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leaks soon
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Who would win in a 1v1?
Shad would probably be a godking in this series ngl.
Kill yourself faggot, Tafuku will rape you in your sleep tonight
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what if john hishaku shows up as part of the anti-enten force? that would be epic
>He bumped this thread for THIS post
Die. NOW.
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Happy 1 year anniversary KGB! Oh and Nue FUCKING lost btw
God is wish KGB was real
who is the one on the right?
KGB lost.
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... on opposite day
Katana man from Chainsawman. He's the grandson of a yakuza boss who made a deal with the katana devil and Denji killed his grand dad
>using a jjk meme
>when jjk was actually bad all this time
...which never happens.
chihiro only if he has mei
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How does he keep delivering peak?
Duel wielding enchanted blades when?
Nice thread kbgkeks
nice thread nuera...oh lmao my bad
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>AIIIIEEEEEEEE *retarded infant's crying sound*
Thursday no?
Is it out
We don’t want leaks, wait Sunday
Astroturfed series
its already popular worldwide, and in a years time, it will be hard not to see it everywhere. you have to accept this.
I hope Takeru gets into a proper groove of drawing again, I miss seeing the hamon on the swords and just general smaller details arc 1 had
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Boruto is still above us? I thought we outsold it last time
we did it bro
we ruin /wsj/
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I am a kgb fan and I don’t want leak
Can't wait to btfo nuerats again
They never reply to your bait anon
OP is 25+ hours too early anyways
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Queen Sakura made an appearance for the first time in 5 years, kind of a big deal.
i dont even think nue has actual fans on /a/
Im the only one who think Ichi the witch is kind of Mid?
Its not amazing. But it looks like it'll be fun. Depends on how harem-y it goes, though. I can easily see this going full harem bullshit shittery, with the set-up of all the other wizards being female.
And they said it will surpass kgb lol
I don’t think so but let’s see
It’s basic so far
It will most be a pillar alongside kgb or a supporting pillar
>Bumping this trash thread
Why? Let it die and make a good one closer to around the time leaks drop
Chihiro. He's got self buffs to more than keep up, is tactically brainy and is no nonsense in a fight outside of saving people. Shadman's got regeneration and muscle power but is only a little less tarded than Denji. Shadman would be one of those mooks that gets blindsided by decapitation by spookmode Chihiro.
>posted in series that started getting leaks by chapter 3
I don’t care about using it
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Hiyuki? Also outmuscled by CHADhiro.
Its extremely mid. Upon close inspection action is meh, MC's motivation is lacking, MC's design is vomit inducing (female readers targeting). Art style itself while being above average isnt captivating at all. Story is basic generic bitch so far. Its Astro without ugly neccked abominations to laugh at.
The difference between having your last volume released this month and having your last volume released three months ago. And even so, Burrito is doing badly. Gokurakugai is trashing it
It’s still sad Boruto is beating us
Leakers need to die
>Leaks are bad even tho we've been getting leaks since chapter 1
Kill yourselves, I know you'll be in the leak thread later.
Nope I’m not like you
see you sunday
>third fucking bump
lmao this fucking civil war is pathetic
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Not enough vengeance.
Where is Shiba?
Raws take longer to get uploaded so no.
Offscreening some fodders
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Good shit
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Mildly muscular Hiyuki? Mildly muscular Hiyuki.
Good, this thread shouldn't have been created in the first place. Leaks aren't out for a while and there's a /wsj/ thread we can use.
i dont read manga made by zoomers
We still got this thread we can use
We va are getting good fanart lately
you mean every week for the past year?
90% was Gay shit tho
plenty of non-faggot shit has been posted here every single week, just filter it out of your brain
sorry that the algorithm have identified you as a faggot
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Here's some straightkino to cleanse your palate
It's something that is impossible to judge until it has more chapters. At this point it is impossible to tell what kind of manga will it be. People are only making assumptions based on Iruma.
You fucking retarded faggots, stop necrobumping this shit bait thread
kek so true
i expect nothing less than that from final couple chapters
You faggots remind me of boomers who get way too into sports and start talking as if they're part of the team
>we really shouldn't have traded that player
>oh that play really hurt us. We should've ran this play
You aren't on the team you retard
Who invited bro
Like I feel the hype is a bit overblown
Chapter leak are in a few hours anyway, so let’s just discuss stuff until it drop
You are only going to """"discuss"""" stuff when this awful garbage thread gets close the page 10, faggot
What’s your fucking problem faggot
kill yourself retard, cant you see anything around you?
Miserable and just want to argue instead of ignoring something simple
>UU don’t get leak anymore
I would like this for kgb
No way lol
Hope we still get leaks
>Gokurakugai is trashing it
based. alma a cute
Wft even is kagurabachi? I feel like it just spanned in one day out of nowhere. I never see anyone outside of /a/ talk about it. I’ve never seen a single panel of the manga. Is this manga even real?
who gives a shit about outside of /a/, monkey?
Easy to avoid if you are not in any big manga related communities when it first dropped with all the memes. Otherwise you need to go to manga and wsj communities to see it nowadays so maybe the algorithm havent shown you it because it’s irrelevant to you where you go on social media
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>Casts instant death that bypasses all defenses and immunities
It's just pure veteran (even if half of the duo is not from WSJ) hype. Already happened with Astro this year.
Chihiro beat him
Where have you been
>winning ever
How lmao
Barely 8 hours until the leaks, predict what is going to happen in this chapter.
Chadhiro will kill them all
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>STILL bumping this trash thread
For Gods sake let it die, just post in /wsj/ this thread is not needed.
the main purpose of this thread is purely malicious, of course the faggots are going to keep bumping it if it means sabotaging the leak thread
can’t you just make a new thread for leaks
Yes, but in 8 hours when leaks are fully released
Leaks are in 6-7 hours, we can just use the thread to kill time before the chapter drop right
You know, people would have stopped making these threads if you didn't seethe so much every time, making it fun to do.
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we're discussing kinobachi anon, why post this irrelevant whore?
>irrelevant whore
hinaobros our response?
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I would lick her anus.
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char got spyware installed on hinao's store pc, no wonder she can't fix the walls
It's survived this long. Might as well use it for this night's leak
I am 90% sure she will win the Chihirobowl
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But enough about Hiyuki
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Kagurabachi Shoseki 9/18
Kagurabachi 1 - #87
Kagurabachi 2 - #79
Kagurabachi 3 - #84
this is it bros, we're finally getting out of shoseki
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where leeks
Volume 4 is so close...
Unlikely to leave shoseki imo
Somewhere but not here
Holiday in Japan today
the next holiday is in a couple of days from now tho
It's not though
>leaks soon
You lied, and now I hate you.
Thank God.
I'd hope we'd never be a shit manga like that
i don't care about hiyuki x chihiro
If you didn't, you wouldn't be posting that. But you do, so you did.

