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ITT; characters people hate for no good reason at all.
People don’t usually hate characters; what they hate are the awful, dumb situations and resolutions to situations their creators put them through. Deku and basically everyone in MHA being a prime example.
pic not related I guess?
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This him?
I hate him because all he ever did was cry like a little bitch for like the first at least 20 episodes, which is about how much time I gave it before I dropped this garbage
Pic not related? There's a good reason everyone hates that spineless piece of shit
>"NOOOOO why can't he be my gigachad power fantasy?!"
I don't like how much he cries.
Plus he didn't really deserve to get All For One, he didn't work for it and only worked hard AFTER getting it.
He is a gigachad power fantasy, but he's such a bitch about it.
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>Loser ends up working at burger king
>he didn't work for it
Wow. You never fucking read the manga or watched the show did you?
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Fuck off, shounentard.
Is there even any evidence of him working at a fast food restaurant or being cucked?
Nigga EVERYONE states exactly why they hate this guy
I don't think you even read chapter 1, if I'm gonna be honest.
He just got a pep talk from All Might after having completely given up on his dream and All Might decided to hand him over the strongest power of the good side because he threw his backpack at a villain, and only after that did he decide to work hard.
He was literally fucking pushing washing machines on a beach.
Men shouldn't cry unless their family dies. Deku is a crybaby and it's foul to watch.
Oh, and Mirio literally exists, lmao.
He has every quality Deku had and was putting in the effort even with a dogshit quirk but hey, gotta pick the bullied school kid you saw once over the other guy am I right?
Good bait though, I actually had a bigger reply written up but deleted it because it's not worth arguing with bait.
ITT; pretends to ignore the stuff people actually say so they can write them off as trolls.
>He was literally fucking pushing washing machines on a beach.
AFTERWARDS. Actually read what is being said.
That was after he got the quirk you fucking retard
He had one of the strongest quirks in the manga. Imagine if he had the power of One For All AND the power of his perfect defense quirk, he’d be utterly invincible and put the villains into complete despair.
>literally just proving his point
>aspiring hero
>wants to go to the best Hero school or nothing
>no quirk
>no workouts
>no martial arts or any fighting
>no friends
It's like some retard talking about going to Harvard with no extracurriculars, no Legacy Admin, no sports and a 2.4 GPA.
No AM definitely gave him the hair after he was ripped enough.
Not only he doesn't work for his dream before the series begins, he immediately ditches any attempts at hero career the second he loses it and sits on his ass for a decade BEFORE SOMEONE HANDS HIM A NEW SOURCE OF POWER FOR FREE
It's fine if he was just a normal teenager before the story events who never wanted to shoot high. The faggot was daydreaming about heroes yet put no work towards fulfilling his goals.
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>No AM definitely gave him the hair after he was ripped enough.

Are you being retarded on purpose? When people say Deku didn't work they specifically refer to before he met AM in the first place. Deku only started working out AFTER he was promised the special reward. He didn't put in the effort to better himself until he knew it promised. He never tried to achieve his dream on his own.
And no, I can already tell you're trying to think him changing his work out schedule means anything. The point is, Deku was a lazy coward who did not deserve the promise in the first place.
He sacrificed the most powerful quirk in existence to defeat essentially the anthichrist and save the world. How isn't that the ultimate act of heroism?
And him becoming a teacher with his knowledge at Japan's most famouse hero academy teaching alongside various pro heroes sounds cool as fuck.
So any hero with a "is offered/finds/given something to make their dreams come true" is a coward?
At least Deku worked for it.
Good bait replies OP.
>He sacrificed the most powerful quirk in existence to defeat essentially the anthichrist and save the world. How isn't that the ultimate act of heroism?
A hero doesn't need "the most powerful quirk in existence" to function to begin with. Decuck is nothing but nepobaby, though and through.
>And him becoming a teacher with his knowledge at Japan's most famouse hero academy teaching alongside various pro heroes sounds cool as fuck.
Yet the faggot is clearly depressed over it and only becomes happy once someone gives him an undeserved source of power AGAIN.
>So any hero with a "is offered/finds/given something to make their dreams come true" is a coward?
No. Only the ones who actually WANTED to be a hero long before having a power handed over to them on a silver platter. Like him.
>Yet the faggot is clearly depressed over it and only becomes happy once someone gives him an undeserved source of power AGAIN.

I bet you think Steve Rogers is a shitty character.
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>I bet you think Steve Rogers is a shitty character.
> Rogers grew up suffering from numerous health problems, and upon the United States' entry into World War II, he was rejected from serving in the United States Army despite several attempts to enlist.
I see a very crucial distinction just by looking at the wikipedia article. Do you?
How do we know he's genuinely depressed?
>does nothing to reach his dream until he's promised a free handout and in exchange all he has to do is push some weights for a few months
>does nothing for EIGHT (8) entire years after losing said free handout proving he really learned nothing even after working as an actual hero and fulfilling his dream
>only gets back to helping people after getting another pity free power handout
>had meh quirk, worked hard to save people and became a hero anyway because that's what he wants to do
>protects someone else at the price of his own quirk
>still keeps on fighting to save people even without his quirk
>gets it back eventually
Because the chapter makes it very clear with his expressions and the lack of communication between him and his "friends". He only looks happy once he's given an iron man suit.
>Has trouble getting all of his friends for get-togethers due to he and them being busy with their schedules.
Even Stain proved that even without power you CAN still do something when he gave All Might a pep talk.
You don't stop being a hero just because you don't have a strong ability.
Doesn’t Deku literally sacrifice OFA to put Shiggy out of his misery?
Worse, he does it in order to SAVE Shigaraki despite him being 99% dead
What’s wrong with teaching a new generation of heroes?
It sounds like you are anally devastated because people are making fun of your shitty self insert.
I bet you're one of those retards who idolize Bakugo.
I consider them both atrocious characters, and i think the manga is terrible for glorifying a bully instead of pulling him through the dirt like he deserves. Mirio should've been the main character. Or at least another character actually worthy of OFA.
Nothing. Being given a copout Iron Man suit so he can be "real hero" instead of an icky teacher is utterly fucked up, though.
The spin-off guy with the circles quirk was a pretty based pick as well I think.
the part where he refused to still do hero work without the powersuit, despite being pretty much allowed to do both teaching and hero work by simply using the gadgets
Yes. He has a proper attitude for a hero, and even back when his quirk sucked ass, he was trying to be a hero in absolutely casual scenarios. Vigilantes writer actually researched the medium he was trying to emulate.
The series constantly shat on Bakugo even more so than Deku.
-His big events involve him getting kidnapped
-Almost dies several times
-You can tell most people don’t like him in-universe (Was called out for fighting Ochaco in the Sports Festival, him being a spaz caused him to have to watch over bratty kindergartens).
>The series constantly shat on Bakugo even more so than Deku.
Yet it never shat on him for being a bully with anger management issues.
Once again the Crawler sweeps
Eh, at least they acknowledged his shitty personality was tanking his rating on popularity charts on the last chapter while fire/ice dude was getting more popular.
Nobody said that.
Anon is just bitching that the only emotion dekuso had was to cry like a bitch or cry like a bitch. He did nothing but cry the entire series until he had an emo phase like 5 years in
Still could tell most of Class A didn’t really feel comfortable around him (At least Kirishima was trying to be friends with him) as opposed to when they welcomed Deku with open arms and even Best Jeanist was treating him like a teacher having to put up with an obnoxious student.
>I'm going to give you my quirk but your weak ass never-exercised-in-your-life body can't handle it so I'm going to train you
It literally says in chapter 1 he did nothing to be a hero until he already got a free ticket
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As a lifelong MHA hater I'm fully satisfied that this will be green fagboy's legacy
honestly Mirio was real main character material.
but he was too normal a main character to be the main character.
What about saving Bakugo?
He was Bakugo's bitch of course he'd save him.
Sucks knowing I’m probably one of the few western MHA fans here who isn’t a cynical asshole.
>I'm fully satisfied that this will be green fagboy's legacy
Being an unfunny meme that's spammed by people who never read the series?
>Spend years shitposting Black Clover
>His series is the one who shits the bed
Get fucked schizo.
It's really fucking funny
Even after he was treating him like shit?
Having a competent and straightforward hero as a main character is a breath of fresh air at this point. At least we have Tokio i guess.
>pretends to ignore the stuff people actually says
What people are saying in question

