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living by her side must be heaven
I hope she dies
I prefer madoka.
I like Homura just fine, actually.
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Puella Magi Homura Magica
I've watched it like 20 times. I haven't been this excited for something since I was like 12. I need more homura
she's a child you freak
on god bruh deadass ::skull::
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I love madoka but not in a sexual way.
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She's like 30+ in terms of life experience. She's grooming Madoka.
Why did you call yourself a faggot?
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Even hitomi understand that homura is the only girl who could be "weird"?.
Being with like-minded homophobes is indeed heaven.
To be straight is to be great.
Maybe he is the opposite, he doesn't like homura because he is homophobic.
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Daz rite, brother
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Her place looked nice. Homura must also smell really nice.

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Her man's so lucky.
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Homura certainly doesn't seem comfy at the end of Rebellion. Or in the new movie trailers other than the clone we see.
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Someone is dancing with her Mado. Of course she isn't comfy.
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More wood for their fires, loud neighbors
Flashlight reveries caught in the headlights of a truck
Eating seeds as a pastime activity
The toxicity of our city, of our city
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It's good to know that homura moved on.
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>dudes really angry he cant focus on his targets the yuribros who arent even here yet
I really can't live like that.
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What are you waiting for, Homubro? She's waiting for you.
They know true happiness lies in motherhood.
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Or maybe you wanted her in a bunny suit. Good taste. Bunny suits are super cute.
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Who is targeting yurifags? The man who makes the show is sleeping now. Tomorrow i will come to see his show again, i can't believe i still laugh at "kyokobro vs yurifags", truly a modern day roadrunner vs coyote for me.
Nier ended today, is there any meguca crossover?
im rooting for kyoukobro for the next one. ill be posting in his favor too
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The term homophobe is not posted unless yuribros starts their yuri posting. Besides, I never mentioned mon amie.

>for the next one
I thought you already were, unless you like to light a match and watch everything burn.
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>roadrunner vs coyote
Ow my nostalgia.
canon btw
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>ill be posting in his favor too
I used to root for the roadrunner and tom. It seems contradictory.
Well i thought you were mentioning someone targeting yurifags but i have not seen anyone targeting yurifags so far that is why i mentioned roadrunner kyokobro only to clear things up. He is the only one who has been doing that but is sleeping now. Sorry if i misunderstood your first post.
Those were more simple, easier times for everyone.
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I hate to see repeated things, but those old cartoons were the exception and i laughed at the same jokes for years. That's why this thread makes me remember that feeling.
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I love madoka in a sexual way
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No, not someone. It's people. Unless he's willing to sacrifice sleep, I doubt he'll do an all nighter. Or maybe he's that petty, who knows? Eitherway, I only want them to not attack Homubro. He's going through enough anyway.

I wish to go back to being 12-14.. Back when anime played on saturdays and watching InuYasha, One Piece, Bleach, Naruto and Bobobo, which was the highlight of the night.
The fucking struggle with Naruto and the fillers though.
so is this >>271502425 btw
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They were too funny especially Tom and Jerry. This isn't anime though.
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I don't understand anything. You were the first person who mentioned the yuri prefix here anyways. It's better to change to topic.
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>I only want them to not attack Homubro
What happened last thread?
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Cute pantsu.
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The way Tom smiles bigger than he's ever smiled before and he's just asking for it is priceless

The fillers were rough, but that Hinata water scene during the hunt for that beetle was legendary for me.
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Sure, let's change it. They won't stop anyway.

Not last thread. A while ago, they pisted Homura with a guy. Homubro doesn't like that because, naturally, the guy in the art isn't him. He doesn't even care for yuri for them to be attacking him amd one of them even tried pressing him. Ot's despicable.
I think the original art had her with pink stripes but I feel the pastel blue ones look cuter on her. Wonder if she ever got any advice from her mom on that.
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Obswear, cartoons will never be like that ever again.
>Hinata water scene
It was and her naked silhouette was a sight to behold.

Blue shimapan is the best color.
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>those typos
>Blue shimapan is the best color.
That's often the case, but some lingerie and other cute designs go well with her. Madoka is just super girly and all the girly clothes fit her nicely.
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That is true. Being small and pink makes her look cute in anything girly.
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Maybe that schizo is right. Maybe I should have a harem.
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cutest, pinkest magical girl
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I couldn't anyway. I love them all, but Kyouko holds my heart.

That is also true. Madoka is the cutest. So tiny and frail looking that belies her true potential.
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I think it's time for Madoka posting. The seemingly rare Madobro is here.
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I wonder what an Incubator coat feels like.
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Unfortunately there's no data on this, but I believe he's fuzzyish seeing his appearance at the end of rebellion after Homura has mind raped him
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He is pretty fuzzy. The coat must feel good.
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How about you, Madobro? I do have a bit of Madoka in tasty outfits. Should I post them?
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Madoka should be encouraged to wear many different outfits
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Alright, i'll throw some in. Cheerleader's also cute.
The more the better. How does one manage to collect such a rich repository of madoka images anyways?
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Her mom should've advised her she needs a skirt or full leggings for this one
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I've been here for what feels like a long time. Wasn't always like this. When I started /a/, I was mostly in K-ON! threads though I forgot what they had in them.

