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Can't beat the migu.
No guide? Time to buy figgies on AliExpress!
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Don't read the guide buyfags.moe
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built for
When do I buy?
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Trying to take better pics
you are failing hard
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Why is it sidewaaaaays
failing the very basics

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Why won't you read the guide?
literally barbie tier. I'm sorry for you have to wait for that
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>I don't need to reed the guide, what could it possibl-
I want to wake up and see my figgies pantsu when I look up
>ceiling figures
Are you a genius? Finally the sequel to shower figgies we were waiting for
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This instruction made me laugh.
File deleted.
why should I kill all these details by resizing it? are you braindead
You dont need to show your shitty grainy pics and tiny dick compensating knives here.
mad jealous
Me. The Chad boxfag
Some people really are that stupid.
>disgusting mold on window
Fuck you too
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Cute ponkotsu I wonder what her panties look like
Phew, I almost thought I was the most retarded person in the thread
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nice cuck attachment
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still not buying it
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>new batch of new buyfags
It's that time again
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>Dirty Pair kickstarter items arrived three days early
>and two years late
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>Dirty Pair
wtf post that shit
Why does sis have all her bishies in a pile?
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sigh.. whats the point, all the good figures are GKs and im just a filthy consumer
Aniki, your air brush?!
how can i tell whether i'm loving anime too fast or too slow
>good figure
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Do you give your Figs beds to sleep in?
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Sexy lady in uniform came back in stock and now ACQUIRED.
Did you have an alert or just lucky?
depends when you started and your birth year.
if it's 2000 anything, just leave.
I had her on alert. She was in stock for the whole morning and afternoon until it ran out.
Fuck, that's what I get for not ABBing
Ah fuck I had her as an alert but it wasn't active for some reason
When I was like 8 yeah.
why did you stop being based? molested?
why must you lie?
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I hate this zoomer nuChaika.
So many of the 1/4 scales are bunny suits...
I like the design but I've never heard of the series, what is it?
I grew out of it.
It's not a lie. I had a little raptor toy and I built a tissue pillow for it behind my pillow.
did chaika even get figs back in the day?
It's all in boxes and I don't have space set aside to display any of it yet. Extra bonus: an apology note from Crunchyroll for taking so long so 20% off my next purchase.
>back in the day
I hate zoomers and newfags so much
I don't actually buy figi i just look at jpegs and add them to MFC wishlist
dude 2014 was 10 years ago.
most of us here were 17-19 at that time. 10 years before that was 04.
The worst use of that word I've ever seen
Honestly, anyone who says based is usually a retard
post the goods on Catbox.
omfg LEAVE no one born after 1991 should be allowed here
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88-GODS, we're in
so you want an echo chamber with yourself and two anons. got it.
Your time is over old man
I honestly rather have that than you
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How's rent?
All the figgies i want are very expensive compared to others and when they're available they are bought instantly, feels bad man
Free at my parents
Hm, the plot is somewhat similar. How's Chaika's smug?
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It's simple, we need a separate buyfag for home owners
>nagatorofag too new, doesn't know how to post pictures
>also calls others braindead
Buyfag IS for homeowners
We need a seperate RENTfag to keep out the riffraff
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>anon has no job
>cant even afford Property tax when parents die
The survey results show that we're mostly old farts here.
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fightfag hours
>paying taxes
I bet you budget for your purchases too.

