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leaks later
>leaks later
over the rainbow
way out far
fuck off with your generalfaggotry already
Kill and rape Akane
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you do not need a thread up 24/7
this is not /vg/
fuck off and die already you retarded tourists
for once this is the actual time to have a /wsj/ thread because it's (the expected time) for leaks/toc
which are delayed until an unknown time
Fuck off, newfag.
you sound new considering you don't know that this is leaks/toc day
the only /wsj/ threads that should exist are leaks day and official day, anything outside of that is faggotry
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>why does a literal spamming shitposter go to other threads to spam and shitpost?
>newfag thinks jannies care
is this your first day on 4chan?
why would you expect some mentally ill spammers to get banned when the local jjk ones remain unscathed?
jannies are too busy protecting moe threads to care about nubattle shonen trash please understand
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Bejita = Kiyoshi
Gurdo = Himaten
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5ch really fucking hates UU right now, it's kinda funny watching a whole thread dunk on 1 series
what is their problem lol
Same things as over here lol
>manga doesn't sell
>anime failed
>designs suck
It being basically last in the last 2 TOC and recently saying they were starting a "speedrun" has kinda fanned the cancelation fire
>right now
They've always had.
It maybe getting a movie/s2 almost mindbroke them so the end result being a tv special just made everyone shit on it.
tozuka derangement syndrome
Why not wait until the leaks actually drop to make the thread? What's the point of premptively creating one?
Shoseki Ranking Top 500 (September 18)
>18. Ruri Dragon #2
73. The Elusive Samurai #17
102. Akane-banashi #13
152. WITCH WATCH #18
210. Nue's Exorcist #6
335. Me & Roboco #19
412. Super Psychic Policeman Chojo #2

>79. Kagurabachi #2
>84. Kagurabachi #3
>87. Kagurabachi #1
>191. Ruri dragon #1
yeah,5ch always disliked yozafam and UU for being based middlemen
UU is shit, but 5ch is nothing but bitter old people who resides to move to the new 2ch you really shoudn't think their opiniĆ³n represents anything
nuerats? Why did new release lose to backlog already?
It's just so he can post this
and then samefag about nue
that's how you get multiple threads popping into existence at the same time
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OP of the thread here
leaks ain't coming today just let thread die or talk about older jump series , idc
hng is based
what do you anons think of the new batch?
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All of them seem really boring, I might give the video game one time if it's got something cool going on
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My honest thoughts:
Ichi is the one they want to push, expect an early cover.
The other two were sent to die.
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read girl meets rock
Ichi the Witch is fine
Shinobi Undercover is a worse Kill Blue
Hakutaku sounds average
>is a worse Kill Blue
Author can draw action and there's no shitty and unneeded conan gimmick, so it's already better than kb's chapter one.
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>read girl meets rock
>KLK was 10 years ago
agh my bones...
>accidentally included the "read"
>ruined the pun
it takes a somewhat annoying gag in kiyoshi and amps it by 100
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>kill him before she noticed
Dude she's five feet away, how hasn't she noticed already?
>somewhat annoying gag
Its best gag*
What, mugging to the camera and being loud?
>Shinobi Undercover is a worse Kill Blue
oh god it is
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>a yaoi doujinshi convention is going to have a special event for The Elusive Samurai
Of course it is.
not yaoi but shotacon con
>boys only
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Leaks are starting I guess
To the guillotine
Unholy mid-00s
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>Roboco 2 mil circulation
based and kneepilled
This is the most repulsive CP ever
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Yozakura + Volume Cover
KGB cp next week. Expect vol 4 tease.
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Hidden Shinobi color
toc doko
>already reuse the model
axe soon
a girl!
nice coloring but god that first chapter was so awful. I didnt hate it as much as nue's first chapter, but atleast nue was fun to hate
HAKUTAKU (Cover & LCP, New Series by Ishikawa Kouki, 54p)
Sakamoto Days
One Piece
Shinobigoto (Color Page, 2nd Chapter, 25p)
Blue Box
Jujutsu Kaisen
Me & Roboco (Color Page, 200th Chapter, Announcement of Release Date of the Movie)
Ichi the Witch (3rd Chapter, 23p)
The Elusive Samurai
Witch Watch
Mission: Yozakura Family (Color Page, Battle Climax)
Astro Royale
Nue's Exorcist
Kill Blue
Ultimate Exorcist Kiyoshi
Super Psychic Policeman Chojo
Undead Unluck
Yokai Buster Murakami
Weekly Shonen Jump Issue #43 (2024) - ToC
HAKUTAKU (Cover & LCP, New Series by Ishikawa Kouki, 54p)
Sakamoto Days
One Piece
Shinobigoto (Color Page, 2nd Chapter, 25p)
Blue Box
Jujutsu Kaisen
Me & Roboco (Color Page, 200th Chapter, Announcement of Release Date of the Movie)
Ichi the Witch (3rd Chapter, 23p)
The Elusive Samurai
Witch Watch
Mission: Yozakura Family (Color Page, Battle Climax)
Astro Royale
Nue's Exorcist
Kill Blue
Ultimate Exorcist Kiyoshi
Super Psychic Policeman Chojo
Undead Unluck
Yokai Buster Murakami
>Undead Unluck last
Basically 3 weeks in a row, it's over, isn't it
>KGB out of top 5
Mou.... OWARI DA!
is UU pulling a shamanking/jojopart6?
>UU last
Great fucking music to my ears
Undead is getting Bleached
Expect Tozuka to announce ending soon, uubros.
Damn Akane dropped.
Too many first places I guess.
Which will end first, Undead or Yozafam?
Weekly Shonen Jump Issue #44 (2024) - Information
Blue Box (Cover & LCP, TV Anime Broadcast Start)
HAKUTAKU (Color Page, 2nd Chapter, 25p)
Nue's Exorcist (Color Page)
Jujutsu Kaisen (Color Page)
UU derangement syndrome
>UU keep occupying last bot to make sure the newbies survive
>so many breaks it had to do with a fucking cp for its last chapter, not even the cover
>Jujutsu Kaisen (Color Page)
last jjk cp?
>basically no series gets cover for the ending
-1, you mean.
Second to last, at least.
last jjk chapter
>Nue's Exorcist
Will Nue be the new Yuuna line ?
>Kill Blue
Just die already
>Ultimate Exorcist Kiyoshi
Poor Kiyoshi
>Super Psychic Policeman Chojo
Roboco reigns supreme
>Undead Unluck
Is it a second consecutive bottom rank?
if uu doesn't rise for chapters 218 - 221 starting in a couple weeks i'd genuinely be surprised
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>UU is getting BLEACHed
Tick tock
Tick tock
Tick tock
was bleach ending different from other axes?
I would be too. I don't think it'll magically hit no.1, but Andy's return will probably give it a decent boost.

