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Do girls really look up and settle for their ex once they've hit the wall and run out of options?
Ruby won
>something happens in fiction
>braindead anon thinks to himself "wow I can't believe it's really like that"
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Ruby won
girls never forget their first time/boyfriend
so if you're not the first, you will always be a cuck
She won.
yes anon. it's hard and fast rule and they don't have a choice.
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marry fuck kill?
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That's not true at all. Their body never forgets every guy they've fucked. Not just their 1st
kill marry kill
that too
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Wrong, they have plenty of choices. They're bound to have plenty of orbiters willing to have their turn.
imagine being so retarded as to not understand that ai is really saying she wants to be with him forever
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>in fiction
>kill Kana
>marry Akane
>fuck Ruby
a shit.
Akane's bad breath killed Nino
if women are not the incarnation of evil then I don't know what is
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>incest is okay if it's true love
How many of you actually believe that, though? Seems like most people who root for AquRuby say something like "well it's okay since they're reincarnated! real incest is gross but this is fine!"

>this is the rubytroon btw
Wtf is that?
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>Kana: Kill
>Akane: Marry
>Ruby: Fuck

Wasn’t that proved with fruit flies?
Can someone explain if marrying the person also means fucking them too?

Or is it just sexless mariage?
>ai is really saying she wants to be with him forever
Yes....once aqua is an adult and ai is old and saggy.
Why are you basing everything off of what dumb TikThots say?
if it walks like a duck and all that or whatever
no leaks huh... probably a boring chapter
>Can someone explain if marrying the person also means fucking them too?
Of course it does.
Then what's the point of "fuck marry kill" if you are fucking 2/3 people?

It should be more like:
"Don't care/ marry / kill"
Yes, it has nothing to do with human women.
Kill, kill, marry&fuck
>what is the difference between marriage and a one night stand
Full leak on Friday apparently.
Ruby is too tight
d0nut said that?
>one night stand = sex
>marriage = no sex
Kill Kana
Marry Akane
Fuck Ruby
"Fuck" means to have sex with a character multiple times and then dump when you get tired of her. "Marry" means to build a long and stable relationship full of love, care and mutual respect as well.
but do you fuck also in the marriage? If yes, then "fuck" should not be it's own category because it makes things way too easy with marriage allowing both things
Marry akane, fuck ruby forever and kill cuckna
Akane is even looser than usual today... did she stop by the pig farm before coming here!?
You are extremely autistic if, even with all these explanations, you still can't tell the difference. Also married couples, when they live with each other long enough, just stop having sex with each others at some point.
>Akane is even looser than usual today...
Aqua's fault.
>but do you fuck also in the marriage?
Of course.
>If yes, then "fuck" should not be it's own category because it makes things way too easy with marriage allowing both things
No it does not. A one night stand is not a relationship.
Akane is a stupid bitch
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this is the face of a fucking manipulator
but enough about kana
He only manipulates old farts' dicks with his mouth.
Akane is getting screwed by a curly pig penis again...
I like how the anime makes it a bit more obvious that he got suspicious of Akane there. It makes the whole "I'm going with Akane rather than conforting my traumatized sister for finding my corpse" scene make more sense
just like kamiki, he just tells people bit of informations to "light a fire" in them and make them do what he wants them to do
this is why I don't buy the "I don't want to let go of these happy days with you" speech that aqua gave to akane. Even if he somehow convinced himself that the revenge was over, he still was trying to use akane and see if he was wrong or not
Botshi no ko
What? Aqua still genuinely believed his revenge was over up until chapter 95. He chose to go with Akane that night over comforting Ruby because he loves her, simple as.
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no, he doesn't
stop being retarded, anon
this whole relationship shit with akane was just bait from hacka
Fuck off keiturd
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He looks so dead inside without the star
marry my oshi
fuck akane
kill kana
you know deep inside that I'm right
>he looks creepy without the star
I only know that you're an obnoxious rat.
I'm not, I hate kana as much as you do for ruining this manga and ruining Ai's movie
Fuck off and killl yourself you obnoxious falseflagging rat.
believe whatever you want, anon
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I get a giggle thinking she reacted like this because the script changed
>wait, you weren't supposed to accept the invitation that easily
Why does his face look fat in the anime?
>brags about eating all the meat he can during the reality show
>all the business couple photos are with him eating
>eats much more during the TB party
>the potato chip chapter
FATqua is real. It's time to accept it, anon
kill kana, bring kana back from the dead, kill kana again
The latest episode proves once again that cute Kana scenes are the only reason to continue this shitshow series. Plotcucks, akanekeks and rubyturds are gonna seethe so hard when Kana inevitably wins.
Countless horse dicks.
Schizo headcanon.
Kana ruined the manga and anime. Truly a great character. Thank you Aka.
I will personally sponsor you coming to america to take a fine arts degree and then find your true calling in the FBI
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I think the anime studio... should give their staff freedom for the kana scenes again in the future....
fuck kill marry
Go suck some dick, plotcuck.
Yep, Arima Kana won
I hope Kana marries truck-kun.
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The real mystery is if Kana will ever grow something bigger than a mosquito bite.
I don't usually root for the imouto but Ruby is
A) best girl by a mile
B) been devoted to him for two decades, in spite of all social boundaries and other obstacles
C) suffered enough, let her have what she wants dammit
>A) best girl by a mile
best girl is not always best girl for the MC
>suffered enough, let her have what she wants dammit
she is. he's a brooding tsundere and she's an unfazed genki girl. they're the perfect match.
Kana is too neurotic and Akane has no chemistry with him.
>let her have what she wants dammit
Ironically she has gotten everything she wanted, only two goals left are the dome stage and getting to actually fuck Aqua
KYS ruincuck
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that's rich, rat
That's especially funny considering that Ruby has the chilliest background in her new life by far.
Akane has the most chemistry with Aqua.
hey she doesn't want to fuck him.

