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Shamiko 10th anniversary images by Itou.
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2 images?
I'll get to the rest of the thread and news later
guessing no chapter in a while if she's used all her mana for this
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If anything the opposite, she's good enough to do art again lately
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the Elf has xeeted
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more shamixeets
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>I'm alive!
Well enough to travel even!
>content of tweets
That's not very encouraging...
Good to hear she is alive.
It feels like any positive is immediately balanced by the negative...
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The sacred texts
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No it could be worse. It could be her lung disease that was keeping her from working, but its 'just' the dysautonomia that first struck during the broadcast run of season one, I believe this is the third time it has visited. During the broadcast run in 2018, then she got better, tried the magaka/vtuber thing a year later and it reappeared and ended that career.
ITO LIVES! We shall purge a city in her name tonight to celebrate!
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Shame we just finished a 16 day long thread, and now this news comes out.
>16 day long thread
Seriously? Even the fabled Colors thread, whose life got an extension because someone got IP wiped for posting porn, was "only" 16 days.
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Is this yuri?
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Also no sign of Suika.
That would be Ito
LEVEL UP from "literal corpse" to "incapacitated by deathly sickness"
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Show about demons and magical girls turns out to be semi-autobiographical.
Anon, having episodes where your hand can't draw what you're thinking or you can't even understand what you're reading isn't good.
It's heartbreaking
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Itou has been dying for 10 years already?
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She started dying somewhere around the start of covid, so only four or five years.
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>normal person with very little physical strength
she's just like me frfr
I wanna marry her and take care of her and cook healthy and tasty meals for her
I want to do gay stuff to Shamiko.
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We know Momo
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time for a juicy ipa
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I want to squeeze them.
croissant for trying time
that's a lewd outfit for a fox
>tfw no 6 minute long shamomo lez sesh najar animation
fellas how do we get shamiko and momo into im@s
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News is coming out in a dripfeed type style lately. Even now things are still coming out from the anniversary expo. I'll make threads whenever there's news, but even then its hard to catch all the news no matter how long threads stay up.
Shamiko is so erotic
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Even a sexless girl like Momo suddenly finds herself awakening sexually every day being in the company of this succubus. Momo once thought she had no interest in such things, now whether she realizes it or not she's already become a pervert.
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I love Lico.
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How much life force was needed to get today?
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Nice outfits.
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Shami, Ryoko, Seiko nerfed

Mikan, ricky, buffed
Is this the image she mentioned drawing?
Ryo belly and armpit
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Experiment time.
Nah, that's just how regular nemesis act.
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She's tweeting again secretly
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>Eh? Everyone's so good it's scaring me...
>Ikebukuro Kirara Exhibition FINAL
>Congratulations on the opening
>I've no excuses for resting up so much but I'll bring the legend back to life bit by bit
>t. Ito Izumo
>Ito is married
Is her husband a cardboard box?
Is that a good or a bad sign?
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Wahaha! Give up, Magical Girl! You can't escape now!
Surely Shamiko will win this time.
Momo could never escape from the breast suffocation technique
Good and then bad

When she's tweeting a lot of means she's in high spirits again, she's back up to being strong, they gave her back her phone at the hospital. She used to tweet daily, it's when she stops tweeting that it's bad, when she isn't tweeting she's feeling bad. People think that maybe she burns herself out a bit too quickly whenever she feels good again by going at full power a bit too fast.
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Are big boobs evil?
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An evil pair of udders on a devious succucow. Large breasts incite sin, they are full of dreams and milk. Submitting oneself and growing subservient to massive Shamitits is akin to accepting villainy. Holding a desire to acquiesce control to the Shadow Mistress' bosom means it is already too late. Feeling an urge to extricate orgasm from within the Mazoku Matriarch's nipples means the evil has wormed its way inside long ago.
So Lilith isn't evil in the slightest?
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Lilith is a lewd exhibitionist but she's always struck me as being more pure. I'd expect Lilith to want to go on dates and hold hands and hang out naked in a non sexual way. She seems like the type to be really embarrassed and happy if one were to worship her beautiful, flat chest.

