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Friendly reminder that if you haven't watched Mii's show, you do not belong here.
literally who?
>if you havent watched my obscure wiles forgotten show.. um.. umm... DIE!!!
Note that this is literally everybody no matter the medium.
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>Post *Lust Provoking Image* westoid trash on the anime board
>Tells people they don't belong in here
Jungle de Ikou! For those wondering.
My fucking DICK
Also, an OVA of 3 episodes isn't really a "show", is it?
Jungle TETAS
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At a glance i thought that was Mitsuki bakugo
Nah, Mii is a good girl, not trash from a trash series.
nobody's watching your obscure 1997 OVA
If nothing else, it should be watched just for the killer OP and ED songs.
If they remade it today, how many zoomers would call it blackface?
that op is so fucking good
There is a disturbing lack of Mii posted in this thread
Friendly reminder that if you start a Jungle de Ikou thread and still haven't posted Mii shaking her tits, you do not belong here.
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You get it.
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I belong here
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What extras does the BluRay have and any other big titty anime you have?
does she show her nipples in this
post THAT webm
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Okay gay, it's a charming, decently funny and entertaining, nice little ecchi.
that's not THAT webm
Mii is so great also one of the greatest growth scenes in anime
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Can't check the extras because I haven't fixed my BD player yet, but here's the other stuff I believe fits the criteria
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what's the point in having a hot character in an ecchi show if she doesn't show nipples
If you're helpless without nipples then that's your problem, not mine.
There's also lolis dancing provocatively to transform if that's your thing. Outside of them performing magic in adult bodies, I think that's the lewder than the big tits and tiny spirit dicks.
This is the best anime ever made.
>That hand
>weshart fanart
You clearly haven't.
Go back to your fart threads >>>/aco/
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Fuck off back to /v/ you shit posting attention whore.
This board is about anime, not you.
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>the best anime ever made
You called?
More like Midfusa
Stay on /a/, you content posting gentleman.
This board is about anime, not whining.
you are a black man
More effort than 99.9% of posters
Kill yourself
El basado
> Silenced the haters, entertained the thread, and got repeating digits.
Niggah earned my respect today.
Nah, kill yourself so I don't need to see Midfusa spammed any more

> hols up a blewray and not a cassette or laserdisc for og /a/ cred

Give it back tyrone.
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what's wrong with your haaaaaaaaaaaaaaand
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Is it good?
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It's fun
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>not a laserdisc
who cares
>no groping
So ahead of its time. We didn't start seeing breasts that look this big and natural in mainstream ecchi for at least another decade.
Besides her turning into a giant, is there anything else? this gives me the idea that is just a tiny OVA without much going on besides that.
The design is pure sexo though.
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>some guy organizes twitterfags to draw Mii for July
>easily more than half of the art is just shitass OCs wearing her outfit
Children climaxing in my heccin' animu!?!?1? YESSS
The plot and the battles were nice but the ending was a bit dumb
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The ED always makes me feel so nostalgic.
my first exposure to nose bleeds as a sign of arousal.
a some point her bra snaps and she ends up topless.
I thought the big monster dude's laser destroyed it.
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Choco tits
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My artistic/autistic integrity doesn't allow me to make the obvious joke.
ah one of my gateways to a breast expansion fetish.
The only age progression anime where the hot adult version has more art that the loli. And that is depressing.
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You know I have
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She isn't wrong.
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I wouldn't be who I am if it weren't for Mii
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an actual jungle monkey
Brown hands typed this post
>be a young boy having raging hormones and getting into anime
>open up the latest issue of Animerica at the comic shop
>she an ad for an anime featuring the hugest fucking boobs you've ever seen at this point in your life
>forever be warped to like huge anime tits because of Jungle de Ikou
Oh no, what trauma!
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Zoomers will never know this feel
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No idea.
>Mii thread
>Naga thread

