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>Oh... He's a fan of my original show...
Heh, solid final word from D
>Our posts are in the manga.
If I didn't know D is way too autistic to even conceive the idea of romance and Hisui isn't that different herself, I'd think they are flirting here
Truly, a great bad ending where everyone loses
Everybody can finally feel a bit like Sakurama for a moment
Even Gotoubun's ending was all foreshadowing after all, he needed IRL audience reaction for his research.
I feel like Yellow's going to be the first and last ranger D actually puts into the dirt.
Blue was stolen and Red got cloned
>thank you all for reading Ranger Reject. Please forward to my next manga.
Imagine the reactions.

So does Yellow foreshadow here that footsoldiers were created from original Red or Green?
What about Aizome?
As expected of Negi
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truly the best girl
Actor?? No way, maybe he was one of the people in the foot soldier costume?
No he's just being cheeky at how he got played by D's shit acting to end the "show" that was being put on.
What about her?
I feel like this arc was kind of shit. It had fun and interesting moments but fell flat.
Pretty much everything that happens in this arc could have happened in a different one. Sakurama could have told D all the new information when they met for the first time in months during the chop arc. The public reveal of an executive from the rangers and the neos could have happened then too, they even had a camera crew present just like this time. Angel could have easily just tagged along as well.
A lot of the moving pieces don’t end up doing anything major. Chidori and Suzukiri’s clash doesn’t affect this arc. Punished Red doesn’t show up in person. D gets mildly injured again while losing practically no fighting ability. Aizome transforms into an executive and does nothing, her personality barely even changing as she was already going insane. Overall very little actually happens beyond the reveal of how executives were people. Something that could have been revealed back in the chop arc (though it might have been a little cramped alongside the Ram reveal) or during the next arc.
This is probably the worst part of Ranger Reject since the time skip.
The psycho genes are waking up.
Yellow looking awfully regal here.
Why did he sing here?
I love how Yellow is not even mad.
I don't think you're wrong in how you're looking at it. This absolutely feels like it's a setup to events yet to come. The stakes here didn't feel real, it just was one event leading to another without any real repercussions. I'm expecting this all will come to a head eventually, but for an arc that felt like that's where it was going to begin with, it does feel like it fell flat.
The cop out ending for the viewers feels almost like a tongue in cheek mockery to us in that sense as well. Not that I'm mad, I'm very amused, but I wonder if there's a metacommentary to this arc.
Get the camera on him so he could end the whole show.
>Get the camera on him so he could end the whole show.
D has actually outsmarted me. I feel dumb.
He's proud of his son.
The way this played out...it makes me wonder if the story won't do a book ends thing, and have D in the exact same place he was in at the start of the manga. Doing a farcical live action show every weekend where he jobs to the Dragon Rangers.

But this time, it's as an actor just doing a show rather than a slave.
so it was just hypnosis
don't go giving that "we adults" speech flag chidori, you're going to get yourself killed
Yellow would 100% have to die for him to even consider that.
We do seem to keep going back to the idea of everything being an act, that everyone is playing a role in a show. It's a common enough theme I could believe D might end up acting on stage at the end, or something along those lines.
>inb4 Yumeko dies for D's sake
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don't know why this panel cracks me up so much lmao, couldn't stop thinking of this
Red punching air and air punching Red.
Pain is perceptual. You can have it be turned off completely.
Happens to people when they get abducted by ayys. They don't use anesthesia or numbing agents, just convince the person's brain that they aren't in pain and it just sort of works. You could be having a giant needle stabbed into your abdomen and not even feel it. Wild shit when you read about it
Oh, if that happens then the current Dragon Rangers would need to be completely wiped first and replaced with people he actually likes. Kanon as Green, Hibiki as Red etc etc.
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Yellow king...?
>What about her?
she knows how footsoldier work, no way she lets it end here
>break next week
ties are so underwelming, its why harem ends suck
Guess Yellow really misses that show.
>everyone's reaction after hisui showed up again and was released from the cell after all that time during 3-way battle
>break next week
thanks for the dump
This resolution was just to get the camera's off D, everyone that's chasing after him knows damn well that wouldn't kill a regular footsoldier. So basically this clusterfuck got postponed until further notice.
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Everything is becoming clear to me…
I really hope if the anime reaches this point, we get that glorious "AAAAARGH" from multiple views like this. Cheesy but a classic for a reason.
Carry on, Yakushi. I like the cut of your jib
Hisui has to be malding after doing this but secretly very happy
>utsukubo jobs and disappears off-screen
>D personally requests Hisui to be there and take the spotlight

what did negi mean by that?
He's seething. Just a bit.
Conquest looking swell
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Some real "I'm going to miss him when he's dead" energy out of Yellow
Same, but for yellow. Smarmy keikaku men can be fun to watch and I want to spend more time in uellow battalion
cute Hisui!
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The classic Sentai VS Crossover Movie ending
What kind of emotion is this
well it had to be someone from the rangers side, and tokita would kill him for real
thinking of foreshadowing
Man this whole meta battle between D and Yellow is pretty fun
>heh, get fucked
Scanlators did well with that one
Ultimately it's a buildup arc. When you look at it that way, it's not so bad.
I forgot about the manga for a while but he had a cool ENTER.
I want to lick Hisui's pits ugh
what a long title lol
It's 4 different Gods
>i love this song
And here I was wondering how they would translate that mess of a divine tool name, honestly I would have also done the same and given up on translating it.
harem ends are great though
We need more Yakushiposting
I still don't like how 02 looks like Kamen Rider Hibiki.
...is that not the point?kxmj
Well, at least he doesn't looks like Decade.
>Human D was Yellow's son and he telds him Star Wars style
yellow with 4 cartridges now, which makes way more sense than 5, seems it was a mistake
>inb4 Yumeko dies for D's sake
Pls Negi dont give angeltards that victory
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>nothing setup arc gets an intentionally unsatisfying ending, both in-universe and in-manga, with the last panel saying "get fucked' and a break week announcement
Yumeko talking with Chidori about them being the adults that have to also give way for the rest of our cast and the trio at the end of this arc being D, Hibiki and Hisui does not bode well for Yumeko's survival
Purposely concluding the arc with a meh ending to piss off the characters and readers.
Sasuga Negi/D
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Count the Cartridges!
The Cartridges the Rangers currently have available are...

