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Hey everyone, the typeset for ch153 is ready! Enjoy!
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And there you go! A couple quick notes while I’m here:
I’m making really good progress on the vol.10 special booklet, and should have that ready to release fairly soon!
Also, a day or two ago, they released a fairly hefty preview of the upcoming novel, so I’ve got some more details on that. It consists of 4 short stories, plus a prologue and an epilogue, and seems like it’ll come in around 240-250 pages (pray for me). The titles of the four stories are:

>Sekine Moeko Takes a Step Forward
>I Want to Play a Card Game
>Kanzaki Kenta Tries to Touch
>Mama Yamada Wants Him to Confess

And least in the chapter that’s in the preview, it’s written in 1st person from Moe’s POV, so presumably it’ll be like that for the other characters? Anyway, who knows how long it’ll take me, but I definitely do plan on translating this.
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Ah, also, I've updated ch151 with this page on MD, so that should fix both TL errors in there? Sorry for the delay on this.
Thanks, anon!
What's the issue with the photo?
Japan is fucked up with idol/model stalkers.
thank you anon, daisuki
>and seems like it’ll come in around 240-250 pages (pray for me).
It's over. tl-san shinda!
I don't get it. Shouldn't the school have security for everyone there during the event? I know what happened to Abe shows how lax they are with these but isn't banning a possible victim from going out pretty fucked up?
She might as well not go to school at all then.

And thinking about it he might be right as we have an adult not related to the school or student got to be alone in room with an unrelated student. Ichikawa's parents would have every right to sue the school for letting that happen.
>Yamada remembering Ichi's tip on blood makeup from last year
>sweet devil.mp3
>an adult not related to the school
he's not a stranger to the school, they most likely know that he's Yamada's manager
Pretty sure JP schools don't have any security at all. They make the kids do all the cleaning so I don't think janitorial staff exist either. Ichi's parents would a. not want to cause a fuss and b. blame him for being in the class by himself in the first place.

It can't be helped.
>They make the kids do all the cleaning so I don't think janitorial staff exist either.
NTR hentai manga tell me a different story here.
Good point, the Ugly Bastard community would be out of a major employment opportunity if janitors simply did not exist at all. They must be some of them to do general maintenance on the school grounds.
Why doesn't the agency just force Yamada to wear a hat and glasses and change her hairstyle into braids or something at school, that seems to work in every other idol manga.
Yeah, realistically you have to have people on hand to do cleaning/maintenance tasks that are too dangerous/require too much training for kids to do.
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She did four chapters ago and got identified anyway, anon.
I'm pretty sure Japanese school cultural festivals are public events, so basically anyone can come in.

