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tomato soup
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oh no
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>another waking day of not having the last two volumes animated
Life sucks
Would you prefer to date Chito or Yuuri? I'd have a lot more fun with Chito than I would Yuuri we're both bookish peolpe so it would be cute taking her to a bookfair or something and buying anything she picks out
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they have each other, I can't separate even for a second, but if they never met, then Chi would be better I think, Yuu just ain't my type
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I watched the anime. Should I just jump to the last few non-animated volumes to get the true ending, or should I just start the manga from the very beginning? If you recommend I do the former, what volume should I start with?
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The anime is like 99% accurate to the manga so you can just jump right into chapter 33 to continue the story and see the ending
Thank you. I watched the anime last like 3 years ago so I may just pick it up again or watch the last few episodes to get a feel for it again. I remember I watched it all in one sitting, in one day (New Year's Eve) and I must have been emotionally fucked up that day because I cried the entire time. Was dehydrated by the end of it.
>should I just start the manga from the very beginning?
I disagree with the other anon. The anime is great but the manga is very distinct. I did read it from the start after the anime and I'm very glad I did.
Yeah, I'd read the manga from the beginning.
If you skip the volumes covered by the anime, you'll start reading it from the start anyway after you're done.
If you wanna get a feel for it again you might as well read from the start, it's short anyways
The manga is not that long just read it from the beginning
Anyone else read Shimeji Simulation?
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i heard its pretty good but that it's basically just copy pasted GLT. as in whacky funny cute moe anime girls contrasted with le deep and philosophical themes
Ok you convinced me. I've been putting it off too long anyways.
my gf
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Ganbare, anon.
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winter potatoes
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potatoes in rain
>hardworking male exists
>average feminist reaction
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what did he mean by this?
He means he has to finish what he needs to do by the end of the year
do the needful
It's over.
>Tkmiz confirms GLT anime will never be completed but is being coy about ShimSim
makes you think
Ugoku motherfucker
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cute gay breakfast
>Girls Last Tour anime turns 7 years old next month
does it still up as one of the best anime ever
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what the hell is this
Human potatoes
Cute reaction images.
Why did TKIMZ start having to go to work in a suit?
machine trash
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Smacked in the face with a fish. Or death?
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It's zetsubouver
adorable, I wish it was real
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who are those other girls
They're from yuru camp and yama no susume
I wish I were you tho, being able to watch yuru camp and yama no susume for the first time
Hopefully this doesn't pain his future experiences.
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stipe breaking sex with majime
>water marking your AI images
What the hell?
blurry nonsense signatures are a dead giveaway for ai shit, guess one of the chimps finally had the galaxy brain idea to just put a normal one on top of it
soulless. this is like the antithesis of tkmizu's art
we will see
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Monitoring this thread.
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they just need to make a glt movie to end the series already goddamn
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ova if you will
i mean someone already "animated" and "voiced" the last chapter by self
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take a look
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How do you feel about the voices of shijima and majime in that promotional video they released a few years ago? Do you think they'd keep the same voices if they ever made a full anime?
what promotional video

It's basically the first two chapters voiced and slightly animated.
Shijima is voiced by Oozora Naomi (Satania, Jahy) and Majime is voiced by Hanamori Yumiri (Nadeshiko from yurucamp).
oh thats so nice
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I want to believe.
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It's more of a direction thing but i think Shijima should be a bit less emotive. She sounds pretty much like she's doing an impression of Minase Inori's Chii-chan from GTL, which i mean, i get why they would go with that, but i think Shijima should be more deadpan.
The funniest ones have a patreon link, suggesting that people are paying other people for "making" this shit.
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sleep tight potatoes
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I'm succumbing to the zetsubou..
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fug, i just remembered i'm 1 volume into yuru camp in nip, i guess that's what i'm reading this weekend
Have fun, anon.
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Off to work.
What game is this emulating?
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one of the mario and luigin rpgs, i think that move is from bowsers inside story
It takes like an hour to read the manga
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remember anon
in the midst of zetsubou, we found there was, within us, an invincible MOWANAI MOWANAI MOWANAI MOWANAI
sleep tight sakanee
Is Chii-chan a god?
"a" god implies there's more than one

Chito is the one true God and you shall worship no others.
At least two other gods came to my mind immediately.
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I'd laugh if it didn't hurt.
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the struggle is real...
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Is he really that unpopular with producers and executives?
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Time to start over from the beginning.
>Yuru Camp's sister series gets an anime
>Nichijou's sister series gets an anime
>Girls' Last Tour's sister series doesn't get an anime
>Yuru Camp's sister series gets an anime
What is that?