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True, Gege killed off Gojo has proven that JJK was unsalvagable since Shibuya
I miss him so much
>leaks delayed so thread was even more pointless than before
Should've just let it go instead of trying to ride it til leaks. Not to mention it was made in a shitposting attempt.
leaks delayed? where the fuck are they
Hopefully this find won't end in this chapter and Hiruhiko gives Chihiro work.
>i connect employers and employees in sorcerer world
>this thing was never brought up again

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>irrelevant thing isn't being brought up
What a shock
I likewise don't really care for it which is a shame because I don't like the gay pairings either. I like the crackpairings better.
>introduce irrelevant character
Glad we agreed on Hackeru Hackozono being subpar writer.
Akanehiro will never happen btw.
I'm really happy that Chihiro joined the Kamunabi because they were becoming really annoying with their insistence on being in the story. Might as well join paths instead of act like they're gonna go away.
Like obviously it won't happen. I don't need a pairing to be canon to enjoy the pairing. It's just a shame because crackpairings are by definition, unpopular and don't get a lot of fan content. I like the swordshipping too and at least with that I do get canon content but I totally concede that it is mental illness on my part and thus, also unpopular.
Thanks man
Good heaven.
>Akanehiro will never happen btw
that's literally what a crackpairing/crackship is
>crackpairings are by definition, unpopular
no necessarily
sometimes a crackpairing gets some decent fan content
what makes a crackspairing what it is, is that it will never happen, it's a delusion on crack
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Hence why I fucked around with you. Jesus you are dense.
Hmm you're right, it's just been ages since I've participated in any fandom like that. I genuinely can't remember the last time where I liked a crackpairing that had even a small handful of people who also liked it but when I think about it that isn't too uncommon in some fandoms with big character gachas like MHA or Naruto.

I accept your concession.
you don't know how to fuck around online
learn to express yourself better
i bet somewhere out there, there's a manga that made the crackpairing canon (obviously with characters within the same manga)
it must have happened at least once right?
Karui and Choji from Naruto? Rin and Sesshomaru from Inuyasha?
>Karui and Choji
you're right, that came out of left field lmao
did anyone expect that?
>>271184368 (me)
i guess i meant a crackpairing with the mc
really throw the fans off
The only ones I can think of are Usagi Drop and Vampire Knight, but both are shoujo and the outcome might not have been so unexpected for fans of the genre. I'm not sure what's going on with Owari no Seraph (Seraph of the End) but the snarky purple girl a lot of fans were convinced would be the MC's endgame pairing has become the final villain meaning that the MC really might end up in a soft-confirmed fujo pairing, that would be pretty surprising.

Erased might count? Seems like a lot of people thought he'd end up with the girl he saved but she ended up being unavailable and it seemed implied he'd end up with his coworker instead.
Looks like nobody posted the toc
Hakutaku (Cover & LCP)
Sakamoto Days
One Piece
Shinobigoto (Color Page)
Blue Box
Jujutsu Kaisen
Me & Roboco (Color Page)
Ichi the Witch
The Elusive Samurai
Witch Watch
Mission: Yozakura Family (Color Page)
Astro Royale
Nue's Exorcist
Kill Blue
Ultimate Exorcist Kiyoshi
Super Psychic Policeman Chojo
Undead Unluck
Yokai Buster Murakami
Next issue preview
>Blue Box (Cover & LCP)
>Hakutaku (Color)
>Nue's Exorcist (Color)
>Jujutsu Kaisen (Color)
All of the color pages and cover have been posted too
we are now exister tier i guess
No series besides one piece is top 5 every week, retard
the new manga will be in the upper half for a while, blue box anime is premiering soon, jjk is ending, and one piece is one piece
I am very excited for next chapter. I really hope Takeru brings his A-game; now is the time to hook people into the new arc / new villain.
Kagurabachi is shonen slop produced by Puerto Rican Jews.
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>leaks before jjk does
This is criminal
>Kunishige doesn't consider himself a hero, but the holders who took on his conviction and dirty work in the war.
The more we see of Kunishige, the more I really like him.
...I can't wait for when Hokazono shatters that image he's built up.

Okay, so the Kamunabi did sent agents of their own. Good. It was seeming real stupid to just let Chihiro/Hakuri go off without some overseers.
>chihiro at a festival(?) with shiba
Yeah. Picrel will forever be my Ichi.
Art looks good this chapter. Takeru regaining his strength.
Is that Chihimom?
Ah yes, the TRUE leader of the Hishaku!
I like the use of a permanent marker to draw the glyph. Its usually a brush with some super special ink or some shit.
But its nice to just see a completely mundane tool like a marker being used.
>using marker to make sorcery

That’s a pretty cute touch
takeru likes drawing mundane objects like that to flex his product design background
Did we just get 5 pages?
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Short chapter this week.
Some fag had kept posting the pictures while i was doing it so I stopped
We have proper leak thread now.
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Oh they do have other people
Kamunabi are less of a jobber now kek
Thanks, anon.
Teleportation glyph, huh. So I guess Hiruhiko's buddy is gonna attack Chihiro instead?
I think the name of the duo is 巻星. Looks like its says "Sasun" or "Masun". Can't tell with out blurry it is.
Aaaand we're at Senkutsuji temple. That was quick. lol
Blindbro is named. He's Samura.
I wonder if Samura is famous. The way Hakuri repeats the name kinda feels like he's recognizing it.
But maybe its just a "so the holder's name is Samura, I see" kind of thing.
>he has a cane
Maybe he's got a bum leg.
Huh. So Samura has met Chihiro before. He knows Chihiro by smell. Kinda creepy.
>who's this pipsqueak with Chihiro's smell around him but he's not Chihiro
Uhhh how does he know how Chihiro smells?
another dogshit thread as usual
>Shiba used to take Chihiro out and about
Ahhhhh, fuck. Thats totally how the Hishaku found out Kunishige's hidey hole.

