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Chapters 372-373
Previous thread (368-371): >>271117220
All threads: https://desuarchive.org/a/search/subject/Daily%20Hunter%20x%20Hunter/start/2024-9-3/
Chapter 372: Disappearance
It’s interesting Sevanti actually looks somewhat torn up over Momoze’s death, compared to Kacho’s mother.
That was cold
>be hanzo
>let little girl die
Chapter 373: Inheritance
Benjamin, you hypocrite.
I'm sure it isn't an important detail, but any clue what those objects on the shelf behind Camilla are?
Looks like some books or journals. Maybe WSJ
To be continued!
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so he happened to have pretty much the same ability as Hanzo
I really liked Musse and his design, despite the short time we saw him. A skilled marksman, and attacked despite anticipating a counterattack nen ability would be used in retaliation, just to give his prince more information. He even fulfills the conditions of his Secret Window immediately afterwards. I wonder if there's aspects to it that we haven't seen?
togaahi really thinks his art is that flexible hahahahaha
Based Camilla moment.
Thank you, that's a really cool detail..
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Cammy wants uncircumsized Kurta cock
cold but deserved
Loli prince has been avenged, all is right in the world
She's so stupid though, she makes it completely obvious how her ability works. And asking them to attack you can't be a restriction because she attacks before that.
This is the intelligent (but just hotheaded) women everyone? So genius do innovative !
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but i wanna kill hisoka...
We know the ones in uniform are Benjamins private soldiers, but who are the ones in suits? Hunters? The one dude who got shot implied they cant use nen
First queens bodyguards?
Furykov continues to be the better gumshoe in this arc.

Sakata also continues to be very competent
Cool ability, but pretty useless for a prince who has guards around her 24/7, aside from the one off chance an assassin gets close to her.
Could be OP but the forced zetsu is suspicious as fuck, only a suicidal psycho like one of Benjamin´s guys could fall for it.
That one random servant was secretly a nen user?
What people seem to believe is that she was sort of possessed by SM. Which is why only she could see it, and it just happened to look like she was awakened.
>Could be OP but the forced zetsu is suspicious as fuck, only a suicidal psycho like one of Benjamin´s guys could fall for it.
At the same time, tho, Benjamin's guys have the largest amount of generally competent Nen users amidst the princes' guards. Maybe other princes wouldn't figure it out so quickly.
Also, aren't all guards kinda suicidal?

Benjamin is genuinely fucking strong and has big nen. Kurapika, in this arc doesn't think Gyo will allow him to block a 9mm unscathed.
Benjamin utterly no sells the same.

Also I'm very curious about his Nen beast.
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>I wonder if there's aspects to it that we haven't seen?
It's a detail we won't get full context for until later on. But the reason one of his eyes is bugged out is due to how his ability manifests when using the owls. He's clearly used it so often that it became stuck like that permanently.
the art of war for dummies
Well he mentioned 3 birds, right? Owl is what’s on Camilla, he used another to spy on her when she was still in her room, so isn’t there another bird left?
Benjamin's guy follows Morel's maxim of nen combat. You fight to give it your all without fear of the other guy's nen.'

He knows the risks to strike but to do nothing is unacceptable. >>271192133
Anon said it best. He gets a kill, gets intel, plants his nen and so on.

Best case scenario he just wins then and there. Why wouldn't you take it?
im so fucking dum, I've been thinking Silent Majority had Furykov under his control this whole time.
Are specialists (other than Kurapika) limited to the nen chart? If so that would mean Benjamin did that with enhancement being one of his worst aspects.
>Are specialists (other than Kurapika) limited to the nen chart?
No. Their placement on the nen chart only relates to who can become a specialist later in life. How proficient they will be in other categories is unknown and Benjamin here suggests that he's much better at enhancement than most human characters in the series with just the strength of his Ten.
What killed the hype?

I think people were excited for more HxH before remembering it's just going to be more explanations, literal whos talking for paragraphs, and random bullshit no one cares about.
we don't know if Benjamin's a specialist.
Nen framework abilities (ritual and collaborative nen) is poorly explained as it is - and Benjamin's ability feels like something that could be Greed island styled collaborative effort.

My guess is that Ging has such an ability, and Benjamin has too (just different kinds).
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>and Benjamin's ability feels like something that could be Greed island styled collaborative effort.
It feels like an intentional version of what happened with the Meteor City elder's hatsu, and also the logical extension of loyalty being demonstrated as an emotion that can manifest post-mortem nen. Benjamin isn't copying a power like Ging or Meruem, he's outright told to use as taking the powers which is ability theft.
If you’re serious, it’s because we had months of threads before the release date was confirmed. Much of what could be discussed, has been discussed.
Morel meant you have to fight without regrets, that doesn´t mean going unga bunga on everyone. Not for nothing he spend like 10 minutes deliberating whether to hit Pouf once or not.
Nen fights are complicated, you never know what could happen so cautiousness is always the way to go.
Like in this case you could go non-lethal and still win the fight, Musse just didn´t care if he died because of his loyalty to Benjamin and also he knew his nen would be passed down even after his death, it´s a very particular scenario.
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>I think people were going to be excited more
Meanwhile the latest volume release sold 500k+ (only other manga even close was SpyxFamily) and was #1 on rankings. You retards need to stop living in your bubble. People on this site specifically are just waiting for the chapter threads , you stupid fuck
>he's outright told to use as taking the powers which is ability theft.
He isn't stealing their abilities, but "inheriting" them.
This distinction could be enough for Togashi to stretch it as Emission, like he did for Aura Synthesis.
Don't be so quick to rule it out. There was a similar argument when people brought up Komugi could be Enhancing her brain, and people were bashing that notion saying she's a Specialist.
Emission is also more consistent with Benjamin's personality and strength feats. >>271191297
So Furykov's analysis was wrong, right?
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Thank you.
Barring further information, then probably. He was aware enough to be able tell her Nen wasn’t normal, but not the circumstances behind that. Similar to how he assumed Halkenburg’s men were Nen users, but they were actually just half-awakened.
Sevanti looks miserable
If he was detecting nen users through their eyes, maybe contact lenses can trick him.
Or the user of silent majority wasn't in the room to begin with.
>He isn't stealing their abilities, but "inheriting" them.
That's always been a semantical argument that I think ignores the mechanics of what is going on. The narration does say there is a transfer, but it is a transfer of rights. This is exactly how I would describe Leol, Chrollo, and Kurapika's hatsu as well. Ability thieves steal the "right" to use a power for themselves. Benjamin just gets this upon death, but if we were to revive any of his men do you think they would have access to their power or no?

>like he did for Aura Synthesis.
Aura Synthesis at best explains how Meruem can understand the powers of those he consumes. his ability to replicate and improve them however is more about raw genius and potential. A subsequent example of this is Ging being able to generally copy strike-type abilities.

>Don't be so quick to rule it out
It's less that I'm being quick, and more that I've had this kind of discussion for years.

Is already stated in-universe to not be as reliable as people on forums treat it.
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Being hit with nen is enough to awaken anyone it's just usually dangerous to do so without care. Powers like Halkenburg's feathers, Silent Majority, and even Steal Chain just do this without the innate risk of injury and different degrees of awakening.
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So adorable
2nd best of Benjamin's crew reporting in.

>It's linked closely to his libido.
>It's around all day
Sale-Sale canonically fucks long and hard.
Morel specifically criticized Killua's views on the ants strength.
Yes something fishy is obviously going on. Does that mean you should cower away? Absolutely not.