No wonder people are taking you retards less and less seriously
It's a pretty funny meme.
Not really especially if you actually read the chapter then you just think the people spamming it are retarded
Don't respond twice anon
Even the normie meme channel stated that the only people spamming the meme are retarded
volume extras and AOE soon don't lose hope jeremy
Yeah yeah just put the fries in the bag, bro.
To be fair Mirio was lucky he didn't get OFA, the 4th user died in his 40s because of the overwhelming power, and each generation accumulated more and more power and quirks. All Might and Deku were lucky they were quirkless otherwise OFA would have killed them.
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>No he didn't he became a teacher for what is the most prestigious hero school in the country and by the end of the manga he gets to go back to being a pro anyways

This meme is great because it just exposes who read the chapter and who didn't and it's only funny if you flat out do not have any interest in the series
If Mirio was a main character OFA would have no reason to exist in the first place, it could be all about him mastering his fucked up natural quirk and making it powerful.
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>Ending was so good that it boosted sales for the series and elevated it's status

I'm good bro just keep spamming your fast food memes I'm sure they'll have some impact
>seething this hard over a meme
This is Zanzibart all over again
A lot of it just comes down to seething honestly, look at the amount of retards still crying that Mirio, an unpopular character, wasn't the MC. How can you respond seriously to that?
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>point out that the meme sucks because it doesn't make sense

This is your mind if all you do is browse ifunny
I want to see 1-B and TB3 timeskip desings.
Correct. OFA and AFO would just be legends of history, like if Superman and Darkseid had a climactic apex battle resulting in both being KO’d and reduced to retirement status. The world would move on to the next generation, not continue being dominated by god-beings.
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Outside the hatetrannies nobody is seething just wondering where the leap from teaching at a prestigious school to fast food worker correlate.
Decvck bros, they’re laughing at us...
Ok but anyone can do that.
Wanting to win is not special, anyone who competes has that in them, but the manga seems to think that Deku is the only one with a significant resolve out of all the HEROES who risk their lived daily.

All because he basically tried to commit suicide in chapter 1.
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DeKEKOLDS can’t stop losing
OP you gotta stop baiting (You)s, we get it you love Deku a lot.
There's no need to samefag on top of it.
Assassination Classroom was that popular? Interesting.
>I chose my path, you chose the way of the hero. And they found you amusing for a while, the people of this city. But the one thing they love more than a hero is to see a hero fail, fall, die trying. In spite of everything you've done for them, eventually they will hate you. Why bother?
>Your series will never be popular enough to get promotion at burger king

No wonder JJKtrannies are spamming this meme
I bet if 430 featured two whole pages of Deku and Ochaco having sex it would be viewed as one of the best shounen endings of all time.
>Assassination Classroom was that popular?
Do you live under a rock
>Wa wa wa. Is not the GIGACHAD I wanted wa wa wa
>nono him being a wagie is actually good now!
Someone's projecting
No. That was before. Read the manga moron
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….and? Ochaco managed to convince an entire angry mob to stop treating him like shit.
SpiderCHAD won
DeKEK lost
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>But the one thing they love more than a hero is to see a hero fail, fall, die trying. In spite of everything you've done for them, eventually they will hate you. Why bother?
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Yes. I mean, look at this. The reason why he didn't commit suicide because he didn't want to hurt Bakugo.
Like rock lee
>not even wearing the crown
I mean yeah he's not a retard
misinterpreted panel. there aizawa scolds him for not being very strict with his students
Just because he doesn't resonate with me at all doesn't mean I hate him. He's too weak and soft and nerdy for me, but that's all.
Mirio was a copy paste of All Might in almost every way. Besides, he's an idiot on the level of Luffy, and it's no wonder people like him.
Teachers only earn 800USD a month lol
>and it's no wonder people like him.
>MJ, tell peter to stop knocking the door please
>yes honey
Maybe for the average teacher at some no name public school but not UA
>Japan likes the three most boring characters (autistic sperg, beta male with battered wife syndrome and daddy issues the character)
why would you wear the crown as an adult? are you autistic?
Dear god
Don't forget:
>Aoyama said AFO and his attacks literally collapsed the value of the yen
>It likely took several years to completely rebuild Japan and for the economy to return back to normal for 1A to afford Deku's suit
This means that teaching was probably the highest paid profession during that time. It's the most inflation proof job on the planet. Which means Deku was probably living like a king while his friends were slaving their lives away being motivational speakers.
It had to be a Latino's salary. I know that in Mexico and below your teachers are shit, but don't impose your lifestyle on others as if the world had to revolve around you. We have enough with those fucking yankees
wow, you would give anything for your favorite character to be half as popular as those three, right?
Deku literally has a statue right between Shoto and Bakugo.
Literally in Japan
I always thought he had some kind of autism or Asperger's
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Jeremy thread.
>Message of the entire series is that being a true hero is NOT about having people kissing your ass but being a good, caring person.
>”Why isn’t everyone kissing Deku’s ass?”
Wipe your ass, Clovercuck.
>he confirmed it
LMAO kys Jeremy you fucking loser
Bakugo is literally Eric Cartman but not lazy.
Exactly. All Hori has to do is 100% confirm Deku and Ochaco became a couple, either their wedding or us seeing their kids, and you have the perfect ending that even allows sequel possiblity.
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Wipe your ass, Clovercuck... NOW!
This is the updated listing >>271223440
And there was also the sales bump so I think it's easy to say that Japan overall liked the ending
No shit. Japan isn’t inhabited by violent retards who think Deku X Bakugo or Ochaco X Bakugo aren’t disgusting ships especially the latter being literally domestic abuse in the making.
>japan should be upset about the ending
>why they're not upset about it
I already concluded a long time ago that the western one is very exaggerated
Yeah the AOT ending reception the one for MHA felt really astroturfed that they had to make up shit to be mad about. I mean I don't agree that it was the best ending ever and it felt like Hori just really wanted to be done with it but didn't want to leave the series on a sour note but it was fine certainly better than what JJK is shaping up to be.
I’ve only seen spoilers but from what I’ve seen, except for no official confirmations on couples, it’s passable enough and reflects that one major part of heroism is friendship that the series was CONSTANTLY trying to get across.
It’s just Hori needed more time.
>It’s just Hori needed more time
The compression was really apparent when so many plot points happened off screen and how so much of the epilogue chapters feel like a setup to a new arc. He should have left it open ended like Yu Gi Oh so the autismos wouldn't latch on to anything remotely negative but yeah it's just passable would be decent to good with more pages to see how the rest of the cast wounded up.
Let's remember that in this final arc Hori was dying, it was no wonder we had such short chapters and several breaks. Now thank goodness that it's over, he gives himself the pleasure of making color art.
Wait he was dying?
I have my fair share of grievances with JJK but you’d have to be a retard with shit taste to rank anything after Kamino above Hidden Inventory
It's a figure of speech. The guy was sick while he was doing the last arc. Put it this way, you're in your last arc, sick, with insomnia, migraine, and to top it off you have to deliver your work on time. It seems like a miracle to me that the guy didn't have a coma or something.
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More like characters people only like because they are fujoshi.
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That's not true, I mean he does cry a lot, but he was always working towards being a hero despite being a quirkless twink. Deku was at his most badass in the beginning of the story and as he got stronger he somehow got gayer and more of a bitch.
>Harvard University
At least pick a secondary school anon
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I just want a burger, thank you
>he was always working towards being a hero despite being a quirkless twink.
He literally never did anything until he met Almight.
How to know? He would have had a year to train. If he had done so, he would have failed anyway.
How does it feel that you primed the entire internet to shit on your favorite manga and dismiss it forever by being a turbocunt for years Jerm
>He literally never did anything until he met Almight.
I'll start the thread with Tanjiro, he's sometimes paired with other crybabies like OP's pic, but the moments he cried were actually reasonable, such as >>271222272 and when he lost his source of inspiration when he was a novice in the Demon Slayer Corps. So why does /a/ hate him again?
He did no such thing. He committed suicide and both of them got lucky All Might can save both their asses.
Nothing wrong with it of the writing committed to it. But apparently not here's a super suit you don't need that lame day job.
>But apparently not here's a super suit you don't need that lame day job.
You do realize that All Might and many other pros were teachers right?
I don't know which manga you're talking about lil bro maybe JJK.
But none of that was leveraged in the narrative. Maybe if you were writing it you could have tied it together.
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>How does it feel that you primed the entire internet to shit on your favorite manga and dismiss it forever by being a turbocunt for years Jerm
If only being disliked on 4chan and reddit meant anything or had any impact whatsoever
Did we even see him actually quit his job to only do hero work?
>But none of that was leveraged in the narrative
It was. AM was literally trying to learn how to be a better teacher
Anon...he's a retard.
What about when AM lost his powers and essentially told him he must carry on his legacy?
Or when Ochaco and his friends stood up for him?
Because he's a turbo cripple (unless some convenient super suit comes into play)
>Because he's a turbo cripple
Wrong again retard
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Kirito is a wonderful and strong family man that deserved all the praise. But people were more into crybabies at the time and they haven't moved past those types of MCs even into the MHA era.
He was kinda a gary-stu though.
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>Deku when he goes up against any of the probably hundreds of anti technology quirks future villians will have:
Kirito and midorya are both terrible mc's
He deserves the hate though. He wants to help people thats good but has done nothing in the way to improve himself at his core. He had to get told to clean a beach to improve his strength it never occurred to him to try and better himself. He had to get told stop exploding your bones in order to stop blowing up his body.

