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Did she really fuck Kaiki?
no, she fucked hanekawa
Yes, she shoved her big dick in his butthole
She wishes, but fortunately for Kaiki he avoided that honey trap.
I don't really understand the point of introducing the new character "Senshougahara" during the culmination of the Nadeko Medusa arc. She shows up for one episode, contacts Kaiki, talks for a bit, and then disappears for the rest of the season. Wouldn't it be more appropriate for one of the main cast like Gaen, Hanekawa, or even Senjougahara to contact Kaiki instead?
kaiki is loyal, so no
They are both virgins
kaiki more like kikeki am i roght bros xddd
it's been established for a long that that Kaiki did indeed fuck crabwhore
I think so, but the series is not brave enough to outright say it, so we have to speculate.
So Ararararararagi went right for the ass? And has kept her a virgin, for some reason?
he just walked her home
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he took all of Crab's holes, unironically.
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Ragi is such a pretty girl
i want to watch this but i know that other websites will give me some convoluted watch order like they do with f/sn
What's the order for watching this
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I just watched 6.5 and man, it was like Nisio read some classic grimms tale and stuffed it into monogatari with his own addition of *literally everyone* dying for no reason.
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Why didn’t she rape araragi after she beat him? Not enough blood pressure to get an erection?
just watch the anime release order or the book publication order
that's up to us to decide
novel release order as the author intended
Didn't we settle this already? Stop fucking asking everytime... YES
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Hitagi Senjougahara believes with all her heart that Kaiki Deishuu took her first time. When in reality it was a fata morgana, a trick of the light. She saw Kaiki in a state of undress before she presented him with her hindquarters But her face was in the pillow the entire time. Kaiki didn't speak during. In the end it could have been any older man. Knowing Kaiki though it would have been an older man with a fat wallet.
Kaiki's penis is for one woman only.
His tombstone will probably read 'he never scored'.
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>you will never have a monkey bro to molest girls with
Reminder that she canonically deflowered Araragi's boypussy.

I think the opening gives a hint...
>autistic but pushy girl who leaned about human interaction from manga
>epitome of woman's moment
What would happen if Kaiki ended up fucking snake?
What do you mean "Kaiki"? She talks with a man called Suzuki.
Novel order for everything up until the new episodes that aired this year. Then just watch the anime as it airs, because it'll be a LONG time before you can continue in novel order, if ever.
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nu-raragi a HOT
off model from how he looks in show
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i know and i will never forgive them for getting my hopes up
Wasn't Kaiki still hung up on his college crush?
Anime release order, except you can watch Kizumonogatari at any point AFTER Bakemonogatari.
They just didn't have the budget to make Kizumonogatari into an anime before that, that's why it came out much later. The anime still works regardless in its airing order though.
i love monogatari so much bros
>budget meme
kill yourself
the fuck did they do to him?
>kill yourself
Seems like a bit excessive to me.
Weekly forcefem sessions from Gahara after she heard he crossdressed in zoku.
It's one of those shows where I could just watch the characters talk for hours on straight. A lot of the new seasonal slop can't compete with a show of this caliber.
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It's not that hard to tell others to watch Kizu after Bake and having some consideration for their viewing experience yet you insist on being stupid about it. "Wait to read Book 2 until uhhh whenever you feel like it bro the story is more like a vibe than a flow you know what I'm sayin"
Multiple times.
Indeed Kaiki is pure and a virgin, I will not stand for this slander any longer
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Yep. Walked her home on tip-toes, too.
Kaiki would never do that
Okay man, it's literally a big flashback, it's not gonna change much, just like it didn't change much to who watched it in anime release order as it was airing.
I was just keeping it simple, which is also "viewing experience consideration".
Non of the Shinobu scenes make any sense if you haven't watched Kizu.
fan translations have finished off and monster season
anime release order, except after Bake you read Kizu before watching Nise
NTA but...reading?! Gross!!!
No, I get the feeling Kaiki is a NGE fan and fantasises about being Kaji subconsciously. So he THOUGHT Senjou had a thing for him like Asuka did for Kaji, but in truth he was still loyal to his girlfriend like Kaji was to Misato.
Araragi and Senjougahara break up four times. They will never be happy together.
Book readers, when is more Kikey?
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One more day, bros...
Sadly no. She WAS willing to but Kaiki No Way Fag'd her for her own good.