>Greeting by grabbing faces
Lmao. I guess all the holders are gonna be a bit quirky.
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Blind looks like Naoto
Bro, its literally a flashback on how Samura met Chihiro.
>wearing sandals
literally me
He’s literally blind
Here we go. Sanso Attack No. 2 is about to begin.
Wait, Chihiro used to go outside as a kid?
Blame these fucking fag's for fucking with it and posting all this bullshit

We'll just make another dump thread inn a few hours after this schizo is done spamming
He's trying, but there's someone trying to ruin the dump by posting the pages again. The other thread is ruined too by this guy.
Last week the leaks were fine, I don't know why he's seething today.
So Hakuri's cooldown is still a few days. But they're gonna do some funky healing magic to shorten that as much as possible.
I wonder how fucked up Uruha and Samura are gonna get before Hakuri teleports the blades back to them.
KGB derangement syndrome is a real scary thing.
Oh damn. Samura is way stronger than Uruha, apparently. He said that if he was as strong as Samura, no one at Kokugoku would have died.
Samura is Kunishige/Shiba generation. He's older.
Uruha looked like a high schooler during the war.

Hopefully next week it won't be so bad
Thanks for dumping anon, and yes, hopefully next week all shitposting will be for JJK and we'll be left alone if possible.
This seems like a nice chapter, although I'm a little annoyed at the fact that they're delaying Chihiro vs Hiruhiko...
>that panel
Is that Shunsui's face traced?
Is this female character a healer type? I like her design. Hokazono seems to like short hair for women, it's the only constant in his female character designs.
Yeah, I guess thats the case.
I hope Hokazono throws in some Zatoichi references. We've already got the blind swordsman thing going on.

30 minutes to heal up Hakuri into using the storehouse again.
I hope we don't get cucked out of Samura combat after being hyped up like this. Lets get some blind samurai action going on.
Some schizo going crazy and being fucking annoying
are you new here or something?
Kinda surprised he put in a cooldown chapter given there were some complaints it was going too fast again
did any of the holders get there swords yet?

or hakuri still bleeding all over the place?
Hopefully the schizo realizes how pathetic they are and kills themselves by next week
Next chapter should be pure fighting, no? We have the two wielders vs the Hishaku suicide forces and Chihiro vs Hiruhiko and the "anti-Enten squad", so maybe he wanted to make both fights happen at the same time.
Hakuri isn’t bleeding but is going to be healed right now

Just have to hold off the attacking goons
That is literally Shunsui
What a hack!
I honestly feel like the initial momentum of this arc was stymied by Hokazono suffering from so much success. I'm seeing fewer recycled panels but I won't lie and say it wasn't a problem earlier on. We still got some cool panels but I wonder what else Hokazono would have been able to produce if he hadn't been dying of overwork.
This is still the setup of the arc, give him time
He was obviously having problems with the workload, the start of arc 2 didn't have him reusing artwork like this. I'm rather surprised they gave him so many color pages.
Who the fuck is Sunsui and who's this fag obviously samefagging about it
>copied Shunsui and Ichiko(Persona 5) designs
we will this HACK author stop copying others?
holy newfag
There's no way this guy doesn't turn evil as soon as he gets his sword.
>Last week the leaks were fine
because they were on time
it's possible that this schizo jackass is asleep/occupied with something else during usual leak hours, but leaks were so late that they're awake and available to act like a shitstain
shit like this aren't new retarded newfag, we used to get a decent dump thread up until that faggot spammed the jjk thread
>dude already spewing doujin phrases
God, the porn.
>Blindbro detects that Hakuri smells with Chihiro

ngl that unnecesarry faggotry is annoying
are we
I'm more concerned about the swords being rigged by Yura once Hakuri summons them back
no pressure hakuri
>former companion of your legendary father
>exact same glasses
>met the MC when he was a kid
Square Enix will sue Takeru
When will you learn, hetcuck?
It's fujo manga anon, if you don't stop reading you will turn gay
>gives hints on how hakuri and chihiro is close enough that hakuri is starting to smell like him
hokazono's just omnipandering.
gotta feed back the hand that feeds you
Glad my thread was helpful
Is he actually gonna come through? Almost feels like Takeru is setting up Hakuri to fail.
Is it because dogshit fight is ending?
It made me realize that what I liked from act age was the writing.
i just hope he doesn't get kidnapped
Sweat art is gonna go crazy
it will be more popular than kgb in time cause nishi and aa artist
though i very much prefer yellow tanabe's new fantasy series right now than that.
We got full leaks before Jjk got a single page what the hell?
what else has full leaks? are they going to leak everything else before jjk?
JJK got one page first. And then nothing. The wait for the rest of the chapter suuucks.
I'm glad KGB came out in the meantime.
What are these niggas doing? I'm not gonna lie that's a cool ass sigil they got going on there
Its a teleportation spell. Thats how they all teleported from the train to Senkutsuji.
So did a lot of time pass in between chapters? I know chihiro and notmahito left the train buts it’s a little jarring Hakari is just chillling at blindbros place they didn’t even really show him entering or anything
Takeru knows fujopower. Female readers basically saved the manga as far as we can tell and he's doing what worked in the past to help his manga survive. I'm gonna say that if stuff like this bothers you and you can't look past it, stop reading. It's so obvious this is gonna be a fujo fighter. Basically every important male character introduced has been attractive and fruity: Shiba as the obvious age-gap mentor-bait, Sojo's parasocial obsession with Kunishige and later interest in Chihiro, Hakuri's admiration of Chihiro, Soya's possessive obsession with Hakuri, Yoji's admiration of Kunishige and transferred confidence in Chihiro and the implied friendship with the Dead Beanie Guy . . . I mean c'mon it's a recurring thing it's obvious what Takeru is going for here.

Blindbro is definitely betraying them and killing Yoji by arc's end btw.
Will battle shonen spic love KBC
Translation from discord

Page 1:

>Chihiro: In the Seitei War 18 years ago, this country was protected by the Enchanted Blades

>Chapter 50: Counter-attack

>Chihiro: But currently, that "protected Japan" has grown rampant. With that in mind, if the evildoers… are able to kill off the Former Wielders… If they are to wield the Enchanted Blades, it would be a situation borderline irreversible.

Page 2
>Kunishige: You've heard Shiba say that I "am a hero" at least hundred times more by now, right? But let me remind you. The true heroes, are the ones I had faith in. They're the ones who put their hearts on the line, for us.
>Chihiro: I've heard that a hundred times more too..
>Kunishige: And I'll keep on saying it.. (I know, I'll aim for a thousand!)

>Back to present

>Chihiro: Even one of them dying is NOT going to happen

Page 3
>Uruha: Now that he's gone from sight (Hiruhiko), Chihiro can fight to his hearts content. But we shouldn't drop our guards over here either.
>Hakuri: If an enemy comes, I will protect you from them!
>Uruha: What a powerfull will! But for now, lets head towards a safer place.. Lets hurry, to the Temple of Senkutsu
>Hakuri: Oh right, the next stop.. There should be a pick-up from the Senkutsu ..
Where do I go to find the translations? Or do the people that know what's being said just speak Japanese?
>Female readers basically saved the manga as far as we can tell and he's doing what worked in the past to help his manga survive.
So now that the manga is popular he will continue to fujobait anyway? Seems more like he is a homo drawing what he likes and not a popularity chaser.
If he does all this just to pander then I have no respect for him. I was ok with it at first but recently it's starting to stink a little.
Astrobros....? Kagurabachi got a sauropod?!
Page 4
>???: The Kokogoku's been destroyed, its real bad you know..
>??: What needs to be done now is not the acts of worry, but the preservation of Uruha-san and the others' lives..
>???: Oh, something's comin'!