You're also misinterpreting the Morel Pouf situation - because Morel had already captured pouf and succeeded his mission. It was a question of whether the prison worked or not, whether he should attack or defend, etc.

Musse, meanwhile, was presented with an armed threat that invited attack. His mission was to kill this target, and he could plausibly do so,
Or else get valuable information. He was essentially assured of these outcomes being positive, and therefore took the shot with no hesitation.

An operative that doesn't shoot in this situation, one can view as compromised and of poor quality. Just hth if you ever want to found a merc company or something .
Made for BCC
The idea of Benjamin being a greed island type ability user is that its not strictly inheritance, but rather that through ritual and collaborative effort, an ability is able to be turned into an object of sorts (the star on his palm) that are then grafted on his body.
Think Greed island cards. They are the entire central mode of function for greed island, and allow essentially anyone to use busted nen abilities.
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Thanks for dumping
Retard lol
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Machi and Kurapika will meet soon
>, an ability is able to be turned into an object of sorts (the star on his palm) that are then grafted on his body.
Benjamin already has a guy on his team that does just that. And a part of this idea would be that the stars, much like GI cards, have limited numbers of uses. No such restriction is stated or implied in the couple pages we've seen Benjamin or the narration talk about his power. If anything, his willingness to use Musse's power on another person would confirm he has unlimited access.

And it's possible for an ability thief to have limited uses but they also have much lighter restrictions. Leol can steal someone power just by seeing it and informing them their shoe was untied. Kurapika can take one power at a time and requires time and contact. Benjamin Baton has about as many conditions as Skill hunter though, another power that grants unlimited access to a stolen power (provided the user isn't dead in that case)
>limited use
That's just a condition for the game to have stronger powers. Instant air travel, super intelligence gathering, probability manipulation, magical pregnancy, age regression, instant full heal etc - ultra powered abilities.

Benjamin, instead gets well used and familiar mid level nen abilities. They are exceedingly fair and useful, but not super powered.
All of this can be explained by use of nen rituals similar to those on greed island. That's my argument in any case. The only problem is that we do not know how these rituals work or who does what in them - but they must exist.
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1999 Kurapika is pure sex. I understand the people's desire to breed him after watching the show.
He turned me gay. Women can't be like him, which is also part of the appeal.
Shipping these two
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Camilla wanted Hui to publicly declare the succession war as a battle royale competion just so she'd immediately kill the ones who killed her and have the others more quickly killing themselves.
Holy cow, this retarded woman made her intentions known from the get-go.
A large subset really dislikes him, though. Wonder why.
Would a conjurer or emitter be better at making nen beasts? Can an emitter give them special properties like conjured objects have?
Because he’s boring. He feels like a more boring version of your average political and/or death game MC inserted into a battle Shonen
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Curious. He's cool, badass, cute, tragic, and smart. There's no downside to his character I could think of.
I don't dislike him but i do find him boring. Hinrigh is far more interesting to me.
Machi will kill Hisoka
And she will also seduce Kurapika
Why are Machi rags so prevalent? Genuinely asking. She was literally as prominent as Bono for most of the manga. Her only relevance is that she has a unique bond with Hisoka, relative to the rest of the troupe, that’s literally barely expanded upon.
Sure , she got some focus on the flashback, but it implies nothing for plot relevance outside of “maybe Machi might be stronger than we thought!”
If Bono was a cute girl he’d be more popular
So does Swinko-Swinko know about nen or was it just random chance that she's got a nen user as one of her guards?
There is no way Sale-Sale knows since he didn't react to Predator or the Stinger Ball.
The drawings in the 99 were masterful
Every character looked amazing
Machi will amount to a very cool 1v1 fight with Hisoka that will probably be close , flashback their first meeting, and expand upon their bond.

That’s it. Maybe she’ll stop the troupe from completely dying this arcs through her hunch or talk no just, but realistically she’s just cool fight member against Hisoka.

And that’s fine. Because when you weigh what the average character will do this arc, having a great fight with Hisoka is probably one of the most interesting things you can get, as I assume most Hisoka troupe fights will keep 1 chapters surprise kills or short fights
Prince Camilla is so smart, isn't she the only character so far who actively makes use of the strength of post-mortem Nen?
Her cat is genuinely one of my favorite nen abilities so far, even if she herself may be a jobber.
She's realising she's been a shitty mother and her daughter's death is on her. The concept of the survival battle was probably very abstract in her mind until then, she's only now integrating the idea that, yeah, all the princes but one will die for real.
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It's possible she does depending on whether Mushaho is silent majority or not but someone like Tserriednich didn't know Theta and the other guy used Nen so it's entirely possible that a leader doesn't know their subordinates are nen users. Just that they get results.

That being said, I think she does know her people can use nen based on this page. Or at least she knew she had someone that was very capable and could probably do well in a situation where people are confined to their rooms for nearly a whole week at a time.
Said subset is incapable of good art too. It's like if you're soulless, stupid and untalented, Kurapika would rub you the wrong way. Sad!
A very very inferior version of Hanzo's. Hanzo's clone can fly, go through walls, and has a range that is much bigger than 20 m. Plus, it's only one of at least four nen abilities he has.

Hanzo is top tier in potential like Kurapika, he's a multi nen-abilities user.
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Weird way to spell Illumi.
>The narration does say there is a transfer, but it is a transfer of rights.
It's inheritance.
>but if we were to revive any of his men do you think they would have access to their power or no?
One would have to test it, but it's irrelevant to the category.
>It's less that I'm being quick, and more that I've had this kind of discussion for years.
It doesn't matter how many years you discussed this. I'm talking about quick in terms of the story. One could have argued for almost 20 years about Komugi's category before being proven wrong.
>I'm going to change the world
What's his masterplan..?
Source on this? Is it canonical information or pure fanon?
I like this cat. I'm wondering how she came up with that ability..
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This shit is so sad. I want Maryam to live bros...
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This but Fuu. (and Kaa)
>That's just a condition for the game to have stronger powers
Ok, but I think you are just glossing over that all the cards in Greed Island are original powers. It's not like there's a card that gave someone Razor's 14 devils for a period of time. They were all unique objects and effects.

Benjamin is gaining access to powers made by someone else. Occam's razor tells us that this nebulous concept of a nen ritual demands far more assumptions than specialization, ability theft, and post mortem nen all interacting. Especially when the story gave us a prime example less than 20 chapters ago. It's an interesting tangent but we have 0 information on how such a thing would work mechanically, but I can explain how taking a power generally works in the story and how that would apply here.

