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Shika last episode
The other thread is still up
the schizo one that keeps being necrobumped? no thanks
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>he can’t handle 2 deer threads at once
>you can't talk about this show unless it's in my bait thread that I bump 24/7
Kill yourself
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Special Anime MV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1iZC69TAcfc
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Needs more gyaru.
Just here to let everyone know it's a mod posting the daily Noko-tan bait threads. Now you know why they're allowed and constantly necrobumped. Don't call them retarded. They take it really personal.
Makes sense, same thing was happening with the Solo Leveling threads when it was airing, although then confronting them actually led you to get muted (janny-exclusive power)
/a/ has fallen if true
Never Forget
>last ep is a tourism ad
well that was shit

the only decent thing coming from this show is Koshitan subtle exposed belly

I hope this is just ramblings of a madman because I don't want to accept the fact that the site is run by discord trannies
lol what do you think?
>They referenced schizo Koshi
Holy based
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Episode 12 special visual
I'm glad they saved the best for last. Go out on a bang.
Shipping Shikanoko back to the Deer Hole so I can have more time with Koshitan
now that the dust has settled, why did it filter both /a/ and reddit so hard?
westerners can't into Manzai
Retards thought this was supposed to be then next Nichijou and then got filtered when they found out it was campy cgdct kino instead
That's really good, actually saving that to my collection
We were the schizos
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bc /a/ IS reddit at this point. the handful real /a/nons remaining here, however, loved the series.
as a mangachad myself, im VERY selective on what anime i waste my time on, and this is one of the single anime ive watched in the last 10 years, and its been a very enjoyable journey
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Because /a/ has been edgy Reddit since 2015. The people who deny that are delusional
Masterful troll
>koshitans ahoge on nokotans hair
Yuri won.
>Torako will never look at you like that
>What the hell am I looking at? When does this happen in the movie?
>Now. You're looking at now, sir. Everything that happens now, is happening now.
>What happened to then?
>We passed then.
>Just now.
So when a show fucking stinks you just say it filtered people, i see.
someone got filtered, I see.
Another person lying to himself, i see. Kinda sad, if you ask me.
How did this drop the ball so hard, it was supposed to be the next Kill Me Baby.
>schizo found the thread
Shikanoko has romantic feelings for Koshitan
Koshitan has romantic feelings for me only
It's weird how this show went from trashy AI subs in episode 1 to fansub-style karaoke effects in episode 12.
It was way, way better than Nichijou
Thus concludes the greatest anime of our generation. Bravo, Japan.
loled when nokotan called tsunoda a stupid fucking deer. this anime feels really alive in a way i cant pinpoint, its just fresh.
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>your stupid incel headcanon theory about schizo koshi doesnt matter
okay then deer chan, we got carried out a bit.
pretty cool
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We won, deerbros
Alya enticed everyone with a panty shot only for the 2nd half to be student counsil politics.
Why is Koshitan such a bitch?
Even the nips hated it though
They're both pregnant now
Absolutely BASED finale
I know it's mutt election year but is there a reason these threads are always filled with tourists?
The voices in his head
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That's some way to end season 1
This but the whole board
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i love them so much bros
also WIT's animation looks so crisp and the colors so vibrant, it was a delight to watch
voice acting this final ep was killer also
Was Koshitan's song an Eye of the Tiger ripoff kek
shika oshiri

