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The final episode of Saki and Yuuta's cute love story airs tonight. Confession soon.
If they don't have sex then this entire show was a waste of time
How come Gimai caught fire but not Mamahaha?
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Because it has character
They haven't done it in the novels yet
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Yume also had character development even if she didn't cut her hair
Now that Gimai Seikatsu is almost over, will we finally get another update on ImoUza soon?
2nd season doko?
15 minutes
sorry only shit series get that
see russian whore
Waiting for subs
Betting that we don't get kissu because Director San is evil
literally me
Absolutely savage
How did it end?
>The worst thing she can say is no
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We won so hard, hippobros.
Iroha > Saki

I'd still fuck both, though.
I love these robots so fucking much.
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I think it could have been more kino, but it was pretty kino nontheless. Director-san did really well with this part of the novel. Both the pond scene and the confession were very tastefully done. Lots of good decisions. Shame for the shitty source material the most important fragments of which you need to integrate somehow.
No kissu?
God that was so good. hope for s2
>he jumped off the balcony
nice end
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No, but in all honesty I think the way he structured the episode a kiss would felt really out of place to I understand and honestly even support the decision. For the kiss I think he'd have been forced to make them act less autistic. Plus I think this played out more passively, more shocked than it did in the novel. It was less autistic, and more dramatic, but still not dramatic enough to warrant them kissing on screen all of a sudden. There was too much cope still, like pic rel. Which easily wins the Golden Cope Award of 2024
Well that was probably the most awkward confession scene I've ever seen. Would've been nice if Saki was a little clearer about how she felt but I guess if they're both happy that's what matters
with kino
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This was really well done. How it played with juxtaposition of the earlier scene, water as a form of resistance making it impossible to reach what you want to, colorization as relief. I don't even care about this personified plot device and I still teared up. Felt very cathartic.
What do you think of Ghost's other romcom
they can't end it like this without a second season wtf
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>did this nerd just confess to me? what is wrong with men? two in a day?
does director-san have a xitter account or something? I wanna tell him I like his work
Wait until that BLADE romcom comes out
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No clue, I don't read LNs. I tried Gimai Seikatsu in both English and Japanese but concluded that the novels aren't for me. I can deal with the cringe as long as it's accompanied by what Ueno did here and, most of all, what he opted to NOT include. But without those elevating elements, with all the inner monologue still in place, I don't think I can get much out of Mikawas stories. I prefer for feelings to be conveyed subtextually, through audiovisual means, rather than have an author literally spell them out to me.
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Not to my knowledge, only the LN author does and he already did enough praising to last the director a lifetime.
Considering the clear limitations on the animation side, it's unreal just how well directed and storyboarded the anime was, holistically.
I've had Gimai Seikatsu on my backlog for years at this point and now I'm half tempted to actually start reading it.
I'm getting worried about Tomari given two of her LN series got delays to their volumes.
I've only read the manga, is it TL fault or do all characters supposed to be autistic, or rather "written like an emotionless robot emulating emotions" with the way they alway overanalyze verbally their own and others feeling all the time?
So where does the anime ends?
It concludes volume 4.
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I am pretty sure it's intentional and an integral part of the story. In a sense the show is partially about the two autistic mains overcoming their autism. I'd argue that element is as notable and important to the story as the romance itself. It's what all the allegories of them as children actively play with: The childhood trauma that turned them into who they are today. So throughout the show you'll see minuscule changes in their behavior, see them gradually change, become less autistic. They still are, of course, cause it'd be retarded to make them pull 180s within as little 12 eps. But they are, by the end, fundamentally different people who have at least partially overcome the traumata that lead to them turning out as severely emotionally crippled. Believe it or not but it honestly made their autism pretty endearing, actually. Cause the show did quite a bit with why they act how they act. Seems fairly uncommon. At least I don't recall a lot of these AUTISM SMART GUYS series integrating/acknowledging those elements as actively as this has.