>It's inheritance.
Both phrases are used. You are again, using semantics to avoid the mechanical implications of this power.
>One would have to test it, but it's irrelevant to the category.
it's really not because if they still have access to their power, it's not ability theft and therefore not specialization. If Benjamin is just copying then Musse would also be able to use his owls no problem.
>It doesn't matter how many years you discussed this
It does because the people saying Komugi is a specialist aren't likely looking and comparing mechanics of nen like I have been doing with benjamin. I did believe she was an enhancer because enhancemetn improves things and that would logically include thought processing. But I can see the people saying "muh specialist" being the kind of reader that assumes that any effect they can't pin easily into their view of a category must be specialization. I can also see it as being a romantic view based on the theory that Meruem was a specialst. Now I did think the king of ants was a specialist myself but I think his copying powers while also being the apex of his species gives far better ground for that idea than for komugi.
Don't worry about him, Bisky is his guard. He will live.
She's probably so stupid and full of herself that she was sure that she wouldn't die even if she was killed.
And that manifested in her ability.
Togashi got me into Nogizaka46 and Keyakizaka46. He'd better take responsibility.
Way-to-go Hanzo
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Togashi was smart to give a retard like her such a useless ability
We still don’t even know what her GSB can do.
Now that I notice: it's HUGE.
Weird Benjamin’s GSB didn’t do anything to protect him or maybe not so weird if it knew his chad nen would be enough.
Benjamins GSB is like prestige mode in games.
It acts like a trophy but doesn't do anything else, meaning that if he becomes king it will be even more impressive.
I think they can't directly attack other princes. It would probably have blocked the bullets if they were a real threat.
>Those who inherit the stars
I wonder why it was called Mozambique… thanks for sharing
Based and true
I always forget that Camilla is blonde. I keep seeing her as a redhead
>Ben literally face tanks a full clip
Out of all the princes, I think I can’t wait for him to actually fight the most
Do we know what Benjamin's GSB does? I can't remember.
A-Anon... Togashi is going to pull off a Meruem with him and make him job randomly...
For some reason I always imagined her with white or grey hair like Pitou.
Its one of the ones hidden from us, on purpose.
Camilla's Nen beast was given a description in the same luzurus', which makes gives her jobber supreme status
Camillas nen beast will be how she will get freed from prison.
Her GSB will mind control the guard watching over her.
Just as an addendum to the greed island nen collab type abilities - i do not think they need to be specialist based at all.

I think all nen categories can achieve these "connections" between people, but that maybe emission and enhancement might be best suited for it.

I do also think that conjured objects feature heavily in the creation of greed island cards, and likely a combo of emission, enhancement, conjuration, manipulation etc is all needed to make these items work.

The magic conjured scribing machine, the magic card shuffler etc etc all necessary for the ritual to function, and some overarching rules being set through some means and contract to make it all coherent.
Is it your first time reading hxh? You haven't finished the succession arc ?
I won't spoil what happens.
With all the Nen that Meruem had, he should have been able to create a Hatsu that negated the effects of radiation poisoning. The condition could even have been "I have to play Gungi with Komugi every day for the rest of my life."
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>the strongest human alive had to cheat to get even with him
>still survived the fight
Meruem is so fucking cool. This is speculatory, but I bet he's above Ging tier.
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>there's been about 60 chapters since the end of the chimera ant arc
>we're about to get 20 more
im so excited bros... its like an extra third of what we already have but even more focused since its all succession contest
If HunterxHunter up to Greed Island was seinen, the Chimera Ants arc was literature.
I'm willing to bet my coins on whatever Togashi is planning with the Succession arc to turn out a form of art.
>I'll remain silent
the truth was under our nose all along, she's the silent majority user
I’ve been here for 12 years seeing this series end is the only reason I haven’t killed myself yet. When this series is done, I’m done too
>If HunterxHunter up to Greed Island was seinen, the Chimera Ants arc was literature.
This is about as retarded a statement as I’ve seen on this site. It’s hilarious because the people who make retard statements like this are the types who have barely read much literature at all.
Violence is the least of nen's uses.
Never noticed until now that he breaks her arm after the “chak” panel
>Benjamin Baton
>Benjamin Button
Yea, me too.
Would've ended it years ago if Togashi wasn't a lazy bastard.
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Hey, those Dragon Quest games ain't gonna play themselves
every time he reads posts like this he adds another week onto the next hiatus to keep you all alive
holy shit...
I always got the feeling his abilities aren't self-taught but part of his ninja clan's ninjutsu. that's why he has so many
Her arm seems fine later on and she doesn't have a cast or sling. So I think that's just the sound of a handcuff.
So she's sweating because she gets turned on by being handcuffed...
She's sweating because it finally clicked that walking into a room of guys with guns and asking to be shot was not a smart plan.
She's holding her arm in the final panel of >>271191354, that could very well indicate an injury.
At the very least it's not a full on break.
>7 years since the last dragon quest game
>20 years since the last good dragon quest game
It hurts
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>20 years ago? I wond-
Yeah, of course it was this one.

I wonder if Togashi played it and what he thinks of it lol
Tbh there's no other purpose for Illumi to be in this boat-arc other than for Hisoka
>If Illumi wants to go to dark continent for Ai
Then the character could've just been re-introduced on the new continent or closer to the DC
That's not when Dragon Quest IX or Monsters Jokers 2 released.
You do realize people can have 2 things they want to do at once? I don’t get how small your brain thinks. It’s entirely possible that Illumi wants to and plans to kill Hisoka, then go off to DC. In the same way Kurapika has his eyes mission but will potentially commit to his journey with the zodiacs on the DC.

Seriously, am I talking to 12 year olds?
The 3DS Monsters games were good. Joker 3 Pro was a real banger for me.
I thought it was an odd reaction from her if it was only handcuffs
>Dragon Quest IX
Underrated and should get a switch 2 remake.
It's 60 chapters since the end of the Election.
You're the one who's retarded lmaoo. Re-read what I wrote:
>If Illumi ONLY wants to go to the DC then he doesn't have to be in the boat arc
^ better reading comprehension would tell you that this is what I was saying. The meaning being, Illumi will play a more impactful role in the Hisoka-plotline because otherwise he doesn't need to be added to an already bloated cast of characters for this arc
Bro, we don't know that. We've only seen Illumi for a few pages, all he told the spiders is that he has a contract with Hisoka. But his motives are still pretty unclear. He might be on the ship to actually kill Hisoka and get his money; maybe he'll sabotage the spiders because he's a shizo and will only want Hisoka for himself; or maybe the theory about him wanting to go to the Dark Continent because of Ai is true. We don't know his motives for sure.
>hxh fans get excited for 20 chapters
>meanwhile one piece & naruto chads
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>meanwhile one piece & naruto chads
>Balsamilco tanking one to his heart
Again, you’re retarded. Missing “only” in your text completely changes the context you pigbrained retard. Learn English before you try to discuss topics. Trying to change it now while acting like a retard does you no good .
>will play a more [HEADCANON] role
So you just add more headcanon? You know nothing about what level Illumi’s role will be on either the boat or possibly the DC
Does Togashi think it’s bloated retard? Togashi seems perfectly fine with the cast amount and handling them, “doesnt need” means nothing here.
Now neck yourself you smooth brained bastard
It might be sacrilege to say, but I quite enjoyed both Builders 1 and 2.
The hands were actually his nen ability, he planned to fake his death and last till the end and stopped Kacho and Fugetsu from breaking the ritual
Just finished watching the anime of the CA arc, and I'm crying.

I know the 2011 adaptation gets a lot of flak, and honestly, considering I've watched it multiple times, and now rewatching it complely without any rose tinted glasses, yeah, I have to agree. For the most part, it's very rigid, uniform, and for lack of a better word, a sterilized form of Togashi's incredibly dynamic art. The credits having pages of DR MOVIE staff certainly doesn't help. It really does feel molded at times to fit certain TV standards, and its main appeal for this kind of adaptation, lack of filler, is pointless when they add fluff recaps and constantly replay scenes. The music as well, which I used to be incredibly fond of, my opinion of started to sour when I saw how rigid its placement was, sometimes really unbeffiting of the scene.
Still, despite all this, or maybe because of it, did the few times it decided to not abide by these rules, make those scenes really stand out, and now I feel like I can appreciate them more. A chunk of these scenes are in the CA arc, and of course, you usually can tell by their stylistic changes or custom OST. I'd go so far that I'd say the entire adaptation was do justice to these handful of scenes.
I say all of this, because despite well knowing the source material, and my opinion of this adaptation seemingly souring relative to my previous viewings, just now do I feel like this time I was moved the most when watching it. It got to the point that by ep 135, while I did tear up multiple times before, here I just let loose, as it felt each line from both komugi and meruem where hitting me like a truck. Only now after typing this have they fully dried up.