Page 5
>Uruha: Oh, if it isnt the two Masan! (巻星)
>Masan 1: It is good to see you again. I am very glad to see you're okay
>Uruha: Its only because of these two kids, seriously.
>Uruha: This circle.. Okay, I get it now. So this is where we (too blurry to read), hm?
>Masan 2: We're going to fly. Samura-san (座村) is waiting for us..
>Uruha: Oh, samura-san! God, its been a while..

>Hakuri: Sa..mura..

Page 6
They teleport near the temple

>"Nara Prefecture: Furuyama"

Page 7
>Masan 1: I heard about the plan. So you can transport the Enchanted Blades to us?
>Hakuri: Indeed!
>Masan 2: Truthfully, the enemy will appear here at Senkutsu sooner than later too so before that ---
People said the same about astro.
The truth is authors don't really have pulls because people care about characters and pitt support rubs out after a volume or two.
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>Nara Prefecture
Chance of accidentally bump into deergirl?
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KGBChads... we admit defeat...
Page 8

>Blind Wielder: ..?
>Blind Wielder: Yo Uruha, glad you came all the way here
>Uruha: ...Long time no see, Samura-san..

>Samura: And then who the hell is this..? He has Chihiro's scent swirving around him.. But this isnt Chihiro, this little --- e
>Masan 1: He is the man who will retrieve the blades, sir

Page 9
>Uruha: You know of him.. Chihiro?
>Samura: Nope, just like you, ten and more years without knowing a single thing after the war. And I'm sure it was kept quite confidential, you know, Rokuhira's hiding. I just happened to ---


>Chihiro: Since we're meeting the Former Wielders, you'll also come to meet Samura-san..

>Chihiro: Since the existence of a Rokuhira child was basically unknown to everyone, Shiba-san had no problems taking me outside multiple times.
>Kunishige: "Come visit us once in a while..!"

>Shiba: Look Chihiro, fried squid!
>???: Ah, I knew it!

Page 10
>Samura: If it isnt Shiba-san! Long time no see, 10 years and a little more no? (As he is violently grabbing his face, Shiba is NOT having it)
>Chihiro (thinking): This person is..
>Shiba: Oi, Samura.. And why are YOU here?
>Samura: I walk past here from time to time, and it just reignites those nostalgic aromas.. And I just follow the scent, you know.

>Samura: Shiba.. you have Rokuhira's scent with you.
>Chihiro (thinking): He mentioned dad.. In Exchange for his eyes and not being able to see, his other senses have been heightened beyond superhuman limits, hm?
>Samura: Got it, now I get it. So that's what's going on with the Rokuhira situation right now. Him disappearing after the war.. It's clear you were very involved in that. And this brat is..
>Shiba: This CHILD is...
>Samura: Rokuhira's son?
(He uses a very humble term 倅)
I'm saying I wouldn't be surprised if he was doing it out of practicality though it would be preferable to me if he was just doing what he likes. Either way the outcome is the same though, if you don't like it you may as well drop the manga because there's no reason to think this sort of content is just gonna drop off. Sucks if you were enjoying the content otherwise.
>using chemical pen to draw glyph
this is so damn goofy
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>assassination arc
>all sword bearers will get their sword back and alive
>farmer managed to unleash El Hermano
>4 of them fought him and died, demonstrating the true power of Shinuichi
>can't draw cute girls
>keeps drawing homoshit
Really makes you think...
Page 11
>Shiba: N-no b--
>Samura: You don't need to fake it! I can see EVERYTHING. This kid.. he has a STRONG scent of Rokuhira! I didn't expect for him to have a family but.. This scent? Impossible to mistake.

>Shiba: Sorry, but isn't that kind of a disgusting shocker to give someone who is barely in his teens? ..Revealing every little secret.
>Samura: Anyway.. I'm more than relieved to hear that Rokuhira didn't seem to spend his days in loneliness.
>Chihiro: Dad always told me stories about you.. He.. he called you Enchanted Blade people the true heroes of that war.
>Samura: "Heroes"..

Page 12
>Samura: Tell him "You're the actual true one" for me.. I'm just a guy who wields one of them.. Like, seriously.
>Chihiro (thinking): Pinning the "hero" title back to dad..
>Samura: Oh.. and your name is?
>Chihiro: It's Chihiro.
>Samura: Aah, what a nice sounding one!
>Shiba: Samura.. I'm sorry to say this but you're being pretty creepy and anymore information and ---

>Samura: I get it, I do. Those troublesome people at the Kamunabi, the reason for keeping things hidden, all that other stuff aswell. I get it. Even though its hard to keep quiet about..

>Shiba: Sorry about this.. Anyway WHAT ARE YOU DOING?
>Samura: The expression! Just feeling his expression is all!

Page 13

Neck-tat monk says "Enemy"

>Samura: No time for banter, I guess..

Page 14
>Hakuri: Chihiro said as much!
>Chihiro: (The enemies will be coming there too)
>Samura: Impressive.. I'd love to meet him again. So, what's he up to? I had heard he'd be coming over here.
>Hakuri: Chihiro is ...

>Samura: Does the shush thing
The munk hits a steel bowl which starts vibrating
its strange that Hishaku didnt attack all hideouts at once, they dont seem to have shortage of people and datenseki stones
attacking all places at once would have led to blitzkrieg
Page 15
>Samura: The enemy is coming.
>Masan 1: Let's bring you (Hakuri) to safety..
>Hakuri: To safety?
>Samura: Uruha.. You've had it hard to come this far.. You get some rest too.
>Masan 1: I've been told it'll be a "few days" until you regain your powers, and the safety treatment should help with shortening that process.
>Hakuri: You say "heal" but its not like I have any injuries. My head just feels "weird" is all..

Page 16
Hakuri remembers Chihiro mentioning (the former wielders MUST not die)

>Uruha: I'll be okay, you just focus on that healing process.
>Hakuri: Uruha-san.. But ---

>Uruha: The security here is several times the larger comparative to the one in Kokugoku. But the difference isn't due to strength of the protector guardians..

>Uruha: If I was.. If I was just as strong as that man.. then none of the people in Kokugoku would've been killed..