Today is classic titcow today or something?
Classic would be something from the 60s/70s.
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Naga thread? Where?
Similar feeling but it was Ergo Proxy and pale-skinned women with blue eyeliner.
This image is older than some posters on this board.
I really gotta watch this soon.
Just do it today, you have an hour.
God, I've been trying to find the Ranma story from that place for years.
As an aside, here's a catbox with the op, ed and a couple other songs.
That was a painful month
Prevence under #JungleJungleJuly
There were some good ones though
Here's a dropbox for anyone interested
Yeah your right, I’ll watch it later tonight.
Pretty dire
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She's so cute.
A perfect woman
Truly, I also love her expressions when she starts growing up (again) at the start of your WEBM.
why is god a decrepit malnourished nigger
Look at the world around you and ask what part of that doesn't make sense.
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It should have been me, not him.
zoomers are deathly afraid of boobs
they only care about ass
Wrong. Most of my first anime were ecchi stuff like Toraburu and HOTD
>fuck you
>does the macarena
>No art of Mii taking the fat kid's shota cock
Which one?
need more content like this
the growth and falling over was done so well
I watched Jungle de Ikou and Eikan because of the promise of big boobs but neither were that good.
Highschool of the Dead holds up though.
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Takuma, the only male kid in the thing.
Based brat.
Not my very 1st exposure to size fetish, but one of the most memorable ones, probably participated to my awakening to it, now normal-sized women can't really satisfy me anymore...
The breasts were the important part. If you enjoyed anything else, that was a bonus.
Bump for tits
I meant the feel of seeing foreign adult anime in magazines and comics as a kid.
>just one decent set and one single picture out of all
>the single one is probably a trace
Wonder what the plan was in the creation of this OVA. I know they guy who did Project Ako did this so where they hoping for sequels or more?
Anon, he stole that.
I'd imagine there would be something more if it sold better. Jp got an audio drama after the OVA at least.
>hentai proportions and design
>not a hentai
waste of time.
That's what fan art and doujins are for. Actual hentai gets forgotten.
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I like supporting things I like.
But one of the reasons I bought Eiken specifically was in the hope that Media Blasters finally releases the final 3 volumes of Eiken if it got good sales. It's been 16 years, it's long overdue.
Maybe discotek will release it?
>Eiken on Blu-Ray
Anon, I don't like you having shows on blu-ray that I had to pirate as a teenager. It vexes me.
bible black has never been forgotten.
I have Eiken's bluray, I really should buy Jungle's sometime.
it kinda sucks
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Had to dig up my old issue of Animerica circa 2000 because I remember them reviewing it back then. They didn't like it much back then either.
Americans have always been cancer I see, turning everything to trash for the continuous search for female validation.
Yuji Moriyama sounds based.
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> jungle bunny blowout

Man it was such a different time back then.
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Are they dead?
>retarded huge text plastered right smack in the center of the screen where it obstructs everything

Wtf is she even doing?
Everything else has. I miss animenation's online store...
and i've been looking for a fileshare of everything that was on wwoec for just about as long. you can't always get what you want
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Either he didn't know what that means or he was under the assumption the target readership didn't.
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Fertilititty Goddess
Still have it on vhs even though I haven't had one for years now.
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Behold, the only fanart that stays on model and isn't fat and nasty.
Mii is supposed to be petite busty.
Never seen that art before. Wonder if someone has it without the text.
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Why didn't Rongo ever go big mode? The ocean is like right there.
Honestly, the world would be a better place without you in it.
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Boobs unironically too small
You have to remember that back then, American anime fans were trying very hard to shake the dual stigma of "anime is for kids" and "anime is cartoon porn where tentacles rape bitches to death". A 3-episode OVA about titties wasn't good optics.

Now, everyone's desensitized to lewdness if they don't make it a part of their ideology (either for or against).
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I just want more cute brown-with-light-hair anime girls who also have boobs the size of buildings.
Is that so much to ask for?
Kys slopfaggot.
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This girl is really cute
honorable french anon
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Unf look at them bounce
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Reminder that Natsumi is also cute
Goes from a cute spunky loli to a cute sex bomb brown goddess, from 10/10 to 10/10
It is reasonable to assume an adult Natsumi would look just like Mii with her own skin and hair colors?
>no new Jungle de Ikou with an adult Natsumi transforming into a pailoli
That gives me big thinks
I think I still have the VHS somewhere around...
I wouldn't have gotten that experience even if I was older since we didn't have those in my country.
They would make a good pillow.
Post it if you find it.
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That was the point.
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Great puffies.
I remember back in the day when I read Animerica magazine every month and saw the review from this. It was the first time I read a review where someone sperged out about "oh noooo , titties!!" "oh no underaged gurl!!"

