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Wtf is this?
Japan bending the knee to the West.
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The only bad casting in season 2
She's good.
>croc isn't transmasc
it's joever
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>brown actress for Vivi
>white actress for Robin
Netflix is retarded
I wish One Piece had lolis
>bad casting
>Princess from a desert kingdom is white as snow
>Russian woman is tanned
If I didn't know it was just a Toei mistake I would say it was Oda that was retarded
>i want to talk about western made shows and western actors and western politics XD because i love drama like a faggot!
And don't come back you fucking roach.
>Russian woman
The retard here is (You).
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All the female characters in One Piece are also lolis.
Did you really expect anything else from Netflix? The fact that you're surprised by this is surprising to me

send vivi actor and robin actor some one piece vivi and robin doujinshis for inspiration I bet that'll help.
Dude look at the rest of the cast for season 2. It's all accurate which is why Vivi's casting is so strange
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It's also strange because there are plenty of pale-skinned Indians too. Pic related for example, they definitely aren't all dark.

At least they're attractive. Netflix has a real thing about castings being the opposite of pretty all the time.
it's still Netflix, the longer it goes on, the less Oda will care and the more Netflix will feel like there isn't enough "diversity".(i.e. dark skinned people)
>"GAYY" captcha
Funny because season 2 is whiter than season 1
I can't find Indian people appealing even if they are not ugly. I guess seeing so many posts about Indian people being unhygienic has done its thing on me.
Daily reminder that Oda chose the actors
Do not redeem sir
Looks like a shounenspic making /a/ worse by creating a shit 3dpd thread.
I'd kill for a threesome with them
Basically only engage with the higher caste ones.
Americans require everything to be filled with at least one Nigger to get anything to their American TVs.
That doesn't mean shit, because the "caste system" doesn't mean shit. They're ALL shit.
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Reminder: don't watch Netflixs adaptation, they're woke trash who hate fanservice and don't have the balls to sexualize female characters, theyll censor every Nami outfit, theyll censor every Robin outfit, theyll remove any and all lewd fanservice scenes, don't support woke trash or theyll keep making trash without female nudity nor female lewdness
Zionism in action.
Very true but she isn't black. I think the only black guy they have cast for this season is Mr 5 and fair enough
I don't see the big deal desu, she's pretty and her facial features look similar, like the tapered brows, big eyes, straight nose, and heart-shaped face.
Not like there's any reason to watch live action adaptions of anime anyway.
arabs were freaking out about this unironically
Did they get a tranny for Bon Clay?
lay off the porn for a while pal
Bon won't be in this season
seems fine to me
move on incels
why even give a fuck
its netslop media
holy goonerbrain
An actor. Did you think they cast someone because they had blue hair? What a fucking retard you are
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Vice Admiral Doll!?
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They surprisingly gave a boob cleavage to a Nami shirt that originally did not have one. I know it's not a big deal and barely makes a difference, but it's still way more than I would expect from a modern american production.
An Indian actress being cast for a character that comes from a country based on Egypt and India. What’s the big deal?

Are you going to freak out when they cast a Hispanic for Doflamingo?
I have a suspicion that Emily Rudd being a tremendously degenerate weeb (her favourite anime and manga, at least that she will admit, is Made In Abyss, and she weirded out some of her costars in interviews when she started revealing her power level) has something to do with it.
I mean I’d be pissed too if I was Arab and a bunch of Hollywood Zionists were like. “Let’s give representation for everyone, except Arabs.” Like it comes off completely hypocritical from even an outside perspective.
Would you have freaked out if Zoro was from Vietnam or Sanji was from turkey?
If she was Arab then she'd have to wear the hijab or they would be even more pissed, so I assume Netflix just Occam's Razored it to Indian - still diversity points so they can hide behind it.
artist? saucenao isn't helping
Too young for Robin
Garbage and garbage.
i have a MENA woman fetish, the casting for vivi made me drop the live action
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not everyone in the middle east wears a hijab. there are also a lot of middle east descent outside the region that don't wear it.
pic related is a west bank Christian woman.
Sanji’s actor is Middle Eastern though. I would’ve been fine with Vietnamese Zoro though. He’s already tan pretimeskip in the anime
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CGI chopper confirmed.
He's calling Vivi the only bad casting and showing two examples of good casting
Oda has a hand in the casting though
For FUCKING real
>I want real MENA
>the actress will have to be covered from head to toes otherwise the studio risks being bombed
there you have it. You are ignorant.
a lot of lebanese muslims don't even wear a hijab.
If we're gonna use stereotypes,
>hire indian
>nami and robin's actresses get raped
>jeeta shits on set
Why do his horns have have hair?
God damn we will see hot lesbian action with Vivi?
Sound like a win to me
bro is sanji's actor gay?
lebanese are never getting over gay and femboy accusations
The report said they were cheering over a realistic cleopatra

