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Loli is back on the menu
Hey that's cool, it might get an actually readable translation.
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Is anyone on /a/ brave enough to put the entire manga on their bookshelf?
Nah, there's no way
I've got two volumes of BDSM lesbian erotica on my bookshelf, and the third has been preordered.
No one who doesn't already know what Illya is will be able to tell anything from the spine.
Looks like it's true: https://sevenseasentertainment.com/2024/09/18/seven-seas-licenses-fate-kaleid-liner-prisma-illya-the-complete-manga-collection/
It's about time. It's crazy it hasn't gotten an official translation yet with how popular it has been.
The manga is nowhere as lewd as the anime.
I will proudly display it alongside the milf manga
This is just the first series, there is no news if they will pick up 2wei and 3rei which is when it goes into overdrive with the lewdness.
>Pet shop of horrors
>Rozen Maiden

If this is what they're spending the chink money on then bring on more gay chinks. They're actually getting decent shit.
It makes sense that they do one series at a time. If it sells well, I'm sure they'll do 2wei too.
>burger license
Who the fuck cares?
They also grabbed this one.
How lewd is it
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My body is ready
The manga is general is WAY less lewd than the anime most of the time, especially in 2wei. Most of the loli make-out scenes are one panel or off screen.
I hope this means more Fate stuff gets picked up, like Case Files or Redline.
It will probably get picked up only if there's enough sales. Though maybe the boat anon can say otherwise and it's all gonna be released anyways (unfortunately, I doubt he can leak that info regardless).
how censored will it be in the states?
When will these faggots license zatch bell already
I hope you're joking nigga. The only thing the anime upped are kiss scenes. All real visual lewd fanservice for lolicons got neutered or outright played for joke (like Tatsuko bikini who got some far shot instead of service shots, or the hiding in closet closeups, pantyshots removed, etc).
Manga >>> anime in loli lewdness. Anime is meme level with the same old few scenes.
Yo, Boat Anon here.

I'd love to do the novels. I think the manga are more likely at this stage. But numbers talk.


The sequels will likely end up under our Ghost Ship line anyway.
Someone's got it. That's all I'll say.
anon...the stuff I have makes Illya Prisma look like childs play.
I swear every time these idiots say the anime is lewder than the manga I go to check and immediately realize they just lied. I don't know if they don't actually look at the panels or they are lying through their teeth or what because its pretty weird how often I see this claim, and its extremely simple to find out the truth.
They genuinely have no eyes for anything more subtle than what's getting shoved in our face. If they see an exaggerated kiss scene, that's gonna hit them with its blatant execution, yet all the fanservice bits like super sexily and well drawn private areas of girls, they won't notice those, so they think they are telling the truth.
Kidding me? I'll place it next to couch loli.
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I'm pretty sure that's when Hiroyama decided to turn things into an actual Illya route and went all in on the serious bzns storytelling. Morons here exposing themselves
How bad is yuri selling since you rarely license them anymore?
I will not buy a Seven Seas release until they give me more Boogiepop.
Boogiepop lost money both times we tried to release it. It's dead.

Yuri sales are low now outside of certain titles. Horny yuri like Asumi-chan still does okay. BL is destroying yuri in sales, and Danmei is going even further. Lout of Count's Family also had a strong start.

