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Read the guide: buyfag.moe
Figure of the year
>Incredible things are happening in China
I-I'm going to buy a PUP...
>no separate buying options
Fuck I really only care about Alice..............
if you're still around anon you should really finish the saikano manga, the ending is literally my favorite part
Still here, good to know the ending wasn't ruined
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Frieren made a new friend.
Yeah I'm not buying the set for it. I already have scale alice on pre order
Sorry about that.
Cute. I think it's time to finally watch the clock anime
I love when you see people bitch about an “underage” NSFW figure on MFC and then you see their profile and they have bunny girl high schoolers and fucking Dragon Maid figures.
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You are buying Basquiat's Warrrior, right?
Imagine an onahole version.
God I fucking hate when search engines won't allow for specific search. I don't fucking need a bunch of random DVDs pulled up, FromJapan.
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Works on my machine
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Do you judge people on MFC?
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I don't even think about M-
Fuck I want her
That would require me to browse MFC, so no.
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yes I do. that's why I don't participate in their forums/clubs, and strictly use it to track my collection and upload some pictures.
But how else do you keep track of your irresponsible spending to make sure you don't buy the same figure twice?
This feels like a time capsule to ten years ago and not necessarily in a bad way
have you considered opening the boxes
Left side should be all red girls.
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Good smile company shills. Please get your company to make more merch of Ruby.
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>Not Alter shills
Why do you want mediocre figgies of your wife?
I just want a cute official figma of her that I can pose and not an expensive paperweight.

I am currently working on a 3D printed figure for her.
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alter san... abbi doko?
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Don't forget her familiars
Nice Remi. Looks similar to the Remi from that Touhou Castlevania clone.
Abby, Abby, Abby, Abby, Abby
Mushroom, mushroom
A planet, a planet
Oh it's a planet~!!
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i want to buy a sailor moon t-shirt, official merch preferred (if that even exists), curious if anyone has any experience before i go and do a deep dive
really, really dont want to buy some etsy print
I recently read Frieren. The Nendos tempt me, but I think I'm okay.
If Alter wants to make a figure of Ruby they can.
Buying official shirts sucks. Are you at least super skinny? You could buy from a proxy store.
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I love how smug noodle Miku is.
I consider myself an advanced Miku-enjoyer, and she’s the smuggest licensed Miku I know of.
Just look on Amazon. Surely you’ll find some licensed stuff.
Most of my shirts are from Cospa but I don't know if they make Sailor Moon stuff. As a rule of thumb you want to buy a size or two up when buying Japanese shirts.
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>read a discussion on shelving and displays
>hurrr i got this display its perfect for figgies you should get it
>tiny as fuck
>look at their collection
>literally all prize figures or nendos
i stopped using mfc for anything other than tracking my own collection
We need more xenoblade figgis
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Also Sailor Moon is popular enough that you can probably find some shirts in local stores. I know Primark (bong clothing shop) has had a few Sailor Moon lines here before, although I think it was mostly accessories and drinks bottles.
Damn, I was so excited to try Rakuten's forwarding service that I forgot their JP site does not take foreign credit cards. Anyone know if AMEX is able to bypass that restriction?
That doesn't require me to browse MFC.
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yes im relatively thin
will do
ill check it out, thanks, and yes thats been my experience as well, bought a medium shirt once that was about the same size as a small
ive seen some in local stores but they were way overpriced imo, also a quick google search came up with this site: sailor-moon.store
seems official but theres no way im buying from a store that sells this shit lol
Now that detolfs are extinct what display shelves do you guys reocmmend?
I'm not quite sure what that means.
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I use BILLY with HOGBO doors.
Old meme, don't worry about it
imagine the dust
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When I ventured into Amico's dungeon, I saw some sweet individual displays for the figures, but they don't seem to sell them on the front page.
>spends hundreds to thousands on figgies
>cheaps out on the display to show them in
>spends hundreds to thousands on figgies
>don't buy new displays, just daydream about it and keep figures in boxes
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Pre-orders up!
too much space not glass
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Stupid they seem to be sticking to the whole SFW and NSFW being 2 different versions though.
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any chance of the crotch being forced cast off?
I'm a cute buyer so I'll resist
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She's got some cute panties in the SFW version.
what if landlord kicks you out? who's gonna pack all these shit?