I thought she was a Pisces
The fanatic muslim doesnt give a shit if your lebanese caring or not
They will bomb the studio if they found it offensive enough
raindeer horns have velvet
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Because raindeers have fur on their horns. They shed them after winter for the mating season.
>he doesn't know Lebanon is a mixed religion country
>Christians are fine but they're getting bombed by jews rn
it's ok to admit you're ignorant, jeet.
Because the Taylor movie is like 80 years ago you dust brain
Did you forgot about Exodus god and kings?
>Are you going to freak out when they cast a Hispanic for Doflamingo?
Yes because the Celestial Dragons are white slavers
this retard
sanji's actor is a lebanese and seems gay.
all your argument is gay like sanji

Egypt banned the exodus films over slandering Ramses II and not because of white people.
There are a lot of light skins in North Africa.
Your point? Lebanon is not the whole muslim world
Even if they are ok, there will be religious nuts from other muslim country who cry about ‘exposed’ MENA women
Oh so they will ban this movie because an indian is playing Vivi?
Nobody actually gives a fuck Ahmed
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the point is, a lot of tards say they can't hire a hot middle eastern because of stupid reasons like the studio gets bombed,
meanwhile there's sanji. Shakira is shaking her ass and belly dancing, she is middle eastern descent too.
A lot of people agree Vivi is a miscast, period.

also toei studio is getting Saudi Arabian investments. The crown prince favorite anime is one piece. He's gonna pardon any Arab lady if she plays a role there.
he also allowed a gay rave in his nation.
sanji is a man
Shakira is middle eastern ‘descent’
Lmao, I'm not Arab nor a Muslim.
I'm a middle eastern woman fetishist. Indian women are ugly, simple as.
>/a/ caring about live action
>/a/ caring about western live action
the bar keeps on getting lower
Who do you think is getting cut/changed for CGI Chopper budget reasons?

