious if it were tied up elsewhere?
That makes it stranger that the dog wasn't with him.

>Does she really need to be this dramatic
Her 90s shoujo trends slipped out, please understand.

Future Japan is no longer as efficient at hiring pressure washers. Something about water conservation and late stage revelations.

I thought they only saw in blue-grey and yellows?

Ah. It was a different day.

Just to rub it in that this innocent could have lived, thanks.

You joke but the fact he didn't hear the truck coming right at him without slowing down.

Imagine you put the pigeon brain in the machine and it just fries it because they miscalculated the jolts. Anyway the biggest argument against using wild animals is that they'll avoid people, and run the opposite direction from an incident if they hear it happening. Unless you have CCTV showing the animal facing the right direction and reacting then you've little to suggest its eyes caught anything usable.
Still reading bump
Okay, now THIS one is a little crazy.
Thank you, OP. You know, I thought having a baby would make it harder for Shimizu to keep depicting violence against children but I think this chapter has had the most child brutalization of all of them lol. But it's dragging its feet on the confirmation, so I'm holding out for it to be a switcheroo. Maybe it's Ookura or Sakai since she suddenly went missing. As for the brain, the only thing I could think of that would work as a twist is if the surviving twin was the killer from 5 years ago and not Ookura but we already know they're a crazy murderer so that wouldn't change much. Or maybe one of the kids who ran away planned the whole thing, though I can't see why they would call up the parents in that case. I'm curious what it could be.
>So, hammer or bat?
Hammer seems a lot harder to aim but it might be more lethal if you could get a good hit in.
>"something like a Sony Handycam"
>a child from 2060 knowing what that is

Uh, guys-
I am so surprised. Who could have possibly seen this coming?

He's learnt how to pile up the trauma from the best, after all. Good job, Maki.

Damn it's not just a drama CD, it's a Susupenseful drama CD.

Her difficulty with Kevin Spacey could be explained by a studied phenomenon in how brains recognise facial features. When viewing someone from another race we stop seeing the individual features and see the face as one whole, which makes it difficult to differentiate between people of the same race. It was thought for a long time that this could be improved by exposure, but studies show that the brain continues to try the wrong method of facial assessment no matter how long we've lived with another race. We have to make conscious efforts. Basically humans are stupid and white men all look the same when you can't tell their features apart.

Starting the baby off with a little hearing damage for spice! When my college friend had a kid we had a bit of a laugh testing how close a face had to be before he saw it was there. You can sneak up on babies really easily because their field of vision is so short at first.

My prediction for 50 years time is that everywhere will install an aircon-heatpump (I forgot the right term for the combined unit) as standard necessity and you'll see tons of young people shitting on landlords for not having a decent one working in their properties. There'll be taxi bus services where everyone can see the route and punch in stops they want to jump on and off at with their phones so it's more customised than current bus services (right now for liability reasons most services don't let passengers off outside of designated stops and emergencies). Coping and convenience await us.

Thanks for these interesting topics, OP.
I think Kevin Spacey also just has a very forgettable face tbf. I got spoiled he was the culprit in the Usual Suspects and I was worried it would ruin the experience but then I watched it and had no idea how to identify him and it was the very obvious writing that gave it away instead. Goddamn that movie was overrated shit.
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Why else do you think Maki is so cold?
I mean, aside from removing his shirt.

Aoki in charge of putting the KEEP OUT tape around their craniums.

Oh god a furry.
Wait it actually is a baseball furry.

No, I think even plastic sheets would be discouraged in case they adhere to the corpse. If it needs to sit out for use you can use wheel in screens to prevent people seeing unintentionally.

Every so often I have trouble telling if this author's characters are men or women. Assuming this is another the boys are dying case though.

I'm dying. Why is it always Chappi?

Lemme guess, the head zookeeper at Hana to Yume Zoo is a Honda Tooru?

The scary part is Maki still wearing his fucking jacket while everyone else is baking in just a shirt.

Chappi real...

Holy shit a 3DS. The future is full of wonders.

Oh gross why would you pick up human skin?

Start walking downhill til you get service, guys. Honestly why did you literally go to the site of a traumatic experience for a friendly meet up like that?

Even though earlier I could tell it wouldn't be Maki I still thought this page had Maki putting a hand on the killer's shoulder for some reason.

I gotta sleep.

Don't worry, Ghost Hunt Anon will return one day. Surely Vlad didn't get him.
did they really leave okabe to die
aoki throws up on the body parts
bro don't swallow it wtf
i'll take things that maki didn't care about in the previous case for 500, alex. or maybe he only cares about them once they're dead
shimizu lied, chappy died
Thank you for posting.
I keep waiting for more of Jeff C but I know deep in my heart those probably aren't coming back.
I like the reach on the bat.
Yeah, he didn't so soften much.
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No freezer burn?
I'm too scared of spoilers to check how many pages are left in the volume but just a reminder that the image limit on /a/ is 300 so if the number of pages left is more than that then you might wanna make a new thread. You've still got room for a good 80+ though.
There should be enough space to finish the volume
Top secret post
if it's so secret then why am i reading it
Danke OP
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Chapter 7 (cont.)
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And that's all for today. I wish we knew what happened following the lawsuit attempt.. Either way, we'll close off the volume tomorrow with the extra chapter.
So how long do you plan to live for? I intend to stay young forever. It's worked out so far.
I want to live to 100 just to see how much changes in 1 century
How did he not realize that the body in the suit was the size and weight of a grown man and not his little kid sister? He's been holding it for a while now lol
He fucking froze it lmao
Thanks for posting, OP. That was a twist I was honestly not expecting at all. Overall I really enjoyed this case, though. I wish we knew the result of the lawsuit as well, I feel bad for yoshito's parents.

I think it'd be cool to hit 100. Knowing you've lived for a century must be a crazy feeling.
bumping for post-dinner read
Wait, they weren't twins?
i hope she included star wipes when she was editing the videos together
so was the source of all this murder his cock getting cut off because lmao
okabe just put the dick in the fridge nbd
That's a weird bit of realism at the end that I'm not sure was necessary.
Thanks, OP. The motive was a little silly this time. I suspected the sister was the brother minus the castration part so that reveal didn't surprise me much but everything else I was pretty wrong on. It was a more straightforward case than I expected. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go put on clown makeup after all the skin suit theories.
>So how long do you plan to live for?
Ask me this after I've sipped the tuck everlasting water.
Is Maki wearing eyeliner?
She based his looks on a visual kei guy so probably.
What a chad. Look at that spread.
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Reminds me of the cat meme.
>yoshito, isn't it?
>it's actually kaori.
>i lied. it's actually yoshito.
Thank you for posting.
it really is. it's just missing the salad
Peak woman writing is here
Child murders?
Everything else actually
Mascot murders?
What a stacy
>You got it all fucking wrong!
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Thx mate.
It has to be intentional.
>I intend to stay young forever
Good plan, I think I'll do that too.
I just take it one year at a time.
The secret is not yet out.
I figure the next chapter will be in a new thread anyway.

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