And of course, all this talk of adaptations and such, but at the end it's truly Yoshihiro Togashi's story which all this stems from, and making something truly incredible.
I know how sincerity can be dealt by on this site but fuck it these dumps got back to rewatching+rereading that I had to say it
My cozy wife…
>chap 3900
pisscucks still haven’t recovered from this glistening gemerald……….
I wonder if he fired whoever took this image
I’ve never played a DQ game in my life
>Reading comprehension worse than a middle schooler
>Proceeds to seething uncontrollably went it gets pointed out
Chrollo, Machi, and Phinks VS. Pitou

Chrollo and Machi take on Pitou while Phinks stays in the sidelines charging his Ripper Cyclotron. Phinks stated only 7 rotations would have been enough to kill the random soldier ant. If Phinks can do a full arm rotation each second, he would only need 2 minutes to create a punch charged up with 120 rotations. He could keep going depending on how Chrollo and Machi are doing. Pitou’s abilities are not combat oriented, so she would be relying on her pure strength and speed alone. Chrollo has an endless assortment of goodies and is bound to have abilities that will prove troublesome to Pitou. Chrollo at this point can use two abilities at once or can fight with both hands while using one ability. He was able to fight Zeno and Silva without trying to kill them and having to keep his book open for just one ability. Coupled with Machi’s physical prowess and durability, and her threads which can temporarily disable or trap Pitou, even if only for a few seconds. Working together, they can create an opening and give Phinks the chance to come in and kill her with his supercharged punch. If the punch alone somehow doesn’t kill her, Chrollo can just dispose of her while she’s incapacitated with the fun fun cloth.
Go to sleep AIslop bot
>no argument
Thanks for admitting your loss.
>gets magdumped
>no reaction
Pitou is not possible for the Troupe.
I could see Youpi being potentially possible but for a different reasoning. Bonolenov could use sound waves to induce the rage state and allow for an opportunity for Shalnark's needle to hit. That being said it's no happening and this is a wipe as well. If he is with his tentacle stuff the whole time it isn't happening at all.

Pouf is the physically weakest of the troupe members and Blinky is a decent counter to the scales and also blood suck. Fei can burn cells and Franky has guns for clones. This fight is definitely possible for the whole troupe to pull off but with 3 people it is rough. You have to keep in mind that Pouf never had his priority on killing the intruders during the whole invasion. This is still easily the most winnable fight out of the 3 though.
No, anon. Thank you for typing-out all that retarded stuff tho, it did give me a good laugh
That can change.
oh shit, I didn't notice that.
nice catch!
>still no argument , yet replying again
Thanks for the concession kek !
Sex with Kalluto
didn't Benjamin just learn of nen?
I can’t imagine ever being as confidently wrong as you. How embarrassing.

I’ve already won, I’m just killing time and farming seethe at this point
what happens is post-martem nen cat is too weak to kill her killer?
if the cat is not her spirit beast it means the cat is her own ability?
No. He was one of the few (only?) ones to know about about it before this began
Also baton, as in passing the baton, like how he gets his powers.
Holy moly I did not expect Togashi to have such a deep voice.
I mean he's a smoker so I guess I should have but his appearance and voice Just don't match for me.
>still no argument
>instead delusional sperging
Kek, Maybe you’ll win next time!
>confidently wrong
Tell me where I was wrong,
If you reply with no argument, you’re admitting to losing
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I love Hanzo, I hope he gets some more to do in this arc. At the risk of sounding like a faggot powerscaler he was already insanely strong in the Hunter Exam I can only imagine he's gotten significantly upgraded with nen.
A lot of Japanese men have surprisingly deep voices
… stating basic facts makes you power scaler? this is a battle shounen. Talking power is as natural as it gets
Hisoka said he has 10 more targets(spider) so it would be true that Hisoka hire Illumi for fight. Then it would be meaningless to let Illumi live without even meeting Hisoka.
Also killing Illumi here and now has some advantages. One, we can get rid of Killua's schizo brother without making Killlua kill his own sibling. Two, letting Hisoka kill new Troupe member is a perfect way to show Hisoka's skill, while preventing the Troupe's depression.
I don’t fault Gon for anything
Either Killua is wrong or Togashi changed his mind, there's no way a nenless Hanzo had that small of a gap
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Gon is hot
Killua had imperfect information, he didn't know about Nen yet.
I think Killua's graph didn't take nen into consideration, because Hanzo is nowhere near this close to Hisoka .
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Unironically when's the last time there was a battle shounen that didn't shit the bed?
Why is JJK so lackluster compared to HXH anyways?
I don’t want a meme answer, I just can’t find words
Twin Star exorcist ended like 2 weeks ago
98% of manga is.
Black clover? shounens sell good
>Why is 99% of manga so lackluster compared to HXH anyways?
Well for one, the plot is mediocre , just an excuse for people to fight each other 24/7 (like an even worse version of bleach). The character writing is very subpar , the setting is dreary and boring, the way it portrays its themes is also subpar, it also feels both rushed and too long.

In other words, it’s fast food manga that broke down the longer it went on. Even the arcs people praise as masterpieces like shibuya and Gojo flashback are overrated

And there’s nothing wrong with being fast food manga. That’s the average media. The problem is when you go into fast food media with false expectations.

I enjoyed JJK greatly for the dark comedy aspects and the fights, but I’d never argue it’s some complex piece of art or some super well written series
Black clover ended? Damn. It really is the end
JJK is literally DBZ tier without nostalgia
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Without diving too far into it the author just can't write a character arc to save his immortal soul. Characters are set up and killed off for shock, their arcs are left frustratingly unresolved, or they get sidelined and dropped. Welfin gets more of a resolved character arc than central characters like Megumi and Maki get in the entire run of JJK and he's a minor character that's around for one arc.
It got really popular on twitter, thus attracting blacks and browns who proceeded to act like it was the best thing since sliced bread, sky rocketing expectations that it naturally couldn’t keep up with. If it remained and died in relative average renown I’m sure it could have solidified a decent place as an alright manga but now it’s just that overhyped manga that took one too many cues from Bleach that ended roughly around the same time MHA did
Why specifically are we comparing JJK to Hunter anyways? I don’t get the console war shit flinging between battle Shonen.
There’s going to be comparisons between literally everything in the world where it’s appropriate anon
Fat queen butt
JJK vs HxH is like Hanzo vs Pokkle
Not to this level, it’s comparable to football fans. No one is going around shitting themselves to argue blood meridian against Valdez is coming . Hell, no other genre in manga has this much shit flinging either
> thus attracting blacks and browns
Damn. I always felt like JJKucks acted very similar to DBSpics. It makes sense
It's human tribalism when fighting over a limited resource (people's attention) for their side that pops up everywhere. It only really happens for media which targets the same core audience with some differences that make people latch onto one or the other (or inherit their position from birth). It's the same mechanism that would make human tribes fight over food sources and causes real life wars but on a smaller scale and trying to get more attention on the media they like more
What is Netero vs Meurem in your opinion
>10% fighting
>90% plot
What makes it so good?
blud what the fuck are you on, Benjamin and his men being nen users is a vital aspect of the setting
Yes, that's her Hatsu
chances togashi will drop the ball on the climax/ending of this arc?
As long as there’s no princes revival or Kurapika survival asspull I don’t see it failing in anyway
HxH scratches an itch while everyone else scratches a chalkboard. JJK, One Piece, Demon Slayer, etc. They all fill the same role. Sure there is fun to be had but they're not genuinely interesting to read week-to-week. With One Piece's Egghead there was an insane amount of powerful characters clashing and fighting but despite all of that it never actually felt gripping. We know Luffy will escape, nobody will die, and nothing of importance will be revealed. It's just a line-up to watch everyone besides the MC embarrass themselves as they trip over a sudden plot-induced incompetence.