My guess is
>Wapols Submarine
>Smokers bike
>Skinny Alvida
>Dalton's Bison Fruit
>Wapol as a House
is the live action worth watching at all? does it fill in any gaps that the manga/anime left unfilled?
A large part of persia is forests and mountains however
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here's your Nico Robin bro.
Nami’s actress is a 40 year old Jewish woman
No. The acting is horrible and the dialogue feels like it was written by Chat GPT fed with OP manga and politically correct parameters.
>politically correct parameters.
an example?
Sanji’s entire character is formatted to not sexually harass women.
he never sexually harassed women
Except he hit on both Nami and Nojiko.
>actively pursues women who staunchly reject him, reckless eyeballs, and even peeps on women
Pajeet-kun… no means no
They made him a gentleman player, not a lecher. Actively try to read the fucking manga instead being a speed reader before joining our conversation
I honestly prefer Ladies man Sanji to simp pervert Sanji. That's not just a live action thing either. He can do it in the manga and anime as well. I've never found that nosebleed shit funny
Whether you or me prefer it or not is irrelevant. It’s always been corny. But it is proof that they actively changed a main character to become more politically correct. And the acting still sucks. Luffy is given the bare minimum of dialogue because he can hardly speak English.
>to become more politically correct
Or because it's just plain shit
Found the kikeflix intern
Nah it's just lame. It's one of those things anime does that makes me embarrassed to like anime
robin looks good, and vivi probably will look good too with the blue hairs and chara
Honestly, Sanji has many good qualities as a character, his occasional ladies man and white knighting being one of them. His characterisation outside of women too. The problem is that he constantly regresses to the annoying pervert part. He is literally not allowed to grow as a character in that regard and the only time the nosebleed was actually relevant was Fishman Island
They are all hired based on the place they belong to according to oda. Sanji nami luffy are all accurate isnt it
Yeah Robin looks good and she's tall. The season 2 casting has been pretty good. I'm glad they weren't able to get Jaime Lee Curtis. I wouldn't have thought of the married with children actress but she's much better
Jamie Lee Curtis is damn near 95 years old and looks like shit
If you go by broad strokes I suppose. Nami and Sanji's actors aren't from where Oda said but they're white, Luffy is anything south of the border and as for Usopp? Well I guess he is "African"
In that case did Oda ever specify where Vivi would be from like he did with the other Strawhats?
I said I'm glad they didn't get her didn't I? She was the top fan cast though
The only reason they didn't get Curtis is because she was filming something else and the studio in question refused to let her break contract no matter what she offered them. Pure Hollywood dickery designed to fuck over Netflix apparently, because Hollywood still seethes at streaming.
Luffy being a literal negro as a child and growing up to become some sort of mayan beaner is jarring and I could never get past episode 1 because of that simple casting decision. What were they thinking?
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Arabs became egyptians because they thought the manga is about egypt but the place is India so they were pissed. And nami in manga is white so non arabs were pissed that she was brown
Vivi was from an ancient Egyptian inspired culture. The Egyptians are a Mediterranean people, not pakis like this gross abomination of an actress they picked
Yeah I know that anon. I'm saying they dodged a bullet
Vivi should be from Vegas
I don't know but I didn't care that much either
Nami is swedish according to oda ,cant tell if the actress is from there but zoro is japanese, sanji is from france , luffy is brazilian ,robin is russian and vivi is Indian. I think they are atleast trying to find a fit based on region unless they cant find a suitable one
Indian people are smelly. Why can’t those mfs wear deodorant?
They're top busy answering westnoid peoples phone calls on how things work since they're too dumb yo figure it out for themselves
>nooooo why did they make an egyptian character TANNED
Legendary faggotry, OP.
Emily Rudd is not Swedish. She is a weeaboo though.
Egyptian people and Indian people are not the same, Paco. One culture rides on camels while the other poops in the street
Camel riders didnt built the pyramids
Neither did the curries
good, because they went way too old for Nami, they need tor ecast with younger people because this show is the next GoTs and is last for 10 years
better to go younger than older if they want to keep doing seasons
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>(her favourite anime and manga, at least that she will admit, is Made In Abyss, and she weirded out some of her costars in interviews when she started revealing her power level)
Hot damn. Didn't know she was so based
I'd totally have sex with that robin.
>Everyone still taking the real world nationalities as a word of god
In his heart of hearts all of these characters are essentially just Japanese because the only time Oda has actually visited another country is probably the time he went to Hawaii for a vacation
>Hire an indian
Because light skinned egyptians don't exist?
by who's standards?
>ancient egypt
Not even modern egypt is arab. Arabs have nothing to do with this conversation.
None that can act, no.
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So we agree she accurate by Odas standards. good
Luffy’s actor is mexican, not brazilian
Sanji’s actor is a spaniard with british/arab blood, not french
Nami isn’t swedish
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Shoulda cast Emily Rudd twice
I usually dont care about this stuff but maybe hire egyptians for an egyptian setting. Then again if she does a good job acting whatever. Make up exists for a reason
from that large eqyptian acting studio in cali, yes
>casting a walled woman for a teen
Simply ebin.
Americans casted Aladdin and Jasmine as Indians in the live action adaptation so no surprise here
The racism against Indians is getting exhausting. As a jeet that's been browsing this board for the last decade, I'm genuinely thinking of quiting.
Its very unlikely but having Rami Malek would be nice
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if he could he would
even while taking a dump
Buy a toilet on your way out
that looks cool af.
Aladdin was an Egyptian guy, not Indian.
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The manga is based on real place in India its not egypt.
OG Aladdin was Chinese or Uyghur but the Disney version was Arab
Skinny (well, healthy) Alvida is confirmed. The actress lost weight and has already filmed her scenes for S2.
I thought we were talking about the live action Aladdin here. They cast an Egyptian guy for Aladdin, Jasmine was Indian though.
Go kill yourself, you annoying chud rodent. I'm tired of your constant whining about irrelevant shit.
Oda literally went on record in saying Alabasta was inspired by Egypt. One Piece locations can have inspiration from multiple real life places but Alabasta is clearly primarily Egypt
>They cast an Egyptian guy for Aladdin,
My bad then, I thought he was Indian
alabasta is based on idnia fucking retard. in dressrosa we got the first time arab charcaters with alluh ackbar
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That character isn't even from alabasta
I'm gonna fap so much to 3D Robin
This Oda is a lazy lack who only knows how to draw Nami with a different hair color so the actress should play all the girls
good night saar
see you tomorrow
Can tell if a troll or newfag .Its a member of baroque works same as vivi
I mean he isn't from the alabasta setting himself
Robin is 29 in Alabasta, right? is that actress not close?
He actually based it more on the Sultanates of India whether he admits it or not.
This officially ended every "brown character is indian" debate in history. Japanese dont see Indians as brown, they portray them as light skinned (another good example is Osamu Tezuka's Buddha).

