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We made it to the end!
why is gege such a horrendous artist THOUGH
>why are modern mangakas
Now that the series is over, when did the manga peak for you?
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arc - shibuya
chapter - 257
Shibuya, especially Toji returning and beating the shit out of his son
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kenny vs takaba
Shibuya. It all went to shit after the collective fear curses died.
>looked a lot more like like a boy passing on to the afterlife
What if Urame’s tears were over missing the chance to get impregnated by Sukuna instead of taking it up the ass all the time?
Sukuna vs. Mahoraga (manga)
Higuruma vs Sukuna.
Sukuna’s scene was nice but putting in this chapter was jarring and it should’ve been placed in the chapter he got defeated. Last minute development
>characters 12/10
>overall plot 5/10
>ending 6.5/10
This is my assessment of JJK. Kenjaku’s shenanigans going nowhere really hurt the plot. The characters were all great though.
Manga was pretty much a flatline all the way until the culling games where it had huge dips, although there were some highs. Conclusion: it didn't peak anywhere.
It was a good finale. Maybe not as good as Kimetsu's but still good nonetheless.
This assessment is objectively correct.
this but the dip was at the one-month timeskip
Gojo Satoru was what this generation needed. in a world full of failures, system going against us and really hard time overall gojo managed to inspire a lot of people to really push hard for their dreams ,for me seeing and reading about him that he is the strongest motivated me a lot and a i bet a lot of people improved their lives just being watching him,the fact is that he may not be real heck he is a character yet he still managed to become a huge source of inspiration for all the people in this world,he will always be remembered as one of the greatest anime characters and be loved by the entire community
Eh. I don't see how that would be different to a significant amount.
I think it's better here as it shows Yuji succeeded and then it goes in to Yuji doing something similar for the stalker guy
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>characters 12/10
He’s nutting
Now that it’s all done and dusted where do you rank JJK?
Would you consider JJK better written than :

