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the kettenkrad broke down
I thought I told you not to post this series ever again. I do NOT want to be reminded of their undeserved despair and I want to forget and move on from it. If I could unread it, I would.
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>the kettenkrad broke down
The potatoes will die this winter.
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Here's your replacement vehicle.
>He prefers feeling nothing to experiencing the beauty of suffering with dignity and laughing in the face of death
Behold, a faggot
lol get frozen, whore
Guess we'll die then.
cute couple in the background
The kettenkrad broke down and we have to burn these books for warmth
I remember you from the last thread, thank you for exacting a kek from me.
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The wind is a lot louder without the rumble of an engine...
It's time to get along with despair
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These past few days were the peak of despair for me, but I will continue heading toward hope. I will keep doing my best.
If I fail again there will be no recovering from despair
It's been a while since this series managed to get any tears out of me. But then you just had to go and hit me with this. Fucker.
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Hug sad Chito
listening to the raindrop song again
There's never a wrong time for it
warming the potatoes with hugs...
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>warming the potatoes
Be careful or they will turn into roast potatoes.
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Hot potatoes
i used to save the leftover water from boiling potatoes to mash and any leftover mashed potatoes and make potato bread in a bread machine
it was pretty damn good
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Nice, did you ever add milk to your mash to make it extra creamy?
i would but i don't really buy milk to drink otherwise so i don't buy it just for that
Kettenkrad is repaired!
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Those are some big taters...
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update: hope prevails
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I kettenkrapped my pants
we elder scrolls now
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Under sun and sky outlander, we greet you warmly.
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When is the rewatch?
Ending sucked
>at the top of the megastructure they got teleported to Aqua
best ending
still need chito gf
The last bath using the kettenkrad always gets me
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tkmiz illustrated the cover of the new translated edition of 1984. how cool is that
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Seeing Chito actually burst into tears as the realization set in was very heartbreaking, especially since most of the time in the story she was pretty much expressionless and often seemed indifferent to a lots of things aside from occasionaly getting mad at Yuuri and the few times she actually smiled. Seeing her break down like this broke me when I read it.
I get how you feel, but ur still a faggot
Now be quiet and cuddle up, we need to stay warm for the night
That's awesome. I'm glad they picked him.
tkmiz works are the kino kind of zetsubou though u are being a little bitch
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Does anyone have the image inside the bubble?
>GLT on a boat
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You know, I was thinking of this the other day. A SSR-like story and atmosphere on an Aria-like world, where the protagonists journey across the ocean in their little boat in a world destroyed by storms and floods
Probably better off left as a concept but it's a combination that works surprisingly well
I'm pretty sure I've had this same conversation two or three times in this site. maybe even with you. someone gave the idea that since the visuals would be completely reversed from ssr (blue skies, open space, warm and colorful) the story would be reversed too: two friends that drift away (heh) at the end instead of bonding and staying together. the anti-SSR, if you will.
yuu is not wearing her life preserver
she can swim
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>two friends that drift away (heh) at the end
No that's too sad
>maybe even with you
No, this is the first time I've talked about it
Plus I only started thinking about it a week or two ago, and I'm not good with characters so I only thought about what the world should look like (mostly taking inspiration from Kino no Tabi and Haibane Renmei for a toned down but still colorful aesthetic) and some tidbits of worldbuilding which I've never seen done before
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kettenkrado... kimi to yukou
sleep tight potatoes
imagine the two girls are initially scared of living alone and stick to one another to survive the big storms and finding food among the submerged buildings. eventually they discover the world is not so bad, it is beautiful and full of good things, they can reliably survive in it now. they realize they don't need to stay together anymore, and each go their separate ways, like if the days spent helping each other never happened at all.
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kinoest tears i ever dropped.
the fact the acceptance of the end came due to an accident so mundane was so good. i dont know how he does it.
For me it's the sense of scale in tkmiz's spreads. I don't know what he does differently but something about his art makes makes things feel large and grand.
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You seem to forget that I have every image.
Just ask me directly next time.
Thanks, I'll make sure to ask you specifically from now on.
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a boot more relevant than ever
it's a miracle that they never died from buildings collapsing on them
Very cool.
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I dont think this kind of feel can really be replicated by the anime, that's why i dont care about the lack of follow-up
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Super adorable.
This is a perfect choice.
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Imagine if they had a kettenkrad episode.
>rarely takes a bath
>feet in boots 24/7
Imagine the smell
I reread this and now I'm sad, how could this happen to me?
I only watched the anime..

