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Good subs when?
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I haven't watched a single episode after her arc ended.
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Watch them for Suicide Master
You're only 3.5 eps behind, SHAFT is taking their sweet time
I'm also waiting, probably in 3 hours if it's gonna release the same time like the last subs did
I recently started watching Bakemonogatari and like it so far. I just finished the snail arc and have to say that she is a very nice character. Thank you to the anons who recommend the best subtitles and media player to me in a previous thread. When do the sisters get introduced? They are funny.
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it will take a while until you see them. after you finished bake and then watched the kizu movies you will find them in nisemonogatari.
>she is a very nice character
very true!
Cute video and skilled dancer
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The only boring arc is nekomonogatari kuro but the follow up is good
Monogatari is that one anime when I can see characters talking for hours and never get bored.
Great dialogue is a hell of a drug. I've realized recently that as long as the writing is very good and the visuals are pretty, it doesn't really matter what the characters are doing. I've become a hanashi otaku.
I can't believe they cut out the Child Car Seat from the anime. How is the season supposed to go on without this vital plot-defining character?
Very cute Hachikuji cosplay.
yeah, was kind of devastated when I saw that. it's not the only one though, so I guess it's not the end of the world
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Checked the lastest Monogatari novel in the wiki and sounds absolutely based. It deals with Araragi and Senjougahara in their honeymoon with Kanbaru and Shinobu. Can anyone who has checked it if it's as good as it sounds?
Mongatari is helping ensure fanservice in our times
ikusa is quite good. first senjo arc since a very long time, it was especially good after reading the slog called monster season. the main focus is about the future relationship between bat, crab and araragi. I think the story resolves has a satisfying conclusion, but sometimes the conversations between bat and crab felt awkwardly written maybe it was just the translation, who knows
Great to know. Sounds promising, sad there's a long way till it gets adapted.
honestly, he arc was the best
When are they just gonna rip off the band-aid and transition to Monogatari:Nadeko featuring 10 volumes of the misadventures of Mangaka/Specialist Nadeko, her boyfriend Ononoki, and Wildcard Tsukihi as they solve oddities in their town? Araragi can show up as as in the Season 2 as a deux ex machina climax character.
>rip off the band-aid
Yugioh GO Rush fans, “First time”
So are the books still ongoing?
Seems like this series never ends (and I'm thankful for that).
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Always waiting for subs.
Why never waiting for doms?
I was really surprised when nisio announced that he would really start a whole new season. I really wonder if he'll do a season after family season, logically I would say now, but with nisio you just never know. though I wish his writing speed would be back to his old glory, I can't even imagine how he wrote the best books of monogatari with only 4 months of time inbetween
Imagining being a guy writing a book and then you suddenly get elevated to Stan Lee status.
why is she so fucking flat
Shaft just liked it better that way
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uh how about this one again?
6. Or 4, then ask Kanbaru to switch with me
5 no question
Of course 5 is a great seat but 3, 6 and 7 seem so fun 8 could be good if you got Hanekawa to fuck off
talking about math with Math in seat 3 for eight hours could be fun
2 Seems best? You get a window seat and the aisle seat is empty so you have privacy. Hachikuji and Shinobu also have an amiable relationship outside of the DVD commentaries.
How would seat 1 go?
why does the left side only have 2 seats?
I wanna sit with monkey and snail
You would get a great business opportunity to invest in an up and coming real estate project your seatmate is working on. He just needs your bank account and social security number.
why is her shirt half untucked. Is she stupid?
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I need Hanazawa to yell in my ear the entire episode.
I sit next to shinobu or I'll put on the crown.
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Can Kagenui sit down in vehicles?
Fuck it, why doesnt Nisioisin just write the stories of everyone in this series until both they and him and the readers reach old age?
>. I really wonder if he'll do a season after family season
At this point we can tell he has an urge to write. And when he has a new idea he had to publish it. Some creators just write because it is in their soul.
8. They are probably more willing to talk to a stranger like me and i am curious about what is in their heads.
8. I'm going to make that pussy purr.
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>the conversations between bat and crab
This excites me
It is time.
1 please
>changed "Araragi-Hentai" to "famed pervert"
8 and play with Hanekawa's tits the whole flight
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rest my head on cat's tits while ooger sits on my lap
I think she just can’t stand on like the actual earth ground
1 and it isn't even close.

Kaiki isn't allowed to annoy me and how to come up with various lies that actually help me, of course.
You're next to edgy devil girl, anon. Hard pass.
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Bit late to this since just woke up, but subs are out, time to finally watch the ep
You're going to have to hear her and Ougi fight for rrrg sloppy seconds (thirds)
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Why does she use Ougi for transportation then? Why not just use a car or a wheelchair?
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*Ononoki for transportation
Cause the visual of a little girl carrying a woman in high heels with a single finger is bizarre.
I honestly love how passionate he is.
6 isn't that bad. Ononoki would simply lie as a motionless doll and Nadeko would ignore you.
Just watched it now, was quite the fun start to a new arc, which has had quite the setup already for it. But have to say, is this the ep with introducing the most named characters which show their face in one ep? There's one thing to show designs and names for relevant side characters, like meniko or higasa, but I didn't expect to see that for multiple of the basketball team as well. I know its different now that they're involved in the mystery and all, but monogatari especially was very minimalistic, usually showing background characters as cutouts, names or other vague representations.
Also, seeing the cipher part gave me a bit of a flashback to cipher academy (rip). How far apart was this mono volume to the start of that?
And as always, thanks for the fansubs, seemed this ep had quite a lot of signs, which were done well, happy to see releases like this in this day and age.
based not believing in ghosts chad
Anon is looking for the least bad, which to him means the one where the characters engage the least with him and others .

