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Alya won and got a second season.
Now that the dust has finally settled can we all agree this student council drama show masquerading as a Russian romantic comedy was fucking boring?

Season 2 will probably be even worse.
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Yuki >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alya
She is your sister.
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remember that race-mixing with russian girls is always the correct thing to do
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I won't be watching the second season. I got baited in watching this one because of the foot service and imouto service, but then everything turned about a boring election and there's enough about elections going on IRL right now.
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little sisters are the best
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Imagine the smell
God I can only imagine how hot and steamy the sex was that night
I knew thia waa going to be bad based on the blatant pantyshot in ep 1 but the silly faces really put the nail in the coffin.
The mc was really based during his speech
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What did he mean by this?
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Let be real. Most people who didn't like S1 and said they won't watch S2 will be there in S2 discussion every week.
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Nonoa is so pretty...
Yuki mogs alyashit so hard it's not even funny
Another victory for the horde.
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Nonoa sex can't wait for her to almost blind a guy next season.
>watched the show for the main gaijin female MC >stayed for the girl other than the gaijin female MC
It's Oreshura all over again...
>blind a guy next season.
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unfathomably based, I can't wait for more of my Russian goddess
best romcom in awhile
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On its way to surpassing Kaguya as the best romcom in this generation
Russian propaganda.
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>During the festival a bunch of troublemakers get in
>Some of them pick on Nonoa's siblings
>She confronts them
>Before she can stick her fingers on a guy's eyeballs he dodges and Kuze goes stop her
Good. I hope to see more Alya doujins. Her design is godlike
*shits out 100 more vtubershit doujins*
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Sadly if you click on Roshidere hashtag all you see are AIshits
It seems human artists are drawing Makeine instead
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>autistic emotionless sex
>she just lie there like a dead tuna

is this really what you want?
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Yes? What kind of a question is that?
>Makeine S2
>Elusive Samurai S2
>Roshidere S2
>Shitnoko eternally BTFO
Life is good.
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She would never
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What maintains the hype (in Japan)?
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She's a maid that does whatever her master commands.
Order her to moan and she'll moan.
Order her to ride you and she'll do all the work.
Order her to tell you what a dirty whore she is and she'll say it.
She'd only lie there if you commanded it, and even then you can tell she'd be shaking her hips since just her master talking to her makes her panties wet.
muh japanese stuco folded 1000 times
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>people in this thread are clearly delusional if they think this show is good
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Is this what they call "trapped in a shit show"?
Only gachashit gets doujins nowdays
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they aren't contrarian or retarded enough to get filtered by a fun stuco plot
I wish we got more kaichou and negative IQ tomboy gf
This is CLEARLY a shoujo show.
>useless female protag
>handsome prince male that falls head over heels for her and does everything for her
This is a total template show made for women.

All of you have been played
Alya literally being this in love made me realize it was a shoujo anime all along
ninja mad SEX
Nobody is falling for your retardation samefag
I can't tell if you mean angry sex or misspelled maid
But either way based
What does it matter this show is a shoujo in disguise? Romance is cute no matter if it appeals to men or women
>Alya won and got a second season.
how the fuck
>12 more eps of stuco
kill me now
why do these sluts have such short skirts
>gaijins seethe over student council
>japan LOVES it

>this one alyacuck desperately samefagging
probably made the thread too
it's just contr/a/rian, not g/a/ijins in general
ignore (you) seeking behavior
Yes it feels very dramatic for something that simultaneously feels low stakes. They even brought up how Alya has no reason to be the President, and instead of figuring it out, it got swept under the rug because Alya was going to have a fucking breakdown just by thinking about it. She is the most boring character imaginable.
You do not need to join us for season two.
to be honest, this was even worse than the PA Works vampire anmie.
Just... don't watch it?
My mind says don't watch but my penis forces me to
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It's not good however Yuki sex.
I honestly don't know why nips liked this anime, must be some core difference between western and eastern values or some shit like that
>election boring
picrel was a better election
vile temptress, Alya is my one and only
Stuco shit is big deal to Japan because of how their gay asskissing suckering-up politics work, if you were in stuco in school you're going to be looked more favorably upon by potential employers.
>vile temptress
Masha is better
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i liked kuze being an edge lord
sue me fags
I will
Expect my papers in your mail tomorrow
My lawyers are gonna clean you out
Yukisisters how will we ever recover
This slut is so hot
I'll take Mariya for wife. You can have younger whore.
>Tricked into watching a LN adaptation
>Tricked into watching a shoujo
>Tricked into watching Japanese School politics.
This is a show for women. How is it so successful in Japan that it warrants a second season?
The student council shit is boring while Alya and Yuki are maximum kawaii. Not hard to understand.
It'd be better if this had actual stakes rather than stuco shit.