Shoujo has also seen a resurgence in recent years. I suspect it's due to villainess series and manhwa, but the shoujo audience is back with money.
Did you see the manga collection thread the other day? all the yuri buyers own their manga in 日本語.
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God I want 3rei to fucking end already.
Please make 4ier a return to form parody mahou shoujo.
The creature of nightmare
So is this yuri?
I see 2 girls and a hint of ass.
Are they ever going to translate getter or the original mazinger.
Boat Anon already leaked like a month or 2 ago that they aren't happening. Apparently Cutie Honey bombed and Devilman underperformed which killed the interest in Go Nagai. Mao Dante and Mazinger Z were apparently planned next. Classics line is apparently focused on 1990's series now as people (women in particular) are actually buying them.
>childs play
I can at least cope that maaaybe Ken Ishikawa could be considered "distinct" enough from Nagai, esp. with the more immediate appeal his art later on could have for normalfag readers.
What are the actual chances the series continues after 3rei? I feel like he seems kind of burned out already and the chance for a 4rei seems unlikely
Women once again showing they have superior taste
I've only spanked to the >doujins, is the manga really that scary? I assume someone would have the exact same reaction if they saw any manga with a little girl on the cover, be it this or yotsuba
They will rewrite it so all the girls are in college and give them all D cups at minimum. Also Kuro will be renamed to African American and be trans.
Complete? The first season is 2 volumes.
Does the manga has any lewd scenes at all?
It’s an omnibus with 2 volumes in 1.
Depending on your definition of lewd there’s some in the sequels, but the anime dials it up by 10.
What’s your stance on loli?
Also what’s the weirdest thing someone’s put into the survey?
Kuro rubbing her cunt on illya's knee isn't in thr manga neither is Kuro pressing her naked body against Shirou's. The kisses are so extremely lewd because the girls are getting visibly horney from it.

The manga is tame by comparison, you dipshits.
i don't have a bookshelf
>What’s your stance on loli?
I’m not against loli, but it’s a hard sell particularly if there’s loli on the cover. Some stores won’t stock loli, others won’t buy physicals with loli. Loli content tends to sell better in digital unless it’s tied to a franchise.

Shota doesn’t get anywhere near the same scrutiny however. In fact, short guy (shota or otherwise) and tall girl sells pretty well. There’s an audience specifically looking for that content.

>Also what’s the weirdest thing someone’s put into the survey?
All sorts of doujins have been submitted. Probably the weirdest ones are series that were adapted into H OVA back in the 80’s and 90’s. I know someone’s been submitting The Rapeman in the survey for about 3 years now. If you’re here, kudos to you, you horny bugger.
I'm going to put it on my shelf right next to my Made in Abyss manga collection.
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You can kiss the loliservice goodbye once 3rei starts because the whole thing starts to resemble other fate/shit by taking itself a lot more seriously
I'm surprised loli hasn't gotten more legal trouble yet.
>It's dead.

For a series that helped pioneer light novels that fucking sucks to hear.
Any light novel released prior to 2010 is unlikely to sell. The light novel audience in English don’t care enough about them unfortunately. The audience is very much stuck in an isekai and villainess phase and doesn’t really like trying anything outside of their comfort zone.

Manga has an audience for classics, but the audience is specifically women. Shoujo, Josei and BL classics do alright. Some of them may start off slow, but they have good legs. The male audience don’t seem interested in buying classic manga.
It will. Someone’s going to license something that crosses a line eventually and I suspect it’ll cause more issues for ecchi content overall (not just loli).
I hit some local stores that stock English translations of stuff not too long ago. It was kind of wild how much utter fucking slop they had. A wide range of the kind of shit you wouldn't even give a passing glance as a seasonal show.
They had a couple of the Haruhi LNs which was nice to see, though. Some other odd choices too. Ghost in the Shell, but only one of the weird interquel entries nobody likes. Not the original manga or Man/Machine Interface, both of which would've made more sense. Only the second half of the Dark Horse release of Planetes.
It's kind of wild how the sort of shit that the average person here would've died to get a few years ago has been kind of bypassed, almost. It's out there now but also been sprinted straight past for the slop.
We're never getting a good Marimite translation are we
JNC mentioned they considered it and chose Earl & Fairy over it as they thought it would sell better. That was probably the only chance of it happening.
>I know someone’s been submitting The Rapeman in the survey for about 3 years now.
Holy mother of based. I kneel.
I think you people should be more wary of the translation and the pages quality than the fact that they actually got the license.
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I swear we can never have nice things. They probably marketed them stupid and expected some 50 year old series to sell to zoomie retards.
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We can bitch if you want, personally I think everything that can be said has been said though.
I saw the "steins gate complete" hardcover for $60 at my half price books today. Pretty fucking ridiculous but I finally bought a volume after not buying one for a month.
>Nah, there's no way
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>I know someone’s been submitting The Rapeman in the survey for about 3 years now

The Aphrodite of otakudom, Illyasviel von Einzbern.
displayed spine in to hide the sin.
They spoke about them at the conventions they attended to try building hype, not that Seven Seas ever attended many. Some of the other manga Seven Seas published at the time also had ads for them at the back. The translator also tried pushing them online.