I don't think I have what it takes to read the manga
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You need to be at peace with zetsubou, go read it now.
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Do it, it will be fun, life is for having fun, not being afraid.
has tkmz killed himself or smt where is his new work? no way shimeji and ssr made enough money for him to baill out
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I rewatch it like once a month.
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Don't forget to appreciate the things you have while you still have them.
I'm looking for schematics to build my own kettenkrad
He's been working on some other projects like Illustrating the 1984 book>>271611421
And I think I he mentioned some ideas for his next manga on one of his streams, but I am not sure.
I thought about that aswell, but making the chassis looks quite difficult and expensive.
Yuu has no sentimentality.
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There is an alternative.
weapon of mass destruction
..oh cock..
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coherent lines are overrated
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post fish
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I take consolation knowing that their brains were copied by the AI. So, in a way, they survived to live on in Shimeji Simulation.
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That was such a poignant scene
so what the fuck happens after the anime ends, do these two potatoes finally die? Is this what OP's pic is about?
Just read the rest, there's not that much.
Shimeji Simulation should have gotten an anime instead of ReZero S3. White Fox is insane
I'm looking for schematics to build my own Chito.
It's probably in one of those books we can't read
" It is still debated if they died in their sleep. "

When they reach the end of their destination, there is nothing more than a sort of big black cube.
Chapter 43.
- What's that?
- Seems like some black stone.
- Is it just a stone, or ...
They settle down near the cube, take off their helmets, put down their rucksacks and watch the sun rise.
- The sun
- Ah
They eat something and decide to rest a bit after walking all night.
- So what do we do for now?
- Well, first of all we eat ...
- Then a nap ...
- And after that, let's think of something.
The penultimate image of chapter 43 shows them sleeping, the first image of chapter 43.1 is inscribed in the same instant.
In the second image, we see the scene above, the footprints, the two girls sleeping, the sun still low in the sky which projects the shadow of the cube.
The antepenultimate image of chapter 43.1 shows the cube at night this time, the footprints are still there, the two helmets on the left, a backpack on the right, the girls are no longer there, the black surface of the cube is more visible than when they arrived.
The penultimate image shows a drawing on the cube previously hidden by white plates, the two helmets on the left, one of the two backpacks on the right, the helmets and the backpack are not covered with snow.
Finally in the last image, we see the girls bareheaded, eyes raised, in the middle of a field.
What happened between the morning when they are sleeping, and the evening when they are no longer there?
They did not retrace their steps because they would have taken their helmets.

The question is open.
For my part, I imagine that the girls woke up a few hours later, around noon, that they tried to see what was under the plates covering the cube, discovered a diagram, and that Yuuri, who always touches everything, put into action a function of the cube which suddenly threw them to another place.
It seems more plausible to me than imagining them dead from hypothermia in the middle of a sunny day.
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cute potatoes
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Oh noes
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Travel by sakana.
Better yet, do what I did when I asked a similar question a couple of weeks ago, read the whole thing. Takes you two days at most.
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surviving the winter
Dumb girls
If i was in their position i would have survived
Wait I thought they managed to activate the warp gate at the final chapter?
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Shimeji and egg.
Shortened, Shimegg.
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>the kettenkrad broke down
it's over
Don't shorten it.
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Yes but now they have to fight the Goa'uld on the other side.
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>I saw a mudcrab a couple of days ago, ugly little animals
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Shimeji Simulation should have gotten an anime
I think about the kettenkrad breaking down at least once a day
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SSR should have gotten a second season.
Thats too much anon. You'll want it like a third of that level.
Not enough material for a season but it could've had an OVA.
They could also just pad the season with extra SoL episodes.
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animate the remaining chapters god dammit
delete this
this broke me
trust the plan
>Roman Legionary shield

>kinoest tears i ever shed.