she wants to marry him and fuck him 4 times a day and have 12 kids.
Don't forget to Livestream your suicide and drop the link.
Fuck off, ilk
Ruby won
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>I hope Kana marries truck-kun.
>Kana ruined the manga and anime. Truly a great character. Thank you Aka.
>kill kana, bring kana back from the dead, kill kana again
>I hate kana as much as you do for ruining this manga and ruining Ai's movie
>kill kana
>Kill Kana
>Kana? a shit.
Rat genocide SOON
I look like and say this.
this just sounds like airi, just that the reason why the husband is mad is because she was the one who raped someone (hikaru at 11)
All made by two (at most) samefagging goblinoes btw.
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>all of this got removed from the anime
Fuck you Aka, I wanted to see this cuckqueen moment
kanacuck director removed it to protect his waifu from being made fun of
akanekeks seething
And Hacka has been involved in the anime since s1. Both are to blame here
Kana has fucking nothing to do with the story yet the story revolves around her. Her entire character is a paradox of being the ultimate actress yet also being fucking shit. Aqua has an absurd OOC love for her that surpasses his love for Ai with zero explanation. Her ‘rivalry’ with Akane is one-sided boring shit where she’s a massive cunt but is never called out for it while her main detractor, Akane, turns out to be one of her biggest fucking simps. She nearly whores herself out like a fucking retard which nearly destroys her fucking idol group, like the selfish cunt she is, yet is never called out for this or punished. Aqua leaks their entire history to cover up her being a stupid fucking cunt. Why the FUCK is she even with Memcho and Ruby? Why do either of them fucking care about her? They never spend time together, how the fuck am I meant to think they’re friends? Everything about Kana revolves around her wanting Aqua’s cock and nothing fucking else.
And yeah Kana IS a cunt and she never faces goddamn consequences for it. She acts like a victim because she lost jobs and went into obscurity before the start of the main story but that’s all because she acted like a cunt to other people. And she clearly never grew the fuck up given she still acts like a massive cunt towards Akane for no fucking reason and every single one of her internal monologues or actions are selfish. When she realises her sleeping at a director’s house will be all over the news she goes “I’m used to being a stupid cunt! So I’ll be fine!” while the fucking idol group she’s part of would have its reputation ruined and she never thinks of that.
In short Kana is a total waste of space that constantly derails the story to be wanked and for her garbage D-grade ‘romance’ with Aqua. She near single-handedly ruins any and all potential this manga could have had.
It's so hard to be a plotcuck: Aka, Mengo, anime staff, Japan, /a/, even allah - everyone is against you.
KYS ruincuck.
Thanks doc
Go back to sucking your master akaneschizo's cock, Hussain.
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Her pussy swells..

Clitoris enlarges and tickled..

Anus dilates..

Heart beats faster..

Temperature rises...

Pussy gets wet

Nipples gets thicker and hardened....

Emotions gushes through her face..

Countenance seems needy...

She forgets heavenly race..

She forgets she is a choir in the church..

She loses her home training..

Her father's warnings doesn't count anymore...

Her mother's pleadings falls on deaf ears..

She is ready to be rammed and slaughtered

Her womb calls for puncturing...

Her breast wants to be dealt with..

Her vagina walls begs for healing...

She is about to die...

In the next 5 minutes, if no one answers...

The gate man would loose his job..

The plumber becomes attractive...

Her laundry man is in the detail..

Her colleague at work becomes attractive...

Her landlords son is her ideal man...

She can't hold it anymore...

No one is coming through...

Cucumber is winking at her..

Even bottle becomes seductive...
Serial Sniffer is having another melty...
KYS ruincuck.
Akaneschizo's feminine penis...
>the akanebot broke into an infinite loop again
Ruby is the best girl for Aqua and Ai is best girl period
KYS ruincuck
Shut up akanebot
Akane is the best girl for Aqua and Akane is best girl period.
>Hussain ready to defend his master Akaneschizo
It never fails
Akane is the best girl for fat balding ugly old men and Akane is best girl period.*

