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Did you know that Rimuru's voice actress was a guest at AFA Singapore 2023?
>male? (slime)
>feminine body
>feminine voice

why are japs like this?
Male protagonists sell better. This is simply a fact.
Milim anal
What is Lycoris Recoil? What is Bocchi the Rock? Maybe for some genres yes, but it's not a universal rule.
meeting status?
behind sprint. management wont be happy
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Rimuru sex.
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rip purse
How many episodes do we have left?
one more
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Bocchi sold for being bocchi. LR was just another FOTS.
One more and if memory serves it should be another meeting at least partially.
>Veldora practicing his chuuni boss monologue
I love this man so much.
Was before reincarnating. Slimes are probably genderless. Them he chose to use Chizu's likeness, so female or at least androgynous.
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>attemp to watch this season
>5 episodes of meeting
>eh i’ll catch up later
>episode 23
>completely forgot whatever important info the meetings give you
stupid fuck
Literally the only reason lycoris recoil was successful though was because there were cute girls in it. It didn't have good animation, a good story, or good anything really. People just liked it because they liked the idea of cute girls shooting guns.
LR has toilet scenes
>stopped watching because the anime about meetings had meetings
Fuck off tranny, I wanna self insert as a twink not as a bitch
> It didn't have good animation,
From what fucking parallel universe did you come from
It didn't have bad animation, but it definitely wasn't anything spectactular. It was just simply competent, I never thought that the animation alone was a good reason to watch the show when I watched it.
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Gomen gomen
It was too many in a row
that's what the edgelord looks like? I thought he was gonna be basically sasuke with what a cunt he is
ramiris a cute
it's literally all the show is and has been for 2 seasons already
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Made some stitches.
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>im gonna pretend like there’s never been more than meeetings because i love le ebin reddit meme
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I want to fuck a tree.
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the trees are retarded with Ramiris here anon
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Last stitch.
hag appearances always good
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same same face energy
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w-would you fuck a tree?
are they clonal colony dryads or were 8bit just lazy?
it's a political show about meetings that has a fight maybe once every 5 episodes, and that's how its always been
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it's like they never watched episode 3, then 4, then 5, never realized it's going to stay like that
whomst? seriously now.
was he from the arabic themed movie? i skipped that one.
We will get a fourth season, won't we?
Instead of a respawn rate shouldn't an "instance dungeon" work better for boss areas? I'm disappointed Rimuru-sama...
sex with masayuki's boipussi until he respawns and repeat
In 2027, yes.
I've been a bad boy and a dryad needs to punish me.
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I want my own dryad, too
A crop with just Ramiris please.
Obey the quads
Love these fun havers like you wouldn't believe bros.
Yes but not for a while, the anime is pretty much caught up with the manga so come back in like 3-5 years
I miss the meetings.
Oh, that one is nice.
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Why does this make me a little emotional? I love this series like you wouldn't believe.
"ill make a city like that here"
now she's dead and he, taking her shape, has that city to look down on from the hill.
i think it's enough to call a kino shot.
who's the girl with green tips and the 2 old dude right of Rimuru?
that's the first movie, also benimaru's relative in another shot
He refers himself as otoko twitterbro
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That's Towa.
What was Kratos doing in this episode?
>still no brothel
Yeah sorry, dwarf kingdom is still superior.
I was told the Movie was filler shit
it's just more slime but with 0 bearing on plot or world. the most they caused are these appearances at the festival.
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No the movie is good. The plot is kinda bare bones but it's very well animated and directed. I highly recommend watching it.
both movies are original material made to cash in on slime's success, so yes they're fillter shit
written by fuze but the timeline for that event is uncertain. The plot is then reused again for Vision of Coleus kek
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So you don't have to purchase this to enter the dungeon? Cheap/broke people can just go in and die? Seems like bad PR for your family friendly dungeon.
can get loans
>Cheap/broke people can just go in and die?