Shamicow on the other hand instills incredulous amounts of lust in those who behold her and while her demeanour is more pure it feels her sexy stat caps are insanely high. I'd imagine Shamicow to be the kind of girl who grows addicted to pleasure and goes above and beyond with her select lovers. Every moment is foreplay to the devious mazoku with tummy play/tail groping, Shamicow is like some kind of sex bomb waiting to go off.
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this should be the reverse
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The peach is a bottom who bends to her matriarch
but she thinks she's a top at first
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Massive Mazoku Mammaries
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Breasts built for experiencing the heights of pleasure
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Mating like bunnies to aid in the production of Shamimilk
I think so. I think that she made deliberately false statements about being married, either as a joke that did not make it through translation or just to mislead people so they wouldn't hit on her. She once said he had the screen name of "GundamDeathscythe_Hell"- but she owns a MG Gundam Deathscythe Hell, we have seen pictures of it in a display case near her work station in her old apartment. So married to her model Gundam as some kind of joke?
If she was married the guy takes absolutely NO care of her, as she has never mentioned him taking her to the hospital at any time.
On the other hand Japanese celebrities are so damn secretive about their private lives that sometimes you don't even find out they have a significant other until they're having a kid.
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No boobs
Full of seething and a desire for revenge

Both easy come easy go types who are down to earth and nice

The only conclusive part is the more boobs you have the calmer and less angry you are. We can prove this further with Seiko and Riko, the more boobs you have the less you worry about life.

Notice how as Momo's breasts and hair grow slowly throughout the series she slowly begins to chill out and become more girlish. The more they grow the more Shami she becomes.
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This thread is too horny
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Shamicow is a horned beast, it's true.
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They're croissants
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The only way that would work in Ito's case is if he was ALSO a famous mangaka/animator/voice actor and they were both deliberately editing out references to each other or having staff do it. During her various health crises over the last six years she has mentioned in passing assistance or intervention by assistants, her imouto, her mother and even her editor. But never a husband or boyfriend (for that matter, no direct reference to her father either, just either 'parents' or 'mother'). And I also don't think Ito has ever had more than one assistant at any given time either.
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It's Shamiko's fault for being so horny
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Just wait until Ryoko gets horny though...
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Ryoko is potentially the Blade of the Mazokuverse. All of the powers, none of the weaknesses. Same parents as Shamiko- no curses. And gets to learn from Shamiko's mistakes. If they can find the Staff of Moses- or if Ogura starts building weapons for her...
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Yoshidas are a clan of horned succucow
Mama Mikan erotic
tits out Mikan causing everybody to have a panic attack
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Uga needs a dad
No can do in a Kirara manga series, she must get a 2nd mom.
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Hefty mazoku
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How did she do it?
Just the natural result of sex
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How will I get big titty mommy gf?
This thread lacks cute animals
This always bothered me
Like even if she didn't check the app, go over and invite her in person?
And why doesn't she know her birthday?
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I can't believe Shami would use the whatever staff to convert Momo into a plush toy
God, I wish that were me
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All the angry Shami's
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There's at least 12 places on Shamiko's body I'd love to shove my face into, research is being done to discover more
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I want to touch Shamiko's womb with my cock and give Lilith another descendant
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>Thank you, Lebensstil, for your "way of life"
>racehorse that just won today (jockey: Christophe Lemaire)
Caraco is back on the horseracing grind
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hello shamithread
hello shamifrens
It's finally time to have hope again. Even if there's no chapter this month, that just means there's definitely going to be one next month right?
need TL of this interview
Do we even have the raw version?
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not that I know of
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translate request
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Uma Musume needs a warning label for leading to betting addiction.
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I wish I could read.
Just learn how to screen translate
Most phones have a button for it now
>Shamiko 10th anniversary
has it really been 10yrs? S2 still in my backlog, fuuuuu
I hate using my phone.
It works on desktop too
Racing Horse names are funny
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I will do lewd things to this fox, so it's only fitting
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>hang out naked in a non sexual way
That sounds kinda nice actually.
There's this image of fully naked Ririsu just looking happy in a field of grass, but the light clan will get me if I post it
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Forgot there was a SFW version in the set, could've posted that
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is it gozenso day or what
What exactly is Ito's problem. Lupus? Some other kind of odd autoimmune disease?
Back when Ito had some software problems on the PC she uses for drawing... did that month's chapter ever come out? If not, there's at least a half-done chapter she just needs to finish, giving me hope for a blessed shamibirthday next week.
they drew her boobs too big
anon this is a Joshua, not a Lilith
boobs? too big
>"Yoshida Ryo-ko?"
>"but I'm, Nekoko..."
>sfx: waver~
>"We're rehearsing for our play right now, so"
>"I'd appreciate if you could come back later, nya"