I can't take it seriously if it's some made up politics shit.
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This is the most iconic love triangle in otaku fiction at the moment...
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Bad at geometry?
>More russian propaganda
japan is dead
damn i went to check on how bad it was, oshi no ko barely fills a page on sadpanda
what the fuck happened? shouldn't they be burning all their money on rolls and superchats?
Seasonal anime come and go. By the time the doujin is out everyone has moved on to the next FOTM
i'd accept the argument if older FOTM didn't get hoards of doujins
i just checked haganai and oreimo and they're both at around 1k
boring as fuck. not picking up season 2
funny as fuck. picking up season 2
Did they give a date for season 2?
My dad works for Japan and told me Roshidere season 2 got cancelled due to all the ungrateful fucks on /a/
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Me too, it was fun.
People who demand that this be super serious or completely unserious are baffling to me. These are ordinary teens in a normal setting, some competitiveness and chuuni over a stuco election and romance is appropriate. I don't want them to save the world and I don't want them to have nothing to do either.
yup it all went downhill once the dumb student council plot kicked in. way to ruin a great start. I'll most likely hate watch S2
what the fuck was this show even about?
>another year goes by
>Another year where Doga kobo didn't make a good show
what went wrong?
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I still enjoyed it despite the fucking student council bullshit that felt forced into the plot. What really shocked me is how I went from an Alyafag to an Ayanofag. Good lord I want to do very illegal in certain states things to her.
It was about Alya hiding her feelings (in Russian)
Russian slut uses her good looks to seduce a japanese boy, convincing him to betray both his and her sister in order to win the student council election.
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Why did they drop the gimmick after the first ep?
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sex with mommy
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TFW shoujo does the male fantasy better than most modern shonen
"Alya sometimes emotionally manipulates a boy in Russian"
Russian and election
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they didn't, she was doing it all season, even her love confession was in Russian
It was, for the scenes that were just Alya or just Alya and Kuze I sped through them as they were fairly boring and they don't have any chemistry.
Honestly it's really pissing me off that Masachika is reacting directly to her Russian and she doesn't realize
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She a bitch, I prefer this one
Does Alya orgasms in russian or in japanese?
They got the Nexon money and circlejerk over Blue Archive. That thing is HUGE when it comes to fanart despite the game actually not being all that big.
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Most popular ship of the season. How can other Anime even compete?
Have sex with Russian girls NOW
>hears "face forward" spoken in russian
>faces forward
Is this ever addressed? It's "Hey Kira?" levels of gotcha.
do you think Russian government is unironically involved in this series? I honestly wouldn't be surprised
Nah, he's done a good job of playing dumb, he's never answered anything she's said. The worst you could say is at the end of this episode when she told him to look up, but it would be normal for him to look at up her when she says something even if he didn't understand Russian.
I actually liked how the Russian thing just became routine for them, it'd be weird for the MC to overreact every time she speaks Russian.
Kurakon will be good right? Will people like it and Akane?
>The best part of the episode is the conversation between Kuze and Yuki
There should've been more of that, the second season should just be them trying to out maneouvure the other.
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>Two retards flirting
Alya is smart
>pissing 'n' shitting 'n' farting 'n' cumming
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Yeah this was incredibly stupid, only a person fluent in Russian would look at person that started speaking to them. As soon as he realized she was speaking in foreigner, he should have turned 360 degrees and walked away from her.
considering they delayed it due to the war probably not
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You'd naturally turn toward someone who's speaking to you even if they're saying gibberish
Suddenly bringing up the given name thing should raise a lot of suspicion, yeah he brought it up naturally but the timing is too convenient.
I mean they love Classroom of the Elite too which is School is serous business the show. S4 greenlit. Strong LN sales. Hall of fame in Konorano to give all the other novels a chance.
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holy fucking SMUG
But I see more gaijin artists drawing this show while nip artists are drawing Makeine instead
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I'm going to print this and put it by my bed so that I wake up to her jiiiii every day
Yuki's hairless pussy
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I should make a tulpa
Do NOT bully Chisaki.
I can't believe they wasted the whole final episode on the student council speech bullshit
Well yeah obviously. That's how 4chin works
Yes. She will literally listen to any of your deprived requests.

This anon gets it.