That looks fine. No need for a skirt or leggings. Thighhighs are great.
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Slice of life when?
You have pretty good taste
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It's actually my most favorite anime with Madoka second. I have an image of them dressed as the megucas, but I can't find it.
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>It's actually my most favorite anime with Madoka second
Literally the same as me. A meguca sol directed by Naoko Yamada would have been a God send.
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Magical crossover!
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Behold! Cute meets cute.

That sounds so amazing.
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The mana transfer will literally kill the viewers.
That's very cute, I know there was a Mio dressed up as Homu I haven't seen in a while but can't find the picture
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Although the first 2 seasons of Yuru Yuri were tame compared to the ovas and San Hai, DogaKobo made it feel so fluffy. Same with Wataten.

I might have it, but my stuff's a mess so I may end up searching for a non-existant needle in a haystack.
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I will die for a mana transfer with any one of them
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cute mahou shoujos should always kiss each other at least once. This goes for all of them even across universes.
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If that happened and Kyouko said this, i'd die of laughter.
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Reach for the sky
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I want to make apple-chan my wife.
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You have a long line apparently.
Out of 10
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Hop in the car already.
I am homophobic and I love homu
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You can already tell were this is going.
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>Talking about Naruto
This is a bannable offense
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Found it
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Azunyan can also pull off Homura.
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Fair enough, most girls with pretty long hair could wear Homu's outfit well.
Is Azusa your favorite?
>most girls with pretty long hair could wear Homu's outfit well.
Some boys as well.
Nah, only girls can be megucas.
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I love them all, but yes, Azusa is my favorite. I was originally a Miofag.

I once had to braid my hair back in highschool after a failed bet.
Where do I come with them?
>I once had to braid my hair back in highschool after a failed bet.
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To their concert.
After rewatching the show countless times I came to the conclusion that I don't and can't have a favorite. They are all too precious.
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Yeah yeah.

It's this honestly. Azusa just has that petit factor that gives her the oh so slight edge, but reality is, I love them all the same.
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Kyouko has all the good ones though.
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Her fucking eye though.
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Yeah dunno what's up with that. This one is better.
Are you a handsome apple? would you say you're attractive and worthy of Kyouko?
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Yep, the yuri ones.
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I think I am. I don't brag about myself. I let others do it for me. When I go out with my friends so they can drink, I get hit on a lot. Enough about me though.
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Too sleepy. Bed time.
Good night.
*smooch* Sleep well!
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Good night
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And yet

Homura and Madoka have much more of that garbage
Pretty sure Hitler said cute girls don't count as gays.
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This. Girls become dykes due to being undesirable, so it's impossible for a cute girl to not be straight
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hai hai
Don’t listen to Sayaka, homubro. You can fix her.
Oh gosh guys how do you prepare for a date with Mami
I also suck dick. Dont know if that matters.
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homura liebe
>K-ON Madoka crossover