Do not STRIKE the Kettenkrad k u d a s a i
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I want an egg.
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she's a troublemaker
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what the egg doin
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Maybe a bath would cheer you up.
so is Shimeji Simulation's anime an actual never ever?
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Correct. Though personally I'd like a Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou movie to finish the adaptation before Shimeji Simulation, and it looks like we're not getting either.
this tweet never said anything about Shimeji
He's talking about his works in general.
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空想 more like クソ haha
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I like these taters
Heheh she so excited the egg flying up
Author said it wasn't a great product in the end, but I loved it
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ruru ruuu ruu ru ruu ruru
ruru ruuu ruuu ruu ru ru
ruru ruu ruu ruu rururu
ru ruuu ruuu ruu
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another day, another day
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good night
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My wife
sleep well, anon
This is really nice.
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So it goes.
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Nice, I really like this.
>Yuu as an Aria company undine
She's going to fail very badly.
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what would you do if she depicted you as the virgin?
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when do they do the thing?
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potato on the log!
immolate yourself
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it's a chito's world out there
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Oh I loved Girls Und Panzer
what did that reply mean, i don't get it
"log" is /qa/speak for "catalog"
>they die because war is le bad!
why waste paper for 100 chapters then
fucking yuri glazers
You have to let it go, brother. /qa/ lost. they're gone...
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bait used to be believable
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I don't see how I should be implicated in this.
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you die eventually why waste any resource on you
What are resources even for?
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Tkmiz girls giving each other lap pillows
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that's some highly uncouth behavior
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Bird's eye view.
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Cute couple.
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oh me oh my, look at the time
oooh i love yuri
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it's spelled Yuuri
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time for zetsubou
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I listen to it every time it rains
Plushies are back on sale
>1 sold
>somebody didn't buy both
what a bastard
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I got both last year when they were 20 dollars each.
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Put Rain Song on loop.
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Now how do you feel?
I see…
Computer, show me a nude Yuuri.
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Yuuri? More like Yuufat
I loved Majime's, I am apathetic to the others.
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Ecce cancer!
Why did she do this?
Crab cooked on a open fire...someone bring butter.
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What is she going to do with that hammer...?
(And why doesn't Yuuri wear pants?
>What is she going to do with that hammer...?
Those watermelons aren't going to smash themselves.
Crab shells don't smash themselves either.
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How is that funny?
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Why does Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou have missing chapters on mangadex? Have they not all been scanlated? And to make it even more confusing, the missing chapters aren't skipped for the chapter count, so you end up with wrong chapter numbers.
whatever happened to this dude
Mods kept banning him
He's missing from other places too.
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i need a drink...
Maybe he died.
Same anon, just finished it. Still digesting and processing the ending, but I'm glad I read it from the start. I wonder how it would look animated, hopefully some day we will be able to see it.
that would suck. i hope i dont die too.
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>I'm glad I read it from the start
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I'm sad
What's that supposed to mean?
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green is my pepper
It's so funny what happened to them
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that is israfil blowing the trumpet
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Maybe that means he is with his waifu for eternity
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She won't be the professional ideal but her customers will love her anyway.
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protip: you can never need a drink if you're always already drinking
i think it's supposed to be a lesson about how you can't trust anyone and you should always buy physical copies of manga you really like. still not sure why no one has fixed it after all these years though
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I want more mango and animu set in post apocalyptic times.
Ever since i watched man vs wild as a child, I have been interested in wilderness survival and prepping in general. Then i played fallout 3 on my home computer and wanted to learn electronics so that i can make my own Pip boy with a radio transceiver. I'm an electronics engineer so I can make most stuff. I'm also interested in preserving foods (which i do, every year we buy several kilos of onions and tomatoes when they are in peak season and sun dry them for consumption throughout the year)

Sunabozu is fun in the beginning since it portrays the normal life a bit but then it goes into retarded politics and shit
I love those two potatoes.
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charge your phone
All the Gardeners of the world deserve happiness.
choco giver!
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what did she mean by this?
>capital G
pick one and only one
Ok. I picked one
Now upload subtitles with your pick to nyaa.
She's a God. She can pick both.
But at the end Majime and Shimeji had also become gods to the plushy people.
Are you implying that Majime and Shijima exist in the same universe as Chito and Yuuri?
No, that's impossible.
Care to explain?
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west yomogi WAS foreshadowed in glt with the space shuttle thing right?
Potentially, yes. More directly, Shijima appears in the camera reel that they investigate in the submarine (in the manga only). Additionally, the camera is labeled with the manufacture mark of a company that shares the last name of Shijima and her sister. It's safe to say that they are connected, but their connection is really only a background element and not pivotal to either story.