Little did I know over 20 years later there would be a whole generation of fags like that bitching over so called " fanservice"
bigger version
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It is slightly amusing that at the time of her creation she had the most absurdly biggest boobs denoting her role as a fertility goddess, but since then there have been scores of characters with tits even double or triple the size compared to her.
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They have some bounce
Thank you for these, hopefully someone comes along and posts even higher resolutions for them.
Thank ya!
What a goddess.
Every time I'm reminded about Mii, I fall in love all over again
Her top moves as though her assets are expanding and contracting as she breathes, which gives the impression they actually contain her lungs.
The dance.
Also I completely forget how she got in this situation.
Measurement creep.
What do you mean?
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I thought I attached it, whoops
Why is it that it seems like these old obscure ecchi characters are moreso remembered by western anime fans than eastern ones? If you look for art of characters like Mii, or the Eiken girls, it's mostly western results.
Fucking Japanese, man. Bless their honesty in being horny and weird.
I don't know, it's just different things that catch on or go into circulation at different times. Reminds me of how the East are surprised that Junji Ito is much more popular in the West.
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Yep, it's essentially what the whole ova is and why it was made.
I remember seeing this specific clip on Dailymotion for the first time in the late 2000s which then made me look for and watch the whole OVA. Jungle will always be special in my heart for that.
It certainly gave unforgettable memories.
>Little girl having an orgasm
*looks nervously over shoulder*
Without going for the low-hanging fruit that Japs love flat girs more, it's just the natural flow between two cultures exchanging their products. Japan probably loves a bunch of shitty ass softcore shows that we made and forgot in time.
I wouldn't also be surprised if eastern horror fans preferred american horror movies to their flavour of horror.
Oh, you bet it. I wasn't even into giant anime girls at the time.
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The Eastern horror scene actually has a few notable movies and characters, but the west has always lead on that front.
That's simply how her powers get activated, completely normal
Sex with Natsumi AND Mii
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Can't have one without the other
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That's right
I still have the op on my mp3 player during training.
The OP is nice, but I find the ED really relaxing.
You don't listen to relaxing music during training
Reminder that the true form of this bombshell is this ugly gremlin.
I hope you now stop fapping to her,
I'd slap you if I could
Sex with Natsumi as she transforms on top of you.
Drawfags please
Cute tiny gremlin
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Very cute
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Oh wow, it actually exists, and by an Eastern artist. Based nipgods
Underage girl sex
For me, it's sex with Mii.
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The dream
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That ass
What's the best way to make Mii and Natsumi love me?
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gets shown off a lot
Not enough, though.
Her husband is the ugly gremlin in the top left. Imagine.
The Asians have been making some pretty good zombie movies as of recent, well, most other countries too. I think America has lagged behind on that front as of late.
>pretty good zombie movies as of recent
Got any recs?
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Very true
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Mii boobed so others could breast.
This isn't /tv/ nor are recs quality (or allowed) posts but since I love zombie movies a lot I'll give you some.
>Train to Busan
>The night eats the world
>The End? L'inferno fuori
Were all pretty good, particularly The night eats the world
>I am a hero
The movie of the manga, changed some things but honestly is just as good as the manga. If not better because it wraps up at the mall.
>Seoul station
A "sequel" of Train to Busan, more just an in universe film. It's entirely cg and looks like the Gyo Tokyo Fish Attack movie.
The "Rec" movies were all pretty good but it's more demonic possession even if they mostly act and work like zombies.
I want to be inside there...
ponder the aroma
Must be flowery, she's a flower goddess.
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Dat ass!
Actually her husband is me
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Is shiny
Nice curves.
She'll certainly grow up into a match for Mii.
Is this the longest lasting Jungle de Ikou thread in /a/ history?
