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He is just tall.
That's all he need
why does only one girl like him then
Does a man deserve respect and admiration for being tall?
Does a man deserve scorn and mockery for being short?
Do either men deserve anything for things that they had no control over?
I'm tall too, where's my cute girl who would confess to me? Well, there were even a few in high school and university, but where could such a one find me now?
>where's my cute girl who would confess to me?
>there were even a few in high school and university
Being tall really is easy mode...
They're like women because even though they have huge advantages in their favor they still manage to fuck it up and then make up retarded excuses.
In a cosmic sense no one deserves anything good or ill.
That's so true.
He's also athletic, skilled (at art), employed, stoic, funny, independent (lives alone and takes care of everything himself), and a good cook. The most unbelievable part is that only one girl is into him.
and he's tall
did you forget that? because funnily enough none of that would matter if he was 5'5
you mean like for the 5'4" guy from the same series?
Can you really say that when the "girl" who falls for him barely counts as a girl?
You don't have control over anything though it's all predetermined by your circumstances.
you fools trying to reduce him to tropes and fetishes are literally missing his appeal. i would fug nozaki even if he was mouse-size. perhaps even moreso.
Give him a bit more credit. He's 5'4.5"
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But a gremlin counts as a girl?
Because the mangaka is writing an unrealistic scenario so her heroine won't have any competition.
She is cute tho
but your initial conception and mental image of Nozomi is as a tall guy and that affected how you viewed him no matter how much you say otherwise. it is very hard to separate height from a person's character.
but if the scenario is unrealistic the reason she fell in love with him doesn't have to be realistic too
Gremlins are the best girls in fact
Would you ask him "why such the long face?"
His name is Nezu
Who's that?
OP is a fucking midget hehe
only incels believe this meme because they're constantly evaluating themselves against other men. roughly around the same time this anime was airing, levi what's his name from snk had an ocean of female fans, fujo and yume alike, and he was a bonafide manlet
He was humanity's strongest soldier.
NTA but women's tastes in fictional men differ from their tastes in real men, what other explanation do you need?
yeah and brooding and mysterious. those are way more common traits among characters popular with girls than height. and even those aren't a given. i'd love to see the dissection of what the hell was going on with osomatsu thirst
Americans and their obsession with male height are creepy.
I'm very tall and only thing i get is inability to sit in public transport/airplanes.
That's not the point though, he was humanity's strongest soldier and yet all you saw from him is "manlet". >>271182231
no, i saw a sasuke. i brought up that he's a manlet because the conversation was about women caring about tall men. try reading slower next time.
It's usually Europeans who do this thoughbeit
>try reading slower next time.
Great, more short jokes.
It's an Asian thing
I've had it up to here with you and your height obsession.
>I've had it up to here
You're not funny.
He's kinda funny
it most certainly is not lmao. none of this shit is discussed on 5ch.
It's fiction.
That's clearly a femanon.
Well no shit it literally doesn't matter because he's never gonna stand next to them in real life. I couldn't find it but there's that screencap of some women seeing Kevin Hart in person for the first time or something
yeah this is a fiction board
I'll do you one better.
Ah yes, everyone knows he is a kissless virgin irl and these comments from literal whos prove everyone else also thinks this.
Are you going to put forward a coherent argument or finally give up and admit that some men get the short end of the stick?
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>some men get the short end of the stick?
Enough with the short jokes.
Okay yeah this is the image I was thinking of, I dunno why I thought it was Kevin Hart lol
I haven't heard the name Taylor Lautner in like 10 years would have never remembered it was him in the pic
No it isn't. I'm 6'4" and never had any female attention.

You need to be either handsome or jacked in addition to being tall, simply being a tall skinny foureyes nerd will get you nothing. Nozaki-kun is both big (high FFMI) and handsome. Realistically he is just very close to the physical ideal of a man so of course women like him.
My argument is that short boys are cute and my proof is that I judge it so. If you want to make yourself miserable believing every harlot hates you or whatever, you're welcome to but it seems like a miserable way to live.
Nobody is forcing you to read those posts. Be the bigger man here and walk away.
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They probably stay away because they have no idea what you mean you say “who would confess to me” or think you're a priest, or they actually know where it came from but think you watched so many Japanese cartoons you actually start talking in bad translations from Japanese and they know to stay away even more.
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Wow, you should be a comedian.
>No it isn't. I'm 6'4" and never had any female attention.
>You need to be either handsome or jacked in addition to being tall, simply being a tall skinny foureyes nerd will get you nothing
Difference is you can get jacked, I can't get tall.
You can always hack off roasties' legs so that, from their viewpoint, all men are tall.
Glowie detected, incels amirite?
I am a khhv at 28 despite living on my own, being educated and gainfully employed.
>you can get jacked,
Only with steroids. Filling out a tall frame is MUCH harder than it is for you manlets. Usually lanklets are that way because we had low T during puberty so our hormones are fucked to begin with. I've been working out for quite a few years now and I still look skinny as fuck even after gaining almost 10kg of muscle overall. My plan is to roid to death once I hit 30 and maybe then I'll finally look normal for a short time before my heart gives out.
If we were the last two men on earth, all the women would flock to you and only you.
What country?
This guy will say this and also know in the back of his head that if he flew to an Asian country he could get a lay in 1 or 2 days tops.
Lol in that scenario there'd be so many deviant women who specifically have a preference for short men you wouldn't be able to remember all their names if you tried.
Indeed, tall men trying to gain sympathy is just lame.
You're right, they shouldn't be stooping down to your level.
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Kevin Hart doesn't even make any sense. Imagine women saying
>You know who's a real heartthrob? Kevin Hart.
I know that's what I was thinking too, I knew something was wrong
But he must have some admirers
Random eastern european shithole #17
I can go to a prostitute here too, what's your point? I really doubt regular women would pay any attention to me, don't have an American passport they'd want.
Not necessarily. Every single manlet I know is more successful with women than I am. Your problem is that you're a pathetic incel with many factors detracting from your quality as a man, just like me. But since you're short you've cooked up this nice fantasy where if you magically got tall women would suddenly be all over you (they wouldn't).

In reality most manlets get laid, most lanklets get laid, only complete genetic dead ends with multiple contributing issues do not.
>But since you're short you've cooked up this nice fantasy where if you magically got tall women would suddenly be all over you (they wouldn't)
Not true, I once lied about my height on a dating app and women were all over me.
The bitter irony of short girls pining for tall boys and then ruining their tall genes with their short genes and making shortfag sons.
Shut up, innit. Native English speakers know what that means.
Right. Maybe America really is different but around here height alone means fuck all. I've tried putting my height on dating apps and it did nothing.
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I actually once asked on an English learning IRC channel about it. They were al so confused by it and had no idea what it would mean and also felt it needed an object.

It turns out that unlike your circles, the overwhelming majority of native English speakers aren't lonely losers watching Japanese cute girl cope cartoons all day.
>be manlet
>get jacked in 2 years because filling out a manlet frame is comparatively easy
>claim to be 6'3"
>suddenly become arnold tier genetic freak in the eyes of women because now you're twice as big as most actual 6'3" guys
wow, shocking.
See >>271183877

Fucking retard.
oops, disregard
That's not true at all, what are you talking about? Are you an ESL? With all due respect, when a modern teenager talks about another teen of the opposite sex "confessing" to them, it's either about a secret within their mutual friend group or an admission of feelings. Why are you acting so haughty?
Because it's funny to have the rest of her friends and cast constantly shit on her for her type being "tall and unassuming"

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