Kaiki knew that his mother was too far gone and drank the cult's Kool-Aid and even if that cult fell she would just hop on another one. Instead he removed the Mother of Senjou's life by pushing some buttons so that her Father could see it and broke the family.
Senjougahara was mad at Kaiki because what she really wanted was to have him at her side and take on her Mother's problems together instead of solving the issue like Kaiki did.
Kaiki died remember?
>his own addition of *literally everyone* dying for no reason
You can't make the tale of Princess Beauty/Kisshot without everyone normal dying Kisshot insane levels of loneliness can only be explained by that.
i think
yeah (headcanon)
No, but she did have sex with Hanecow- >>271214831 Damn it, I was too late. Anyways no, and Kaiki remains a moneysexual virgin until this very day. It's tricky to pin down exactly when Hitagi gave her virginity to Araragi though, but that time she made chocolate for him is a strong candidate.
This is pure headcanon pushed by seething Catfags.
Crab is such a Stacy that she not only cucked Cat and took Araragi's virginity, but she also took Cat's just to remind her to not get any funny ideas about her man.
A truly alpha move
Is he a virgin?
Yeah, it's implied.
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Just got caught up with the current season. I like her a lot as a character, but convince me that Tsukihi isn't a menace that should've been put down in Nise when they had the chance from an in-universe perspective.
>convince me that Tsukihi isn't a menace that should've been put down in Nise
We wouldn't have gotten the bath scene in Tsukimonogatari.
What triggers the cucking phoenix to combust and reborn.
Medusadeko should have been Espeon.
He's Kanbaru's secret biological father with Tooe. She got her running speed from him, who runs faster.
live and let live
They delayed Kizu for 7yrs specifically because a movie was way more expensive. People forget that early -Monogatari had shit animation. SHAFT was not a profitable studio before this and Madoka
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Why are you not talking about handsome boy even just one week in bros
He claims he is alongside Yotsugi.
However, I think it's a lie he could easily just threw some money at a whore and be done with it.
I hate m*n.
I don't want to get hard, anon.
How did he become like this?
He used to be boring ol' ararararagi. Now he's just bishounen ararararagi.

I blame Ougi for this, for confusing us. Now I want to fuck Ougi and ararararagi. How did this happen?
he should work as a model
>He used to be boring ol' ararararagi
He was always hot.
It's gonna be kinda distracting, but I guess that's the audience nowadays.
In 2009 it would be a bit more off putting to most male audience members. Like I avoided a lot of shit with bishounen types for a long time because it came off as kinda dumb.
No fucking idea.
Doesn't really have one. You could watch the seasons out of order and get the anime regardless.
Nah he's too manly here.
Now he's a bordering femboy.

Ironically.. it makes thematic sense given Ougi though. hmmm...
He just needs more vampire blood. He deflated a bit since Kizu.
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If he keeps drinking vampire blood, will he grow man boobs from the hormones in it?
Is that lolinobu is so flat?
when is he getting character development?
Cute Kaikinobu.
He already got his.
He isn't longer a selfsacrificing bitch that gets involved in things nobody ask him or need him to.
did you sleep through owari?
Unironically catchy.
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Reminder the only ones pushing this cuckshit are mindbroken catfags still mad Senjougahara won.
Unironic absolute kino lyrics. You can tell ayase sat on some of the lines as a fan for years, and coupled with the beat it's just cherry on top.
>can easily fall in love with a man, when a man is showing her any act of kindness to her, as shown with Koyomi
she has fucked many nice guys if we're being real
why does she do this? most likely because she was abused in the past, and to cope she's craving for any act of kindness, if she happens to find one, she'd immediately fuck the guy
"uaaahhhhhh everyone is abusing me, you're the only person who's ever being nice to me" type of mentality
Hitagi is a complete shit and fucked in the head
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How would be having sex with Sodachi?
Feels like rape even if consensual, not the best. She too menhera, everything you do feels like you're hurting her even if she isn't being hurt.
Poor Nadeko
Please stop talking about Nadeko like this. A guy in his 30s taking advantage of her at a time like this would be horrible. Araragi was already retarded taking advantage of her seeing her naked for fun and then he's like "oohh-uoh-hooo this bitch is crazy!" wondering why she's so attached. He was a shithead for that. Just don't treat her as some cheap whore, she's not, and would've had her life ruined like that.
Poor girl, I just want her to be happy.
You’re marking nadeko look like the victim here lmfao
what the fuck is this retarded artstyle
His mistake was not putting his dick in her
Nothing wrong with it.
Lots of hair pulling and cuddling afterwards
is kaiki dead?
>off model shit
piss poor taste. also she'd probably be a starfish
the MTBB torrent puts it in order for you so just get that
He lied on the way back to his home planet.
He managed to lie his way back to life.
Depends. Are you by any chance a life insurance agency?
use a random number generator and watch whatever number it gives you even if you've already seen it
Kogarashi Sentiment is a top tier OP song though.
Does a gathering of every fisheye/close-up shot in Monogatari exist? Video or album is fine, it's just something I need to see
No. This is the most retarded meme /a/ has even concieved.
Kaiki wouldn't want to fuck his secret daughter's friend.
Just rewatch it all
Kill yourself faggot
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I've slowly eradicated almost every friendship I've made past the age of 13. I think I finished off the last one today.