Now if it's still bottom after Andy chapters, then we panic
The whole final arc was just rushed as shit due to health issues.
bleach and Toriko was told to wrap it up months beforehand, they were long runners so they were given special treatment. UU is a long runner atleast in comparison to the rest of the magazine. and obviously most axes are 40 chapters are less
All I know is, in its last days, it sank to the bottom rankings
Bleach fans are still coping to this day, I think they're the ones who invented the "it's just to get people to read all the way through the magazine" thing. Which never made any sense to me, do they not realize people can just skip pages? Isn't that what the TOC is for?
It was soft axe and final arc supposed to be longer, according to Kubo in interview.
UU is tracing that path too with the speedrun.
>UU is tracing that path too with the speedrun.
I doubt it'll be that much shorter. UU has a breakneck pace anyways, so at most we'll probably see some combined MR fights and a somewhat shorter fight with Sol
uu's pacing right now isn't out of the ordinary at all, you'd know that if you actually read it
Is UU getting the AXE = overall /wsj/'s win-win situation?
I wouldn't mind. It will be the beginning of a new story/arc, the revelations were in previous chapter. There's no need to keep the premium places for that
>UU gets axed
>Gets replaced by another shitty battle shonen with a bland premise that people here will pretend isn't axebait for half a year straight
At least Yozafam is in its final arc. What does UU have right now?
next u19
I think the problem with Chojo is it's not really laugh out loud funny or heartwarming or anything.
Having to rush through the rest of its fights.
Its fans will tell you its pacing is normal but they were betting on like 40-50 chapters.
It's pretty much in its final stretch rn. It's just the Master Rules/Heart/Sol and Luna fight and then it's done, and the first two are probably gonna be super quick compared to the Beast/Lan fights
we found the best recycler in jump after Takeru
Yeah, UU has always been written in a Sword of Damocles way were it feels like he i always threathened to be axed and could wrap it in 5 chapters at almost any given point.
the fights you're arguing are rushed haven't even started yet
The fact that Undead Unluck is so low, is another proof to the fact that the Japanese people should be genocided. Saito deserves the Hisashi Ouichi treatment. Shueisha employees all deserve to be brutally raped and tortured. Let's make a Unit 731 for Undead Unluck haters. Not a single one of these creatures deserves to live.
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UU is being talked about????
I dropped it after the second chapter gave me Shugomaru flashbacks. What's it been doing?
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did the kgb/nue schizos move onto UU?
How did UU even win that Tsugimanga title though? Were the other entrees that bad?
Kiyoshi bottom 3 LMAOOOOO
I remember some kek who were saying itā€™s not in danger
Himaten is chilling btw
Don't pretend you didn't see it coming.
Liking girl's design.
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>Nue CP finally
We canā€™t stop winning nuebros
I don't know what Shugomaru is but this manga is pretty mundane. It's wacky scenarios but I don't know something about it just isn't that funny. Maybe it's the delivery. Saiki did the psychic thing better.
I'd allied with kgbrats to shit on UU at any given moment.
>Kagurabachi lower and lower in ToC.

Nakanoposters... maybe we've judged him too harshly.
>another bot 5
>another below astro placement
What's the point? At least it got a cp after over two months.
This bum DONā€™T look like Kumagawa
Cover looks cool.
The ratio of copy-pasted panels is higher than ever.
Actually kgb stayed at the same rank as last time
whats ending first, Nue or Kill Blue?
Kill Blue
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It was on top 5 last week
This week is top 6
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What the FUCK is a ToC
except for certain arcs like the author's self-insert arc, spring arc, ruin arc(previous loop), the arcs in the current loop weren't all that rushed either.
Don't transfer UU to J+
Let's it die with the shitty ToC
I want to see it dying in agony
No it was always 6, the dude who posted the toc here forgot JJK
>manga toc
Something Ruri doesn't have to worry about
Save the jump society ruri (if you can come back in the physical magazine
Next week is color page again, half of the pages are going to be reused it seems.
>Will Nue be the new Yuuna line ?
Been saying that for months
It's not?
Kgb donā€™t get cp, itā€™s JJK, Nue and BB
IMO like 80% of jump should be fucking axed so they can find something thats actually kino. They are lucky wan piss is going for another decade or WSJ would be dead
I am NOT liking Kiyoshi's position, God dammit.