This would look better if the green was replaced with red.
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This is why you don't have a job as a figure designer
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why would you spend so much on acrylics??
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Just came back from grorious Nippon, here's what I bought in case anyone is interested. Some of it was literally stealing, like the Strike Witches box set with full season 1, 6 audio CDs and 6 booklets for 1500¥. Didn't buy any figures because I don't think that's an efficient use of limited space.
Good taste, what's the Saki thing?
Imagine the smell.
Full season 1 box set
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Oh cool, any bonuses in there?
Nice Kaijin DvDs.
why is the strike witches box so big?
anon there are people WITH jobs that still live at home or with a parent.
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As I said. Pic related
Nope just the discs
A hundred kilos. Maybe more.
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The Magi Arts Yuyuko (left) is way better than Furyu's, right? Am I missing something? Why in the world would I spend like $30 less just to buy a figure with a shitty base, gross poles, worse looking hair, and maybe only slightly more aesthetic dress design (but still way lower quality looking)?
Is it moral to buy unassembled garage kits from someone who's about to kill themselves?
Sure, they'd probably end up at a second hand store anyway
i sold a lot of shit before i tried to kill myself and i dont regret it
And why are you still here?
They weren't sideways on my phone you tryhard faggot.
Never call them that again
Retard bro, you don’t get to dictate how anyone talks, now read the guide and lurk more
because i was found and taken to hospital. i dont really regret it
>buy to a "suicidal" dude
why sell it in the first place? just give away your stuff
>They weren't sideways on my phone you tryhard faggot
That’s the whole point idiot, that’s the basics
the money will all be wasted when they die
better to figure out their address and steal the GKs
Is this some shitty troll?
Just because you get to talk like an annoying faggot doesn't mean you should
Sounds like terminal disease rather than suicide tbdesu. Suicidal guys end up giving their stuff away instead of selling for $$$.
Yeah blurays can get pretty cheap when used. I went pretty ham on them when surugaya first did the free shipping and then hit up some from mandarake as well. Nice goods.
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>make embarrassing mistake that people call you a newfriend for
>aggressively double down instead of realizing that you exposed yourself and laughing it off
I hate these turd world zoomers.
Yeah, I suspect it's the first thing more than age here.
Found his Mercari page and saw he recently sold a GK for less than half of what he would've gotten had he put it up for auction. Having thought about it though I agree that terminal illness seems more likely here, for reasons you basically covered.
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I think it’s just /v/
They all have that aggressive style of posting
It’s like an abused dog that just lashes out, it’s sad to see
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iya, jeki da
>store exclusive bonuses
You've been here 5 years max and you talk like a pretentious asshole.
Don't join him
Stop posting
Lurk more
>Kotobukiya is making 1/6 scale figures of Kiryu and Majima
>Digsta are making Akiyama and Saejima figures after the success of the Kiryu, Majima and Ichiban figures
Bros... my wallet is gonna be so empty
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Link? I'm curious
Even if that were the case that would've been fifty times as long as you. Anyways, show the thread that you learned from your mistake and post some properly oriented pictures. How about showing us your DBZ or One Piece figgies? Maybe you have a gem of a Rem in that collection?
t. insecure zoomie newfriend
You are such a fucking tryhard lmao
Every problem in your life is caused by /v/. That's how you cope.
You don’t belong here
Should I buy both Owaris?
Here's an album with everything including the shirt and wall scrolls that weren't visible
I've been here since 2003 go fuck yourself
fuck off moot. don't you have a 8 hour q&a to do and only answer 10 questions?
only if you have her at level 125 and oath'd
I don't like AL. I just like her design (tits and skin exposure)
>Buying figures from a game you don't even like
Fagboy. You don't deserve even one.
Big Figgie's reverse psychology tactics are working on me...
>I just like her
there's your answer
big retard
If you end up buying the kit I'm looking at before I make up my mind I'm not gonna cry about it, I'll just be mildly annoyed. I would be upset if you don't end up building the kit though, least you can do for the guy is build the kit he was never able to.
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Buyfriends, got this custom glass diorama with Grey Wolf! Already own the fig as part of my collection, but these custom fan things are just awesome.

Absolutely haram. Rotate your images in photoshop, anon.

I really like this. Very cute.

Nice collection anon! There's a bit of a stigma around acrylics but as some one that has a shelf over several dozen, very nice!