This board sure loves its shitty anime.
Oh and one more thing: I think the anime has an easier time making those autistic scenes feel properly emotionally layered. Cause it can employ sound, color, texture, motion to make you feel things and make you realise that despite them acting like robots, they very clearly are not. It's a rather sensory experience, so if you're open for that I think you'll like this more than its manga or LN. Didn't like those myself and loved the show.
Guess I should watch the anime cause in manga literally nothing happened so far regardiong either thir past or current character development.
now that it's over, rate the show
8/10 for me. very comfy.
What the fuck was her problem?
It's not like those elements are perpetually present [on screen], but the fact that it occasionally plays with them and that the OP reminds you of them every week did wonders to how susceptible I personally was for their cringy discussions. Like, the WebM this joker posts every week >>271187228 makes perfect sense given what precedes it (you being told that Sakis mom being accused of being a whore by her dad cause she dressed a certain way; of course this imprints on a child). I think if you watch the show in good faith, and assume that what's being shown to you fits into the story at some point, you'll be able to at least get something out of it. Even without going full schizzo over every single symbol employed.
she just wanted to have a little swim
>Sakis mom being accused
Her dad was correct
Do tell where she work
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Dropped it on episode 3, because that was some gay shit. Is the rest better or should I not bother?
>gay shit
and yes it's better, I enjoyed it more and more with each episode
She's a bartender at a hostess club. Not one of the whores. Anyway, even if her dad was correct (which he wasn't) it would still explain why Saki acts the way she does. The accusation, whether true or false, will impact the kids perception of her surroundings no matter what. So she's not giving you a rundown on feminist value here, but instead is behaving in a way that's piss easy to empathize with, actually. Though I get it, this show requires too much emotional intelligence from its viewer. It's too far up there for some self-defeatist little cuckold tranny fetishit to understand.
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>we will never have animated gyaru Akiko
Nah bro this aint for you dawg go watch some more romcoms. Much less gay if you catch my drift.
>Not one of the
>She's a bartender at a hostess club
Ah the purest line of work which can put the virgin Mother to shame.
Some "just b urself" shit and how she's gonna support him if he troons out or something. I may be exaggerating a little, but there was some libshit tirade like that. Dunno if it's an ongoing plot point or the author just needed to insert some preaching.
They hugged.
Yo Timmy u sure ur in the right thread?
I want to sniff Saki's used panties
unironically filtered
>going full schizzo over every single symbol employed
yes that's every schizo
>the dust in the sunbeam
Sex with senpai
Saki anal
Utaha isn't Utaha without the pantyhose
Saki emotionless blowjob, cum in mouth and swallow
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Americans woke up early I see.....
Gimai is so underrated
It's not like it was this one single thing. I was already speeding through the episode at 2x, because it was boring and then this shit so I thought what are the chances that the rest is going to be much better. As you might have guessed by the Botan image, I'm not categorically opposed to "gay shit" but the manga/anime has to actually be good. But more often than not, gay shit is just gay shit and there's no point wasting time on it.
This whole series has became an absolute cinema. Holy fuck i'm not even lying at this point.
How the fuck was it rated so low in mal?
you're one of the faggots that was asking for imouto sex each episode aren't you
hope you enjoyed alya's student council drama
Too slow for the average ADHD brain
The average anime watcher cares about story and nothing else. If you don't explain it to them, they won't think that there's anything there. This show has too much of that. So it sits at a comfortable 7.2 MAL average. If anything I am surprised it even has that much.
Considering many romcoms are a 6, 7 is actually decent.
No, I wasn't following the threads.
that's surprisingly higher than I expected
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It's actually at 7.36 now. But that still only makes it the 12th highest rated show of the season. That's alright though. The score would only have mattered if it had stopped us from finding the show. But it hasn't.
Are there fan translation on the source material?
>no kiss
>just fucking hugzone
fuck your Director San
It's not Director-san's fault, that's in the original too. Kiss happens in the next volume or two.
that stupid childless catlady lesbian ruined her
If anything I am surprised Saki felt so much emotional distress despite last weeks conversation getting centerstage. Cause she didn't shake like this in the novel, nor did she lock herself in her own room. Was a good change imo, but simultaneously a kiss would have felt wrong. Like exploiting an emotionally underdeveloped child.
Season 2 announcement any minute now...
After ImoUza anime airing