>mfw I'M the problem
Kill yourself
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I think Kanbaru and Numachi should have had sex for 116 minutes.
I hated her so much when I started this show, but now I feel her heavily
Two women can't really do it.
Rainy devil penis
yeah, i know that feel. i just don't bother making friends anymore, haven't even tried in a long time
A whole lot of yelling
She only has its arm thougheverbeit.
I always thought I read people really well, but can that really be true when I can't maintain any friendships? Something just doesn't work - I'm either not enough or too much. I can't expect anything from others, but if I'm not the one to try, then I'm not doing enough. Too little interest, too much interest, I can't find the needle inbetween.
Guess it's finally dawning on me how many people can see me so differently than I thought. It's a lot to take in. I guess on one hand, it's less people I have to worry about appealing to. I have a couple online at least.
Nadeko is explicitly never fooled by Kaiki and he's forced to be honest with her then lie after the fact that he wasn't to keep up the pretense. They are each counter-intuitively the most healthy functional friendship either of them have by Nadeko Around.
she would've found all the parts eventually.
I simply think Nadeko can be happy without being rawdogged by a man for 5 minutes
Not quite. I'm sympathetic to the idea of the series, but one is retarded to think Araragi tried to do literally anything to get her off him
In addition, with saving oneself being the core theme of the series; even if it's played comedically, Araragi could not get or did not care to get a retard like Nadeko off his dick. Araragi sees it's best to plainly tell Hanekawa he doesn't like her - but this is weirdly not the case with Nadeko. Many seemed to be really surprised by her growth in the latest arcs, but also seemed to have turned a blind eye to her to begin with.
Yeah he should have beat the shit out her like he did with his sisters to get her off his dick.
>implying that Nadeko wasn't the one practically begging Araragi to take advantage of her
Kaiki's cumbucket
It's just one anon's personal weekly contribution to the board
it was stuck in my head for a while
Doubt, he managed to scam death itself.
Imagine all the hookers he managed to scam by now...
he's literally me so yes
I never hated math. She was always just as much a victim as the other girls. Her issues just weren't supernatural.
A lot of men lose all their friendships after college. Usually you have a wife by then so you lean more on her, and your relatives, and inlaws as friends. Smaller families these days and people settling down later have made this harder. Having lasting friendships later in life is hard, but worth the effort to find and maintain. I suggest looking at yourself as honestly as you can and see what you can do make new friends or repair old bonds.
I think Araragi is just oblivious to Nadeko's advances. The only time he actually viewed her as a prospect was when he suggested they sleep in the same bed. If she was closer to his age much younger than he would be much more aware of her. Unfortunately, Nadeko is neither a loli or a high school girl so she's doesn't show up on Araragi's radar.
No, but she wanted to.
It's pretty clear in the novels at least that he's pretending not to notice.
Same as the animu
I guess I've just been lucky. Been friends with one guy for 28 years. I've also been friends with a guy I met online back in 2003, and I've been friends with some of his high school friends for close to 20 years now. Everyone needs to hold onto their childhood friends for dear life because it's way harder to make new friends as an adult. One of my friends was dumb enough to cut ties with his high school buddy because their girlfriends got upset with each other over their wedding dates being too close together.
Whatever helps you cope catfag.
Yeah, he's always pretending to be retarded which is why Ougi is able fuck shit up so much(I think?)
If you've got a best fren for that long, you are indeed lucky. Women are dumb and short sighted for that bullshit with the wedding smdh
I like short hair Nadeko and I don't care who knows.
I hated it when I saw it but it won me over.

Can't wait to see 18 year old Nadeko
It was intentional by the show runners. They definitely animate her different before and after she finally ditches the neet tracksuit, too, it's not just that the character is in a more flattering outfit. How attractive she looks to the viewer is meant to mirror how the character feels about herself. Pottery, etc.
What's with the association between NEETs and tracksuits? It crops up a fair amount

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