Cutie Honey released a few weeks after Cutie Honey Universe finished. Devilman released a few months after Crybaby. So both had relatively recent anime too. Just doesn’t seem like people were interested.

Devilman didn’t start going out of stock until 2021 so that’s probably how long it took to sell out of the initial print run.
How good are the odds for other TMshit getting licensed
>Case Files
>various assorted extrashit manga
I already have To Love-Ru Darkness on my self since forever, so i fail to see the problem.
Novels are unlikely but not impossible. Give us strong sales on this series and it’ll be easier to sway some minds. Your best bet would be to push for manga currently. Something Fate/Extra or Tsukihime. Long story short: Buy Fate/Kaleid, then buy your grandma a copy, then for good measure go tell your local library to order in a copy too.
what's the issue?
7 Seas supports pedo!
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Why even bother?
They turned the series into another "serious" Fateshit.
Without the iconic moments in the anime no one would know about Kaleid.
Are the FGO manga adaptations a stretch?
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Seven Seas is based for the unfathomably good work it's doing.
I haven't seen much censorship and I think Ghost ship is okay for the lewder series
>Seven Seas Entertainment has licensed the light novels for publication in North America.[20] They made localization changes in their translations of the light novels, such as toning down Rudeus' perverted behavior and removing references to rape. They later decided to "re-evaluate" their localization decisions.

IIRC they repeatedly dropped large sections of the novels to the point of creating plot holes, and "removing references to rape" often consisted of things like "Rudeus's dad is still a rapist but instead of Rudeus hating him for it he now just laughs it off and doesn't care"
Which are all now fixed, causing me to conclude that was all likely done by a group of wokegoblins that they have since axed.
It was apparently one specific editor who was shunted over to the danmei side. Its much harder to rewrite stuff there since that fandom practically checks every single line.
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If the Sasaki Shonen Tsukihime manga gets licensed I'd cum
>as they thought it would sell better
they didn't think it would sell better, they just wanted to test the waters with a less risky title to see if there were enough old school yuri fans out there who might buy marimite.
I hope Redline gets picked up as well, but it barely has enough to fill 2 volumes now. The slow ass release schedule ain't helping either.
>Any light novel released prior to 2010 is unlikely to sell. The light novel audience in English don’t care enough about them unfortunately. The audience is very much stuck in an isekai and villainess phase and doesn’t really like trying anything outside of their comfort zone.
Screwed over by the shit taste of westerners yet again. Delete all isekai tards from existence.
It's the same situation when anime dvds were booming. Funimation and ADV licensed so much garbage that no one was gonna buy
>shit taste of male westerners

The ladies are buying old shoujo manga, what's our excuse?
If it Illya route if you can't romance her?
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>The ladies are buying old shoujo manga, what's our excuse?
we dont hxve money and people dont read old classic shounen, pic related is the biggest proof
I'd say close to zero. As you said, Hiroyama is already struggling, but maybe getting back to some more fun stuff could revitalise him.
God imagine Illya loli fanservice reviving his passion for the series and revives the manga
Illyabros we are so back
>If it Illya route if you can't romance her?
It's Illya route where she is the protag and where she can end with Miyu. And female loli Archer side dish.
>Seven Seas
It might be proper English, but it won't be a good translation.
>but it barely has enough to fill 2 volumes now
It has 5 volumes released in Japanese
Only my parents visit my room. Why should I be worried?

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