His only interesting idea was to use his legs and that was one of the shortest arcs because then it became oh my 7 powerups. It ended with him being a teacher who didnt have much respect from those around him because he didnt discipline. Then he was gifted a power suit not because he earned it through hard work saving investing etc no but because then the story ends.
Majority of class 1-A was useless and they just kept introducing side characters as an attempt to move the plot forward with no world building what so ever. It was just capeshit at the right place and right time.
Because Deku works there. He'd get fired for wearing one. That's why Bakugo is wearing one.
I don't hate him, I hate what they did to him.
>Inb4 cuck
Everyone's a cuck by the end of this series
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these are pretty hilarious those other anons are just mad and can't have any fun
post it
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People who get angry at the McDonald's Deku jokes are mainly Decuck self inserters.
This has been an open secret in the community for years, a lot of nerds self insert as him. That's why they also seethe at Bakugou being a better character, a better hero, and a better fighter than Decuck.
Pic unrelated
I don't hate Deku
I hate that he was sidelined and flanderized for increasingly mediocre characters in an already bloated cast
Deku used to be cool, but at some point Hori lost interest in his own protagonist
>didn't work for one for all
deku literally trained almost a whole fucking YEAR to be able to handle one for all. actually understand the material before trying to criticize it you absolute moron.
This. I thought it was pretty neat how he adapted to using finger-flicks when he couldn't control One for All.
Deku couldn't punch without destroying his whole arm, so he adapted accordingly and I dig that.
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Deku is a nerdier Tsuna, but what makes him more unforgivable is that Tsuna didn't pretend to have some kind of real goal. Deku sits on his ass til people hand him stuff which is unacceptable for a hero story. At best it's sort of fine at the start when he's kinda a depressed kid, but not at all as an adult with many resources and having gone through a whole journey. It's even worse when you factor in other characters with their own screwed up situations still striving and doing their best to overcome. With that ending he's just a bad mc for a hero story no matter how hard the narrative tries to sell you on him being worthy
What else was he supposed to do? Tell his friends to piss off after making the suit?
>All you've done and sacrificed didn't matter and you will be moved in the end by worthless, parasitic retards
Remind me why I should ever help anyone again
Did anyone ever work to get their quirks other than him?
So he's literally you, except he has a job?
You do realize someone is born with quirks right?
>all he ever did was cry like a little bitch

He remind you too much of yourself?
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Thanks to him I learned to never get invested in a series where the main premise is that the faggot crybaby MC will grow into a gigachad with balls of steel. For every Simon from TTGL there are thousands of Dekus and Tsunas that never grow.
>he didn't work for it and only worked hard AFTER getting it.

In a world where everyone is born with powers. Holy shit what an argument, anon.
I didn't mind when he got more controll of his powers
Deku used to have teeth. He used to get mad or carried away, and it was usually indicated with that involuntary smile like in the pic in my post, and there some indication that he was going to have to find balance between that part of himself and his protective nature to grow passed who he was.
Instead he just became always nice and self-sacrificial while also being sidelined for other characters.
I think this was really marked at the end of the Yakuza arc. Deku just offering to give up OfA to mirio with no hesitation was just so lame. That arc was supposed to be about Deku needing to prove he was the most suitable successor for All Might but in the end I was wondering why not just give it to Mirio. If you're just gonna insult All Might's judgement just because you feel guilty maybe you shouldn't have the power.
That was my point, retard.
The "he didn't work for it" argument is so fucking weird in the context of this

It be like being the one poor kid in a school full of Nepo babies. One day you hit the lottery and end up as rich as they are but then everyone starts screeching at you of all people for not "earning it"
he literally didn't do anything. This is supposed to be a story about heroes yet the mc had no initiative at all. It's even contrasted by the likes of All Might who was just as "powerless" as him yet still tried to do whatever to make the world better. Deku is like the spiderman meme where he's nothing without the suit except this story actually later confirmed that he was indeed nothing without the suit
That isn't actually true though, rape-ape.
You are just parroting other faggits.
That sounds just like real life, too. Coincidence?
hmmmm...Really makes you think
Do people only hate Deku because he reminds them of themselves so they choose to latch onto Bakugo?
Not only he didn't work for it, he had no mindset of a hero. Koichi shows that you can be a hero even in small deeds, what's important is where your heart is. Deku only cared about the fame and the "cool" factor associated with heroes.
You can be a hero in small deeds, and still work at McDonald's.
The funny thing about this is Bakugo is just a more assholish version of Naruto and I remember when people fucking HATED Naruto
True. And Deku can't manage even that level of heroics.
How is teaching the next generation of heroes not heroic?
Ask him, he clearly doesn't consider it heroic enough.
The fact he became a teacher is actually great. But the narrative cannot commit to that and asspulls him a new source of power, wrecking its own message in the most pathetic way possible.
Yet he did on many fucking occasions, none of which you ever bothered to read or watch.
I'm not interested in what he did after getting a freebie. It's his natural disposition that counts.
You're retarded. He could have become a villain instead. He didn't. Because of his disposition.

>He could have become a villain instead
That piss baby? A villain? Don't make me laugh. He doesn't have the guts or the drive.
Project harder, champ. You're incoherent.
What if Deku was found by AFO before AM? What if AFO decided to give the poor kid a quirk, but in exchange Deku is in Debt to him? Would he the main character without OFA or would he just be another side-character nobody in 1-A? Would he still manage to outstrip Bakugo for some reason? Would he honor his promise with AFO?
Deku is literally nothing without OFA. He's not worth even being a side character on his own merit unless you write him an actual personality.
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>I bet you think Steve Rogers is a shitty character.
No. For several reasons.