Page 17
>Masan 1: I too, am a sorcerer. You should understand.. We have no time. In any case, rest now.

Back to Hiruhiko vs. Chihiro

>Hiruhiko: You, the Enchanted Blade wielder.. Going away from (those) people.. Sure that was the right call to make? Uruha and the others went in the direction of... Oh.. The Temple of Senkutsu. Two former wielders, bunched up together. No trustworthy security without an Enchanted Blade.. An attractive target.. The amount of corpses will increase..

Page 18
>Uruha: Where he is located, the Temple of Senkutsu.. It's impenetrable. And that's exactly the reason Chihiro left us to begin with.

>Hakuri: He too was fighting with pure swordsmanship skills.. And this guy is even ---
>Uruha: Samura-san! Chihiro is coming over here, to Senkutsu.. He's got information on the Hishaku!
ichi's heroine seems to be taking off though.
unlike astro where there isn't any relevant females on the entire first volume
Good chapter. I'll go read the JJK leaks
Page 19
>Samura: That so? Well, it's a reunion then isn't it.. Can't really leave here empty-handed now can we? Let's see...

>30 minutes.

>Masan 1: This man's powers.. should return in around 30 minutes.
>Samura: A simple task..

Chapter 50 - End
since when did they became friends?
or is this a one-sided thing only?
im glad that Samara wasn't too busy stroking Kunishige's cock on his first appearance
Takeru's women are actually very consistent. If his taste is reflected in the women he draws then he definitely has a type. All his women have had short hair and they mostly all have black hair as well (Char's mother and the female MC of Farewell Cherry Boy are the exceptions and that may as well be the *only* exception because he reused the entire character design). None of his women have been busty. He's reused the same boot design 3 times and every woman wearing them has had panels focused on their shoes/feet.
it's a shonen
one afternoon fighting alongside each other is enough to be best friends in shonen, hakuri and chihiro have already had days together
I like Masan 1
Anon... they've been friends since the moment they met...

That would be quite a strange crossover
Now I wonder if you're a footfag anon because I haven't noticed a single foot focused panel besides Hiyuki during the final Rakuzaichi talk
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dropped the image file
You gotta know this is a shonen, and as far as we know both Hakuri and Chihiro never had any friends their age growing up
>Samura: Anyway.. I'm more than relieved to hear that Rokuhira didn't seem to spend his days in loneliness.
didn't uruha say something like this a chapter or two ago as well? kunishige had some real bros
I'm not but I am a girl so multiple women wearing the exact same shoe is something that stands out to me. It's possible that Takeru just doesn't know fashion and is reusing a design element but my suspicions are raised because the specific element he has reused across 3 different characters isn't something more innocuous. And yes it's multiple panels now, across multiple characters, where the heels are prominently framed. I could be wrong though, he might just think it is stylish.
I can't OCR the text, but it depends on the word used.
If it's tomodachi, then yeah.
Why wouldn't they be friends? They're gaming buddies after all. I bet Shiba set up some sick LAN parties for them.
>Uruha unironically kneeling to blindbro
Please give us some good action next chapter Takeru-dono
>They're gaming buddies after all
you mean Shiba and Hiyuki?
the only peaceful moment they shared together outside combat was sharing a jagarico snack on the train.
You realize that, even if it wasn't shown, Hakuri has been literally living with Chihiro pre-rakuzaichi, right?
>Samura: I get it, I do. Those troublesome people at the Kamunabi, the reason for keeping things hidden, all that other stuff aswell. I get it. Even though its hard to keep quiet about..
Yeah this nigger is the traitor, I bet the only reason his temple hasn't been attacked either is to give the kammunabi a false sense of security for his eventual betrayal
random but i kinda like this blocky design for the train seats.
>heightened senses
>STRONG despite no magic and only your basic katana
Haha yeah he found Chihiro and Shiba coincidentally
The only way Hishaku was gonna found out where Kunishige and Chihiro were was to triangulate using non-sorcery
He's the traitor
if/when it gets an anime I want to see this, especially the LAN parties
>Kunishige: You've heard Shiba say that I "am a hero" at least hundred times more by now, right? But let me remind you. The true heroes, are the ones I had faith in.
Poor Shiba
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>Samura: Nope, just like you, ten and more years without knowing a single thing after the war. And I'm sure it was kept quite confidential, you know, Rokuhira's hiding.
>Samura: I walk past here from time to time, and it just reignites those nostalgic aromas.. And I just follow the scent, you know.
>Samura: Got it, now I get it. So that's what's going on with the Rokuhira situation right now. Him disappearing after the war.. It's clear you were very involved in that. And this brat is...
>Samura: Anyway.. I'm more than relieved to hear that Rokuhira didn't seem to spend his days in loneliness.
>Samura: Aah, what a nice sounding one!
>Samura: Impressive.. I'd love to meet him again. So, what's he up to? I had heard he'd be coming over here.
>Hiruhiko: You, the Enchanted Blade wielder.. Going away from (those) people.. Sure that was the right call to make? Uruha and the others went in the direction of... Oh.. The Temple of Senkutsu. Two former wielders, bunched up together. No trustworthy security without an Enchanted Blade.

Im feeling weird melancholy from the Blindbro. Not Uruha's social focused one (genuinely misses Kinishige), but coming from his inability to see, to fight.
And he is observing and thinking type of person.
Ahd he is the first one who found out about Chihiro before Kunishige's death outside the Kamunabi faction.
What if... what if Hishaku have found him, promised to cure his blindness and bring back good old days of the war in exchange of knowledges and help?
He reminds me a bit of Tousen as well.
Thanks for the TL, anon. You dun good.
Yeah, it seems they looked up to and really respected him. Who knows what happened with the sword saint, but Kunishige's words about how all the holders took on his conviction imply they were all good boi bros.
They all willingly gave back the blades for a reason.
Kunishige basically saved the country, they can't really hate him.
Im thinking each one of them liked him for different reasons
>Uruha cause he got appreciation from his favorite person
>Samura cause Kunishige gave him the means to feel alive and useful
Girl and sushi master probably had own reasons.
I want all Souyafags to die
thanks for reposting TLs anon, i'm too stubborn to join the discord
good chapter this week, i like samura's characterisation and the face-grab gag is funny. plus more young chihiro for me to edit with young akane
they had a few days between meeting each other and going to the auction
did you forget the flashbacks of them on the swings? and hakuri playing with hinao and char?
Hokazono is going to channel john wick like crazy next week.
Is she gonna give Hakuri a blowjob what's with that angle kek
hakuri's tits should be bigger
Yeah. I'm starting to think that my guess that sword saint willingly gave up Magatsumi is actually right. Maybe it was a brief lucid moment or whatever, but his respect for Kunishige took priority in that moment.