Latent Banchou energy
>Koshitan's mind reading "confession"
>running together to the top of the stairs
>fist bump
>Koshitan finally calling her Nokotan
Yuri won
By me
Honestly Bashame happily eating rice throughout the episode was the best thing about it.
Koshi with the forbidden moves
>>Koshitan finally calling her Nokotan
that was CUTE
>Shikanoko is the 25th best anime of all time
That's pretty impressive, notsu
Tsunoda is a traitor to the deer club.
That training montage song kicked butt.
>bashame is doing everything she said she would do 2 eps ago
how does she do it? shes so damn productive and goal focused for a "lazy" character
The tribal SHIKA chant goes hard as an entrance music
Koshitan is a really good dancer.
>we want the tik tok audience
>we want the balding ojisan audience
>we want the kino audience
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Fucking brutal.
this was the Shikanoko bullying episode
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Different weight class. This wasn't a fair fight.
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The only good thing about this was Saki getting another prominent role as Torako. Besides that, it was a chore to watch and I kept looking at my clock during all episodes which is a terrible sign. One of the biggest forced meme shows in many years. Forget being remembered after a year, I doubt anyone will mention this in six months.
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are there deers in mexico?
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>I doubt anyone will mention this in six months.
More like 2 weeks.
I think my biggest complaint was the utter lack of buildup on any of the jokes and a total lack of continuity, nothing ever gets mentioned again, and then in the last episode they actually show they're capable of doing all that, it's like a big fuck you desu
And it was long time coming
Piece of shit brought nothing but grief for the Koshi's
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>everybody gets an appearance
>ignoring main plot to go with anime-exclusive ending
>soulful training montage
>pure kino final battle
>hearts were connected
Shikanoko has crafted the ultimate japanime finale, the perfect capstone which will never count since it was just filler.
>nozaki church
today i learned something new
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I for one enjoyed shikanoko and am sad to see it end
I hope there's some more dumb cgdct in the next season
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>tsunoda you nigger deer!
nokotan went too far this ep, i think
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It is genuinely refreshing to see misfortune befall Nokotan
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it's not, you bitter deer-hating weeaboo
Bashame isn't lazy, she's single-minded
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This anime unironically has soul.
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I might have an adult women fetish...
I want to wrestle with Nokotan
I'd buy that
Should've been just about her
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I still desire Nekoyamada.
It's Shikayamada.
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She's 138cm and would die during labor, just saying
Just fist her daily beforehand and she'll be fine.
People will forgot about this, next week at max
You could carry her around in your pocket
That's fine. You're allowed to enjoy things in the moment without getting hung up about them indefinitely.
ill never forget this anime THOUGH
I'll never forget Koshitan.
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shikanoko butt
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last shot was kinda kino
I saw a deer today in IRL. Truly a blessed day.
Fuck Shikanoko
Bashame ruined the whole anime
Anko ruined the whole anime
In the end WE DEER.
Shikanoko ruined the whole anime
I only just started watching this and it's already over.
shut the fuck up retard
Koshitan saved the whole anime
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Flop of the season?
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Anime of the decade?
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anime of a lifetime
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Noko and Koshi~
Under a tree~
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>Does actually, literally, fucking nothing all episode
>Still the best
How does she do it?

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In the end, was it funny /a/?
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Join us.
Not as flat as expected
I ruined the whole anime
Koshitan doesn't want to kiss that filthy deer
this. She only wants to kiss her sister~
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Commemorative art from the author
Who was the love interest?
Me, I was.
So this confirms the theory that Shikanoko has been using her eldritch powers to erase episodes on between, doesn't it?

Maybe the true love was the rice we grew along the way
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cute lesbians
Anko x Torako
Torako x Anko
Bashame x Rice
Nokotan x Kunai
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Sumo has no weight classes.
this seems a little unfair, if you're big enough you win automatically because you can just wait for your opponent to exhaust himself without doing you any real harm?
bloatmax wins again
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>if you're big enough you win automatically
skill issue
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imagine one of these fat (not a dyel faggot like the mobility scooter fags) obeseoids in plate armor
how do you even win

you can penetrate armor but not that deep their lines or blubber would be padding and protect vitals
you'd need a ballista or something or a flight of stairs to defeat this kind of power
who is the main character of this anime even supposed to be?
is it the deer girl or the blonde?
Manzai routine so its both blonde and deer girl. They are both the main characters.
i was the blobhater but that part cracked me up
rizomatic storytelling, everyone gets to be main character
Mark my words there will still be Shikanoko-posting 10 years from now
this humble anime mindbroke contrarian /a/tards forever
Maybe we'll get a season 2
french kissing a sweaty deer
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I liked it.
it was just bad and unfunny
if you have brains you could have known it was tryharding just from the first teaser itself
Usually it's the big guys who get worn out first
We have Puniru next seaon
Deer won
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Read the damn title of the anime.