I like all the girls though (i.e. want to fuck them). Some (masha) more than others (Alya).
That's a major leap, convenient timing could be much more reasonably explained by the suave guy being suave, rather than secretly hiding fluency in a different language. She already thinks of him as a smooth guy with good timing anyways, and it makes sense that she'd be preoccupied with happiness at this relationship development rather than acting like a paranoid schizo.
I fucking hate Kadokawa. Instead of more New Game, Koisuru Asteroid, WataTen, an adaptation of another slice of life comedy manga or more unique original anime we get more generic shounen harem slop.
Nobody cares about your /u/trash
Kys yuricuck
To be fair, Roshidere has been a lot more successful and popular than any of them except maybe New Game, even pre-anime.
Man Yuki must be feeling especially stupid for picking a fight with the hibernating bear who only needs to raise his eyebrow to defeat her. She gave him meds so he slandered her reputation while silently telling everyone he's chad enough to date Yuki and break up with her.
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Yuki won
The cùck competition
You are gonna enjoy your NORMAL romance number 26 of the season and you are gonna like it!
What series is this?
Is this Goslingcore?
The Fragrant Flower Blooms Anime Adaptation by CloverWorks for 2025
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Good. This season was great in that regard
Giji Harem was fun, it's a shame it's so ignored here.
Masha should have been the main girl
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I need this slut.
Yeah, the first two episodes were hard bait
Yuki a best
Alya a shit
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>Just... don't watch it?
out of the question
Too boring, no white hair aryan beauty like Alya.
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>Good. This season was great in that regard
pic related is the best one this season
so fucking good it killed the author
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Mob girls are cute in this anime
>the banter between yuki and kuze in the beginning
Hahahhahahaha they're brother and sister alright
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Messy hair Ayano>>>>>
sex with masha
What did Alya say in russian?
Is there any real student body that would get interested by the speeches? If it was my school back then, they'd probably only get interested by the events promised by Yuki and then yawned at everything else.
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"My dog has an infected foot."
Wrong. Alya is cuter than Yuki, therefore more popular and I'll be voting for her. Her titties alone gets my vote. Vote for the big tiddy bitch over the flatty
>people a re going to write in Kuze
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>Earlier that day...
You know what, you might be right. I member a hot 10/10 girl won the SC election at my middle school even though she was dumb as brick kek.
She honestly shouldn't win the election.
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>I got the school slut so please vote Alya
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Alyabros...............WE WON!!!
Alya's white pubes
Need more amwf anime
masha's brown pubes
Yuki's bold pussy...
It was an okay 6/10.
Nonoa's yellow pubes.
>she just lie there like a dead tuna
maguro onna sex is literally how japanese have enjoyed sex for centuries.
Did i missed a leak?
I want to fuck that blonde slut so hard.
we know, every male member of her school
That's the major issue with the plot, nobody in middle/high school ever cared about student council bullshit or whatever they called it at your school. I don't know if this is a japanese-only thing where they give too much credit for it, but in general nobody gives a damn.
Does Japan really have leaderboards for high school exam scores
Surprised Nonoa didn't show her ass/panties to the whole school when she bowed on stage.
Wait, the episode ended after the closing ceremony, meaning there will be a school break. What will be the plot during those break days? They surely aren't going to spend most of the time talking about elections during the break, right? RIGHT?!
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yuki needs immediate correction
It really doesn't matter if you go first or second all that much, come on (I am still watching this episode
I don’t think you’re prepared to do what you need to do to correct Yuki. Correction is what she wants. You need to take it 5, 10, maybe even 15 steps further so she starts to feel bad about her misbehavior. Can you do that, Anon?
Nigga the whole plot doesn't matter.
Also the whole Yuki's speech was her throwing the current president under the bus, and a bit of herself as well since she is part of the council.
>suggestions box
Who the fuck cares
Oyakodon with yuki and the hag
Difference is they already did.
You know damn well that isn't an option, smartass
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She should had done to ensure Alya's victory
How wet was Yuki during this moment?
>fake kino camera pan
>but it's just copy pasted 3d models watching wordswordswords
Why is this like this?
>I don't know if this is a japanese-only thing where they give too much credit for it, but in general nobody gives a damn.
It sort of looks good on a CV, but it has zero power and is 100% overhyped.
>Does Japan really have leaderboards for high school exam scores
They do.

I wanted more older brother/ younger sister bants.
Honestly didn't care at all for Alya or her sister or anything else.
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>all according to keikaku
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yuki is already a perfect politician
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I like this slavic heifer as much as the next guy but she's got nothing on Kaguya except two lumps of chest fat
>Yuki is suppose to compete with this
Why was there no thread this week? Could you let me know, lieutenant-san(or staff officer as in source)? Also, I have some information suggesting that half of this week’s episode was developed by the anime writer. This implies that it might be possible to keep producing season after season, even w/o source manga. However, whether or not they choose to do so is entirely up to them.
>Why was there no thread this week?
not my fault you missed it
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>Alya Sometimes Does Her Speeches in Russian
kind of just want to start reading the LN
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what a precious smile
>No subtitles
Lazy faggots
i hope you're ready for 8+ VOLUMES of school council drama
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Kuze's in the wrong show
How many pantyshots did we actually get? I remember 3
Well this sucked
-Great gimmick, Alya should've had ratcheted it up by started saying more outlandish things as the series went on.
-Top tier tsundere.
-Amazing production values, character design etc, the opening is an all timer.
-Yuki's plotting and scheming was fairly well done, Masachika's a good foil for her.
-Show was setting up the main conflict to be having Alya learn how not to be a loner, ends up needing Masachika to give her the answers every time.
-Oh god the student council shit doesn't matter. Zero stakes, they're all friends anyway.
-Bait and switch from before Masachika agrees to help her and after. Completely different vibe.