Considering she has the same face, I wouldn't be surprised if she actually is a reincarnation of Mii and will have the same body as an adult.
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But will she wear the junglekini?
No junglekini this time, only the leaves.
>normalfags promote it because big tits.
>ignore the sexy lolis squirting and orgasming.
Only reason i like it is the slutty lolis.
Welcome to the club bub
>normalfags promote it
On what planet?
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Is one of the most reccomended ecchi anime because of big tits by normalfags more reccomended then girls bravo or sora no otoshimono yet everyones ignore 90% of the episodes.
Is it really though? You'd hear of Highschool DxD or Highschool of the Dead first.
And it will continue to be.
This isn't mine, but I found an image of the vhs covers
Historic, this should be kept in museums.
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I thank western artists for remembering Mii.
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Sketch I made for a /v/ thread.
Nice, makes me want to fuck Natsumi, but what was Jungle de Ikou doing on /v/?
>This is the only picture for Jungle on /a/'s booru
truly based as fuck, fat fags ruin everything
Did she just kill an entire office full of salarymen with her gazongas?
yes and i still wish i was the guy stuck to her breasts
just love how she steps thru the ground and falls on the building its animated so well
of course I cant get enough of her size, body and personality
Not a single one of those men held an ounce of grudge towards her.
The animation really is great, the days of OVAs sure we're a different time.
Actually pretty cute, I like the expression and pose a lot, and the bow
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I hear you on all counts, old ova money and passion is nothing to sniff at.
We love giant girls here.
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Him, ironmouse picture shrines, and yukatakeuchifan were instrumental in early boob anime sites for me. Too bad Akio deleted everything and left. And then came back briefly to do a Jungle de Ikou stuffing fetish comic only to disappear again midway what the fuck man
Masturbated to the giantess clip on YouTube at least a thousand times due to parental lock in the internet growing up.
this. And fucking Dailymotion or whatever. Those were dark days for sizefags
Saving every image in this thread
Except whatever this is.
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Giantess enf is top tier
It's the same artists as
>>271271542 and >>271228962
I...I like brown women...
>Bakugou gets Ochako
>Deku gets Bakugou's mom
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Mii, Mii, Mii
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Stronger than an Angel's AT Field?
>he never played the N64 Jungle De Ikou game
missing out
Was that the one by Axel, or is there another one floating around out there?
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>years ago find out Akio's on a member's only porn site
>"fiiiiiine I'll concede and sign up"
>click his section on the site
>MSpaint image of a house on fire
>nothing else
There's a lesson in this somewhere I guess.
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It's stock promotional art that was used for things like advertisements and phone cards.
Alternate version, for instance.
The best thing is her tits have weight to them in the art.
I don't really get why they didn't make the show outright porn.
Sex scenes in hentai suck, I just want to see the tiddies
The Axel one. Though before he burned down his old website he created another for a webocmic he was drawing called Jungle de Ikou Insatiable. It was only 4 or so pages before the deleted everything. Might as well be lost media now because I've never seen those few pages anywhere.
It was in a Sailor moon game thread, which turned to a mahou shoujo thread. Someone asked if Jungle de Ikou was a magical girl show.
Thanks, here's a new one
...is it?
But you don't. At least no exposed tiddies.
Want to req a quick Natsumi sketch?
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I've never been in this situation before and now I'm all flustered. Do I just make up a situation that's not too complicated like "staring down at a boba with a grumpy look [because it won't stay in her shirt]"? Or is that too boring/specific?
Oh, a drawanon?
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Woah, like actual comic pages or just little gag strips?
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Right and left and right and left and oh ho ho!
Oh shit, I remember jacking off to that panty shot when I was 12 or something. Worked hard to pause it at just the right moment.
Supremely based.
Natsumi wearing Mii's costume?
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Mii fan art from 2003, posted on a Japanese site that specialised in fan art about anime girls with big boobs.