t. Ojisan
Serial sniffer is having a melty again...
You got Kana randomly saving pictures of Aqua and Akane on her phone
Sorry, meant to type kana.
If their chemistry is so good why do they barely interact with each other?
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>Kanarats are actually seething that Aqua blushes to Akane
>Umhh nyo this wasn't in the manga why was it adapted like this?!?!
Rats are so disgusting whenever they get anime original scenes all the time, they fear Akane
Akane a shit
Always avoided to show her snake and shitty behavior. She is selfish, jealous and hypocrite.
it's always so funny when some 35 years old kissless virgin goes 'cuck this' and 'cuck that'
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Don't watch the adaptation but this episode has a lot of good Akanes.
Giving her an explosion of light as she turns around and embraces her love, Aqua, was very romantic and well done. They did the sparkles during the other hug scene too it makes it more memorable.
Akane's bad breath repulses Aqua
Serial sniffer sniffed Akane's snatch again...
And died, sadly.
Yeah im thinking side girls Akane and Kana lost.
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Kana is the main heroine, tho.
Thought our rat empress would be in delight over how the anime changed the original plot to cater to Kana. But a single blush is enough to ruin her mood? Being a rat is hard.
Because he killed himself after his rat lost.
>stealth editing their whore from supporting to main
Do rats really?
Rats have been seething over the blush and the order change of the dates so hard it's insane.
She is much more impactful than Ruby, it's fair.
she lost so who cares
I fondly remember my first time, but I've had better fucks since then
Just don't be bad in bed (I know it's a lot to ask from an incel)
Not on your life.
Don't cry, cuck.
That's Kana
Sound like their favorite girl unironically. Could be praised 24/7 and would still go pity party at the slightest inconvenience.
>posting screenshot from a "study" on a site that no longer accessible
You guys really believe anything you want to right?
>the anime changed the original plot to cater to Kana.
Not what happened schizo. They changed the order so they could have the episode end with Hikaru.
sure bro
let me call my local sex trainer
>Everything I don't like is fake news
Do burgers really...
She's had 0 impact whatsoever. Less than Ruby, and much less than Akane.
>0 impact
The scandal was more impactful than anything Ruby had ever done in her entire life.
To Shima D's cock maybe.
Wikipedia is always right, chud
Kanaputa lost
Her virginity to an old producer at the age of 2.
Shitposting aside, did manga apply that Kana's mother slept with higher ups for her daughter roles?
>kana's biggest impact to the story was her being a whore
Still much more better than akaneshit lmao
Aka, Mengo and the anime staff couldn't care less about our bitch, akanesisters...
>He just wants to eat
>But Akane isn't letting him until she decides on the perfect filter for the pic
>It's been 3 hours
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I unironically believe OnK would be way better without the romance and "will they won't they?" aspects of it, if the only potential partner was just Kana/Ruby/Akane from the start it woluld be ok as long as they didn't focus too hard on it
It just ofuscates everything else so hard and i don't really care that much about it
Why did they feel the need to make Kamiki responsible for everything bad that ever happened to Ai
He was a heckin' mysoginist.
Also a young boy who fucked an older girl and Aka wanted to vent out or something about his own issues.
She did not because Kana herself was doing it.
>rat's dying delusions
looks like she has downs
No girl will ever shine as bright as Sarina-chan.
But enough about k*na.
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Akane won.
>curious about how animeonlies are reacting to the Kamiki reveal
>checks out some reactors
Dunno if I should feel smart or just shake my head in dismay at the IQ of the average reactor.
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Kanacucks... how do we feel about Ruby winning?
They feel very upset about Ruby's platonic victory.
How do they feel about Aqua cumming inside Ruby?
>Aqua cumming inside Ruby
Things that never happened...
>Aqua cumming inside Ruby
In 163 chapter...
This should've been the moment Ruby realized that there is something between Aqua and Kana.
But she needs to be oblivious for the sake of drama, so the scene had to go.
It's time for Aqua vs Kamiki pool

>If Ruby finds out that Aqua is a Goro, she will love him not as an older brother.
>That will never happen!
>It happened.
>There will be a kissing scene between Aqua and Ruby.
>That will never happen
>it happened twice

Never say "never". Anything can happen.
Aqua doesn't kill Kamiki is really strange option
>no Kamiki mindbreaks Aqua option
garbage poll
>If Ruby finds out that Aqua is a Goro, she will love him not as an older brother
Not since 147