Holy based. And I thought I was a loner...

I still choose 1 though so I can have myself scammed into a better life. Also Kaiki Meme shenanigans with Shinobu sound fun.

If I was trying to seduce one of them, (while I wish it could be Kanbaru but I'm a male) I'd go for 5 since rrrg presumably can't compete for his imouto.
I watched Monogatari fansubbed in my native language. Are the eng subs really that bad? what about official releases?
Fansubs butchered the RRRG-hentai part desu. Other than that, they did good
There's no large Bat to sit next to so 7 I guess.

extra-strappy high heels*
You see more of the sisters in Nise, along with the honorary toothbrush scene.
It’s one of those shows where dialogue is both entertaining and thoughtful. The character personalities make it better too.
5, oh yes
here is your car scene
>translated is as mustard instead of mastered
Has anyone figured out what the DVS clue mean?
I love the knight and samurai vibing in the background.
really like how shaft did the tonal shift from off to monster season. really doubling down on the mystery genre with araragi as the detective. when I read it in the novel version though, I found the dialogue dry and the pacing slow, because nisio tones it down with the gags and jokes. I hoped that the anime would make the boring dialogue become more bearable through interesting visuals and also by only keeping the important and interesting lines. And I think from watching the first episode, that that seems to be the case, hearing the explanations by gaen felt nostalgic. meniko is way cuter than I imagined her, real encryption maniac. obviously the riddle is just typical nisio wank, but it's fine and the explanation as long as you don't think too hard about it. and fuck I love higasa so much, higasa is the best. good episode.
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1 is objectively the best seat in a plane. You have no hassle finding your seat and you don't have to wait for ages to get out while other people are collecting their luggage from the overhead bins.

special mention for seat no. 5 which probably wouldn't be a super enjoyable seat for a stranger to sit in, being between two sisters who might want to talk or play or fiddle with each other, but if I'm literally me (Araragi Koyomi) far from it being the best seat in the plane, it might just be the best seat in the entire universe.

I guess it's really good that the seat next to mayoi hachikuji is occupied, because if I were seated sext to her I'd commit a crime.
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Should've gone with mastard to match cursetard.
Holy shit, Shinobu is going to appear in shinobumonogatari.
holy shit, oishi is directing the episode!
Bakemonogatari director? I thought he retired from the industry.
different oishi
3. We'd get each other.
6 — only seat next to a member of the loli trinity

Yotsugi is not the most approachable character, but it's worth a shot.
I'm not A(ra*2)gi so I can sit in 3 without her having an episode
I'd choose 3. We would sit silently for the entire flight.
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The 4th one is just reused from Ep 7, isn't it?
Oh well.
Oh yeah, actually ruined the joke
I love this chuuni retard.
1 is best option
>I wish his writing speed would be back to his old glory,
Motherfucker wrote a volume of Katanagatari each month for a whole year.
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I'm the pilot, fuck off
and that wasn't even the only thing he wrote that year. he wrote Risuka, Sekai and other one-offs as well.
Happy birthday (in Japan at least) to Yui Horie, the one and only Hanekawa!
literally who?
There are two big reasons I remember her.
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insult me mistress again nyah. double dog dare yahnyah.
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Hanekawa could kill you in under 6 seconds
Most people know her as 'Best girl'
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>imagine having friends and a gf
Monogatari characters are mental af (especially the girls). It's always good to proceed with caution.
Seat 1 would be cringekino if/when Hitagi realizes Kaiki's there
why not just go "oni chan"
Because she's making a word play on the fact Araragi is both half-oddity and a big brother figure.
So "oni chan" ?
Not overcomplicated enough for Nisio.
She does shorten it to this sometimes
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Exactly how fucking drunk was Nisioisin when he came up with this retarded ass puzzle?
That Hanekawa pout face is so cute
Im assuming he just had some external help
some stray cat that araragi wants to fondle
The gato with big tetas.
I prefer the shorted version when the va has to somehow say the word oni and onii in one go. Like oni-i chan
Someone kick Kanbaru out of her seat so I can sit next to best loli Hachikuji.
Kanbaru can sit on my lap
I would like to sit just with Ougi or Nadeko
What's her Pokemon team?
Ideally I'd be sitting between Mayoi and Nadeko if I could rearrange the seats like that.
>Are the eng subs really that bad?
Anything that isn't the proper Japanese it's a disservice to the series. SHAFT does the best it can to help with interesting visuals but some times the wordplay it can't be properly adapted.
>what about official releases?
Crunchy subs are bad, not good awful like most of it's releases but for Monogatari with heavy dialogue and a shit ton of wordplay, they just aren't enough.
Unless you're native language is Japanese you are also getting subpar subs.
She's too OP, they sent her to the shadow realm. Same thing for Oshino, Kaiki just doesn't want to show up.
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When she will get her anime?
she already did, it's called Nekomonogatari
Plusle, Minum, and Annihilape
Good picks!
Cheeky cunt.

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