On the other hand super happy for Roboco's color page and to FINALLY get some update on the film.
>so mindbroken he's mixing up Bachi and Nue
What the fuck is happening to Chojo though. Is it a sign that current WSJ cannot afford two 10k-15k gag series? Could they retool it into enf magazine gag? (didn't Numa have some problems with schedule)
>UU transferred in J+
You guys have some hilarous coping mechanisms
Did you took my shitty leak for grant?
Those 80% are too safe
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>IMO like 80% of jump should be fucking axed so they can find something thats actually kino. They are lucky wan piss is going for another decade or WSJ would be dead
You idiots should NEVER BE editors, this fucked up shonen sunday for like 5 years
They expected better, I'm guessing.
Samon sold 30k right off the bat and easily grew to 50k+.
shouldnt have axed Dolphin also the magazine wont sell shit when OP is on break and HxH goes back to the freezer
>of jump should be fucking axed so they can find something thats actually kino
that's what they've been doing for decades
Are you good anon?
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>What the fuck is happening to Chojo though.
It relies on a single joke: "Chojo is an asshole" way too hard, because he genuinely is an asshole
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Astrobros we are so gonna make it
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Nue FUCKING lost
What issue is JJK's final chapter on?
Next one.
44, next week
May be jump should be exploring more genre instead of just fightfags and comedy
next one
Will they allow Kiyoshi to live up to 25-27 chapters?
Boring Box anime promo
Guys, how aboutā€¦ 20+ years old mc for jump
>b..but Andy
He is ugly as fuck, like sth that comes out of an murrican comic
Im talking about mc like Ryo Saeba
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>trying to salvage Nue with a CP
It's embarrassing how much shilling this generic ass battle harem got
b..but Taiyo
It also got a MV with a singer.
but you can't salvage nue or its sales
>six volumes in
>still zero circulation updates
I'm hoping Kiyoshi can sell well

It's selling well so I have no worries now, I'm happy

I don't know, I hate to be skeptical but it might not make it if the ToC doesn't improve or if the sales aren't enough. The art, the characters and comedy are all so charming but maybe it's just not focused enough? I hope the current arc can right the ship.
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Hey its me Goku!!
He's not really convincingly an asshole though. Everyone just says wow you're so scummy you're such scum I hate you but really he doesn't do much. So he's only an asshole because everyone around him says he is one. Gintoki is regularly shown gambling and not paying people on time and making crude jokes. Saiki constantly dismisses everyone around him and grumbles about their company. I'm not fully convinced why the entire town reviles Chojo when he just sits in his office most of the time.
WW got his circulation by volume 8-9, it varies
Not a fake? Akanebanashilled is the lowest it's ever been IIRC, I hardly believe this shit especially since they don't drop it yet another CP next issue.
Bringing back U19 is already a step toward that though. There's no point in giving series with no signs of growth 25 chapters.
>astro managed to crawl it's way out of the axe on it's own
>meanwhile staff members on WSJ office take turns to run on a bicycle to pump electricity into Nue's life support
>Nue got a MV
Well I guess people can say it won this time
U18 club is back so zombies won't last as much as UU did
>ancient series that is now a zombie
>non-battle manga: exist
>western readers: REEEEEE
I mean U19...
>no UU slander for years till anime was airing
>*ranked bottom once*
>starting shitting on UU out of nowhere
You LOST, faggot.
>Nue got one CP in 2 month
People are too desesperate for slander lol, and I donā€™t even like this shit
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>UU last
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But it still sold less than 30k
nips hate Boring Box as well.
Because even Nips were starting to call out the clear preferential treatment how did you forget how many CPs he had on winter-spring?
Rare nue win
>shilled to the top5 toc repeatedly while having the best ratio of CPs per chapter
>still sells like shit
Nah, it's a little bit different
>People are too desesperate for slander lol, and I donā€™t even like this shit
thats how I feel about half the magazine. People are just desperate for a tortanic or squid8 situation
UU only got anime because it lasted for so long. Same with Yozakura.
WW and Roboco barely get CP. So does Speedy Shota and Astro.
>sell like shit
You are mindbroken
I like Roboco but most of it's color pages aren't that great, I don't think Shuhei likes doing them.
Nue WISHES it had the audience of a 2000s generic battle harem
well maybe it would have if it had more romcom chapters instead of going full battle shonen
EluSam author doesn't like doing color pages and Wakui probably doesn't either. His Astro CP look ass.
Even KanoKari gets CP less frequently in Magazine
Unfortunately, I can believe this.
Also, Psyren anime when?
I'm talking about Akane, retard-kun.
>muh sales
Is this the best cope you have?
Try harder, retard.
Itā€™s funny how hard people try to shit on a series even if it doesnā€™t even make sense in some case
A series getting one color page in months is now shilling lmao
Akane-banashit lives only because that's muh nippon banzai shit like hinomaru. It's boring and doesn't even adapt rakugo art properly.
She is up next
UU anime looks decent and many series fucking wish they got the same treatment
A shame all the resources were wasted on such a flop
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...I'll admit, I haven't been as into it as of late. It's usually "Now we'll watch this character's performance." Okay, cool I guess. I don't really care that much.