why do japanese men love ntr so much
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fucking lol are you new to a show like this?


Even in the source material. The author will die or become ill (all mangakas do eventually because Japanese people have the weakest bodies on the planet) before anything happens.
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That piano by the end. I am broken to pieces.
S2 never
wonder if it was the same ost as ep9, which was titled "forbidden love"
It can't just end like that without s2
disregard school & work acquaintances
fuck your sister
fuck her right in her roompussy
unironically it made me think of "THE GREATEST LOVE STORY EVER TOLD"
see you in December
AHHHHH season 2 doko
Well it looks like our two crazy kids have embarked on their journey together. I looked forward to this show each week and now the summer of romance is coming to a close. Was fun hanging out and seeing what you crazy bastards would come up with. Peace
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>recap episode next week
What does it mean, gimaibros?
What, where did you get that info?

Special programs, one being a recap, I think. Hard to say desu. Maybe it's just copium.
Any idea if we'll get subs for it?
huh? that was fucking it?
trust in season 2
It was so good
>The fuck is this nigga saying?
God I hope it's true
> What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch?
>Giji Harem and Gimai Seikatsu over today
It's over...
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>cuts the most elemental part of that whole scene, which is her falling to her knees and hugging the lucky charm hippo
Ignoramus be gone. We have emotional transcendence bestowed upon us and all you vermin can do is screech for season 2, which is guaranteed to never be nearly as KINO as season 1. And at the end of season 2 you'll screen for season 3 cause they still haven't fucked yet.

Pic rel already tells you that the days with my stepsister will from now on be behind closed door cause we are fucking. That should be enough for you coomers.
I'm thinking kino...
cafe too
This was a great season for romances, I don't even remember the last time we got one like this
This was announced weeks ago. The recap happens so the broadcasting station has something to air. Very unlikely some recap leads to a season 2 announcement.
>bad ending
Did they say anything about the OST yet? There's no info on the official website and it doesn't seem like they plan on selling it at all. Or did I miss something?
Is the original source material this.. forbidden?
Its like I'm reading a smut novel here. I can practically see a whole chapter of monologue containing essays of reason why she should not fall in love with her brother.
So, what does Rin really do here? Just a reason to clear the MCs mind? I think Senpai could have done the same here too.
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we broke 10k
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I will never stop stop giving up on you Senpai..
She, the study group and the lesbian professors are plot devices. Plain and simple. They exist as a means to accelerate Yuuta and Saki changing their mind (about not getting together) so you don't have to wait for 10 novels for it to finally happen. And no I dont think senpai could have given similar advice. Not only because she's emotionally preoccupied, but also because this sort of advice coming from an uninvolved third party hits fundamentally differently. Senpai has teased him about fucking his sister since ep2. You can't take her serious on this topic matter.
I wanna rewatch again In the Mood for Love because of this show.
Even though I don't understand why people praise it so much.
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literal perfection, a shame she's stuck in a story where the outcome is already decided
Director-sama, douko???
Your vision, I can't see it.
I feel like your directorial prowess was just a vivid dream I took for granted.
Like a midsummer's night dream, only temporary..
Zero chance, they didn't even finish this season. Half the scenes involve a character with no face.
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They kiss at the end of the 5th Novel.

That's the only thing that happens in that Novel though. The author basically allows one thing to happen at the end of each novel and the rest of them are filled with padding.
>Your vision, I can't see it.
Skill issue
Should we have more step-sister romance /a/?
I think we should.
I'll consider all those hours wasted if this doesn't end in a timeskip with Saki pregnant with triplets at least.
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we should have more senpai romance
Anon did you not see the bird of the same feather, the butterflies of the dead with the pond, the sheep/family imagery, Saki's ligth thing converging on both of the two's hands. It's all over the place anon.
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Don't forget
>two sunflowers one happy one sad
>when Saki talks about how she isn't into someone the shadow of the car blocks her own shadow to indicate that she's lying
>while her classmate confessed and her shadow is shown it says スケー on the floor which is tonally very similar to スキー/好き
>the paper birds as allegorical for Saki being part of an artificial flock
>the titlescreen not actually having a title because it's unclear what's going to happen to, by the end, transition in a title refering to how they will grow closer to each other "tomorrow" by "tomorrow"
>the pink flowers contrasted against the blue background in the living room probably stand for something as well
>the background going POOF when Saki hugs Yuuta, allegorical for "transported to another realm"
>the hippo of happiness and how it's shoved into the frame after showing them to hold hands, how she hugs is by the end
>the "behind the door" title screen zoom out shot which juxtaposes the final shot from ep1, albeit this time they are shown to be in the same room
>the slight walking closer to eachother, back and forth, slightly distanced again during the final title indicative of how they have to pretend while being outside
>how Saki's autistic opening speech culminates in them relying on eachother by the end of the episode
>the absolute KINO of the knock-against-the-wall response and her shaking like crazy cause of her burried feelings in a sense, without anybody telling her, showing the symptoms Yuuta was told he'd develop if he bottled up his feelings for too long (showing that despite it being him who was told this, they are basically the same)
>how the ending credits with the composited film-matte filter tell her emotional distress, her story in fast forward and how by the end its broken by her walking into her room and leaving it being happy, looking back at it, looking back AT YOU cause you're a voyeuristic fuck who couldn't look away from something this pers
>>how the ending credits with the composited film-matte filter tell her emotional distress, her story in fast forward and how by the end its broken by her walking into her room and leaving it being happy, looking back at it, looking back AT YOU cause you're a voyeuristic fuck who couldn't look away from something this pers
based and kino
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>while her classmate confessed and her shadow is shown it says スケー on the floor which is tonally very similar to スキー/好き
bro it says スクール and probably would have something after it
Shut up it doens't matter that there's something after it or what it means its about how you subconsciously peceive it in the moment. The asphalt is also green which is the color of deceit to further illustrate that she's lying. STOP QUESTIONING THE FUCKING KINO
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>see image
Out of context this looks grim
now that it's over, are we gonna read the LNs?
Yes yes yes
>while her classmate confessed and her shadow is shown it says スケー on the floor which is tonally very similar to スキー/好き
don't forget the railroad crossing opening up once he finishes his confession and the cars from both sides driving in signifying the opportunity for them to enter each others hearts which never happens
Season 2 surely
>cars passing each other
KINO. I just ran out of characters to be honest. There is a lot one could say about this episode, a lot of scenes one could analyse. Felt like the first since ep9 that was up to par. ep10 and ep11 were alright and had some great scenes, but weren't on this level. So I don't get why people would complain that this lacked vision OR kino for that matter. It was obvious that the KINOSQUARE was a means to visualize her diary infodump and that once the story had shifted away from focusing on it, that the KINOSQUARE would vanish alongside with it. Very consistent with the visual vocabulary the show had built. Also given that the hippo is anime original it circled back into that bit incredibly well. That alone gives it the KINOSEALOFAPPROVAL already.
If you weren't a fan at episode 3, then no. If anything this series is pretty consistent with tone and theme
>>how the ending credits with the composited film-matte filter tell her emotional distress, her story in fast forward and how by the end its broken by her walking into her room and leaving it being happy, looking back at it, looking back AT YOU cause you're a voyeuristic fuck who couldn't look away from something this pers
Had to go back and check this, is actually true