It's a pleasure to browse the site, gotta appreciate how the Japanese owner made the index in English too. Artists with the preference to different boob sizes are neatly categorised here
>drew the ENF scene first and firemost
Based Japs.
Ah yes, B for Short of Dusk Studios dot US. Truly a most honorable samurai warrior from the land of the rising sun.
Clearly a weastboo, lol.
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Mii my love
More like mii love.
It is great that a Mii love thread has lasted this long.
Shame it's an upscale
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>try to search for Mii
>get the little Nintendo fellers instead
my rage is infinite
But is there a Mii mii?
Like a full on comic. He created the site for that in March/April 2001 and barely a month later he deleted both that and his main site and disappeared for year. I'll try to recall what I remember of the plot in those few pages. Basically I believe it was set just after the OVA and Natsumi is walking home from school with her friends but is being stalked by some woman whose has similar proportions to Mii but her hair is covering her face and is wearing a business suit. She quickly abducts Natsumi and ties her up to a chair in another location. Natsumi tries asking what she is doing but instead gets a mouthful of cake. The woman proceeds to keep jamming cake into her mouth and the last page I remember seeing being uploaded before deletion was the woman nearly smothering Natsumi with her body while the girl is moaning with a face full of cake. I wondered at the time what the deal with the whole food angle was but since Akio went on later to make Craving Control and that other short lived JDI comic with Axel, it probably would have ended up as a stuffing fetish comic. Even in that gif you can see Mii sticking out her tongue, which would be another focus of his thing he would draw in later stuff.
>if you haven't watched this forgotten old fuck of an anime for trannies and retarded boomers you do not belong to MY BOARD
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No but there's this
VERY cute! What's the source?
oh shit, Akio was behind Craving Control?
Kinda mad Lalia wasn't brown now, and/or he didn't make some fuckhueg Miis.
>black /a/non with good taste
wait the 10 year old girl turns into that brown breasted lady?
Yes, isn't it wonderful?
Image source says it from Pixiv but I can't find it, might not have been labeled with the Jungle de Ikou! tag. This is what ti gave me
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Once she works herself up yes
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I just wish he'd stick around instead of dipping and deleting everything once cold feet sets in. Shame too, since not only was he a connoisseur of huge anime tits before there was an abundance of it, but he was a pretty good artist and writer too (impossible to find his fanfics as well).
Really cute art, thank you.
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One of the true OG
The soul of a true patrician.
Google took me to here https://www.deviantart.com/pinkinflatingass/art/Fan-Art-Jungle-de-Ikou-Mii-1-854628570
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I imagine he found out and had the same face as the man did.
Mii is so incredible, and that animation is so quality. Great stuff.
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Super cute
Ideal figure.
The Big Four.
>ass fangs from behind
The staff were true connoisseurs.
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A divine harvest
I do t know why yet, but there is something special about this art here.
The extra grain in the close up gives it a certain aesthetic
>Ten year old girl feeling a man all up in her chest
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Completely ignoring her banging body, it's crazy how cute Mii's face is.
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Agreed, she's a perpetually cute face
>just borrowed this BD
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Quick sketch
I fell asleep before you posted, did you want that with Natsumi or Mii?
NTA but I assume Natsumi since Mii would have no trouble with the boba challenge (also Mii has no shirt)
Thanks for drawing my request! It's something it seemed strange to me that there were no pictures of, but Jungle isn't very popular, I hate to admit. Very cute!
Wait, when was this?
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When she punches the out of control god guy after hugging him to calm him
Last scene of the third episode.
Right, right. Thank you, her reaction was indeed very cute there.
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Official Fertility Goddesses
Fucking Mii's tits while Natsumi sucks the head of my cock
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wish there was a high quality Daz model
daz3d since to lazy to learn blender inb4 donut
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I feel stupid, I misread boba as booba multiple times.
I'm getting the uuuooohhs for Natsumi
Cute drawing, anon.
I'd love a remake or reboot that brings Mii up to the modern standards of anime bust sizes, but i'd probably have a better chance winning the lottery.
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Been a fan since I took it out of my backlog last year; it's genuinely funny and ultra based for giving us both big brown boobs and loli fanservice.
Is this unironically one of the best cleavage shots ever in anime?
Hell yeah. Birds-eye shots in general are criminally underrated. Tricky to get right, but you just know when it is.
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Boba challenge was a fun trend, good thing she has the shirt.
Can you draw Mii's boobs growing large enough to rip her clothes and Mii getting drenched in pre-cum because of it?
Thank you for the filename.
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This one is nice too.
There is some nice sag in that but the perspective is slightly skewed.
My pleasure!