You mean me?
curious, for figures like that can you actually see it uncensored somewhere before release or do you have to preorder it blind?
I don't buy NSFW figgies but if I did and pussy was ugly I'd be pissed
Nobody likes landlord
I don't mean I'm a landlord, I mean I own my place
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Normally no, the best you'll get is places like fig-memo taking pictures with uncensored nipples, but they still blur out the vagina. Though now that chinese companies are starting to enter the scene, they don't have to adhere to the censorship laws and they'll post completely uncensored previews. For example pic related is from the same manufacturer and MFC has fully uncensored images.
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>I'm up

I know I'm late to the wagon, but how are people justifying these prices for OC figures these days.
It's meant to just be a fun thing to buy and have, but now every single one is feeling like an investment.
supply and demand son
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>I'm being priced out of fun things because there are people who are irresponsible with their money and willing to throw more away at their own detriment
You might be right, but the supply is also completely up to the manufacturer, just make more desu.
Yes I am aware though that generally it's more profitable to sell a product just over the 'comfortable' price and move slightly less product.
I don't have anything further to add on this topic, I just hate how much bankroll you now need to buyfag.

>picrel literally made for my fetish of cumming on panties but too expensive
>because there are people who are irresponsible with their money
There are also people like me who spent years saving up for a down payment and now that I have my own place I'm finally getting all the figures I missed out on
I wonder how much older otaku there are that are finally feeling comfortable with finally buyfagging
I'm sure it's a spectrum, yes there are a lot of buyfags that own their own home. But there are also plenty of adverts that pop up of "selling figures because my pet got sick" that clearly don't have the money to be buyfagging if they have zero emergency funds.
I'm personally in the homeowner camp, doesn't mean I'm swimming in free cash, but it does put into perspective what buying a single figure provides me vs taking that same amount and using it to do something to the house and unfortunately figures usually lose any comparison at their current price points.
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If I like it enough to buy it at the price it's sold for, I buy it. If I don't, I don't. I haven't been buying a lot of OC recently because the prices are stupid high for what you get, but when I'm happy I buy a d that doesn't happen enough to strain my finances. I don't feel like I'm missing out on much since especially for OC there's not much feeling of need.
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>forgot pic
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>tummies being posted
Where's my update QuesQ, it's been a year and you're the only one to do lycoreco in training wear.
>selling fig because my pet got sick
I usually take this to mean that the seller simply no longer likes the item, but doesn't want buyers to think it's undesirable. I do the same thing when I'm selling something. I try to mask the fact that I don't want it because I no longer like it. I don't include a reason like "pet is sick', I usually just try to claim it's brand new but without packaging. Never had anyone return anything or complain yet.
Tummy sex
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You don't need to sugar coat it or lie about the condition. If someone wants something and you're the cheapest they aren't going to care about why you're selling it.
I can't remember a single person asking why I'm selling something in my 185 ebay sales.
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>Tummy posting?
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I tempted but I didn't watch the anime
NTA but I can confirm the manga ending is very good. A little predictable but bold.
Probably not, but I don't want to take the risk. I need my shit gone and fast, before it loses value.
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I won't tell you that you should, but I'll just leave these here since this is a tummy thread now
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Her nose looks way too up
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I'm not that guy, but I'm saddened to see buyfag fall so low that it uses online resources to track their degeneracy instead of a perfectly good local program.
>tfw my waifu is from an obscure 80s anime that no one knows and no known figurines exist
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>Shirogane Noel, Phat
As an armoured girl enjoyer, I too was keen for this one
Until they announced the price
yeah, I'm debating cancelling it and waiting for the Bin if there is one.
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>el cheapo prize fig Liz for those not buying Alter or Spiritale versions
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>arm placement strategically covering the most important aspect of if i buy
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She will get official merch one day.
>unbuttoned shorts
This seems very out of character
reminder this is ai generated
reminder this is chat-GPT
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what is this shit meme
Repost with more visible tummy please
>look up item X
>seller doesn't have some sad story for selling it
>assume item X sucks and don't want it anymore
Literally nobody thinks like that. Just say that you're selling the item without any other nonsense. If anything I am way more suspicious of sellers who are clearly making up bullshit excuses, and that includes stories about it somehow being brand new but without a box (like, how?)