1. Captain America TRIED to enlist. He was rejected for health reasons. Deku didn't even make that much of an attempt.

2. Captain America tried to enlist because he couldn't ignore the suffering and trouble the world was facing around him. His motivation was to help people. He didn't specifically want to become Captain America, he just wanted to do his part regardless of what it was. Deku wanted to be a hero because "OMG HEROES ARE SO COOL."
>Jeremy/Rugga/Judge Fudge uses porn as an argument
>Jeremy/Rugga/Judge Fudge uses IGN scores as an argument

ZAMN! The Green fagboy really mindbroke him, KEK.
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Fucking hate this guy. He's just so evil and bad and such an asshole. I'd curbstomp him if I ever saw him in the street, can't believe he did what he did and still dares to show his face.
forgot to mention that he was a guinea pig as he had no way to know that the super soldier serum wouldn't kill him while Deku receiving OfA had no risks whatsoever
if Deku only cared about the fame of heroics, he wouldn't have given both of his arms permanent damage to save Kouta.
Actually understand the media you're trying to criticize you retard.
Deku always was EXTREMELY self-sacrificial, its a trait him and All Might share, and he has zero self-worth, which is why he tried giving One for All to Lemillion, because he didn't see himself as worthy of such a quirk, even though he's proved time and time again he's more than worthy.
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Deku couldn't make it as a bad guy. Villainy is a performance art, and a way of expressing oneself. Deku spends far top much time in his inner world to ever run a scheme, or foil some heroe's plot, or just generally get up to no good.

He could become a criminal at best, but never a villain.
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>took him almost SIX HOURS to make a comeback
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I'd also argue that it's fine for a superhero lead to never try to become a hero prior to gaining a source of power. But only if he was a complete normie living a normal life and never even thought about heroics. In this case, the power can be a catalyst for character development that throws MC out of normalcy and tests him.
Decuck lived with superhero fantasies yet never made a single move towards the goal before he was promised a source of overwhelming power.
>never made a single move towards the goal of heroics
So are we just gonna ignore Deku's hero analysis notebooks literally titled "Hero Analysis for the Future"? Ok cool.
Don't confuse recklessness for bravery.
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I find two bit crooks more alluring than number one heroes, personally.

For me, picrel is a True Hero.
hes just a guy with sweaty nuts trying to make a smelly nuts livin
Oh no, he made fucking notes.
Picking up trash is more valuable than this.
Thats assuming anybody would actually want to pick up your retarded ass.
He tried to give it to Mirio because Hiro was conscious of the fact that Deku was pitifully unsuited for it and he wanted to make it about personality attributes — which Mirio also had, but Deku got it first so he should keep it and no hard feelings all around. Imagine if these things carried actual consequences, ie, because a better-suited hero didn’t have OFA there ended up being a massive loss of life which would have been preventable. But then it would be a completely different manga.
Koichi did all sorts of casual heroics. Decuck took notes. It's all what matters in the end.
He was making an instruction book for years that he never would have used or shared with anyone if he wasn't given OFA
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There's a reason most super heroes origins are connected to some event, tragedy or accident. Superman is the last son of a doomed planet who's alien physiology gives him great power but it was his upbringing by the kind farmers that made him realize these gifts were for the good of the world. Batman was motivated by the loss of his parents and swore to prevent what happened to him from happening to anyone else. Spider-man was a moral in arrogance and responsibility.

This is actually something that goes beyond MHA and is something that effects a lot of western comics too but it really seems like there's been a new trend where new super heroes are in it for "TEH AWESOME" or fanboy appeal rather than being more selfless characters.
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He literally used the notes here, in this scene. Once again, you don't understand the media you're trashing on
That was literally the dumbest thing he could have done. That would be like if me, a slightly overweight out of shape, IT tech suddenly ran into a burning building because I read about it on google. Not only would I die I would make shit more dangerous for the real fire fighters.
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All of the pros were standing around twiddling their thumbs, Bakugo would have probably died had he been deprived of oxygen for any longer. Deku bought Bakugo time until All Might was able to power-up and take the bastard down.
Really, lol
Dabi was the biggest crybaby bitch boi in the series.
The most immature and unhinged.
Attempt at suicide by heroism
I'm sure that sounded smart to you.
>All of the pros were standing around twiddling their thumbs
You're sort of missing the forest through the trees there, boss. Because that's sort of the point. It took all the real heroes standing around for zero reason in order to make Deku act. The author literally had to freeze everyone elses brains to give Deku his big moment.
Did you actually read/watch any of the series? He uses his quirk for heroics over and over again, at great expense to himself.
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If you can't tell the difference then you really are an idiot.
Where's the joke?
I like a nice bit of cheesecake now and then...
I'm sure you think that too, lol.
Exactly. Deku broke his arms repeatedly to the point where he has permanent damage and visible scars.
The only thing these faggots are doing is just showing how little they actually understand MHA.
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The guy posting it.
Kaminari is smarter than these clowns.
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I hope the people in the world he's in appreciate all he did more than that. Because otherwise it proves that being a hero is worthless.
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Well, he is best boy after all. He didn't get nearly enough time in the spotlight.
Hell yeah, we love Kaminari.
Brainlessly using the borrowed power without suffering any real consequences amounts to nothing because he's nothing without that power.
I guess it's a good thing that didn't happen then.
Green Goblin was right.
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I love zappy-boys so much, bros.
>we love Kaminari.
>Bakugo's burger has more meat
It's over, chunko has a preference.
I need to ask you something... aghhhh please don't get mad... ! But... but it would make me very happy...
*Deku opens his briefcase in front of Bakugo*
So... tonight...when you do it with Ochako-chan... when i watch...
This is so embarassing but...
Can you... can you wear All Might's costume?
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You have to go back.
All the males got skipped together. The girls all got nothing.
>Awful design
>A cry baby
>Sucking his bully
>Empathizing with villains
>Turbo beta that got ghosted by the girl he loves
>Unable to move unless things are handled to him on a silver plate
There's LOTs to dislike about Midoriya. He's a faggot. There's a reason so many people are making fun of his miserable ending
Did he ever once say he loved her? She spent a lot of time simping hard for him.
My nigga. He deserves it too.
Maybe YOU should read the manga? It's hilarious how fast he embraced his iron man suit
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>no u!!!
>*still hasn't read it*
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If Deku was another ADD-ridden manchild spaz like other shounen protags would people hate him less?
he IS an add ridden manchild. He's just a passive crybaby bitch too
You do all realize that if Deku was a selfish crybaby, then Gentle and Nagant would never aid during the final fight right? Because it was his fucking compasion that made them learn that even if the world was shit to them, they can still use their abilities to actually help others rather than being petty cunts.
Enough about you, tho.
that was the point
He is the very definition of a manchild.
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heroic for the mediocre, not throwing garbage in the streets should be normal, not something so transcendental as to call it heroic, Westerners are so bad that they would consider washing the car as something extraordinary.
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People wouldn't hate him if he was a well written and likeable character with actual development and interesting character quirks. Not a crybaby mophead repeatedly worshiping his own bully.
>No reason
Even characters I love have “reasons” to dislike them. Get over yourself.
Many of the reasons are far-fetched rather than plausible.
Imagine being so busy screaming about other people that you miss the point entirely.
People have different ways to look at characters and stories, you’re conflating taste with objectivity. Learn to step outside of your own perspective, it’s healthier.
at first i hated him, but as each time i continued to rewatch the series, he actually ended up becoming my favorite character.
mind you, kaji was my #1 at the start.
It always breaks my heart to see All Might so low
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There you go, making up chudshit head canon again.
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Based. I didn't hate him, but I did feel that he should have gotten in the fuckin robot.
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Still half a volume left, Clovercuck. It’s 100% going to show Iron Deku as No. 1 Hero and marrying Ochaco. Probably also showing their kids to get more people to buy the final volume. Things are already looking good for Deku unlike the crippled charcoal burner, lol.
Denial is the first stage.
I still can't believe this board was waiting for a HOAD when people are still this anal about dekuocha and the fandom het ships not being confirmed
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All this drama is coming from roughly 3 retarded autists that need to be ignored from now on.
What else is going to happen? You already had "Where are they now" and "The adventure continues". All that's left is showing who ends up with who and their kids to possibly set up a sequel.
Man I love Dennismain.
seething self inserters. get some taste
Nope, go back.
at least you admit it LOL
There is no reason to read MHA when vigilantes exists.
good post
god i hate dekuck
Saved the entire world and ended as the strongest man in the world at 16 in the span of 1 year, even without his Quirk, he's stronger than 99% of the cast. Actually changed the status quo unlike Naruto, villains are far less common now that there's actual societal change. Got a suit of armor to continue living out his dream to be a hero ala Tony Stark and his story is an inspiring tale to the public. Became a mentor imparting his wisdom to the next generation, little kids also look up to him and aspires to become like him.
Lost an arm, lost an eye and died of magic AIDS at 25 fading off into obscurity without anyone ever knowing of his story and accomplishments. Left his crippled autistic wife as a single mom (or she moved on and fucked another man). Sister married an incel. Not even the strongest character at the end of his series, a weakling from start to finish.
>died of magic AIDS at 25
Still got laid
>Sister married an incel
Helped his friend get laid
>Not even the strongest character at the end of his series
Beat the strongest to to get laid
How sad your life is if your best achievement in life is get laid. Although I'm not surprised: it's /a/
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Don't we all
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What a bad husband Tanjiro turned out to be, I'm ashamed of him
Projection. Only on places like /a/ that's a haven for autistic shut-ins do they genuinely believe a man's worth is based upon his sexual conquests and thinks a manga about superheroes is about seeking glory when said manga spends a whole arc with the characters forming a rock band to try to make a traumatized little girl smile and the idea of heroism is that you are willing to help people without expecting any reward, compensation or favor in return. Of course, this is an alien concept to incels who expect good things to come to them on a silver platter.