Shikanoko no ko koshitan
I get that if you're bigger you also need more energy to hold yourself straight, but in that webm it's pretty clear the big guy conserved his energy and movements since the small guy was exerting himself so much without managing to move him much
this was a lot better since the small guy actually struck where it hurts and tried to take the big guy off balance which the first big guy's strategy wouldn't have worked against
I love these eyecatches. The record scratch sounds so pleasing.
I have a confession. Nekoyamada is cute.
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So who made their own shikabu shirts yet?
>lost every challenge
wait a minute, that's not a confession, that's a fact!
When will Kinu get counselling?
Neko deserves a spinoff
hopefully soon, this episode was a little concerning
best cat
Fuck Shikanoko
but she is a he
Of all the things to throw me off in this episode, it was Tsunoda-san talking. I was absolutely not expecting that. Far less than I was expecting Sento-kun, who was entirely out of left field.
so they just dropped the koshitan schizo shit from the last episode
is that the joke
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sento-kun CHADS.. we won
OH MY DEER, this anime is just terrible. I can't stress enough how badly this anime does comedy and over relies on a single punchline repeated for 12 episodes straight. Where else would you find an anime that is called Brainrot other than Shikanoko? It is unfathomable how this anime managed to keep a fanbase after 3 episodes worth. I can't belie-
"And now, while my logical side is rambling, welcome to the intermission break, where we discuss the sheer deer of the deer anime."
Deer Mode: The deer opening is very endeering and by far the most deerlicious part of this anime. The cast brought out their A-game to elevate this opening up to an 11. It's also the single reason why my deer booty is watching the deer girl in the first place. Just as voice actress Megumi Han once said, "Don't think, just feel." To top it off, you're given front-row seats to some "Award-winning" ahh performances from Rui Tanabe and Megumi Han, particularly the former. She does the Yandere act so immaculately perfect, that you will be brought back to heaven from a single utter of her voice.
Deer Mode: I must stress further about the clever easter eggs the deer cast has managed to deliver, the deer eyecatchers, the 4th wall breaks, and pop culture as deeeee perfect reference for more laughs and giggles in the anime. In this catering of deer biscuits, we got your favorite memes appearing again in a deer anime, characters behaving normally in a chaotic situation, cults, Koshi Torako being the only sensible person in her group of crackheads. The deer card acts wildly. Maybe the true treasure were the deers along the way.
"Oops, looks like my logical side is getting louder. We'll be back shortly."
Logic Mode: The only good part about this anime is the easter eggs and pop references, anything else this anime has to offer is just complete garbage. The joke itself is so predictable that even a Scientologist can predict the next joke by a mile away, the delivery of the joke is so flat that any laugh you'll let out is just a blood-curdling one that makes you rethink about living life. It is just suffering to watch this anime and expect a single giggle from this anime. When you see Shikanoko open her head and you see the inside is empty, that's how much brain is given into these godforsaken jokes.
Logic Mode: I think the worst part about Shikanoko is that these characters are very inconsistent whenever you go into a new scenario. You can tell the jokes pretty much only focus on Shikanoko being an autistic deer for the entire anime and you have Koshitan watching her impulses going wild like a deer trampede. Any characters involved all act like nothing odd is happening and when you get to the extreme characters like Anko, she is just so tropey that it's exhausting. Nekoyamada and Bashame were acceptable at best because they were pretty adorable to watch. This is not a debate, you'll get some short giggles sure, but it is unlikely that you'll find yourself having a good time watching it from start to finish.
Deer Mode: But... the opening is fun!
Logic Mode: Well that's why you don't believe in the rumor "In every good anime lies a good opening.". I rest my case.
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Koshi is still a schizo because she imagined a scenario where she was one
What if Anko and Bashame are the real schizos.
im going to miss this show
I want this cat.
the ending was pure unfiltered kino
Y que no me digan en la esquina
El venao, el venao
Sento-kun! My hero!
Koshitan sex
She has a cute fluffy tail.
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Tsunoda-san self hate isn't healthy
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Today we can have two Nokotan threads.
Soon it won't even be remembered.
cosmic ballet
>can't dance
>connection with koshitan isn't strong enough
>jobs to sento-kun
Where's the W?
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She won the moral battle
cute, I love his art style
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I though Koshi had a boner for a sec before scrolling down
That is really flexible for a former delinquent
she tried her best and that's what counts!
The strongest deer in history versus the strongest deer of today
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Carbohydrate enhancing staples
>Introduced in 2008

