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Don't post manga spoilers in this thread please.

How can an idolfag be so smooth?
Kana lost
So Aqua forgot to consider he might be the other guy's nephew instead of his half-sibling? lmao
no, he forgot to consider that the other guy's mom got pregnant with Aqua's father semen too
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I have a painted nail fetish
I don't like that yellow nail though. Looks weird.
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kanakeks, why does she keep a picture of Aqua and Akane on her whone?
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looks good
you sound weird
Her anal and vaginal virginity to Akane.
Ruby won
Akane's bad breath killed Nino
you just have shit taste
Whatsapp/LINE thing maybe
I have a whole lot of pics that get auto downloaded into my phone from whatsapp
Akane has the best nails.
Akane just fucked another ojisan btw
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kanaRATs and akaneWORMs fear the WOOBY.
Ai died like Bruiser Brody.
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This episode gave me flashbacks.
oh. so much for this being a mystery. how dumb.
kanawank is shit
Akane is eating out Kana's beaver again.
I genuinely don't get it.

I don't get it.
They are half-siblings so of course that's what happened.
FUCK, that makes so much more sense. I feel like a brainlet for not considering the wife might have been the actual cheater.
Akane won
Ojisan semen in her womb
Aqua is the ojisan btw.
Akane devours another ojisan cock
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<--- ojisan in question
aqua makes a deal with crow girl to revive ai and turn hikaru into an 11 years old and let ai correct/fuck him in exchange he will buy her some ice cream.
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Aqua, against all odds, went for the hag.
She even got a color page in the latest chapter.
to based for aqua, other based option will be to have a roleplay sex with frill with him as hikaru and she as airi and send that to hikaru in jail.
Kamiki pushed Aqua into the sea. He drowned.
Based, I bet he calls her mommy in bed.
>name is literally Water
Genius mangaka Aka Akasaka
Pigs are screwing Akane.
Holy fuck this bitch is insatiable
This is easily one of the best manga adaptations of all time. One of the rare cases where it's actually much better than the source material.
it could be better if they decide to deviate from the manga to fix some shits.
I can't stand the trauma.
seijuro is the reason why everything got so bad, he instead of calling the police so thye can jail airi or something, he went and do a murder suicide, leaving taiki and hikaru alone.
Kana won
The ShimaDick
Countless horse cocks.
Anon, this is an anime thread.
I don't know who any of those people are.
I love intelligent girls. Akane is the GOAT. She should just hunt and kill Kamiki for Aqua's sake.
Aqua loves Akane too much to let her become a murderer for his sake.
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Could Aqua even stop her though?
*as a friend
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> I genuinely don't get it.
> I don't get it.
All that the DNA test proved was that they had the same father. There is no evidence that the dead guy who dated Taiki's mother was the one who got her pregnant. She could cheat on him and sleep with a thousand different dudes and get pregnant by any of them, but Aqua hasn't figured it out yet, just like you.
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>kfw she absolutely cutemogged Akane this episode
Holy SHIT she's cute.
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Kana is the cutest living punching bag.
Why is Akane smarter than me? I'm genuinely intimated here.
Kana is made for ryona
Woman moment. The man subconsciously concludes that the guy the child's mother is dating is the father, while the woman immediately admits the possibility that this was not the only man she slept with.
And the woman is right. Are you ok?
> Are you ok?
Ask this question to yourself.
Where did I say even a word that the woman approach is wrong?
Only in your schizophrenic delusions.
>Where did I say even a word that the woman approach is wrong?
Based woman.
Wow like Dexter's brother
That's not what Akane thought lmao. Quite the opposite because she knows Ai's personality she is sure that Ai isn't a whore and would never sleep with some womanizer retard. That's the initial bother Akane had with Aqua's story.

But she also probably knows about Taiki's background, knows who Aqua means with half brother and who that lover's suicide is attributed to. The loophole is really just the date. Akane just knows what Ichigo knows.
I ate Kana-chan.