Extremely based
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snuggle with homura
You don’t eat for a day so you can eat more of her cake.
Even more based: Haruhi Madoka crossover.
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thats alot of records
also im pretty sure homu lives eternally as off the end of rebellion
I have to rewatch the whole show sometime specially the end of rebellion
snuggle up to homura and try and break her out of the shell (while avoiding getting eaten by homulilly familliars)
Why is her soul gem at her chest now?
and also why are the familliars even around?
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I suffocated to death in a nightmare tonight
cant even get rest in my sleep
Homura protects
He should hate Madoka as well considering that she chose to make only Homura remember her, because she didn't want her beloved to forget about her. Her ribbons have heavy red string of fate symbolism.
Homophobes only hate faggots, not friends
homura du bist ein engel
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Not really, she just did what Madoka told her to do & what she though Madoka wanted.
She only loves Madoka, of course I wouldn't wife her.
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Reminder that the movies are objectively a noncanon downgrade compared to the series because they removed this.
I don't give a shit about some barbie doll nudity. If I wanted some fanservice, I would just watch Akogarete.
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>Yuri tranny shit
You're glowing.
i want want to be her friend atleast but id understand if it remained at that
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doujins with faceless men aren't better unless you're a self-inserting loser who can't get laid. Wholesome yuri doujins>NSFW yuri doujins>>>>>>>>>>a bowl of shit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>self-inserting doujins
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Your tastes are objectively shit.
Self-insert CHADS are the ultimate lifeform (in that it's the entirety of humanity, you do self insert, you just self insert as someone watching).
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>Dissing one of the best anime of the year
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>Defends an anime that's about faggots
>Calls others faggots
Ich werde für Homura weiterleben!
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Oh wait, I forgot, you self insert as Kyouko. That puts your tastes in doujin & your crusade against yuri in a whole new light. Also makes it ironic that you call people who enjoy yuri doujins ''trannies.''
Where did that anti-self insert schizo come from? Madoka is aimed at self inserters. It's based on eroge.
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>Oh wait, I forgot, [HEADCANON]
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>Madoka is aimed at self inserters. It's based on eroge.
Nice try tourist. Madoka was based on Faust. Also are you implying that a show that was aimed at adult men with an entirely female main cast was aimed at self-inserters?
Madoka is not self insert unless you want to be a devil dealing teenage girl I guess
Newfag. Gen didn't know shit about Faust. The visual team added the references after spotting similarities. Gen said himself it was based on eroge
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>>Oh wait, I forgot, [HEADCANON]
That comeback only works when you're talking about the story or characters dumbass, I'm describing you as a person.
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>Implying you can't make headcanons about people
You just proved otherwise tourist
literally everything would be solved if madoka just fucked homura
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>Gen said himself it was based on eroge
post a link to an official source with him saying that & I'll believe you.
>Q: Madoka seems to be inspired by Goethe's Faust and in Psycho-Pass you quoted works from Max Weber and other German writers. How did you discover them and how did they inspire you?
>A: The designers from SHAFT thought of inserting the quotes from Faust. I only noticed them when people approached me asking about them. My main inspirations are eroge and classical literature.
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>You just proved otherwise tourist
You have no arguments left, so now you're just throwing around buzzwords, pathetic. Also in every single post, you post your reactions using fanart of Kyouko that you have saved on your computer, almost as if you're role playing.
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Where are the eroge inspirations?
Apart from the girls being a little touchy with each other
Probably in character designs.
I said post a link retard, not a greentext.
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>You have no arguments left
At least i had them in the first place instead of making shit up about people KEK
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This entire argument started over doujins you dumbass.
Is this Frog gonna do the same thing all day every day and even when Kaiten releases?

Pretty funny.
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makese sense I guess especially rebellion
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homuras design is at the same sexually attractive, cute and activates my protection instincts
very amazing
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What does doujins have to do with making shit up?
All you have proved is that you are an anti "self insert" schizo who thinks male pleasure-focused fantasy is LE BAD because you believe in tranny propaganda from twitter. Go back there
nta but why are you shilling self inserting in an all-girls cast anime?
Reminder. Le Pen still lost.
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All girl cast shows are for wanting to come to their world to save the girls.
Must read Mokusei Zaijuu and mistook it for the actual anime.
so you're just ESL?
Well he's French. Could be an unemployed Tunisian for all we know.
>All you have proved is that you are an anti "self insert" schizo who thinks male pleasure-focused fantasy is LE BAD because you believe in tranny propaganda from twitter. Go back there
Now who's making stuff up. All I said is enjoying faceless men doujin makes you a self-inserting loser who can't get laid. I didn't say male pleasure-focused fantasy was bad, I would say the same thing about faceless women doujins if they existed. Also, I haven't had a Twitter account since 2018 because that place is a shithole & I can't browse Twitter anyway thanks to the new management. So your ''go back to Twitter'' argument doesn't work. You're the one who brought up tranny propaganda, not me,
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>muh terminologyfags
I fucking hate you people like you wouldn't believe. I would 100% support genocide of the "erm acktually that word doesn't means what you said it means this very adjacent concept that doesn't change the point you were making in the slightest" faggots. You're not even internally consistent with that since every single anti-self insert schizo has his own definition of self inserting. Some will tell you it's specifically creating an OC, some will tell you it's going LITERALLY ME at already existing characters, some will tell you it's both, some will tell you it's neither, i don't fucking care. Self inserting is imagining yourself as part of a fictional universe, in any form. That's what everyone means by that.

Calling people who self insert (everyone) "losers who can't get laid" is indeed falling for twitter propaganda from the same people who unironically use the word "incel".
if you want to make up the definition of words then twitter's more your speed, my brown friend
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Is hypocrisy a problem? I would say yes.
That's nice.

I self insert as those Yakuza men selling Kyouko into prostitution. She gets some money, I get some money.
Still like Sayaka but more time goes on the more I realise Matsuri is who you should aim to be. And she's a spin-off chara who would fit in an eroge. Ehh, at least her creator hasn't sexualised her.
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Nobody is making up the definition of words, people just aren't autistically clinging to a specific definition that everyone doesn't even agree with because people have better things to do with their time than arguing about semantics.
The staff of the show are MadoHomu & KyouSaya supporters & they've approved official merch and other media that support those pairings. Being anti-yuri, but only treating what the staff says as facts is just funny to me.
you literally wrote a block of seethe because you have nothing better to do than argue, not to mention all your other posts

you're just living proof of horseshoe theory
>Calling people who self insert (everyone) "losers who can't get laid" is indeed falling for twitter propaganda
That predates Twitter by a fuckton newfag. Twitter just became a way for people to spread their opinions easier, but it didn't create those opinions.
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>treating what the staff says as facts
Where? I literally never do that about the series. Of course when Uro talks about what his sources of inspiration were, that's another story.
Also, you're wrong. Uro (or other staff members) have repeatedly said they girls aren't romantically involved with each other.