Same, but it's got charm(s).
I would not trust a reboot/remake to keep the spirit intact. I would rather take some dedicated fan who would go through each individual frame and AI edit every breast to be bigger and change nothing else.
>ai slop it
>AI edit every breast to be bigger
Absolute idiocy, anon.
The key word is "rather" as in instead of.
Remaking Jungle just wouldn't work in current year unless the whole dance with Natsumi gets entirely cut and remade.
I'm jealous of that lucky cel owner
This looks off
On one hand, blackface would be the least of your concerns. On the other hand, Twittertards eating each other alive over whether blackface or booba bigger than a B cup would be more problematic sounds fucking hilarious.
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>I'd love a remake or reboot that brings Mii up to the modern standards of anime bust sizes
I'd wish that for a lot of titcows from 90s and early 2000 anime. Especially Mii, she needs to reclaim that fertility goddess body title.

>I would not trust a reboot/remake to keep the spirit intact

Why not? Yuji Moriyama is still around isn't he? Just give him a budget and he'd probably do another OVA at least.
Abso-fucking-lutely. Gallons.
>Just give him a budget and he'd probably do another OVA at least.
Good luck with that... Does anyone have any idea where the rights to Jungle de Ikou lie nowadays? It's not like it's gotten much use since the OVA itself, almost 30 years ago.
>Does anyone have any idea where the rights to Jungle de Ikou lie nowadays?

I'm pretty sure him lol. He created the dang thing.
He should do something with it. Even a gatcha-mobage type thing.
I'm sure he would love to but he'd need investors to care even for a mobile thing. If someone like Ninja Scroll's Yoshiaki Kawajiri couldn't get anyone to invest in a sequel then something like Jungle de Ikou doesn't have a chance unless some big tiddy fanatic lotto winner or Saudi prince gives him a big sack of money.
>big tiddy fanatic lotto winner
This could be me, if I could guarantee a lotto win.
>Friendly reminder that if you haven't watched Mii's Miis grow, you do not belong here.
True. And I loved watching her bounce and grow.
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Is picrel a worthy successor to Mii?
I'm a simple man. Blonde hot girls are for impregnation.
Unsolicited rough sketch.
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I've never, never been happier to see a (you) to my post. Do you have an art blog? Are you going to take this piece further?
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I assume it's a 90s style thing, but her face is more aesthetically pleasing than most uguu moeblob of today.
NTA but fucking yum, paizuri + BJ combo is a top tier sex act! And both of their cutelewd expressions are adorable!
If you're talking about right, maybe. Initially I was going to do a harder angle and was gonna drop it, but I can work on it a bit more. If you really want it: https://baraag.net/@Rommidraws
Right's the stuff, for sure.
shes cute but not even close to Mii
nta but I knew the artstyle was familiar, and no surprise I was already following you in there lol keep up the good shit
how did that knot resist for so long?
Superior Japanese knot folded over 9000 times.
Actually it is a magical New Guinean knot.
There is more art of Mii than I imagined
It's not enough though.
I'm downloading this right now
what am I in for
I see you're a man of culture as well.
you lack Chifusa's anime tho.
Three episode of fun.
I mean, the dude was robbed of the pleasure of flatness.
truly a heinous crime.
Rongo needs more art.
I'm bad at finishing drawings.
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She managed to garner some niche attention
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Yeah she basically has none
That's so much further along than I could have expected one whimsical comment to generate, thank you so much!
Holy shit, good stuff!
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Rongo's alright and all, but Mii is right there. It's one of the most brutal moggings of all time. The only pictures of Rongo I've ever fapped to had Mii in them.
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That's fair since that's basically all of her images
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I'm not sure if this thread will still be up when I wake, but it'd be really cool if a Jungle de Ikou thread hit 500 posts. I wonder what OP thinks of how this thread turned out.
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These turned out amazing! You got any socials we can stalk you on? What's your favorite charity?
he posted a baraag link earlier
I'm running out of steam today, but here's the first half. Did this in about an hour, so it's jank.
you are a fucking beast man, amazing work, take your break if you need to
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is this just a short ova thing or is it based on anything like a manga? I really want to learn more, especially if there is an artist involved that still does stuff today
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cummies in boobies
These but unironically
There just wasn't a lot of anime that made it over here, so the older ecchi was more novel to Western audiences. To Japan, Jungle de Ikou is one of many ecchi OVAs; to the West, it's one of a handful.