>I am selling all my figures because I have to relocate because I can't live close to a school anymore
Do you buy?
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use MAL
>one day technology will make arm bands redundant
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I will now consider this rabbit
>limited to wonfes CHINA
Anyone wanna see my anime figures
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>Sentai announces a steelbook for Vermeil
That was an instant buy.
And for the record I watch subs only I just couldn't say no to a steelbook of an anime I really liked.
Lets hope this leads somewhere
>China exclusive
>The known lovers of fair skinned, blonde hair, blue eyed girls
The fuck? This was made for me and it's only given to bugmen
No, it does not make sense to keep track of these things locally when it requires much more effort than using a way more detailed and automatically updated database. Stop LARPing and being so contrarian, anon. Nobody is telling you to engage with the community features of MFC.
>vtuber on top
How do you access melonbooks nowadays? I get the same error message every day, same with vpn.
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>2 versions of the same fucking statue
why is this becoming a common thing?
>arm bands
W-what does it mean if my figgy has one?
Because they know some people will buy both versions. PLUM has been shitty about it lately.
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Very cool executive producer
Figures are overpriced y or n?
back in my day a good figgies would cost you only 60 dollarydoos
Yes, but what doesn't feel overpriced in todays standards
wet looks better for cast off on the body but might have a dumb tab on the lip to hold the string?
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she's out, get ready for some foot licking
sauce: mfc
as someone who is capable of creating whatever figure i want, they are way too overpriced for what they are.
After seeing Lamy's price go up, I wouldn't count on it.
>it does not make sense to keep track of these things locally when it requires much more effort than using a way more detailed and automatically updated database.
the distinction was between online vs local anon, don't know why you are bringing effort into it.

>vtuber on top
Take your meds.
She probably won't. She's either sold out everywhere or selling for a higher price.
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if it goes up (likely as it was an exclusive sale), nothing I can do about it. Already have her bikini figure.
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Because your local solution obviously requires way more effort. You need to manually enter information of every entry yourself, and it will still be incomplete. Why are you spending all that extra effort? Only because you're trying to LARP as some oldfag who hates websites like MFC. You do it to make stupid posts whining about le culture while still being into vtumors.
>take your meds
This will be an easy scalp btw. Tons of people who only want a specific nikke will easily pay like 5k yen for one.
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Finally, GOODS for me
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doko part II
left is actually a cloth top, right is plastic
>cloth top
Does that count as a doll?
>and it will still be incomplete
aho anon, it was to track purchases, not to track every figgie available.

>Why are you spending all that extra effort?
Because I can and it's better than reliying in shit like websites that can change their policies on a dime.

>Only because you're trying to LARP as some oldfag who hates websites like MFC.
Never said I was an oldfag, just lamenting the use of shit like mfc when it's not necessary.

>You do it to make stupid posts whining about le culture while still being into vtumors.
>take your meds
Why are impromptu photos during making like this just always so much better than any others
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Buyfags, I have sinned.
I bought...Price is too good to ignore.
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Ass Blossom and Joyous Sex
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got new figure
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I'm going to have a YuGiOh shelf soon
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why do you buy figurines?
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>haha I'm not going to focus the Camera, aren't I WACKADOO?!?!
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it was heavily discounted bc "head is amost removed"
looks like its still on to me HAHAHAHAA
I only buy figgies though??
>mandarake figgy of best girl came with broken twintail piece
Was it really them or was it us customs chimps? Either way I'm fucking pissed. What do I do?
Just don't even bother if you can't commit more than 2 seconds to take a photo
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SHE's back up
Hiding a seam, I guess?
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I will too
who is this brat and why do I want to correct her
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Because they're there
I wanted some merch to collect for series I liked. I figured Nendoroids are good since they are cute and there are many of them. But turns out, not every manga gets rep, so I ended up ordering some scales as well. And here we are.
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Damn brat. Needs correction.
I fig, therefore I buy.
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Ulrich is sleeping
do woman really does????
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Anon please don't tell me you're going to pay full price when you can instead pick up 1 or even 6 for 480 each from the bargain bin.
worst girl
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what does this face imply????
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Bon Voyage Miku nendo is smugger.