No, i just like shitting on retards.

I agree, before twitter, it was the tumblrfags. Tumblrfags moved to twitter when tumblr banned porn.
>he's still writing blocks of seethe
I can tell you have a very sad life

this makes me happy
He's French. What do you expect?
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Maybe instead of making shit up about people on here you should return to reddit with people who think like you and


their posts

like you
So, does the existence of 2 Houmra's confirm that she split herself in half like she did Madoka?
>he's still finding any excuse to seethe
what went wrong in your life? it's okay, you can vent here
>Also, you're wrong. Uro (or other staff members) have repeatedly said they girls aren't romantically involved with each other.
No, they didn't.
Dude, nobody is on your side, shut up! Why do you continue to argue when everyone is against you?
Why does tabbender keep bringing up leddit and twat when everyone already knows he is from there (STEAM too)?
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Hi ACK. You're getting better at hiding.

They did every time they were asked the question. Uro even said that Madoka and Homura are a "lovelike relationship but not actually love" so that people would leave him alone with "duuurrr but that particular scene is pretty gay tho XD". They only "ship" them as best friends and they are right.

Appeal to popularity that isn't even true. KEK
>acting the same way as his boogeyman does
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I don't have a boogeyman. I AM the boogeyman.
give me your 'dokerest 'doker
>Uro even said that Madoka and Homura are a "lovelike relationship but not actually love"
No, he said they have a lovelike relationship without sexual attraction. If you're going to quote someone, at least do it correctly. Also whenever Gen Urobuchi is asked this question, he never says yes or no, he mostly just says maybe.
>Q: Is Homura in love with Madoka?
>A: Probably.
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homu has zero personality tho
Sounds like Kyouko. The least interesting character in Madoka.
I can see why these threads never have much activity beyond the trailers. It's literally the same 3 fags arguing about what should & shouldn't be posted in these threads with Kyoukonigger acting like he owns the franchise. People always talk about how gatekeeeping is always a good thing, but is it really?
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Nice job taking that quote out of context (all author statements are, but you even took it out of the context in which it was presented).
>Q: Is Homura in love with Madoka?
>A: Probably.
>Q: Why did you choose to portray a homosexual love?
>A: I don’t think it is that special -- a really strong friendship turns into a lovelike relationship without the sexual attraction, in their case.
Saying it's "not as special" as a homosexual love is a pretty clear confirmation that it isn't that, and that it's "lovelike without sexual attraction" as in yeah, you may think this scene or that scene seems pretty gay as if Homura is in love with her but it's just lovelike friendship.
Mind you i don't take author statements like this too seriously because of how out of context they tend to be, for stuff about canon, only for stuff like what i mentioned earlier about sources of inspiration. But saying the staff is "on the side" of romantic shipping is just wrong.
Considering how the Madoka community is outside of /a/, yes, it is very much a good thing.
not like there's much anyone can do against a giga schizo who even ban invades to the janny's face
>Saying it's "not as special" as a homosexual love is a pretty clear confirmation that it isn't that
Dud how stupid an you be. You posted the quote yourself, but then misunderstood it. He's saying that he doesn't believe that homosexual love is that special & you're still ignoring the fact that he didn't give a clear answer, he even outright said ''probably'' when asked about Homura's feelings toward Madoka. Sexual attraction isn't the same thing as Romantic attraction.
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>He's saying that he doesn't believe that homosexual love is that special
No, not at all, retard. He is contradicting the assumption the question made. By saying it isn't a homosexual relationship but rather lovelike friendship that doesn't involve sexual attraction.
And yes, he said that was only "probably" the case, but that's irrelevant to my point. Authors often avoid giving definitive answers outside of canon material, so this isn't surprising either.
>By saying it isn't a homosexual relationship
He didn't say that you illiterate fuck, if you actually read the quote
>A: I don’t think it is that special -- a really strong friendship turns into a lovelike relationship without the sexual attraction, in their case.
He didn't confirm whether their relationship was homosexual love or not, he just dodged giving a real answer. That still doesn't change the fact that he said ''probably'' in the previous quote when asked if Homura was in love with Madoka, if that definitely 100% wasn't the intention, he would have just said no instead of giving a vague answer.
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Nigger, the guy asked "why did you chose to portray a homosexual relationship" and he said "i don't think it's that special". Because it, in fact, isn't a homosexual relationship. It's a lovelike relationship.
>Nigger, the guy asked "why did you chose to portray a homosexual relationship" and he said "i don't think it's that special". Because it, in fact, isn't a homosexual relationship.
Sounds to me like you're just putting words in his mouth to fit your agenda. His answers are vague as fuck. Besides the ending to Rebellion confirmed that Homura is in love with Madoka.
This makes Kyoukonigger seethe.
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That is literally his quotes, but yes, author statements are vague as fuck, no shit, they're translations of out of context retranscriptions.
The only thing he was seemingly contradicting here was the "homosexual" part, not the part about love since he said it was a lovelike feeling.
Madoka is being streamed on one of the watchalongs.
What do you think of Nanoha x Fate?
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Who? I have no idea what that is, get this off topic yurishit out of here.
You've never hear of Lyrical Nanoha? How much of a newfag are you?
I love the ones with feet. Keep 'em coming.
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>sampleposter calling anyone a newfag
KEK. I just don't watch your tranny yurishit is all.
This guy: >>271505739
posted a k-on pic & you didn't say anything to him, but the moment it's related to yuri, you actually have something to say. Also Nanoha had a collab with Magia Rcord so it's technically on topic.
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I was RECOVERING ENERGY when the K-On post was made. And it also wasn't directed at me.
But yes, bringing up OFF TOPIC YURISHIT that is also ACTUAL YURISHIT is much worse than posting off topic yurishit that isn't actually yurishit objectively but appears so here because every anime that isn't STRAIGHTdoka HOMOPHOBICa is yurishit by comparison.
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If you don't reconize an influential Magical Girl anime from the early 2000s then you are a new fag.
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Or i just don't care.
Madoka is the only magical girl anime i've watched.
I'm not a genrefag.
Sayaka as Anna
And Madoka is Nukumizu.
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>But yes, bringing up OFF TOPIC YURISHIT that is also ACTUAL YURISHIT
If you knew anything about Nanoha, you would know that it's yuri subtext like Madoka, but unlike Madoka the creator & the VA's have confirmed that the yuri is indeed 100% official.
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Madoka has no "yuri subtext".
What you call subtext is just your headcanon.
Yes. Cute shit. They end up raising a daughter like a bunch of characters in MagiReco.
>Or i just don't care.
>Madoka is the only magical girl anime i've watched.
>I'm not a genrefag.
You don't have to be a genrefag to recognize a show. Also it's kind of funny you admitting that Madoka is the only Magical Girl series that you've watch, because in a previous thread you called it a subversion of the genre. So, you know this by not watching any other Magical Girl show.
>on the topic of self-insertion
A thing for proper straight men.
Yurifags are insecure. They know their worth (none at all) so they can never imagine themselves having sex and a family of their own, making them unable to self-insert. It's why they cope with yuri and yuritarded delusions of straight girls being gay.
They also cry real hard when girls, both 2d and 3d, all do as they normally do and make love to men.
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>You don't have to be a genrefag to recognize a show
But you have to care.
>in a previous thread you called it a subversion of the genre
I said it wasn't faithful to tropes.
Tropes are stupid anyway.
But you literally admitted that Madoka & Homura have a lovelike frienship, what does that even mean? Also I would just like to take the time to point out that you called it a lovelike friendship in a previous quote, but Gen said
>''a really strong friendship turns into a lovelike relationship,''
notice how he didn't say ''friendship'' when describing their current relationship as lovelike & yes there is a difference?
You'd be a monster if you do not cry over Kyouko making lover to a fat salaryman. Innocent girl forced onto the street and forced to sell her body to survive.
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>I said it wasn't faithful to tropes.
>Tropes are stupid anyway.
How would you know the tropes if you've never watched them?
Opinion discarded
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I agree that it doesn't make much sense which is why to me it was just a way to handwave that kind of questions.
But i can kind of see what he's saying. For example, Kyouko and Sayaka's relationship is sisterlike. They aren't real sisters, obviously, since they're not of the same family. But they are as close to each other as sisters would be and basically treat each other as such. It could be what was meant with a lovelike relationship. As in, from an outside perspective it would appear just like romantic love, but it can't be romantic love (since romantic love is between a man and a woman).