Maybe they should just not go in then.
>Cheap/broke people can just go in and die?
Sure, as long as they sign a liability waiver.
Kill yourself faggot
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i wanna fuck gabiru. i want to show him who the cooler dude is. i wanna make him my bitch.
Why are Gabiru fans like this?
There we go. Enough of this sick "I want to fuck Rimuru" crowd, we need to rally around what is objectively good for us as human beings: wanting to fuck winged lizardmen. I'd like to see a slime girl(?) just try to grip my trident that hard.
I always hoped he would one day mature / "evolve" into the fully adult male version of himself that he tried out when he initially learned how to be a human again. We see it for like 2 seconds before he gets weirded out by having a dick apparently. I thought it would be a better reflection of his male soul, so of course he'd adapt it.
Guess I was wrong.
By the way, what the fuck is with the driads? They just straight up all ABANDON the forest jura to live in the labyrinth? Excuse me?? Who's going to care for and defend the goddamn forest? They were the strongest creatures in there.
I hope more spawn or something, ffs
they're growing a new forest inside the labyrinth
Yeah, to go live in permanently. That leaves Jura itself without any damn driads. It's ridiculous
everyone must get on mr slime's wild ride
The Driads are all originally Ramiris' servants so all of them want to be with her.
Moreover, the forest is now Rimuru's territory so he and his people will care for it and protect it.
Thank god this season is almost over
I wish this season had more episodes, I'm gonna miss it.
Sex with this Dryad.
The dryads serve the spirit queen, aka Ramiris hence their obsession with her. The labyrinth is technically Ramiris' territory which is why they want to go live there and help her
They all literally become retarded when it comes to her, that becomes a recurring gag so prepare for Treni to be useless now
They don't protect the forest either, they just protect where the Treants live, and the things working in the labyrinth aren't actually them but some spiritual projection since their true bodies are trees. It's how Treni can straight up teleport everything
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So you can't molest these things? Kinda lame if you ask me.
You have to rizz them first. They're too strong to rape like the speedy guy tried to.
I like her voice. I wonder who's the VA.
I did not. Is there a video by chance?
With Tempest and Rimuru City in particular going through an obvious industrialization it's probably better that way.
any pics of the treasure boxes and items like the tempest sword or of scenes of Veldora in his dragon form?
fucking kino
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>You have to rizz them first.
i didn't know what that word meant and thought it was closer to "you have to jizz at them first"
there is a manga where the protagonist make females go into heat after they smell his semen
wouldn't mind a doujin out of this desu desu
so long as its consensual go ahead bro
Imagine if women were sensitive to the scent of ball sweat and went into heat when they smell it
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imagine your god-king being a flirty femboy that likes to keep things casual and informal
Whoah, the anime didn't go over this at all lol. Alright, it makes sense to me now so I'm fine with it, thank you anon
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>Shizus form gets to look on at the city where her precious apprentice, students, and friends are having fun
just grow one
Ramiri's power isn't strong enough for that kind of thing, and bosses are unique beings
where can I get dryad seeds?
impregnate your favorite tree
no u
I'm fucking triggered how small every building is.
Even Rimuru's mansion is the same as at the start, when they should be having ministries. Like it doesn't even look like they could house all of the guests.
They're mostly doing traditional japanese style building, building wide rather than tall. Later they get more imposing buildings.
it gets explained later in the LN, they spend several entire volumes building up the dungeon and doing a bunch of development including giving the dryads sex doll bodies
The issue is that Tempest looks like it could house thousands at most, but probably even that is generous.
Tempest is just the capital, there's several other villages, plus they have the labyrinth.
That said I think the view in >>271233607 is kinda misleading, the novel does say that they have a bunch of inns of various luxury levels, as well as different districts for citizens, merchants, adventurers, crafters & production and obviously the government district, plus a lot of fields.
Kill yourself faggot
no u
Kill yourself faggot
no u

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