I was drawn to it because of how it went into the art of storytelling, but I guess the novelty wore off for me.
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>faggots dunking on UU out of nowhere
keep crying we'll have UNION vs Sol and Luna and wrap it at our own terms. Those incompetent dipshits on David Pro can still go to hell though
raped by Sojo btw
>David Pro
i still cant believe how many jojofags fellate them even though they ruined made in heaven
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KGB won
>bb goldfish AND kgb goldfish on sale at the same time
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that goatba is a faker, but it hardly matters now
>To small of a cast
>Already stuck in a rut
>Strictly weekly plots and unlike Roboco it doesn't do the gags well enough, lots of single chapter stories should have been at least 2 chapters
>Jokes lacks bite
>I think Chojo as a character is hilarious but his asshole nature doesn't resonate with most readers
Essentially it's just Roboco but worse
i think its a samefag, maybe the same one who keeps doing the kgb/nue war
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>we should about to enter the arc in which we see what no little brother bussy does to an eldritch monster
Run, speedy (not so)shota, run.
If that was true then Unsold unboght, who sells almost half as much, would have been cancelled years ago.
Face it, manga is in the dumps, 25K is above the axe line these days
Really? I feel BB is overhyped for the crap it offers
They are newfag secondaries
those proportions look off to me idk
>UU out of nowhere
Take your meds, UU has always been an exister and never was shilled to the top5 toc constantly even after winning Tsugimanga.
What was Akane-banashit position there btw? 3rd?
No one talks about axing it btw, it will never ever happen with the amount of shilling it gets.
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I cannot wait for Tadafuyu shenanigans.
Drop next month covers already
i love 4chan because i can just spout retarded takes about shit i know nothing about and nobody will know who i am
>U-Unsold unboght was never shilled like akane!
For 150 chapters it got CPs on the dot every 9 or so chapters, that streak is finally broken now in getting the axe due to the new EiC
Don't talk to me about tsugimanga, I been there to see in real time this dog shit clearly get an anime deal because of it.
nue lost
Where is kagurabachi PV?
I elaborated in a past thread but compared to Chojo Roboco is exemplary of how successful WSJ titles hit the ground running. Roboco introduced more recurring characters in 3 chapters than Chojo was able to do in 10 and they immediately all start interacting with each other. And since the characters are all (mostly) friends that gives Shuhei a lot of flexibility with his plots while Numa is stuck with a singular location as the core of his chapters because the characters are just coworkers.

We're not gonna see Chojo, Ippongi and Copbot trying to teach Chojo how to ride a bike so they can all have a bikerace across town and up a mountain to get to a fishing site, all things that happened (and locations visited) in Roboco as part of a longer arc comprised of mini-arcs. Chojo, Ippongi and Copbot aren't friends like that. The manga has to twist itself into pretzels to justify why the Chojo cast are doing anything not strictly related to their policework. Most importantly I think the setting and cast composition is less appealing to kids, it's a work sitcom after all, meanwhile Roboco has kids for kids to relate to and it still appeals to adults.

I don't think Chojo is a bad manga by any means, I read it and like it but I'm not surprised its doing worse than Roboco.
You can go back to MH
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Fuck it, Kiyoshi will be my #1 vote on Sunday. It's now or never. See ya in 3 days.
That's still less than Akane lmao.
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WTF is that real?
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If UU ending less than 250, then i'd call that it was getting AXE and keep reminding that to UUfags until the end of my life.
>i can just spout retarded takes about shit i know nothing about
that's what you've chosen to do with your anonymity? find a hobby and throw yourself into traffic you sad stupid shit
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You're not leaving yet, KINOshi!
>>271185429 (Me)
every newfag will be reminded of disaster of how Undead Unluck was and no, this us not the revision but a fact.
>nobody bothers to pick it
>SOVLful already
Goodbye SHITnobi Undercover
Let's dunkin' on UUfags.
I don't care about nuefags, for now.
>So mad he can't even type properly
I wonder what you're going to do when it ends at 300 or so like most manga try to
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*Forces you to speedrun your ending*
Crazy how the next year and a half of jump is basically just gonna be coasting until the Kagurabachi anime
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>its david pro fault our shit is flopping!!!!
Those uutards are insanely delulu lmao they could have gotten ufo madhouse cloverwork and they'd still blame the studio
>this is the whole reason TES didn't have stock for its anime
jesus fucking christ. I thought s8 was bad enough
KINO Piece
MIDSHIT: Yozakura Family
Me and KINOco
SaKINOto Days
KINO Watch
Nue's ExorSHIT
Super Psychic PoliceMID Chojo
CHADtro Royale
SHITkai Buster Murakami
Ultimate Exorcist KINOshi
Ichi the Witch
SHITnobi Undercover