Everyone knows about tropes. That's the whole point of a trope.
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So Kyoukonigger doesn't like off topic yurishit? Hmm?
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Devil Homu has all of four seconds of screentime but spawned a mountain of art.
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The show again. A classic. Good one, correcaminos.
Hey Kyoukonigger, I got a manga for you to read.
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>Yurifag posting AIslop
>they love each other like sisters
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>Now posting antshit
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How do you feel about the greatest romance manga ever written?
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Learn to load full images instead of saving thumbnails you fucking street shitter
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Have you read about the 4 kind of love, agape, eros, storge,philia? It's said greeks have even 4 more. What do you think of of those words? are bullshit for you? it seems every relationship of madoka magica can fit in one of them. Homura seems to have mania.
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I think love is too vast a concept to be defined in words which is why upon thousands of years of people trying to do so nobody has ever actually managed that.
When it comes to Homura specifically, she said it was a feeling that was hers alone and nobody could possibly understand, even saying this to Sayaka, who has already known romantic love. Meaning her feeling is something unique to her that has no real world equivalent. It is in fact deeper than even romantic love, and very obviously wouldn't have been any different if Madoka was a man, since what mattered to her was that Madoka was the first and only person to actually interact with her at her lowest without treating her as just some kind of UFO they didn't actually care for and were only intrigued by.
Which is why calling her a "lesbian" like twitter trannies do is completely fucking retarded and shows a severe lack of understanding of the character and her motivations.
kyouko likes to eat
homura doesnt even have that, it's just madokamadokamadoka
Kyouko lives on the streets. Of course she likes to eat. She'll eat anything she can get. Including old men dick.
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>since what mattered to her was that Madoka was the first and only person to actually interact with her at her lowest without treating her as just some kind of UFO they didn't actually care for and were only intrigued by.