>Kiss happened twice
Yes, a plot point Aka clearly has no interest in revisting. They are just like normal siblings as of 157.
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the lighting makes her look like Ai.
>Aqua kills himself
>Aqua sleeps with Ruby
>she gets pregnant and is excited to be a mom
How would Aqua react?
Wrong, anon. Even geezers will have sex.
Of course it is, all the writers are from Tel-Aviv!
R: Aqua, remember we slept together?
A: Yeah.
R: Remember we had sex?
A: Yeah.
R: Remember you came inside?
A: Yeah, that felt great.
R: So... I'm pregnant.
A: ...Who's the father?
Boobna is bigger than Akane, Ruby, and Memcho combined.
Lack of drama, actually.
The barely built up friction between Ruby and Kana's friendship that comes to a head in the movie is muddled with any imagined romantic tension also in the mix. Cutting that is the right choice.
That's a normal reaction when fucking the communal whore.
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>communal whore.
but enough about Akane
i think its clear where this manga is going with aqua holding a knife and all the surgeon talk
at least dump the leak you stupid shits
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>seiyuu talk before Akane and Ruby episode
>pigfucking meme
It's like I'm back in the early 2010s Raildex threads again
Marry Akane
Fuck Ruby and keep her as mistress
Kill Kana
chinks are saying kana won
Aqua is gonna perform a random open heart surgery on Kamiki?
Won't be a surprise, Aka has given the fuck up on the plot in this home stretch and it's full steam ahead to the Aqua x Kana happy end
In a perfect world people would wise up to him being an irredeemable back and refuse to touch another work by him. But in reality people have short memories and will get back on the Aka rage train. He is the new Seo
hes going to go full dexter
Would be an interesting way of getting away with murder.
"No officer, I wasn't the one who stabbed him, I only tried to save him with my medical skills, that's why I'm covered in his blood. Totally. I hope you'll find the culprit soon."
Kamiki has incurable heart disease and is goading Aqua into killing him to satisfy his revenge, but Aqua will use his god hands to save him
This "Study" was debunked. and of course it was. Women shed almost their entire uterus once a month but somehow male skin/sperm cells that can slip through condoms stay there forever? Use a little critical thinking.
that would be a decent idea to get away from murder if aqua was actual doctor in his 2nd life but hes still teenager so it wouldnt fly in court
even if surgery looks professional
He is going to perform pussy check up on Kamiki
Is Kana really going to "win"? I stopped paying attention to this shit.
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>hips wide enough to bear and give birth to my healthy children
>ass is phat enough for me to get amazing night's sleep on
>breasts full of delicious and nutritious milk to sustain me and our children

must be Akane
>Ruby is now seemingly focused on living her best idol life and brightening the whole world etc.
>Akane continues to be a walking Deus Ex Machina/plot device (an A-lister actress from another major studio is a body double???)
>Kana is essentially free real estate after quitting B Komachi, aside from her acting career
Doesn't take a genius to know where this is headed
Well, Ruby can't do idol activities solo. Kana's out and Mem wants to retire as well.
>Sample size: 670000
>Slime rank 1
>Oshi no ko rank 2
>jobbed to slime
It is jowari....
Orange = people who watched 70% or more of the whole show
Green = number of people who watched like 1 or 2 episodes then dropped the show
Slime is extremely powerful in japan so that's not a fair comparison
Ruby won.
Slime is ridiculously popular in the nip market. Nothing to be ashamed of.
>Ruby can't do idol activities solo
Yes she can. She'll basically become Hashimoto Kanna
Ramen Akaneko is that popular?
Hashimoto Kanna became an actress after she graduated from Rev though

そうですよね。こんなにランキングの上 (4位) にいるとは。

『ラーメン赤猫』は、好きな人はすごく好きで、そう言った特定の人たちや、『サザエさん』のような番組が好きな人たちが見ている。深夜アニメ的にはいわゆる異世界アニメ系がボリュームゾーンなので、 人気原作以外だとボリュームが落ちちゃうんですよ。原作ファンもアニメ化を後で知ることが多いのですが、原作を知らない人も含めてちゃんと4位にいる『ラーメン赤猫』はすごいです。


Full article:
Part 1: https://note.com/regza_mirucolle/n/n2079042134ea
Part 2: https://note.com/regza_mirucolle/n/n79bb1bd7ea94
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>Listen to Aqua talk for 10 seconds
>She immediately caught up on the whole dad hunting situation and is even a few steps ahead of Aqua

This is just retarded. At this point just throw the whole thing to Akane and she'll solve it in 2 days.
>and she'll solve it in 2 days

she did that already, speedy
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Okay seriously who is saying those "CUTE" "SEXY". It makes me laugh a lot
inb4 it's also Miyano
>they don't really elaborate on why it's popular and just say people are missing out
k Regza
She did and she saved Ruby's life twice. She can do basically anything except get in Aqua's pants. Bravo Hacka
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The problem with Akane is that her whole character progression doesn't make any sense.

>Some background loser who tried to kill herself 6 months ago over some mean tweets on the internet
>Turns out she's super talented, from a rich family, has unlimited potential, and can virtually do everything better than everyone
Aka tried making a smart character and ended up making a mary sue
Who do those things contradict one another?

>mean tweets
That's like saying Aqua is drama queen over having 1 bad day with his mom.

>from a rich family
They are not rich, they are just a wholesome family living in a normal home.
I'm going to laugh so hard when Akane jumps into water to save Aqua only for Ruby or Kana to win.
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Please understand anon, Aqua doesn't have guy friends so Akane has to take the role of the Bro Character
>not rich
>travel to Hawaii every year
>private school
>was able to afford acting curriculum since Akane was 5
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>hawaii trip every year
chinks are saying Ruby won
>>travel to Hawaii every year
traveling once a year is not a rich thing

>>private school
1. I don't ever remember it being mentioned she's in private school
2. Again, private schools aren't a rich thing

>>was able to afford acting curriculum since Akane was 5
Once again, taking acting classes is not a rich family thing.