The Succession War arc is set up so well that it's interesting even without the reliance on main characters. The stuff surrounding Kurapika is only a fraction of the intrigue, and when reading I never feel like I'm waiting for some inevitable meta-victory where Kurapika dismantles the corrupt system and saves everyone from the evil ritual. Despite the lack of climactic encounters, I never feel like shouting "get on with it already!". Meanwhile other series struggle even making the long-anticipated fights feel engaging to read. I think lot of it has to do with side characters vs main characters, and how side characters are disposable making them genuinely interesting to watch. We know Kurapika isn't going to die to a random bodyguard, but that's why he's placed all the way at the bottom and the events don't all revolve around him. And those that do revolve more around him learning to balance his own goals with his duty to protect the prince while slowly learning more about the situation. Rather than having him running through hallways knocking down waves of fodder as he tries to reach the rooftop of the ship for 20 chapters..

There's nothing wrong with straightforward battle-shonen fights, but recently the others can't even do that right. The choreography sucks, the matchups are uninteresting, and everything resolves in a lame and uncool way. They're just boring to read
JJK has one of the worst final fights in shonen
i really like this incredibly short exchange between furykov and camilla and i don't know why. it's one of the most memorable moments in the entire arc for me. maybe it elevates both characters.
>Kurapika survival asspull
you’re crazy if you think kurapika isn’t surviving this but yeah the princes are definitely dying
Are ya free?
Like other guy said, it’s fast food. You go in when you want a fairly enjoyable meal that will satisfy your craving/kill the hunger, but it’s not going to leave you with any particularly memorable experiences and in fact will occasionally shit the bed so hard it will leave you determined to avoid it for the next few months before you give in and sheepishly approach the drive through out of curiosity to see if things have gotten better.
would uvogin be able to lift this much casually?
Yes. Could probably have lifted ten times that with ease.
How would you respond without sounding mad? (and murdering three people)
Depends on how much pressure he feels to finish the series. So far he hasn't seemed to rush any parts of the arc, but things may change as the reality of age sets in. He already commented on the possibilities for an ending if he dies, and that was only a few months before the death of Toriyama, who was a major influence to Togashi. Togashi was already the oldest in Jump 5 years ago, his age sits right between Miura and Toriyama.
I think if he's going to rush the conclusion and fail to deliver, it will be from some kind of pressure put on him to finish it, whether it's from himself or his associates.
I actually liked the other translation over this one. Something along the lines of
>this isn’t my idea of a joke
Just sounded cooler for some reason
Looks like Hanzo is also an emitter
Am I right ''Knuckle is emitter'' bros???
If Togashi ever gets the point that he’s willing to rush to finish, that’ll probably be the same point he decides to step back from being main artist and bring in a new head artist from all the mangaka who love him
Lol calm down you tard we’re just lubing ourselves up with pre-discussion and speculation. This board will be ours again when the chapters actually hit.
Togashi actually has experience writing and drawing manga. He did YYH (which is defacto HxH's prototype) and multiple other series before doing HxH
>and bring in a new head artist from all the mangaka who love him
Murata HxH soon…
Or maybe Ishida…
Has he ever really shown the willingness to do that though? That option has been suggested for over a decade now. YYH was arguably quite rushed at the end, and that was way before now. Many creators would rather die leaving their work unfinished alongside a couple of notes than go "Oh I might die in 5 years better put together a team to help me finish!"
I'd even say a rushed ending is far more likely than him having someone else take over illustrating.
Either Ishida or Gege, only 2 young , prestigious, and die hard enough to do it. Actually, mmost artist would probably do it since I’d bet Togashi would pay hard, but I’m saying those two would be first on Togashi’s doorstep the second he puts out the job offer
>YYH was arguably quite rushed at the end,
from what I remember, Togashi wrote that he YYH quite abruptly because he wasn't allowed to take them in a darker direction. So he didn't want to repeat story arcs prior.
Not really: but comics are different form other forums of media. Having a separate artist and writer is extremely common, more so in the west, but still happens frequently in Asia. It’s not like a wheel of time situation. Togashi would be watching, drafting, help direct the main artists while his assistants also provided help. Sure, would it be the same as if Togashi did it, no, but it’d be as close as possible.
IMO the likely scenarios to least likely
>Hunter is unfinished, no signs of rushing
>Hunter is unfinished, signs of rushing
>Hunter is unfinished, Togashi hires new artist
>Hunter is finished, Togashi hires new artist
>hunter is finished, signs of rushing
>hunter is finished, no signs of rushing
What is his nen category?
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Wow I'm sad how much better this arc was before all the spiders bullshit.

The ridiculous spiders, mafia and hisoka subplot is completely incoherent with the themes of the Succession War. Imagine if during the Palace Invasion the spiders were trying to steal East Gorteau riches and Hisoka was hunting them in the underground tunnels? Don't you see the inherent problem in that? How ridiculous it is? Jezz good grace Kurapika wasn't in CA.

Even worse the mafia is conveniently involved directly with 3 princes and they have a conveniently direct passageway to the 1st deck. On the same boat where Kurapika is conveniently doing bodyguard labor again.

This writing mistakes by Togashi made the manga less believable and realistic, and more generic. And for what? For Hisoka vs Spiders? Who the hells cares for a plot as dull as that? Seriously a plot like that could exist in a shonen, which is embarrassing.
what's the themes of the succession war and how is the spider sub arc unrelated
You’re a retarded tourist. Go back!
Totally disagree. The Spiders and Hisoka being there is an incredibly smart decision from Togashi. Kurapika is literally embroiled in a life or death cloak and dagger assassination war and needs every ounce of his focus and concentration directed at what he’s currently doing. The bombshell that’s going to drop once he finds out the they’re on board the ship is going to be legendary because of how many things it can potentially serve as a catalyst for. Not at all the same as if the Troupe randomly dropped in on the palace or something
Gege is the worst artist in Shonen Jump history that I know.
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How is it incoherent ? The succession war is one piece of a plot that involves the breakaway to the new world of advancement and riches. The troupe, who are are rejects of society, breaking into the same society that is leading human advancement and progress makes perfect sense. Not to mention, the themes of sacrifice and class. The troupe ,directly correlates to the theme of class in that they are poor thieves who have come to “take from the rich”. The boat is separated by class , and as the spider ejects common society, plans to break through the floors.
>imagine if during the palace invasion
. The palace invasion isn’t a broadcasted mini society involving 200,000 people with hopes for achieving their dreams. The palace invasion involves a small team of hunters because they are the most capable of not being murdered and assimilated by the ants. The troupe however perfectly fits into an arc where they can just act as one of the 200k people, hide amongst the crowd, etc.
The mafia further identify the themes as they directly work for the wealthy in the higher tiers, yet are separated from them and hidden in the gutter with the regular people.
How is convenient? You do realize it makes perfect sense for a MAFIA to ally with one of the princes, and do they allied with more than one, there’d be infighting?
>they have direct passageway
Are you retarded? They work with wealthy and princes, of course they have avenues
>on the same boat where Kurapika
Yes, the themes of protection and greyness of the underworld heavily factor into Kurpaika’s storyline. This makes perfect sense to highlight all the parallels between Oito:woble:neon:Tsentsen
>writing mistakes
How is any of this a mistake? Do you call anything you don’t understand a mistake?
>Who the hell care?
Maybe you don’t care, but you’ve also showcased you’re a retard, so that opinion doesn’t hold weight.