(the notes on the blackboard talk about getting into character, but she almost feels hypnotized...)
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Shit, I kinda waved off this page, but now that I think about it, Momo definitely had a wet dream involving Shamiko right?
It was a sex dream
A freudian sex dream
She has two problems. The first is that she has emphysema as a effect of having had whooping cough before age one. The second problem is this dysautonomia that causes her motor control problems, this struck for the first time during the broadcast of the first season and has appeared two or three times again since.
Peel the momo eat the Momo, peel the momo, eat the Momo.
Japanese fans dived into that page more when it came out. One of the things I remember is that the tamasakura clock thing in the background is considered a phallic symbol in dreams. Momo wishes for Shamiko to "eat her", combined with the phallic symbol appearing behind Shamiko, momo deeply desires to be taken physically. The only problem is she's a little too strong for it to happen naturally.
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Ito status?
Read thread
lungs fucked
heart fucked
immune system fucked
most muscles in the body fucked
eyes slowly getting fucked
undefined tumors
chronic gambling addiction

She's now at the level of a normal weak human
>anon this is a Joshua, not a Lilith
Doesn't matter, maybe even makes it better
None of these just *happen*. She has to be faking some of this shit.
Yeah they do. Some people have the worst fucking luck when it comes to physical health.
No, they do not.
If it's an autoimmune disease like lupus that would be one thing, but your lungs and your heart do no just become "fucked" without it being linked to something congenital or you having actively done something to fuck them.
Eyes too, and while I understand her profession would likely cause a lot of eye strain, there are ways to mitigate damage. I mean it's not like she's not doing something literally every other currently active mangaka has to deal with as well.
And mind you, this isn't me speaking as someone upset that she doesn't release enough chapters, but as an angry HCP annoyed by people who don't take good enough care of their health until it's too late. Next you're going to tell me she shuns medication and prefers holistic remedies.
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You wouldn't a father of two children and a married man like that, would you?
Between pictures like this and the tweet of her blood pressure being in the "coma and death" range, I believe that she believes her body is falling apart.
How much of that is in her head is a different question, since it does impact her life all the same
>eye strain
It's glaucoma
her parents were some kind of anti-vaxxers I believe, so she caught some stuff that caused irrepearable damage as a child
in addition to just having awful genetic luck in general
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>her parents were some kind of anti-vaxxers
They were the generation of Japanese anti-vaxxers who had genuine reasons to distrust the process, due to how colossally hard their health organization fumbled the ball that one time. Doesn't change the fact that they ruined their child's life over it, but there's more to the story
Figured there'd be a reason for the distrust, what was the fumble? I remember my parents and grandparents talking here in nordics about the anti-morning sickness pill for preggos that turned out to be quite the fuckup but that wasn't a vaccine.
> who had genuine reasons to distrust
Worked out well, I see.
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>what was the fumble?
Finding an article on it that doesn't instead focus on the 2020 kerfufle is like trying to find art of Momo with manga-accurate scars, so this is the best I got
>Japan’s vaccine resistance dates back to the 1970s when two infants died within 24 hours after receiving the combined diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (whooping cough) vaccination. The vaccine was temporarily suspended but confidence had already been rattled. For several years, infant vaccination rates fell, leading to a rise in cases of whooping cough.

>In the late 1980s, there was another scare with the introduction of a Japanese-produced measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine. Early versions of the vaccine were linked to aseptic meningitis, or swelling of the membranes around the brain and spinal cord. The problem was traced back to the mumps component of the MMR vaccine, which led to court action and a hefty damages payout.

So tl;dr is - whooping cough vaccine kills two infants, people don't trust it henceforth, gets amplified by a much wider scale complication decade later and Ito get the short end of the stick being born right in the wake of this.
About as well as you'd expect
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Five days left until Shamiko birthday and new chapter
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So whats happening in this thread?
Even her backside is Shamieroi...
A bit of Ito lore, a bit of Lilith lust, and a lot of shamilust
Her Shami's are still visible even from directly behind.
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Goddamn that's hot
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You know, to make the deadline for the Shamiko birthday chapter, she would have had to turn in a manuscript last Friday- which is the day before she started posting again. Do you think its possible?
Mikan is big, but can you see her mikans from behind (when drawn on model)? Or are her shoulders too wide? The curse of having a fit either body?
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I'm not sure if we've had canon frames where you can see that, but I am sure I saw fan created images of adult persuasion where that was definitely the case.
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Mikan's a single mother who gets the sluttiest art so that's no surprise.