I would stay for Nyaa's armpits too
Should've worn sunglasses and a fedora and trenchcoat.
That works every time when someone wants to be inconspicuous.
I hope Suwa talks and explains a bit about the industry and why it's important that she hides her private identity and relationship status, too many people seems to have trouble understanding it since it's an unfamiliar topic
Ichikawa's been extremely paranoid about their relationship being found out by the school/general public since before they were even officially dating, he doesn't need Suwa to drill that into him. If anything Suwa's probably going to tell him that he's worrying *too* much about that.
Ichi understands all of that but the viewers who aren't as smart as him and keep asking dumb question "why do they even hide it?" need a reminder. Suwa doesn't know that Ichi is aware so that would be a good opportunity to exlain it again
I like how Chii expected Ichi to know that Yamada was not going to be at school these two days but she still is unable to put 2+2 together yet.
c'mon Ichi turn on your phone she might have texted you
Oh wait, I thought in the raw thread that Suwa-san came later that day (when the festival was already over) But now I noticed that there is still sunlight are this is probably happening around noon.
So there is still a chance that Ichi and Yamada can share an after class festival date together.
I don't understand why anyone would let their child take on this kind of job if it's so dangerous.
Also I think festivals like these usually take up multiple days so maybe she just shows up on the second/last day.
Thanks anon.
this is what I mean by stupid questions >>271197615
I'm probably 20 IQ points higher than you, kid. You can't even discuss things and think differing perspectives indicate mental incapacity.
driving a car is dangerous so why do people do it?
We don't let children drive cars, we don't let children do dangerous work in general. But somehow, selling sex is fine.
>We don't let children drive cars
in most countries you can get a driver's license at 14-16
18 in Japan. Regardless, driving a car is fairly safe and we test for it. If someone has to worry about being stalked for their job to the point they can't go to normal events and must guard their image as if they were operating as a superhero, I as a parent wouldn't find it acceptable. In reality, most child star parent's are selfish profiting off of their children or happy for the reflected glory, but this manga doesn't want to depict that and instead has the parent's seemingly just ignorant and hands off.
Not enough Moeko in the chapter
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16 for mopeds.
>driving a car is fairly safe and we test for it
being a teenage celebrity is also safe as long as they can keep her private information from leaking and that's what the agency is doing by not allowing her to attend the festival of her school
and sending in an adult to intimidate a teenage boy into compliance. You would not want to upset "The Agency".
we don't know yet why Suwa is there
Yeah, the issue is clearly "a bunch of outsiders are going to be at school for the festival, if Anna gets caught in a photo again it'll confirm that she goes to that school"
Risk vs. Reward, anon. We drive to get to places we can't on foot. What's the point of letting your kid be a celebrity that has to guard their information in order to be safe to the point where they can't have a normal childhood and socialize with their peers? They don't seem to need the money, they have a really nice place. Besides that, the implication of "why" they have to guard her information, what her value is as a teen celebrity, is a lot more distasteful.
What would the first time with Moeko be like?
>has the parent's seemingly just ignorant and hands off
Yamada's mom is pretty strict with her outside of home and she does accompany her when she needs to go to other cities like when she has an acting role.
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I meant hands off in that they don't try to impose on her choices. I'd like to know their actual rationale for accepting this "career".
>Risk vs. Reward, anon
yeah. Yamada's job is not a simple hobby it's her career path that she also enjoys. She mostly can have a normal childhood aswell, she attends a public school, she has normal friends and a romantic relationship. Most people would love to be in her position.
>Yamada's job is not a simple hobby it's her career path that she also enjoys
A career she is mostly ignorant about, due to her age, and enjoys because it validates her, yes.
>She mostly can have a normal childhood aswell, she attends a public school, she has normal friends and a romantic relationship
"Mostly" and a relationship with Sword of Damocles hanging over it.
>Most people would love to be in her position.
Why do I care about these "most people"? "Most people" are idiots who crave fame without regard for consequence.
I don't see your problem to be honest. You sound like a pussy who would give up on your dreams because of potential consequences. Like someone who never takes any risks and is bitter when others do it with success.
air is 78% nitrogen, stop breathing immediately!
Calm down, kid, it's just conversation about fictional people. Risking myself is not the same as risking my child and it's also about what they are doing and what it means. Why does this particular career path start at 14, huh? What's her value to the people she works for and with?
"The Agency" has expended a lot of time and money into the continued success of Anna Akino and we can not allow that investment to be wasted by some chuuni manlet.
>hy does this particular career path start at 14, huh?
it started at 10, Suwa knew her for 4 years before Ichi and he talked
>Risking myself is not the same as risking my child
nobody is risking her life. They teach her how to be safe in the invironment she chose. That's what parents and guardians do.
>We don't let children drive cars
>Americans drive cars at 16, I think
>But they can't drink until 21
What a fucking weird country
>it started at 10, Suwa knew her for 4 years before Ichi and he talked
Even more telling. Youth is the product.
>nobody is risking her life
You can lose more than your life in life. Consequences are not just physical. It's sacrificing ease of living in the world for what? Fame and money. Now, what kind of personality seeks fame and money? Is that wife material?
>They teach her how to be safe in the invironment she chose
Bad parenting. Kids are ignorant, parenting is teaching a child to understand their environment, not simply be safe in it.
it switched from 18 to 21 in the year 1984 :)
such a loser and coward mentality.
I accept your concession, person wrapped up in the material.
Honestly, I think her agency is pretty chill. It doesn't seem that they are trying to control every aspect of her life (as of yet) and only act in a reactionary manner.
>hurt herself in basketball class
can't practice the sport due to that
>went viral due to a tacktock video
can't do stupid shit like that anymore
>spotted in a school festival, which may lead to some otakus to be aware of were she is studying
Pigman managed to track her school even after she had no idea when they ate ramen together.
Calling it now, Yamada is banned from school events so she is gonna dress up as a zombie or something because zombie Yamada isn't banned.

>Our staff found this earlier and had it deleted.
No mention of how or where. The implication left hanging that we could have you deleted as well. So stop causing problems.
>No mention of how or where.
Copyright strike.
what if Yamada is at the festival but she got lost in the maze?
He's still not related to Ichikawa and got into an empty room alone with him. All the empty rooms should be locked if there is this kind of risk.