I hope thats the case. I like that. Makes each of their connection to Kunishige feel more personal and unique.
Im vibing with Blindbro way more than with Uruha. Shit is good.
I honestly like most of the characters he introduces in general.
Not really super fleshed out but generally fun, and hopefully we see some cool tag battles.
cute chihiro wrapped up in a scarf :-)
>minimal reused panels
>looked good in general
I guess he's finally done with everything including volume 4 stuff.
Think of the bandages
it genuinely feels fucking fresh
because even with minimal amount of reused panels (page worthy) some chapters felt like i have seen them before
the best chapter of this arc so far
lots of new info and new character is very nice
Hiruhiko looks better in this page, less samefacey.
It's 2/2 with the wielders for me.
Both super quirky and huge fanboys but still feel distinct enough and have this
>I may goof around but I'm extremely strong
Hopefully both the girl and sushi follow through, since I didn't expect samura to appear so soon, I thought Hakuri and Uruha would be on the run a bit more.
We can only hope
last two chapters lost me a little but i think we're back with this one
samura is great
>He's the Hishaku Samurai
Deepest Lore.
Willing to bet anything the Hishaku guy who shows up at the temple is going to smell familiar to Samura before he jobs so we don't find out how
i don't think losing to the main villain group while being significantly nerfed should be considered jobbing
>significantly nerfed
he's got blind guy superpowers
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I thought the last chapter was good, but the two before I wasn't a fan of personally.
anon, he usually fights with a nuke
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>LITERALLY next chapter
Yup, we can see it coming from a mile away.
>chapter 4
aw fuck I haven't seen that one
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Uruha DEATH when?
>Uruha and samura are both ronin archetypes
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unironically the best in the series
the light comes back to his eyes
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happy bachi anniversary
>everybody dance
Hokazono is unironically dying. What's happening to him? Is it the color pages?
The distilled ideas of the past few chapters is pretty damn good but the execution has been slightly lackluster, especially when compared to the very polished previous arcs.
so does that mean that samura is way better fighter?
Better than Uruha, at least.
It looks like Samura is a fucking beast even without sorcery.
He needs to start going out for runs instead of walks.
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Mah wife...
I thought these last two chapters were good, two before were meh though I will admit.
I've been lost after the interrogation chapter (that was great). Uruha being basically 36yo Hakuri didnt help it.
Samura on other hand is the new type of the character in this manga and from the get go conveys unsettling feeling despite being rather friendly.
Would be funny though if he ends up being 100% good and nice guy.
30 minutes countdown also is a nice thing, a expect hell unleashed after those 30 mins.
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>The Hishaku are actually the good guys and want to use the Enchanted Blades to fight the Enemy who are an ancient race of aliens that intend on harvesting Humanity
Previous arcs had Daruma, a literal who mook, and Hiyuki who just showed up out of nowhere to be gone for 2 months until she showed up again to offscreen some British sorcerers during Rakuzaichi.
This arc has been faster and more personal to Chihiro's past.
>Who knows what happened with the sword saint, but Kunishige's words about how all the holders took on his conviction imply they were all good boi bros.
Sword definetely gave his sword back willingly, since he was OP as fuck, wonder if his opinion on kushinige changed after the kammunabi inmediately imprisoned him in a rape dungeon after he was freed from the sword
Or it could've been the other five jumped him
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>Hiyuki who just showed up out of nowhere to be gone for 2 months until she showed up again
Lets hope history doesn't repeat.
>Kunishige let this guy around baby Chihiro but not Uruha
>Kunishige kept in contact with all of the blade wielders besides Uruha who he completely ghosted
Ahaha Kunishige surely knew Samura was around and let him meet his son despite being a hermit and Shiba not knowing Samura was around
It totally wasn't just him stalking Chihiro ahaha
Glad the entire chapter shifted away from Haruhiko because I was more interested in meeting wielders. and swords soon, cool
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>Next chapter will be Chihiro getting brutally BTFO and having to desperately call Shiba in for backup
kill yourself faggot
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>Kunishige actually took Chihiro out into the world often
Huh, don't know why this surprises me so much. Kinda figured he and Chihiro were gigahermits and Chihiro just never left the area around the house.
>After a long battle of Uruha and Samura protecting Hakuri he finally gets his sorcery back
>He gives them their blades
>Samura immediatly decapitates Uruha
My HERO....
I makes more sense for Shiba to walk out Chihiro as it wa shown (even then Kamunabi guy walking with some kid that kinda looks like Kunishige would have make me curious as Kamunabi).
Cant see Kunishige walking around with Chihiro though.
>samura introduced
>immediately established as more powerful than Uruha

ill jizz myself if that happens
but if traitor thing WILL happen, they better use this moment at full potential
let uruha and samura unleash the beasts
>Chihiro were gigahermits and Chihiro just never left the area around the house.
chihiro's way too well adjusted with meeting new people for that to have ever been true
I feel like the traitor thing has to happen because Uruha and Samura both being alive, having their enchanted blades, AND being on the same side just upsets the power balance to much in the Kamunabi/Chihiro's favor.
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>"people" are still traitor posting for attention
I will actually laugh if the war was fighting off space aliens
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>All the blade bearers are gonna get their blades back and be on Chihiro's side!
The plan can't succeed because it makes Chihiro's side to powerful. Samura being a traitor is a good way of throwing a wrench into the plan.
We just met the guy, if he's betraying anyone I would like it to not be instantly.
oh yeah no one can get killed because uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I say so
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I love Hakuri so much bros
Even before he got his sorcery I loved him
We know Tafuku.
Who are you quoting?
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>Farmer wants to use Magatsumi to control the Enemy and make them do his bidding
Holy kino
At this rate the only wielder not obsessed with kunishige will be the woman, and only because she's a woman.
...because she likes younger men so she'll like chihiro instead
>Chihiro-kun, you are a copy of him
>aaaahhhhh that cold, unbothered eyes that contain unimaginable warmth
The eyes are his mom's so...
>that damn kunishige who took ONEE-SAMA (yuri meaning) away from me!
>Gave the same girl he KEKED an Enchanted Blade
Did Kunishige have a death wish?
He asked her for the sword back before telling everyone he's getting married.
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>>Chihiro: Even one of them dying is NOT going to happen
>She immediatly tried to claw his eyes out afterwards and Shiba had to teleport him away
the cougar self-insert of course
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>>Chihiro: Even one of them dying is NOT going to happen
>Chihiro's face when Uruha dies and Samura betrays them
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Tafuku ENTER when?
>rokuhira family innnate sorcery is turning everyone into obsessed fanboys and/or stalkers
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>Innate sorcery is blocked off once you make a pact with an Enchanted Blade
>Meaning Chihiro is doing this out of of pure skill
It makes datenseki horny too so it spares you.
Will Hakuri give up his sorcery to use an enchanted blade in a do or die moment?
Doubt but I can definitely see Chihiro giving one of his friends an Enchanted Blade in the future.
>his sorcery
which one? whole tradeoff for the enchanted blade is caused by the body only having capacity for one sorcery; hakuri can hold two
>one of his friends
hakuri is his only friend
No, anon, Chihiro will gather all four wielders, recruit Brojo and then there is Seitei War 2.0 Arc and thats it.
Probably 150 chapters.
>Page 12
>>Samura: Tell him "You're the actual true one" for me.. I'm just a guy who wields one of them.. Like, seriously

