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Why's machine translated manga so common nowadays?
and they're always so proud too in the "this is MTL!" disclaimer page.
and the comments are always "Thank you for the translation" "the translation is good!" "keep up the good work!"
>found a nice lookinig H manga
>tag: rough_translation
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Because Japanese translators are getting really hard to find, and MTL is starting to get good enough to translate. You won't get a perfect translation, but if you use gpt4 as a basis and double check it with google translate, gemini, deepl, and similar, you get a more than understandable result.
Since it doesn't really matter to most readers that you lose a few nuances and they're just happy to read the manga, it's not really weird that people are grateful for the scanlations, especially considering how little manga get translated these days. There's so many dropped manga and good untranslated manga out there, there's really no other way to be able to read them than using MTL.
And of course using MTL this way is significantly better than using an AI tool like ichigoreader and cotrans, which can give you the gist of what a chapter is about, but running the whole script through gpt4 and editing it properly and proofreading it is vastly superior but a lot more work.
I wouldn't mind if it wasn't done by people who can't even proof read english and push out complete garble
Most groups that use MTL don't even tell you.
Probably half the releases on mangadex are obviously MTL. There are some pretty tell tale signs.
What you don't know won't harm you. It's probably better not to know. What matters more to people is that it's written in good, fluent, and readable English.
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Probably because the alternative is usually a JP -> EN translation by some retard with only a tenuous grasp on both languages. And that's if you're lucky and it's not JP -> CN -> ME -> EN or worse.
There's an easy way to avoid that shit though
I wouldn't exactly say that spending at least a year to learn a language is the easy way. Though learning some basic Japanese like basic grammar, hiragana, katakana, some of the most common kanji is really helpful when using MTL.
You really can notice the difference between the MTL groups knowing basic Japanese, and those that don't.
>You really can notice the difference between the MTL groups knowing basic Japanese, and those that don't.
All those groups that skip basic off-bubble handwritten hiragana claiming it's unreadable.
What I've noticed is that alongside the positive affirmation robots there will always be someone bitching about the quality of your work. There will always be someone, somewhere that knows more and is more fluent and more immersed and instead of being helpful they will use that knowledge to bitch instead.

Its been like this forever.
>/djt/ guide
>N3's telling you how to learn japanese
This. It's insane how many manga are "translated" into something that's just poor English. Accuracy to the Japanese doesn't even enter the picture because the English itself is unreadable
It's kind of funny how people here who know Japanese think they're some sort of superior, smart, godly being that's above the rest. And they're using this knowledge as some kind of justification to act arrogant, holier than though, and more important than other people.
You know a language. That's it. Your brain is programmed to learn languages. The only difference with Japanese compared to other languages is that it requires more discipline and time to learn the kanji. That you think that you're some superior being just because you're able to read manga and play vidya games honestly shows by itself that you probably aren't as smart and interesting that you think you are.
well, the only ones who are bothered with it are the EOPs
obviously it makes sense translating manga into the most universal language used in the world than some language used by a small minority
unless you translate to something like spanish, it makes far more sense translating to english, even if your language skills aren't perfect
the only ones who are going to complain are you EOPs anyway, whose opinions obviously can be ignored
>Its been like this forever.
Because there are people that gain energy and delight by putting down others, and that's more or less the only source of pleasure they have.
You can instantly tell that these are people that haven't exactly had a good life and upbringing. Normal people don't do stuff like this, only people with severe issues most likely.
Yeah, and sometimes they’re right.
Standards have gotten a lot lower, plus MTL being able to write in relatively okay grammar tricks people into thinking the quality isn't still shit. It was always prevalent though, just in the past people weren't as upfront about it.
ichihime is bae
>Standards have gotten a lot lower
You obviously weren't around when the scanlation community boomed at the beginning of the 2000s with the internet. You get far better translations with MTL than the shit the translators put out then honestly. You just remember it more fondly. They made guesslations back then, not translations.
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>Standards have gotten a lot lower
There are tons of trash tier scanlations from the 90s and early 00s that you still have to deal with for some older series. Some of them even completely make things up instead of just being poor MTL.
I guess this is the scanlation thread of the week.
I don't get why they made the scanlation thread obvious bait that got purged by the mods almost immediately this week.
maybe you should question the mods decision to delete a manga-related thread instead?
who the fuck do they think translate their favorite manga?
probably some discord personal friend of theirs, since both jannies and trannylaters love that thing.
>who the fuck do they think translate their favorite manga?
Because it's easier than finding a real translator, and real translator groups aren't always keen on doing it the "real" way most of the time. It's too much work for not enough incentive.
I've translated a few things for /h/ and /a/ before so don't hit me with the "b-but you never..."
>well, the only ones who are bothered with it are the EOPs
Are you fucking kidding me with this sentiment? Someone who isn't a natural speaker of English can't read crappy English either.
>Someone who isn't a natural speaker of English can't read crappy English either.
ESLs are far less bpthered with it.
JOPs are overrated and you are eating up their fanfiction/interpretation of the language, MTL removes the need of a JOP
The state of community is why I stopped doing scanlation years ago.
The main hub (mangadex) community is flooded with no-life twitter SJWs type to the point they're now the majority that also hold the moderating and administrative power.
The authorities in 4chan are openly hostile against scanlators that keep deleting scanlation threads for no reason.
There's not much financial incentive since my real life job pays way more
And more manga than ever are being officially simulpub anyway, so fantranslators like me are no longer needed.

