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Why is anime so bad at being scary? It's been years since I watched something actually unsettling.
everything is required to be consumer safe sorry chud
No media in the world is good at being scary, kek.
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Consume more media
>big tall guy in the woods
yeah very scary I'm shaking in my boots
horror is a meme genre and anyone who's actually scared of any of that shit is a clown and not the kind that dwells in storm drains
Can anime even be scary for adults with any degree of horror tolerance?
I mean, certainly when I showed my hyper normie aunt Parasyte the Maxim she was freaked out but I wouldn't consider that particularly scary.
I suspect there's an inherent disconnect with the viewer and animation. We know right off the bat that what we're witnessing is in some form drawn, modeled, etc, and therefore there's no fear of it being real. This is probably just some variation or level of the suspension of disbelief. Having said that, does that mean animation can never be scary? I think this comes down to direction. A truly great director will probably be able to scare you in other ways, maybe some unconventional and more creative that are more suited for the medium and whatever limitations it may have.
the west has ruined anime, it has to follow guidelines and be DEI consumer safe
boomers were scared of silent hill 20 years ago and anime doesn't look nearly as bad as ps2 graphics
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Japs know that nothing scares westerners more than hot girls with big boobs
Silent Hill has exceptional direction going for it though and making use of all its tools to the best of its ability ie. visuals, audio.
Turn off the lights then.
Gone Girl isn't a horror movie but it is pretty scary
>Why is anime so bad at being scary?
It has been like 13 years since a movie last scared me and im 23 so i dont think this is a anime thing
Only empathetic adults are able to properly enjoy horror. Otherwise you are unable to immerse yourself because your jaded adult mind will see it as a piece of fiction.
Strange since Japan used to be kings of horror with the Ring and Grudge movies
Because end of the day it's just cartoons on a page. Uzumaki was probably the last unsettling thing I read and even that got goofy af towards the end which ruined the rest of it.
watch more anime
Horror requires strong direction to properly build and release tension at the right times. Bad horror tends to be similar to mistiming a joke in a comedy setting, instead of the intended effect it usually just makes you roll your eyes.
Manga have an easier time with this because they're able to build tension and then hide the payoff behind a page turn, putting the reader in a position where they are forced to spook themselves in order to continue.
Bad horror makes for good comedy
>What's a good scary piece of media
Talk about pointless conversation. Every idea suggested is going to be met with
>Lmao, you thought THAT was scary?
I thought Japs just couldn't do good Horror but 2chan has plenty of creep stories.
One that sticks with me is this small village that was set up to seal a Demon and some kids ended up breaking into it.
None of that was particularly scary but the description of the people who'd gone mad from its influence boiling themselves in boiling hot water baths with demonic faces really has stuck with me.
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Titans were suitably creepy for much of SnK.
i dunno I think everyone here will agree that The Hunt (2013) is pretty scary
The scariest for me was resident evil 7 with VR
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>much of SnK
Ordinary titans stopped being scary after the titan shifters and Ackerman wank started dominating the story.
>big boobs
>posts small boobs
what did he mean by this?
Hey buddy you should probably lay off the porn for awhile. It's for your own good.
Because people range from those who piss their pants from any sudden noises to edgy tryhards who love staring at bodily excretions, it's impossible to please everyone with a single work of fiction.
That's why you can have Yamishibai and Kagewani come from the same creators (director + studio) while being literally the opposite of each other; one is an episodic jumpscare festival based on the most common shitty cliches while the other is a western-influenced monster of the week with original ideas and action scenes.
By your logic, those "empathetic adults" would actually, in fact, be sadistic if they enjoy horror, considering what happens to the "good" people in the horror genre. You probably just used the wrong word. In your hypothetical world, "empathetic adults" don't enjoy horror, and that's why they don't watch it.
go to a real forest at night then man idk
it felt so unfair when nanaba and mike died
>What's a good scary piece of media
I found Noroi pretty scary (or maybe just very unsettling) and IIRC it didn't even have a single jumpscare.
>goofy af towards the end
Yeah the whole "you can't harm those kids, that's WRONG!"
While the entire time those kids are killing everyone they see just because they can.
WTF Japan? Is your morality more important than other people's lives? Or is it the just the editor saying "No, don't kill the kids. Our manga will get canceled."

There's a certain barrier for what makes a "good" horror story/game. If you finish it then it wasn't scary enough to keep you away. If you don't finish it then you can't really say if it manages to maintain that level of horror throughout.
Horror is intrinsicly tied to risk. how can you be scared of something that doesn't exist and can't harm you? How do you make some scared of something that they weren't scared of before?
You'd need to somehow instill the feeling of risk.
That's why I believe things like limited ammo or the inability to fight back at all in a game can can get your heart racing. However being completely powerless forces you to avoid risks entirely, to the point where it's safest to do nothing at all. But obviously that wouldn't make for a very good horror game.
Compare the feeling of falling down a pit in Super Mario Bros an dying when you have 99 lives and a save right beforehand to falling down a pit and dying when you only have 1 life left and no saves allowed. I think a good horror game or story should have your emotions moving frequently between the 3 areas outlined in red in pic related, never staying on one part too long.
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A shit, wrong pic.
I love horror media but it barelly scares me. I love them for atmopshere. Video games on other hand acutally feel a bit scary .i dunno why.
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Yep. Two genres that anime sucks is horror and war for those reasons.