Thanks for reading my review. I'm still going to watch season 2 because Alya is that great.
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Masha ended up being a non-character as well. Forgot about her.
She is girl who the MC was friends with during childhood, how could you have forgotten this very important part of the plot, anon?
is sweaty passionate sex with Alya in the student council while Yuki watches part of the drama
Based, the real all powerful onii-sama right there not this fake lazy otaku act in this show.
I've read many light novels before and I can tell this one falls into the same cycle of having cute romcom moments in the first and last chapters to keep the otaku hooked, while 80% of the book is irrelevant plot shit that'll solve itself.
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men will see this and just post "Wife"
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Everyone here knows that but choose to stay for Alya
zzzZZzzz student council shit zZZzZZ
Even Shoushimin Series is more interesting and that started off being a snoozefest.
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>missed out on high school love
ITS NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kuze-kun is so lucky
Fuck you in particular Anon
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you will
and i repeat
have a girl look at you with eyes full of love like this anon
my boy 50%man would btfo him so hard
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>Kuze has sex with Alya
>Ayanokoji has sex with Kei
Ayanokouji basically fucked every major character in the latest volume so yeah
>Getting him to use his 50%
That's more than what a lot of characters in his universe can say.
Did he fuck Arisu? If not he did NOT win
>Yuki speech
Warm, laid out her credentials and past expereince in leadership, offered specific policy proposals backed up by her radio broadcasts
>Alya speech
Awkward and offputting, admits no experience, admits she makes mistakes, no policies other than a commitment to having an edgelord, a gyaru, and retard in the cabinet.
>Kuze has sex with Alya
a real fucking g > some corporate shill
He fucked her by essentially saying he expected more out of Ryuuen than her (she was very upset at this)
Ayanokoji's LN is boring
>Getting him to use his 50%
implying kuze would be able to do that
But Alya is looking at me right now?
alya isn't a girl because she isn't real anon...
Fuck Alya
As much as I hate Kaguya on the second half of the series, their side characters carried really hard, not even Yuki is anything close to them. Also best romcom in this generation is Nozaki kun
>Nozaki kun
>this generation
It's not that old right?
Honestly the series wasn't that good, I'm going to spoiler the next part, only check it if you are brave enough, I liked Shikimori's anime more.
There is one dedicated ntrfag artist who keeps drawing her. Think every romcom should get one dedicated artist like that.
Masha will join her sister for the threesomes.
Granted, Kaguya the anime is 2019 and the manga is 4 years older than that, so it is on the brink of being accepted as "this generation".
Cute doormat. Would step on.
If we go by manga then Nozaki is from 2011.
Shikimori is the better series but Roshidere has the better girls.
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OVA of their summer break date-o please.
They both have the same director who clearly just isn't good.
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Nonoa's shaved pussy
Finally, all my pent up urges can be relieved.
Yeah, fuck disgusting hetslop.

I have yet to finish "Boys Over Flowers", so wrong.
Go 41% yourself yuritroon
>you will
>and i repeat
>have a girl look at you with eyes full of love like this anon
First wife did.
Second wife did.
All my kids did.
Grandson does.

You might live a hollow empty shell of a life, but some of us have more.
What did you expect to happen when you adopted such a niche, cringe lifestyle?
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>First wife did.
>Second wife did.
>You might live a hollow empty shell of a life, but some of us have more.
Has the series changed your opinions on Russia?
No, I don't care about foreign politics
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Yuki is perfection
Так была говном, так и осталась.
She's from Vladivostok, it doesn't count.
No, the allure is making them break their stone face
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Vladivostok is Chinese though.
А я люблю обмазываться не свежим говном и дрочить. Каждый день я хожу по земле с черным мешком для мусора и собераю в него все говно которое вижу. На два полных мешка целый день уходит. Зато, когда после тяжёлого дня я прихожу домой, иду в ванну, включаю горячую воду…ммм и сваливаю в нее свое сокровище. И дрочу, представляя, что меня поглотил единый организм говно. Мне вообще кажется, что какашки, умеют думать, у них есть свои семьи, города, чувства, не смывайте их в унитаз, лучше приютите у себя, говорите с ними, ласкайте их…. А вчера в ванной, мне преснился чудный сон, как будто я нырнул в море, и оно прератилось в говно, рыбы, водоросли, медузы, все из говна, даже небо, даже Аллах!.
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Taniyama love.
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wtf i love russians now
>That spoiler
now thats shit taste
The one hundred kisses stare
>only hates russian girl because she wants team /incest/
She is /a/ personified
I dropped it before even finishing the first season.
Does he ever tell her or does she ever find out that Masachika knows Russian?
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No because as soon as that happens its game over, it took nine volumes for Alya to learn that Yuki and Kuze are siblings and it only happened because Kuze decided to tell her as the story was slowing and it needed a drama shake up.
That's not just in Japan
School festivals make better arcs than student council drama shit
>tired & depressed big-titty hag with emotional baggage that somehow looks 15 years younger than her age
She's for me.
I can fix her.
Is ep 12 the final one? No 13th episode?
>pissing 'n' shitting 'n' farting 'n' cumming
Average make-out/foreplay session between Kuze and Yuki.
>budget COTE
Oh, I see. I suppose that make sense since she didn't connect the dots when Yuki alluded to her brother in the anime.
But budget COTE is COTE, have you not seen the anime?
>I'm still going to watch season 2 because Alya is that great.
Based honest anon.
Woah take it easy there, anon.
she actually told him to cheer up, there was a bad english translation
yeah, owari da
if alya is supposed to be charismatic why does no one like her in the show?
having taste this bad should be illegal, this was better in every regard and it wasn't even close
>if alya is supposed to be charismatic why does no one like her in the show?
If you watched the show, why would you ask such an asinine question?