My advice to you? Kill yourself. Right now.
Id also like to say if you find spiders mafia storyline boring, that’s fine. But to make a shitty post to justify your taste (especially with the retarded image you posted), means you’re a retard.
So , again, K yourself, or never post here again. the only “writing mistake” was you putting your retard hands on a keyboard to type all of this bullshit
it’s confirmed the first chapter will open with a sex scene involving hisoka. we don’t know who his partner is
>Jezz good grace Kurapika wasn't in CA.
Now Kurapika is in this arc. Whenever Kurapika becomes the center of an arc, so does the Troupe. Both Kurapika and the Troupe are leading characters of this arc, one is on upper level of this vessel, and the other one is on lower level.
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Hisoka made an onahole from his rubbery nen.
hunterchads won
kek, fuck u anon that was the dumbest thing to make me chuckle today
nvm >>271211280 was dumber and funnier.
i'm a rare low IQ hxh fan but i appreciate that i'm surrounded by high IQ fans who help me understand togashi's brilliance and also ward off haters
Nothing I hate more on this site than people who make a stupid posts but don’t respond to criticism. These are the same fags who will come to the next thread, make the same stupid posts, and ignore the same criticism that shits them down.
It’s absolutely annoying.
So what will happen with the troupe? Kurapika wants his revenge of course, but the troupe are still stuck playing around with mafia underlings and Hisoka. If Kurapika gets to kill the troupe, that must mean Hisoka fails. If Hisoka kills the troupe, that would mean Kurapika fails again like in Yorknew. Narratively, both Kurapika and the troupe's involvement in the story should be at their climax in this arc. Neither have expressed a real interest in the dark continent, and neither really have a motive outside of the boat. Either Hisoka has to actually die in order for the troupe and Kurapika to meet, or Kurapika winds up teaming up with Hisoka against the Troupe which I don't think is likely.
It's possible that half could meet Kurapika and the other half Hisoka, but in the end Chrollo is ultimately the main target for both, and neither Kurapika nor Hisoka would be satisfied tag-teaming to kill him. So one has to take the prize, if any. Predictions?
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cute gyo bisky
I think Hisoka will kill them all and end up calling Kurapika saying all the troupe are dead. This will be right after Kurapika gets the last eyes from Tserridnich and resolves to return to his revenge. It will be a mirror to Yorknew when Hisoka called Kurapika to say the Troupe were alive, but this time Kurapika will be actually faced with the Troupe being killed by someone else. Then Hisoka will taunt Kurapika as Kurapika will be his new target, while Hisoka's taunts will mindbreak Kurapika further
For a more speculative version of this, I think Kurapika will learn the truth of the Kurta massacre as Hisoka will have learned it somehow (it was actually the meteor city elders) though this might be too similar to Sasuke and Itachi and Obito to work
>Narratively, both Kurapika and the troupe's involvement in the story should be at their climax in this arc.
The Troupe said they will not go upstair until they kill Hisoka, so this means Hisoka will fail. I guess Hisoka will kill 2 or 3 members which include Machi and Illumi, and then killed by Chrollo. I expect Chrollo and Kurapika will cooporate for their mutual benefit, which ends with Chrollo's sacrifice to save rest of the gang including Kurapika. The rest of the Troupe may or may not survive but the Spider itself will be disbanded when Chrollo dies.
i've seen people say that chrollo and kurapika teaming up in some fashion would be cliche or bad but why?
Nothing is bad, it’s only how it’s written.
>signed, former English professor
Really it’s hinge on why they’re working together. Nothing seven shown gives us a reason on why Chrollo and Kurapika would team up. Chrollo wants Hisoka dead, Kakin treasure. Kurapika want his family eyes, and to end the war smoothly with woble and Oito alive. The only existing link we have is the treasure possibly including whatever makes the succession war work, or the urn. But again, I don’t see any other reason why. People speculate “Sarasa killer is Terrencesnich “, troupe will get revenge, but again that’s pure speculation
Hisoka is going to Tier 1 though so Troupe will be forced to go there as well
When ch.357 first released, some people expected this arc is about Hisoka hunting the Spider one by one, but what they saw in reality is the Troupe becoming leading character and Hisoka as a side character. Now they are foaming at every possibility that might redeem or give more importance and relevance to the Troupe.
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Hisoka promised to go tier 1 only during the Troupe's fight against Heil-ly. Hisoka actually following as Hinrigh said is already funny, but refusing to leave there would be even more hilarious.
>The only existing link we have is the treasure possibly including whatever makes the succession war work, or the urn.
Which is what others expect as well.
I really think this arc could easily beat palace invasion depending on what route it takes. If togashi takes the safest route, it’ll still be a great arc , but probably won’t be better than CA for me. If Togashi goes into many of the possible interesting avenues and does it all justice, it’ll easily be his masterpiece.