They were also easy targets for older fans and lived on as low-level memes. Eiken is the best example of this; an early 2000s fandom punchline reclaimed by perverts.
90s unhinged OVAs need to come back.
I watched the first episode and it sucked
kinda baffled by its popularity here
It's an early 2000s ecchi, not fucking Pluto or Blame
where is the ecchi
most of ep 1 is just boring
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indeed it is.
Ecchi is stored in the boobs
And elementary schooler ass for that one frame
And that dance that looks like she's touching herself
that was like a minute and a half in a 25 minute episode
Do we even have Ecchi anime anymore? Did it die with Keijo?
I had to stifle a laugh when I saw a Japanese twitter user remark that "Eiken was popular in America".
I am sure is still being made every now and then, but not only feels rare but also it never tops the stuff from early 2000 or the 90s, that was peak ecchi anime since the animation wasn't that bad either
There's been tons since Keijo. I guess its easy to miss when this board is too full of shounen shit and Isekai garbage.
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Holy moly dude thank you so much for this.
Just watched it for the first time and its....pretty fun if you know exactly what you're getting into. Art and animation was very well done for this type of material and there's an overall "not taking ourselves seriously' vibe throughout that makes it an easy watch. Considering there's no manga I get the feeling that this was a canceled TV project that got repackage into an OVA like so many other 90's OVAs but since there's next to no plot the abrupt ending stings a little bit less. Overall way better than I thought it would be.
Nah, the reverse. It was always an OVA project, with plans to make a TV series afterward, but the OVA sales weren't enough to justify that so the TV series plans got scuttled.
Lots. It's just times change with its trends and budgets.
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>could have had dozens of episodes of "lol giant booba"
Life is unfair...
Unironically how would have the first season gone like?
>we never got to see Mii stumble over the weight of her new tits and accidentally paizuri a building
Episode 1-3: as is
Episode 4: >>271325130
Episode 5 onwards: boob
Also more Rongo, including an episode where she and Mii swap outfits
JP also got three drama CDs, a soundtrack CD and a novel
>Drama CD 1
>Story 1 - Natsumi stops a robbery as Mii on her way to school. Then at school, there is a celebration going on. During it, Natsumi loses track of Ongo. Ongo meets up with Rongo in the school kitchen where Ongo accidentally turns all of the beef patties back into live cows! They stampede throughout the halls, but Natsumi becomes Mii and saves the day.
>Story 2 - After walking in on her mother and father as they make love, Natsumi goes on an odyssey throughout the city.
>Drama CD 2
>Story 1 - Natsumi and Takuma notice Nami acting stranger than usual, so they follow her. But suddenly, a monster attacks, cutting off their surveillance and knocking Takuma into the stratosphere! Natsumi becomes Mii and tries to stop it but is defeated, after some mental coaching from Ahem, Mii, Ongo, and Rongo defeat the monster. But then, a flying saucer lands, and an alien emerges carrying Takuma! After Natsumi's foreigner friend Robert speaks to the alien, which happens to be an old friend of his, the alien lets Takuma go.
>Story 2 - Natsumi arrives home only to find that Ahem is visiting! Ahem tells Natsumi a story about an apocalyptic future in which Natsumi, Ongo, and Ahem band together to destroy a dangerous monster.
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>Drama CD 3
>Story 1 - Natsumi, her parents, Nami, and Takuma visit a hot spring in the Izu Peninsula whose administrator, named Sandora, is possessed by an evil force and Natsumi must stop her.
>Story 2 - Natsumi as Mii must rescue Ongo and Rongo when they sneak aboard a space shuttle.
>Story 1 - Natsumi and Takuma are approached by a girl who claims to be Takumi, their daughter from the future! It turns out to be Nami in disguise.
>Story 2 - Natsumi's foreign friend Robert can't pay for the food he's eaten at a restaurant, so he is kicked out until he can.
>Story 3 - Rongo tries to find a present for Ongo to deter his affections away from Natsumi.
>Story 4 - Nami holds a conference, claiming she has uncovered the true identity of Mii. Natsumi panics, and becomes Mii to stop her from revealing her secret, but Nami reveals it anyway. Mii then has Robert distract the audience while she uses her power to erase everyone's memory.