There's no point anymore.
I'll just settle with reading weekly/monthly raw manga alone in peace
>Someone who isn't a natural speaker of English can't read crappy English either.
This is absolutely not true. ESLs have less trouble understanding bad English because they understand words with a way broader meaning, probably because they were taught that X word is an equivalent of a word in their original language.
Some stuff like mixing "in/on" for example would be super irky to an EOP, but Russian-ESLs as well as a Spanish-ESLs would see nothing wrong with it.
>It's too much work for not enough incentive.
Definitely this. Getting a translator in the first place is hard, and then you have to wait for them to do their work. With chatgpt and an OCR program you can have the whole translation in ten minutes and just edit it along the way. Far, far less work and effort for mostly the same result.
>There's not much financial incentive since my real life job pays way more
You shouldn't do scanlations for profit in the first place though.
>The authorities in 4chan are openly hostile against scanlators that keep deleting scanlation threads for no reason.
Why would mods keep up obvious copyright-infringing threads?
>There's not much financial incentive since my real life job pays way more
You're trying to make money off of piracy.
You're a massive retard and I'm afraid to read what fanfiction you wrote instead of doing your job by translating the text in front of you.
>JOPs are overrated
Who the fuck would hire someone who only knows 1 language to do a translation?
>Why would mods keep up obvious copyright-infringing threads?
I hate tourists so god damn much.
>Why would mods keep up obvious copyright-infringing threads?
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You do know that you're not supposed to share screenshots of movies/ovas/tv shows without authorization either, right?
This whole site violates copyright 24/7.
keep telling yourself that and it might come true one day
how does this work? is it the uploader self reporting? or users going "this translation is shit" and smacking the star of david on it?
>The state of community is why I stopped doing scanlation years ago.
I stopped because of 4chan.
/a/ wanted a dedicated translator for Mirai Nikki when it was being serialized; I stepped up and said I'd do it; I did live translation threads and had the chapters available on my website for download.
I stopped about halfway through when they DDoS'd my website and then paywalled my chapters behind another.
That was about the time they openly declared war on translators.... 2008-2010.
I was doing a lot of different manga for different groups because I was expanding my dictionary; /a/ DDoS'd and raided them all.

I know they doxxed FwPA and forced her into hiding after they destroyed her site.

Everyone I know in the translation community gave up on translations because of 4chan raids and flooding their forums with gore/ scat/ and CP.