Wish she wasn't so fucking expensive in the aftermarket...
Nah, I just think it's funny Ami-chan can't seem to get rid of her
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Are we still keen on mega milker party trick succubus?
Not homosexual but......
Super disorganised, but there's a lot of great stuff in there
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Are there a lot of nendoroids that never got reruns or have most of them gotten at least one rerun or 2.0 remake?
Yes to the first. Most are still affordable even in the aftermarket though.
I need this in my life
I don’t judge others for having nendoroids and prize figures only
But damn I’ll never get how someone could just have a collection that’s 99% miku, I’ll never understand mikufags. How boring does your taste have to be
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She's like Barbie. She is pretty and her figs come in different clothes and hairstyles while still being recognizable and you can project a personality on her.
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i had a bunch of mikus but ive just decided to display this one (all her twintails take up so much space)
Maybe now I'll finally be forced to look into shipping/international shipping myself. haha ofc I won't
This but with people who basically only collect figures of gacha jpgs.
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It seems Botan and Lapus is getting proper scale figures soon if anyone is interested.
how does that even make sense
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I enjoy looking at photos of collections of people who actually fit in a lot of their interests and personality. Much better than soulless detolf scale figure collections desu.
How does it not?
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>their interests and personality
Don't bother, he'll just say it's slop
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you're mad because the character was originally a jpg
nigga 99% of characters in anime are literally jpgs
That’s just a mic, trust me.
Though I find it funny how they spent all that money on figures and manga just to center it around a laptop. They should invest in a pc but whatever, I don’t know their personal needs
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Are you trolling? I don't mind the character "being an illustration". Gacha characters are nothing more than their jpg; they have no personality, no story, and no content, so there's nothing to get attached to. I don't understand people who only collect figures of such shallow forgettable characters. Surely they consume actually interesting anime/manga and not just gacha?
it do sometimes
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No, I don't think I will.
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Redpill me on elCOCO, sounds Mexican.
She is elLOCO,
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show me her panties,
anon is a girl
Wait, there are girls on 4chan???
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That's a little girl, anon. You can stick your dick inside her, it's not gay.
>better shading than 75% of figures
>75% cheaper than scales
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Fuck I missed it...
Thank you, anon.
Where the FUCK are my Azur Promilia figures?
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Buyfriends! Got these Kaban and Raccoon Pitanui plushies! Already got the Serval, now just need to find the seemingly very rare Fennec.
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As well as a bunch of keychains for the collection. The 5 dragons! I like the white one.
why does Amico have so many at a little over $3?
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Two awesome Ghost in the Shell crossover Friends. Tachikoma Type-H and Type-S robots.
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And finally got a grail! Genbu, the last of the Four Gods I didn't have. Took fucking forever to find.
figgie laundering
Holy hell those are cute.
>adding an item to my order would double shipping costs even though its small
>save for next order for my random goods order
>it sells out
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Never enough of Witches.
I already have the Eilanya one, but I was a careless nigger and managed to break Sanya's peg...
I mean witches are fine as long as they don't have those stupid big hats.
>I missed Sakura feet
This is the biggest blunder of my life
>not liking witch hats
Get out
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No, I'm staying!
I don't know what it is about Bocchi the Rock eyes but its like they're permanently dead inside.
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Um... no?
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>witches are fine as long as they're missing their best feature
You dumb as hayll.
Now this is utter retarded.
no u
>also a raging faggot
Checks out.
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>can't even reply properly
>he doesn't know
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>raging homos
you have to go back...to MFC
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Doko part III and IV. Give Maple already, you pricks, she sat unpainted for like 2 years.
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This anon is now tagged as gentleman_studio
Everyone always talks about MFC but I never use it for cataloging my figures.
I mainly use it for notifications when new figures of the character I want is going to be made/cancelled or up for preorder.
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That's an old auntie looking ass.
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>fat ass
as if it's made for a certain group of people.
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she needs cock
Is ohisashiburi the official artist that drew her?
Someone put this girl under the sun for 20 minutes!
Does she say something in the game for this racist meme to pop up?
This 1/4 Roxy (?) girl is so fucking hot goddamn.
Saki you mean?
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Dude, she says the gamer word all the time.