Shamicow would guaranteed have her breasts be visible from behind on model if her hair wasn't in the way. She sure is huge for being E cup, must be her perfect height and her latent milk supply.
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Attacking a mazoku from_behind is a sneaky tactic only dastardly mahou shoujo would employ!!
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>Mikan's a single mother who gets the sluttiest art
Poor girl attracting the attention of all the perverts. Like me
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Or, you know, Ito really doesn't know what a E cup is for a 145cm woman. Supposedly she is pretty flat herself as well as extremely thin. Pretty much Lillith.
She probably took the 'rule of thumb' that you gain one permanent cup size per pregnancy and considered Seiko a G so that meant Shamiko would be two sizes smaller so that would be a E. But I don't know that you can see a E cup from the rear like that, but a G you certainly could. Seiko is normal (for Japanese) height and about 7cm shorter than Momo.
They probably are BOTH G cups, with Seiko looking bigger because she is 15cm larger overall.
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Seiko's powerful genetics.
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They simply must be passed on
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They certainly have.
Yes, but I mean, passed on beyond this point as well.
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I am sure Ryoko and Sion will print many busty pages. Sion herself isn't flat, though I think she is smaller than Mikan.
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What the hell is fresh peach heart shower?
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It's a mahou shoujo attack that is ultimately ineffective vs a properly built succucow
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Momo just stole it and slapped a new name on it.
Shamicock will make it happen
I will always have shamifaith in Ito, even when she lets me down.
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there's something about komomo
Shamiko pls
It's all about the defenseless pits, or maybe the canon dismemberment.
she didn't get dismembered what the fuck
>he doesn't know
not like it would matter anyway because ether body shenanigans
One of my favourite Monmo images
She lost an arm and a few large chunks out of her body

Itou has to be very creative with the paneling to have momo lose some body parts but purposefully never show it to keep the all ages rating. Notice how it's always just barely covered up.
Lost half her stomach next
If you look closely you can see the blood pooling up around her body in the later panels as she's bleeding out
Technically she's the one who decided to cut off her arm to get away from Suika because her mind was controlled
Considering the sins she committed she saw that as a small price, she would rather suffer than forget what she's done

How did she suddenly regrow a bunch of body parts right after the battle
That's because Suika "healed her"
But remember Suika no longer has power at that point, meaning she likely substituted something for the missing body parts
The missing arm is also referenced in some official art recently. I can't remember what it was but I remember it being subtle. People didn't catch the tattered cloth until months later.
It was the volume cover
shaming shamiko
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Why doesn't Ito just marry me? I'll cook her healthy meals and drive her to the hospital and do anything for her
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Imagine taking advantage of an exhausted, bleeding Shamiko while Momo is laying next to her, powerless to stop it.
give her a big zrbt on her vulnerable belly
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doko Ito, doko???
I hope she got a tip that her condition could be helped with an elimination diet.
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So small.. So big.. So Shamiko..
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I need real time second to second Ito updates.
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Think she was still talking about this>>271230043
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Pretty sure she is talking about the catalogue you get when you visit here, which is still open till next Sunday.
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>Gakkou Gurashi sharing the inner circle powerhouse
Why is Shamiko on the outer ring?
Slutty peach.
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So, for what use does Sion need mazoku urine?
Does the closeness to Yuno perhaps measure the authors relationship to Ume-sensei rather than the sales power of the manga?
picture two.
Sion actually has a great figure. But you have to wonder why a data daemon needs such a hot body? Is it some sort of survival strategy that being sexy increases the chances of surviving to pass on her data?
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>shamiko only one without gun
What did Ito mean by this?
she has grenades
Two days until Shami birthday
Those are more of a bombshell-sized
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Filling up the Shamidrive
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>gero b
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>nervous system went haywire and just fucked up both her body and mind in random ways
That sounds awful
I wonder what is the real culprit with this nerve stuff. Its not listed as a normal side effect of emphysema. A form of MS perhaps?
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Who's her Momo to her Shamiko?
Itou has said before she has a momo tulpa
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Late at nights near deadline, Momo has appeared and held conversations with her. Not the only one, a short jr high age girl Ito has named Kirara has appeared a few times. Ito made a end of volume omake in one of the tankubon about that.
Isn't it odd that the main character of her show has never appeared before her, just Momo and a completely generic mob? You would think that given the amount of time she must think about Shamiko and her story that Shami would be in the forefront of her mind at any given time.
She is a combination of Shamo and Lilith, depending on the mood.