Anon, you sound poor as fuck.
chinks are saying the knife won
That is definitely way above middle class by japanese standard
>Aka's fantasy
>he wishes that his ex-wife deals with his shit instead of him
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the data overall seems weird really
moon folk looking at it just keep saying "akaneko seems too popular" etc
i'm not really going to keep this data in mind and i doubt they will too, setting aside that it has oshi in it
Yeah, nip middle class goes on trips to Okinawa which is considered to be just a "discount Hawaii".
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>Yes, a plot point Aka clearly has no interest in revisting. They are just like normal siblings as of 157.
Jesus Christ, this level of cope and delusion is absolutely unreal. It's the fulcrum of the story and the reason both characters reincarnated. How many times did you need to repeat this to yourself in the mirror before opting to not tie a noose? Your side bitch was always bait. How did you manage to gaslight yourself this hard? lmao
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Sorry, rat. Pic related is imminent. And Aqua is not dating your bitch in secret either.
No. Aqua is more likely to choose to be a volcel siscon for his entire life than leaving Ruby’s side ever again. She’s already his oshi, he got double white stars for her for the first time ever. Any other girl would just be a third wheel in their relationship and always come second.
>No. Aqua is more likely to [Headcanon]
No they usually target some sexless nice guy loser who can be controlled like a slave
Orbiters dont get turns
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Leaks when?
Batman should take Akane as one of his students.
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Only thing leaking is Ruby's pussy.
I wonder if we'll start getting some Kamiki merch after this episode.
Aqua's fault
>cat ears Akane
I think his face is supposed to be LA SPOILER because of the black stars.
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Wait, what is inbred' explanation for this panel?
>editing pages about other girls
It's about Ruby though. Can you please behave for one second, side girl fag.
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You’ll keep coping until the end of the manga, better follow Aqua’s advice for your own sanity desu
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Sorry guys, I am informing you that I am gonna be spamming this pic from now on because it's already one of my favorites
he literally chose to kill kamiki ypu illiterate fuck
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>no kekby
Didn't d0nut say that full leak might come out on Friday at the earliest?
What is this for? Another amusement park collab?
i'm gonna make so much edits with this gif wehn aqukana get together
Me too but with Aquaka.
>Declines invitation for sex

Japan male protags did it again
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This webm is good too.
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Could you try not being dumb for one (1) second? He chose to go with Ruby’s choice. He chose to forgive Kamiki and try to enjoy his life even if he started thinks of himself as an ugly being who manipulates others he was still so happy to spend a whole day with the wooby and cuddle up with her. But Kamiki was unrepentant and tried to kill HIS WOOBY. That was enough to make him go insane. He’s willing to forsake everything to protect his love. But Ruby’s song that was just “casually” namedropped will stop him. Proceed to cope however you like.
We need more Makoto Itou like protagonists.
Marry marry marry
Even if he still thinks*
the anime staff hates ruby so much kekaroo
>LoH woke up
>immediately starts shitting up the thread with headcanon
You can't do that Aquamarin. Not in this country, at least.
Kamiki has a knife-vest.
>sees his boyfriend everywhere
Unrequited love is hard
They do if they get pregnant from that man
>the DNA of the men your wife has fucked and the babies she’s aborted stay with her for almost 30 years and might be passed on to your children
Ultimate cuckoldry
Forgot study
I’m muslim, I can do what I want faggot
Aqua has two tickets... one for him and the other for the tray of all the food he's eating... fatqua....
Did he really say that? Can somebody verify it?
I didn't ask you Hussain, tho. Your only choice is sheep, realistically speaking.
That’s why we’re outbreeding you in your own nations, because of all the sheep we’re fucking?
Aqua didn't decline Akane invitation, he wanted to make sure her feelings were there before committing. Their conversation got cut short so they didn't even break up either
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>this was the outfit in the manga date
>they removed it from the episode and made it a merch

Yeah I saw that too in the anime thread. I managed to figure it out pretty easily, but I remember thinking, "wait a second, if AI was 12 when Taiki was born, someone has to be a pedophile, either Hikaru towards Ai or Airi towards Hikaru"