Seeing Nuerats squirming is funny, unsold unboght is just terrorism.
Won't even get an anniversary cover since it's ending soon after like yozakura didn't btw
>200+ chapters
Can't wait to see this exact same sizs pile for kagurabachi and it all sells
But seriously this is the worst first page I have ever seen. Who the fuck thought "ugly naked old man groping teenage girl" was a good idea for the first chapter?
did UU kill your mom? you talk about it more than anyone else, ironically shilling it to people
Nuerats are just asking to get humbled when they literally make claims like easy top 3 tsugis or 30k+fm new volume and it ends up flopping everytime.
how bad you must be to be below fucking Astro of all things
>Roboco parodied UU a bunch of times
>only mentioned TES once
Yeah it's literally rape / sexual harassment lmao
Waiting for the Kagurabachi parody chapter
when was this?
>Those incompetent dipshits on David Pro can still go to hell though
Let me recap this for you: UU anime failed because it's source material is bad
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>UU will die by chapter 20
>UU will die by chapter 100
>UU will die by chapter 150
>UU will die by chapter 200
>UU will die by chapter 250
You are here
>kgbrats jumping from Nue to shitting on UU depending on the thread
I'm going to drown in your tears once they anounce that David Pro or some literal-who studio will adapt your stupid fucking series
By the Obi, pretty obviously around the anime release
With the current state of jump it's either UU that gets axed or nue that gets axed
Mashle obi please...we need it
>Anime failed
>Manga still going on 6 months later
>Special in january
So, huh.... what was the point of the anime failing again?
ichi the witch more like ichi the bitch
Funnily enough that was what made me check it out. I was caught off guard by how brazen that was when the chapter debuted so I read it to see what on earth it could possibly be about. After reading the first chapter I thought hey this could be kinda fun, so I just stuck with it. I'm trying to think about whether or not I would have even taken a look at it if that first page was tame. Obviously thats just my experience though, I can see it turning away most others which is unfortunate, but hey that's life
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It probably turned off all the female audience
That it's a failed series that didn't live up to expectations. Do keep up, maybe you need another recap to blame
What really turned then off wasn't the rape it was the fact all but 2 men are ugly and very straight
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What are the chances Roboco pulls a Kochikame and runs for a REALLY long time?
Still being published though
Also it's getting a Jump Festa spot in december
But I guess Jump executives are famous for their bleeding hearts.
Are you trying to imply David Pro is a shit studio, newfag-kun?
>jujutsu kaisen is the only one that trends worldwide
>not even one piece elbaf arrival trended
>not even kagurabachi
Wsj is dead
>He lives in the past like an idiot
Their output the last half decade has been nothing but dogshit
>kgb out of nowhere
Why are you this obsessed with them, little faggot
Their adaptation is good, they just choose garbage main material as sources like UU
KGB could've some use some use on the Fire Force's animators crew.
They obviously aren't going to axe it 3 chapters after the anime airs, and there isn't some backlog of great series waiting to take it's place. It would be great if you could understand context but that might be too difficult for you.
>only one week until wsj is left with only one (1) million seller
Is this the worst time in wsj history?
Nakano ran away from this sinking boat
Nakano tried to kill KGB
>They obviously aren't going to axe it 3 chapters after the anime airs,
More like 30, anon. Smells like cope to me.
Stop sniffing your anus then.
>Nakano zombies are dobe or in their final act
>new titles get spotlight
>Hori and Gege are shown to be hacks
>everyone except One Piece are now on level ground and has to outdo each other to survive instead of against shilled zombies
This is the best time in forever
Also next year wsj physical will be under 1 million circulation
You must've really been angry for a while about UU living
JJK part 2
I wonder would it still be possible for KGB to fuck up so hard it fall from here at this point
...in V-Jump
Not really, it's just pure mediocrity.
Kgb will take more than two years for anime. Also i dont think it can be amillion seller desu. More like mha level
You mean SQ, that's where fujomanga go
Astro got it's shit together a couple of months ago
>I'm not mad, I'm just shitting blood because a manga is currently being published and it doesn't sell millions
>No I don't want it to sell anyway, I just hate that it doesn't
Kek squared
It is the worst time ever i think. It literally never got this bad
Even when golden age ended they had hxh a million seller and kenshin.

The wsj dark ages
KGB doesn't peak yet with the current pacing
KGB needs major arcs like Marineford, SS, B-rank Wars, International Assassins, Shibuya etc.
even if people will insisted that it was peak at Sojo vs arc.
This made me remember that HxH is coming back.

Wonder if we'll get at least 20 chapters this time
>I make shit up because I am illiterate
Yes we know, otherwise you wouldn't be that wowed by Undead Unluck of all things.
Yeah, series is still growing a crazy amount and it just left it's prologue, I expect a lot more growth before the pre-anime stagnation
Even MHA was in danger until the end of its second year, so it absolutely can fall off and die
It still has like 10 series at least as cushions so I don't think it can fall off that hard in the next 2 years at least
It's been almost a year since the anime ended, from what you say it seems to me Jump doesn't have confidence in finding a 30K seller after the UU anime failed to convert.
When an anime really bombs the manga is generally cancelled within the year, like Keijo was.
mha was with big guns, current jump is full of axebaits
>Nue's Exorcist (Color Page)
We are so fucking back
Is it supposed the be a homonym for Hack Attack?
the nue killer
>sells over 100k first month
>"THEY HATE IT!!!!!!"
I wonder how the fag spamming about nue doesn't feel exhausted. I mean he spams more than 100 fucking posts a day.
That's a long time waiting for fucking captchas
I remember a JP anon saying UU was like if Samurai 8 got an anime
And ran for the better part of a decade
By being different anons, there's a lot of people that shit on Nue.
Why are there so many unstable women in Akanebanashi?
What are you talking about? The first season of the anime had finished airing by MHA's second anniversary. It was never in danger.
This hakunamatata garbage is going to the U-19 club.
The one who spammed 100 fucking post got exposed, he ainā€™t spamming like he did before
>Nuefags are tendies
You can't make this shit up
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My lord they are seething about Undead Unluck