In fact Lilith was primarily created because the editors didn't want shamiko getting beaten up and bullied every chapter by magical girls, so Itou created a shitty brat mazoku who it was okay to beat up.
Well apparently if you took a image of Lillith and ditched the horns and tail and have her a black shoulder length bob cut and brown eyes- that is what Ito sensei actually looks like.
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>Ito's silicone hand model is closer to Lillith's skin color than Ito's own skin is.
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Time for me yet?
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Domination loss?
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Suika has been praying on posters here, hasnt she?
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Do you ever go through those folders start to finish?
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Hi Shamifriends!
I've transcribed and translated all of Ito's notes on the designs and supervision/correction pages for the wedding figures that were on display at the Yofukashi Mazoku (All-nighter Mazoku) event on September 6th (the season 2 binge night, season 1 all-nighter was on August 9th).

See the following thread and tweets for reference pics because the file sizes :

桃 衣装デザイン
[Momo Outfit Design]
upper left:
>Momo is a girl whose thematic is her falling to darkness, so black roses of her key color have been added to certain areas.
>I have added the black rose motif to the center of the pearl necklace on her chest, and the center of the ribbon on the veil on the back.
middle left:
>Lace glove with a rose motif
upper center:
>2 hairpins
middle center:
>I would appreciate if Momo is "hiding her mouth with a single red rose"
lower center:
>Shoes are made to have a partially translucent feel
>If Momo doesn't have her head parts somewhere, it wouldn't be very Momo-like, but if it were to remain on her head, it'd clash with her veil and look bad, so I have subtly attached it to the back.
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[Regarding The Shadows On Momo's Face]

>The shadow feels a bit strong.

below left image:
>For the center portion of the face(cheek area), I think it would be good to make it plump/soft and gentle/smooth, and eliminate as much "age shadows/drawn-in cheek shadows" as possible.
(fun fact: the phrase for 'cheeks are drawn in' is "頬がこけ/コケている", but "コケ" is also "moss", so "コケ影" looked like "moss shadows" at first)

nose closeup (top to bottom):
>The nose's highlight has ended up in the line
>The philtrum section under the nose suddenly caves inwards, and as the sculpting makes it suddenly bulge starting at the lips, it causes a aging shadow under the nose

center (from the top):
>The bridge of the nose is too narrow, and there is a large shadow in the center of the face, making it look like the (visual) information is fragmented in the center of the face.
>Additionally, it feels like a large shadow is cast beneath the nose.

>Is the nose~mouth~chin topology a bit too rough?
>I think it would be good to draw out a bit more softness.

>By softening the bulge under the nose, with the intent of dispersing the light in the center of the face, I think it would further draw the eyes to the eyes and mouth.

>Instead of only raising the nose in isolation, I feel that it could become cuter by smoothening the surface of the bridge of the nose~philtrum~cheek.

>Prevent the highlight of the TOP(bridge) of the nose from standing out as much as possible, and draw out the softness

>Here is a guide/standard for the corrections.
>The focus is to sculpt so that there is roundness around the mouth, preventing the cheeks from being drawn in.
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シャミ子 衣装デザイン
[Shamiko Outfit Design]
left (from the top):
>Skirt is long on the back, Large ribbon on the hip・knee-high leggings, hair is put up

>Like in the below image, I would like for there to be a slight gap between the breasts and the cloth attached to them

>The pose is a provisional one

>Veil translucency

>The bottom frilled skirt is a 2-layer frill with a translucent bottom layer

シャミ子 ドレスフィギュア 監修
[Shamiko Dress Figure Supervision]
>Thank you for the very adorable prototypes. My supervision is the following.

>Here are the overall adjustments.
>I have adjusted the silhouette impression, etc., but as these would be major fixes, it would be fine to only reflect them to a manageable degree.
>Regarding details about the face, breasts, chest area, and how to make the frills and other fabrics flutter, please refer to other pages.

top left:
>I have shifted the position of the hair bundle on right side inwards, and improved the fit of the silhouette

わずかに太くして、肉感をつけてください (一の腕もわずかに太めています)
>Arm: make them slightly thicker, and add more meaty impression (I have also slightly thickened the lower arm as well)

left wrist:
>Add a curve

upper thigh:
>Make the thigh a bit rounder, thicker, and plump

>Please make the knee stick out a bit more, while making the bump of the knee bone a bit smoother.