It’s just too early to see what route it takes.
Impatient Cammy is so cute and pretty
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Absolutely no evidence of that.
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>Hisoka will kill 2 or 3 members which include Machi and Illumi, and then killed by Chrollo.
You actually retarded for believing that.
Togashi wouldn't go through the trouble of reviving a character (his favorite villain) just to have him die to the same opponent again.
It's plain as day Hisoka is currently on the process of "breaking" Chrollo.
Him being one of the strongest enhancers in the series points to him at least being able to replicate it. Benjamin’s most impressive feats right now are tearing a lions head off and having a clip emptied into his face without a scratch. Not saying he isn’t capable of more obviously but it pales in comparison to what Uvo showed.
What are our thoughts on the theory that ‘Hisoka’ isn’t actually Hisoka but Bonolenov or Chrollo instead?
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It's possible, but that automatically means Illumi is actually Hisoka. Or Illumi is working with Hisoka and they are switching places.
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There has to be a mistake in translation or something? Did Hinrigh really say that?
>(his favorite villain)
Hisoka is a meaningless(意味もなく) villain, a shallow plot device, and he will die meaninglessly.
>Togashi wouldn't go through the trouble of reviving a character
What trouble? Hisoka's death and resurrection is a simple event to make Hisoka into a bait, so the Troupe follow him and stay in lower level of the ship while the whole arc proceeds. Without Hisoka, the Troupe will head straight to tier 1 and ruin the story.
>It's plain as day Hisoka is currently on the process of "breaking" Chrollo.
So where is he? Tier 1 toilet?
I don't see problem here.
Hunter x hunter is over lol
and other copes to post online
if the troupe flashback was in any other manga y'all would fucking hate it
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Kneeling before Camilla and swearing fealty to her by kissing the tops of her pretty princess feet
just wait till she fights someone that is able to resist The Cat Slap(Knead)
Not really, troupe flashback isn’t nearly as bad as Alluka or kite revival and those managed to pass the “what the garbage” test for the wide majority of fans
yeah but they're not painfully generic plot beats, just badly written. hxh fans pride themselves on hxh somehow being above other shonen when that flashback would fight right in in naruto
In japanese, hisoka asked him in an idol term like who's your bias?
Togashi like Araki traveled around the world and gained life experiences which gave his manga an actual soul and while he takes inspiration from a lot of other different series he still adds his own unique flavor to his work. Gege is a rookie who struck gold with his first major work and JJK is a highly derivative work coping Bleach, Naruto, HxH, Fate and YYH
The Troupe flashback was okay, the problem in Naruto is that there almost all the villains had sad flashbacks, which was pretty annoying
Just 'flashback' isn't generic as much as 'battle' isn't generic.
File deleted.
Huntercels are LARPing homosexuals and hypocrites, Chrollo's backstory is significantly worse than the average battle shonen backstory
I want to put Pitou on my lap
So if the phantom troupe represents the twelve disciples, does that make Chrollo Jesus or Lucifer?
His surname is Lucifer and he was refered as 'a man with reversed cross'.
Hunter x Hunter is so fucking good bros, really a shame we'd likely wont even get the end of this arc.
If Chrollo is Lucifer, does that make Kurapika Jesus?
Kurtas were associated with "devils messengers" in the flashback so not likely.
what do you think that means
Kurapika is Satan, the Judge appointed by God
I don't know. Perhaps Togashi plays with inverted concepts of good and evil
>bad guys are metaphorically Jesus and 12 disciples
>good guy is a demon
So does Jews.
Jesus was a Jew and Jews are often discriminated against (in fact some use the term "synagogue of satan" from the Bible which would fit "devil's messengers) so it would make sense that the equivalent in HxH would also be discriminated against. Though that would make Chrollo Hitler so I don't know
Maybe chrollo had a point…
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What would Pol Pot's Nen type have been?
>Troupe are Germans
>Kurtas are jews
>Kurta massacre is a Holocoust

So "Kurta massacre never happened" anons were right all along
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Conjuration: He can conjure a mouth watering field of rice anywhere he wants. Anyone who gives in and eats it immediately starves to death
I kinda wanna see what would happen if Meruem was the one who told Gon Kite was dead.
Nice I didn't see that.
>Still no HxH comeback news in the latest Jump issue
I thought we're gonna get the new batch soon?
2 weeks later so we'll have the announcement at next week's spoiler when JJK ends.
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I want to make Killua mine
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No updates yet?


emission and the same ability as Knov but stronger
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I love Cummy
Togashi not giving her massive cow tits made her very noble
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yu yu hakusho was better at arm breaking, that cammy one is offscreened
That's just Togashi's sexism
>NOOOO I can't show a princess getting her arm broken
Her arm is not snapped tho, no guard of Benjamin would dare to do it
that was my interpretation too, but now that anon mentions it and reading Fury's next line, I've began wondering if I've been living a lie
we will never get theta doujins, init?
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cammy powerstance
We will when the nen beast turns her into a sentient toilet
>all those years I waas convinced that Togashi can't draw females
>then Cammy makes an appearance and he proves me soo so wrong
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theta dear
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He's been drawing cuties since the beginning
Machi was his best looking up until succession arc...
Nah, ant palm was better
>This writing mistakes by Togashi made the manga less believable and realistic, and more generic
kek why do you guys behave like HxH was some lind of masterpiece literature in the first place? it's just another shonen, for God sake
this arc is all about angry machi and cammy, and morena
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Waifu stocks are at an all time high this arc. I don't think there's ever been so many important cute girls active in the story before.
I love Theta. I hope she survives
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Mukuro sexo
No tweet today?
Hiei is a lucky demon.
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I'm gonna steal your Kacho thank you
Kurapika is female and hot though.
If HxH wasn't on constant hiatus and a more popular doujin series we would already have one were Theta is turned into a dickhorse and another one where she is turned into a living fleshlight.
Chapter 374: Ability
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Because it's the antithesis of HxH.

Besides the very last arc where Togashi is starting to make more complicated abilities than what we're used to, most abilities in HxH are very simple, can be described in litterally one short sentence, but the way the characters applies them in a fight is extremely smart, creative and unorthodox.

On the other hand, you have JJK where all characters have super complex and convoluted abilities that the author takes hours to explain, and when comes the time to fight, they just punch each others in the dumbest and most generic manner.
One of the most retarded opinions I've ever seen, but nice bait I guess, since you got so many answers including mine.

The idea of mixing a high-level political contest akin to a giant house of cards in the upper tiers with the ticking time bomb that are the spiders and Hisoka in the lower tiers, and have these two conflicts slowly and progressively getting closer to each others while things subtly get out of control in both of them is absolutely genius.
Plus, villain VS villain has always been one of the best and underexploited narrative tropes ever and what Togashi is currently delivering with this one-man war of Hisoka against the Troupe is simply beautiful.
hopechads status?
There is a huge possibility that Tetha actually get raped before she dies
Shit pseudopinion from someone who hasn’t read much literature but wants to act like they have a sort of opinion. It’s perfectly fine to critique works regardless of its media form or quality. The difference between literature and most forms of media isn’t the inherent plot writing, but the prose and how it’s used to convey everything. It’s why most literature, while still being good, wouldn’t be As Good in comic form, as prose is the backbone for it. You break down many classic novels on just basic critique of plot and character writing you can find similar holes, but prose (and often, pacing due to not being a serialized series but a one book novel) can cover up those flaws
Anyone got the sequels? I had to replace my hard drive and lost them.
Infamous pages. Truly kino.
100% accurate. 2011 feels horrifically stale in many ways, yet when it does some of the bigger scenes it truly hits hard. I actually think the best way to experience HxH is probably to just read the manga, then go and watch certain scenes you loved, there's a high chance they won't be butchered, and might hit even harder due to ost and voice acting. Actually watching the entire thing though is a bit of a stretch.
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>pic from Togashi's twitter
He just announced that he won't go hiatus until he ends this arc!
Chapter 375: Persuasion
Gege loves HxH but he doesn't understand what makes it good. or rather he only understands one aspect, and even then he doesnt properly understand it.
He loves the fights and nen, and he tried to recreate that in JJK with cursed energy, and to his credit, some of the fights arent bad, but the problem is that cursed energy is complex for the sake of it, it never adds to the story like nen does, it just feels tacked on because we need a power system. Likewise the characters are awful and its impossible to get invested in them outside of a few scenes, and even then he will sometimes bring in bizarre out of place comedy that ruins the scene.
What would be the taboo? Saying she is ugly as hell?
>Luzurus' nen beast : Conjure whatever target desires as a bait
This guy can't be a good person, right?
None of the Princes are good people.
If he ever said that, I'd just consider hxh over because he'd 100% die in the same year
It's funny that Bisky complains about pulling an all nighter when her ability specifically let's her get a full night's worth of rest in 30 minutes.
Will this ship actually happen?
we already have october 7th as the confirmed return date.
To be continued!
I fucking hate viz.
I hope so. I don't give a fuck about romance really and generally dont want it to be a big thing in HxH, but for a comedic sideplot it would be great, they're already funny together, and it would fit nicely into Bisky's character arc of her hating her body, finally having someone who likes her the way she is.
Abilities that work on memories are scary. Ultimate Paku would have been a nightmare of a nen user.
Can anyone explain what part of Pakunoda's power makes her a specialist, if manipulation can be used to edit memories?
I’d assume the way in which she’s able to read memories is what’s really Specialist about her, and her ability otherwise would use Manipulation and Conjuration, so it fits between those two as well.
stupid sexy spider girl
>most abilities in HxH are very simple
This. People jerk off so much to muh conditions but what really sells it is how character use their abilities, not how complex they are.
how would you translate 異邦人?
Isn’t Chrollo’s ability kind of bullshit for plot writing? Chrollo can have any ability he needs for any situation and it can be auto handwaved because “oh he stole this ability before but didn’t have a reason to use it until now”.
Togashi can write Chrollo to do whatever he wants
Theoretically yes, but it depends on how Togashi uses it, and I don't think he's used it poorly.
Which is why I'm waiting for Chrollo's fight in this arc. I hope we can see more new abilities from Skill Hunter.
He literally set up an entire background for him where him having a lot of convenient abilities is justified, so it's perfectly fine?
If I were to write battles with him, I would make him use abilities that are not perfect for the occasion but well suited for it. Of course he has any kind of ability but unless he gets chased from a clown for a year they won't be perfect for every situation.
The parralel paneling of ben and halk on these pages and their contrasted statements/sentiments VGH SOVL
They actually look pretty fucking similar. Tsen looks more like luzurus
In theory yes, but that depends on how you write it.
Togashi never used Chrollo's ability in a contrieved way in which he's in a situation when he's suddenly out of nowhere has perfect ability for certain moment.
I’m of the opinion that Togashi gave Chrollo a set of fair and balanced abilities before he even started writing him for the plot, and chooses from the ability pile depending on the situation. (The Hisoka fight is a different story).
HunterChads, do you feel that shaking?
Trannylator moment
I hope Vergei survives this arc and gets together with Biscuit, just because Killua's reaction would be hilarious.
"Reading memories by touching someone" doesn't fall into any other categories
Halkenburg chads...?
Halkenchads... Our time is coming.
>Bisky with that haircut
EXTRA cute!
He's litteraly me
this is not how siblings behave!
Hairs down bisky is top cute.
I like Vergei, everyone just accepted strange shit will happen and focused on their mission while he's having a wild ride next to his ideal girl
Was this page necessary?
It would if the guard was more reserved about doing it. But ig it also works to display his degree of caution.
I want to fuck prince camilla and her nen beast
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But... pic related isn't a specialist. Is there really a difference between Paku asking "Do you know who the chain dude is?" and reading the memories, vs. Lynch asking "Are you Hisoka?" and getting the answer? Because the difference doesn't seem substantial enough for me.
The difference is that Pakunoda can just do it, Lynch has to punch someone when doing it? Nen is not
You can have similar abilities while being of different classes.