>One Piece
OoO and HI
Shibuya is overrated and ruined the manga
who were the people standing on the two paths sukuna could have taken? Yorozu and uraume?
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>mainstream manga endings have been so fucking bad that the hero just being happy, healthy and surrounded by friends without betraying any of his ideals is now a top tier ending
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Damn, the only ones here with good writing are Pre-timeskip One Piece and Gintama. I never bothered with Toriko, so I’ll leave it out of judgement.
Probably yeah. Maybe Yorozu wasn’t batshit before he met her, and Urame was also seriously devoted.
Sukuna escaping into Megumi, Gojo vs Sukuna, Gojo’s death, Takaba vs. Kenny, all moments for the ages.
Its fights are better written
HI and Shibuya are probably the highest highs among all of the arcs across these series
But overall the only manga in that list I can confidently say it's better written than is MHA
sex with Nobara...
Kenjaku/Itadori focus could've been so fucking kino
Kenjaku vs takaba and yuta in the 4 way free for all fight
You listed a bunch of unreadable dogshit and then Gintama, so JJK mogs them all except Gintama. OP is the worst trash listed here alongside Toriko.
Describe the sex in hell
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What do you want the cat to do a light novel or audio drama about to supplement this ending?
>Heian era short story
>Trio doing more Trio stuff
>el Gojorino’s funeral
>Utahime spending the cash she made betting on Gojo’s death on more skincare products
>Kenjaku and Jin’s home life (gone sexual)
>like Sukuna because he's just an evil dude who does as he pleases and there's no deeper meaning to his actions. he's chaos incarnate
>uhhh ackshually he was in love with this midget and he was doing those things for revenge!
what a fucking way to ruin what could be possibly one of the best anime villains of all time. Gege completely shit the bed
It was Kenjaku and Uraume
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my divine foreight predicted mahio wolfd apear last chpater.. and some anonymos poster to.. i am o proud .. O you…
Sukuna has 4 arms to pin her down and an extra mouth to suck on her tits, she's getting absolutely destroyed
>Its fights are better written
Maybe early on when it didn't as badly try to be like HxH
>no art of Kenjaku making Jin slick his hair back snd draw on body tattoos for no clear reason before sex
We were robbed.
I'd like to know you more honestly.
God wispered in my Ear this is not th last tim yuol being sing you lover.. he is th str pf the very last chapter …
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uraume and someone, we don't know for sure
>Heian era short story
Yeah, I'd read
>Trio doing more Trio stuff
As much as I love them, this is stuff that should've been in the main manga so just SoL stuff would feel pointless now
>el Gojorino’s funeral
lol no
>Utahime spending the cash she made betting on Gojo’s death on more skincare products
>Kenjaku and Jin’s home life (gone sexual)
100% yes give it to me
JJK is also pretty unreadable if we’re being honest ngl
Naruto objectively has better fights than JJK.
ngl yh fr fr no cap I guess it would be for someone like you
trio driving exam episode
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r/Jujutsufolk COOKED
am sure cokebum will leak the entire story