Wait a sec, Miura said Sento-kun was 1300 years old
That means Shikanoko is set in the future.
Noko did a great job on undoing some of Koshitan's Shoujo manga brainrot.
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shika soiface
Yeah I lloved the sports festival episode the ponytail made her blonde JK Ayano.
the city the mascot was commemorating was 1300 year old, but sento-kun really looks old as shit designwise
She’ll get counseling with my dick
i watched the finale 3 times
nokotan improved it btw
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What is she thinking about /a/?
Wrong answers send her to the Deer Den
>everyone on /a/ wants to fuck me Koshitan!
Loved it
I want to eat shika senbei
I want to eat shika senbei
I want to eat shika senbei
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This sure was an anime.
I liked the Gundam parody over pollen. A few moments of blowing air through my nose. The sister was so fucking annoying. They had an interesting set up with the whole delinquent cleaning their act up with a character who knows their past. Annnnd then they did nothing with it and it was thrown away in the sports episode.
I really came into this wanting to like it, but it's like 5/10 at best. It's an anime. They managed to air all their episodes. S'about all I can say about it.
I legitimately feel cheated.
Are these real local mascots from Japan?
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Can you take down the Deer Mafia, /a/?
Don't worry it's a setup for season 2
>less than 10 minutes to get nuked
Well shit.
So we all agree this was the funniest anime episode of the year right?
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Stop fucking my sister, dumb deer!
That filthy deer isn't getting in bed with Torako
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It ended how it began...not really that funny...
This series made me think, why nobody have made a death game series involving all these prefecture mascots? There's your one million dollar idea for an anime.
crackers, obviously. What else could it be?
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Staging an intervention for Noko's cracker addiction!
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Anko lost
>Mom found the Deer Den
Torako is upset at that dumb deer for ruining the festival but is glad that Anko actually helped here btw
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Now that the dust has settled, is it the Kill Me Baby the Evangelion of our generation?
>We will never ever get the second verse of Ex-delinquent Koshi-tan
Holding hands with koshitan. She doesnt need more to be happy
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Top 3:
2-The teacher
Honorable mentions: Chiharu
It was fun, antlers crossed for season 2.
This anime looks so good its unreal
Shikayamada Shika
Nekoyamada Neko desu
This episode was good, one of the best the anime had. Funny how it was anime original yet it was better than most of the others.
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Bashame below sensei?
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No one here thinks or wants that.
Hunter one was tops. Table game one was great too. They all had something, this show has the virtue of making the eps better the more you like the characters, so if you revisit the eps, you find them way better.
Someone should make an study on Bashame, how can a character be so funny by just standing in the background, eating rice, seems impossible but we all witnessed it.
She's beautiful without much makeup and doesn't fuck deers.
Hunt Nokotans
Trap Nokotans
Harvest the juicy meat of Nokotans
Make leather handbags from Nokotans
She literally blew my mind when she wore nokotans skin, it was so gross and macabre, and she was so happy lmao
Deserved it t b h
Caress nokotan
Protect her from water bottles
Trip all across japan with nokotan
Worship nokotan like the deer goddess she is
Shipping Shikanoko back to the zoo where she belongs and abolishing the deer club so I can have more time with Koshitan.
Go home, Anko.
*deer den
So pretty. Loved the snow pics too. Those were brief but i always liked when they came
My jaw dropped when they did this pan shot.
>anko came with beverage and crackers for nokotan
Aaaaaaaa why are they all so cute and caring
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The deer club is a money laundering scheme by the student council pres so that she can keep valuable school funds to herself. Shikanoko is simply a pawn on this board, her antlers are fake. This can be proven by the gym suspiciously being blown up right as renovations were about to begin and Bashame's suspicious rice paddy.
No webm of the deers headbanging?
>those bedroom eyes on the deer
>those koshi eyes on koshi
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yes, and that shouldn't be surprising given that mascot culture is a big thing in japan.
i wonder if they got paid for promoting tourism like jashin-chan did
Where can I buy a Nokotan handbag? I'll take twenty.
Imagine bending her over a table.
? She's already bending over a table.
I want to be that table
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What was your favorite joke, /a/? For me is a tie between Skinwalker Bashame or Koshi snapping Noko's neck
The director should have anime original'd in Bashame and Anko into every skit after they appear. The café one would play out the same with the addition of Anko ordering the exact same as Torako (but it's disgusting) and Bashame tries to order rice. But in most cases they'd just live and do retarded things in the background.
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Every time Shikanoko grew out her horns peaking with Tsuchinoko
Still the "Got her!" face Nokotan makes when Koshitan drinks from the antler straw. Its very dumb but I like it a lot.
>completely missed the stinger last week
for fucks sakes
signal if you have put something at the end of the credits if you don't want people to just skip to the next episode/close the tab/get up and boil some water
Anko, don't look...
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there's just something about deergirls' tails
>still got the patches Koshitan sewed for her
I think I genuinely like deer more now so the anime accomplished one of its goals
Season 2 when?
It's funny to see her catch the slapstick drama for once but you still want her to win in the end.
Oh I didn't notice that, great continuity, very cute.
animeonly here. how's the manga, is the TL ok?
most people aren't seiyuufags so they don't understand how hard HanMeg carried the show.
this, i've been here since code geass aired i know and i thought shikanokonokonokokoshitantan was great
Out of curiosity I decided to check the Reddit thread for the last episode, and surprisingly most of the posts are positive about the show. However, there are less than 150 posts in the thread: by comparison, episode 1 had over 900. To give a comparison, Makeine episode 10's thread had almost 500 posts. It shows just how hard the show fell even there. I also noticed that, while most of the posts were still by people who liked it, there were also multiple posts that went "I liked it but your mileage may vary" or "I'd rate it a 7/10".