>Mania: When a partner has a very low self-esteem, just wants to be loved, and feels like his/her love is not reciprocated, this can lead to Mania. This may cause a partner to be jealous, controlling, and possessive. Ironically Mania results in very destructive relationships for both parties involved.
It can fit in that definition of mania to some extent, but as you said love is complex, i don't know why there is a lot of people that thinks all kind of love lead to fucking.
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Mania could fit but i don't see Homura as jealous at all, or even that controlling since literally everything she does from the very first time she reseted with the intent to prevent Madoka from contracting to the ending of Rebellion is done as per Madoka's wish. She doesn't seek control, she wants to give Madoka what she used to want.
>When it comes to Homura specifically, she said it was a feeling that was hers alone and nobody could possibly understand, even saying this to Sayaka, who has already known romantic love.
Why would Homura know anything about Sayaka's love life?
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>Me 666
>You counter it with 777
Thanks. I was about to call nun mami to save me from the devil.
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Homura reseted the timeline so many times, she's obviously aware of the Kyosuke storyline that is what lead to Sayaka contracting.
It's even referenced by Kyouko at the end of episode 12 meaning it was common knowledge among magical girls in that timeline that Sayaka loved Kyosuke.
I don't know why Homura wouldn't be aware of that, Sayaka never tried to hide it.

Holy trips to defeat Satan.
Fun fact, during the Rebellion quintet transformation scene, the songs of Kyouko-Sayaka and Homura-Madoka are connected/flow into each other, whereas the ones in between them have a pause before the next song starts, reflecting the cute and canon pairings.
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Why does shipping 2 of the girls in this series cause so much seethe. I've seen the same thing happen with Lycoris Recoil if you ship the girls with anyone other than Majima & Witch from Mercury from Mercury if you shipped the main girls with each other despite them being engaged.
>I was RECOVERING ENERGY when the K-On post was made
>first thing he does when waking up is reply to 8 hours old posts

You are literally in love with apple.
…of best friends.
Does it really matter why a ban evading avatarfag is shitting his diapers every day?
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Ideal married couples see their partner as their best friend, yes.
Shipfags are degenerate and will defend their favorite pairings like their life depends on it.
Normal people don’t give a shit about what kind of fanworks you post.
Of course if you start claiming your fanworks are canon you will rightfully get told to fuck off, but a normal person wouldn’t do that.
but the seethers he's referring to are anti-shippers
Friendship is for people you aren’t sexually attracted to. Otherwise it’s not friendship.
Then he’s retarded.
What's this from?
Unironically stop being a virgin.
there's nothing retarded about observing reality
this very thread has hours of seethe by an anti-shipper, and he does it every single day, complete with avatarfagging so you can more easily identify him
you're just denying reality to indulge in your own cope
Disgusting. Post real images of mami.
>Of course if you start claiming your fanworks are canon you will rightfully get told to fuck off
I mean, they did the same thing with Witch from Mercury despite it being canon. Even going as far as saying that a Bandai higher ups word has more credibility than the staff's despite said higher up not working on the show & was most likely just trying to hide spoilers,
>virgin boogeyman


>retards who watch yurishit are retarded
What a surprise
Is besuretoactuallyread here?
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL but yeah nice argument retard
>stops avatarfagging to hide
>denying the several hours straight of kyouko avatarfagging by just scrolling slightly up
>multi quote seethe
kyoukoschizo....this is pretty cringe even for you
Nice reddit spacing
I’m just on my phone