Damn, I liked this anime and I think this was the best way to animate this. The story was slow and the best way to present this was this way. I guess it would go down at the same as Koi Kaze for me, even is just a step sister and no real incest romance. But I'm a sucker for forbidden romance.
Fuck, I'm still in kind of a daze, the ending was just too good.
That hwas so lewd, I came
>her shadow is shown it says スケー on the floor which is tonally very similar to スキー/好き
whew anon. were you also the anon in the bravern threads who thought Lulu's shirt said I love ロボゥト instead of I love ロボット (because lol butt)
hwhy are you saying that that way
It was pretentious. And I'm not going to pretend it wasn't. And I watched the entire thing
the "where kiss" people would be even worse in a potential season 2 when it only happens every four months
No I wasn't. Also shut up nerd in a sense me misreading proves my point. You can quite easily mistake that especially since it's overhead, titled, with shadows on top and you only see it for a a few seconds when watching on TV. It's more about the association than it is about what's literally written. And honestly I think this was the intent. Why else place it there? In that size? While a confession happens? It seems too deliberate to not aim to achieve this.
I'm on your side. director-san knows what he's doing
Saki's VA did such an amazing job in this scene.
Sir this is 4chan not twitter.
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The fact that there is no writing on the floor in any of the cuts preceding OR succeeding it is honestly all the more evidence for it. The frame exclusively exists to do something. To create an association with something. Not even the lighting in that frame is right. The shadows point into completely different directions with completely different lengths. Japanese don't think in romaji. Especially since he literally says 好き a second after the camera had shifted to it. Straight up filmmaking magic.
*付き合って not 好き but the point stands.
>all those women cope excuses
She's not going to make it gals.
I miss the old cinematography. These last few episodes have felt very generic from that standpoint.
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>The director is a genius because of the reasons I made up
>replying to pseudo-intellectual shitposting
It's well directed but you should be able to tell these people aren't posting that nonsense in good fath.
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Dunno bro if your entire counter-argument is one honest mistake then I don't think you're in a position to act upity about it. Do this for all the bulletpoints I hastily typed out, everything else in this thread, and perhaps the 50 other things I could mention on top of that and we can talk. But we both know you won't, because you can't, because you think everything is a coincidence and that nothing is done with actual intent. That it's an incest show, so what could possibly be there? Why would someone bother? Despite the cinematrogaphy being incredibly simplistic. Incredibly clean. This isn't Ikuhara barfing on the screen, giving you a million random ass symbols you're then expected to choose something from. Gimai Seikatsu is streamlined as fuck.
Just huff some more copium. Youre as blind as the people you claim cant spot a quality show.
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I was just skimming the episode to see if anything finally happens at the end, and who is this cutie? Does anything happen with her in the show? I might go back and actually watch the show if so
Grow up, actual child.
I can appreciate something without pretending it's a genre defining work. You are intentionally reading too far into something because this is not an English work.
>green which is the color of deceit
Not in Japan, sit the fuck down.
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now that the dust has settled, are you gonna watch Mikawa Ghost's previous magnum opus?
she's only been semi relevant in the last 2 episodes
tried to read it but it was just meh. not into it
The reality is you only appreciate things by chance. Broken clock twice a day etc. Hence why you use empty strawman terms like "well directed" that say absolutely nothing and are a dogwhistle for "I am too retarded to articulate what's good about this". Sometimes you hit the mark, and more often than not you don't.