love the tiny plushie!
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MEGAMI DEVICE! (I wish I had room for all of them and this was my collection)
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i wish i could filter insight on mfc
You're playing diablo 2?
good taste ,but sadly acrylics
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I wish I had the nuts to customize this hard
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i really want that lucky star kit, but too bad it's 1/10 scale, i have a konata izumi kit on order with a 1/8 scale and it'll look funny being displayed together. At least the guy makes sure his stuff goes to someone that wants it and not get disposed of by someone that don't.
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I hate her flip flops for some reason.
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I'm the pig.
>one of your figure comes alive in exchange for ALL your collection
Yay or nay?
>Do you want your waifu / pretties figure to be alive in exchange of some plastic
okay normies!
Gotta be specific anon, do they keep their scale size or do they become 1:1?
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coom in foom
1:1 scale, living gf, who'd love you.
jesus christ how horrifying
How so?
>do they keep their scale size
Ho yeah, this.
I'll buy Saki then
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In that case, yes. I'm divorced, but would get married again if it was to Maple.
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you can filter tags now
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>check used sales
>seller includes the invoice of 2 figures he's selling
>paid 1k EUR for two 1/4 scale bunny
Jesus Christ, I just can't believe people like this. I know I'm a poorfag living in a shithole in yurop, but how can you pay 1k for two figures?
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MOU paint suru dekinai yo
Invoices can be faked.
I doubt it's fake as I know the EU shop prices, and it's really 400-500 EUR almost everywhere, especially when the figures are popular, like FREEing Rebecca Bluegarden.
It's not just a poorfag thing, I have money and I get bothered when people pay a lot more then they have to. It's like they're bragging about how dumb they are. Off-putting behavior.
Better than a Godzilla enemy, I suppose.
Could be, I also have the money to buy whatever the fuck I want, but spending 500 EUR on a figure (that you can buy for 100-200 in a few months as used) is just fucking stupid.
Yeah, I mean you just go down to the basement and wait until Russia's super forces D E S T R O Y Godzilla ;)
Guess what they sell
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I wanted to buy a HK416 legally, but I still have to wait for it :(
Cute and lewd
What's wit the funko hate recently? You have nendos, right?
What's with equating funkos and nendos? You have eyes, right?
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THats not a bonus though, its literally the main item
Yeah I mean, what's the difference, really? They all look retarded with small bodies and huge fucking heads, only difference is that one is Japanese and the other one is American.
your new is showing
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>taking the bait
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Baiting a bit too hard
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I know you're "pretending" to be retarded, but the difference is Nendoroids have multiple parts and don't all share the exact same soulless expression. There's a reason Nendoroids are $40-$60 and 90% of Funkos are sitting in a discount bin
Finally, the trifecta
This looks unironically scary, fucking AI shit.
>hasn't watched Yama no Susume
I wanna be mad but I'm jealous, I watched it a hundred times already, I wanna watch for the first time again
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Nendos are cute unlike Funkos.
People seem to like her so I'm glad I didn't cancel
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No worries, it's all going to a better place.
So you don't.
She's adorable
It is an original work?
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What happened? Basedboys not buying them anymore?
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Yes, OC
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Yes, I'd definitely look under her skirt.
I realized I prefer much more original works than brand figures these days.
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I would want to look under her hat.
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Alter Marisa when?!
made to be hotglued
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That’s why removable hats are important, like this Nep.
>Baggy/ill fitted top wear over bodysuit/leotards

It's not fair that I am so WEAK
Amazing isn't it?
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I wonder why he got rid of his waifu
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I haven't even been big on NGE since I first watched it but pic rel was like oh god maybe I'll have to get it
yeah, by me.
If this were any color of pantyhose besides white, I would have instabought.
Love the design on this one but missed the pre order
There's still stocks left on many sites afaik
just get Amakuni's. Ensoutoys is a shit manufacturer
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Yeah even though the stockings on Buchou are incredible I overall think Kouhai is cuter
What's the story behind megami device? I find some of the figures cute but I don't buy stuff I know nothing about
What do you mean?
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The actual good manufacturer, not that ensoutoys shit
If I didnt do so much preordering I would cop. But all my preorders are starting to get payment requests so I shouldn't
To be honest I though it was only made by Ensoutoys. I'll take a look but I assume they're much more expensive.