She's not "charismatic", she's "cool", as in the cool unapproachable type.
Literally explained in the first five minutes of the first episode.
but shes not cool. Shes just a socially awkward cunt who happens to be good looking
take your meds and stop posting until they work.
I mean if anon is into beta male/alpha female it can't be helped.
Public perception doesn't always match the real reason. Maybe if she was ugly they'd call it awkward.
Fingering Nonoa in class!
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>if alya is supposed to be charismatic
She isn't really, communication is her major weakness. There was an entire flashback episode about that and it's half of her trouble in the election, not to mention the title of the series. Her strength is her determination, her charisma is more of a hidden potential strength.
>why does no one like her in the show?
They do. Chad approached her in episode one, she's already on stuco and MC likes her. She's just not on Yuki's level (yet).
Maybe but there's at least 10 other girls in the school who are just as hot with an actual personality so i don't understand why her character's supposed to be so cool

stop projecting

yeah i think i'm just annoyed why shes being perceived as this goddess when she's boring as fuck
Part of it was a meme at first but yuki honestly was the only redeeming factor of the show. You could even say ayano and to a lesser extent nonoa were good too. It's really just alya that was boring and the asinine plot which was used to push alya into the main heroine position was just awful. They did a good job luring people in with the panty shots only to pull a fast one and replace it with muh student council dogshit.
true, i will pray for him to see the light
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What do you consider qualifies a person to have personality and be not boring? Alya is a beautiful transfer student and top of their class, she's a hard worker and in stuco, it's not even remotely difficult to understand why she is cool. This just feels like complaining for the sake of complaining, there's no logic or sense here.
because she's winning and i don't like her. Every other girl in the show is better than her. I am complaining
It definitely changed my opinion on imoutos.
why is mc only rank 33 if he's a genius?
he's naturally above average, not the smartest man alive, he's also lazy
It does. The 2nd gets to react to the first. There's a reason why retards here always like to get the last word in when arguing.
He's rusty
Did he even try?
I mean he has the bet with Alya, why not give it a try and grab rank 1 while he's at it?
why doesnt she just open her legs to tame the guys?
успокойся, хохол
Seems inconsistent. Why would she give a fuck about what those dudes were doing?
the only contrarian is you retard
CoTE is literally Game of Throne in highschool and I can see the appeal
But this crap doesn't even have 1/10 of the entertaining asspulls
The hate sex between Kuze and Yuki would be amazing.
But they adore each other
they are the same person
before and after sex
I am disappointed that none of the sisters this season said they wanted to get impregnated by their big bro
She's charismatic only to kuze while other characters are confused why he got charmed
>diplomat father would rather travel abroad than stay at home and fuck her good
wtf is his problem
Where is the part where we're supposed to think she's a hard worker again
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High-school love is overrated anyway. It's just two overgrown children being awkward. It just is, ok?!
>missed out on hs love
>missed out on college love
>missed out on office love
kill me
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Aryan goddess
That was just a larp
she has a heart trimmed bush actually
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try watching at 1x speed?
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Stop liking psychopathic women
She's not psychopathic she just lacks brotherly warmth
He refuses to cuddle her at night
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>that one-two punch of Alya's confession scene followed by his flashback to childhood love
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yes this was when she was a kid, now show the part where she's working hard during the whole election shit
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Make way for the true psychopathic woman
>yes this was when she was a kid,
ok, now please press play and continue watching at 1x speed beyond that moment
Short clip with the season 2 announcement:
and what they did mean with this dance of the opening?
Very glad we got the season 2 announcement now.
the main character is a gary stu
I hope season 2 has more of Alya's tits
wtf I can't believe alya is a MtF transperson
only here is being socially adept viewed like an unrealistic super power
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This but feet
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I hope it has more fun EDs
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can't wait for the inevitable r18 visual novel
>no mothers included
Tomboy ntr route would be the hottest
You don't want to stick your dick in crazy, anon. Trust me.
Please don't tell me season 2 will be even more election bullshit. I know the election still isn't over in the LN, but at least tell me it won't be the focus.
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simply the best
unironically dropped at episode 11
I can't fucking stand how boring this anime is
from cute teasing romcom ot a fucking election shit
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Did I do it right?
I chuckled.
put yuki and alya's faces on the right
I have trouble finishing this anime too, for the same reasons. I'm on episode 10.
Still mad Hacka ruined her.
I don't have Photoshop or GIMP
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I got banned for 3 days for offtopic for posting that
Just drop it. it's not worth it. it's not even fun cringe kino like Classroom of Elite
Its hard to get invested into the insignificant problems of incredibly talented super rich teenagers being blown out of proportion. The series became just how stupid these supposedly genius level characters when dealing with each other. Should I just take the time to explain my situation to my possibly romantic partner that my childhood friend is actually my sister and thats why we are so close. No! I will not put her mind at ease, I will not simply ask her to keep is quiet because of the immense pressure on Yuki! NO!
>pick Alya, get Masha as a bonus
>pick Yuki, get Ayano as a bonus
Hard choice to be honest
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can't believe kuze and alya were actually siblings too
I really liked Alya herself but god was this stupid student council election shit was painful. What was SunSunSun thinking?
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I just can't like this anime. I don't even want to watch the final episode. whatever. goodbye. what a waste of fun premise.
Go back to /uhg/, cyka blyat!
Why are you pretending you didn't shill this show all season, MKL?
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imoutos rule the world
Show was great and Alya is top cute. Hope the election continues to filter /a/ so S2 threads can be better.
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Alya won.
that never made it false
I don't get the comparison with COTE, this is supposed to be a romcom about a Russian girl and a Japanese boy helping each other to fix their problems with the gimmick thrown in, the election thing is just a goal that the author chose for this.
The game is already out?
yes, there's a secret route where you make new siblings for alya
Kuze helping Alyais basically Ayanokoji helping Horikita
Slava Yukiraini
did she cry
But it's a puzzle game