Lo and behold, second one was true
Actually, why did they wear the exact same outfits as in their last date? And why does Kana have the image saved on her phone?
Kamiki? My KAMI
>Aqua didn’t decline her invitation
He did. In fact the whole date was Aqua wanting to cut ties with her and rejecting every move from her. He went as far to say he was deceiving her when she was offering him the Ojisan special
Lol you must've watched another episode since he literally planned to invite her to a trip specifically to gauge her feelings for him.
I hope you're an anime only since your reaction to the last episode will be sweet.
They're too busy celebrating the fact that she said akane-chan instead of akane-nee from the Korean translation that they forgot about this panel
Chi Yin appears
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This is nothing new, the post-smartphone generations have depressingly weak reading comprehension.
I do wonder what Aka thinks about the matter though. Does he feel extra fulfilment because the readers can't see through his plot twists, or is he depressed because there is no way this cattle can ever comprehend the grander themes of his work?
These last two episodes will have to be rushed as shit
Just cut the Goro flashback it's pointless. Also the b komachi scenes
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Only things pointless are the sidegirls akane and kana
They are putting almost all of the Ruby plot on the final episode which is supposed to be a long episode, like ep1 from s1. It’s up to the studio if it’s going to be rushed or not, or if they will remove or change stuff
Akane in her native habitat.
>is supposed to be a long episode, like ep1 from s1
it is?
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>Hikaru just dancing Ai's "Idol"
There were rumors of the last episode being a long one, and considering we have only 2 episodes left, it’s the only way to adapt the trip arc without completely mutilating the pacing
Aqua: Ruby, Kana, Akane... I can only date one of you. First one to make me cum wins.
The last episode is literally 2/3 Akane lmao
They would all suck at pleasuring him, Akane would probably win because she "researched" beforehand at least a minimal amount
>She did and she saved Ruby's life twice
Please, she just tried to kill herself 3 times. This girl is stupid.
I wouldn't underestimate Aqua's skills after all this DNA gathering.
Kana is a biter.
Can someone explains to me why Kana like Aqua for paying for her food?
I once did the exact same shit in real life. My date said she'll take care of the bill but I sneaked away and pay first. When she found out she got super pissed at me for "not respecting her"
Westoid's problems.
Sometimes, yeah.
Not all people are the same, it depends on how much they like you, what are their jobs, how financially responsible they are, how financially responsible they think you are, etc...
Because both of them have old school mentality. She was already moping the floor because of muh “gender equality” prior to that
Ruby managed to give a boner to her brother, to her father and to her other brother in a single arc without even touching them, she got this.
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>And why does Kana have the image saved on her phone?
In manga she was stalking Akane.
But in anime, it awakened all her insecurities.

Just saw the episode and the changes make Aqua look more of a playboy... but despite of the director k*nawank, only K*na saw that as a date, for Aguwa, it was simply a shopping hangout.
Kana is a 2D girl while your date was a 3D girl. Always remember: 2D >>> 3D
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Aqua, you are just trying to hide your premature ejaculation
K*na is the most 3dpd tho.
goddess of sex and fertility
VIP discord spoiler.
>Ruby's voice on the phone.
>Hearing her,his anger calmed down.
>But Kamiki pushed him off the cliff.
>pick up his phone.
>zoom on his phone(Ruby, Kana,Mem together smiling).
>vicious smile anddarkness face.
>"Wait for me" Ai",wait for me,It's all better now,it's all better now"
>2 weeks break+color page /anime.
Thought this was a political compass for a moment
Either way Kana is the best.
Ruby won
Switch Ai and Kana and it works.
If Kana wins the Aqua bowl does this mean I can win Akane?
You inbreds are so desperate with those fake leaks. AI fake images last time, what's next?
Ruby's Boobies
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She is definitely on the authoritarian spectrum.
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Yeah, authoritarian right.
Kana bought those pagers btw.
How exactly is Aqua going to get away with killing Kamiki in public?
>Aqua hits his head, gets amnesia
>only retains Goro's memories
Yes, Akane is winning.
>Ruby doesn't see anything unusual
She already got into Aqua's pants.
Your last and final cope.
Only Ruby's smooth tight pussy can heal Aqua for good
The police in OnK is incompetent.
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That dialogue is a foreshadowing of AiKane settling down with Kamiki Hikaru with the help of Aqua.
Cry harder rat.
KYS, ilk.
She hates and wants to hurt anyone more successful than her, she's a commie.
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rank their fits
I think Aka has a misunderstanding of what a genius is
Smart characters are only as smart as the author is. Akane is ChatGPT now.
"Be white!"
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The Ai there is Ruby wearing a wig btw.
I think he wrote himself into a corner by making the entire main cast hyper duper smart and the best at their respective fields
...what? He literally tells her to her face he also wants to fuck her and had always been fantasising about it, and that he also thinks a genuine relationship needs sex and intimacy. It should be obvious that they were doing it all the time when they became a genuine couple.
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>Hacka has been such a hack for so long, that I legitimately believed the Kamiki resolution was just half assed
>was genuinely surprised when it turns out he was faking it and is still a bastard
Unironically bravo, Hacka. Was this his master plan?
Akane wins by default since Aqua refuses to fuck the other two.
Did you miss the part in which both say they don't really know if they actually like each other? They at most feel lust for one another simply because they are both good looking
I'm gonna break it down for you, buddy:
Fuck once
Fuck as many times as you want
nah, he genuinely thought about making Nino final villain but then saw how stupid that was

Movie served no purpose
So last episode is really going to be an hour long like S1 EP1 and its Ruby focused? Interesting.
Aqua definitely likes her. Akane also very clearly likes him, that should have been obvious since season 1.
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I wish Akane hugged me and offered sex.
>Movie served no purpose
as far as hurting Kamiki goes yeah. I think narratively it works that it was pointless though, it shows how naive/good natured Aqua was, and now that he’s exhausted all his options, it reinforces why he’s just gonna resort to stabbing the shit out of Kamiki now
Ironically enough, Akane isn't even supposed to be a genius.
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Because your girlfriend sucks. As in, talented people or those with power and money will gladly accept help from others because they know they can repay the favor at anytime. Those who are not afraid to reach their hand out to help people and accept help from people are truly the pinnacle of humanity.