>Akane thought
Ai was shared by middle and upper management every day and night.
Akane on weight watch
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I don't know who you think I am but I am clearly not who you think I am. I am merely an average enjoyer of Kana Arima, who is the most popular OnK girl because she is the cutest.
Yes. Arima Kana is the most popular OnK punching bag girl.
Anal sex.
You are a girl though.
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>the cutest
That is Akane.
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im so jealous bros...............
KanaKane yuriSEX.
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so the false assumption is that the guy who sudoku'ed with Aqua's half-bro's mother is half-bros biological father, and therefore Aqua's and Ruby's father?
And what actually happened is that half-bro's mother cucked sudoku-man with the actual baby daddy who is unrelated?

huh... that really is a simple loop-hole and I'm also kinda mad that I didn't think of it
>missed out on teen love and pristine teen pussy
why live
Akane's entire relationship with Aqua was nothing burger.
Akane's relationship with Aqua was meant to show you that they're endgame.
I would only regret it IF the jk was truly a semen demon like akane
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I think you meant Ruby.
Wait, what? Akane was clearly thinking what the other anon said. How is "the date" the loophole rather than the possibility that Aqua, Ruby and Taiki's father was someone other than Taiki's mother's husband (Seijuro).

The initial false conclusion rested entirely on the premise that Seijuro was Taiki's biological father, which nobody had any proof of.
Ruby is just Ai minus all her sex appeal.
Ruby is raping Aqua now.
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As an animeonly I immediately assumed this was the case, it would be extremely jarring for that plotline to just abruptly end in that manner. I didn't expect Akane's deduction to be the vehicle for it to get figured out though, I thought Aqua wouldn't be able to rest before testing the dead husband's DNA against his own. Akane concluding that Aqua was missing this possibility because he probably wanted it to be over deep down was a nice touch.
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My cute genki wife!
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I thought the plotline might go in the direction of having us find out what happened in the past or something.
But yeah, there was no way Aqua would become happy.
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your wife is a slut
Am I supposed to self insert as her?
>aaaa I'm in trouble he might SEX me tehee
I feel bad for her getting led on like this
Aka does
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Is Aqua the worst MC in all of detective manga history?
>doesn't do anything himself except saving the super detective who does everything instead
he's the worst MC period
I actually wanted it to end like that because decades long blind quests sometimes end in nothing
It was his obsession, his sole goal in life so I wanted it in a more "Aqua will never get peace because he didn't get his revenge", but what we got was fine too
Not really. This isn't a serial killer. It wasn't even a killer. It was someone who fucked over his mother and killed her incidentally. So it's natural to assume there's no magic bullshit going on. Like for example he could have been swapped at birth and merely look similar to Ruby. There could be another blonde child who was Ai's running around in some other family.
>but that's retarded and unlikely
Yes. But it hasn't been disproven with a DNA test and it HAS happened before.

There's something of a schizophrenic rules of engagement. You have to be given reasonable notice that something crazy is happening before you start trying to cork board everything, because you can cork up also sorts of patterns that go no where. It's literally what paranoid schizophrenics do.
Upon realizing and or getting proof that there's a cuckoo murderer attacking young female entertainers after having kids with them - that's when you start going full schizo.

Are you people unironically retarded? What do you think that animation was supposed to mean? With the creature appearing, killing the family and getting Ai pregnant? It's not even subtle.
Realistic stories aren't entertaining ones. If he was going to get resolution the story structure would be different. There would be subtle changes in focus so the audience doesn't feel the loss of his motivation as starkly and can instead focus on his turmoil and recovery. It would be subtle but there'd be little tracks laid out in advanced that most people wouldn't notice until this moment arrived that would take the story somewhere else. As a secondary I can say the only B-plot the anime has established is shipping. Both Ruby and Aqua rely entirely on Ai's legacy as characters. Reincarnation was immediately shrugged off so it no longer has emotional resonance or narrative weight. Ruby isn't going to stop doing what she's doing which is predicated on measuring herself against Ai. Therefore anything Aqua did that wasn't Ruby related would become thematically disjointed with the story up until now.