They also seem to think Deku is lonely and hasn't kept in contact with his friends when that's not what he said and he's just a little bit lonely because he and his friends can't do these big gatherings together like when they were younger. Or unironically buying into the meme that he's a wageslave when he's a teacher at his world's equivalent of Harvard and in all likelihood, made quite a decent living admist the inflation.

But really, the ending is a good test to see who actually read the manga and who didn't.
Virgin Charcoal Burner
>only saves the countryside from a MJ-lite boogeyman
>isn't even famous for it
>lets some twat steal his sister
>loses an arm, an eye, his strength and marries a blind cripple

Chad Hero
>saves the entire world from a global threat
>has statues made of him
>teaches the next generation
>returns to the battlefield and will soon will plap his hero stacy
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>no no no guys look Deku is actually a CHAD!!
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This. Vigilantes is the only good thing that came out of this universe.
Can I get a number 7 no pickles?
I hate Tanjiro because he's unhateable. He's literally a perfect person, he's ALWAYS kind and considerate and morally just, even when he's enraged and killing his enemies it's framed as him being a nice guy who is actually being merciful. Picrel was one of the worst scenes I've ever watched, the way they went out of their way to make Tanjiro look like he was practically a pacifist for cutting her head off was just ridiculous. Demon Slayer is awful because the characters are so one dimensional that they ALL quickly become insufferable.
The perfect person male Mary Sue
Literal pig headed stubborn loud jackass
Disgustingly cowardly crybaby faggot

Then you get to the ashiras and they crank the bad character writing up to 11 and go "durr they're one dimensional and annoying on purpose this time!"
Tanjiro deserves hate because Demon Slayer as a whole deserves hate.
That pic doesn’t make any sense.
Try harder next time.
Since when does /a/ hate Tanjiro? There's only one turbo autist that hates him.
Ironically Koichi does not represent a vigilante well at all. the only real vigilante is KD
Deku was badass and inspirational at first. I went into MHA when it first came out fully expecting to hate it because Deku looked like a faggot and was always crying in every picture I saw of him but in reality Deku was a badass who was just weak and justly unconfident. Watching him get stronger and do whatever it took to be able to use one for all was awesome.
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Sorry, Harvard teachers don't eat peasant food.
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Storytime when?
More like /a/ doesn't care about some generic moralfag from a Reddit anime. Only Redditors like him.
You're right. Deku literally breaks all the bones in his body over and over again for like half the story just to learn how to use a fraction of the power he was given and the braintrust that is /a/ says he never worked for anything.
Koichi is just a proper young superhero. Something i can actually see in a western capeshit story.
Excuse me! I said no pickles
that was years ago
dear god
Kanao is so lucky
We aren't talking about Deku though
I was just about to post him and say basically the exact opposite of what you said.

>Random arc about a grown man grooming a middle school girl who found him online into being his criminal accomplice and her ability is based on her being in love with him solely for his benefit
Was there any reason for this arc at all other than to try to make dating middle schoolers look acceptable?
I bet you hate Kenshiro for also being a moralfag.
No, we're talking about KnY aka Reddit: The Anime. Redditors also love this boring slop.
to have a nezuko in his live
Meatheads like Kenshiro went out of style for a reason. Because he's boring as piss. I'd take Goku any day over him, at least he's fun.
who is kenshiro? i'm not weaboo enough
I thought she was 20+
>"Lol Deku sucks because he has flaws and at the end he works at McDonalds, his friends hate him, and Bakugo is cucking him (Which is all blatant lies)!"
Why is MHA's fanbase so shit?
I think after the MHA story time would be be a nice time again
Now that I think about it, a better ending would be a montage of deku slowly drinking himself to death while his entire class is shown to have married and had kids.

It would have at least been more dignified than accepting a free handout from all might (again)

What the fuck was horicuck thinking?
I think she's 20+ during the arc they're in but I'm pretty sure they explain that she was in love with him since she was in middle school when she saw him online or something and then she went to his house when she was a teenager or something.
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A better ending would be just to portray him as a happy teacher surrounded by students and his old pals. A true hero who needs no superpowers and no iron man cucksuit.
>I thought she was 20+
She is, it's just that the only difference between her middle school self and adult self is that her tits and hips got bigger.
No seriously.
He WAS a chad, he's not anymore though.
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he was never a chad even with powers
There literally is no other purpose to life
>the only difference between her middle school self and adult self is that her tits and hips got bigger.
That's how girls work yes
It's been a long time since I read that chapter but it all sounds familiar now
>Jeremy thread.
that's obvious, it's funny that he still posts here
Also in Japan, monthly salaries can range from 600,000 to 800,000 yen depending on rank (lecturer, assistant professor, associate professor, or full professor), but they require higher qualifications, typically a Master’s or Doctoral degree and U.A. is pretty HeroAca's equivalent to a university. Deku very likely had an annual salary of over 10 million yen.
As said before the whole fucking message of the series is what truly makes a great hero is being a good person in general.
The way he gargles Bakugou's balls after everything he did to him was fucking embarrassing to watch.
Post-Aizen war Ichigo is a VASTLY better shounen protagonist then late-manga Deku.
that has nothing to do with the conversation and even if that was the message it's a stupid ass message because being a good person doesn't make you a hero. It's patronizing garbage
>and now he talks with himself
Boku no Hero really mindraped you, didn't it Clovercuck? Still crying that your dead irrelevant manga got buried on Jump Giga aka shounenshit graveyard? rofl
Which gets undermined when he's given an power armor suit to get back to punching people.
Doubt. Besides Pro Heroes are probably paid even more
>Captain America TRIED to enlist. He was rejected for health reasons. Deku didn't even make that much of an attempt.
Deku was going to apply to UA before meeting All Might

>Captain America tried to enlist because he couldn't ignore the suffering and trouble the world was facing around him. His motivation was to help people. He didn't specifically want to become Captain America, he just wanted to do his part regardless of what it was. Deku wanted to be a hero because "OMG HEROES ARE SO COOL."
Deku rushed without even thinking to try to save Bakugo from that slime monster before he ever had powers, and it was this act that All Might saw, without Deku knowing he was right around the corner, that convinced him to give Deku OFA

>forgot to mention that he was a guinea pig as he had no way to know that the super soldier serum wouldn't kill him while Deku receiving OfA had no risks whatsoever
It was very explicitly stated to Deku that trying to just use OFA without major conditioning and training would literally blow his body to pieces, he then had to break his bones over and over and over again to learn how to properly use the power.