So my guess is that it's similar to what happened here: survivorship bias happened and only the minority of people who still liked the show remained, while the majority of people who didn't dropped it and no longer bothered. I imagine /a/ is similar in that regard.
so it was discord pedophiles makng the bait threads, thats so gross
Are you retarded? Episode 1 was popular because the OP and the show were heavily marketed, most of those commenters were there for the anime girl dancing in front of a deer meme. I had people in real life that don't watch anime ask me about Shikanoko because of that meme, they never cared about the show, just about the popular new meme everyone was talking about.

And no one gives a shit about reddit faggot.
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>Watch old anime
>Build humor/reference repository for new anime
The plan keeps paying off
I only brought it up because to this day anons still claimed that it's a "Reddit show" and I wanted to see if it's actually true.
you have to go back
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you have to stay
"Reddit" is a buzzword, "Reddit show" just means "popular show I don't like", there's no point actually arguing it out. These same posters never mention how their favorite show also are absolutely liked by Reddit as well.
I'll unironically miss the SHIKA choir chants every week but that's it.

This last episode was actually decent by the show's standards and gave me a few smiles (I enjoyed the Rocky parody, as cliched as it was). Too little too late though.
Would've been funnier if they kept this joke going.
Like the final one is just a serious episode of Koshi trying to convince everyone there was a girl called Shikanoko.
>The Disappearance of Shikanoko Suzumiya
YESSS lmao
>and at the end, Shikanoko appeared, but the only one who can see her is Koshi. She was just there to say goodbye.
>final shot is Koshi looking at the clean storage cabin, still holding a mop
what sort of LGBTQIAAPP+++ flag is that?
I don't know if they toned down the film grain or something but finale looked especially crisp compared to the other episodes
It's the animegataris of our generation
So is the deer real? Are deers real?
Koshitan is so perfect
No, it was shit.
It's exceedingly common, in every medium and video format, to have the number of viewers peak with episode 1 and decline over time. You may as well try claiming an album or song is bad because it doesn't have any many shartify streams as a released single.
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Koshitan loves short women.
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>great ending
All is well, I look forward to a sequel whether season or a film.
Fuck Koshitan
how can deer be real if our eyes aren't real?
90's arcade and bowling alley
you can always make it your message tone
Day 1 without my deer friend Shikanoko:
The world feels bleak and empty, it feels like an eternity since I've last seen her. My sanity continues to spiral down out of control. I don't have much longer to live.
Shikanoko, please come back.
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ive played this kino countless times and will keep at it for as long as i can
you can tell by this montage this is a very confident anime, it just knows its awesome as fuck.
Nokotan won
It was alright, I enjoyed it.
Some of the episodes in the middle of it weren't very enjoyable. Too many Nokotan worshiping gags and antler gags, not enough of the whole cast doing stuff together.
Now that I think about it, too many deer gags in general. I feel like half of the whole anime is scenes where a crowd is staring at Nokotan and Koshitan, while Nokotan does deer gags and Koshitan goes "What? That is not normal!" over and over again, and those were my least favorite scenes.
Like I said, could have had more regular interactions between the main cast, with Nokotan being treated more like a regular character, with no antler gags, but it was alright.
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>another song
We Disney now.
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I think they actually scrapped the entire finale because they got the sento mascot approval.