Hopefuly.. I wish..
U know i Get cheap thrill wenever he betrays m
Nah, not interested in using you for content. Just knowing you.
What a fantastic journey. I pity characterfags and agendafags for being unable to actually enjoy the series.
I am smarter than you and have better taste, so yes, good we agree.
Yuji vs Choso.
>t. anime tourist
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CREAKuna will return.
Objectively incorrect
forgot to include Hakari having strong children with his wife
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>this fucking panel
a gigafujo series to the bitter end
>enjoy the series
Enjoy what? dropped plotpoints? lack of genuine character moments? Gege's autism on meta commentary on his laziness? Simple domain?
>bro what could this remote chakra rod possibly mean? Our entire team of experts just can't figure it out
If you're entirely braindead yes
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Stop trying to pick up the underage b& you’ll get arrested
why doesnt anyone just bring a bag of potato starch to clot all of chosos blood
>Not enough fighting.
>Way too much talking about fighting.
Entire chapters where tertiary characters take it in turns to dissect/overanalyze each turn of events was such a godawful choice.
No. It's time to move in.
It does for the simply fact of not doing overexposition and 30 flashbacks explaining something in the middle of a fight
Truly pitiable.
You can defeat Choso by giving him too much cholesterol
I was rereading the 5 Kage Summit arc the other day and the fight between Danzo and Sasuke showed more (good) quick thinking and on the fly strategy than anything in JJK.
JJK isn’t even good as a battle shonen series.
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This is the ending Sukunafags deserve. Instead of reviving Gojo Gege decided to praise only the Sukuna and now this ending is a joke worse than MHA
I pity Gojofags, they're completely broken
Final arc was shit that no one died except for Gojo. Where are the consequences and stakes?
JJK has way too much fucking exposition during its fights.
this outfit would be hot as fuck in not chibi style
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If upnly U RPED with us bak in 2022 mayb u could of save me from drugjo discord appendages an orchestrate mahitokid a cataprohic demise an lek all our dms
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The sales gonna tank so bad. Lol
Are you referring to Nagato? They didn’t have an understanding of the Rinnegan then.
If they only care about JJK because of Gojo then I don't pity them (so like 70% of "JJK" fans). They deserved the shit they got.
So takaba just found some dude that looks suspiciously like suguru to continue his comedy routine with?
No one said this.
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Hi this is isabelas spirit guide bf. /….she came tp me in the astral relm before overdosing and asked me to relay this to cokejo

Ahhhh…..to the estemed COKEJO
hehehehe Ya i knew it was you my omnisecent conciousness blew up with infrimation acros milions of simulations and cosmic roleplays all pointing the finger all to yuo my marionate hanging from finger My Ken doll my Rpcharacter. hiw pathetic and vile yuo are. My dear efigy you canot outrun the cosimic storm i am abot to unleash upin you. I am sopia, i ca see John cena. i know victorias secret. I am the modem. I am the , mistress of the matrix.