>Day 1200 of special military operation to denazify Kyiv
>China has now put boots in Vladivostok after the Russians were found to be paying for Nork Shells by smuggling crystal meth into China
>Masachika now has to run damage control that his elite school that withstood American bombing of the Japanese mainland and attended by the scions of the seething elite Japanese samurai are not about to elect a CCP spy
>His 4D chess move involves releasing Alya's Dota 2 chatlogs swearing in Russian
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>I prefer cuckshit
glad the tastelets are outing themselves
You expect me to believe this? This bitch is clearly roided up, picking up that heavy box without issues. She's full of lies!
Only in the most superficial way though. They're completely different in plot, direction, tone and in every other way that actually matters. They both just have an MC who is hiding their powerlevel and helping a girl with her ambitions.
there's no other moment retard
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sadly they'll never leave, Alya is irresistible
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how dare she be mean to Masha-san!
i shall adopt Masha-san myself so that she can be my momwife and forget about Alya
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bait or retarded?
genuinely can't tell
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god i wanna fuck alya
Radical Yukifags try not to shit on other characters (Challenge: impossible)

Can't you just love Yuki in peace? You're making the rest of the Yuki fans look bad with this retarded waifu war tribalism.
not with that attitude
Great show overall.
It's clear the author knows the genre very well and understands what works, what doesn't, and carefully crafted each scene to be as good as it could possibly be. He isn't some genius writer brining revolutionary plots but he knows how to make use of all the cliches. I've been impressed with this show since episode 1 and it delivered till the very end. Amazing production values complemented the anime perfectly too.
Sasuga tourists.
I miss Masha
It's a fucking student council anon, would you rather vote for a soulless "expert" or someone who actually seems to be kinda chill? Even if Alya fucks up a little it doesn't actually matter all that much.

