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On the spectrum of photo realistic to moe blob whats your favorite art style for a series generally?
I acknowledge that manga styles are meant to smoothly go from low to high detail and from faceless to very expressive. Realism isn't really important until you want it to matter, it's a tool. The realism that matters most often is the realism of character's emotions on their faces but that doesn't have to mean they have to be photorealistic faces, just realistically expressive even with minimal detail or realism
wtf is that?
I like jojo’s artstyle the most, not really “realistic” for the most part but very detailed.
HnK's style is better.
Jojo looks horrible now.
I don't like photo realism much but moeblobs are awful. On that spectrum it'd probably be around the half way point, leaning towards photorealism. I want characters to have noses, not have snouts, believable body proportions, that kind of thing. Exceptions exist but that's usually what I prefer. I think Urasawa's art is right in the middle of my comfort zone
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make it as cool as possible
I like art styles where the Japs actually look like Japs. I don't mind stylization, but hate when it's done in the cookiecutter animu flatface style.
Other than that, it's fine as long as it fits the story. Compare things like Vagabond, Soil and Yamikin Ushijima-kun.
I really like the 80's aesthetic were people look like actual people with decent amount of details but it's alright if they sometimes have some amount of disproportionate facial features if it's for comic relief.
Borderline realism, but more so stylized. I like when expressions are exaggerated. Typical shounen/seinen styles.
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7(?). Depends on where you fit shit like Golden Kamuy and Berserk in, but that's the best level of realism. Not bland like moe blobs and it actually shows proper facial expressions and the faces are detailed enough to make everybody look different but still have some sense of 2D handsomeness that true realism doesn't have.

Super realistic shit (10) can be cool for shizo series though, like Homunculus.
I love that one as well.
This, Style > Realism
lmao what the fuck is that
They definitely do. I like late part 5. Feels the most Araki without going overboard.
I don't really like styles that try for photorealism. You can be somewhat realistic while still being expressively abstract though. The series I dislike the most are the ones that go for photorealism to the extent that they lose expressiveness. Jojo for part 7 and on, and especially 8 and on, for instance, though Jojo's style in 8 and from what I've seen of 9 has weird quirks that I'm not sure if they're intentional or the sign of Araki losing the ability to draw.
Same. Early Jojo parts looked fantastic regarding style and designs. Then it got progressively shittier with part 8 being the absolute low point. Also, lack of expressiveness aside the faces are just outright ugly.
I love hyper realism panels on a comedic level. Spongebob and Ren and Stimpy show used to do it alot and I thought it was funny.

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