Bootleg Mythra came home today
Probably the last I buy for a year or so, until the Mio figure preorder gets produced and shipped.
And she's very likely to be the last one ever.
I started buying these things as trophies for my university exams, and now they are all done, Mio is supposed to be the graduation trophy lol.
from the thumbnail I thought that's weed.
i caved in and ordered her. she's just so fucking hot.
You mean cute.
>Probably the last I buy for a year or so,
Meanwhile, I have pre-orders every month until next August even though I'm getting low on display space for the 5th time and can't add much more. I'll see you soon, boxfags.
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no? Illya and abbi are cute, which i'm also waiting for. But I also pre-ordered baltimore from e2046, so she'll be my second boat.
Illya is sexy, Baltimore is cute.
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That's you? I'm sorry for you.
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Imagine hotglueing that big ass figi
dont hate bwos, everyone can be a buyfag
I haven't seen that Kuma Kuma Bear girl hotglued yet, not sure why.
Actually cancel this >>271394917
I just checked my collection, and I've found some pics where she's glued, both the bare leg and the stocking versions.
I came back after a year hiatus, has collecting really gone to shit? things were already pretty bad then, I'm even scared to check bargain bin sections.
Share with the class.
Where should I post it?
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My favorite part of this outfit is the kindergartener nametag. Inexplicably punk rock.
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big titty goth gf with short hair has always been my weakness. I never played azur lane, but I'm going to buy her.
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okay but where's the big titty
why does ami only has the exclusive bonus version, I dont care about the poster
the alter one is medium sized, but they're big compared to lolis.
you gonna paint that?
yea, it looks like a simple kit, not too many parts, 2-4 colors at most.
>but they're big compared to lolis.
Even my tits are big compared to lolis.
oh I'm gonna paint her alright ;)
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My ever-growing mecha musume backlog gets even larger. I just realized how many little specs of scrap plastic were left on my most recent completed kit after I took photos... I kek at my own incomplete.
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My body is ready.
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That GITS cross-over is awesome
how about fuck off and let people like what they like faggot.
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u rike?
What board do I go to to see sex dolls being bred
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do not sex doll
>breed this. *blam*
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I have an payment request for one order, but I want to combine it with an order that got delayed into September
But it's not showing up when I go to combine orders?
Should I email AmiAmi? I'm worried since it's the fridge
Yeah email them bwo
Although I guess since it's September 25th already, the Fridge might get delayed anyways
But if Ami sees the Fridge she'll sic Lilco on me...
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>it's the fridge
Yes, email them.
It's the first manga I ever read on snoopycool, stop judging me!
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it's cast off
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I regret not getting this
show the back
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>unpainted for like 2 years.
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Except every Megami Device kit has a hole there as part of the hip articulation. Settle down, anon. Or watch the Busou Shinki anime and listen to them yell 'my screw holes!' every time they get wet/dirty.
Maybe it just felt that way to me, it was a long time, though. They announced and brought out the unpainted prototype of Cinnamon while Maple was still unpainted, that made it feel longer.
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does this count as buyfagging
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Amiami A/B, she's flawless.
I still want to kick the ass of that person who approved her antennas, they are super fragile.
At least I didn't break them like did with Sanya's Rocket Booster version...
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Mine is still BOXED
Yeah, but why.
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Her tail is so wide, it hides her ass.
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new Kite bluray came in

in other news
>preordered Rem and Emilia red chinese dress figs last year
>have since bought a house and quit drinking
>ami-chan refuses to let me cancel
RIP $300
That is really nice. Alter did such a nice job with the sculpts on all the witches, obligatory panty shots included. Imagine the smell.
Why did they all bin though? Is that what's going to happen with Flan and Remi?
pffuy vulva
Gotta love some detailed panties.
>quit drinking
Sounds like that would free up some of your income. Or are you suggesting you ordered these while drunk?
They are old. Heidemarie is actually the most expensive next to Eilanya summer, they go around 15k. Jet Trude was 32k back in March.
Anything special about this new release? Or is it the first time it's on bluray?
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I'd eat that
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supposedly fixed/uncut release, not sure how I feel about the AI upscaling on some of the "restored" content, it was kind of an impulse buy when I saw the announcement, hopefully it's good

partly poor decision making, partly my house eating up any spare income
i've never even watched re:zero and don't like isekai, I bought them purely on the concept of starting a collection of girls in red chinese dresses to go along with my 2 copies of as109's Alice fig lol
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Nobody says anything good to my Mio...