>Tell Oppenheimer he is the real hero, im just the one who dropped the nukes
hiyuki is his girlfriend, if that counts
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The last two may not be friends just yet but they're on the path.
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>the cougar actually fucking wins and ends up with Chihiro
Would be so fucking based of Takeru to do this to be honest
>the cougar wins
She's gonna sacrifice herself and live forever in his heart.
>kid he takes care of
>reliable coworker
>see above
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Honestly? I could see her getting an Enchanted Blade in the future, if Rikuo is controlled by the Kamunabi and they have the ability to take it from her I could see her losing it if/when she leaves the Kamunabi.
>She's gonna sacrifice herself and live forever in his heart.
Wow, she really would be the Yumejo self-insert character in that case.
That could be a loophole but I wouldn't bet much on it. It's like one of those power interactions that you don't know how it would work until you try it once.
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Ally but seethes about Kunishige being better than him.
Ally who seethes about getting KEKed by Momshaku.
Are you retarded? Did you not read the fucking Rakuzaichi arc? Chihiro literally hands Enten to Kyora to save Hakuri.
>The Hishaku are about to attack Samura as well
I wonder if they're about to attack the other two blade wielders as well.
of course they are, lol
So are they fucked or will the Hishaku patiently wait for Chihiro or Hakuri to get to each one of them before attacking?
Hiyuki and Azami are out and about to defend them.
Kek, I genuinely forgot about him. Yea I guess the Kamunabi higher ups could get off their asses and get involved. However all four of them can't survive and get their blades back, because once again it's just going to make Chihiro's side way to powerful.
He looks like he'd be voiced by Fujiwara Keiji.
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Chihiro's hatred has been growing stale lately, I think he's overdue for some fresh hatred.
Hopefully the next chapter either focuses on Uruha and Samura fighting the Hishaku who are about to attack or Chihiro fighting Hiruhiko and the three Hishaku with him instead of trying to juggle both.
Since we are here, can someone please explain to me the difference between the two Nishikis? The one after Chihiro deepened his understanding and the one before that.
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Why the fuck did that Masan send Hakuri to a ofuda filled bed?
He's absorbing spirit energy so we can finally see two people decent at using nukes.
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I forgot how much of an edgefag Chihiro was early on
>Chihiro beat the Sasuke allegations
How does it work? do they just write "Spirit energy sponge" on an ofuda, charge it and then rub it into other people? is this the only way of transferring energy?
>is this the only way of transferring energy?
There are other ways but this is an islamic shonen manga.
>early on
Chihiro's hatred is being "ignited" once per arc, once he is full of it, Farmer will come and harvest all of it through a kiss
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Chihiro needs to be edgier, someone close to him should die and refuel his hatred.
So normally, Nishiki is used to boost Chihiro's movements from within with super dense spirit energy. Think of it like magical rebar. Its pushing his body beyond its limits.
Nishiki 2.0 didn't boost his movements from within, but supported his movements from the outside. He shrouds covers himself with spirit energy, and its like an exoskeleton that also moves his body.
>all the wielders are good people
>no one is a traitor
>hishaku actually murders them all through x
>it mindbreaks chihiro super hard
>farmer's harvest finally comes to fruition
Yeah I can understand using fujobait in order to steal the most readers from MHA and JJK but he’s going a little too far now. Even JJK had some big titty girls with some relevance and I highly doubt there will be a sudden decrease in fujobait even with a substantial increase in revenue
>Even JJK had some big titty girls
Kagurabachi has hot flat girls and lolis, deal with it, cowfaggot
ChihiroxHakuri is now one of the big selling points of the manga, according to nips.
Both really popular on their own, both really popular together and it dominates non solo fanart.
You'll get your a fat titted bitch when Momshaku is introduced
>Kagurabachi has hot flat girls and lolis
It's all that we need
the reason of Kagurabachi's success is its pacing
Oh, I get it, so essentially is basically the same but with less stress on the body
There's a reason he went from
>dying in chapter one
>spams it back to back
Basically an asspu- convenient powerup for sojo's fight because he did just the same.
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When is farmer appearing again? I think he will probably call Hiruhiko once his fight is about to end.
>ChihiroxHakuri is now one of the big selling points of the manga, according to nips.
How big of a reader drop off will occur if Hakuri dies?
Is the blind guy stronger than Chihiro without an enchanted blade?
To me its the contrast with what we had in the first ~half a year.
People in here quite frequently praised the male-male relationships portrayal feeling natural and being the healthy case of fujobait in contrast to shit like Shadow Eliminators or later Astroshit.
It has stopped to be like that completely for quite a while.
Probably too much of a task for Takeru in the current market where you have to pander to fujos agressively.
I saddens me nonetheless, cause he managed to do it naturally without making it feel annoying before.
Skill wise he's probably superior to Chihiro but Enten would hard carry Chihiro to victory.
>according to random shwitter posts means anything because it was a jap's post
>I saddens me nonetheless, cause he managed to do it naturally without making it feel annoying before.
So far I've only found it annoying with Uruha, he went to far with him and either needs to rein it in or kill him.
Uruha will survive until the final arc and a couple of retards will forever seethe about it.
this, kek
>Kagurabachi has hot flat girls
That he either kills off or writes out. I only brought up big titties because they’re both allergic to female sexualization which means flat girls can’t even show off their ass or thighs. It’s just depressing to even think about
>and lolis
That looks like a boy, dressed like boy, and is irrelevant like a boy. I’m a lolichad shotafaggot so don’t project your fetishes on me
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Uruha will be dead by the end of the arc (and that's a good thing he's the worst character so far)
Thank god japan as a whole disagrees and he's super popular and liked.
>Japanese have shit taste
>you have shit taste
>Hakurischizo gave up on spamming about Hakuri and will now seethe about Uruha for months
>hakuri will never get sorcery
>hakuri will just be support
>hakuri will never beat soya
>hiyuki will save hakuri for some reason
>hakuri will stay home
>uruha will be killed this arc
>>You have [HEADCANON]
I like Hakuri, Uruha sucks though and it's not a coincidence the two chapters he takes centerstage are the weakest chapters we've gotten in a while.
>are the weakest chapters we've gotten in a while.
are the [HEADCANON]