It's crazy how everyone who claims Deku was always a bad MC has obviously never watched or read MHA at all.
>>and now he talks with himself
Only you do that Rugga, Judge Fudge schizo dicklet
>Deku was going to apply to UA before meeting All Might
And yet he didn't think to maybe do some light jogging to get ready for the selection process? Maybe lift some weights to improve his chances?

>Deku rushed without even thinking to try to save Bakugo from that slime monster before he ever had powers, and it was this act that All Might saw, without Deku knowing he was right around the corner, that convinced him to give Deku OFA
So what? How many other heroes rush in to save people? They're sudden;y not valid contenders because AM felt pity for some random STUPID kid who saw one day.
Ichigo has no character. He has no goals, his only motivation is to protect. The most static, reactive motivation possible. He has no goal to strive towards, no inner drive, nothing he hopes to achieve. And so all he does is wait for the plot to direct him into another fight. Everything he does is reactionary to the world around him and that's he will always be a trash character. Deku is repulsive, but I'd take a repulsive character because at least they have this je ne sais quos that makes me want to hate him and he has things he wants to do and those things end up affecting the world at large instead.

Ichigo is just a cog in a machine. That's why Naruto and Luffy stood out and he never did.
And said suit was made by his friends.
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Every single person who shits on Naruto just spouts all the incorrect talking points from Plague of Gripe's terrible video about why Naruto is bad and literally the entire video is inaccurate. It basically had the same effect as when Super Eyepatch Wolf made that video about why Bleach is bad and basically everything in the video was wrong and then everyone hated on Bleach for so long that Super Eyepatch Wolf eventually came out with an apology video for making that video and explaining how he was wrong and retarded.
>n-no u!!
Silence, third world monkey SPIC.
The only goal deku has is same pointless nothing goal every shounen hero had before him.
>I want to be hokgage pirate hero magic king.
That's not a goal. It's not an arc. Not a tangible one. It's a vauge motivation so pretend he's proactive without having to come up with an end resolution.
>Plague of Gripe
That fat bald furry really ruined a whole generation of Naruto fans by spreading misinformation when even he admits he doesn't watch or read Naruto.
Near the end of the manga with all the talk about in-universe philosophical concepts like the quirk singularity and how society became detached from heroes and what they represent I was already half expecting him to lose his powers for good, since the other option would be him literally dying or getting crippled due to the accumulated power of one for all one day. I was also thinking the end would portray him as a something like a famous author writing books on such topics as civic engagement, propelled to his status by his achievements and connections to all might. That way it would fit into the theme that you don't have to just fight villains to be a hero.
Luckily the damage has mostly been undone by this point though. There's way too many people who have actually watched Naruto for that nonsense to stick around forever. The fact that Naruto threads are allowed on /a/ now says it all, although Naruto not being allowed on /a/ has nothing to do with PoG
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>third world monkey
first world
You are beneath me
Deku could have been fully redeemed as a character if he had a dark epiphany at the end of the manga and did a heel-turn for MHA2. Deku as the next-gen Demon King would have been great, having a loser crybaby desperate to be a hero blooming into his actual destiny of becoming a villain. He’d a different kind of Maou compared to AFO — more personal and emotional. His central idea is that everyone including himself is garbage and he wants everyone to realize it. When faced with old classmates they all realize the role they all played in creating a monster much to their horror and guilt paralyzes them from dealing with him effectively.
At least he learned that being the greatest hero is preventing a world-threatening danger by sacrificing the most powerful quirk in existence and not stroking your ego.
Unfortunately Boruto has done far more damage to the Naruto franchise. Luckily, it's pretty easy to ignore Boruto and just pretend the story ends with
>This is actually something that goes beyond MHA and is something that effects a lot of western comics too but it really seems like there's been a new trend where new super heroes are in it for "TEH AWESOME" or fanboy appeal rather than being more selfless characters.
for as much as it is said that hirokoishi is a fan of comics the guy is a retard and they all flew right over his brain. he wrote deku from HIS point of view, deku represents him(hiro) fanboying to American comic heros like the ones you mentioned
I think most people expected him to lose his powers. I thought it was obvious that OfA and AfO would cancel themselves out or something. Hori also always wanted him to be a gadget hero which works well with his character. The way he gets there at the end is just so dogshit that it lowers the quality of the whole series and greatly undermines Deku as a character
>Jeremy is a brownoid wellfare monkey
>Deku was a wellfare recipient
It's all coming together
He’s fine. I didn’t go into this manga expecting Kenshiro
Remember when Deku dismissed Toga as a crazy bitch and ditched her? Ichigo wouldn’t have done that. Ichigo would have quietly listened to everything Toga had to say and talk it through with her and then fight if she wanted. No matter how irrelevant of a side-bitch she is, no matter how dire the circumstances or how badly he’s needed elsewhere he’ll ALWAYS give a combatant on the holy field of battle his full attention and respect. He’ll never act like a put-upon faggot, treat another with disrespect no matter how weak, etc.
>Only on places like /a/
then why are you here ? really.
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Fundamentally super heroes, even the more down to earth marvel ones are characters who should be inspirational. Really this all seems to be part of a larger issue I find. Fiction in general has become little more than a constant need to self insert rather than become inspired. Heroes have become less characters we wish we could become and more characters we already were.
>he doesn't know
Jeremy we're two different posters, you'd know that if you were a bit less retarded and spent more time figuring how this site works instead of spamming
Everyone already knows how you got doxxed by the Black Clover general, twice even. You really think pinning your own twitter account on someone else is going to convince anyone? Lmao at your life
If BnHA was written by Kubo, he would have spared Toga, give her a pussy pass and let her get away with all the awful shit she did... Bambieta's group all survived the war. Kubo absolutely hates killing female characters good or bad (unless your name is Unohana).
Is Jeremy black or mixed or what?
I don't use Twitter, the only social media I use is 4chan and Youtube if that count. The fact that you use Twitter makes you an unironic faggot, and you exposing yourself for being a third world monkey with that screenshot only sealed the deal for me. You're beneath me, ape.
I don't know what you expect from him, he is just a kid that got bullied his whole life and had his dream shattered because nature decided to not give him any quirk, and when he finally gets one he also has to carry the burden of being the next All Might
If Jeremy accuses someone of something you can guarantee with 100% certainty he is guilty of it.
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>Really this all seems to be part of a larger issue I find.
well that's most likely due to new generations becoming more stupid and pussified, now with the advent of the internet everything is readily available and year by year it's getting worse, people have less and less reason to think, work, or put in any sort of effort. i feel like it's all gonna reach a boiling point soon but what do i know.
>Fundamentally super heroes, even the more down to earth marvel ones are characters who should be inspirational.
honestly even the villans in comics are better. mha couldn't get much right.
You're pathetic. Back to the salt mines with you.
>makes a bit more than 80k a year in usd
>this is the average yearly income for young working class men
lol..."Harvard professor" they make 300k a year.. The fast food meme is definitely on the mark
>honestly even the villans in comics are better.
I don't need every villain needs to be Darkseid but there is, on the whole, a certain lack of gravitas at work here.
>wants to save the villain
>does not save the villain
was he retarded?
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Actually, just to shit on that video some more. The crux of his video is that he mistakenly believes that the main theme of Naruto is "hard work beats talent." That's not the main theme of Naruto. When that phrase is said it literally had nothing to do with Naruto at all, he didn't say it, and nobody ever said it about him, it was said about Neji and Rock Lee, and it was never stated as some kind of law of the Naruto universe that hard work WILL beat out talent. They say it about Rock Lee and then he immediately gets beat on so badly that Tsunade tells him he'll probably never be able to fight again. Then I believe Neji and Naruto get into an argument about it and then Naruto, who was born with MASSIVE chakra reserves and the strongest tailed beast sealed inside of him, beats Neji, the kid born into the lesser branch of his family and forced to fight for the main branch. PoG bitches about this and says it invalidates the whole "hard work beats talent" thing, but the story obviously sets this up to purposely knock it down. You may WANT to believe that hard work beats talent, it sounds like a nice message to tell to kids, but at no point in the story is this ideology EVER affirmed by anything, I hate to use the meme phrase here, but this is honestly a case of extremely poor media literacy. They didn't say "hard work beats talent" because they want you to believe that's true, they say it specifically to show you that it is not true, at least not in the Naruto universe. There's a lot of hindu influence in Naruto and I think one of them is the caste system, the idea that you are born into your caste and nothing you do can change that. All the strongest characters in Naruto are born strong and then have to train to effectively use the strength they were born with, which is what makes it interesting unlike most anime where the people who are born strong just get to be strong and not have to do any real work to properly utilize that strength.
He has a year to do so. Obviosly he would fail but ey, he would be the must muscle failure to try to enter UA
i was thinking more two face but yeah.
I wonder if Deku would've turned out differently if he suddenly gained his quirk but superman was his mentor. Would he be smarter? More heroic, more understanding of the weight of heroism?
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I mean, whoever you really want, I was just going to extremes as an example. Maybe get some Goblin equivalent. Hell I'd have gone as far as to say Stain was almost interesting with his anti super hero propaganda shit.
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I think the confusion comes from the fact that Naruto is described as a "talentless child" a lot early on in the story but that's to say that he doesn't take his ninja studies as seriously as he should, not that he doesn't have the innate potential for massive amounts of power, which is what they mean with the word "talent" when they say "hard work beats talent" I think this just comes down to less than ideal translation. It's shown EXTREMELY early on that Naruto was in fact born very powerful, even without the 9 tails inside of him. The whole reason he could do the multi shadow clone jutsu was specifically because he was born with an insane amount of chakra and because he had no "talent" (read: "skill", in this case) he had the chakra reserves to throw a ton of chakra at the shadow clone jutsu and create dozens of clones of himself but didn't yet develop the chakra control to only create and maintain one clone. He was born so strong that he couldn't control his massive chakra reserves enough to only make one clone, now that I think about it, this is very similar to how Deku couldn't control OFA when he first gained the power and had to learn how to use a small portion of it rather than the whole thing.
Nigga she was literally set up as his love interest from day 1. Stop coping. Deku's a beta faggot and he deserves getting made fun of.