I only see fanficfags seething at getting called out.
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I didn't want to be taken by the devil i was desperate, so took the first nun mami i found. Please understand.
I'm pretty sure you spend more hours seething here than everyone else combined. I post a madohomu pic, go to sleep, then wake up to see you still crying about it hours later kek.
You had a ton of organic nun Kyouko
Posting is seething now? Also what you’re describing never happened. What actually happened is me posting a bunch of doujins and an anti self insert schizo seething about it.
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You are mistaking me for someone else, i have very few images of kyoko. I have mostly madoka and mami.
I mean on google
I unironically have no idea what you're even talking about, because again, you're the one seething for hours straight while I just drop by to laugh at the village schizo. What a sad existence.
>if I pretend you’re seething that means you’re seething
You have nothing.
But good if your headcanon makes you laugh. Laughing is good for your health, maybe someday you will heal and stop being a yurifag.
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I'm not a kyokofag so i almost never want to post or save images of kyouko.
Lil bro you went from seething on your PC to seething on your phone, indicating you have other things to do but can't resist crying on /a/ on the go.
>if I say I'm not seething then my actions stop being obvious for everyone to see
Anyway I've had my fill of entertainment today, see you in a few hours I guess kek.
>noooo you can’t just post on 4chan during rest times at the gym that means you’re seething
Again, you have nothing, which is why you’re making shit up.
>Calling people who self insert (everyone)
>It's "autist doesn't realize that he is, in fact, neuroDIVERGENT and that normal people, in fact, don't think like him" episode again
No, people above age of 10 and IQ" of 100 don't actually self-insert into media they consume. Your brain is literally underdeveloped.
Honestly, I'm in awe of your arrogance. You look at the world that doesn't work as you expect it to work, and instead of realizing that it's you who's broken, you decide that everyone secretly thinks like you, but they don't show it because of jews/feminists/reptiloids/whatever.
This why we should bring back bullying in schools
>inb4 normalfag reeeee
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At the moment I feel like im getting worse not better
No, everyone self inserts in porn. That’s why you masturbate, retard.
I really really fucked myself
please please heal body
im going to the doctors again next week
fuck me this hurts and feels so akward
if my heart really is permafucked im pretty much dead allready
lord have mercy on my soul either way
bro really tried to pretend to be a normalfag when he would get disowned if his parents found out he was masturbating to lesbians kek
one long nightmare
i want to wake up
i want to wake up
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constant pain and fear have robbed me of the last joys in life
im just tired
why wont this get better
did I really stop too late?
am I dead?
homura protects
homura protects
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not looking forward to hospital again
but I am afraid im just not going to wake up anymore one of these days
maybe it will still get better
>Giving in to AIslop
You gave IN to the devil
Homu has been to the hospital and survived, you will too.

The Mirror Witch threatens to swallow up Japan so Iroha, KMU march to fight her and Hanna alone. Hanna dies but the Mirror Witch is too strong. Everyone is exhausted, on their feet and on the verge of collapsing.

Iroha stands alone.

She notches an arrow, throws off her cloak and prepares to fight alone because that is what a Magical does.

But then she starts hearing noises, the voice of Shizuku whispers out 'on your left'

She sees a portal opening, one of Ayaka's portals. Out steps Yuna, with a smile on her face...and she's all alone. Multiple portals are opening bringing allies from all across Greater Kamihama, and Japan.

Oriko Mikuni, who did nothing wrong
Himuro Rabi!
Himena Aika!
Livia, and Puella Care.
Kazumi, the Pleiades Saints and friends from Takarazaki and Hoozuki
Mami, Madoka, Homura, Sayaka, Kyoko, Nagisa! The Holy Quintet!
Shizuka Tokime leading the Combined Army of the Tokime Clan
And the kawaii Ashley Taylor.

The stage is set for the Battle that will determine the fate of Hinomoto, and with an Army behind her, Iroha gives her marching orders to her friends, allies, former foes turned friends:

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swelling just is not going down
i really thought it would
maybe 3 weeks isnt enough
i feel so bad
well we all have to die eventually
if I made a mistake that cannot be corrected anymore then that is too bad
This thread really just goes to show. We need gacha. We need gacha to save us.