Also where does this genre defining meme claim come from all of a sudden? Has anyone ever claimed this? So you DO have imagination. That's interesting. Just so happens that your imagination is limited to you making up random ass arguments while trying to act smug. Do you seriously think that this is how an adult acts? You're as articulative is a middle-schooler.

>because this is not an English work
Shut the fuck up already you don't know me nor do you know what I watch and how I appreciate anything. Stop assuming that everybody in here watches and appreciates nothing but anime. At least keep up with what you accuse people of being. If I am an overinterpreting retard who praises a work inspired by American-Lithuanians diary filmmaking then I sure won't exclusively overanalyze anime. Keep your story straight.
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author voiced the cashier at 01:44
Author-san wanted to be part of this adapation so bad.... I can only imagine he happy he has been with it.
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>kitchen scene
>body starts to tremble
Nothing wrong with me. Nothing wrong with me.
This is an anonymous website, of course I don't know you. I can only judge you based on your posts and because you had a visceral reaction to someone intimating that you might not be correct with your analysis, I can only assume you're an effeminate faggot.
You have made numerous mistakes in your analysis and doubled down instead of admitting you were wrong, that is why I know you are a shitposter and why I won't be responding again.
My opposition to your dogshit posts stem from the fact that you are looking at things through paradigm that wasn't the intent, either consciously or sub-consciously, of the director/storyboarder.
Your ham-fisted allegories/analogies don't make sense considering this is a Japanese product and the meaning and connotations of specific actions/colours/etc, are not the same.
That is not to say that you are wholly wrong, it's just very clear to anyone who has a half-decent understanding of Japanese culture that you're completely off the mark in many areas. Especially considering you can't even read basic Japanese, for fuck's sake.
Nice buzzwords, crossboarder-kun. I agreed that this is a well directed show, holistically speaking. I am not refuting that fact, so it literally can not be a strawman argument, retard.
You aren't as intelligent as you think you are and anyone parsing through your posts can see that.
I love Saki-chan. The torrent is still downloading so I don't have anything to add yet.
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i need more maaya screentime
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>he is still hungup on a single honest reading mistake
Lmao, and that's what you wrote all this for? To not provide an ounce of useful text? You're not even intellectually honest enough to admit that green very much has a lot of negative emotional connotation in Japanese society. Which is apparent to even the most ignorant individuals who have never looked at anything but a stock chart. Also I can read Mikawa's tweets just fine, but nice try. "Basic Japanese" he says.
>I agreed that this is a well directed show, holistically speaking.
Nobody cares. It's an empty buzzword any mouthbreather uses. Why don't you add "well storyboarded" while you're at it. None of these buzzwords lend your post credence. They just make you look like any other person who jumps on a train.
>You aren't as intelligent as you think you are and anyone parsing through your posts can see that.
That's alright. But hey, unlike you I at least try and manage to articulate a general idea that people like you are clearly unable to address or refute in a meaningful manner. Hence why you just gloss over the majority of points made and focus on a single one you disapprove of instead, all while not even addressing anything that came afterwards. You just refer to a reading mistake, and do so over and over and over while providing nothing of value to a potential discussion that could be had. But hey, you said that it was "well directed", because in that mind that is enough. When in reality you as well have refrained from hitting submit. There's more valuable commetary in your average Youtube comment section. As can be seen in this post of yours. There's nothing here. It's just generalizing accusations. Specificity? Nah, foreign word to this man. But it's "well directed". You're a personified shitpost.
So was it kino or pretentious dogshit?
All these debates...Just read author's commentary
But we have...
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>Season ends right when it gets good and never gets a sequel
Here we go again.
Dunno what you mean. It ended on a perfect note. You essentially got what takes romcoms 4 seasons to reach. Why would you need any more? Why not be satisfied with what has been offered? Why does everything need to go on?
>...pink flowers contrasted against the blue background...
>The asphalt is also green which is the color of deceit...
>still hungup on a single mistake