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Does anyone or has anyone ever owned those figures with the squishy breasts? I remember seeing them back in 2017 or so and then pretty much never again
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Not my pic
Has anyone bought this old good smile kissshot figure
I cannot for the fucking life of me get her sword in place the pieces don’t meet up
That is some serious skill.
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I didn't use them, but some succ figure I bought recently came with them as an optional swapout. I don't really get the concept.
That's the body of a 16 year old.
ew feet
That dude in the back must be hungry
anal sex vibes
Nah, he's like: "look at that loser, he buys girl's toys."
out of 10!
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>no kit yet
>kit bash it ur self ya ding
To be honest it's been so long that I don't remember much other than I think I put in some of the water parts last?
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Ah shit….Giita……
What the fuck happened?
An accident during some sick parkour.
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anon hotglued so hard, she stuck on the wall and still have cum stains on her hair to this day.
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>collecting hunks of plastic
Tipped forward years ago
Then ago years ago
And I just never properly fixed her
Idk what to do
Just like wood glue lmao
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>collecting figures
>store them in boxes
>store boxes in corner
>Hobby Search stopped taking figures out the box to take pictures because they frequently made them look bad
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damn that's nice
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>Regarding the “[No Game No Life Zero] Shuvi” that is set to be released in September 2024,
>The “chest decoration parts” of the actual product are attached in the opposite direction to the image on the package and the information.
>This is not a defect, as the correct orientation is for the product.
what does it mean?
Are you for real? No, that's not nice.
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imagine the smell
>bro hates pubs
were pubfag her bro
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only in my dreams
cat sex
Yeah no clue, feels like we need an updated image to know what they're taking about
>buy snack
>it's gone in 10 minutes
>buy figgie
>it's here forever
the winner is clear
>it's here forever
haha lmao
grow your own and use those
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I just went to the grocery store and buyfagged some akane candy. It was that easy
I have a fig that has my pubes glued onto it. Can I still sell it?
I dont get the appeal of any girl in that show, all trash with no personality
I had a mermaid asuka and rei that I bought in when I lived in Japan and I have no idea where they went
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I got this, and not just her breasts, her legs were silicone as well. Though she looked comical on cast-off mode, she really nice to stroke and fondle. But I think if only boobs were soft it will feel more gimmicky than if it's most of the exposed skin.

I also have a mini sex doll so I was just searching for something that tries to mimic the experience on a smaller scale.

In hindsight, I'd rather have perfectly sculpted hard plastic breasts and detailed nipples. Soft material works better on larger scales that can utilize heft.
Are you a JK?
Kanna is pretty good and down to earth
aren't skirts kind of lewd?
>mandatory maintenance checkup for my apartment tomorrow
I hope they don't get any wrong ideas about my figs...
hello r*ddit
soda, no!
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She's a narcissistic cunt who cries the entire series with her "woe is me" schtick while also getting things handed to her on a silver platter. What's worse is how she constantly gets wanked off at the expense of the screentime that other characters could have had while also being paradoxically portrayed as some kind of underdog. Though I guess it's true that she's "down to earth" since she was given a bunch of traits that cause the tons of fags in her fanbase who are about as annoying as ACK to identify with her.
I rather get them from a female, should be easy enough
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>all that shading
What's the catch?
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I have this dream that if I collect doubles of merch, one day I'll be able to sell it for profit when my series becomes a big hit.
Why do I think like this? I could just buy one and be fine. I don't need to try to recoup losses when I'm getting things I want.
I try to get into series with designs I like after their popularity begins to decline, so that I can get the figgies at a discount.
How often if ever do yall dust your figgies?
Sophie why are you look at me with those eyes?
She will pee in your mouth.
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Is the red short made of fabric?
It's a render, that figure isn't real.
For goodsmileus.com, my card was recently replaced out of the blue. I added my new card to my account and tried deleting my old card’s info but the site said I couldn’t because it’s attached to two pending preorders.
Ive already sent an email to support, they said “Kindly manually update the payment method per order in your order history by clicking on 'more info”.