>Please make them thinner overall, add more variance in shape, and add a gap between the shoe strap and the foot

>The shoe's ribbon might look a bit hard and thin? (feels a bit flattened)
>Please give the ribbon the thickness and roundness of cloth, and make it seem to float up off of the shoe.

>Slightly shift the tip of the shoe (if it is difficult due to weight issues, please leave it as is)
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シャミ子 胸~胴体フリル監修
[Shamiko Breast~Torso Frill Supervision]

(from top to bottom)
>Regarding the cleavage, Y-shaped cleavage makes it look pushed together, so I think it would look softer if the shadows made it look like smooth I-shape.

>I am concerned by the shading below the armpit. (The latissimus dorsi or the serratus anterior is too developed, causing her to look muscular?) Please use a soft line to turn it into fat.

>slightly fatten the arms as well, giving them a soft line

>As the direction of the the gathering wrinkles of the 1st+2nd layer of frills are not unified, it feels like the line of sight is scattered in many directions.
>Additionally, the way the tension is exerted on the gathering does not feel in accordance to how real cloth would act.

I think it would be good if the wrinkle lines pointed towards the direction of what we want to show(chest, face) as much as possible.

>In the correction concept, I have made them the (diamonds) that are often used in the mazoku motif.

>Regarding the necklace, I think it would be good if, by moving the main motif down a bit, it could create a chest area with a good feeling that accentuates a softer and smoother décolletage (lower neckline).

>Additionally, I think it would be best for the main motifs to be horizontally symmetrical, and be meaningful shapes if possible. (heart, clover, teardrops, etc.)

blue text on left image:
>The ribbon cloth looks like it is not coming out of the knot.

>Looks cluttered.

right side of page:
>These are the guides for the corrections. As the corrections to the frill parts are major, adjusting them to the a viable degree would be sufficient...!
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シャミ子 顔監修
[Shamiko Face Supervision]

(left to right)
>I have slightly lowered the point at which it switches to her cheek

>By having the eyebrows on the lower side, I have increased the visible surface of the eyebrows, and made her expression easier to read(I have also slightly changed the location where her bangs split)

>These are the guides for the corrections.
>In the initial draft I received, the bridge section of the nose was thin, and had a strong vertical highlight, causing the face to look elongated, so I have softened the nose and made it so that her face looks somewhat younger.
>Additionally, I would be very happy if you could also adjust it so that the shadows on the sides of her mouth look softer.

And that's it! Will post the Ito Q&A from that event in a bit
Thanks for translating. I love Ito's autism.
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Alright, here are the questions (submitted on twitter via hashtag #教えてよふかしまぞく) and Ito's answers that were revealed at the s2 Yofukashi Mazoku event/later posted on twitter:

source: https://twitter.com/machikado_staff/status/1834170762120622529
(from https://twitter.com/watashihayamada/status/1830605991555276847)
>Question regarding the source material. I'd like to ask what Shamiko and the other main characters did during the main event of the sports festival that wasn't depicted in-story.
>I was planning a sports festival episode as the main event for autumn, but it was shelved due to overflowing from volume 4... . I feel like I was thinking of a 4-koma along the lines of: in the cavalry battle, Shamiko is put on top for the reason of "being small", and due to her smallness gets in dangerous situation, but then proceeds to become invincible due to a strategy where her hat gets stuck to her horns and cannot be removed, but then there's a referee review and they end up disqualified.

source: https://twitter.com/machikado_staff/status/1834532659760091524
(from https://twitter.com/blades56562_724/status/1830595481141182717)
>If the main 4 formed a band, what would their respective roles be? I would like to see a street performance as well.
>I'm not very educated on bands, but I feel like Shamiko would say "I think Momo would go well with a cello, so let's go for a band that takes advantage of the cello".
>Gosenzo would probably say "I'd like a metal and electric sort of feeling", so it would probably end up as a inexplicable band with Momo on cello, Gosenzo on electric guitar, Shamiko on drums, and Mikan on vocals and performance.

(from https://twitter.com/mtani_exe/status/1829455474384871477)
>A question to the source material's Itou Izumo sensei. Has Shamiko's little sister Ryou-chan always been that sort of siscon before Shamiko awakened to mazokuhood?
>There technically properly is something like a reason for this, bu it might become an important key point in-story, so I hope I will one day be able to answer you in the work!