This should be pretty concerning to any parent. If this is open to public, the school should do their maximum to provide the safety of the event. Like how shows and sports events tries to make sure you can't go anywhere you want on the venue, don't let people get in with anything that might bring harm to others and stuff. And it's hugely detrimental to the event when something goes wrong.

I find really weird why Yamada didn't tell Ichikawa here. Didn't she learn anything during their school trip? Even if she wasn't aware before that last day, she could tell when she was with just her friends >>271192888 or just call Ichikawa later at night to explain him. I know she's a coward but I thought she had more trust on him to at least talk to her boyfriend. This is just as bad as holding out from Chii that they are dating.
>If this is open to public, the school should do their maximum to provide the safety of the event.
Hes indirectly proving this point to Ichi though, if he can just wander into the school during the event and corner him alone what would a determined idolfaggot do to get near Yamada?
I'm not against or opposing her agent here. Just baffled at how japanese schools are lax with security.
I don't get how he doesn't know about Pigman already.
>I don't get how he doesn't know about Pigman already.

I've always assumed that literally every single person at the agency *except* Anna knows about Pigman and they just let her be on her bullshit oblivious to the fact that everyone fucking knows because they understand that she's not actually a danger to anyone. It's too funny a possibility to not be true.
>I find really weird why Yamada didn't tell Ichikawa here. Didn't she learn anything during their school trip?
Kinda? She decided not to be selfish this time and comply to her agency instead of going to the school festival while feeling guilty about it.
She probably didn't told Ichi anything because she saw how excited he was with the whole ordeal.
anon do you ever leave your house or is that too insecure for you?
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Hey, I will be ripping the LN on the day of release and already have the TL for the prologue(I am just waiting on a friend to check a line for me). Still, I am willing to help out since I usually work on Re:Zero, but that is going on break for a few months. If you want to coordinate work, please contact me on Discord (I posted in the Bokuyaba one, and I am also in the Witch Cult Translations one for RZ). I will be able to get proofreaders for it, too, since we aren't busy.
are you remonwater perhaps?
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Unfortunately, he is retired from translating, same with a bunch of other people from that time.

I've been in charge of all the MTL aspects of our "hybrid" translation system for almost three years now.
>Just baffled at how japanese schools are lax with security.
because Japan has very low crime rate, top 10 safest country in the world
>Just baffled at how japanese schools are lax with security.
Yes unlike American schools thst have metal detectors, full time security and transparent bags and have no violence or crime at all.
Norio is writing a role reversal. At the start of the story Ichikawa was the one who couldn't enjoy festivals until Yamada helped him out and now she can't enjoy them anymore so Ichi is going to find a way to help her out.
TY anon!
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Not the best thread for jarman but it's all we got.
Then surely there would no issue with allowing Yamada to go to her school festival right?

aaaahhhhhhh can't have it both ways
what if the agency knows about pigman's comments and think he'll become a problem if her school info gets leaked?
probably not but why risk it?
Schrodinger's Criminals, they only exist if the plot demands it.
That's perfect, thanks anon
here's an unlikely but realistic scenario what could happen:
>yamada goes to the festival
>some people take pictures and yamada is visible in them
>they post these pictures online (twitter and insta)
>some fans recongize that it's Anna Akino
>the school she visits is now public information
>some fan becomes a stalker
>stalker-kun waits for her near the school and tracks her to her home
>now he knows where she lives
Could have gotten more than that, but i guess he just wants comments that keep it short and simple.
Yeah, she did a reasonable thing and her parents probably told her the same once they got to know about the picture. It would even be a good time to for them to evaluate the decision to pursue this career with so many sacrifices she has to make when their parents don't need the money that comes with, they all only need to focus if it's something that will be positive to this 14~15 year old girl and, if they all on board on that, they need to guide her and be more on watch of what Anna does since that not-tiktok video did way more harm than good to her life generally.

>She probably didn't told Ichi anything because she saw how excited he was with the whole ordeal.
And what would Ichikawa think once he get to know that she wasn't coming right at the day of the event? Like always, Yamada tends to avoid conflict and relies on others to solve things for her like right now with her agent having to explain the stuff to Ichikawa instead of herself and still avoiding telling Chii about their relationship that has been going for what? Half a year already?