as far as /a/ is concerned, they can go fuck themselves. I'm not translating shit for them.
… why would /a/ declare war against translators?
This sounds completely retarded.
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/a/ isn't known for its overwhelming intelligence.
It's also not known for its raids.
That's /b/ maybe.
Based AI putting the trannies out of work.
>This is absolutely not true.
Among a few others, I've dealt with Portuguese and Ir*nian ESLs before and they tend to be confused pretty easily. Words that have multiple meanings (or in the Ir*nian's case, mutations of one word, like "work" -> "worker") confused them a lot, and it only gets worse if you misspell or take too many colloquial liberties with grammar. I think it's always better to proofread, which is something AI won't do (correctly), to help some of those people out if you're going to take the "English as universal language" approach, although I usually don't directly target them
But then you get the Dutch ik spreekt dat taal en beetje who don't give a shit for obvious reasons, yeah
>users going "this translation is shit" and smacking the star of david on it?
this one
/a/nons of 2008-2010 were the twitterinas of today
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>It's also not known for its raids.
>/a/nons of 2008-2010 were the twitterinas of today
/a/ raided more than /b/ ever did.
pic related was probably our only major or significant contribution to the anime community in a positive way; everything else was pretty much shitting on everything that wasn't /a/
and then shitting on each other.
/a/ was /b/ on steroids back then. All of the World Cup CP and gore raids in /sp/ came from /a/.
There's very little value to be had in scanlation threads these days, 95% of posts are either innitschizo or the MTL shill. The remaining 5% is "what font is this" or "someone buy and rip this for me"
>"someone buy and rip this for me"
There is a place that does that.
That has clean raws.
For free.
If you know, you know.
There is legitimately zero reason at all to need to pay for manga raws
Well, unless your shit is a prefectural or regional-only manga that was only available 20 years ago.
Then you're just SOL.
>If you know, you know.
i dont know anything since ripper anon's telegram died (AVIF dude on nyaa is also dead)
I just read watermarked weekly raw release online nowadays
>It's kind of funny how people here who know Japanese think they're some sort of superior, smart, godly being that's above the rest.
Well, we are, because we know that you aren't.
You're a literal secondary.
You want the media, but you're too self-entitled and intellectually lazy to learn the language it comes in.
>And they're using this knowledge as some kind of justification to act arrogant, holier than though, and more important than other people.
Well, you're certainly acting arrogant for someone that *doesn't* know japanese, but needs someone that does.
>You know a language.
We know more than one.
>Your brain is programmed to learn languages.
Mine certainly is, yours isn't.
>That you think that you're some superior being just because you're able to read manga and play vidya games honestly shows by itself that you probably aren't as smart and interesting that you think you are.
This really comes across as one of those sulky little boy running away from the playground "WELL MY DAD CAN BEAT UP YOUR DAD!" things.
Because it's not just cartoons and comic books. We can go to that country and talk to the people in their language. Order their food from a restaurant. Date their women. Ride their trains. Exist within their culture.
You can't even exist within the culture you were born in.
I think that puts us on completely different levels, socially and intellectually.
>Verification not required.
>try to learn
>MTL is still at a higher level than me, and might be improving faster with all the effort being put into neural networks and such
feels bad man
I think some uploaders have this by default. I've noticed it being a solid circle when source material was still dotted for a couple of uploads
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is this the scanlation thread?
AI is the future. Use it as a tool to benefit your life. I have passed off 95% of my workload load to AI. I just show up and collect a check now. Shits cash. I have zero sympathy for trannylators, get a fucking job.
AI and MTL are good tools, but they're still only tools. It's not hard to tell who's lazy and who's using their tools.
Fuck the patreon/whatever other shit they use trannylators though
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>2 bans for the price of 1
i'm impressed by the guy that went 248 posts before getting caught
For me, it's ignoring the obvious link between mental illness and transgenderism whenever it hurts my feelings
what manga are they seething over?
then learn nips language, lazy faggot.
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Now you know who's spamming /a/ with yurishit
The only raisin I'd sea roiding someone is if they/them decided to do something baka like translate some otokonoko as trans. Otterwise I have NERV in all my gears seen /a/ roid people.
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Because waiting for translation takes too long while AI is starting to get good at translating shit.
That MTL might be acceptable for isekaishit, but the typesetting is fuckin dogshit
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Well, nothing is perfect.
Also, that's not isekaishit but h-manga.
how would you translate a character ending their sentences in でゲス and another character commenting on their usage of でゲス
Don'tcha know
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i almost wanted to learn
are these guys fucking insane?
Expectation of MTL:
>used by competent translators to dump text into it and proofread/edit whatever mistakes or missed cultural nuances/puns and send it to typesetter to finish, speeding up the process
>some monkey churn out unedited result and then has the gall to ask payment for it