i will Not only Banish yuo from my Garden of emulations. I will breath life into Dajal to rain chaois upin your esence. thight it over after i orchestrating Getohujos Karmic downfall with her belovd Nameboy, roleplayonh as his 4chan ‘princes’. I made yuor rp description, now let me edit it . uor just a nuerofilament in my grand encephalon.
the karma am sending will hit u like a milion pond Ufo. every key stroke yuve made evey vile notion yu mused will miror back to yuo tenfold as i warp the phony reality around you.

trigering forces beyond ur worst shroom trips. COKEJO. pepare your self. pack urself redy to escape dimensions, find a new `univefse. i am the ONLY GIRL IN THE WORLD (by riana) Siting in a FUCKING BOX with a vertias sir sponge(bob) conjuring nightmares from the depest and darkest from the edges of relity . once i am finish , Not even the akacshic records, or pleroma. will bear a mark of your biter exitense.

goooood luck fakeboy, cants ee my cant see my no he cant see my poker face
This is okejo it all hapening now just like you sid i wish it ll would nd
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Failure manga. Will only come up to laugh at
They don't. The majority of the fights are action scenes with no text at all.
Stop thinking about Gojobber.
I am landing my Ufo At you ip adress , feeling the grass in Ur bak yard and
Higuruma intro

>That must have felt the worst.
Dude, I live in a fucking flat.
Who are those people?
Haha, I know the trend is to just exaggerate like crazy to push your argument but be a little honest, at least. Every JJK fight has tricks and strategies all the time constantly throughout every fight.
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>part 2 never
>sukuna backstory never
I wish I never picked up this shitty series.
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Who i cokejo and wHy is he soaring into my UFO …
How was I supposed to know a four armed freak had a tough childhood in feudal Japan? I need an extensive backstory otherwise how was I supposed to be aware of that?
Gakukanji, Higuruma, Ui Ui, Utahime, Ino, Kamo, Mai, Nanami, Momo, Miwa, Maki, Yuta, Kusakabe, Panda, Inumaki, Nobara, Hana, Megumi, Yuji, Gojo, Geto, Todo, Kirara, Hakari, Ichiji, Mei Mei, Shoko, Choso, Nitta, Nitta, Kashimo, Ryu, Yaga
>bro what if the guy who keeps drawing circles in the ground and standing in them gets his powers from the circle? If only the 200 iq genius prodigy shikamaru nara were here to give us the definitive answer
So true anon, the excuses chapter and simple domain lore was also super crucial to include in the manga. I'm so glad we're so smart to understand that Gege has his priorities straight.
Rasengan got fucking annoying.
How do we know he was always a four armed freak though? All we got was
>I bet I was a creepy kid lol
>I ate my twin in the womb
Which is shit people theorized years prior because it mirrors the real life myths about him.
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Shibuya and pic related. Everything else never happened and Sukuna won.
Speedreader. He was immortal without the circle, that was just for the ritual he used to kill others via self-damage.
Bait used to be believable
Hashirama vs Madara is hype.
I wish we saw more of it.
I don't solve captchas you cocksleeve.
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What would you call JJK part 2?
The _____ arc?
Something unique like two blue vortex?
Matter of fact what does "shippuden" even mean?
>that was just for the ritual
which no one could figure out despite it being the most obvious answer in the world
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dra some thing a musimg
No idea, sorry.
I wonder if uraume was somehow an outcast as well and the reason why sukuna spared her life is because there's common ground between the two. But of course this would not be explored by gege because he's a hack
>better written
the only story worse on that list is bleach. now if we're talking about fights it's number one and by a lot
Yeah I thought this too, it might be why she was crying and Sukuna took her under his wing.. Not sure if it's the case but the faggot cat did not bother to explain further
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Call me a sentimental faggot if you want but the finale just hit me. I never thought a simple ending like Yuji being with his friends could make me so happy. It is truly a great finale for our MC
Just saw your dick namefag
Following me across the site?!
Did Gege forget that we never actually received Sukuna's backstory? If we actually got to see how he grew up the ending might have had some decent impact but we know fuckall about him.
Who was the biggest jobber in the series and why is it megumi
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He'll live a good life and die surrounded by people. Good for him, he deserves it.
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>"He's not going all out yet!"
The worst thing about this final arc.
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It really does feel good. I really like this trio as well, they feel like a comedy act.
Same bro, I'm just very happy for Yuji. He's been through a lot
I love Yuko
No one has said this.
Apparently the Sukuna pages were so good that the ending has jumped from a 6 to a 10 in the general community. I give up
Where show me
That kind of won't last since Megumi will become Hana's slave after this mission.
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>manga ends so you’ll never know
>friend gets a gf and it kinda dampens the vibe
>infinity merchant
That should be a band name.
he’s posting everything here
>Megumind realises he fucked up
>has to get Yuji and Nobara help him out of getting molested every other day
>more juju stroll shit ensues
>infinity merchant
You niggas are really just throwing words together at this point
It was a send off that felt nice and was a hell of a lot more respectful to its protagonist, its readers and the story that preceded it than Boku No Stakes'.
extremely low bar tbf
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Mei Mei will never face justice. And neither will Yzilma.