In the case of Kana, that means she doesn't put up any guard against Aqua
Ruby won
Melt's throbbing horse cock.
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Ojisan, you just have to ask
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>Akane isn't even supposed to be a genius.
but enough about what Kana won
Akane's loose pussy is leaking ojisan semen again
Aqua's fault for not pulling out.
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>heads touching
very LEWD!!!
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WTH!!! Those are big. I thought those plushies were just small.
Ruby is too tight
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Fat balding middle aged director who took Ruby's virginity...
>tfw ojisan didn't cum inside
Thank you for sharing, Aqua
you do not understand romance
Kanashit and Akaneshit were pointless and ruined the series.
This but k*nashit and ratbyshit.
The non-virgin answer, since every other one you’ve gotten is retarded, is that she explicitly told you what she wanted to do, and you ignored her, snuck around her and opposed her. You didn’t talk her into it, you didn’t give her a choice, you just took the decision away. You did it to be cute, in an antiquated romantic way, but the result was showing you didn’t care about what she stated she wanted, and did what you thought was best regardless. If this was a first date or so, it was probably a sign you don’t communicate well, or respect your partner as an equal to her.

Communication is the literal most important thing to get right on a date with someone you actually care about. Always focus on that.
Shut up ilk.
Thy final cope.
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Just a reminder that SHITby knows less about Aqua than a literal stranger.
Not your boogeyman.
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>Plotcucks, akanekeks and rubyturds are gonna seethe so hard when Kana inevitably wins.
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So by your logic the op wasn’t talented, in power, or had money because he didn’t accept her help, and his date was the “pinnacle of humanity” because she reached out to help by offering to pay for the date.

The fact your statement is so meaningless that you can flip the interpretation from what you intended shows how retarded it is.
>autist doesn't understand a character being surprised and stunned by the statement to not care enough about a ball
yep yep yep

Gonna seethe just like you did in SnK
K*naputa lost. Cry about it.
This is why no one takes rats seriously. The subtext is less subtle than Aqua punching Kekna in the face, and you illiterate fucks still find deranged ways to cope. There is no scenario where he catches that ball while Ruby exists lol
It's sad how Aka utterly butchered Kana's character after sweet today and just turned her into a one-note love rival for Akane.
We don't like Akaneputa here
Aqua and Akane both never explicitly said they like each other, you can be willing to have sex with someone without being in love with that person, half this episode was about how they barely touched each other because their relationship is part of their work
Both characters very explicitly say they are not sure if they are actually in love with one another but would be willing to fuck, they just don't wanna do that because they want it to mean something
All you need to do is watch the fucking episode and read the words on screen, how hard is it?
nice try kekna
Further manga proves that Akane definitely loves Aqua.
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Lol. Lmao.
We love Akanecutest here.
except i'm talking about their current feeçings in the anime, but you guys like these shipping wars so much you are incapable of even trying to engage in any discussion using your brain it's quite sad really
these threads suck so hard
Because for Ruby.. Aqua = Goro.
Why do you people get so invested in such a fucking low-tier hack? No matter who Aqua ends up with you’ll be unhappy because the resolution will be awful. Unironically think about it: what is Aka likely to do that isn’t wretchedly bad even if it’s with your favorite girl? Personally I think he’s going to loop back around to Ruby at the end because that was his original intention and feels obligated to both subvert expectations and stay loyal to the original concept (first girl introduced is always the winner). I couldn’t care less if he goes with some other girl because that would be hardly any better. Just stop hanging your egos on this hack garbage.
>inbred already coping
Guys how do I cope with the fact that I will never cum inside Kana?
>Personally I think he’s going to loop back around to Ruby at the end because that was his original intention
Just like how Ruby was supposed to be Sayahime right?
Anon, if she has genuine feelings for Aqua now, it means that she had them back then during this scene,
Damn you people are in for some epic asspain. Of course 99% of you will just pretend you were pro-Ruby all along.
I'm hoping at the very ending i will look back at my time spent watching the anime and reading the manga & i will not think it was not all a waste of time regardless of who Aqua ends up with, i think the funniest outcome would be Aqua ending up alone and happy
You don't need a penis to make love to her, Akane.
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yea yea yea, inbred, you will leave these threads as fast as after Akane wig leaks.