I wouldn't be as bothered by it if they didn't touch on hmanga and doujins.
Hey man it’s 10% off
>want to vent about my scanlation adventures
>should wait for the actual scan thread
I bought it and now I want my money back, it's dogshit
play mahjong soul instead
Does nobody know how to pirate anymore?
fuck off shill
Listen, I won't pretend to know but I'm pretty sure mahjong is a PvP game. I also just pirated Demon's Souls for my PS5-minus.
cute Touhou girls stepping on my nuts was the impetus for learning mahjong, but that doesn't exist at a price point over 10 bucks when, as you pointed out, there are plenty of free mahjong games.
Riichi City is better, yostar shill
Aren't 2hu mahjong games traditionally played against AI only?
stay in your containment general, ERPtroons
We don't want him. The rc shill is your problem now.
If a character has a quirk like that I would just leave it in desu. That way when / if a character ever comments it would be as simple as "why do you end your sentences with degesu anyway?"
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>riichi shitty
mentally ill rc shill, guess shitting up /vg/ and /v/ wasn't enough
kys chinksect yocuck shill
>complain about mtl
>it's h manga
cmon, half the point of those is fapping to the images and 90% of doujins are in Japanese.
>and they're always so proud too in the "this is MTL!" disclaimer page.
>MTLer lets people know advance to get out now if they don't want MTL
>OP for some reason reads this as pride
I think the complaints are kind of silly though.
People using MTL to scanlate manga are Japanese comics enthusiasts that work on their manga because they love it, and enjoy that others are reading the same stuff as them.
While ordinary translators just use manga as means to and end to learn Japanese, and are more interested in the glorious land of Nippon with Japanese steel folded a thousand times.
Like I get that manga traditionally have been translated by weebs, but it is really that much of a crime to enjoy Japanese comics for what they are, instead of enjoying something just because it's Japanese? Can't they just eat Japanese candy and impress others with their impressive Japanese skills and Japanese knowledge another way?
Because plebeians have low standards, even if they pretend to have high ones. Tell them to learn Japanese and they'll screech with every excuse while going back to what is essentially a fanfiction rewrite.
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Correct. People who consume normal translations are the exact same as people who consume MTL: Low media literacy retards.
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Riichi city doesn't have Soul nya
I see this sentiment a lot on 4chan esp. in the japanese "learning" community. Most translations are not fanfictions, except for some really bad ones. I'm sorry but your Japanese is likely just not good enough. Is a translated text same as its original, no nuances are lost, but that does not make it fundamentally different. This is not a concept that is unique to Japanese but to all translations, you've read a lot of translated texts in your life maybe even intellectually demanding ones and never have you thought to yourself, "this is fanfiction".

There is also this superiority complex that comes with trying to learn Japanese as if one *is* better just by trying. No, your japanese is shit and if it weren't you wouldnt even mind people who dont know the language, because you would know how long it took for you to get there and that investment is simply not easy.

Do I think everyone who has a great affinity for Japanese media should try to learn Japanese? Yes, definitely.
Do I berate them for not knowing the language no, because I know what effort it took me.
>Because plebeians have low standards
>Low media literacy retards
Manga is the junk food of comics. Mass produced garbage where quantity >> quality, and the only thing that matters is sales numbers. Good manga get the rope and gets axed after two-three volumes because nobody knows of them since promotion is basically zero, while bad manga get popular and sell because of random chance and just someone pushing the at a whim somewhere or other.
Honestly the industry is garbage. Trying to pretend that manga is some high literacy shit is plain retarded. It's the mcdonalds, burger king, and fried rice of comics. You can pretend that manga is something special and sophisticated, but in the end it's just shitty and unhealthy content that's bad for you.
Why you glorify it as something more than it is, is honestly beyond me.
Do you have autism? Why are you taking a hyperbole so seriously?
Not my problem if all you read is garbage.
>and the comments are always "Thank you for the translation" "the translation is good!" "keep up the good work!"
Click on any recent MTL on exhentai and it'll be 1/2 star and everyone in the comments will be calling the uploader a retarded faggot
Yes, I'm autistic. Easy to notice I see.
I made this point to fight an sentiment that is propagated everywhere here. I know that he is not being 100% sincere, but in essence it is not an unpopular view and is brought up every time a "learn japanese" thread is made.
>There is also this superiority complex that comes with trying to learn Japanese as if one *is* better just by trying.
I guess this is some kind of apologism for spending so much time and effort learning a language. They must defend it some sort of way, and only by arrogantly acting like they're superior and more important in some way, do they feel like they meet some criteria or other.
While someone who would've spent the same time and effort on learning another language, or playing an instrument, or any other skill would've had insight enough to know that knowing something and gaining a skill that others don't know don't automatically make you better than them.
I really have no idea where this vast amount superiority complexes come from, but all superiority complexes stem from inferiority complexes, and I guess they have the need to feel important or special in some way or other.
It has uber soul
Well then you should know that all you're doing is feeding the ego of people who don't think Japanese is worth learning. You can't simultaneously argue that learning Japanese has value, while demeaning that value.