In a way, I think that Yuki ended up taking it way too seriously and lost - forgetting that while yes, you need to be professional, it's a STUDENT council election. Masachika brought in a fun and entertaining vibe to the election in his speech that was both professional and yet had an air of jest that gets someone elected to student councils IRL.
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I feel the same. It's shocking how fucking good this was given the fairly standard nature of the plot, but I was excited for this more than anything every week.
can't believe Elaina finally got her second season
Yuki is so tight
Can confirm
Man, those moments when Yuki and Masachika showed their true feelings and decided to go all out on each other were something else. Made me think of stuff like Akagi. I love it when strong anime characters confidently use their powers.
Pick both and get a harem you can have a fivesome with every night.
Ayano had to pull out a mop.
me drinking the mop water
> it's a STUDENT council election
It is funny how you think that real elections are somehow different. Alya's camp directly dissed opponent while building on emotional "from zero to hero" story which people love so much. "Elitist vs people's person" is happening in adult politics aswell. Alya's speech could've been better tho. She talked too much about herself without relating her hardships to hardships of other students. Somehow, even though she was supposed to be in opposition to "soulless elitist", she did not describe herself as "one of the students".
>raised in Vladivostok
>name autism
That's bullshit
Alisa is shit.
They are going to win this glorified popularity poll because Kuze acts like a clown.
Taniyama was right, the teachers/board of directors should have the right to stop retards from entering the election as they could damage the school's reputation.
And Kuze isn't even hiding his abilities, he is more of a direct support rather than a shadow like Ayano.
Why is she like this?
But teachers aren't voted into their function, you cannot give veto rights to unvoted technocrats!
it's what imoutos do when their brothers are the best, just the best
He absolutely is. He refuses to show off his abilities until they're needed. He's still hiding the fact he understand Russians perfectly, even from strangers. Hiding his power level is his default state.
>she did not describe herself as "one of the students"
Because Alya doesn't see herself as one, and just believes that she should be the one in charge because nobody else will put in more work than her in the school, she is at heart a work supremacist.
if you're going to do something, do it right. I don't care if it's the ladies charity luncheon for homeless kittens. I want competent leadership. in all things where possible.
I will certainly agree that Alya is a model modern politician. Unqualified, intransigent,uninspiring, passionless, sociopathic
And yet he regularly shows his abilities in the open multiple times, and the show literally tells you that the only reason he doesn't use his abilities is because of real laziness and guilt.
The Russian thing is more like a joke that went too far and he is now too far deep into Alya saying random embarrassing shit to just casually confess to knowing Russian without possibly hurting her.
>fun premise
This is such a generic trashy romcom premise.
it was on the news this morning
> she is at heart a work supremacist.
She is, the problem is she said that out loud. She could put it like "I believe you deserve a president that works hard for you, and I will run for the office to bring you the best of the best." and maybe little bit of bantz "The Yuki-woman there, she brought attendand to show that she is above the work, above us looking down on common students climbing up. She sure was nice enough to show you the trashcan where you can throw your dreams! And you clapped. Don't clap for throwing your precious dreams, work hard for them, work for them with me!"
Reminder that Alya believes Kuze and Yuki are fucking behind the scenes.
She also gets turned on by the fierce look Kuze showed her, she would accept a threesome with them.
Not really. Only student council members realize his powers and not all of them either. He made multiple speeches in front of student body and yet he isn't the talk of the town and people always thought that he was just Yuki's assistant before instead of the actual powerhouse.
>and the show literally tells you that the only reason he doesn't use his abilities is because of real laziness and guilt.
Yes, the show tells you he's literally hiding his abilities in order to continue easy life and to escape family drama.

>Russian thing
I should have expected it yet I'm still disappointed. Of course you would focus on Alya. See, it's not about Alya AT ALL. You just see it with Alya more often because she's the main heroine. He hides the fact he knows Russian from everyone, it's his default state. He his the fact from Masha without second thought too and he refused to reveal it to her even after she admitted she hides her real feelings for Alya.
It's just the type of person he is. He never shows his abilities unless he decides it's necessary, saving them for the future.
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This anime made me love russian girls
I want Alya to ask me to breed her in Russian.
> She could put it like "I believe you deserve a president that works hard for you, and I will run for the office to bring you the best of the best."
This sound too generic, by emphasizing that she'll put in the work herself she gives more confidence to the public.
>and maybe little bit of bantz "The Yuki-woman there, she brought attendand to show that she is above the work, above us looking down on common students climbing up.
Using Ayano, their friend, to trash Yuki is a no go for them as only Yuki was the only one playing dirty.
>She sure was nice enough to show you the trashcan where you can throw your dreams! And you clapped. Don't clap for throwing your precious dreams, work hard for them, work for them with me!"
This is too risky because there might be cases where the trashcan actually helped someone so those people will protest the attack.
You don't understand Alya. She would never say something like that.
The true trickery was positioning Alya being Russian as something relevant to the plot.
In the end besides her gimmick of saying Russian lines her entire personality is based on one or two archetypes from harem anime.
She completely behaves like a Japanese high school girl, even pillars of Russian culture like fake nails and tattoos are somehow ignored.
She's Russian and by her own admission extremely attractive and yet we're supposed to believe she doesn't have a cam show, or at least it hasn't been brought up so far which completely breaks the immersion.
The show could be called Ngozi sometimes hides her feelings in Igbo and nothing would change.
A shame because being a massive russiboo as well as an extremely smart and gifted otaku who hides his abilities in order to live a peaceful life among his mediocre peers I thought this show was made for me but it failed to deliver on its basic premise.
She's a friendless loser, where would she have picked up the Russian schoolgirl trends?
Do you at least have a hot sister you could fuck?
The titcow can moo at onii-chan all she wants but she will never have him.
Domain Expansion.
Mugen Imouto.