Subversion is hackfraud territory. It's like releasing something bad on purpose and thinking that means it's not shit. If it stays on the rails due to careful structuring and theming then people don't label something that subverts expectations as truly subversive. It's the rug pull moment where viewers are no longer in sync with the story that gets that title. Ai's killer already being dead and it being justified as 'realistic' would be a subversive rug pull without foreshadowing or a prepared pivot.
I thought the half-sibling was actually Aqua's uncle and Aqua's dad's brother.
The guy Aqua thinks is his dad looks fairly old, after all.
I want to punch this face.
Genuinely don't get what people see in this ugly gremlin
It makes way more sense if it's some fucker ruining families. Also explains the suicide.
I was thinking it wasn't actually the husband but someone related to him. Basically, trusting the DNA results but justifying why it was someone else who Aqua could still seek vengeance from.
Having it be a seductive serial killer is much more interesting though.
The supposed dead dad may not have been the real dad. Obviously we know though. Aqua is taking his half brother's word. You shouldn't do that. I happen to know a person that got knocked up by a friend and married that friend's best friend and hid the her kid's identity from both father and husband till he was 21. Needless to say it fucked up that family and friend. Basically Jerry Springer/Maury Povich shit
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Did they murder her? Serious question.
> I wanted it in a more "Aqua will never get peace because he didn't get his revenge"
For a brief moment, I also wanted it to be the case for the opposite reason, so he could find peace without needing to murder someone and then wife up with Kana. I still thought it would be extremely unlikely for that to be the case, and also be jarring for the pacing and overall narrative structure.
Kana is so tight.
I just realized. Isn't she known as both Ruby and Aqua's mom? Cause that was how she was introduced as back in ep1 to hide the fact Ai was the mom. You know, how the hell are they hiding the family registry? In Japan, that can't be forged. If Kana and Akane ever get to actual talking, they could figure it out.
I was so confused about how Aqua didn't immediately ask about this possibility that I just assumed the author was going for something completely different. I guess hearing that the guy was a womanizer made it seem like things matched up, but Aqua should have at least considered the possibility that all women are whores before brushing it off.
well put
we will never know because hacka is shit and couldn't take 1 second to explain his reasoning. We will also never know since when Aqua was aware of Hikaru
I like the explanation this episode that part of him was wanting it to be over. It's human and believable. When you get what you want, you usually stop digging.
Yeah it makes him seem stupid especially since murder suicide is suspiciously similar the the whole thing with making a crazy fan kill Ai.

But I guess Akane is right and he really wanted it to be over.
It would be good but problem is that in terms of narrative he didn't do jackshit for 12 years.
It's good for that point in the story, but immediately after the reveal he was reeling from the sudden disappearance of his goal so it would have made more sense for him to at least run through the logic a few times. It would have also reinforced the idea that he wanted to give it up if he explicitly considered the possibility and decided that half-brother-kun would have known if there had been a different kind of affair instead of grasping at straws and hunting a dead man.
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Same. At first I was confused that he didn't immediately think of the obvious alternative and start digging, but I actually like this much better. It was just solid enough to be believable for his character to want freedom, and just "off" enough to set off alarm bells as a viewer. Extremely well done imho.
The issue wasn't with the logic it was with the warrants - which is why people sperging about it come off a bit retarded. He has been relying on DNA tests to reveal his father for a decade. He gets a DNA test that's successful and accepts that "it has revealed his father".
It's not rocket science. It's not even a lack of intelligence. People do this sort of thing all the time regardless of their intelligence. That's why there's a different word for it.
There's no proposition without a warrant. Every single observation and inference relies on them.

I really, really, hate backseat detectives.