Sounds like it would have been irreverent, comfy adventures, which isn't bad, but is kind of pointless without visuals. Also, I've put no research into this beyond copy-pasting from wikipedia
A lot of these sound pretty fun
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they made a show about these guys?
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woah, i didnt know it was about giant girls
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>mfw I have to teach Natsumi what sex is
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i-i kneel my nigga
Wasn't Jungle de Ikou literally a H-Doujinshi before the anime adaptation which they toned down?
you already seeing 90% of her breasts who cares about the nipples
The anime isn't an adaption.
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thats not angel cop though
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Can't believe the thread's still up and will even make it to bump.
Sasuga Miibros
The manga is very different from the anime
She becomes Alita 2.0 and turned into a cyborg
It's her duty to learn as the vessel of the Mii
Cute Mii sketches, were these a part of the audio Drama CDs?
Yeah, the drama is on dailymotion.
Now THIS I gotta see.
i thought something like that was gonna happen in the ovas since she cant use that powerful gun or else she destroys the muscles in her arm or something like that.
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I'll have to look em up just to see.
Even Mii's gag faces turn me on. That scene of her rattling off plane details was pretty funny.
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Same they're all still cute, I forget that part, need to rewatch it in honor of this hitting bump limit.
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>500 post Jungle de Ikou thread
Mii love is alive and well on /a/
i love this style of designs from the 90s
per what >>271326162 said, it is a original production, so no manga.

There is the fact that the manga feels like a GITS parody Mixed with Bubblegum Crisis, plus the fact that the author was so inspired by Robocop that he turned Angel into Robocop.
Silent Mobius Kiddy was based on her but at least she didn't went full robocop
so is the manga good or not?
>500 replies for a relatively niche OVA
It's a 4chan miracle.
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This thread actually produced some pictures and even animations of Mii and Natsumi, and brought up a lot of old stuff I didn't know about! Reminded people about Mii and introduced her to some! I don't want it to go!
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You know it!
Checked and oh well. It's more than enough fap fuel anyway.
4chins storytimed all of it once, and mangareader took it from here, it isnt bad, but the ova is better.
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Same, the charm is off the charts, and I actually do like the curve of everyone's face in this a lot
All good things...
Though dick and autism, unity.
>I don't want it to go!
There's always the draw threads and next week!
is it some sort of secret rule to make a manga adaptation of an existing anime or ova less good?
i hate to be that guy actually i dont but man modern anime looks so soulless compared to stuff from the 90s and 80s and 70s even compared to the early 2000s
All the money from the old boom definitely let a lot of animators run wild, and experiment, and do their own things
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There's not enough jp art of Mii. Who are some good artists to skeb?
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Not sure, but I agree there needs to be more
and people always say, duhr there was shit back then too. like yeah no doubt but what im saying is that the stuff that is considered good these days doesnt even compare to stuff that was considered mediocre back then let alone to the stuff that was actually considered good
read it by yourself anon https://mangadex.org/title/a6cfaa84-eab8-4809-99b7-557b11c33d2c/angel-cop
oh its pretty short, i'll read it later, it would be good for killing some time
quick question, is the manga made by the same guy that wrote the story of the ova?
Thanks to the drawfags for their contributions, good stuff.
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Since we won't be getting another comfy thread for a while, I might as well post my /ss/ card from last year as an offering.
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Oh nice, fun drawing
Nice, who's on the left?
Sadawawa from Getsuyoubi no Tawawa.
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Take care and keep on bouncing, Anons!
I hope to see more of Mii in the big breast threads /a/ has so frequently
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Will do!
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Till next time! Mii love! Natsumi love!
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They really advertised basically the whole in the advertising
*the whole dance
I ment to say
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Reminder for any Miifriend that we have a semi-Jungle thread on /e/.
See ya there!
I love massive huge chocolate milkers
They're full of the power of the earth.
I will!
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Mii boobily breasted her way into our hearts.
Unironic ZAMN!
Mii is absolutely fucking incredible and it's a god damn shame her time was decades ago. Look at all those trash gacha girls racking up thousands of pictures in a week, that should be Mii.
I hear you
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>pictures taken moments before disasters
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Last for Natsumi
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This is the opposite of a disaster
Unpopular opinion: she should have been nopan.
popular opinion with me
This but Mii
>This is the opposite of a disaster
It's a happy accident.
Nah, keep the panties on with Mii.

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