5ch has always been fucking dumb
It was funny seeing him shitting on Nue while nobody took baits, he even started to reply to himself
There's shitting on Nue, and there's that fag who acts like Gakuro rapes his mother all day and he can't say shit to his face.
Gakuro is afraid of even touching a girl, he's the one who would get his mom raped and not say anything like a bitch.
>seeing him shitting on Nue while nobody took baits
Thatā€™s because nobody care about this lmao, the cuckposter is just mindbroken to some extend
Oh god don't tell me he's Eric
>100 posts
Is that real? Lmao
not related but both one piece and this one have really shit covers.
That's basically what modern OP covers look like kek
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>samefag is out of his meds again
Nah he's not fucking Eric, that fag literally lives and breaths being a Snoy. Even bought multiple trips.
Even in this thread you can guess there is probably one schizo here, they start to bait but nobody care
Only a tendie would seethe over palworld, nobody else gives a crap about this game
I suddenly remember how Makoto Sanda wrote a game making manga which was just about FGO writer team and it seems it was axed after Sanda decided to kill Nasu
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Horikoshi has said in interviews the training camp art was badly received and so he really tried to pull all the stops for kamino
>It got an anime!!!!
That has literally never saved anybody, especially MHA's underwhelming first season.
Didnā€™t read the thread but the level of bait is low, this is probably why
Also, Once the hyped series (Kiyoshi) end at the bottom while the series nobody care (Himaten) is striving
>nooooooooooooo you lost!!!! i'll keep defending that multibillionaire company making shit games over my life!!!!
I mean if you want to suck their cock so hard keep going
>KGB leaks before JJK
what a world
>training camp
has there ever been a training arc / exam arc that went well
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Will the new series be joining the line-up?
kimetsu's training arc was garbage
Kimetsu's training arc was so short I'd barely call it an arc at all.
I wasn't around /wsj/ at that time to know, that's why I asked
Nigga Gakuro has tounged Kazusa and slept holding hands with Shiroha.
Stop being such a loser on 4chan
The Chunnin Exams? Unless despite its wide amounts of praise it was received poorly
Why is Kiyoshi flopping? I donā€™t understand itā€™s good no?
Yeah because they actually made the move, that faggot is too afraid to touch women like I said. He's just a self inserts for pathetic losers like you are so you can try to feel better about your life by imagining self inserting as him. What a pathetic life.
Naruto was a pretty instant hit and kept rising until around 2010, then fell down a bit, but never as much as bleach.
So yeah all the arcs were pretty well received, aside from the beginning of Shippuden with no Sasuke, that was actually the only year Bleach outsold Naruto kek.
It's boring, that's all. and it doesn't know what it wants to be, comedy or serious.
I didn't defend Palworld unlike you retard, I just outed you as being a nintendie, I don't give a fuck about either games
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Yes you are, and you're seething so hard against Palworld it's literally giving away you're a poketendie lmao
BB should reach 500k monthly with the anime.
SD.. well, not so sure.
This is a disgusting lineup regardless of unsold unboght being in there.
Is that even real?
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>People are debating about Nintendo
Kek magazine is over
>One Piece was on a break eight issues ago
2 惻 Blue Box 惻 #159: Guest of Honor
4 惻 The Elusive Samurai 惻 CHAPTER 166: STRONG LUCK 1338
5 惻 Kagurabachi 惻 Chapter 43: Fulfill
6 惻 Hima-Ten! 惻 No. 4: Shopping
7 惻 WITCH WATCH 惻 165 Stuck-On Smile
8 惻 Akane-banashi 惻 STORY 120: WALK THE PATH
9 惻 Astro Royale 惻 CHAPTER 15: HOW WE MET
10 惻 Nue's Exorcist 惻 CHAPTER 60: SHIROHA'S RESULTS
11 惻 Kill Blue 惻 Page 63: The End of Summer Vacation
12 惻 Ultimate Exorcist Kiyoshi 惻 Chapter 6: Nehan & Jack Joe
13 惻 Super Psychic Policeman Chojo 惻 #24 The Flower-Peddling Senior Police Officer
14 惻 UNDEAD UNLUCK 惻 No. 216 Expression
>UU cope
Yeah this is the funniest wsj thread weā€™ve had for a while
>bot 5
It's OVER Nuecucks...
people like sports romance slop, anon.
it will do well no matter what
>top 10
We are back nuegods
>top 10
were done for nuerats
Who's Eric?
You got a CP your rank is irrelevant (sadly)
>He actually thinks UU is making it past 250
Your tears will be delicious, Nuerat tendie
>Nuerat comes from /v/ and is also a poketroon fan
That explains a lot of things
As a UU enjoyer, I would not put Andy on the same stage as Goku, Naruto or Luffy. Tanjiro being there is exponentially less questionable, but even then I'd hesitate to do that too. Even if this is for a mediocre moba, you can put em in the roster just not as headliners
I think you replied to the wrong post lol
UU should never last this long
Is it the favorite series of some boomer top suit in Jump or something?
Winning tsugimanga is the only accomplishment this series got
Wrong again. Sometimes I wonder if you even have eyes.
Yeah, it is weird seeing him there. Put him with Medaka, Nura, and the like. The C-listers.
>got mindbroken by nue so hard he quoted the wrong post
Kgbfag, why itā€™s happening to you?
>mentions kgb out of nowhere
Yup you're the one that's mindbroken
It makes you seethe so hard you're literally randomly bringing it up on jump's thread, retarded poketard
So this is why there's a containment board
I assume itā€™s the same guy who spammed 100 post last time, he look a bit too mindbroken about some irrelevant series like UU and Nue
He's a retarded /v/ Snoywho hates Nintendo so much he's been ritualposting for years.
Here's an example, you can see him talking about Yakuza and Armored Core Sales.
Lmao I'm only comparing how Palworld fagging is exactly the same as this KGB fag though?
There isn't any connections to both of these stuff except that you don't like them, grow up and stop being some retarded kid seething about stuff you don't like
>act like the characters killed his mom
Itā€™s the same guy
Yup yup mind broken by mid once again
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What is going on? why nuefags are poketroon?
>You're mindbroken!
>No, you're mindbroken!
>No, you are!
>No, you!
>You infinity!
>You infinity plus one!
There's a (single) nuefag on the thread and turns out he's a pokefag as well.
>UU transferred in Jump +
What kind of crack people took for saying shit like that hahaha
does anyone know why the palworld fag is so defensive of pokemon with guns
Hypedrunks who hate endings
Noticed how he immediately switched to calling you a Nuefag because he had no comeback tot his.
the last transfer to Jump + was chainsaw man right, where do UU keks think they got that level of gas
Nue is getting a CP? Nice
Also JJK announcing some big news next week, itā€™s definitely a sequel or shit like that
You will just see all the dozens of post from the kgbschizo getting deleted again
Kiyoshi bottom 3 and Himaten top 7
The world is unjust lmao
>definitely a sequel or shit like that
Don't kid yourself. Given how these things have been going, it'll probably be a t-shirt or something.
Generic exorcist manga fails again.
>the series people doomposted to be U17 is winning the toc
People should stop jinxing them
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>nuerats defending Unbought Unsold
>nuerats boasting about 30k milestone
>nuerats feeling offended about the suffix "-rat" for their pronounce
>nuerats are exposed as poketroon
This is getting ridiculous and funny at the same time.
>E-every one I don't like is one guy!!!!
Has it ever crossed your mind more than one person may hate a zombie ass series taking the place of future hopefuls
Alright, what about a second mobile game with light novel elements
You're getting a newspaper ad just like MHA and you're gonna like it
Dokkan x OPTC x Phantom Parade x Ultra Impact collab
when was the last time we had U12?
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Uhm, nuebros are poketroon all theses times?
One piece spoilers DOKO?
(you) and one other boring schizo?
Straw Hats are in Elbaf.
Stuff is happening in other places.
I think you got the wrong post again (I think?)
Is Shueisha on a leaker hunt again due to JJK ending?
dumb number autist poster
unstable women sexy
The raw tho
Wouldn't that make sense to do after JJK ends, not while it's ending? At that point go on a leak hunt after Gojo died and everyone got spoiled on it
Itā€™s bait, newfag
Imagine sixty windows crammed onto a two-story building.
>At that point go on a leak hunt after Gojo died and everyone got spoiled on it
I thought they did that and got two frogs arrested
>Hates PokƩmon
>Posts the best mesugaki as if it's bad
Wait a second, you're a /dbs/fag! How does it feel losing so hard Dragon Ball is about Shotas and Lolis again?
I'm just happy. Ichi didn't drop too hard with all the promotions.
Losing to JJK and one piece is to be expected.
Blue box gets an anime in 2 weeks
Robocco 200 ch special
Shinobigoto gets its 1st chapter pity votes
Sakamoto is the only outlier, what happened there?
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Holy shit, Astrosauropods! We are so high. The clouds are ours!
1 the Witch isn't ranking yet
Gonna plummet after the cushions go away
Nue kill blue and uu on the bottom again
This announces some axe
Itā€™s ranked