And it is true that some translations are fundamentally different. The worst part is if you don't know Japanese then you will never know for sure. There's a twitter account called "BadAnimeTLs" that goes through a fraction of the airing anime and picks out mistranslations.
>Not my problem if all you read is garbage.
The whole industry works the same way. There are no exceptions. The only thing that matters is sales numbers, and to increase them, they have to cater to the lowest common denominator. Manga can't move away from being trash tier because of how the industry is built and the hypercommercialism that's the foundation of it. That's just how it is.
Pretending like manga is some kind of high art that either should be enjoyed in the original language or be translated with the utmost care to preserve the nuances is honestly just retarded. You treat manga like it's written by the great writers that have stood the test of time and are enjoyed hundreds of years after their deaths, when manga is just comparable to junk food.
Honestly I have no idea how you could've gotten to be as delusional as this, but you might need to take a step back and look at manga somewhat objectively, and actually compare them to actual great works of writing.
Maybe for modern manga. Again, not my problem if you read garbage.
because it's faster and it takes less effort. Why are you asking stupid questions?
>You can instantly tell that these are people that haven't exactly had a good life and upbringing. Normal people don't do stuff like this, only people with severe issues most likely.
Wrong, bullies come in every shape, size, background, mindset and type.
That's so much projection that it lights up the sky.
I used to be under the impression that it functions as a sort of external motivator, to make the pure goal into a tool of power/status. Hence when one finally accomplishes the goal it will be more valuable, since it is thought of more highly by outsiders.

I personally believe the language (and its use cases) itself should be the goal, but that might be my naïveté.

I am not demeaning the value of the original language, in my opinion you're exaggerating it's true value.

One can faithfully and easily argue that a text is better and deeply understood in its original form. My point of view is to drive that sentiment to the unknowing but not to hype it up as some hidden treasure.

>some translation are fundamentally different.
I never denied this, I even noted that outrageously bad translations exist (which are more common for Japanese, precisely because learners view themselves as all-knowing)

You probably don't know, french ánd german ánd russian. You've most likely encountered ideas from thinkers from those countries, yet you did not question what their original wording was, you do not know their true intent. It cannot be expected to know every language and it is my point that it is not worth to know every language.

A *good* translation is *almost* as good as the original.
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>in my opinion you're exaggerating it's true value.
You're self-admittedly on the spectrum so you don't understand this, but exaggeration is a good thing when you're trying to sell something that other people will like. People aren't motivated by pure logic. It's called pathos.
>A *good* translation is *almost* as good as the original.
I don't care what a good translation is. I care that I'm discussing anime and manga with people who know what they're talking about. If you don't enjoy anime enough to care that you're getting an accurate interpretation of the author's words, then you can fuck off to a more casual website. I don't go around quoting translated philosophical quotes as if I'm a Philosopher, so there's no hypocrisy here.
>MTL is still at a higher level than me
translating is a different skill from just reading (and MTL is still pretty bad at it, but manga are usually simple enough that it isn't as grating to read). the goal would obviously be to read the original text as is, not to translate it in your head
The massive raise of turd worlders gaining access to the internet, duh.
What's the actual problem with that translation. All of it is pretty much rewording besides the trailing thought line (だけは...) and it doesn't seem like a particularly bad fit without knowing the context.
You're trying to make sense of people who wants to translate everything completely literally, add translator's notes longer than the screen itself, and keep Japanese words in the translation.
They're just masturbating, they don't care about the reader at all.
A more accurate translation would be
>Even so, I wanted to take him from you. (this part was correct)
>Even if I am unable to measure up to you in just about everything...
>...My feelings for him are the only thing [that I surpass you in]
I personally believe that telling people to "just learn japanese" and telling them the rewards will be amazing just sets a lot of people up for inevitable failure. It simply is a painful and laborious process that one cannot complete without gaining satisfaction from the language an sich.