Case on point, Kurapika could've been a Manipulator instead of a Conjurer.
I just assumed the punch was part of Lynch's personality, effecting how the power came out, As well as a limitation, Like Gon's JaJanken. Pakunoda also has to touch someone to read them.
>Case on point, Kurapika could've been a Manipulator instead of a Conjurer.
Get the fuck out of here, a manipulator could make 2, maybe 3 of Kurapika's chains but manipulators don't give supernatural rules to their items, dowsing chain? The Dolphin?
Anon, most abilities we are shown are "scary"
>Time manipulation
>Coercive manipulation
>Forced Zetsu (Both Pika and Cammy but due different reasons)
She has to emit her nen through somebody to get the answers
Pakunoda only has to touch them and she can conjure the memories into bullets which are part of her specialist abilities
Speaking of Paku vs Lynch vs Kurapika and Specialization, consider this. Lynch asks a question and forces it out through a punch. Paku doesn’t even have to ask a question, she can just sort through memories at will, to me it seems like she doesn’t ‘have’ to ask a question, it’s just easier and quicker. Kurapika’s dowsing chain works on a nebulous property even he doesn’t fully understand, and I feel like that could sort of relate to how Paku’s ability is more freeform in how it’s implemented.
Yeah I meant manipulating chains... And giving them some special abilities... You know what I meant. Him tricking Uvo into making him believe he's a Manipulator is what made him win after all.

What I meant is that an ability can do the same thing on paper but they can behave differently. Pakunoda probably just straight up reads your memories, there's no "le comprehend what memories are" step for her, because she's a Specialist. Lynch just thought really hard "man it would be cool if I could punch a confession out of my victims" and her ability manifested

They KINDA do the same thing (not really, Pakunoda's confirmed to be better as it reads deeper memories you may not even be aware of, Lynch probably can get out false confessions if her victim is not aware) but they're different.
I guess... but all of these seem like post hoc justifications, like if you asked anyone about Lynch's power, or Halkenburg's GSB before they were revealed, that person would tell you those are obviously specialist because memories are specialists domain like time, power stealing etc.
Honestly, the more Togashi reveals of the power system, the less the specialist class fees like it has to exist.
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Even their way of marking themselves is both different in execution but similar in concept. A visible display of the unity their respective camps have. It's why I strongly think we can guess Benjamin's GSB will do something with his men since Halkenburgs already does and both spirits are the only two that remain perched on their host all the time.
It’s how I want them to behave
His beast might also be like the third prince's, as in it reflects his personality to such an extent it's ability is not useful.
Something like a straightforward offensive ability Benjamin doesn't need.
oh you little joker. You got me.
I've never related to a character more in my life
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This dude is cool.
Something I don’t really see discussed, but how do you rate Togashi’s Nen beats designs for the princes? Are any of them iconic or could be iconic?
Kirby boss
Zhang Lei and Tse's are the only ones that particularly stand out designwise. Benjamin's is amusing.
Gotta give Togashi credit, he's really been holding back aura levels so when you see something like this it actually feels impactful.
hamster was the cutest i miss him (even if he was a retard who got his prince killed)
Literally me wth
>having to figure out abilities by himself
>massive wall of texts no one gives a shit about
They hate Rihan because he's just like them
Thanks OP such a nice evening read these chapters.
Nice catch that is such a nice detail. I like reading with you guys you see things I miss.
Can someone explain why Halks group is so strong? None of them are nen users, and Halk is a newbie, it’s not like they have a ton of aura. Is it because of their loyalty to him serves as a multiplier or something? It’s not like this is , a zodiacs group ability or something…
I like them. They are very recognizable yet feel unique, but at the same time they have a "look". You know, "that looks like a nen beast". They couple with their respective prince well too. Really well done imo.
I really like Halkenburg's but it looks like a fucking dragonquest monster
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Kurapika said it before, there could be a condition that Halkenberg is willing to stake his very life on that awakened his ability. It could be if he deviates from his desire to completely tear down the system that would allow for something like the succession war that he will suffer consequences
So Halkenburgs arrow ability thing is a hatsu granted by his GSB, but said GSB also has a different ability? The memory erasing thing?
It's officially over
Hello, based department?
No. Halkenburgs' arrow is his own ability. The reason why he can use it at all is thanks to his Nen beast providing Nen to him.
Kurapika X Babi
he can fix him
Pretty crazy that it's already this strong with only a dozen or so people. Probably the one human-made Nen ability that I can see potentially surpassing Meruem in terms of sheer aura
Guardian Spirit Beasts are just built different
Fugetsu and Kacho are so cute
>Time manipulation
Tse's ability is more like foresight + illusion, he's basically neon on steroids + invisibility and a convenient decoy.

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