"M-muh university teacher!! H-he's probably making a lot of money!!" Guess what? Most of these heroes are probably getting way more than him.
I don't post in Black Clover threads either. I didn't care about your shitty generic medieval fantasy back in 2018 and I still don't. Begone, you cretin.
>Most of these heroes are probably getting way more than him.
Not really, villains has decreased over the years since the war ended and heroes are mostly just motivational speakers these days. The yen literally collapsed.
And remember, they spent 6 years saving up the equivalent of All Might's entire fortune in 40 years to make his suit. I wouldn't be surprised if a couple of them are in debt for life or even have a mortgage.
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Well he recently adopted some kids he met on gladiator planet. They're pretty alright. Though I think a lot of fans are still pretty angry losing Super-sons because Bendis. I mean I'm pretty cross.

Incidentally he probably would push him to not put up with Bakugo's bullshit.
This is just getting sad even for you Jimbo.
>unlike most anime where the people who are born strong just get to be strong and not have to do any real work to properly utilize that strength.
lol you are about as shit as him for strawmanning.
>The yen literally collapsed
Then explain how Deku could possibly be making big dick money?
Is this that HOAD you guys were talking about?
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>repeatedly worshiping his own bully.
This was the moment Deku's humiliation fetish was fully realized. After this fight it seemed like Deku started actually enjoying all of Bakugo's bullying. It's sad, I was hoping that fight would be when Deku stops allowing Bakugo to talk shit to him all the time because in reality Deku is strong enough to obliterate Bakugo if he really wanted to. But Deku got a boner when Bakugo shoved his head into the ground instead of understanding that Bakugo was afraid of losing to him and that Deku is actively trying to hold back to not accidentally kill Bakugo. Any hope of Deku growing a spine went out the window for good after that fight, he is simply a cuckold at heart.
Do people only hate MHA because nobody people care about die as opposed to DS and JJK?
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canonically cucked
No proof
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imagine thinking no one fucked this in 8 years
Mina would probably break down if they don’t end up together.
Holy fuck Ochako is thicc.
it's not the w you think it is, bro. If anything the people who read this garbage for 10 years are the losers.
>6 years
It's pretty easy to tell when someone doesn't understand what they read.
Spider-Man is a fucking faggot who gives up every other month
that doesn't make it any better lmao
Wait so the suit actually took 6 years to make?
No we hate it because it's a bad shonen fight series and a bad super hero series
Assassination Classroom was so good. Such a charming cast of characters.
Yes, forty years of fortune saved by 19 people for 6 years

If you really think Ochako didn't get plowed by anybody with a body like that after 6-8 years apart you're on some next level decuck copium gas
>But. But sir,what about that time I_
>Fucking fuck!!! What's wrong with you! Give me my food!!
Actually i>>271244057
t is
>It's hilarious how fast he embraced his iron man suit
Deku could never refuse a gift from his Kacchan.
Dude, don't tell me about the life your mother had before she had you. Not all women are promiscuous. Remember that there are heroines who are over 30 who are not married and have no one waiting for them at home.
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imagine the sugoi
Why is my thingy getting longer?
>I want to be [specific position in my village]
>I want to be [the man who holds the same unofficial title held by a man who just died, later revealed to know much more about his world than almost everyone]
>not tangible goals or arcs
The protagonists of series that followed Naruto and One Piece are often much flimsier in motive than the two most lucrative shounen to frame their narrative this way. Luffy and Naruto both have bad execution of their arcs (Luffy is flanderized to shit in some arcs and Naruto is so pathetic in his fixation over Sasuke that it's painful to read), but they are indeed present with multiple instances of character progression or tension.
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>we can do this the easy way, or we can do this the hard way
Booty Warrior?
Is that you?
I can't wait to see what happens when it needs repairs. Like not even getting thrashed fighting, fucking Doomsday or whatever, just routine maintenance.
Naruto threads were allowed but spammed. The archives are accessible to the public.