Red Battalion
>Red Keeper (Sousei Akabane)
>Shun Tokita
* Salamandra - Yamato no Orochi -> the dragon-shaped fire blasts

Blue Battalion
>Blue Keeper (Keisuke Souma)
* ...
>Aran Hekiru
* ...

Yellow Battalion
>Yellow Keeper (Shinya Kiritani)
* Jormungandr - Hono Ikazuchi no ookami -> thunder cloud cloak that shoots lightning
* Jormungandr - Ama no Hagoromo - Invisibility
* Jormungandr - Takemikazuchi no Kami - Laser sword
* Jormungandr - Susanoo no Mikoto -> Walking on walls

Green Battalion
>Green Keeper (Chidori)
* Fafnir - Ookuninushi no Kami -> "earth bending"
* Fafnir - Sukunabihona no Kami -> size changing
* Fafnir - Amatsu Mikaboshi -> gravity well (i.e. Naruto's Chibaku Tensei)
* Fafnir - ???
>Kanon Hisui
* Fafnir - Ukemochi no Kami -> reality eating
>Footsoldier D
* Leviathan - Ame no Fuyukinu no Kami -> freeze things (water, reality, etc.)
>Angel Usukubo
* DT2.0 - Takemikazuchi no Kami - Laser sword

Pink Battalion
>Noa Hagino
* Naga - Ama no Tajkarao no Kami -> Acceleration
>Masurao Nadeshiko
* Naga - Amaterasu Omikami -> full heal with 5 sec. cooldown
>Chiyoko Entan
* Naga - Omoikane no Kami -> sonar
>Ichigo Sangoshō
* Naga - ???
>Shōko Sumie
* Naga - ???

> General Knights
* ??? - ??? -> seems to be nothing but hand blades
>Juuji Sazan
* DT2.0 - Ukemochi no Kami -> reality eating

>Muko Suzukiri
* Salamandra - Hi no Yagihayao no Kami -> the "jet boosters"
* Salamandra - ???
* Salamandra - ???
* Salamandra - ???
* Leviathan - Umibozu -> giant face that shoots water
* Leviathan - Ryuuguu Otohime -> fish bubble bombs
* Leviathan - Kuramitsuha -> acid body
* Leviathan - Hiruko -> sphere of water
* Jormungandr - Tsukuyomi -> "tv remote"
>Komachi Aizome
* DT2.0 - destroyed?
I know it's not the place for this, but is there any spoiler for Toubun newest movie?
It came out yesterday but I couldn't find any spoiler
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>Scanlators did well with that one
Sounds overly localized to be honest.
Can't believe D is fucking dead.
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Punished Red has a cute daughterwife
Is D ever going to properly introduce hibiki to the rest of his group?
What would Dadkubo think of this ending?
>susanoo no mikoto
finally a name for the electric field ability
the other 3 from right to left are
>thunder cloud cape the third class fat guy used
>the invisibility
>the light swords/arrows
>This absolutely feels like it's a setup to events yet to come
isn't that literally said about every arc though
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If Yellow is the king and Sakurama is the jester. What does that make D?
It's time.
Hisui is my wife.
But if there is not harem end, then not only the "main girl" win, but it defeat the point of a harem?
>King in Yellow
>King in Yellow
>The book is named for the eponymous play within the stories which recurs as a motif through the first four stories, a forbidden play which induces madness in those who read it.
>a forbidden play which induces madness in those who read it.
So that's why Negi has refused to ever show us on panel a single episode of the show, he wanted to save us from going insane like Yakushi.
>posting on imageboards, obsessively speculating over every little detail of each new chapter
Listen to your heart's Death Messiah
You know the truth
Insanely accurate predictions.
Thank you for posting.
They already kind of know hibiki already, since he was a colorless before swapping with D.
I guess that's fair.
>Break next week
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So it goes.
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>shitty ending
>heh get fucked
>break week
>just one instead of a volley
how nice of her
Cute Kanon
As far as i know aside from maybe yumeko the rest of them don't know what the real hibiki has been up to or if D just assumed the disguise of a dead person
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now that you mention it that's a fair point, a bunch of people know D is roleplaying as Hibiki, but I don't recall anyone ever asking about what the hell happened to the original Hibiki
D may have killed him or kidnapped him for all they know, but no one cared, I'm not even sure if Yumeko knows what Hibiki has been up to after D switched places with him
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I almost missed the thread.
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Usukubo Nooooo!!!
Cute Hisui.
I want to pick her up and giver her a hug
There's still time.
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thanks for the dump
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Proud of Lord D
At least 4 or 5 of the colorless know that D is posing as Hibiki
stop necrobumping
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Usukubo, Urabe and Koguma know definitively, Renren can maybe figure it out now since she saw him with Urabe and she seems fairly intelligent and Shippo will likely be told after this arc but he's too probably retarded to understand it. Yukino might have learned about it if she'd stayed around Yellow but now that she's transferred to some unspecified branch she probably doesn't and wont, and Shion and Kurusu have no idea.
>jew stars
They're all masons working for the world government.

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