Also, will you answer now whether Ai loved Ryosuke romantically? Yes or No?
But I predict you will dodge this.
Yes, Ai is a massive PUTA after all.
Nice that you finally stopped falseflagging as an Akanefag.
do not fall for the bait, bros
The first girl introduced is the rule. Of course the author can always change his mind, but I don’t think so in this case. Everyone is being fooled by this long Akane-Kana love triangle — but it’s a fake love triangle. Neither girl actually DOES anything to capture Aqua’s heart; they are almost entirely passive, just hanging around with the vague impression of waiting for Aqua to confess to them. It’s boring and pointless, but it seems to be enough to completely fool /a/. I think that’s because Aka fundamentally isn’t talented enough to write the romantic drama that would follow if the love triangle was taken seriously because he intends to stay true to his original romance of the sad cancer girl and lonely doctor overcoming tragedy and realizing their promise via miraculous reincarnation. I’m not saying that’s a GOOD romance concept but it’s very standard JP and I think Aka hasn’t changed his mind.
If spoilers are true, both Akane and K*na lost.
Aguwa will simply become Gorou Amamiya. Meaning Sarina/Ruby will win.
nta but Akane has done everything but sitting around waiting
if you say that because she hasn't done anything after the break up, then that's because she's convinced that aqua loves kana
>rat is autistic and needs to be explained everything literally
I am not surprised
K*nakeks copes are becoming more pathetic.
The thing is that Aqua himself does almost nothing. With Kana is all greentexting and with Akane it just feels as if he's going through the motions. And Ruby is ignored because plot.
>Akane wig leaks.
Yeah. The incomplete leaks which later revealed Kamiki was merely pretending and everyone immediately stopped giving a fuck about the fakeout. Bonus points because Aqua never showed up at the concert and Kana was (and still is) absolutely getting both sidelined and mogged. Cry more, rat.
Akane won a big ojisan cock
Well it’s just a guess because the plot line was ludicrous, but I would say YES she loved Ryosuke. The reason is that I think Aka was going for the idea of Ai actually loving all her fans in an ironic twist hinted at by her very name — because she loved everyone she wasn’t able to distinguish love from like / friends. Absurd but I think it fits Aka.
>become Gorou Amamiya
There are none. Sarina already won a long time ago, so it's irrelevant either way.
Akane will fix Kamiki with her experienced pussy
Fake spoilers.
Shut up keiturd.
japanese writers never change, don't expect any different
Thought so. It's too early.
only one post here is mine, anon and it's this one >>271194320
This. Akane will get the ultimate Ai parallel, a supportive and loyal wife to Kamiki, and a loving and doting mother figure to Aqua. Everyone wins and is happy.
She shows virtually no aggression, no attempt to seriously appeal to him and break through to a real relationship. She enjoys the fake relationship, and is in the same position as Kana: waiting for Aqua to confess to them / ask them out for real. If this was a real love triangle, Akane would be desperately trying to get Aqua’s confession before Kana steals him, and Kana would make it her life to get in Akane’s way before the fake couple turns into a real one. There is absolutely NONE of that romantic urgency — it’s fake.
That’s what makes it feel like Aka hasn’t changed his mind about his original intention and thinks he’s going to do an epic troll and loop back around to Ruby at the end. I see through it because Aka himself seems unwilling to follow through with a real Akane-Kana love triangle so it’s just 3 people sitting around. It seems super fake to me.
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Reminder there's a schizo out there who, somehow, misinterpreted this in a big way and we were all laughing at them a few threads back.
Ruby's soft sweet lips...
You just said bunch of nothing. Akane did everything beside literally propose to get married.
Only if the ex has no self-respect lmao
chinks are saying Ruby won big time
In chapter 1
Chinks read the first chapter? Woah!
Chinks are saying Akane fucked Ichigo again
Akane will marry Aqua only.
Chinks are saying Kamiki knows judo and made FRAUDqua stab himself with his knife.
Yep Ruby won
>suddenly yurikino
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The cocks of countless ugly old men.
But enough about what Akane gets every night
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Girlfriend vs tinder date
>rat schizo delusions
Hikaru before Ai died
Hikaru after Ai died
Akanebros... our plot device is done for
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This week's Akane.
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Someone should tell this artist to stop abusing so much white and giving Akane so many strands.
For ojisan only.
Aqua is ojisan btw.
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and they say women look hideous without make up
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what going on in tieba??? Why Akane and Kana chinks are seething right now??? spoiler chink kun said "Ruby won" and he/she added "it's over".
She won..
>Aqua's dick
>Goro's dick
>Her fan dick
Fucking kek
Post some proof unless you want everyone to assume you are full of shit.
Akane is out of place there.
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Post screencaps or go and fucking die
He's obviously bullshitting, but it's going to be reality soon anyway.
There's nothing on Tieba rubycucks are fucking faggots liars as usual
Just like how your fake AI generated spoilers came true kek
>from d0nut discord
"Kana says something at the end of concert. Maybe there was a way out heh heh"
>rats are posting fake spoilers too now
there was nothing on discord
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Real spoilers
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What are you laughing at? Something I put very little stock in? Rats are king of delusional and illiteracy (pic related) - so your retarded ass trying to flex is comedy gold. Not a SINGLE correct prediction lmao
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Please buy and fund season 3. It’s only 150 dollars
>Not a SINGLE correct prediction lmao
But enough about incestcucks.
honestly 150 dollars would be worth buying to video throwing it into a blast furnace. fuck kana.
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here's a better one
Both Kana and Akane get along well with Ruby. Kana has the funnier reactions so she'd be a better fit.
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No, k*nashit is just a jealous cunt.
Social media was a mistake
is the pink highlights bitch finally appearing next ep?
Akaneputa lost bigly
And Ruby, and Akane, and Memcho
>Any other girl would just be a third wheel in their relationship and always come second.
That's why Aqua chose to make out with Akane over comforting Ruby btw.
Aqua rinsed his mouth for hours after he disgustedly forced himself to kiss Ackane, btw
Kana is a cute cuckquean and Ruby's best friend.
Anemone probably
Then yeah, she appears next ep
Go Check yourself. It's easy.
Last for Akane a shit

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