How does it feel Alya-san? To be the second girl in your own anime. And it's not even close. Even japs agree and we know they have shit taste.
>even pillars of Russian culture like fake nails and tattoos are somehow ignored
Holy retard, you don't know anything about Russia. All your "knowledge" are derogatory stereotypes from lowest common denominator media.
>the hard work myth
Eugh, I suppose Masachika serves as a bit of a contrast with how laid back he is, even though he technically
also worked hard as a kid in order to become a puppetmaster.
>pillars of Russian culture like fake nails and tattoos are somehow ignored.
>She's Russian and by her own admission extremely attractive and yet we're supposed to believe she doesn't have a cam show
This sounds like it could be a girl from america or really any european country lol, and from what I remember tattoos aren't popular in roshia
Giji harem and the Omnidere purifies the soul.
Mahou shoujo and the evil lieutenant is also great but it has that fucking cat so I can't be in full everything will be daijobu mode. I should rewatch takagi san.
>every other way that actually matters
That's just the thing, Jimbo, it doesn't matter.
>pillars of Russian culture like fake nails
Телл ми моар.
fake nails are huge in japland as well
She never even wore a ushanka, for crying out loud.
She cooked borsch. What do you want more?
>came into one of these very threads and said there wouldnt be a season two
>S2 announcement literally 24 hours later
gomenasorry, anons..
Apologize to Alya-san.
Извините, Алиса Михайловна
>>literally 24 hours later
S2 was announced immediately after ep 12 finished airing thoughever?
>that pic
Was it? I watched last ep today and didn't see anything until entering this thread. (nta)
Yeah, it was right after the episode airing in japan.
Damn. Usually the announcements are tied into episode runtime but I guess they decided to do it slightly differently. Either way, I'm glad, this anime is really well made and maintained the level throughout so the sequel should be great too.
will we see alya's dad?
As one person whose opinion is worth actually nothing but is vain enough bother putting it on the internet, Alya's anime was a bit of a dry ride at times, but I cannot help but find myself interested to see where it goes next season. The anime adapt sometimes doesn't take advantage of being a visual media enough, making your mind think "yup, this is in fact, a light novel adaption" but then you'll get stuff like the camera move from episode 12 which starts behind and just below Alya's eyeline and pans to the front facing shot, eye-level as she thinks about Masachika-kun's advice to face forward. Moments of cinema.
>>S2 announcement literally 24 hours later
it was announced when the last episode finished
>Was it? I watched last ep today and didn't see anything until entering this thread. (nta)
They don't put it on streams, just like the endcards. You'd have to d/l a torrent or watch a live broadcast or d/l a torrent based on a broadcast which noone does anymore.
Fuck, that's a shame. I always enjoyed seeing endcards and figured some anime simply don't have them.
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24 hours after i said it wasnt gettting a season 2, not after the last episode
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Yeah i'd say that's why they work so well together, the friction leads to chemistry and a complimentary relationship. I think a lot of the people calling her useless are overfocusing on the stuco framework and Kuze's social usefulness in that regard. Meanwhile, her personality is also pushing him to be a better person and they're growing together, which is the actual point of the story.
Mikhail Kudzho?
school is the most soul draining period for anyone in the west, while in japan it's the only time they can live.
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Yeah, they do make a good couple and complement each other well, maybe anons forget that a good romance also involves helping your partner (this is why I like Gimai a lot) instead of just being all fluffy and even in that regard Alya and Kuze actually flirt a lot too.
if anything she should have at least been into smoking (an iqos at least) and drinking.
Most of gaijins outside of /a/'s newfags who want to be seen as elitists love it too. Romcoms are generally well received as easy entertainment and Roshidere is one of the best ones. #1 in terms of production values and extremely solid in other regards.
>(an iqos at least)
I unironically reeled back in disgust at that thought.
>24 hours after i said
OK boss.
Alya has the best expressions.
Pick Megane,get Hayasaka
Can I get Hayasaka only?
Alya my beloved.
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I want to marry her
Why does this show attract so many AIfags?
70% of its arts on Pixiv are AI and the hashtag on Twitter is flooded with AI arts
Can't wait till Budanov offs Monke, for Russia to Balkanize, and for Japan to reconquer Karafuto
All of Alya's Russianisms are bullshit. She acts like the caricature of a Russian as imagined by an uncreative Japanese person.
Their eyes already look kinda AI generated even in the novel art. It's a weird look.
Majority of fan arts are now AI for any anime not just this one.
If I remember some of the first open models were trained on the LN artist so it attracted lots of AIfags even before the anime.
That's just Pixiv in general, go to any series and most of it will be AI
I wouldn't mind AI art if they used anime artstyle instead of whatever ugly model they use
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>I wouldn't mind AI art if they used anime artstyle
Even if it does get the style right it will always be slop.
Pic related.
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imagine the foursome...
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LNfags is there a moment in S2 where Yuki will btfo Kuze?
Suou > All Bitches
japs hate alya
sex with masha...
>disgusting cowtits
No thanks I'll just take Yuki
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handfeeding yuki kitkits and feeling her tongue lick the melted chocolate off my fingertips.
It did? Well that's nice and all, but I hope this series about a girl that hides her feelings in Russian is actually about that and not some boring family politics.
the LN is still milking the student council election drama
All up in that blonde's tight asshole.
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Nonoa does things to my dick.
Love Masha
Alya a shit
Imouto a best.
Imagine the smell Kuze felt
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It's that damn smile.
With a spread that wide the smell must have been like a punch in the face
Fear the Russian AI botnet.
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For Mother Russia

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