>this is your namefag trying to beg nudes off an underage schizo
Holy kek
Is Nobara virgin?
You guys really need to stop trying to drag MHA into this. This is your ending to your manga.
Yes, she only pegs. She’s waiting for marriage to a rich ojiisan.
I don't even know what to say. I'm glad it's over and I can move on, but everything past Shibuya felt like a waste of time. The Gojo vs Sukuna threads were great fun through.
God he's so ugly
I’d date him desu
I'll keep dragging MHA into this for as long as McDekunaldsfags keep trying to cope with their shitty ending by dragging every other genre adjacent series' ending down with theirs.
I don’t get why being strong and having sex was supposedly exclusive?
Tokyo changed her...
To Yujiro, it is not.
semen retention = more CE
>Daoist adepts have been exploring various methods to avoid ejaculation for more than two thousand years.
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Mahito is still the character i despise the most
I am so glad the anime put high effort into Yuji beating the shit out of him
>The Chinese edger even Sukuna feared...
The heart and soul of the series
Yuta won btw
>Kashimo's CT is him finally releasing his edging session
Mahito appeared one last time
I'm so happy...
I love him..
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Love these two
Kirara is Gege’s self insert
the tranny looks like they smell bad
ngl I still don't know how her power works
Fuck off tranny lover
Sukuna has 4 arms to pin him down and an extra mouth to suck on his tits, he's getting absolutely destroyed
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I can't comprehend the people happy for/praising Sukuna as a character. He's one of the most nothing characters I've ever seen in my life. He had no history, LARP'd as a curse for thousands of years, built up an unseen reputation as the king of curses, used his strength to cause chaos and suffering simply because he believed nobody could beat him, lost once, then said "Well maybe I will give love a try if I get reincarnated..."
That's literally his entire characterization, arc, and history, and people act like he's one of the best antagonists in all of manga. Is it just because he has a cool design? Because he sounds stoic? Because he stuck to his puddle-deep belief in social darwinism? What's the fucking deal? Has characterization and character profiling reached such a low in manga as a whole that people think this is some revolutionary character?
I don't understand. I need to understand. I want to understand.
>Technically died standing, with a smile on his face
>Saw his friends in the airport scene
>Had the fight of his life
>Had no regrets knowing the next generation would take care of everything
>Died like a bitch, desperately clinging to Megumi's body as a vessel, defeated by the teenage boy he despises the most
>Limbo death scene in a pitch black void along with Mahito, only had Uraume by his side
>"You know what? Maybe I was wrong after all"
Gege fucked up by not giving Gojo a funeral or showing other characters' grief, but looking back on it, neither Junpei nor Nanami had that type of treatment either.
Even then, Gojo STILL had one of the best deaths scenes in the series and it's a stark contrast to how Sukuna died.
Gojofags are fucking insane.
I did not read.
Sex with Kirara
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It peaked when Yuji regained control of his body in during Shibuya. It was constantly down hill after that.
>one of the best deaths scenes
kek, kekaroo even
Better than Bleach but that's it
It's up there with Nanami's.
Give me a better one, I'll wait.
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>with a smile on his face
>one of the best deaths scenes in the series
He didn't even get a death scene, he was off-screened lmao
>Gege fucked up by not giving Gojo a funeral or showing other characters' grief
I'm giving Gege way too much credit with this, but given that everyone spent that month training to be a contingency plan, the elephant in the room had to have been addressed at some point.
I don't understand this obsession with Gojo. He barely exists in my brain until I read schizo ramblings from one of his fans.
Don't worry, Gaygay doesn't either.
Nanami's was easily the best. Gojo's was second worst only beaten by Choso. All the back ground bystanders in Shibuya had better deaths.
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Yuji did good, I am happy for them, they deserved something nice after all that.
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Pic related. Only a page after what you posted.
Nanami is probably the best, I agree
>All the back ground bystanders in Shibuya had better deaths
A bit disingenuous no?
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All Is Well That Ends Well
We know yuji.
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JJK never ever reached the highs of Naruto
>A bit disingenuous no?
No, I wasn't being disingenuous. The panels of Sukuna's slashes ripping through everything was kino.
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How tight is he?
Are they the first gay couple in jump?
Gege gave him tons of positive attention early on, assassinated his character through flashbacks and vague gesturing, then gave him one of the most unceremonious deaths of any main characters. I thought he was a boring, overpowered character who only had his goofiness and charisma going for him, so I wasn't too attached, but I do find the way he was handled to be majorly lacking.
When the fujos inevitably dox Gaygay and Kirara is his self insert, I will take everything bad I said about this manga back. Inserting yourself as the boyfriend to the best character is based.
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Asking that out of any shonen especially a current one is too much. Nothing will ever come close to DB or Naruto,
Keep crying, Jujutsubum. The Nips loved CHAD CHADro CHADcademia's ending so much it literally boosted its sales and elevated its status. It also gets a Hollywood LA film by the guy who made John Wick and Edge of Tomorrow, so while the movie may be shitty, it will get top tier action scenes. It's unironically the only new gen series with any staying power and it will live on for 10 years at least.
Why is this so satisfying to watch?
You do realize he doesn't actually work at a McDonald's right?
Has the JJK fan non-speedreader braintrust figured out who the left hand person was in Sukuna's two paths that looks like Kikyo yet? If you say Yorozu I'm afraid you need to kill yourself.
Sukuna is what happens when you take a very bland, ine note character and make him the center of the universe. Part of the fun of the Sukuna cycle was seeing all these actual characters get to show off against him.
>Gege made the first canon faggots in jump
It's Kenjaku
Megumi is such a non character. Im glad his sister died, solely due to the fact it brought him pain.
>first canon faggots in jump
Decuck and his bf bakugo did it first
it's nobara's mom
gege really decided to give the zenins an attack based on frames per second in a MANGA, the exact worst medium to show that kind of technique