The issue was that Naruto was pop culture to the point that it attracted a large amount of people who shouldn't be here
I think Deku can afford certain things, and both Mei and Melissa are there for him.
you're just reinforcing why this whole thing was was dogshit. Irondeku is a great idea. Irondeku being a gift after 6-8 years of sitting on his ass and not chasing his dreams is pure garbage
What did you expect? That he would do it himself? Deku is smart, but he's not that smart. People overestimate his intelligence. What's wrong with people who genuinely want to help a friend?
>I think Deku can afford certain things
Dear God. Bakugo and Shoto will have to fund the Dekusuit nonstop.
he could kickstart the whole thing. He has almost a decade to prepare and is friends with 2 of the brightest minds in the setting while being at one of the top institutions. That's more than enough to A. gain working knowledge of mechanics/engineering so that in the field repairs/patch-ups are viable along with all kinds of other makeshift shit depending on the situation and B. it could be a steady build up of small gadgets into Irondeku instead of just being one lump sum which works fine since he's in his mid-20s and sequel bait is in the air. The lack of initiative and effort on his part is terrible for a MC in a hero story and makes the end look like a pity vanity project instead of heroic
>Would he be smarter?
most likely not, that's batman's shtick
>More heroic,
depends on what you mean.
>more understanding of the weight of heroism?
definitely, clark kent is the kind of guy who really cares about getting the point of ""why"" they do what they do across. also he'd tell deku to stand up to bakugo or he himself will talk to bakago/his parents
I'm more critical of the IronDeku suit being a "surprise gift", where I'm convinced Izuku's gonna break the suit immediately when facing a villain since he's got no experience with the suit, even if its supposed to be a 1 of 1 emulation of OFA. If anything, Izuku should have worked with Mei and Melissa from the beginning to test out various prototypes of the suit that replicate one of OFA's quirks, before finishing with the complete version in 430 that has all the emulated quirks
>Mirio does nothing after losing his quirk
This guy is obsessed with showing everyone how he’s the most retarded shitposter here
But Anon, he is telling the truth. If it weren't for Eri, Mirio would have been discharged due to disability.
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There's a yearbook in her room when she discovers Gentle, she was at least a 18yo neet
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Damn this doujin really hit hard, it feels so painfully real
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What a fucking cursed timeline.
Top kek
Deku saved the fucking world. Society itself should be bankrolling his delusions.
It had better writing than the entire series lol.
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They spent those money to fix the collateral damage he caused during the battle against Shiggy.
you know I find it very hard to believe that a construction company can ever be hard up for cash in a universe of supers. Contractors must be rolling in it.
They just roll the gacha until they get the guys with the brick creating quirk or something.
What doujin is this?
Uraraka’s parents supposedly run a construction company and they’re poor.
Then they probably run a bad construction company.
Who was the bigger cuck in this? Deku or Lida?
Definitely Iida.
He embodies the beta safety net for roastie.
Deku meanwhile can just shrug and get a normal girl if he wants.
>made by gook
They are experts at doing NTR, they literally have to always watch Yankees fuck their women if they don't want NC to invade them.
easily deku. with lida it's obvious she's gonna build a family with him and deletes her old pictures, he could do better but even with her they'll build a stable family.
deku on the other hand is permanently quirkless(which is apparently an immediate turn off) a loser and has to beg for donations for his suit. he's also still a s-s-sttutring limb betamale with a twink build. 0 prospects
north korea, I'm sorry by the confussion
It's incredible how mental acrobatics are. If Deku were married, you would call him a loser, but since it's Iida, Deku still keeps losing. It's incredible how mental acrobatics people do.
at least Lida gets to fuck her.
That's implying Deku can even get a girl. He's a loser.
That's implying Ochako would not cheat on him.
>That's implying Ochako would not cheat on him.
that's the implication with the panel of her deleting the pictures. she's above a roasty but below a pure girl, all the whoring she did was due to the trauma and stress of her job, and when she found out that her first love is an asshole she left him and got scard by the experience.
>He's a loser.
that's also implied, deku has 0 value by himself and now that he's quirkless he's back to square one, which was in the fucking negative numbers since the guy is THE beta male
>I hate Tanjiro because he's unhateable.
Kokushibo? Why are you posting here?
There's no indication she deleted the pictures. We see her trying once and she doesn't, and we don't see what she clicked the second time. It's intentionally not shown to us.
>There's no indication she deleted the pictures
read slower, barry
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>shows her deleting the image
Actually, they were revived.
She could've clicked any of the two options.
hori's next manga won't be cockblocked by editors, right?
Has there been any author whose manga drops to the bottom but fans still read their next work?
Bleach and burn the witch?
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from a narrative prespective it makes more sense for the second panel of her looking and pondering weather or not she should delegate the pic, to be about her actually deleting it. it's also indicated by other stuff such as her thoughts and how she chose to put money into the wedding
Nope. You would have a point if we didn't saw her trying to delete the picture before. From a narrative perspective makes sense if she doesn't delete the image too. She spent 8 years whoring herself out and 8 years holding onto that same picture.
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>accidentally sends EVERYTHING to Deku instead
Also, something I just noticed.
The moment she comes back to Japan she has sex with a dude with white hair, and just so happens the only japanese dude we see having white hair is this guy >>271247177
tbf he would enjoy it which would lead her to sell videos of her and lida to deku. shit if you want to go full depression ntr route i can imagine deku becoming a shutin and selling parts of the suit to fuel his cuck fetish
Sound to gook for me
>to gook
>He sacrificed the most powerful quirk in existence to defeat essentially the anthichrist and save the world
Nop, he sacrificed the SECOND most broken power in the setting that was hand over to him, destroying a legacy that took like 1 century to build up to TRY TO SAVE the antichrist, Nana points out that Deku was AVOIDING FATAL HITS TO SAVE SHIGARAKI(THE ANTICHRIST) because he was sad, he could have ended the fight if he actually try to kill shigaraki like everyone was doing with All for one. He is sad for at least the next 8 years in part because he couldnt save a mass murdered meaning that it was never his intention.
Second UA is not a great school is a school you go there if you are already great not to become great, pretty much you only go there for the prestige of graduating with the best and get your license. people go there to say I graduated in the same school that All might and Endevour graduated from, the ending shows that they now admit anyone even people with shit quirks and with a teacher(Deku) that is unable to give kids anything less than A++ for showing up the quality of Heroes looks grim, All might could get away with that because he handed over with of the strongest quirks at its peak to a random moron, when those kids that Deku is teaching face a muscular they will simple get turned into red paste.
Nope, KYS.
Disregarded, you have to go back.
Have sex.
I mean it's kind of obvious

Everyone shitting on Deku being a cuck thought that him and Ochako could still possibly be a thing. But that whole thing went full stop, and she got more development with Toga, of all people

I can't even remember, was she even one of the first ones to 'save him' from going full edgelord? I feel like it was someone else who talked him back down to earth...wasn't it like Aoyama or something?
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Pipe down, chudcels.
Yeah but the series shits on people that wanted to be heroes for fame and money a lot for 1 urakara the rest get shat on for those goals unlike people that want to be like All might.... that is rich and famous.
Your analogy would more acurate if this was the story of a boy that complains that the world is unfair because... he is NOT RICH, he then wins the lottery and gets to hung out with people that are rich that now want to hung out with him because is more rich than them. The series would try to hammer over and over the message that anyone can be rich and deserves to be rich but that is besides the point due to sheer dumb luck.
The series ends with the MC wasting all his money but trying to advise others on how to become rich trough hard work or creativity while still missing his glory days only for him to gain the lottery again and get to hung out with his rich pals again.
If you pay attention and actually read, something that you can barely do, you would notice that people are not complaining because rich people exist but because the main character wants to be rich and the tension of the story gets resolved because he lucks out no more no less.
Yes, he would had
Deku main himself all the fucking time for stupid reasons, he disfigured his hand in the sports festival to give a dude a prep talk.
He broke his finger to not get kick out of a prestigious school, he clung to All might leg to get his approval even if that was dangerous.
He is a reckles moron, he is just as derange as Dabi only the series actually rewards him for his retardation, gives him plenty of outs when he does something that he wasnt suppose to do and he is as much of a bitch as DABI.
Saying that Deku is heroic is the same as saying that Dabi is heroic
That was the most realistic depiction of a woman I've ever seen, good job korean man
This actually makes All migh look worse, he couldnt be inspired by his fellow colleagues trying to save a kid, but a reckless moron was what moved him.
Knowing everything that we know now, it shows that it had less to do with a brave inspiring moment of bravery from another human being and more a man rewarding a random moron because he reminds him of his old self
8 years. Almost a decade of not seeing anyone. I don't think they understand how long that is. That's life changing. If the time skip was just one or two years tops MAYBE it would be an easier pill to swallow.
What stops other individuals with money like you know... the goverment or villians like redestro from getting the same suit to have like 40 Dekus at their call?
says the self inserter kek
He can't do that anymore lmao
Neat projection, I'm not though.
even when it was new people were all about the frog girl and didn't really care about ochunko. actually i don't even know what happened to the frog girl anyway i guess she joined the japanese coast guard or whatever
I've been fapping to ochunko for a decade.
>and interesting character quirks
But anon, he has seven of those
not anymore.
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She deserved better as Lum 2.0.
Like clockwork
What happened to token black character?

I remember he was in the class, wore yellow, cooked something, and had some mid quirk?
Deku and BNHA are complete shit and will always be shit
true that

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