Regarding your second point, it is very common and considered standard practice in the academical literary world to discuss works based on translations (esp. prominent in the English speaking world). I would argue that it is of even more importance in those works to properly grasp its meaning and yet they don't all read the original. (I hope this parallel might shine some light on why I believe your point to be inflated.)
dekinai retard
Nah, everything wrong with /a/ can come down to the simple fact that there are more and more casuals. Elitism is the only thing that can save /a/.
How the fuck is people encouraging shit that used to be mocked and shunned not clear proof of lower standards, you mouth-breathing retards?
My country has some world wide known authors, and even though there are a few people who learn the language of my country to be able to read the text in its original form, people are reading the translations by far. And there's no one that's delusional enough to berate them for that. This superiority and arrogance these people who know Japanese have is completely off the rails honestly. You'd think they were brain surgeons or rocket scientists or rocket surgeons or something by how proud they are.
I guess I was thinking 叶う of the second line too much vs 敵う.
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>The only thing that matters is sales numbers, and to increase them, they have to cater to the lowest common denominator
Everyone is bankrupt besides WSJ if that's the case.
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In the context of anime, they have an objectively superior position than you, yes. If you have a problem with that then you can go to a hugbox like reddit where you can downvote people who hurt your ego.
>Elitism is the only thing that can save /a/.
The elitism of /a/ has always been a joke, and the gate keeping even more of a joke. It's basically that joke with people who acts like idiots to make themselves amused will in the end be flooded by retards who think they're in good company. That's /a/ in a nut shell.

>How the fuck is people encouraging shit that used to be mocked and shunned not clear proof of lower standards, you mouth-breathing retards?
Because then they're able to read manga, while with the useless translators these days they're not. Translators care about stuff that 99 percent of readers couldn't even care less of a shit about. At least MTL scanlators acknowledge this and translate manga because they enjoy the manga, not because of retarded shit like Japanese culture and nuances and stuff that people couldn't give a rat's ass about.
Or they can just do like Kadokawa and have 100 magazines and axe 90 percent of their manga at 2-3 volumes. Honestly Kadokawa is more brutal than WSJ, and they don't even bother with the slightest hint of promotion. Good manga artists go to Kadokawa to fail most likely, it's a complete shit show.
>The elitism of /a/ has always been a joke, and the gate keeping even more of a joke.
I've seen firsthand what happens when people don't gatekeep. It's not a joke.
>gatekeep manga
>doesn't increase sales because it doesn't get more popular
>gets cancelled
it's retarded and you know it
if you gatekeep something that's dependant on popularity and interest to survive, you're even worse off than a retard, you're some sort of amoeba or something
>Because then they're able to read manga, while [schizophrenic babble]
The standards used to be higher. End of story. Do the world a favor and off yourself already.
I don't give a fuck who reads the manga. I'm talking about gatekeeping communities. Your argument is old and faulty.
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do i really need to pirate photoshop to get a better magic wand? there has to be a GIMP or P.N plugin that's better than this.
yes i am stupid.
>The standards used to be higher. End of story. Do the world a favor and off yourself already.
The standards don't matter because manga is junk food comics, and you're pretending that it's something it's not. End of story.
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You're not really going to get a good result unless you zoom in and do it manually. A cheat solution is using expand a couple of pixels to get the worst of it, but it never looks as good as doing it properly.
Have you tried filtering jpg artifacts first?
last sentence resonates with me
i will never shit on anyone trying their best at learning japanese because it made me aware of all my failures
at the same time i'll never shit on MTLers because i understand it's the future and i've got skills which sets me apart from them