>green very much has a lot of negative emotional connotation in Japanese society
>doubled down instead of admitting you were wrong
Ah, but you see, the awkwardness between the two being alabama siblings can only increase, which would lead to more kino moments.
Totally a reason for an S2, really. Too bad it'll never happen.
Holy hell you're not even intelligent enough to notice that I wasn't making a point with the flower bit but simply mentioned it to get a flowerfag to cook up some meaning. Like, it's literally there. I propose that it may stand for something, not claim that it does. Are you illiterate? Why do you think it is spoilered?
>goes on to once again refer to the single bulletpoint he's been running against for the past 5 hrs
Just shut the fuck up already. You're not willing to contribute anything by yourself. Your posts are absolutely worthless. Nobody needs your two liner approvals. Your opinion doesn't matter. You don't matter. It doesn't matter if you liked something or thought it was "well directed". All while selectively ignoring why that frame is even there to begin with. Why it clashes with the spatial setup preceding the cut. Why it cuts to ス in that moment. You have no explanation for it, because to you it's coincidence. Whole lot of coincidences if you ask me, but that's alright. But hey, it's "well directed". Thanks for your contribution. I look forward to next season and some more "well directed" posts. Hope you'll be able to spice it up a bit though. Perhaps throw in some "well composited" and "well written", maybe like "solid pace".
Time to research some redneck experimental cinema and see if Ueno can copy that while making season 2.
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Ow the edge
Would the show's dialogue have been unbearable hadn't it been for the interesting angle it took visually/atmospherically? Imo it probably would have been. Wonder what the consensus on this would be.
This story thinks it's smarter than it actually is. Not to the point of being unbearable, but it's noticeable when reading the novel, where they don't have visuals to compensate for it.
Yea I couldn't get myself to read the novel either. The inner monologues are just too much.
That last scene was excellent I can't wait for the ost
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This girl is just speedrunning being the MC's therapist haha so out of nowhere
You may be waiting indefinitely cause I don't think they plan on publishing it for some reasons. At least it's neither on the official site nor has it been advertised on X. Blurays don't list it as an extra either.
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My thoughts exactly. I don't get why. Perhaps it's on Amazon music or something but then I think they'd have advertised that already.
I love the んで? Saki says for "so?". Reminds me of Kirino's.
How long is this scene in the LN? Felt like they cut some parts of a longer discussion to make it fit.
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Hinting at suicide? Pretty bold when we know you can't have a main character do it.
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>...simply mentioned it to get a flowerfag to cook up some meaning.
>...the meaning and connotations of specific actions/colours/etc, are not the same.

>why that frame is even there to begin with. Why it clashes with the spatial setup preceding the cut. Why it cuts to ス in that moment.
>Why it cuts to ス in that moment.

>The frame exclusively exists to do something. To create an association with something. Not even the lighting in that frame is right. The shadows point into completely different directions with completely different lengths.
>you are looking at things through a paradigm that wasn't the intent, either consciously or sub-consciously, of the director/storyboarder.
Apparently, bog-standard animation oversights have a significant hidden meaning. Watch more anime.
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good show
hoping for a season 2
Reminder to FUCK your stepsister.
how do I get a stepsister?
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lmao Mikawa Ghost got a cameo. Dude must love this anime so much. I'm glad he's happy.
I know the joke about zoomers and unsolicited trauma dumping, they also do unsolicited therapy?
Director-sanbros, where do we go from here?
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>the shaky handwriting effect
Holy shit this was excellent. Time to scroll up and read this thread from the start so I can be annoyed at you retards and your shit opinions.
This was executed a little better. Mamahaha should’ve leaned more into how horny the two of them still are for each other. Also, ironically, the books pulled off the unreliable narrator thing better. In the books you can tell that whenever he says “oh yeah I had a girlfriend before, shit sucked” you can tell it’s just a front. The anime visuals didn’t work to that purpose.

>t. Rewatched mamahaha and read the first few novels recently thanks to Gimai Seikatsu.
It makes perfect sense. They’re obsessed with not causing trouble, so they knew this was “bad” from society’s point of view. Though the fact that neither implied they would try to “grow out of it”, fully embracing the feeling without defining it, shows how strong it is. It’s perfect and kino.
They’re more nuanced. The fan translations suck. I’m sticking with the official light novel translations after this.
Did you get triggered by that? Poor snowflake.
Not going to dignify the posters with (You)s, but this is what the road markings said. School Zone.
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Still waiting for Iroha's show
Don't worry they'll still find a counterargument to conjure up.
I'd rather fuck Yomiuri-senpai
so basically they're like us
It was pretentious but I liked it. I wanted a kissu but I'll take the hagu. S2 itsu?
This anime is very good at making me feel how close the characters are to crying. I don't know what it was, I watched it so quietly that I couldn't really hear the music, but it just comes across somehow. Excellent.
I feel the same, it really knows how to absorb you into it. it makes me tuned in with 100% of my focus for the entirety of the episode. I think a large part of it is the slow dreamlike OST and all the soft background noises.
It's honestly not much longer? They go out for a walk at night, she randomly trauma-dumps her tragic backstory on him, then tells him he needs to stop suppressing his feelings because hers didn't go away even after 5 years.