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It makes sense from a Buddhist perspective.
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Haven't been here in a long while.
I was watching a video on that "Forever Winter" early access game, and the guy said the visuals were 'anime inspired' so it reminded me of SSRs surreal snowy landscape.
That does just mean shield in Latin, but it works I suppose
But what about from a potato perspective?
needs more pipes
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nee board
I'm not sure I want to post on that board...
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I thought it did get an anime announcement a few weeks ago.
wake up anon you're not in the simulation
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>he fell for the "leaks"
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>I thought it did get an anime announcement a few weeks ago
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Would she post on /a/?
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I don't want to know.
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it wouldnt be as funny if it was killy's superpowered cyborg body hitting cibo on the head when she is being dumb
meirl im rotting in my room
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It's the weekend.
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>when she is being dumb
You misunderstand.
This journey is not over.
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It needs to restart from the beginning.
I want the anime to continue so that I can watch people suffer
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They must learn.
It could be a 2hr movie.
I do
Girls First Tour
if i were a character in a tkmz manga i'd simply choose to have kibou instead of zetsubou
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I had kibou once and it was awful.
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I like the different outcomes of the anime and manga.
The anime concludes with - the world is fucked but who cares because I have you
The manga concludes with - I am fucked but it was good while it lasted
This series helped me cope with my inevitable death.
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>she put that bottle to her head and pulled the trigger
>and finally drank away those memories
>life is short but this time it was wider
>and the strength she had to get up off her knees
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High powered office Yuuri, ready to raid the cafeteria.
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How do you feel about fishe, anon?
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>How do you feel about fishe
魚ぉぉぉぉ 蟹!! 魚ぉぉぉぉ
He's not a faggot because of some flowery teenage bullshit like that, he's a faggot because he can't handle two fictional characters implicitly dying at the end of their story when they're explicitly alive and well in the extended trannykmiz multiverse, their deaths were about as tragic and depressing as the deaths of DBZ characters.
Did she hit her with a baseball bat, causing her to vomit for some reason?
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>no GLT ova/movie
>no ShimSim anime adaptation
Did everyone in Japan forget about Tkmiz or does nobody want to work with him? There are tons of crappy low-popular manga getting an anime every year so there shouldn't be a reason not to adapt it. Are his works that much of a niche?
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Don't worry we have a solution.
I'd like to know too. I have no idea but intuitively I figured he had some acclaim. Though maybe it's only the critics that like him.
he did illust for a new 1984 translation
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not just the cover, it's an illustrated edition
Does he draw [spoiler[Winston getting tortured?[/spoiler]
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That "other place" is overwhelmingly likely just the simulation, which means that their physical bodies were probably abandoned.
I want the real potatoes to be happy, not some digital copies...
but isn't the simulation already floating in space by that time?
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through the magic of technology you will find that information can be transferred over great distances, look into it
feels like wishful thinking. they're dead, jim.
It would be wishful thinking if the manga titled "Shimeji Simulation" had not been published. I am just trying to connect the dots, the hard fact is that they show up in SS.
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Not the real ones, just a reference.
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how good is shimeji simulation? is it kino?
the sheer depth of its subjectivity goes beyond objectivity, granting it divinity.
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Anyone have a scan of the two page spread of Mosasa Dogs final concert for>>271770890?
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it's pretty kino
i feel like i've read this exact sentence before
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oh yeah. it's kino
reddit babies first deep book
See, how do you even animate this? Doesn't matter 2d or 3d, just how?
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that part seems easy compared to this
But this would just be black with voice over and maybe little circles of the individual referenced objects fading in and out.
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Popular things often suck, it's true. People with good taste will often like more obscure things. It's just how the lowest common denominator works. Idiots see that without understanding the underlying mechanism. They're literally incapable of having good taste, but they crave the status of having good taste. So they mimic a disdain for the popular.
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If you like this gif, then you must read it.
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Sis is more of a demoman than a medic. She destroys the simulation. Gardener is more medic-like.
She's here for the broken kettenkrad
In my professional opinion: THE YUURI IS DEAD!
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You can't kill a god.
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It is, especially the prequel long strip comic.
How cute is this anime? Is it finished?
I'm thinking of watching it while waiting for Frieren...
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how cute?
very cute!
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Yuu burned Chi's book.
That's very sad.
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for maximum schizophrenia do i play this game in english or french?
english but don't use the "fixed" fan patch
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please post the tkmiz twitter rip on gofile or mediafire or google drive
mega has retarded low free limit
i lost my rip folder that include tkmiz upto like a week of him changing to lijijijli

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