the people i have problems with are cloutchasers and for-profit/patreon groups who hold chapters hostage
>the people i have problems with are cloutchasers and for-profit/patreon groups who hold chapters hostage
I think the scanlation community would be far better if they'd berate groups for being thirdie for profit groups with pay walls, instead of latching on to that the issue is MTL honestly.
The biggest issue I see with MTL is that it's easy available, and the thirdies don't even bother editing it properly.
Someone who uses MTL but edits and proofreads it properly as best as they can has a completely different end result that these thirdies, and it's kind of unfair that these shitty for profit groups give MTL a bad name.
Most of the groups using MTL you'll never know use MTL because they're too good at it, and you can't really differentiate their translations from a liberal translation.
Because the localization most of the time is unbearable. Retarded translators thinking they're writers . I welcome our AI translators with open arms
We are superior. Keep seething, monolingual ameritrash
i worked with someone fluent in english recently but his script needed a little tightening up
i would say an english native with an N3 level supplementing everything with some sort of AI translation app would be almost indistinguishable from what i can put out
>implying all mods are the same person
I'd say whoever is able to post 1250 times in one year on the mangadex forums is more pathetic.
You single notable skill in life is being made obsolete by AI.
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>You can't even exist within the culture you were born in.
damn, you didn't need to completely slaughter that anon
>Single notable skill
Projecting a little too hard over there, tranny
Being able to enumerate through all the seasonal anime isn't a notable skill just as arguing with people on the internet isn't a hobby.
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>casual dekinais ITT are already admitting that they don't like anime
It's funny that this is their only fallback argument. The dissonance must be painful.
No? Just shit on mtl and you hit all birds with one stone. Your world were only for-profit groups make shitty barely edited mtl releases doesn't exist. There's plenty of mtl releases that are done by fans that primarily make them for themselves to read asap and their standard of quality is whatever they find readable/good enough. The idealized mtlers your describing will always be the minority.
line 1 with ずにいられない implies like a strong compulsion to do something, and if not done then she would regret it
>but i just HAD to take him away from you
i like your interpretations of the next 2 lines
叶わない has a dual action of admitting defeat and saying that the other person on another level
If you've bothered enough to manually OCR and translate the text with chatgpt, you're halfway to making a release anyway. You only need to edit it a little, clean bubbles, and copy the text into the bubbles. If you haven't got a lot of redrawing to do (and in most cases, you can just use big strokes and text to cover it up), you've already done so much you might as well finish it honestly.
It's going to be much better than pushing a chapter through ichigoreader or cotrans anyway, so you might as well just do it.
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The minority in terms of number of groups, yes. But the shitty for-profit groups are industrialized and go after as many series as possible to maximize their reach. This kills any chance of a higher quality MTL let alone an actual TL.
I have no idea if it's for me since the argument isn't matching with what I said, and you ran off like a defeated male, but knowing what's airing or the plot of a number of anime isn't a skill. It's a past time. Like even calling yourself casual/hardcore about anime is funny. Anime is an entirely casual fun oriented hobby. You don't sweat balls trying to finish an anime. Anime doesn't have difficulty levels. It's not even a video game where doing some hardcore challenge entails the unpleasant (practice, failure) before victory, you're just passively consuming content.
Well if it's porn then it's alright.
>damn, you didn't need to completely slaughter that anon
he didn't, only thing he did was proving my point
I'm getting a bit tired of these groups. Now you have that Gashodokai/Kappa Beast group picking up every popular manga the past half year, in addition to Platinum Scans, Galaxy Degen Scans, and Soseki Scans. In addition to the one man teams like Radeon Scans and the new Hero? one or whatever it is. Obvious MTL scanlators just in it to post their donation links and patreons. It's kind of a pain. Even worse when they just post it on their shitty readers.
>never heard of power levels
lurk two years before posting and watch 1000 anime
I've never passively done anything in my life, you mouthbreathing peasant.
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Yes, I'm a ESL.
Yes, I will keep doing MTL'd manga business.
Grammar? LOL fuck if I care.
Does my translation bother you? You have yourself to blame, you ungrateful dekinai.
Wanna read gramatickally correct translation? You are free to snipe me... oh wait, I forgot that you are such a dekinai.
this was a little funny
>You are free to snipe me...
I find it actually hilarious that people complain about MTL and that it's terrible, but they don't ever contemplate that they can offer to translate or proofread their work. They just want to complain and put others down to feel better about themselves, not to improve or help the manga in any way.
improving's very important, it's mainly the reason why i scanlate in the first place
a lot of these people in the scene treat it as a job and i think it's bullshit if they're mkaing money from it and double bullshit if they're doing it to run a team and roleplay as a manager
What you're doing is fantasizing about a world where people are fundamentally different creatures. People don't care that their phones and clothes are made by slave labor and they don't care that their slop mango translations are made by for-profit turd worlders. If your going to fantasize you might as well go for the actual thing that actually kills chances of high quality translations; low standards. If everyone demanded high quality translations that's what for-profit groups would be providing.