She's good as well, but the stockings are killing me. She's a bit too "plain", the artist should have give her a gimmick.
there really isnt much, but if FAG were to get a spinoff, it'd be with megami device with seisin shojou teien girls being the modelers
Nevermind, I misunderstood you.
I prefer the Ensoutoys's pose though, more dynamic.
they are the same price, theres no reason to stick with the worse manufacturer
scissor when?
Whatever floats your boat, I'd rather take a figure that actually looks like the prototype instead of a " dynamic" pose with shit quality.
>Good manufacturer
>No jacket
It hurts...
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Stop being a jacketfag.
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Bro, your Jersey Asuka?
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I agree. Its difficult to choose between the stockings and the white swimsuit with long blonde hair.
I hate giving Crunchyroll money but they're the cheapest place to get her. Picked up Viral's PuP too since I was already ordering shit.
Crunchyroll isnt always bad. They have plushies I want sometimes without having to pay a ton for shipping
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I can't. Have you seen how sick this thing is?
I doubt the new girl will have hers either.
Hey, this one is much better than the other one.
She got nice shoes as well.
I got some Mahoyo stuff from them once so I didn't have to deal with international shipping and it was fine, but I prefer to use stores like Amiami or the one semilocal plamo/figure shop that I buy from regularly.
I like the few PuPs I have, and since I have some mecha musume/girl models I'm really not bothered by stuff like hair seams.
I feel really glad to have this tastefully sexual selection of brown girls presented to me either way though.
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you are very late to the party
I like how the swimsuits are shiny to give a wet appearance
My love for her is too strong, he knew he couldn't compete.
Right, forgot we were so far along on this one. Cock Mongler a cute.
You're right, but it's a tough call.
Do we have pictures of the finished product, or only prototypes of her?
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Will we ever get one of her in the nun latex leotard
they emptied the apartment after finding the owner dead
>over-hear cans on neck
Literal e-whore TwitchTHOT
Someone needs to photoshop in some of those AI Miku posters
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holy kek
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Dammit Blue Amico where my succubus at??
sweet, won my YAJ abbi amakuni for 16k. One step closer to abbi shrine completion, alter get your shit together.
Her facial expression freaks me out a bit.
no one asked
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Make sure to order the bust.
That's a nice pun, unless I'm wrong.
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I asked, faggot. Do something. You gonna cry?
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idk, it's too lewd. I just plan on having 4 of her figures + maybe some acrylic stands
Too lewd is always a concern, even with stuff that doesn't seem lewd to me. I love buying figs but I'll be damned that I stop being single and then I get judged hard by the figures I have
Bro that shit spooky :(
>I'll be damned that I stop being single and then I get judged hard by the figures I have
That would be a red flag anyway. I promise you don’t want a woman who would be at odds with your hobby.
If you can't someone into figis, not worth it. Like I could maybe drop the naked loli figures I have if I met the otherwise perfect person, but I'd rather be alone than abandon everything lewd.
Yeah I agree with both of these statements. Confidence is low though so I don't want to reduce my dating pool as it is. Been like 10 years since my last serious relationship so its not like its a *huge* deal. I've been doing what I enjoy unbothered for a long time
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I think I might order her
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Blogfags out
Just won an auction for this tapestry (slightly different version where her nipples are visible). It was more expensive than most others for the series, but a 20% off coupon took some of the sting away and it's understandable since it was a simultaneous purchase bonus.
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>Semen Demon
Wondering how the PuP is gonna actually turn out. Then B'full puts this up for pre order
Egg head
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Nevermind answered my own question. Still banking on the L PuP to be good though since people tend to say they are
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Make sure to paint her
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Melty Anon...
fuck dolls
Why dvd and not dbd?
>fuck d-
this, but unironically.
I suck at painting.. how bad is she unpainted?
Left is unpainted
70% is heavily exaggerated at this point. There's still breakages, but I'd put that down more to the packing of the shipper more than the items themselves. There was someone on MFC who posted one broken from Solaris with like the shittiest padding possible. Say what you want about Ami-chan's slaughter of trees, but at least she packs stuff tightly.
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why shit gotta be so damn big
Ah she looks fine to me unpainted so it’d all good
>megami device with seisin shojou teien girls being the modelers
I would watch the hell out of that. I know Sousai Shojo Teien has an audio drama but Koto is leaving money on the table not making an anime. The FA Girls anime is so damn comfy.
hell even throw in Hexa gear there, because two girls have canonically use them in the Alice gear aegis mobage colab, and one even has a scale of a scale accessory
I would rather go on the side of caution and just stick with the PuP I already pre ordered
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This was a cute anime
I wish it had more mechamusume battles though
But at least I got to see my wife Sitara
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>side of caution
nipple zippers aren't sexy, they're stupid
Its cute though!
I have this one on the way too.
Again, the L size ones tend to be good. I'm easy to please
You aren't sexy, and you're stupid!
I prefer just slits, like pic. Zippers are cold and hard, breasts are warm and soft. Don't mix them!
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Fuck you got me, I ordered two so I lost...
Anyone here like anime girl figures?
i do sometiems
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Tragic that we will never ever get bad end precure figs
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We need more evil magical girls (non edgy)
this looks shit senpai
I fear for my wish because theres like what, two episdes and part of a movie that has them? And its been so long without a lick of merchandise for the bad end pretty cures
You're not missing anything, Furyu is bad and overpriced,
I want to buy figi, but has no moni.....
>tfw have moni and buy figi
Is that the Abby from the GK guide?
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suck dicky
get moni
so they can justify the price bloat
that's a really cute way to set up a wall display
seems like it won't take much room either
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Moni + Figi gang report in
some day when I'm richfag I'll get a fancy airbrush setup and learn all this shit
i have no creativity though so i'll never make cool customs
figi you can sexi?
the whole point of funko pops is that despite being ugly, cheaply manufactured plastic crap they sell based on "artificial scarcity". despite that they cost probably $2 each to make they want to keep them scarce so collector fags will outbid each other and overpay for rare ones.