Uruha won.
>are the [HEADCANON]
*are the [CANON]
.... the honor and privilege of being sliced in half by Samura!
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was hakurischizo of the first wave of schizos?
Uruha's isn't even that fun, that dude started seething at hakuri's mere existence since his intro and came up with a new cope every fucking week.
The iconic trio
it was kind of entertaining i am not gonna lie
The iconic duo and Hiyuki for some reason*
Needs a anime full of flashy animation to get redditors and youtubers to talk about it.
It was fun until he basically started just shitting up threads in a craze because his headcanons got broken by basic reading comprehension.
And I mean "even a five year old could have seen this coming" basic.
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When will he harvest Chihiro? What is his endgame?
>Those trips of evil
Is Farmer the Anti-Christ?
If you look at your picture before enlarging it, Chirio's eye in the bottom panel appears to be his teeth
it's weird. i like uruha, but the three chapters before this were giga-weak. this one was great tho.
He is the Horseman of Kino
If this manga flops, it will still easily sell merch just from volume 1 art
...he's so cool
Fuck leaks, fuck leakers, fuck leak readers, fuck raws, fuck translations, fuck early chapters
JJK wishes it was this good
Bless leaks, bless leakers, bless leak readers, bless raws, bless translations, bless early chapters.
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Read Bleach
Not hakurischizo btw but i dislike both
To be fair, i've cooled off about Hakuri because he has stopped storming back n forth between pussy ass weakling and ISIS zealot modes and has stabilized in between
What i dislike is how takeru writes Chihiro's side of relationships with Hakuri lately (since they've assaulted auction)
Believe it or not - but its possible to convey his friendly feelings without saying shit like 'i have hakuri now' while looking at him lovingly.
I would have get it if there was different tone of narrative and setting, like the Lord of the Rings, where male characters hug and say nice things to each other with the tears during the long and dangerous journey, and it feels like manly friendship.
But this is fucking shounen about teens in realitvely modern setting, genre famous with its fujoshit pandering, and they've barely met and knew each other.
Chihiro sounds and looks fucking gay about Hakuri, fair and square.
I dont like it.
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Uruha is literally Hakuri but older to the point of having eye veins when he first time met Chihiro.
And there is the same constant shift between fangirl fag and stone cold badass Hakuri had during Auction Arc.
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.... So basically, Tafuku won?
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he just took the more classical edgelord route
>Chihiro sounds and looks fucking gay about Hakuri, fair and square.
>I dont like it.
Have you thought that he may be a homo?
>projecting his own faggotry on to the characters
why is anon like this?
Why did he spit on Chihiro?
I mean if he actually knew how to draw females he could’ve expanded his audience even more but at this point it’s pretty obvious that he’s a cockgobbler
to mark him
now Samura will think he has the scent of a Hishaku and attack Chihiro
>tentacle rapes him
>gets his bodily fluids in his face
Just farming things.
>while looking at him lovingly.
stopped reading
kill yourself, projecting faggot
He's an asshole
Fujos and their consequences have been a disaster for kino
Chihiro has AIDS now
No, fujos have always been kino enablers by forcing authors to focus on male characters and their INTENSE feelings for each other.
manime is dead and makes no money
The only thing I’m disliking about how Takeru is writing Chihiro in regards to Hakuri is how much pressure Chihiro is putting on him. I’ve said in the past he has been reckless with Hakuri’s safety and that opinion hasn’t changed. I get that he likes him and has faith in him but there’s such a thing as having too much misplaced faith. Hakuri’s brains were bleeding out of his nose and he’s not a combatant. Hakuri is too green and too eager to please to know his limits and Chihiro doesn’t seem to be aware of that. I place more blame on Chihiro than Hakuri if Hakuri gets hurt and I think the story is leading up to something like that.
It's not like he has other choices.
>Chihiro puts his faith in Hakuri in a critical moment
>Hakuri completely fumbles leading to disaster and gets seriously injured/killed in the process
Only if you want a whole arc of Chihiro brooding and blaming himself just for Hakuri to slap him and tell him he's doing what he wants.
The fujo levels would reach their apex.
....... So basically, Hakuri won?
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....... So basically, Farmer won?
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He'll live rent free in his haters' minds.
>Hakuri gets abducted and tortured by Hishaku Soya
>Yura spat on Chihiro
>Now fighting Hirohiko
>Samura is going to help him
>He will feel that Chihiro has the scent of a Hishaku and attack him
>Chihiro will be forced to kill him
> keikaku doori
Soya is dead.
... Hakuri tells himself at night when he remembers the torture Soya would inflict on him
It would be pretty easy to infiltrate Chihiro's group now that I'm thinking about it.
Tell Chihiro that you want to destroy the evil organisation you are from, pretend they treated you badly and you really need help. Act surprised when your goals conveniently align. Give some insignificant info to gain trust, take a hit for Chihiro or his friends during a battle.
There you go, now you are a trusted companion with no one suspecting you even though you are a spy from an evil organization.
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He has Chihiro by his side now (nights included).
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Thankfully no one has done that! Thinks Chihiro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OlOi8Nxwnrg
>He has Chihiro by his side now
Until Hakuri loses his sorcery permanently and Chihiro abandons him for being USELESS and WEAK.
Auron big brain
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.... So basically, Kyora won?
Yes it would be kino even if it would piss me off, Chihiro being reckless with Hakuri out of an abundance of faith is so far the only thing that has made me upset with Chihiro as a character. He’s the de facto leader but his leadership skills are imo lacking in this regard. Would be a good catalyst for him to become more mindful and for Hakuri to step it up to be worthy of that much trust.
>and for Hakuri to step it up to be worthy of that much trust.
As far as Chihiro is concerned, Hakuri delivered super hard in a really fucked up situation and share a similar mindset, so he's worth it.
Chihiro will never have such a big personal fuck up in the manga. Especially when it comes to Hakuri.
He did, but he shouldn’t have been brought into this mission without an additional person to provide him protection. He’s fortunate Uruha is so competent with just a sword that he could protect Hakuri.
His powers were almost there and Chihiro was supposed to act as his bodyguard in the first place.
They also had the kamunabi teleport thing so it seems the plan was solid.

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