So as an animeonly is it worth reading the manga once this season ends or should I be patient and wait for more to be adapted?
do you enjoy manga? do you feel like you can't wait to know what happens next? then read it
Wait and hope the anime fixes some of the blunders the latter parts have. You will end disappointed otherwise.
Aqua doesn't give a shit about k*na.
Wrong, he was actually an evil killer all along and the true mastermind behind everything.
No. It's utter dogshit past season 2.
Aqua-kun, just admit you made a deduction on shaky ground and shove your dick in me.
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Akanechan is having sex with ojisan again...
I just noticed today for the first time that her dress is white at first and then changes to black
Ojisan is fat and ugly btw.
Good episode
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She's super cute and her red hair and eyes make her look very striking.
Maybe you should cure your homosexuality first.
Also stop stealing my image for your shitposts.
KYS rat
So happy... And so clueless...
Are the later parts good though or does it jump the shark? The other replies make it seem like it does but it's /a/ so I'm taking it with a grain of salt.
>does it jump the shark
Do you just say that because of the incest? Or because it doesn't focus enough on the murder mystery revenge stuff? I don't think either one will bother me. But I guess I should just read it before /a/ spoils me further.
>Do you just say that because of the incest? Or because it doesn't focus enough on the murder mystery revenge stuff?
No and no. You would need an essay to see how much is screwed over.
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>pouts in your path
It's the Kaguya guy. He never learns.
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Ruby... the savior...
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Five (5) (V) (Go) (五) (ご) cute facts about Kanacutest!:

1. She is canonically considered "exceptionally cute!"
2. She is mai Oshi-fu!!
3. I love her!!!
4. Kanacutest!!!!
Kys rat
desu I don't see the problems /a/ sees with the manga. it's alright. anons here seem to be ultra autistic about it. maybe they're right but any flaws it has are not noticeable, at least to me.
my advice is, read it but don't go into oshi no ko threads until your finished
I love Kana!
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>150cm tall
>Under 40kg
>THICC thighs
>Cute hands
>Thin arms
>Cute feet
>Cute butt
>Thin waist
>Glossy lips
>Likes trivia
>Cute voice
>Good singer
>Sharp tongue
>Very expressive
>Talented actress
>Very fashionable
>Kind and caring
>Long eyelashes
>Cute hairstyle
>Very humble
>Very resilient
>Never skips practice
>Good grades at school
>Pure maiden's heart
>Narrow shoulders
>Sensitive nipples
>Childbearing hips
>Very fertile womb
>Faithful to a fault
>Not a vegetarian
>Good with money
>Good work ethic
>Loves acting
>Likes to tease
>Hates nepotism
>Good at baseball
>Good personal hygiene
>Passionate about her craft
>Glossy and well groomed hair
>Has a pretty and child-like face
>Looks good in cute clothes
>Looks good in sexy clothes
>Never forgets her friends
>Airheaded personality
>Gets flustered easily
>Very empathetic
>Very supportive
>Very forgiving
>Very trusting
>Very selfless
>Very driven
>Well read
>Captivating eyes
>Her smile is like the sun
Her hats are cute
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5. Even Akane LOVES Kana
>until your finished
And after you've finished too.
You have to be gay if you don't want to date her
I'd rather Akane so if that makes me gay, then I'm a proud faggot
Ruby won
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akane looks so good here
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How many episodes are left? No way the OP teased the white haired girl and the pazuna looking glasses girl only to have them appear in 1 episode for a supposed "miyazaki arc"
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I know where I'm going.
Akane futa
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Aqua should have assumed the loophole from the beginning because there's no way someone like Himekawa's father could pull Ai
>How many episodes are left?
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You're now Arima Kana.
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I want to be IN Arima Kana, not to be Arima Kana. Being a woman is disgusting and cringe.
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Sex is for married people
this. Akane showed that she's an unfit suitor by soliciting extramarital sex.
Why do animeonlies hate Akane so much?
Truth nuke.
Akaneputa has taken several miles of ojisan cock at this point. Don't be surprised
Who even likes her, except for few schizos who self-insert as her?