Made the last episode in 2 months.
Torako is a cute.
Watch it again
Sexoyamada has two moms.
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A solid 5/10
Things that made the show bearable were OP memeshitstorm and the skits/moments like:
-koshitan song
-skinwalker bashame
-references/homage/allusions to other shit
It will be forgotten like Kitaku-bu Katsudou Kiroku or Houkago Saikoro Club, only retards think of it as it was the second cooming of jesus.
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Deer pussy is one hell of a drug Koshitan
Koshitan isn't interested in that
sento-kun is uncanny as fuck, that deer girl is very brave
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>t. Anko
this wasnt very funny
why didn't they show chii-tan, japan's crazy mascot?
hot damn so thats where all those dear crackers go.
A way trip to Deer Den
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one day ourgirl will have her own giant rice field
Shikanoko filtered millions.
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S2/movie final boss
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Look at this deer, Anko never had a chance
The "deer" on the right? Yeah she doesn't stand a chance.
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Dance master Koshitan
>this is anime in 2024
What happened?
it turned into cine
Psychotan is HOT
On the scale of 1-10 how strong is the deer copter technique?
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shikanoko would be a lot funnier if i was japanese enough to get all the references
nokotan confirmed to have tits

Truly the Joshiraku of our generation
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Nyun Nyun
nice ass
she got air grabbed out of it so it has its counters.
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That doesn't count, Sento-kun is OP as shit
It was a balanced fight and Nokotan lost
Very balanced
Ok but why can't I find a single futa doujin still?
Maybe that stupid deer should drop a bomb on Sento-kun instead of the spectators
god I hope this show is popular enough to get doujins. Something about Koshitan is so bratty and erotic.
Unexpectedly lewd final episode.
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It would be hilarious if the Noko bullying is because the Nara Prefecture pulled a Sony and said "Ok, you can use Sento-kun but he can't lose, be humiliated or generally made fun of"
hes staring right at her dussy
I think you might be onto something
Can't she just break out of the cage in that form?
Everyone loves Sento-kun so he was always going to win.
anko really is just a palette swap koshitan
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Imagine the retarded babies she would have with Torako
That's because Anko is already one with Torako. They've practically married.
Shika shika~
I wonder how it feels inside Sento-kun...
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sometimes bait feels frustating because the bait was cheap
but this bait was kino
don't wonder things like that.
that's the only way I realized she was Koshitan's sister when she was introduced.
they have a few differences but they're mostly the same design.
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That was my money, Koshi! MY MONEY!
https://youtu.be/A8DI6DF4r3Q?feature=shared metal version of the OP
>open-palm strikes hurt more than closed-fist punches
/u/ won
>Sensei will never give you this look while she steps on your dick

Why live
>you must be THIS Asian to get the joke
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Anime is over
so what now
I visited Nara park and thought the crackers were souvenirs meant for humans...
How many bowls of rice took to convince her
pics or didnt happen
Just one.
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i was really caught by surprise.
i only knew him from random mmd videos
>no horns
that could be a random dog.
Post real Deer
me on the left
>Why live
To eat rice
im a bit sad that it ended though
Remember Magical Girl Destroyers?
show was too good and honest. everyone was left dumbfounded. watch the episodes and tell me straightface its "lol random internet humor" like everyone parrotted for weeks.