(from https://twitter.com/Saemon_asteroid/status/1830613283709342196)
>In the work, the stop after the Oku-oku-Tama station is a station marked "Dam", what real-life dam is this dam based on?

(Oku-oku-Tama station is the one that Shamiko arrives at after falling asleep on the train and getting off at the last stop on the line)
(It's also the station they use to get to the land that Sakura owns, with the traps, youkan golem, magic spring, sealed snake, etc etc)
(In real life, there's only 奥多摩 Oku-tama station, literally "inner-Tama" station, Oku-oku-tama is thus a hypothetical further "inner-inner-Tama station")
you want autism? here's autism

>I'm so moved, this is the first time in my life that I've been asked a question about dams! I presume you are a dam maniac.
>On the topic of dams, as we're all aware, there's this thing called the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism's Official Dam Card that you can obtain by visiting all of the dams in the country, and it's definitely a national trend that's all the rage with them hip and young fellas. I'm glad to meet a dam enjoyer.
>In the past (ancient) internet, on the outskirts of former 2-channel, there was a "Rivers/Dams board", a message board where people only talked about rivers and dams, and there was a common trap where one would step on a bait URL and be sent to the dam board, and as I fell for the hook of many bait threads, I have thankfully become knowledgeable about dams.

>Dams are nice, aren't they. The history of the Kanto region is a history of water control, and I feel an allure and terror that might suck one in if they venture too close.
>However, I'm sorry that I am unable to meet your expectations, as since this is the interior of the Ōme Line, as one would guess, it's just the Ogouchi dam....

for more info: https://www.waterworks.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/eng/pr/waterworks/ogouchi.html
No of course not. Suika's not real and you wouldn't even remember any of the times a city got soupnuked.
Jesus fucking christ. No wonder she spent so much of her lifeforce with each anime if she gets this autistic on the figures. Assistants probably go mad from being in her proximity.
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Ito will always be the most devout Shamioppai fan
>there was a common trap where one would step on a bait URL and be sent to the dam board, and as I fell for the hook of many bait threads
that's another one for the list, repeatedly fell for the dam board rickroll on 2ch
Ryo arc confirmed?
do not the little girl
Unless you are a millennia old data daemon. Then its fine. For one thing, Ryo's emotional age is supposedly three years greater than the book.
>I am concerned by the shading below the armpit. (The latissimus dorsi or the serratus anterior is too developed, causing her to look muscular?) Please use a soft line to turn it into fat.

>slightly fatten the arms as well, giving them a soft line
Flabby Shamiko confirmed? Has she been eating that well since she met Momo?
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look at this goat
>I was planning a sports festival episode as the main event for autumn, but it was shelved due to overflowing from volume 4

This is so sad. How many other things have gotten shelved over the years from all her lost time. This sounds so cute here.
And then there is poor Budo.
It all goes into Plex or in the case of Manga Nextcloud
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>You will never be half the shitposter Ito-SAMA is
Why the A's and B's in the names and why isn't it Quattro B?
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I'll never marry Ito and drive her to the hospital while she drones on about dams...
That's it I'm committing shamicide
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I used to clone each drive, so I would have A plugged in and then B offline. Gero A died so that's why it's on B, everything else is still on A.
I stopped doing that since it's all backed up on Backblaze now

>Thank you for the very adorable prototypes, HOWEVER!

This is exactly what I thought reading those notes, just like in a conference scene in a anime. Complete with a imaginary desk slap at the end.
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I wish I could marry this woman
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cute goat
No, you must shamilive so you can support her manga!
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It's nice to see an anime girl with the cello.
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Your life has value! Volunteer for our soup kitchen instead of throwing it away like that! It'll be more efficient that way!
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"soup kitchen"
What did she mean by this?
Yup. You're welcome to join us in front of the counter or behind it. Volunteers are especially welcomed.
Mazoku sweat has mild hallucinogenic properties
ryo isn't a mazoku
Doesn't matter, I still want some Ryo sweat
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Technically she is
Succubus look human until their inhuman blood awakens in their teenage years, but that doesn't mean they're merely humans that become mazoku. They are natural Mazoku who awaken their secondary features only after they blend in with humanity as a survival mechanism until they reach adulthood.
i thought shamiko had absorbed ryo's share of the family curse and that's why she was so sickly, but also meant ryo wouldn't awaken to darkness
but i can't remember why i'm under that impression
She can access the dreamscape so I see no reason to assume she didn't inherit her family's powers.
The curse has nothing to do with being a semen demon, its something the light clan did to Lilith's bloodline.
but i thought ryo wanting to read lots of books and be a general/advisor to shamiko was because she wouldn't awaken to any powers of her own
She is just a good imouto wanting to support her big sister.
>Shamiko absorbed her curse
>Which means shamiko absorbed all her dark blood and her family powers and bloodline