From now on, every dark skinned character is black or latinx.
Maybe 15 yrs ago they would've hired on merit, but let's be honest. They are all dei diversity clowns.
You have to be a retarded touristfag to watch the shitfix crap. This is dei garbage. They are even gonna remake the early season for special ed retard to watch on their dumb phones. ( Fucking tourist ruining our hobbies)
Fuck off , Tourist. You don't even watch anime
As if White people are so fucking clean. Most of them don't even wash their entire body when showering and they are known for fucking their pets.

One of the reasons I never stick my dick in White bitches with Dogs, because of the high probability that at some point they likely took it's knot
Chill! He didn't type a lie.
Oh, the hypocrisy.....
Neither did the other , anon.

Who said anything about sterotyping? I said Whitess aren't clean either and love to fuck Dogs. Whats the issue here?
>hurr death of the author
Also why are you people so fucking thin skinned when shit is said about you. Honest question here. You shit on every race under the sun but when you get told about yourselfs, you get emotional about it. Don't dish it out if you can't take it.
She's older, she's 30
You can't have arab girls half naked, so they picked a pajeeta.
>You can't have arab girls half naked,
Mia Khalifa didn't get that memo
Netflix slop
I casualties watched the Netflix slop, it's whatever. Doesn't hold a candle to the OG. I just hate the made Vivi a pajeet
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Tummy > cleavage
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That's cool. I felt she was pretty good as Alvida, and was mixed on the idea of telling her she was no longer needed so we could slim the character down, but also didn't want to lose that aspect of the original to some silly "body positivity" nonsense.
I'm gonna do the needful since the princess of a desert country being brown makes sense
She's hot, therefore I don't care.
>Black weab that looks normal
That explains why the show didn't go full on Shitflix. One Piece lucked out not getting someone like the pink haired black dude from She-Hulk.
>>actively pursues women who staunchly reject him,
an example?
it's arabasta dude, people in those climates are nog-adjacent
Shart Piss is turd world kino, chud.
Sir, this is a One Piece thread.
Big if true, maybe we can get Robin to actually look hot if we astroturf Rudd enough that she gets more of a saying on what goes and what not. The russian chick playing Robin already looks like she doesn't care if she's sexualized.
Conceptualize the stench (of curry)
Diversity hire

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