Whole therapy session takes about 5 pages.
I think a lot of anons know Japanese and go there to shitpost, same as here. But I like to believe that retarded degeneration exists among the Japs, too
fucking kek, love the japs sometimes
Just watched it, holy fuck that was good.
>tomorrow and tomorrow
why not just say forever after at this point, holy based director-san, may he have a harem of gyarus!
I can fix her
>why doesn't this extremely slow-paced show with no action have a high rating on shonenshit central?
>"thank you, Ayase-san, it was oishii"
>"you're welcome Asamura-kun, that makes me happy"
>"I'm glad, Ayase-san"
>childless lesbian
I'll take things that never happened for $500, Alex. Degenerate sensei is head over heels for her own mento, a brilliant old man. She's basically /a/
oh my god is it already only 90 days out? my liver still hasn't fully recovered...
you'd think there'd be at least more than one anon itt capable of understanding symbolism, holy shit. Are people so braindead at this point they can't understand feelings of love and longings unless they're hearing a hentai audio track? Good god, this episode was incredible. Retards go home.
you based faggot, come here and receive a harem of gyarus. Excellent post on the symbolism, what a godly episode.
Probably not. the story is shit, Iroha's an obnoxious bitch, and after 10 volumes has JUST reached the point where she admits only to herself that she's in love. Gimai Seikatsu is leagues above this bullshit.
Jesus christ autism alert! It's a cute prelude to an incest story calm down lol
we're 2/3 through september so 72 days away now
I want to hug Saki and think about things rationally with her! Thinking rationally with your step sister!
Don't they IP range ban us baka gaijins? We should do that with the pajeets btw.
>tomorrow and tomorrow
losing it and making babies irrationally!
I know I'm late to the party but I gotta ask, is this NBR romance? Will they hook up?
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Alya /Roshidere season1
Gimai season1
Isekai Shikkaku/No Longer Allowed season1
yes but the anime doesn't get there
ignore the whole sibling thing. It's not an incest show, and the "brother/sister" is never played for fanservice. It's just a story of two people growing close to one another.

It's beautifully told.
It is an incest show and that's a good thing.
Well, yes and no. There's no incest-fetish bait in it (aside from I guess the premise, if you're into that), but it is a significant barrier to their relationship. The whole reason they're "star-crossed lovers" and can't just openly date is that they're step-siblings, and they fear the social ramifications, particularly from their parents.

I honestly like it. Every romance anime needs some bullshit to add tension, otherwise it's just:

>"I like you

>"I like you too"

>"Let's go out"



And a step-sibling relationship is a reasonably down-to-earth barrier.
you put it better than I did, I meant it's not incest-bait, not that them being step-siblings wasn't important.
if you refuse to think some nips are as equally retarded as some of us you need to take off the glasses.
Those are good opinions but still, no sex
Why am I suddenly feeling emotional bros
And the fucking piano.... kino...
the last 10 minutes was too fucking good. what a matured show, well done direction-san
hoping for a s2
I have mixed feelings that people liked Gimai but not Mamahaha
I liked Mamahaha
I liked Tenshi
I am fine with Make Heroine
I never liked Roshidere
I haven’t seen anyone who says they like Gimai but not Mamahaha. Maybe I’m not browsing /a/ enough.
I like gimai but not mamahama. I thought mamahaha was hamfisted and pretentious. I had a hard time believing these 15 year olds were somehow wizened in line and romance. just seemed like a hole bunch of uninteresting pity porn and misunderstanding mastubation.
Weird. Okay. Nice to meet you I guess!
Why is it surprising? They’re very different. The two leads actually talk like human beings in this one
Mamahaha had arguably the best character designs of them all, followed maybe by Makeine. Hard to argue though who's the best girl among them, if it's Alya, Mahiru, Saki, or Yume.
Watched all 4. Disliked first because it was pretentious. Loved the other 3. Make heroine has superb comedic direction btw for that alone I’d rank it AOTY. Gimai’s carefully and thoughtfully crafted presentation also ranks it way up there IMO. I liked roshidere only for the girls and decent art direction ( designs and art consistency)
Has anyone else here read Imouza (either the LN or the manga) or is it really just me? I really wonder how the anime will go, but I don't know if the staff and studio are assurances or red flags.
it's like clockwork, every single Gimai Seikatsu thread devolves into conversation about Imouza
I liked both, but wanted more of the side couple.
Same author
Just keep waiting for the anime
I prefer Binetsu
>who's the best girl among them, if it's Alya, Mahiru, Saki, or Yume.
For me it's Saki > Alya > Yume > Mahiru. Though admittedly I didn't even finish Mamahaha anime.
Faceless rapists the both of them
They're both LN romcoms with gyaru or gyaru-like girls as the leads (Iroha's not really a gyaru but her fashion is adjacent, Saki outright is a gyaru).