But I did exactly that and the only options were “Back” and “Log Out”, no signs of being able to update your payment info anywhere.
Ive already sent them another reply but does anyone know if it’s possible to change your payment info? My new card is already the “default” payment method on my account by the way, so if my old card gets declined with my upcoming preorder, will my new card automatically be charged next?
I think scalpers are scum
If the shading isn't there on the final product, isn't that false advertising?
Just put a generic "pre-production prototype, final product may vary" disclaimer in the announcement and you're fine.
>we have Toki at home
You don't need to convince me further anon.
Fox squad is inbound to your location.
Figgies when?!
Someone stop me from buying gathering on E2046
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Jeki arkaibu
>fabric bloomers and gym-tee
yes please I’ll take one for each room of the house
i can only buy migu because there are no price figis of 2hus
good evening OLstockings-san
I don't think it is, standard paper backdrop photoshoot setup
Whether it is or isn't though, they will just hand sculpt a figi for photos and then ship a $40 production figi knowing the quality won't be the same
fucking GK
Seeing moralfags get BTFO on MFC is so fun. The only good thing to happen on that site in a while.
no, it's just because she's a gamer.
post it
Oh my God that thigh and skindentation
I'm a massive Vocaloid fag. I collect all the concert BDs and like to get the Nendos to go with each. I love chibi style Migu and Project Mirai, I don't care for scales nearly as much. I've considered getting figgies from other franchises, but having a collection of just Migus satisfies the autism and limits my spending...kinda.
Isn't it still Monday in Japan?
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I want a Plana so bad bro.
the pubic hair is a waterslide decal, i dunno if he ordered some premade one or got it custom printed. the blue bottle is mr. mark setter decal setting solution.
t. gunpla knower
Must resist dickbuying..
buy gk instead, you can have fun painting them yourself
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There are a bunch thoughever
I have this one and it can stand fine without the ugly base
cute miku pits
Cute chicken
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I can’t be the only anon here with a thing for uwabaki
But you’re correct in your assumption.
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Why contain it?
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Saber and Blue Mashu are cute.
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why does the child???
Anon those are the boobs of a 35yo
>completely nude Magenta
>La Verita Azul
>likely normal Sulfur
>1/6th scale Utena
Why are all of this series' figures so clashing?
instant PO
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What do you mean? You can't fool me, Baiser!
What a whore!
They probably whored out the license for cheap so there's no coordinated vision for merch
fate/grand order ruined the series forever
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Bros, be fucking careful. If cancelations exceed 500k yen, something weird happens. I'm getting all these messages from Ami-chan. She isn't fucking happy. I fear for my l
One day we'll have to venture into the tower's basement to rescue all these anons from blue Amico's whip
It doesn't sound like those people want to be rescued
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migu if she gas
Hopefully we'll get some nice scales from the remake
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Never mind that there are figures in the actual show of at least the magical girls, and nothing like that is announced. Too easy, I guess. So instead, an outfit from a throwaway gag in one episode. Sasuga.
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Too human
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There's no worse feeling than somebody else buying the preowned A-/B figure you had an eye on.
I really don't get the point of YAJ being so long when everything only matters in the last 10 minutes when everyone starts bidding. Should just be a set time when open bidding starts and lasts until nobody bids for 10 minutes instead.
why cant they release migu figures that look this good. FUCCKK WHY MUST YOU TAUNT ME SO
I think I remember having the same issue, I ended up warming her arms to bend them into the right position.
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you guys get into bidding wars on YAJ? I was the only one bidding on YAJ on the last auction I won. 16k for an unopened Amakuni Abigail williams, which isn't even available on solaris, and is around 30k on ebay.
>it's actually good
Is this a fellow buyfag or just a repost from somewhere else?
page 9 bros.....
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pg 9 belongs to the yamas
god i cant imagine any other country making such cute sovlful things. imagine the world without japan
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Do you like figures with exaggerated anatomy?
Only if it's Raita
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page 10 they'll never know i don't own anything
Custom parts?
why do they call it nugget when do nugg et and not nug get.
Im about to buy the prepainted, bad decision inbound...
how is this possible?
It's page 10, they'll never know you're about to make the best decision.
Get this instead
Alright, im gonna post it
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That's my store, do you like it?

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