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>UU will be axed!!
Jjk is really a mogger
Wsj fucking lost kekaro
sakamoto and blue box are the next best sellers after jjk
Most of those are doomposting.
Yeah but I never expected Sakamoto to be at JJK and op
For now
>KGB would be axebait without western influence
Dark times jump lives kn
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so it was the nuetard schizo who was shitting up the /wsj/ and inciting consolewar. maybe that retard shit "spam 100 posts" must be you as well.
I'm saving this for your humiliation ritual next thread, nuebitch.
>the nuefag was falseflagging as a kgbfag this whole time
I'm still right here though? None of my posts have been deleted.
I think it's funny you think only one person hates your guts.
Rip KGBfag, agenda immediately dismantled.
>comes from /v
>loves pkmn
>incites his consolewarfaggotry on wsj
Yup this faggot needs to khs
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Average ToC rank of last 8 weeks

01.60 One Piece
02.86 Sakamoto Days
03.00 Jujutsu Kaisen

03.50 Kagurabachi
03.83 Akane-banashi
04.00 Blue Box
04.29 Me & Roboco
05.00 Hima-Ten!

07.00 Mission: Yozakura Family
07.40 Witch Watch

07.86 The Elusive Samurai
08.13 Nue's Exorcist
09.50 Astro Royale

09.80 Ultimate Exorcist Kiyoshi
10.86 Kill Blue
11.50 Undead Unluck
11.57 Super Psychic Policeman Chojo

Kyokuto Necromance
Psych House
>turns out the culprit was you all along
>Average ToC rank (percent) of last 8 weeks

One Piece 4.62%
Sakamoto Days 14.21%
Jujutsu Kaisen 14.65%
Kagurabachi 19.05%
Akane-banashi 21.79%
Blue Box 22.80%
Me & Roboco 24.80%