More than ever.
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pray for me
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All night long.
>Sayaka & Kyouko live together
>Mami & Nagisa live together
Kaiten is going to end with Madoka & Homura living together, I can feel it.
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You don't say?
You have my heils homubro you’re gonna make it
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Every. Single. Day
Forever or just currently crashing like Kyouko?
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Gachanon ready to fight!
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You are not only a normalfag but a evil one if you think bullying in schools can fix him.
>Muh peer pressure will fix things
You call others autist and yet you have less empathy here.
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Alina (normal form) v Homura (normal form) death battle. Who wins?
What’s funny is him imagining he would have been on the side of the bullies.
Back then he would have become a meme in the whole school for asking people why they "jerk off to porn with dicks in it" kek
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Homura should win, but, I always thought alina was quite strong, iirc she was able to defeat mami in gacha so i think alina can win in more "fair" fight or if she has a way to counter the time stop.
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there might be a very small minority of failed normies were bullying helps but with real spergs it just doesnt and I know that personally
They wont understand why you bully them
Going up and saying "hey you are doing this and its pissing me off/ is weird and putting me off" is infinetely more helpfull
no bully actually wants to help anyone though its just bad person syndrome and everything about bullying having a good effect is cope because they dont want to admit they were pieces of shit
Unless we're talking about some narou graphomania or hollywood slop this is a false equivalence. Porn is inherently masturbatory and exists inherently for your pleasure. Literature (or any work with an actual author and and not a bunch of suits behind it) exists as an expression or examination of certain ideas. Narrative is there to help the audience to engage with said ideas, it's a vessel.
Bottom line is, self-inserting is simply disrespectful towards both author and work. It's using their creation for the sake of shallow self-pleasure. I can at least understand it if the work is equally shallow and exists purely to facilitate said masturbatory activities, but Madoka is neither.
>If you think bullying in schools can fix him.
Define "fix". If we can train literal animals to do rather complex tricks by electrocuting them repeatedly, surely with the little beating we could train this sperg to keep his thoughts to himself in a polite company.
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dont kick down
treat the less fortunate with kindness
spergs allready have it hard enough in life
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>Define "fix". If we can train literal animals to do rather complex tricks by electrocuting them repeatedly,
Humans are more complex animals, aversion therapies don't have a 100% success rate.
>surely with the little beating we could train this sperg to keep his thoughts to himself in a polite company.
Some bullied people change, but i'm sure some guys never change even with bullying. In fact, you can turn a bullied sperg into something way worse (And i'm not talking about school shooters here)
>calls people autistic
>is unable to follow a discussion to the point where he missed the fact that we were specifically talking about porn
>is now going to cope and move the goalposts because he’s too autistic to admit he was wrong
>Yes, I was always talking about porn and only porn. Please ignore my spergouts in the previous threads.
maybe i am too pessimistic
3 weeks is not that long
but i will visit the doctor again
not taking risks now
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>Going up and saying "hey you are doing this and its pissing me off/ is weird and putting me off" is infinetely more helpfull
I agree, but i think bullies will never tell why they bully another guy in high school because most likely are stupid reasons anyways. And high school sometimes promote this by never giving a good punishment to the bully, they know they can do as they please because they are not adults and exploit the system. Truly evil.
>He’s now claiming he was talking about other threads (may not even have been me since I have no idea what he’s talking about) even though he quoted a post from here
Yep, definitely on the spectrum.
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homu homu homu homu
>please pretend I never used the exact same argument in regards to anime in general
>>271119365 ?
>That's another anon, trust me bro
Who do you think you're fooling? These threads have only regulars at this point. Do you think all of them have a memory of a goldfish?
Why do you even bother to deflect?
Why do I even bother to talk to you? Go disconnect yourself from internet and from life. To everyone else, have a nice evening
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I masturbated to having sex with Homura yesterday. I just thought you guys should know. Maybe I'll do Kyouko next.
You just spent half an hour searching for an old post that doesn’t even proves the point you were trying to make since no mention of the fact you were trying to refute, that everyone self inserts and that it’s a normal thing to do, is made in that thread, that was only mentioned here when the subject was about porn specifically, all because you couldn’t admit that you were wrong about what the discussion you jumped into was about. And after wasting your time doing that you decided to concede anyway and go for the good old "duurrrr kys xddd" because you know yourself that what you found isn’t compelling evidence but you would rather post it anyway than admit you were wrong.
Damn, what an autist.
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Good tastes.
>spent half an hour
Believe it or not, people don't have to dedicate 100% of their free time towards shitposting on 4chan
>since no mention of the fact you were trying to refute, that everyone self inserts and that it’s a normal thing to do, is made in that thread
This is getting embarrassing. Your efforts would be funny if they weren't so sad.
>people who self insert (everyone)
>You go against your nature because you think it is "childish" [implying that self-inserting is a natural state and that not self-inserting both requires conscious effort and somehow reduces enjoyment]
Ok, you jebaited me into replying again, good job. But this is my last post for real.
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"people who self insert (everyone)" was from here and was about porn
And yes it is natural to self insert... sometimes. For example, picking your actual gender when a pokemon game asks for your gender. Categorically refusing to self insert in any context is just as retarded as the isekai faggots who get mad when the faggot MC didn't pick their favorite girl (i'm always first in line to tell them that's a good thing and that means she's free)
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>average yuriGOD
incredibly based and redpilled opinion
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kyouko was MADE for yuri bullying
My dick!
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Madoka and Homura are blameless victims trapped inside of a system of cosmic torture. The only winning move either of them could have made was choosing not to play, but even that would have only let the system continue and they had no way of knowing beforehand what the system entailed. There WAS no truly correct choice.
I've seen this scenario many times. The following scenario is either Mami putting her jizz covered fingers inside her mouth or inside Kyouko's mouth.
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Conversely, Madoka and Homura are the ones most guilty of spiritual misdeed. They are both fully aware that they are selling their souls when they make their deals with the devil.
Thank you
Having Kyouko titfuck you with Mami’s mammies…
so perfect
so cute
so hardworking
so smart
so stoic
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Conquering Mami's body
Sounds hot but they dont exist.
>not reincarnating into their world
Oh sorry mr troll.
The Movie will end with Ultimate Madoka & Devil Homura managing the magical girl system together l while their human half's live a normal life together on Earth.
Anyone have any pregnant Homura?
I have a fetish for soul gem massage.
This will be the true ending.
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Kyubey too.
Sex with the Maid of Orleans.
I correct myself, i found it and it says mami stopped fighting against the witch of Alina because she fainted for using her doppel for the first time.
Sayaka is happy that she beat another witch.
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You being here now does not feel right with out apple to watch her start this.
Mami is so lucky
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You are sick.
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