Yuri won
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>replaces deer as the next meme anime
that would have been so peak:
>3D deers being shown in the show at random
>absolutely no one reacts to the deers
>shikanoko is being treated as a normal deer by everyone else in the show
>ep 11 shows koshita is the only one seeing shikanoko as an humanoid and not a real deer
>there is a backup for this idea based on a manga page with bashame and anko talking about how koshitan sees noko as more than just a deer
>the final episode pays out showing that the deers were never there and only koshi could see them, the narrator was never there either and koshi was talking to no one when responding to the narrator.

Peak fiction that was not taken advantage of.
What we got was way better than this redditry.
Does she want me to visit a specific city in Japan?
I am not watching it if that's not the case.
eh would've been generic and expected, what we got was way more fun
Hino doesn't exist
>geez puniru, why can't you be as cool as nokotan?
>geh! desperate times call for desperate measures! behold, my secret weapon!
>mix in some borax powder, water, deer semen, glue and voila! the schizophrenic deer cute me!
>wow a splitting image! wait a minute...did you just say deer semen?!
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Anyone else think Anko was the prettied girl of the whole show.
Tsucchi should've merged with Nokotan to form the perfect deer lifeform
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Anko is best girl. sorry for the delay on getting the last few episodes out
Tsunoda is best deer.
I like her going from >:( to :D
I just finished episode 12 and I'm currently running final encode for it. Here is my opinion on this anime.

I thought it was a good show. The girls are cute. The jokes are okay. I've seen and worked on shows that weren't anywhere near as good in the past. I've seen a lot of anime that was terrible over the years. This one isn't. I'd like to see another season once the source material has some more time to explore and expand Hino.

I like Anko, Neko, Bashame, Chiharu and Kinu is waifu material for sure. The Ukai sensei is great. I liked more of the reoccurring background characters as well. The show is really good is you don't go into it expecting meme humor. I think the hype for the OP kind of ruined the comfy. Threads and discussion for this show would have been much better without all the people trying to bait out replies by claiming "it's not funny". They've been at it for 12 weeks now and it is pathetic and lame.

I thought the use of CGI for alright. They used it for a lot of things other than the deer. No one ever mentions it because it blends in well with the traditional digital 2D art work. Although, they did get a bit lazy and take some shortcuts here and there. Like zooming in on a scene without bothering to do anything about the line art. But usually it's only for a couple of frames so most people don't notice.

I'm not going to rank it or anything like that. I think it was decent. I've seen every episode multiple times to check translation and video quality. It never bored me and I rarely for frustrated when working on it.

I'm in love in with delinquent girl in heels. I'm also in love with the background character with long black hair

We'll try to get the last few episodes out soon. Thanks for all the kind comments. We're happy that our work forced the official channels to start releasing early with improved translations.
Why doesn't Anko setup Tsubame with Nokotan? It'll be the cleanest way to solve Torako getting too close with Nokotan.
It seems posting while drunk wasn't the best idea. Sorry for all the typos and missing words in that last post. I should have proof read it before sending it. It looks like it was posted by an ESLfag lol.
Me on the middle
Unironically AOTY
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Full release of Koshi's training montage song when
How far will they go with this shit..

I suspect we'll be seeing oddball shit using the OP for years. The guys who make these make so many of them.
Fujita Saki has an amazing voice. Sasuga. That song was fire.
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Does anyone have a catbox or something with all the stitches of the series? I missed the first episodes
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This is the ideal female body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
This was the only show I had any hopes for this season and I ended up having more fun with nip youtube than the show itself.
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I love this markov decision process model.
>the dance-off wasn't both of them doing the viral clip they used but getting increasingly intense and distorted chants of shikanokonokonokokoshitantan
This is fake
Torako lips don't belong to that deer
Get off 4chan, Anko
What the fuck
It truly is an anime for the intellectually gifted
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Thanks for your work.
I also really enjoyed it, I saw the maymays running around and thought to check it out but what grasped me was how similar it felt to some past anime I've watched, it was distinctly comfy and nostalgic. YuruYuri director probably helped with that.