It would be funny if he was there to track down Pigman and make sure she doesn't mess with her own image and just happened to find Ichikawa there.
I have no idea why you make such a fuss about Yamada not telling Bayashiko about their relationship, I rarely would even tell my friends who I was in love with because I preferred that matter to be private.
Yeah it's so weird that people think Yamada is obligated to tell anyone about her dating life. Chii is also not interested in romance and if she cared enough about that topic all she had to do is simply ask Yamada if she's dating Ichikawa but she never asked.
Thank you TL Anon for hardworking
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Prologue is finished


Let me know if there's anything wrong. The style is a bit different from what I am used to for Re:Zero, and again, if TLanon would get in touch, that would be great.
Huh? wasn't this going to release on the 25th?
The bookwalker preview is already out; it has the prologue and a good chunk of the Sekine chapter.

Unfortunately, my contacts couldn't get it early for everyone.
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I think your contacts sucks
Yeah, I know, they are really good at getting Re:Zero stuff tho
thanks anon, I hope TLanon sees your post
I don't know why but I feel like the Manga would make more sense if they were high schoolers.
On the contrary, it would be awful.
Ichi being a chuni would make less sense if he was older.
Intreasting thanks guessing Yamada's parents are getting a side story
I think it would be mediocre, considering that Yamada would be 17 and Ichi 16 at the start of the manga. Their personalities should be different in order to make sense of their current age in HS.
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I know Manager is female, but this is really one of those instances of "draw a guy and call him a girl" situation. There's not even a hint of female.
Kidnapping and rape arc WILL happen
Wait, when was it confirmed that Suwa is female?
you made that up, the gender was never confirmed
Imagine entrusting your daughter to this guy...
Man, it's too bad Yamada is special needs, it would be nice if she'd actually be part of the story.
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I miss the cute and lighthearted interactions between the characters. The story is starting to get bogged down by the uncertainty of their futures.
Yeah, Ichi getting kidnapped and raped by Yamada.
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This development was gonna happen sooner or later.
I hope it goes somewhere fast
Kanzaki is going to cram school alright

cramming Hara san behind the school
Nice work
Yamada would need to be a lot smarter or Ichi dumber for them to be in the same high school
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>Kanzaki Kenta Tries to Touch
My man is going to get to second base with two handfuls of belly flab.
If only they had their own manga.
Hara is too cute for manga
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I agree, if only they did.
It's actually the opposite, their relationship works because they're still kids.
>>Mama Yamada Wants Him to Confess
Ooh, parents flashback story.
Need to see Yamamama pressure her gigantic kouhai.
Yamadad is a gourmet chef and Yamama's job is writing about gourmet food/restaurants or something like that so I would guess that she met him through that, not because they worked or went to school at the same place.
Whenever I see pics like OP, I wonder if men really look at it and go "yes this is how boobs work"
Thank you for posting and translating.
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Very cute.
This makes 0 sense since she is first of all a minor and second agency most definitely has clause in agreement that they cant interfere with her personal life when it comes to school.
While idolculture and such being how it is, she is not even remotely big enough deal to warrant intervention like this unless she has gotten actual threats or has an active stalker.
Its a massive over reach on the agencys part.
they totally can interfere with her personal life if they wanted to they could forbid her from dating
Depends on the agreement and she is in the end a part timer. You cant work fulltime as minor in Japan even as a junior idol.
what the agency does totally make sense, they don't want her to leak her private information and get into any sort of scandal. If she doesn't comply she could simply get fired for being too much of a risk.
True, but Suwa's seen where things have been going with those two dorks for over half a year now, if he was going to say "no boyfriends allowed" he'd have sat Anna down and given her that talk a very long time ago.

If anything Suwa's probably going to tell him that they don't really give a shit if the world knows about Ichi and Yamada dating as long as Ichi himself is aware of what he's getting himself into and would actually rather he stick to her when they're out together and keep her dumb ass out of trouble than scurry away whenever he gets worried they'll be spotted together.
this might even be part of their deal, Yamada is allowed to date as long as she does her best to stay out of scandals
Custodian is a better word than janitor to describe this job
Suwa going to meet ichikawa on his turf man-to-man to explain the situation is actually a sign that he respects him
needs moar Kana
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Anna Yamada can't go to the school festival but you know who can?
Stop getting your information about Japan from comic books.
Who could this handsome mystery man be?
his name is Dayama Nana
It's Pigman

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