I'm tired of waiting.
What volume does this leave off at?
My headcanon is they had sex after she lead him into her room.
The anime adapts 1-4.
You're not special and everyone here is a degenerate so no, you're not the only one who has read ImoUza. We just don't talk about it here
I can't tell where's the line between kinography and lack of budget/time.
This feels like she doesn't want anyone to see her face while accepting she wants to bone her step brother, but at the same time it just feels lazy or the animators didn't have time to finish drawing her face.
But they didn't, even in the novels
I mean, I was asking because if anyone else here has read it too, if they feel confident about the anime considering the staff and studio, or if they're worried.
I only read it because the girl is just like 8man's Iroha. The plot itself is meh.
I won't read the novel and there will not be a season 2. I can get closure if I just imagine that.
Season 3 when?
The sexual tension is great and they are this close to have sex. Also the lesbian gets BTFO.
Is the series or rather the source material popular in Japan? Haven't heard of this until now
Yes, more so than in the west. Which makes sense because their autistic way of speaking in courtesies is status quo in Japan
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Last time I checked it didn't rank in Oricon
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>mfw watching this episode

These two have the most severe case of autism I've seen in a while.
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I laughed at this part. Her total non-reaction, great poker face.

Stick to you isekai, anon.
Will Kurakon be the next big romcom LN anime?
god I hope not. I haven't read it but I have seen people say that the FMC is an ultra blueballer and a tsundere in the way that is not charming
It's a Gokumi anime; knowing Yumemiru, I don't know if that's supposed to be a good thing or a bad thing. Then again it's backed by Aniplex so I find it hard to believe it can fail given their track record with romcom LN anime.
>the girl is just like 8man's Iroha
She's literally named Iroha too. I do wonder how BLADE will handle it, they haven't really done that many romcoms except as a co-production studio with Silver Link.
the most boring cartoon I have ever seen. Dialogs are so stupid and so pointless and so boooooring. Jesus Christ, this is so bad.
mashiro season 2 soon
I like Saki
Saki is hot
This scene is living rent-free on this anon's head. kek
>On the outside world they are siblings, but when they're alone they're lovers.

I almost shit myself laughing at this scene.
not as hot as senpai
She's an Utaha ripoff and that's not a compliment.

t. Utahafag
Just checked out Binetsu and it’s promising so far, also had a good time reading/watching my stepmothers daughter is my ex. Never thought I’d go down the step sibling romance rabbit hole yet here we are
She doesn't resemble Utaha at all.
For some reason there's a person who's commission a ton, and I do mean a ton of scat art of that. I'm not joking.
This made me fucking lol for some reason
I'm not joking. Apparently it's one Korean fan of the series commissioning them all.
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>no idea about a season 2 but if enough fans voice their opinions to studio deen and kadokawa, then maybe...
you know what to do bros
Has he said anything recently about his other romcom yet?
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>author wrote another episode essay
I kneel...
I think the japs are very vocal and they really loved the ending
Have they started a petition for S2?
Holy kek. He and Director-san deserve each other.
Studio Deen's rise to greatness again by making a season 2!
His dumps have been very endearing
Especially when after ep9 he coped hard about feeling attracted to his own character and went "haha I am just a fan of the anime, so it's OK for me to simp for my own protagonist". Very wholesome. Also really cute how whenever he talks about anime original elements he starts spamming Ueno's name. Wish he'd have spend more time going over specific audiovisual elements rather than spending half his weekly walls on explaining the characters emotions, but it's still very cute. And honestly get the feeling that the positive reception the show received in Japan can at least be in part traced back to what he did here.
>ex-gf bullshit
And so?
There are no break ups in my romance.
With how dead Gimai has been here I fear for Imouza.
Are those archived anywhere? I don't have twatter account to search old posts
post TL
Season 2 doko?
After Imouza anime
I wish for a season 2
It's a good thing the anime was liked by those who watched it.

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