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I love Akane so fucking much.
I don't care who wins, she's just the cutest.
I want Kana to be happy.
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Is Kana based on some actor that Aka has a crush on or something? This bitch is so annoying yet Aka want to put his dick in her
mana ashida
lol, what a faggot. No wonder why Kana is so terrible
Aquamarine Hoshino...
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This faggot did more than anyone to make her unhappy tho.
Why did Aka make her so annoying? She has the largest hatedom out of all the heroine
He's working on fixing that
I don't hate her, I just don't care much about her.
>The most popular heroine in the fandom by far
>Also getting the biggest backlash from jealous seething sidegirlfags
Gee, has never seen this before in my life.
Is he really?
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You're now on a date with Kana.
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>I took a wrong turn again.
We hate Akaneputa here
This day keeps getting worse.
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that made me laugh out loud
Based, Kana hate posts are so boring.
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Akane hate posts are so good and fun
These? All facts.
If the date with Kana goes on for too long you can count on it.
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>Ruby is a slut
>Kana is a slut
>Akane is a slut
So who I'm supposed to best girl here, Memcho?
>character called Ruby
>not actually a gemstone
Why is Aka such a hack?
>>Ruby is a slut
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Other way around.
KYS disgusting rat. You are shit and your whore is shit.
You forgot 6/5 innate goodness.
How did Aqua not force himself on Kana?
*if you want to
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Nobody would have gotten mad at her for having marital sex, somebody who was marketed as a pure maiden doing this was just out of order.
He is gay.
By driving her to suicide.
I dont like her that much but /fa/ girls are one of my weaknesses
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Aka's favorites
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He prefers women.
And shartna.
No need to announce your every action to the world.
Stop posting manga panels in the anime thread, faggots
Go to the other thread for that
Crow loli offer Aqua a "big reward" and then starts sucking off his cock. Aqua is disgusted and wants her to stop but she is somehow strong enough to keep her mouth latched on. Aqua has no choice but to cum in her mouth. As she swallows the last drops of his semen she suddenly begins to transform and, to Aqua's absolute shock, it turns out to be Ai. "Surprise, I'm you big reward, tee-hee!"
Kana cries again
That's not an anime exclusive thread anymore, tho.
What do you mean "anymore"? Just keep manga-related stuff out of here
It was never an anime thread to begin with. It was created after the episode had already aired and the other thread was created much later by the assblasted incestfag,
Can you not read the OP?
>Don't post manga spoilers in this thread please.
Fuck you
KYS rat
makes sense, because kanigger is indeed ashid
Why are akane and kana so thirsty?
Why not? Aqua is hot manipulator after all.
Fuck off zoomer newfag.
Ruby won
Read the OP again, carefully.
Does evil daddy wants to impregnate Ruby like he did with her mom?
Even mangareaders still don't know his motivation.
you know three of the four names if you paid attention.
Seijirou Uehara = "grey-haired dad" of Taiki
Airi Himekawa = Taiki's mom (still don't know why they had different names - it's not normal in Japan, either the groom or the bride change name and register a new family under a common name).
Taiki Uehara (correct name?)/Himekawa (stage name?) = the half-sibling actor
Hikaru = that's a mystery
I'm not reading that post because I'm anime only and thank God I don't know these names.
I wish manga readers would tag their spoilers so I can get surprised when things happen.
>still don't know why they had different names
himekawa airi was airi's stage name
there's no point in changing it after getting married
KYS vert
watch the anime at 1x speed, anon, and don't forget the names. He and Aqua went at his home (check the nameplate) and talked about his family situation, his father and mother etc.
If you don't remember, watch the episode again.
I refuse because you said some Seijuro should have called the police, implying he's involved, so I would rather not.
Seriously, let us anime onlies enjoy our anime.
ah, okay, that explains it. Must have missed it if they explained it in the anime but in hindsight it's obvious - Airi Himekawa was the name known to Aqua and often actors, idols, mangaka, etc. use fake stage names.