Hima-Ten! 30.77%
Mission: Yozakura Family 45.42%
Witch Watch 48.46%

The Elusive Samurai 51.88%
Nue's Exorcist 54.46%
Astro Royale 65.38%
Ultimate Exorcist Kiyoshi 67.69%

Kill Blue 75.12%
Undead Unluck 79.95%
Super Psychic Policeman Chojo 80.53%
Kyokuto Necromance
Psych House
>bottom 5
Nueā€™s Axedorcist (Axed in February)
kinda sad that Kiyoshi is highly likely to end next batch
it was fun while it lasted
>chainsaw man
ruri dragon
I think it would help jump to just axe 5 manga and do a huge batch like they did with dr stone
Dropping Chojo, starting Roboco
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Need a tomboy gamer girlfriend
Wow, so he's been banned, has been being exposed for spamming, and has been samefagging for months now, and he's still doing it?
This isn't even an autist anymore, it's a lolcow.
Sadly the fag literally only lives here. He has no impact outside, so he's gonna keep doing what he's been doing forever probably.
Did the Kill Blue MV even do anything
It weirds me out to see a kagura fan defend a garbage FoTM Ark Survival clone.
Makes me sad a majority of the fanbase are just zoomers
>90 tweets
Saito your shilling isn't working
You can let it be bottom 2 anytime now
>doing anything
>still trusting xhitter polls/data after nue's tsugimanga "win"
lmao even
Nobody is defending palkek
A nuetard just had a melty against it out of nowhere
Is that supposed to prove Himaten is secretly popular you mouth breather?
obviously yes?
survey votes matters a lot.
>top 3 for sure, Nuesisters!
Meme series seek the spotlight, do retarded shit, end up like unsold unboght.
Real popularity is from the shadows, the silent majority, like blue box and now himaten
So you guys think it's doing better than Akane when it's performing like dogshit everywhere else
No community, low j+ views, low PV views, Kiyoshi has more of a following, but Himaten is somehow bigger
You either have a vocal majority (one piece, jjk, kgb) a silent majority (blue box, himaten) then you have silent minorities, and a very rare vocal minority (nue's exorcist) that wins a lot of polls on twitter but sadly it doesn't translate to anything
>except me of course!
>Kgbfag can't tell the difference between Twitter trending and twitter search
I'm not the voices in your head, sorry bro
Melty? From what I can tell, you're the one who's melting down.
I'm not a retard like you are, I can read English without using chatgpt.
There's better things in life to do than wasting your time seething against a successful game on a site, hopefully you stop being such a loser anon.
>/wsj/ - palworld general
That reminds me, are WSJ authors allowed to reuse their old characters from cancelled series in new series?
So is Hima-Ten actually popular or is the new EXIST?
probably yes we got tafuku from chain
Ask in november when it goes on sale, until then it's basically chojo.
According to the TOC troglodytes here it has a silent majority readership surpassing Akane's
>Even when golden age ended they had hxh a million seller and kenshin.
Wrong. HxH released AFTER One Piece and the latter marked the end of the dark age. But yeah you aren't wrong that this is the worst dark age yet. It wouldn't be too bad if OP ran on a weekly basis still.
chain is a one shot though
I think anon meant from an axed series
if anything, if the soul eater guy can do it despite different publisher, I don't see why not
Pretty sure they're allowed. Yabuki recycled the characters from his first axed manga in AT. And I suppose the Beelzebub guy has been recycling the same characters and setting
See, it's just obvious you're dumb. There's no anger in those words, it's sarcasm.
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>kgb is so dead fans have to defend another FOTM thing to get their kicks
U19 club incoming
If Astro was able to recover, Kiyoshi still has a chance
Fuck, I wrote this and forgot that Horikoshi transfered some of his characters from Zoo manga to MHA.
it's one or two losers trying to start shit
What was the most successful batch ever?
if the Black Parade or whatever interrupts the exam arc then it's 100% dead
>until then it's basically chojo.
Is that supposed to be a good thing or a bad thing?
How many more victims must fall for exam arc for WSJ authors and editors to learn exam arc doesn't work most of the time
Sakamoto usually ranks high, nothing out of the ordinary.
Well technically not but Horikoshi recycles every single character from his old shit into MHA just with a different name so yeah they can do it.
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pulp fiction reference???
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>Blue Bachi-Banashi Box
How could Kiyoshi get a CP then tank right after...
>jokes on you it was akshually sarcasm!!!
You're absolutely pathetic and retarded. Nobody cares about your seething babble towards palworld, just go back to /v/ if you wanna shitpost about it.
Astro has an author with a former big fanbase
It always has had better chances to survive than Kiyoshi
New thread for americans?
okay but i'm not bumping it so if it dies it dies
going to sleep now
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One of them did it already.
Pity color pages
People thought that policy ended because Saito is in charge but he's more or less going to do the same things as Nakano, only exception being KGB promotion
>People though they were going to stop trying to promote new series that aren't instant hits
But why
Kek Kiyoshi isn't fazed at all
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Happy 1st year anniversary, Bachibros
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It's not simply promoting new series, editors outright lie by placing a blurb that says the CP is for great popularity
The perception this time around was that it would be legitimate and editors wouldn't lie like they always have
That cover is already iconic, I can't lie.
>thread full of smugposting from kgb fans for some reason
What's wrong, chapter leak too boring for you?
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very bachi
Not a Jump+, still WSJ
Still counts as a transfer but there's Ayakashi Triangle if you need another example

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