they're dumping those to keep the supply low so retards will continue overpaying for the existing ones.
same as when a high-fashion company burns its extra stock when they make too much. a $5000 bag made of $100 of materials stops being appealing to vapid richfags if it goes on sale for $200 and the poors start having it, the whole appeal was the rarity/exclusivity not the actual quality
The whole point of funkos is that westernfags saw otakuchads happily collection figures, but none of their garbage media had anything good, so they made funkoshits to fill the void
imagine if nendos started having "chase variants"
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i've literally never heard of her anime outside of figgies
is it actually huge and I've just been under a rock? or is it a situation like Ryza where it just has an audience of super dedicated buyfags out of proportion to the series' popularity
no. i only buy dbz and wan piss
It's an LN
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ARTFXJ makes some damn good figures sometimes
Imagine being in a plane and flying under a giant girl's skirt
Then what do you suggest as a nipple deployment mechanism?
>12 volumes translated to EN
is it any good? should i read it and then buy the figi
Yes, but just remember, Elaina did nothing wrong
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I can fix her
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Sign me up.
>Hello passengers this is your captain speaking
>we're currently dealing with some tsundere turbulence as we are currently flying under a giant girl
>please put on your seatbelts and keep them on while the seatbelt light is active.
>if you look to your left, you'll see some embarassing pee stains on her panties
>please do not take pictures and post it on social media
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megumeme needs some food
Anyone have any good storage options for B5 that isn't iseto doujin cases? I've found US legal binders for B5 sizes suck, too much sticks out with ringed top loader sleeves. A4 is fine, luckily but that's pretty much US standard paper size.
>buy figure
>money wasted
very very nice
I'm tempted to use the "boat shipping" option to save a little bit of money and to avoid my country's gay customs, but the item I want to ship is a decent sized figi with a sizable box, anyone shipped a pricy figure this way? I'm afraid the package would get fucked up and damage the figure box inside.
Boat just takes a long ass time anon
I've been doing boat for most of my purchases this year and nothing broke
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i'm more offended by the stupidity of the boob support rods attached to her staff
Why are her boobs so big?
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This might be my first migu and doll purchase. I'm sorry anons, I tried to remain strong but the cuteness is overwhelming.
Everyone loses to dolls eventually
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I guess I'll go ahead with it, I just had this belief that the slowest and cheapest shipping method would make packages low priority and treated like shit by workers
>would make packages low priority and treated like shit by workers
Your boxes are being thrown around just as relentlessly with either shipping method, the only difference is the speed at which it travels
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only those who have weak minds. I will never buy a doll.
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Why is there such a massive price gap between the Amazon and eBay listings for this figure? Leads me to think the Amazon one might be a bootleg...
Why can’t I ufcking post?
then you must be eliminated
Check who the seller is/where they ship from
>bootleg PuPs
isn't that redundant?
Yeah I thought the same thing bro.
But then some doll anon kept posting sexy dolls.
And more sexy dolls.
And then smug sexy dolls.
And then smug sexy dolls with guns.
So now I’m going to be dropping a lot of money on smug sexy dolls with guns next time I go to Japan.
>only those who have weak minds
If you had a strong mind you wouldn't have buyfagged in the first place!
So I'm not the only one having trouble
For folks in the US, what proxy service do you use for importing 18+ stuff?
back in the day even cheap nendos were bootlegged
Why would that be an issue?
I'm going to have to build a whole shrine dedicated to Alice at this rate....
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Don't forget to pre-order!
does buyfag has pusspuss?
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Amico figurines when?
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It's in the tower, if you can conquer it
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I want to pre-order her.
do you mean onaholes? I got like 5
Do you feel any difference?