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/qa/ lives on in our hearts
it was a shithole
I thought you were talking about Gardner?
you were the only shit
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Me too fren. Me too
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Think about what you did.
I would but I forgot.
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sis sex is canon...
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She's canonicly a pedo...
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I'll probably be run out of town on a rail for this, but I think Chii-chan is cuter.
fish-sensei is just going through another depressive episode
just give him some space kudasai
post fishe
would she groom a starving boy if he was to find her?
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your wishe is my command
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I now want goldfish crackers.
One day. Trust the plan.
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Flandre Scarlett sex 5 at winter comiket!
Humu humu… what a thing to say…
what's this supposed to mean..
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Xixang is massively cute.
Very good.
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we can all agree that sacambambambaspis is the best fishe right
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shortened: scampis
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don't fucking shorten it
post the sacamsmbabspis song
Donting shortit'
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it's kino...
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we're not so different, you and I. we could rule this city...
Not anymore...
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sensei is tweeting...
We already have multiple temporary satellites and Trojans, it's nothing new.
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then, here is something new
Has he ever read Nietzsche? I wonder how he'd feel about Nietzsche's idea of power.
you dingus. have you not read shimeji simulation?
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>Has he ever read Nietzsche?
You be the judge.
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I forgot.
starting a family tree with yomikawa-senpai
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It's going to be on an heliocentric orbit, and will only briefly pass by our planet without being captured. There's always articles on this stuff whenever some object passes by and it's always misleading and not what gaining "another moon" means
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shutup let me funpost
Let it be forever known that the materialist anons were vindicated by the final spread >>271378385 Yomikawa was NOT speaking in metaphors. They ARE in a computer shaped like an elongated lemon floating through space.
Dunno how people doubted it, the whole "what if [very specific thing] is the answer nah nevermind that's crazy" turning out to be the real answer gets predictable when you've seen it enough times
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here's the original asset for you in its full resolution
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pine of the apple
why are the tkmizs so sexy?
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i only have eyes for cephalopod-chan
I wonder what their little universe they created in the Simulation was like.?
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Is there anyway to get the audio on these webms without using 4chanx?
I use 4chanx and I don't know how to get the audio.
We must contemplate it.
ugh I really don't wanna use 4chanx
Try reading next time.
Cute Sakanee.
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sleep tight, sakanee
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Sensei made an illustrated version of "1984"
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the description has it at 448 pages, i doubt all of them are drawn but it would definitly explain why he hasn't statrted another series on his own
How could they do it? It is short even for OVA.
I started to feel bad when Kette krad broke, then when they started to burn the journal and was in tears at the end.
I see, thank you!
I guess finding the right prompt took a lot of time and the creator does not want the pics getting used by any random person.
current AI images are far better than 2 years ago
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Found this sample illustration on the amazon page. It's not what I expected, but I dig it.
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I remember it took me about a month to cope through it
Look the same to me
I felt like the AI, somebody please end of my misery!
much neater and more methodical hatching and linework compared to the messier style he's done before I think, unique vibe among his catalogue, it's great
hope someone scans the entire set
Sleep tight, Sakanee
Sleep tight, Sakanee
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I think it's enough material for atleast a movie.
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I made a GLT cross decal to put on my motorcycle, but I made a fuckload of em, hopefully I get someone in this thread for secret s/a/nta to give em to
>not "ladies and gentlemen we're floating in space"
Please do the needful, sir
What's my transgender wife up to?
>Content in the era of internet pessimism
I was looking for the book Yomikawa is holding because it sounded interesting, but it seems it doesn't exist. 絶望。
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The song I gave it is a deeper cut.
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Being dead, as was predicted via statistics.
The first cut is the deepest.
When that started happening, it was already over, but most people probably didn't want to accept it. How long were you in denial? I bet a lot of people were still hoping for something up until the final page.
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The something in question
Thus Spoke Zarathustra should play here.
So what exactly was this supposed to be? I kept wondering if the last few shots had any meaning other than "look how small they are in the grand scale of the ruins of the city".
Apparently the transmitter that was used by the last of the city inhabitants to transmit their consciousness to the one space ship that successfully left the solar system.
Play the video game SOMA to understand the how, and read Shimeji Simulation to understand the effect.
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Think about it for a moment. You know what it means.
I really like that Yuu face.
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I assume he was just hured to draw a cover to catch some younger readers?
He did another one for a book a few years ago.
tkmiz has many styles
The struggle is real.
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got skunked today
waiting for fall stocking

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