>watching an anime reactor
>she calls hikaru a pedo
lmao even
And here I believed that his kid silhouette in last was spoiling to much
Cause he thinks his daughter is beautiful. That's pretty much it. They insert in their head that he is a sexual predator. I have it as a theory is why so many MC are herbivores aside from self insert shit. If they display sexual behavior, it leads to screaming about muh pedo and problematic. But if the woman is the initiator, you can't make said accusations
I don't know how real this is but I've seen women saying that men shouldn't be allowed to change diapers if they have a daughters or be near them
we truly live in a clown world
kek you wonder what the reactors will think when it turns out Airi is the pedo, and hard if the anime ever gets Season 3.
I understood perfectly what Akane was referring to but I didn't even paid attention to the animation, it was way too fast and I was reading subtitles at the same time.
They should have made the monster anything but a lightspeed killing blob
so was aqua a player in his past life
He was as doctor. It's the fashion model of men
most doctors are still awkward as hell bumming along on dating apps
they don't suddenly turn into george clooney the moment they graduate
that's what aka implied, yes
Not in my experience. Even the greatest spergs get free choice. Except radiologist gremlins
she should have gone for the outfit with the baseball cap, that was the best one
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>kana gets 2
>akane and ruby get 1
love how we see Akane feeling paranoid after getting a glimpse that what happened to Ai may not just be a one off thing and looking more like a modus operandi for a serial killer.
My theory so far is that the father is a mega-narcissist who knows he has some reincarnation magic in his jizz so he's just trying to spread his seed as much as possible so he impregnates beautiful people and kills them off to cover his tracks
>Ai gets 2
mom x son ending confirmed
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>killing women instead of impregnating them again
Believe it or not, I watched three reactors who called him a pedo because 'he looks so much older than Ai'.
Apparently they forgot that people, you know, AGE if they don't die young.
fat ugly bastards are gang banging ruby for free.
Cute Kana!
wanna coom!
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Going to watch this ep later today. When we're done this season, do I read the entire manga, or do I wait patiently for the rest of the episodes while avoiding threads? I like talking about anime with you guys but this show has consistently delivered its emotional blows effectively, so I'm actually not sure in this case whether the tried-and-true "read the original and then enjoy the adaptation" would go into effect here.
I loved Akane since she first went into Ai Mode but Kana is extremely sympathetic as well, and I feel the voice acting and soundtrack really add a lot to the experience. And maybe the anime adds more details not in the manga, who knows.
tl;dr do I read the manga or stay pure for Akane-sama
After you finish the season you may as well drop the series.
Why, does it start to get bad or are you just being mean
I'm having fun learning about how different art/media productions work
The former.
it gets bad and the author started not giving a shit about things making sense or not
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>started off as a fragile nerd
>feels like she's consistently the MVP, fucking galactic brain, and a likewise heart to boot, especially from this episode
>absolutely devoted and caring, plus loyal and intelligent
>neither Aqua nor I would deserve her, but want nothing but the best for her
>periodically frightened she's going to get murdered
I feel extremely bad for Kana but I want Akane to win the Aquabowl
Shit. And it gets worse after this arc? Why's everyone still watching and reading, just out of a desire to see it through? Please tell me at least Akane is doing okay
What, just like, complete retcons and bullshit being pulled out? Any chance of the anime fixing it, or are these weird errors and terns essential to the main plot?
No. But alot of furniture was thrown. Cops were called. Last I heard all four were alive but living separately.
Sorry, was this explanation of wanting it to be over not in the manga, or are this solely discussing the plot
>Please tell me at least Akane is doing okay
if you are shipping her with Aqua, then the next season is the worst for you.

But if you like Akane individually, then great because the next season 3 is only good when Akane is on-screen (not a lot).
Season 4 will barely have any Akane and will end with Akane doing huge Kana wank.
>if you are shipping her with Aqua, then the next season is the worst for you.