Do you feel any difference?
Do you feel any difference?
Do you feel any difference?
wtf did the onaholes become sentient and start posting in buyfag?
Imagine preordering a baby using Lilco's womb.
yes, my cheaper ones aren't as stimulating but are easier to clean up, while my most expensive onahole is very stimulating where I can cum within a few minutes. I also got a very tight "dick crushing" onahole that hurts but it feels good after a bit.
The only one I've used considers 18+ stuff / obscene material as "prohibited items."
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New Animester figi! Bet your prices.
God model building is so fucking dumb.
>use 3 pieces from B, 2 pieces from H, 2 pieces from PC
>now istead of finishing B or H, move on to A and F
>now back to B but only for two pieces and a couple from G
What could be a chill and satisfying experience of clearing each set turns into constant annoyance of needing two switch part sets constantly without any autistic mental payoff
I just read ahead and do those in parallel
If you’re doing an arm you can assume you’ll be doing the other one later
Why would you want to clip everything out of the runner before you need them? That sounds more annoying than having to go back and fourth.
The sets should be printed so all the parts needed for one task are on one set. It's understandable for the Zoid I'm doing that the outer colored parts are going to need to come from separate sets, but why can't the entire neck joint I'm making be on one of them?
>Dat Blue Amico
Look at how smug she is as she casually inspects a figi pantsu in view of customers.
That might be YOUR figi and Blue Amico is asserting HER dominance over it
guise miku wants to pick a fight w. u
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I hate miku
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That's now how I took the picture.
What the hell man?!
now how brown figi
*not how
Why not buy direct from amiami or elsewhere?
I legit hate you
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why this fatty so popular
I wonder if there's a connection between shape and what can go on the same sprue together. Sometimes they reuse the sprues across kits so you end up with extra pieces on other runners. The big names aren't retarded so there must be some arcane method to the madness.
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I still think about my visit to Japan last year
I want to go back but I have more important things to do before my glorious return
>$1,800+ for that
That's gun money for me, no way in hell I'd spend that much on plastic ass
Probably because they're using different types of plastic (ABS/PS) depending on where and what it's being used for.
e.g. the key joint parts are probably ABS, so it's easier to have all the same color parts on one runner, even though that might be the neck, shoulders, knees, etc.
Meanwhile the surrounding parts are PS and on a different runner by necessity.
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I bought a lot of Doujins when I lived in Japan. It was like a souvenir checking out porn shops
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Yeah, for cash like that I could buy my wife instead of a painted kit of my wife (or some fat chick, as the case may be). Easy decision.
I'm still waiting for a good AK-15 figure
Girl deserves it
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release damn you
I'm on the verge of getting her
She looks so cool
>tfw done with scale figures this year
The only orders I have left are for PuPs
Where can I get one of these?
>the fridge
In three days I'll be free completely. It's going to feel so good until the stuff I'm waiting to go up for preorder is announced.
aoko scale aaaany second now...
She'll get an FGO scale announced next year that'll be canceled 4 years later. You're welcome.
I'm putting a strict restriction on myself to only 5 figures, so I only have two slots open
Of course I'm making an exception to series I really like, like Frieren, Mato, Iruma, and Vermeil because I really like the stuff
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You'll get bored after awhile. Literally whos usually dont have staying power.
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>another rival thread
Anyone have any recommendations for skilled custom figure makers? The character I want a fig of has none available at all, and the buy guide doesn't have anything about it. I'm willing to pay $$$ for one.
thick girl with huge boobs wearing a revealing outfit is popular
how surprising
>ntr queen getting any figgie
>black hair
wasted potential
From start to finish, don't think there's many. Your best bet would be to get an artist to make a drawing, then find a person who does 3D modeling you like, then find a printer, and then find a painter unless you want to paint it yourself.