Mtl deserves to be shat on because it can't do what a competent translator can. """AI""" and human brains don't do the same thing and only paid shills and retards pretend otherwise.
>it's mainly the reason why i scanlate in the first place
the reason I'm scanlating and using MTL to do it is because I like Japanese comics, and would like people to share in the stuff that I like
I don't think it's wrong translating manga because you want to get better at the language, but I think there's a difference translating manga to learn, and translating manga because you like and enjoy it
I'm learning Japanese on the side (albeit slowly), but it helps significantly when using MTL as well
these for profits groups bother me because they're in it for the wrong reasons, it's meant to be fun and because you're interested in your manga and as a hobby, not to make a living
I can understand wanting to have a community, but it shouldn't be your second job
I probably overdo it a lot though, and should probably tone down the amount I work on a bit, but it's fun and when I get going it's kind of hard to stop until I get burned out. I feel like I just repeat a pattern there
>not to make a living
and of course making money on piracy is a crime
you're far less likely to get into trouble if you're not getting paid for it
actually for something to be legally piracy you actually have to receive money for it. most scanlations are just copyright breach which is far less of a crime, and far less likely to get you into legal issues
honestly i'm at this level of japanese competence where i don't care why or how other people do it
idk why other people get anal about it though
the burn out part is real both in jp learning and scanlating
once you treat it as a job and see tit as work it no longer becomes a hobby
based. only homosexuals would disagree
>once you treat it as a job and see tit as work it no longer becomes a hobby
yeah, when I feel like it's something I'm obligated to do, I really burn out quickly. both working on series I don't really enjoy anymore and should've dropped honestly, and when I feel like I have to catch up to the raws instead of just doing it in my own pace. also one of the main reasons I like working alone, even though it's more work doing stuff solo, it's really a pain when people are trying to force you to work on shit you're not interested in, and it always happens
lols funny you mention that, i just quit a "group" myself because of the same reason
it's inevitable. it's almost like the people in charge are uncapable of thinking of you like you're a person similar to them with the same reactions and feelings as them. it would take them one second to just think "hmm, how would I feel about being forced to work on something I'm not interested in?", but they're completely incapable of thinking outside of their own self interests. it's like dealing with children
what was the account that posted these?
it's usually about the same time every month, so it's not like you really need an updated chart
there are bimonthly and quarterly mags that might get missed, plus sometimes magazine releases are moved due to holidays
yeah it's this, and the guy i was working with was kind of a knobhead with no respect for scanlating
the first day i handed the manga i was working on to him (i provided the TLs), i said to him
>hey man, i usually blow these raws up with waifu2x to make it look better so if you clean it up with your videocard and denoise it and stuff it'll be great
and he answered that he doesn't do any of that stuff. that was probably the first red flag i ignored which i should've dipped out on
Zoomies are too dumb to learn nipponese.
>Zoomies are too dumb to learn nipponese.
You don't need to be smart to learn Nipponese.
You need to have discipline and be able to put in effort over time.
It's a test of willpower, not intelligence.
It's purely about intelligence.
For example, americans are too dumb to speak their own language correctly.
that people blatantly ignore your requests and is incapable of thinking outside of their own bubble is probably one of the biggest red flags out there
sadly I feel like that's more the rule than the exception in scanlation
I would not be able to sum this up any better.
Yeah, and with a proofreader you should be able to avoid any glaring mistakes. Especially handwritten text has a tendency to screw up the OCR, so unless you recheck it manually, you're likely to get some mistakes.
he didn't even bother to typeset and he pawned all the cleaning off on someone else
bloody hell i regret giving the benefit of the doubt to people sometimes
i am just too nice to people, fark
They're too dumb to learn their native languages too.

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