Is it Kanaposting, or a new character? I do want Kana to be happy as well. I think the shipping is just contingent on what's best for Akane and what will make her happy.
>But if you like Akane individually, then great because the next season 3 is only good when Akane is on-screen (not a lot).
Kana had some good moments too (whereas Ruby feels like a secondary character for some reason), but Akane's definitely been hitting home-runners emotionally for me
>Season 4 will barely have any Akane and will end with Akane doing huge Kana wank.
I don't even want her to wank me or anyone, I just want her to be happy
She's a good person ;_;
We all know Kana is cute
>Season 4 will barely have any Akane and will end with Akane assisting with Kana's character assassination
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>on what's best for Akane and what will make her happy
oh, then next season is the opposite of that

you will see Akane doing death stare
>Akane doing huge Kana wank.
>Is it Kanaposting, or a new character? I do want Kana to be happy as well.
I would reserve my judgement until the season is over, only 2 eps left you’ll understand soon
Why, oh why
I want the opposite of what happens next season
>they will NOT stay together
>Aqua WILL go out with some other girl
>Aqua WILL think her more useful, even though Akane is actually the smartest of them all
Is it time to ship her with ME
>it's a specific kind of nightmare that starts at the end of the season
Which season equivalent is the manga currently on, 4? Does it look like we'll finish at 4-5?
Aqua doesn't go out with anyone other than Akane. Also, we get him confessing his feelings to her next season.
This is ending with incest and Akane/Kana.
>Which season equivalent is the manga currently on, 4? Does it look like we'll finish at 4-5?
We are like at the end of season 4 but the remaining chapter wouldn't be enough to cover a season so maybe they will give more episodes to season 3 and 4 and season 4 will be the finale
>Which season equivalent is the manga currently on, 4?
Yes. Akane is still the most useful and the smartest in general, but.. wait for the end of the season. If you’re the intuitive type you can see where this is going in the long run. The manga is in its final arc (ch160 just came out and S2 will end around ch80) and it’s currently going at breakneck speed, probably ending next volume.
>we get him confessing his feelings to her next season
Yes! Yes!!!
>the remaining chapter
It's the last one? It'll be over?
>could potentially binge the series this year if I wanted to
>Akane is still the most useful and the smartest in general, but.. wait for the end of the season. If you’re the intuitive type you can see where this is going in the long run.
I don't see it yet but I'm also on 2 hours of sleep, I can't think of anything other than her getting too close or doing her own investigation and getting murdered.
>inb4 they have to pretend-breakup to cover twice as much ground and catch the murderer off-guard, or some other kind of contrived hell
Not that anon but it’s not the last chapter for sure, at least 2-3 more for the volume and after that an unclear number of chapters left, but it’s basically almost over. The story is at its climax right now.
>I don't see it yet but I'm also on 2 hours of sleep, I can't think of anything other than her getting too close or doing her own investigation and getting murdered.
You’re not far off about Akane herself, but I was referring more to the shipping side of the story. The next 2 eps will be quite significant and unexpected for animeonlies I think.
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>The story is at its climax right now.
Okay, so from some OPs/threads, the scary-looking man with the star-eyes is probably the killer
>I was referring more to the shipping side of the story. The next 2 eps will be quite significant and unexpected for animeonlies I think.
Then I don't know, it better not be some "new character love interest last-minute" kdrama bullshit. Granted that one person in the OP showed up once (forest lady) and the other one (forest hot topic sunglasses) showed up zero times. I swear it better not be "hello Aqua your fiancee has returned to Japan" horseshit. I don't know, maybe I can figure it out in a few days, I gotta go to bed and use my noggin tomorrow to make Akane proud.
I love her lots
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Could someone get a higher-quality of this and replace it with "Anon-kun", I gotta sleep, no time to torrent cartoons
>doesn't have toes
No wonder she can't compete with Ruby's feet.
my type <3
the only time she has looked good with short hair
>Yes! Yes!!!
