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I'm going to go out on a limb here and say this character legitimately has high functioning autism, probably more so than any other character I've ever seen in an anime,who can even compare to this guy?
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he's literally me frfr..
Have youseen Darker than Black all of them have autism
>high functioning
Everything in the show is evidence to the contrary. Including his boss's opinion.
well if everything go well he'll be high functioning super hitman by the end of the manga
I may be too cynical, but I think he should die by the end. Everyone involved should honestly not survive. I get it's kinda comical though so it'll probably be some schlocky die hard thing at the climax and he just lives a normal life after.
he's just a pro, you wouldn't get it
I love this show but promoting a somehow a good sicario is lowest than rat shit
The Fable was a masterpiece. Second contact was hot garbage. What went wrong?
the hunt took far too long and was entirely stagnant
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I like how Youko is super dangerous as well.
His main targets are yakuza and politicians so he makes society a service.
That's just how pros act
I expected the twist when she said the boss took her in as a kid and had her learn "staff", but it was still so good to see her defeating a professional in 6 seconds.
the Aldnoah Zero MC was also a massive assburgers
I meant Stuff, sorry
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Yes, he's basically pic related but less unhinge.
consider this Jackal
what gave you that idea?
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osanaibros... we found a friend
The fun part of the first one was the clash between the underworld and the aboveground
The second didn't have nearly enough of that it was like 90% spook shit instead of 50%
I wish I had high functioning autism
This anime was pretty boring at first but I couldn't drop it because I had to sub the series for the streaming service in my country. But it actually got good during the fake detective agency arc and made me read the manga because I couldn't wait to know what happens. The Yamaoka arc is even better than that, I would even say it's almost a masterpiece. Shame the anime doesn't reach that part.
freesia guy is just straight up schizophrenic though
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Fable is the funniest shit ive ever seen
>go out on a limb
It was pretty clear from the start, anon
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You might be right.
Also the live action movies are surprisingly good, as long as you don't mind an occasional over the top, completely OC fight scene.
Is the sequel any good? I really enjoyed the manga but I didn't feel like the story needed to be continued.
i still enjoyed it enough to finish reading it but it's definitely a letdown compared to part 1.
Fable is legit above 9/10
Sequel is more but 8/10 at best, not as enjoyable
It was ok but nowhere near the original. It had some decent moments and funny gags but overall felt pretty forced.
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He isn't even the best most autitest autist out there
Yoko is such a bitch holy shit
Yoko is such a queen holy shit
i enjoyed it but it doesnt really go anywhere. it feels like one big filler arc.
He actually has good trained social skills, if you read further into the manga. He just doesn't give a fuck about using it most of the time.
he's doing his best
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When will HIM enter?
In a future second season, if we ever get one.
>high functioning autism
That he means he can function normally and keep 90% of the negative social effects of autism .
>Showing courtesy with making a process of it
>Autist: Looks directly into the woman's eye, slowly opens the door, steps aside, bows as both arms point inside the building, "M'lady", stay in position until she walks through the door , maintain eye contact the entire time, loudly shut the door without considering the people behind her, keep watching her. Get escorted of the premises by security.
>High functioning autist: Notices someone behind him as he walks through the door, holds door open to allow the guy to pass, He says "thanks", politely nod in his direction afterwards while making brief eye contact, continue heading to the bathroom as that was your original purpose, take massive shit, wipe ass sweat from toilet seat with toilet paper because you're not heartless, flush toilet twice afterwards because you're not souless. Wash han- NO! STOP! Don't smell your fingers. Wash your fucking hands. Why would you try to smell your finger after wiping your ass? Good thing I was there to stop you. Now let's go to the store and buy some Draino and a plunger see we can shit in our own toilet again.
this guy is just a schizo
Feels like me.
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real autists caught autism from watching cartoons
Akira caught autism from being abandoned in the wilderness with a knife as a small child
>high functioning autism
That would make him less social, since his autism was highly functional.
You mean "highly functioning autistic person", as in, the person is functional. And that would mean he acts like a regular person almost the entire time. Most of the time it's because they learned how to act like a regular person, and acts it out when they are in public.

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