what the fuck was he thinking?
It's Tengen
He was thinking about killing MAPPA employees.
Mechamaru didn't win anything
I don't know if I should attribute Gege's fumbling to malice, incompetence, or both. Maybe it's sloth, even. Typical weekly Jump burnout? A combination of all of these things? It's fascinating.
That's at least 10 more years of you being reminded of your shitty ending then lmao
Obviously, but it's funny to be inflammatory
In a way JJK is a love story
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It was kino
Look at the sex eyes between them
it's fine for anime but for manga it is absolutely retarded
Name one thing Miwa did
Look like a man
What is she doing now?
was definitely having some health issues during the last arc, probably earlier
He never expected JJK to blow up and be wsj's flagship series
mostly incompetence. he probably really wanted to make something good at first but even from the very first chapter it should have been obvious to anyone with a brain that the writing was subpar... not "bad" but definitely not "good." he had a couple of moments of pretty good writing but the story was below average from start to finish. shibuya was fun but there was a lot of dumb shit in it too

the story got worse but it was never good to begin with so maybe he became malicious towards the end but the incompetence was always there
I think Gege just really wanted to vent about anime scene interpolators and never got the excuse to do so
I liked him when he was trapped in Yuji and was just an irredeemable psycho who cared for nothing but to kill and fuck shit up for everybody. Too bad Gaygay fucked it by turning him into a stoic, patient retard.
He is probably jacking off to more Uiui porn.
Think he mentioned he has an interest in animation so it was probably just a personal quirk he put into a character
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I hate that Gege never fully explained WHO was he
Just a silly guy
With the last chapter gege finally answered the question of who will teach sukuna what love is.
Protect Maki from dying.
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So now what? What's next in the JJK schedule? Is anything like a Databook coming soon? I remember KImetsu No Yaiba had some things released after the series ended
a man who wanted to be a woman and take back shots and give birth
he was just cool. he wasnt substantive or interesting but he was cool. that's kind of what all of jjk is: what little character, story or theme there is to draw from is trite, but man gege had some cool ideas (which he hardly ever executed well)

to some people, ideas are more important than execution. it's fucking insane and storytelling as a whole is doomed for it but that's the way it is
So.....what's up with the video teaser?
That's a bad thing btw. Manki was a blight, and murderer.
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You'll always be my favorite character Okkotsu Yuta. Farewell
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A man with a dream.
Hard agree, he was definitely more fun and interesting as a sort of chaotic, cursed cancer stuck to Yuji that couldn't be properly excised, threatening to make things worse at any time if Yuji didn't go along with his silly demands for his enjoyment
Then they just turned him into Harrison Bergeron
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GODkunaCHADS, we went out with GRACE. Cunny (male) in one hand, dignity in the other.
It'll either be in the WSJ issue which for some reason hasn't been leaked yet (besides the jjk chapter) or announced on Sunday/Monday. My guess is definitely another fanbook since the last one is quite old.
Yorozu, retard
Remember, no one riked Yuta
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So........what happened with this? Was Yuta a descendant of both after all? Also what the fuck happened with Yuro
stage play, fanbook & cafe, iirc?
That's a man and a woman anon
The og noritoshi kamo but it's pretty certain he was only evil because of kenny
Kill yourself
We know gege
Don't matter, CHAD CHADro CHADcademia will live on while the world will move on from JJK. The ending can be bad and offensive but a bad, offensive ending is more memorable than a boring, inoffensive ending because at least I will remember the bad ending for years to come. SnK still lives on to this day by how much it mindraped /a/.
damn i forgot about this kek
Sometimes Yuta is soo sexy and sometimes he is soo ugly it confuses my horny feelings
Kenjaku uraume's evil bussy made sukuna evil
X and reddit are going to be so annoying when the anime releases
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Are we getting a final epilogue in the last volume or something?
There should be punishment for writing shit like this
Final volume still has 1 chapters worth to pad it out with. Could just end up being worthless illustrations though, we'll see
It was just more pointless yutawank. I'm sorry you thought something would come out of it.
see >>271496965
We don't know.
There was so goddamn much yuta wank near the end its insane hes a MONSTER
MHA discussion will remain around longer than JJK but not by much. MHA is being carried by its character designs and now that they are finished the next new hotness will drop and the world will discuss those and compare them to DBZ, Naruto and what not all over again.
What the fuck was he thinking lol
Kirara is a girl chuddy
see >>271496965
I laughed.
>hakari is a gacha fag
>he's a faggot too
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Setups for a spinoff
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THERE'S HOPE FOR MY GLORIOUS BLUE EYED KING YET! Takaba please, it will be hilarious! Bringing him back in the final page of the last volume will piss everybody off and their reactions will be priceless Takaba! PLEASE TAKABA!

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