They also end up breaking up the next chapter.
> I can't think of anything other than her getting too close or doing her own investigation and getting murdered.
This is pretty much the reason why it happens, Akane does her own investigation, goes after the father and nearly dies but Aqua saves her, which then prompts him to break up with her to keep her out of his revenge.
>Yes! Yes!!!
don't get excited because it's actually nothing
just another bait from hacka for akanefans
Kei will win btw.
Ruby won.
I love Ruby
A corpse as her brother.
Last for Akane a best and cutest!
This but Ruby
Akane, my beloved.
Let’s be real, revenge plots are pitiful. Especially when the mc can’t enjoy life without thinking of revenge. I wonder what the hell are they cooking after going from ending the revenge and letting Aqua be happy and then deciding that he shouldn’t be
Have you never been in a position where a single person destroyed your entire family and your whole life's goal is to kill that person?
I’m not Sasuke, Anon
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>Especially when the mc can’t enjoy life without thinking of revenge
Yeah, it would have been better if he enjoyed it.
We know Aqua.
>stabbed himself
keikaku doori
>Mana Ashida: 20 years old
>Aka: 36 years old
I thought Aka was older.
If Oshi no Ko was made in even higher resolution, anime studio would carefully draw every single strand of hair of Arima Kana. I'm glad she gets so much love.
She's so fucking ugly.
Just started watching S2 and it's surprising to see so many characters drawn in this... rough? sketchy? horror-like style. S1 had it too but not nearly as often. OP is full of those shots. Makes it feel this season gets darker.
>t. Roon
I want to squish her cheeks.
That face was her reaction to you. She's well ahead of you.

Me too. Just think of her pouting and getting cutely angry.
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Abiko-sensei is the antithesis of horror-like though.
How could anyone overlook her?
>when she sees your acting cock
prettiest excited, satisfied and confident smile
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Aqua not forcing a kiss on her is a plot hole.
I love the way they did this scene.
They already set the tone earlier when introducing types of actors, showing everything in black and white except for highlighting one chara at a time with specific color. Then took it up to next level when the duel started with Himekawa and Arima both painting the surroundings with their respective colors as the audience of fellow actors could only gaze at their breathtaking performance in amazement of their unprecedented skill. Finally finishing it off with a shot of Kana's face in the state of mad happiness, the frenzy you can only feel when you perform at your very best, faced with a worthy rival matching your insane skill.
Visual masterpiece.
Cute lips and cute pink hair
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I'm gonna put it in!
That was a great representation of the way Akane's acting mind works. She can be frighteningly perfect but she has clear flaws too.
>trying to make sense of hacka's writing
we already went through it anon
Very submissive and breedable.
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AiKane is the perfect "Ai" for Hikaru Kamiki unlike the shitty bitch, Hoshino Ai.
Why is she trying to act so innocent and cute when she was literally about to give her virginity for a role?
That was much later, when she became punished Kana.
How much later? People don't change that much in a couple of months.
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Both of them will reincarnate as Ruby's twin sons.
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>innocent and cute
She was ready to spread her legs on the first date for a guy who isn't even her boyfriend.
POV Aqua
Kana's loose vagina killed the hype.
This is the most successful anime thread we've had in a while.
>they break up
>because of muh safety
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Did it myself in the hopes that the youtube quality was fine, I don't know why I didn't take a screencap of this when I was watching the episode
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We know, GOA-san.
Don't post spoilers in this thread, retard.
>same eye color
Are they secretly siblings?
>Ai and Kana get two
AiKana ending confirmed
I wonder if Goa has taken her virginity
I just felt bad for him and glad they got to make up, please don't do this ;_;
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>please don't do this
Stop me.
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Wouldn't you prefer to stay you're hand you'reself before I get megamad
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Yankane is the hottest shit this show has produced and I'm mad there's not more of it
100% truth, she's a bit scary but I love her!
Aqua wants nothing to do with that nasty whore though.

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