The interactive nature of games makes it completely different. If you were only watching the gameplay it would be just like anime. Silent Hill immersed you into its world.
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good film but you are a faggot
only video games are scary because you are actually immersed
Another problem is pacing and excess. Even if they nail atmosphere and other important factors, either the story drags way too long, the shock value gets too predictable because of overuse, or the characters become grating or static to the point you don't care. Manga is usually a bit better, but suffers the same problems with series like the island of giant insects or that vampire village one that's going way longer than it should have.
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If this turns out not being scary its probaby never going to happen.
One of the factors to something being scary is the unknown. An allegedly faithful adaptation of a popular manga is very unlikely to pull that off.
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I have literally never been scared or even startled by an anime or anime but I'm a massive pussy when it comes to horror games.
I can't even put in on "japanese horror doesn't work for me" because silent hill is scary as shit to me.
>It's been years since I watched something actually unsettling.
And how many years has it been since you watched a new anime that was not targeted at teenagers or kids?
>We know right off the bat that what we're witnessing is in some form drawn, modeled, etc, and therefore there's no fear of it being real
When I watch, say, The Searcher I know for a fact that it's not a real little girl that has been kidnapped and raped by blanket-heads, but an actress in a costume, and the dude who wants to find her and "save" her is not really an ex-Confederate named Ethan, but an actor named John Wayne in a costume.
And yet I can disconnect; at the same time, when I watch Mirai Shounen Conan I know for a fact that the dude who's saving the little girl is not a real guy named Conan, and yet I can appreciate it the same
Sounds like a skill issue
Ultimately it is up to this. Can you suspend your disbelief enough to enjoy it. Some people are opposed to this for whatever reason. Autism probably, maybe even thinking they're too smart for whatever they're watching and therefore must constantly be an arm's length away and aware of everything they're watching so as to criticize.
There is a difference between human beings and drawings.
because japanese horror consists of gore and rape, they can't add good suspense
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The difference is only a rational one, not a perception one. There isn't much difference between a fetus interpreting 2D shapes within the womb and a fully formed human being interpreting 3D signals.
If I show the fetus 3 red dots their pre-programmed moneky brain will say "that's a face", and if I show you a photo of an actor or the drawing of an anime, the same moneky brain will say the same, "yup face".
Rationalization always comes after instinctual recognition and perception, so when it comes to suspension of disbelief the greatest obstacle is some sort of mental block or lack of instinctual empathy, like autism or similar mental deficiences that halts the normal human mechanism of the pathetic fallacy
Say whatever you want. Well made gore in live action is impressive. Gore in anime, even in high budget movies and OVAs, does not scare anyone.
>hurr look at these animal guts flinging around scary amirite
That's just you having a boner for 3DPD. Say whatever you want, can't hear you over these explosions in space.
Having this kind of black-and-white mentality and handwaving away positions and arguments contrary to one's own are classic signs of autism and similar mental traits.
I have the suspicion that you cannot feel human emotions for drawings like every other healthy human and thus cannot comprehend how we can.
Japan is just too innocent
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All the coolest "scary" moments i remember in recent manga have been in a non-horror stories.
Moon Beast arc of CX has several fantastic spooky moments (Tokio's mindbreak and suffocating atmosphere when he discovers Azuma's corpse, Ricardo Terror, Tokio going Nyx Avatar) but it's an action mixed with comedy in general.
I will never understand people thinking that Ito manga is scary. Most of his titles read like a full blown dark comedy.
Read the thread.
You didn't hear what happened in Wisconsin.
Anime has fully transitioned into being a family friendly product now
They are empathetic because they can place themselves in the main character's shoes and vicariously experience the same fear. It's not about enjoying what happens to them but enjoying the feeling of being afraid.
Your argument sounds like something a soccer mom from the 90s would use to discourage violent video games.
It's because the stylization of anime works against most forms of horror.

There are three types of fear response, generally speaking:

Disgust is the first kind of fear. Seeing something that triggers a sense of revulsion that makes you want to get away from it. Manga can do this easily, there is some very effective gross-out manga art, but as we have seen in the past when those manga get adapted that quality very rarely survives the jump to animation. Anime is just less detailed, frame for frame, than manga art can be and the need for something to actually be in motion instead of just implied motion tends to degrade what makes it spooky.

The second form of fear is Terror. This is the kind of fear that comes from thinking you are in danger, even if only briefly. The chase sequence fleeing the monster, the jump scare. The cartoony style of anime limits how much the audience can really feel like danger, even life threaten danger to named characters, is scary. Its not realistic enough. Jump scares likewise tend to come off as more funny than scary in anime, because the difference between humor and fear is a safe distance.

The third form of fear is horror. This is the one that anime has the best chance of emulating, because its entirely psychological. It is the building dread of knowing that something bad is about to happen but it not having happened YET and your mind imagines the worst case scenario. For this to work the visuals, the script, and soundtrack, and the direction all need to come together in the right way, but this one at least can be done.

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