Otherwise, check out Chinese and Jap GK makers to see if any do start to finish commissions, but I imagine most wouldn't take a gaijin but who knows.
her tits in my face haha
want food but food is like 1/10th of a figi
I’m scared of what customs is going to say…
If places that shipped directly had what I was looking for, that's where I would order from.
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Would you a neckpussy figure?
Dude what the fuck
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holy based
>narutard gets upset buyfag makes fun of his crappy manga
>Fuck them, I'll make a better buyfag!
>it's just arguing about printers
Anyone wanna see my anime figures
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Anyone knows where to get a good Seras Victoria figure? The Figurama is cool but i don't want like half of the stuff on it, i just wanted her normal face

Also, do Rip Van Winkle even has a figure? Can't find any
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This 2009 one is probably the best one unfortunately
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Face looks wonky doesnt it
Is it like, rare as fuck?

I'd buy picrel so hard if it was just that, and it didn't came with all the other stuff i will never use. Probably would be cheaper too
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Definitely could have done better with the diorama. It doesn't feel as focused as the Alucard one. I like that one a lot better.
Yeha I hate these ridiculous bases, they feel so gaudy. Like
>LOOK! It's not a toy! It's got a crazy base, it's a "statue"!
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Yeah, I'm sorry anon
It's ZBrush + 3D printer time
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Doesnt even look like her
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If they're focused fine, they can be good, but some of them just do it for the sake of excess, like Lucy. If they had a simplfied version that comprised everything in the white circle, minus the guard, I think that would be way better.
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Like dont want this ugly bitch Zorin
Yeah adding the guard is hilarious
Who the hell wants some random background character?
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Anon.. Time to take the DIY pill
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>every day until you like it
>3d printed
Can i trust this shit?
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It will look like this and you'll have to sand/prime/pin/paint it:
Also there are telegram channels that leak these STLs for free
If you have a 3D printer you might be able to print it yourself
shit, i dont even have a 3d printer
shouldnt be this hard to get a Hellsing figure wtf
If you buy from Etsy he'll print it for you, you just have to paint and build it
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Haha I actually have this STL!
If I wasn't a lazy bastard I would print it for you, but you're probably just better off paying for it from a professional
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Seems okay
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I guess alternatively, I can send you the STL and you can find a 3D printer shop that can print it for you. Would be cheaper than Etsy
You can even pick the scale
You can even find someone to paint it for you. That might be the cheapest option
>Get STL (free)
>Pay 3D printer shop to print it (cheap)
>Pay painter to paint it (expensive)
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Are those artbooks on the right?
only good figgie itt
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nice box-pill
That pastie is dangerously hot
>back hair isn't separate from the face
Painting is going to be a fun time.
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Yeah that's a weird split
I hope that wiggly shit is pre-supported or
>Pay 3D printer shop to print it
might not be so cheap.
No, but can't Lychee do it automatically? Also if you pay someone to print it I'm sure that's part of the service
>might not be so cheap.
I would imagine it's still cheaper than etsy since you're not paying for the STL
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>wiggly shit
The Chinese sculptors called it "energy"
I wonder if they even know what they're making, or if they're just doing general copyright infringement and don't care
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I'm wondering if whoever designed that actually had any GK experience. Masking hair off is not impossible, but man is that a pain in the ass.
>can't Lychee do it automatically
A lot can be done automatically, but in complicated cases like this you still need to fix and massage it afterwards and that takes time (and sometimes a couple of failed attempts).
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I think it's just a Chinese shop churning these out
I don't think they really care
I imagine a lot of people just buy the STLs and just sit on them
like me, but at least I pirated them for free
That's like my weekly haul from Telegram.

But you do get what you pay for and there are good designers on Cults3D and such worth paying money for their work.
Yeah I stopped checking since I'm not printing any of them
I wonder if I just need a new printer since cleaning is such a bitch
I don't want to have to put on clothes and a mask each time, I'm sure the new ones make it easier somehow
>the new ones make it easier somehow
You still need to clean the vat and the build plate. Water-clean resin is a thing (if you don't mind the tradeoffs), but it's still toxic.
When is ami updating?
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Page 10, no one will know that I love buyfag!!
i see you.
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A-anon... I...
How dare they relax. I want to see figures NOW
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Anon, Ami-chan needs to see the equinox!
How the fuck does she have more days off than me? I thought they were supposed to be overworked? Feels like they're always taking time off

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