The curses aren't the bloodline, the curses are something added to the bloodline over the generations by evil and twisted magical girls. The succubus blood is natural, the curses are something unnatural that were added to the blood, which is why shamiko can absorb them. Her blood isn't a curse, Sakura said she absorbed the curses not the blood.
All she did was make Ryoko an uncorrupted mazoku unbound by curses.
The curses are various things
>Bad with dogs
>Bad with money
Since magical girls can't beat mazoku over the ages they just curse them to keep the mazoku down, so the mazoku stops being a threat to them over time. Eventually mazoku become so weak due to curses that they're actually weaker than humans. Shamiko's family is ancient so they've absorbed hundreds of magical girl curses over the generations. Shamiko took on all the curses so Ryoko is an uncorrupted mazoku. She will blossom into a fine mazoku one day.
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All the curses(Not the mazoku blood) is what put shamiko near death growing up, the curses give various health debuffs. Shamiko took all the bad from ryoko and left her with the good.
And on top of that, Ryoko being half human makes her also a top candidate to be a Maho Shojo at the same time. All of the strengths, none of the weaknesses. Would not even be surprised if her double affinity would even be stable unlike Momo's. Don't think it will happen since she threatened the goldfish with bleach. Too loyal to her sister.
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i'm not ready for summer to ogre
I wonder if Ito has a sister...
Is ito alive again? Or dead again?
she's alive but mostly dead
She's evolved to almost human levels of power
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Yes she does. She has a imouto, she mentioned getting a sweater for her birthday from her little sister a couple of years ago.
Oh nice, thanks for the TL!
We'll know on Friday.
Shamiko's birthday....soon
Itobros, are we slowly fucking back!?
Ito is the barrier between life and death itself.
Machikado Mazoku really is autobiographical after all...
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Thanks for the in-depth TL, very insightful.

I've heard about this before. However, her wording makes it seem like it's less of a willed, on-purpose imaginary friend and more of a... well, hallucination that appears and acts independently. But wouldn't that make Ito a raging schizo? She has no issue talking about this as well, so maybe some nuance is lost in translation - otherwise her health woes would not stop at the physical, unfortunately.
>Ito made a end of volume omake in one of the tankubon about that.
If I recall it was actually a special in Kirara. It's collected in the artbook not the volume.
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Good to know.
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Today is my birthday, and the only thing I wish for, is a new shamichapter.
lmao is this real?
Light clan propaganda
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(it's one of the rewards from that crowdfunding campaign)
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Well the imouto appears healthy and apparently got all her shots...
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Just like Shamiko carried all the curses in her family, Ito carried the burden of her parent's choice... And with that, their imoutos were spared...
Ito has not mentioned neices or nephews so imouto is apparently still single. Don't know how big the age difference is for sure though, it was implied they were an adult and not living with the parents.
Could Ryogura be a thing because Ito-imouto is a lesbian?
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Maybe Ito's imouto loves books
Entirely possible its a family trait. Ito clearly loves books, look all the esoteric shit and archaeology/anthropology works she is familiar with.
winter is coming
At least she isn't in that ice cave apartment that used to devour money during winter. Since she cant control her body temperature well she had MULTIPLE electric heaters going to stay warm and was paying six digit power bills.
She claims to have moved back to her 'home town' in part because of this. When she disappeared again this last spring she was tweeting about weeding the garden one square meter at a time- what she could reach from sitting in one place, so its not a apartment she is living in now.
Suspicion is though that she has moved back in with her parents. That would mean that the 'husband' always was a fiction.
look at how close Shamiko is to Yuno here
I fail to recognize who is between them
I love how you can determine how important a manga is to Kirara by how they place the characters relative to Yuno.
Explain this then >>271365460
Why are these so different?
because it's schizophrenic tea-reading, not a reliable indicator of anything
still fun
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Should Shamiko become Kirara's mascot character after Ume hangs it up? Or is Yuno now so attached to Kirara that even if Ume dies now Yuno will be the face of the Kirara magazines as long as they exist?
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Shamiko is a cheating little slut.
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