The shitposters went all out on this show too, I don't often see them creating threads just to shit on shows unless they're really popular (Frieren a while ago is a good example of that), which makes it all the much worse when they target a show like this.
I did identify one poster who was making threads as someone who has been shitposting comedy shows for years too, constantly bringing out comparisons to Maesetsu, Kill me Baby, Nichijou, and more (he hates all of them) though he seems to have been genuinely broken with Shikanoko. I made this thread in hopes of forcing discussion back to normal while one of his threads was still ongoing, thankfully he didn't put the full title on his so after that reached bump limit everyone moved here and his new threads either received no attention or were deleted, not sure how many he made but I think it was at least 3.

>They used it for a lot of things other than the deer.
Wait really? That's surprising
>Like zooming in on a scene without bothering to do anything about the line art.
This I did notice, the presenter in the last episode is the only one I can remember, I didn't mind it but it was noticeable. I think I've seen other anime do that as well.

I love mai waifu Koshitan
>>mix in some borax powder, water, deer semen, glue and voila! the schizophrenic deer cute me!
Absolutely perfect
absolute kino episode. I'm glad I picked it up after all.
Why are you so intolerant of criticism of the show?
After this thread ends, this anime will become a forgotten slop that no one remembers.
Very likely. Just look how much /a/ loved Pon no Michi when it was airing, then once it ended those lovers forgot about it.
shitposter talking to himself...

Definitely the skinwalker joke.
>still thinking that only one person is criticizing the show

Your alters don't count, schizo
Me on the right
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What does this prove? Only with 4chanX do you get a visual indicator of your posts, and you're clearly not using 4chanX as the posts' left padding use '>>' instead of the '-'
At least put in some effort.

Our deer days are over. Last week preview really bamboozled me too. My hat off to them for how they handled it.
>i-it's trending/not trending on twitter

You seem very proud of those two posts you made on different devices
You've never heard of Occam's razor have you? What do you think is more plausible: I did the effort to pretend to be different people, using technical skills I don't even have, or just simply that there is more than one person criticizing the show?
all you needed was to disable userscripts
your muh "more than one person criticizing the show" is proof enough for me that you're the same schizo
>all you needed was to disable userscripts
I don't even know how to do that. I genuinely don't.
What's a "deer"? Are you ok, anon?
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Still doesn't matter, only with 4chanX do you get (You)s or the highlights at the side of a post, pic related with the native extension enabled doesn't tell me you quoted me, nor has any way for me to know a post is mine without me remembering it myself
You know you could just admit that you were wrong instead of doubling down, right?
>500 posts
bye bye deerfriends.
I had fun.
Bashame Meme.
This will probably be the last Shikanoko thread to ever hit bump limit. I hope >>271220850 is happy and proud.
>Shitanoko defenders are as delusional as troons
Well, this is not a surprise to me considering this show targets troon audiences.
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I am very happy and proud, I'll be sure to make more Shikanoko threads in the future that will hit bump limit.
Tallshame meme..
Answer the question though: why are you so intolerant of any criticism of the show? Why do you want the threads to be a hugbox/an echo chamber?
Why are you such a faggot?
You're just proving my point. It's clear you do not want to see any criticism of the show whatsoever, even if legit. People, myself included, have explained why they didn't enjoy the show, yet you and your ilk just dismiss their concerns. You liked the show? Good for you. It's just that you don't have to keep deluding yourself to think that you're in the majority.

Another thing: I may be a critic of the show, but that doesn't mean I lack nuance. I disliked the show, but it's not for lack of giving the show a chance. I've even said positive things about it when it's due, like with >>271189641. Just because I didn't enjoy the show doesn't mean I don't give credit where credit is due. If anything, I've given the show more of a chance than the other critics you've encountered throughout the show's run.
Not beating the schizo allegations.
I didn't want to say this, but if anything, you're the one acting like a schizo here for thinking that the show's critics on /a/ are a single person.
deer won
One final notsu
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I wanna fuck the deer
Basically I started watching for the memes but stayed for the yuribait. Happens all the time with CGDCT shows for some reason

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